Why do my depression quest threads keep getting deleted? I just want to discuss the video game depression quest.
Why do my depression quest threads keep getting deleted? I just want to discuss the video game depression quest
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There's some existential terror inherent in accepting the idea that someone can be erased from society overnight by sheer force of an unknowable collective will. Some resistance is not unexpected. It's still the "wild west" phase of this phenomenon, and people are struggling to find the words to describe it. "Cancel culture", "twitter mob", etc are just different ways of saying "this wild, unpredictable collective conscience that never really existed before and has the power to destroy". Underrepresented, oppressed, and abused people have willed this beast into existence out of absolute necessity. I don't just mean accusers. Accusations wouldn't have this effect if they didn't resonate with huge numbers of people, people who have seen and experienced these things for themselves, and who don't need to be convinced with forensic evidence that the accusations are credible, because they are all part of the same culture of abuse that protects abusers. Some people are understandably uncomfortable with the existence of this beast, but if they want it to subside, pushing back against accusers is literally the worst possible course of action. That's what made this phenomenon happen in the first place. Help people feel comfortable and safe and heard when reporting instances of abuse and the problem will slowly begin to solve itself. The goal should be to make damn sure that future generations don't have the same internalized acceptance of abuse that past and current generations have. The key phrase is "future generations" though, so in the meantime, anarchy is what there is and the best thing anyone can do is not stand in the way. If someone wants to lament that this is what it has come to, fine, but there's no going back now.
is this the bitter virgin containment thread?
Fuck OFF
All rape and """abuse""" accusers need to be put to death.
You showed up, so...
>people who have seen and experienced these things for themselves
Yeah no. People who think they can lift themselves above the pack just by virtue signaling. It's all there is.
I'm replying to a pasta, but you're a faggot.
It wasn't her fault he raped her and couldn't handle everyone knowing what he did.
Just heard that Night in the wood's developer killed himself.
Wonder how this bitch feels right now.
>a rapist kills himself
good lmao
probably relieved the guy who assaulted her cant harm women anymore.
Mad that she doesn't have a clear-cut moral high ground any more
(She obviously still thinks she has it, but it's not as black and white)
this but abusers and rapists instead
She's a soulless, psychopathic monster. She feels nothing and is likely quite pleased with herself.
No, as usual, we will deny oir shame while manifesting, working ourselvea into a berkserker rage that take hundreds of millions of lives. If not precipitating our extinction entirely
Moot isn't here anymore to ban all of GG. It's time for a revival.
Calling women pretty is assault, but its going to be ok now that he died
it's a win win
if he's actually a rapist, then there's one less rapist on this earth
if he's not, then zoe quinn realizes she killed an innocent man and she'll drop off the face of the internet
I would be as well if I had the power to kill rapists with a tweet. She's based.
I reported your first thread and i am reporting this one too you niggerfaggot. Fucking off yourself
Lol someone needs to tweet that screencap to him and ask what he meant by that
>we will still be abused, still be broken, still be hurting, but we'll also be surviving
bitch there's people being held as slaves in kenya and animals being beaten to the inch of death in puppy mills, someone saying a mean word to you online is fucking nothing.
why would she care? that guy raped her!!!
I hope you never ever express any kind of negativity in regard to anything, user. You're not a hypocrite, are you?
>muh kenyans
fucking lmao
Guess what? If you resort to social media to "report" abuse or rape to incite an angry mob with no evidence to back your claims instead of just filing a report with the police to have it investigated legally, then you are 100% a liar and were never raped or abused. Period. Anyone who does this needs to be arrested immediately. All of them need to be charged with murder.
>this thread
God damn this board fucking sucks.
Worst thing about it is she only did this to make herself the center of attention after people started gettting #MeToo'd. She never even thought about this poor sap in years, but now she used some rough sex or I don't know what exaggerated bullshit story to make it about her. There are dozens of documented cases how she's a pathological liar and a sociopath, but because SJW are so braindead they literally drove the man to suicide
She's thinking how to make it about herself and how to profit from it the most
>shocked but not surprised
All threads starting off with a picture of Zoe is zoe and her gang trying incite "harassment" on herself so she can once again screen cap it and make patreon money.
sjw mods damage controlling for their cult members
GG and getting cucked was literally the reason that made moot gtfo and sell the site. I doubt that gookmoot wants to hold on to this money sinkhole , so GG 2.0 might be the catalyst he needs to finally sell it.
Lets see what happens.
just don't feed the obvious trolls.
lmao wow. i guess completely ignoring women is our only option.
I don't like Zoe, but I'm glad the rapist killed himself.
Finally somebody making sense among all the bait and falseflags. Know that you are not alone
ITT: The same crackers that think black men deserve to get killed by police for jaywalking and think illegal immigrant kids deserve to be tortured in concentration camps think a woman should feel bad because another cracker killed himself for facing consequences.
Ah, yes, this guy is clearly to be trusted and believed on this matter after he made Anita and Zoe Quinn playable characters in his game. He totally isn't part of their insane cult or anything and you should definitely not question his motives or credibility at all.
This desu. I would feel pretty relaxed myself.
based and redpilled
>gg 2.0
not going to happen
this place has been invaded too many times by reddit/resetera/tumblr and most of the people that would have done something 5 years ago are now complacent and have accepted SJWs doing whatever they please and killing their hobby.
If you have a large mass just go complain to hiro. Apply this to any situation where it's more than just you and six other people.
what is it about sjw peons and trying to sound like they're from alabama?
fuck off back to 8oh wait you can't never mind
2014 was the worst Yea Forums has ever been. We don't suffer your bullshit not because we're "cucked" but because we know what's good for us.
why is dj khaled blogging now
Because their average intelligence is on par with someone from Alabama.
>made a game about depression
>made a man who got depression off himself
maybe this is her sequel "game", no?
to sound homely, down to earth and relatable
when they're none of those things.
I don't use it, I'm just trying to answer you; it's because it's entirely inclusive
Nah, the dude who offed himself was a liberal who propped up that behavior in the first place. But if two birds get nabbed with one stone, I'll be happier.
Why are you so angry at some feminist critic? There are mass murderer warlords in Africa and people who beat animals to death in puppy mills, shouldn't you spend your energy online going after them instead?
what exactly is "good for us"?
kony2020 user
>"hurr sjws invaded muh 4chins from da tumblr and ruined muh vidya gaem hobbiez"
you don't actually believe this, do you?
t. paco burrito
you have to go back and take your anchor baby full of diseases with you
Southern folk have a friendly charm about them that makes them approachable, honest, and down to Earth. These cretins think they can appropriate this manner to make themselves seem good and virtuous as well. It is a calculated facade.
The trannies who defend her now and defended her then despite so much evidence of what a toxic and horrible person she is are her enablers and responsible for the murder.
Such a person can only thrive in an awful enviroment like the indie/journalism/resettera scene. You are all walking cancer
it's the ARG for the sequel
it's how they get around all the pronoun bullshit.
I challenge Yea Forums to name ONE redeeming quality about this board.
Yea Forums is next.
They’re both white anyway, who cares.
Dabbing on /pol/niggers and cripple-channers trying to turn Yea Forums in a rise up chanology center for old time's sake is good for us. It's an entertaining way of preventing Yea Forums from going to shit again.
Thing is you don't actually care whether he actually abused one or more women or not. You're upset people were upset about the allegations in the first place.
gamergate 4.0 here we come
she kill right black man
Did it get deleted?
GOD DAMMIT you people are NOT going to start this gamergate shit AGAIN.
5 years ago you idiots went to "war" with women and games media, and accomplished what? Endless trolling and hate campaigns. That stupid law and order episode? Having everyone in the world see "gamers" as nothing but women hating manchildren. YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH NOTHING BY WHINING ON THE INTERNET ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU HATE WOMEN.
GAME DEVS WILL NOT STOP MAKING "SJW" GAMES (i.e. games with out a straight white male protag)
All you do is bitch and whine and troll and seethe and froth at the mouth at how much you hate women. And what has that gotten you? What has all these years of hatred gotten you? Nothing. Not a single god damn thing other than frustration and bitterness. Your hate is and impotent rage is an addiction you are too weak to shake.
You fucking mongrels. You are the same crowd that probably says "keep politics out of my video games" which translates to keep things out that trigger you, because you are took mentally unfit to handle complex topics.
I hate Yea Forums, I hate you all. You all suck so much shit through a straw, that your own stupid incompetent feeble minds can't understand how idiotic you are being, because you have the self reflection skills of a broken mirror.
you're proving my point right now
I fucking hope so. There must be no right-wing spaces on the internet.
dilate hunny :^)
Your hobby is playing with toys mostly designed for children and uncultured underdeveloped adults. If you're upset about your toys including things that appeal to other demographics like women or gay people, maybe take a step back and wonder if it's something worth crying about. A lot of gamer anger would dissipate if people grew up, took a walk outside, and cultivated interests that weren't juvenile escapist fantasies.
Actually I'm just enjoying the drama of seeing their clique eat itself alive. But continue on your introspection of me if that's how you derive your sense of pleasure.
no, you need to go outside and exercise
>I hate Yea Forums
And yet you post here. Real window licker behaviour that.
Checked some discussions on twitter. 80% of retards defending that bitch have their pronouns listed in their profile descriptions. (I'm not even trying to exaggerate.) So it's basically faggots trying to save their queen. She is known of making rape accusations, telling story that she stabbed one dude in the face (of course for trying to rape her) and she's a pathological liar. Wouldn't be surprised if all this was just another try to get some attention. That's how all these blue haired faggot sluts live their lives. Starting to become irrelevant - make some drama.
>Actually I'm just enjoying the drama of seeing their clique eat itself alive
Yes, I agree it is very insane of left-wingers to hold their own men to the same standards they hold all men to.
(((Epstein))) suicide
Blacks should know their place by now. Illegal immigrants have no rights in a country that isn't theirs and need to go back (just like you). And the guy who killed himself was the victim, not the wretched whore who lied about him for fun.
Based and truthpilled
>"If you dont do what we want, we'll continue to murder the very people that empowered us."
Dude it's just funny to see everyone meltdown about petty bullshit.
It's time for you to learn about compound modifiers.
she's a cracker so what's your problem
don't you want the cracker bitch to burn?
try to be consistent
is this entirely the reason why half of Yea Forums hates this guy pretty much overnight? because he said a bad thing about "muh king trump lol"
jesus christ, just when i think i understand how sperg this site can be you subhuman cretins take it to a new level. i honestly hope trump dies too just because half of this site will probably kill themselves from not knowing what to do with their lives anymore
SEA human trafficking is even worse. An entire fishing vessel manned by slaves. Mass graves in the jungles.
>if he's not, then zoe quinn realizes she killed an innocent man and she'll drop off the face of the internet
No, she'll just make herself out to be the victim
I'm no rapist, but if I were, I'd like to think I would assault someone attractive and not this troglodyte looking motherfucker.
Rather have it all collapse then be in the hands of sjw trannies
GG led to President Trump. GG 2.0 just won him a second term.
Checkmate atheists
hello murderer
No, we hate him because he's a pussy who was too afraid to face the consequences of his actions. He shouldn't have sexually assaulted anyone.
When did opposition start just opening using Yea Forums?
>80% of retards defending that bitch have their pronouns listed in their profile descriptions.
This reminds me of how ironic it is that this board is so damn mad they can't choose their pronoun in Cyberpunk 2077 and can only change their bodytype. Thousands of posts about how you're being discriminated against for not being able to say "he/him" or "she/her".
And creation alt right.
Her patreon and paypal are still up.
Also this woman
how big of a beta cuck was her "partner"?
Actually James Comey gave Trump the election.
>responding to pasta
I take it you're more of a lead paint licker yourself.
shut the fuck up cunt
It wasn't sexual assault, bestiality is technically animal abuse.
t. resetera
Yea Forums is not right wing as much as pol would like to believe.In the end everybody here is liberal and voted for Obama.
so are you gonna off yourself too?
Oh god I hope so. I could use the lols.
what if she's right about everything?
Hey Chelsea! How's that kickstarted going?
Yeah, their hosting service cut ties with them due to the bad press that came from all the manifestos being posted there before and during shootings. No one else is willing to host the site, so it's pretty much permanently down.
Cue the quality of Yea Forums dipping even further down than it had due to an influx of refugees.
Did you steal this from Reddit?
you mean wall candy?
>Gamergate readying to exploit the tragedy
Says the article already exploiting the fucking tragedy
Was Depression Quest ever even a game? It was basically just a CYOA.
this is so perfectly orchestrated it has to be b8, right?
how? because i asked you a very legitimate question about you very insane point that you honestly probably don't believe and posted as bait anyway?
i get that when you're so low in intelligence you think you can say anything but come on now
But a male SJW being exposed as a predator is exactly what this whole thing is about.
>game based off a made-up illness created by weakcucks who don't want to put in the effort to make their life happier
>"this wild, unpredictable collective conscience that never really existed before and has the power to destroy"
it's already existed and it's cold lynch mob
is that still an excuse to have the twitter outrage mob cancel a mans existence over something that happened almost a decade ago while claiming that you don't want to start drama and wish him the best
How long until Stonetoss makes a comic crying that the male feminist was accused of being a rapist? /pol/niggers are hilarious
>this, but the toy is on a screen and has something that panders to women
>Yea Forums
>ever caring about some dude's alleged sexual assault allegations let alone to zoe quinn ever
you absolutely hate him for that one trump tweet because he is like the emperor of the universe o you. just admit it
Number one, love thy neighbour, make sure you have no negative oppression towards other humans.
It's the root of all sin. Stop being jealous that someone has more power, status, or materialistic items than you. The steping stone to failure and weakness will always be envy. Follow my two pieces of advice Yea Forums and I promise your life will be changed in many great and positive ways. God bless.
>being this fragile and weak
lift weights.
Why can't he exercise inside?
Yes, yes I did. You think that is hypocrisy? So what....eat a fucking dick. I escape this place a year ago and come back every so often to see how terrible this place. Threads like this prove my fucking point
This. THIS fucking attitude right here. This destructive "I did it for the lulz" shit right here. IT RUINS PEOPLES LIVES. I understand if you have difficulties grasping this, as you have none, but try to image that words can have consequences.
Don't .t me asshole
and I'd rather a tranny be president than Trump
Its not going to be the same as 2016, over my dead body
Not bait, I hate you all
you could get diagnosed with schizophrenia
go get them NEETbux
>is that still an excuse to have the twitter outrage mob cancel a mans existence over something that happened almost a decade ago
unironically yes, but it's a tricky situation, because it's Zoe making the claim
nice copypasta you nigger
Spoken like a true Jew. "oh no goy, be happy that I've got everything and you're sitting in shit, you'd just be unhappy if you had as much as I do."
i don't understand this post
gape and dilate
>seeing this fucking shit unfold, the reaction from his colleges and families and the reactions on resettera / gamerghazi
Are w-we the good guys?
>over my dead body
Are you just going to kill yourself or is this a mass shooting threat? Either way, you'll accomplish nothing lmao
what an awful terrible thread
twitter screencaps and a lot of triggered retards wasting their time getting angry at someone saying stupid shit
my sides
>I escaped this place
Sounds like it
Congrats on escaping and yes it's a fucking shithole here. Every decent person eventually leaves and all that's left are hateful broken people.
>t. onions star wars fanatic
Guys, I just want resetera to fuck off. Why won’t they?
>I escape this place
sure you did dipshit, sure you did. and you're also not mad as hell either, am i right? lel
Oh, really? I'm not a frequent user here. So this board is riddled with faggots too? Pretty sad. Was it always like that or did something changed?
not enough buzzwords for ya?
why do you pluralize woman? There is only one woman in play here and she has placed herself in the crosshairs each and every time.
It was idiots like you and the gaming media that turned what one retarded ass "woman" did into a crusade against all "women"
>be mean once to your gf
>get your life ruined if you happen to become relevant
Worst timeline, if it was rape then sure, be free to drop names however you want, but we are at a point that people get shredded for the most trivial shit, its pure madness, do i have to worry because i lightly touched my first girlfriend tits 10 years ago?
>I hate you all
have help
If every liar died today, we'd have a better world tomorrow.
>Its not going to be the same as 2016, over my dead body
I'm sure you'll take care of that yourself.
just too many words
Whose lives were ruined because of shitposting? Only false accusations ever killed anyone in gamergate.
>resettera / gamerghazi
Why do you even visit those insane asylums? both those places make Yea Forums look completely normal
I'm actually telling you the opposite. I'm presenting two rules to follow to have a positive change on your life,
>I just want to discuss the video game depression quest.
You are trying to discuss political bullshit under the guise of "this is a video game thread".
The same shit happened when that guy in Prison killed himself and /pol/ made a fuckton of Hitman threads to discuss something that was blatantly off topic.
A man is already dead because sociopaths are allowed to thrive in your resettera / SJW culture. Seriously Yea Forums edgyness is nothing in comparsion to your actual evil that actually hurts people
What is it with you thinking using a word makes you part of a collective?
>Women are ruining lives because of false threats
>But let's not take away the root of the problem, the fact that they are so failed by the police because of rape kit processing times
Look at this massive seethe cope. It doesnt stop you from being a murderer Zoe.
Too bad, it's already underway and there's NOTHING you can do to stop it.
I liked Yea Forums before all of the gamergate and /pol/tards took over. Sure there was bitterness and sometimes excessive racism/sexism/nazi stuff but it was mostly contained. I like the discussion better than Reddit. But god damn, if aren't a hitler loving woman beater, than you don't belong here apparently.
People die all the time because of socipaths being allowed to control the narrative. The court of public opinion is the the most unfair system of justice ever. YOU DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS. YOU ARE NOT LAYWERS OR JUDGES. STOP TRYING TO INTERRUPT THINGS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.
sorry, i was trying to insult sjws not your home state of alabama. please carry on fucking your sister in your poor person dirt farmer shack with my most sincerest apologies for this miscommunication
The only thing that really matters is that we don't know if he did anything wrong
Maybe he was an abuser or maybe he wasn't
All I know is Zoe has a shit reputation and I wouldn't trust her on her word alone
>Are w-we the good guys?
Have you ever driven someone to suicide and felth self righteous about it? Then you're better than these people but it's not an accomplishment. Go see your old grandfather or something, then you will be even better
RetardEra is currently getting Neogaf'd at the moment because of this. Admins are dropping out like flies
Be on the look out for refugees trying to come here
You post like a mentally ill tranny
one sad thing about all this outrage is that there's close to zero chance that you'll meet one of these pronoun using mentally ill blue hair sjw girls in your life, ever. and if you do, there's close to no chance you'll ever have them involved in your life in any meaningful way. these people only exist on the internet.
He's remarking the fall from grace in Zeus' half-son, Hercules. The divine hero who was stronger than Atlas himself. Hercules was noted as being powerful, he could replace Atlas, in shouldering the weight of the world; although he was more cunning and devious than the dimwitted Titan. Hercules is also known for the posthumous erasure of Greek paganism as a Olmpyiad caesura. With Hercules around, Gods would begin to mingle less and less with people in the lives of men, while the collective wills of those Aegean heroes like Telemachus and Theseus would go unheralded. Hercules is the mathematical and philosophical symbol of a "god made man," who is capable of feats in both humanity and godhood, rendering the authority without its due agencies.
He represents the last of the "great" men in Greek mythology.
And you post like a future school/mall shooter.
Keep this shit out of video game you mental fuck
It's the internet, there are no good guys. Just retarded groupthink and outrage mobs.
This right here. If you think anything else you should quit universtiy right now and get a job.
Unironically, yes. You do need to worry about that. If she ever decides she resents you because your life is more successful or happy than hers, she can and probably will come forward and say you "abused" her to get revenge, a quick buck, and some attention. Women always feel they are owed a piece of the pie and now that Twitter SJW's have hijacked the word "abuse" and made it a completely nebulous catch-all buzzword for "things done by people I don't like" to weaponize it, you should be afraid. Because no one is putting their foot down and stopping this. It should be a wildly criminal thing to do but there is no legal oversight here. It is a very dangerous loophole being exploited to destroy men and get rich quick. Women have no feelings or soul, you can't count on them to do the right thing or have integrity, and this is too tempting for most morally bankrupt modern women to pass up.
A Night in the Woods was unironically good.
either a tranny or a woman
The only thing being dabbed on is your life. You're the one reading StoneToss comics, purpleboy.
nah, since the Joker movie came out I was going to do a theatre job you typecasting dick.
>I was shocked but not surprised
dude. it's funny. chill out.
>Alec was innocent until proven guilty, there was no legal action
>However, Zoe is guilty until proven innocent because I dislike her
Innocent until proven guilty means innocent until proven guilty. I'm not going to make exceptions.
She's probably more worried about herself more than anything the fact that she got someone killed over accusations that she most likely does not have proof of
thats hilarious
Why are you on the videogames board
>over my dead body
do a flip
>haha fuck those evil sexist right wing nutjobs I'm an ALLY of feminism
>except when I do the coochy crabclaw maneuver to control my bitch
Those two rules only work if you are an upper middle class or already have stable income.
Fact: that's what my family and close business friends keep telling their employees.
Can't wait for this faggot to reopen his twitter.
can't I just dislike everyone and enjoy the shit flinging?
The same force that created this 'beast' powers up the the hurt feeling of the creators to such an extent that they misremember things as crimes that need answering for with whatever justice they can find.
What the fuck are you talking about? We all saw how she dug up some bullshit allegation for some pathetic sap she hadn't thought about in five years only to maker herself the center of #MeToo gaming edition.
She acted like a sociopathic attention whore she always acted though, his colleagues, family and the indie scene should have supported him a bit more. But no they're all inoperable cancer
At least reddit doesn't spawn mass shooters.
That's the spirit!
I hope you don’t believe it’s not being suppressed user. OP wasn’t being coy as a joke, you literally can’t address he issue directly without the thread being shit down.
ResetResetEra soon? imagine the absolute distilled madness
i voted for trump too you sperging out tard but you mongoloids take the trump worship to a new level that even he is probably cringing at
>Underrepresented, oppressed, and abused people
>Zoe Quinn and her army of orbiters and sycophants
Zoe has more evidence pointing to her statements being very flimsy because of her past. But theres literally not enough proof to decide whether she told the truth or not and now somebodies dead because of it.
literally every mass shooter has been a reddit CEO
No, you are just telling him to be obedient. Not that he can choose that, because choice is illusory.
I literally met a homestuck f2m at a weeb con, now my facebook page is flooded with commie bullshit
Will Zoe Q. face the law ?
Why here, though? Of all the places they could go, why here?
Cool. Have they convicted her in court of causing Alec's suicide? No? Innocent.
Hey, we need a new GG. Trump needs to get re elected. ZQ is doing her part.
What's the appeal
Then why don’t you go back there already?
>weeb con
yep, probably the only place you'll ever find these people. you don't see them in regular society because they can't handle it.
>be redditor
>think violent revolution is the only way to shake off these capitalist chains
>never commit a mass shooting
absolute pusses.
She should have did things the right way. Which she didn't do. She blasted everything on social media for the attention of it. That should say all you need to know.
Despite what you extremely online people think U.S. elections have nothing to do with your baby game fights.
Because I want you to suffer. Just like every other asshole on Yea Forums.
No you dipshit because it's evidence that this man was one of the people who have caused this situation in the first place. He's not an innocent victim, he's much more like to be some naive appeaser who thought he could escape this shitshow by choosing the side which is clearly in the wrong, that of the cliques and lugenpresse.
Are you even capable of thought anymore? Can you even form information that isn't directly shown to you?
No fear of getting banned for saying stupid shit. Just look at this thread, half of it could easily be from retardEra rejects.
>if he's not, then zoe quinn realizes she killed an innocent man and she'll drop off the face of the internet
You think that she-ogre has the self-awareness or conscience to care? She's literally a professional victim who doesn't give a single shit about who she has to tread on to get what she wants
>what is /r/the_donald
Doesn't ResetEra ban you for going to Yea Forums? I'm telling!
So who will be our Gamer Gate 2 mascot?
he cute
If you cant see why it's funny when some dipshit constantly acting like he's a better person than somebody else gets exposed doing naruto tier moves on women to abuse them when they're in private I dont know what to tell you. Its satisfying to see someone so arrogant and deceptive be taken down.
>if he's not, then zoe quinn realizes she killed an innocent man and she'll drop off the face of the internet
You poor poor naive fool. I envy you blissful ignorance.
Didn't she said she was esentially kidnapped for a month? Sounds like complete horseshit
Too bad everyone is laughing at you.
No, the only thing I need to know is if she was arrested and convicted for Alec's death. The rest is just mobs fighting for their ideology.
She didn’t do anything illegal as far as I know, outside of slander which is hard to prove. Doesn’t mean she didn’t do anything morally wrong
>But god damn, if aren't a hitler loving woman beater, than you don't belong here apparently.
nice strawmanning you got there
ps this is 100% sjuu / cultural police behavior
do you think your posting is so bad that it's actually hurting me?
becaus e lol.
I wasn't aware law enforcement just swooped in without an investigation.
Many users of resetera are also part of a discord group that attempts to change Yea Forums culture to make it more woke
They believe we are on a pendulum that can be pushed so they group up to make threads and posts at the same time in an effort to make it the status quo
Donald Trump
Sure seems that way.
why do you all care so much about minority snowflakes who you'll never encounter in actual society?
Shit what? Are the male feminists there turning or something?
There's such a thing called libel.
i'm not going to see you outside of this thread, and even then, you're not making me suffer
>coming to a place you hate just to seethe at everyone
lol you must have some type of life fat boy
Someone please explain to me how she's always been able to get away with all the insane and illegal shit she does? How can someone like her be so immune to the law.
Too late, it has already begun
When Yea Forums turn into resetranny/californiafest tier?
Is amazing how many anons want to hide all this because they don't wanna lose again with libmedia.
aka I was broke and he wouldn't pay to fly me out
you don't chose to be depressed
Nobody cares, we're all expendable.
poo in loo
>naruto tier moves on women
genuinely have no fucking idea what you're talking about but good on you for spouting nonsense that helps nothing
You're not affecting anyone here so quit projecting your sad case of masochism.
All I'm seeing is hostile, manipulative power hungry sluts and all the white knights enabling them.
The world is full of abuse. Yet somehow only unwanted sexual behavior towards young, white, middle class women seems to be the only one that matters.
Bunch of power hungry, narcissistic twats.
>if you can't see why i blindly believe absurd accusations against successful people
But I can, user. I can see precisely why you crab bucket people that do things. It completely transcends your ideology and is precisely why your enemies do the same thing.
That's a redundant way of saying he went to public school
Don't think she did anything illegal in this image in particularity, the testimony just proves she's a lying sociopath and an attention whore. There are a lot of these including her old accounts on different forums.
>The rest is just mobs fighting for their ideology.
Only in your head and rent free.
So how long until Zoe starts complaining about "death threats" while namedropping her patreon
it got cancelled
pajeets deserve to be nuked
Even while an investigation occurs, you're still innocent.
>morality is based on anything but the law
She's not doing anything illegal, to be convicted of murder for getting someone to off themselves you have to do way, way more than what she did here.
Don't have a life to ruin. If someone said "user raped me" I'd be bragging that I got laid and that I won't die a virgin.
modern day witch hunting
Women do. They have no feelings or emotions at all. Depression is a fashion statement for women not a medical condition. Just a crutch and a handy excuse for their awful and selfish behavior.
>one woman does it
also hard to prove for someone who was already mentally ill. I’d say the people who fired him over an unproven accusation from a known liar are more libel
Kek no he didn't rape her. She would have told the police, not fucking twitter.
>now it's important to be convicted trough evidence
It's either one or the other, you can't have both. Tough I doubt someone as mentally challenged as you is able to understand that.
but you'll never meet one of these blue haired sjw pronoun using fucks in real life. they only exist on the internet and at cons.
Right now she disabled her twitter. She needs to make it look like she's not coming back for at least a week I think for apperances.
She'll start by this time Thursday, guaranteed.
I think they might be starting to realize that being high profile in such a community makes them a juicier target for a #metoo campaign when one of Zoe's cronies' wallets is empty
You sheltered faggots don't know what real anarchy looks like, keep being another tool of the system disguised as rebellion
and we can get trump to tweet about it too!
lol wait. Imagine actually being an indie gamedev. what a horrible existence.
You're a fucking idiot for using sweeping generalisations.
>Make a thread about depression
>can't kill yourself in it no matter how hard you try to make yourself depressed.
Zoe Quinn is a hack.
I don't want anything bad to happen to Alec since I've forgiven him, but I just wanted to post on my twitter about how he's abusive and toxic #metoo
The source of morality is the Bible not the law
who is this
I'm listening to the Aquaria soundtrack right now and trying to stay strong.
Posting a video means that the website spawns shooters now? Better shut down facebook and twitter then incel
No user you don't understand she was scared to tell anyone until she worked up the courage 8 years later to tell literally fucking everyone
Anyone who is accused of rape is innocent until convicted. What happened to Alec was bad. I don't want online mobs.
Not true at all
>One women
This has been an issue for fucking years.
She didn’t even say he raped her. Just claimed he was kinda mean when lived together for a month
The source of morality is morality you fucking idolizing faggot. Morality is set in place by God not the book you obsess over.
>At least reddit doesn't spawn mass shooters.
no-no I heard it has to be dem vidya gaems and discussing them online on those eveil interwebs
She's didn't claim that he raped her. She just juxtaposed her exaggerated complaints about their relationship with the context of having been assaulted, and then included a vague statement about him walking her around like a bowling ball.
It's because she was chosen as a symbol for a cause the stablishment is trying to push. She may do whatever she likes.
One day the stablishment will turn it's back at her, and she will be both attacked and discarted, as symbols often are. Another symbol for a cause will be created then, and the cycle will continue, because that's one of the vices of representative social movements/democracy.
Dilate you pink hair tranny
Are you rich?
Are you famous?
No? Then why the fuck are you so concerned?
I’m not saying that we should just ignore this problem but lets be honest user, no woman is going to accuse you of all people or anyone in this thread for that matter of rape.
why yes i too make long winded posts abiut my opinion no one asked for
>Smoking pot
>Being a good person
>Cross the border outside of a legal state
>Suddenly a bad person
Imagine being this much of an animal.
Reminder that Zoe Quinn's sole complaint against him was that she forgot to set a safe word during their weird disgusting foreplay.
What's the actual solution here? Isn't it already a crime to falsely accuse someone? The only way I can see is to vindicate yourself from the accusation, sue the accuser for libel/slander, and sue anyone who publishes it once you're vindicated.
The dude killed himself. I literally don't care about this coward. He should have pushed and filed a lawsuit against her and made it his personal mission to destroy this cunt bitch... But no, he went the cowards way and just killed himself, letting her win. No empathy for this lamer at all.
>A fucking VN
>a shit one at that too
Rather play DDLC
Could have sworn murder was illegal but okay.
What did those garbage cans ever do to you?
I've given two women a very good reason to accuse me of rape if you catch my drift.
There is literally no such thing as "rape"
Yes it is
it's cute cause I forgot all of these people existed. glad to see most of them are still alive and entertaining people as they scream helplessly into the void.
>Because I want you to suffer. Just like every other asshole on Yea Forums.
oy vey am I being bullied online?
>sue a broke hoe
You will never reclaim your legal fees.
You don't know many women do you?
neogaf is nazi now apparently
let that sink in
in 2019, neogaf is alt-right nazi
>one woman can
>all women can
Is more like it
what about the women I've raped?
A guy killed himself because of Zoe Quinn ruining his carreer.
>A shit VN
Bit redundant there, sport.
Seems awful negligent of her to handle things the way she did. But what do I know, the court of public opinion matters more these days.
Everything is set in place by God you dumb faggot and the Bible is God’s word which communicates said morality
Moral victory, plus setting a lesson for society.
Every little twinge of annoyance and anger I give you is a win for me
Let's see what else angers Yea Forums
Women are equal to men
Gay marriage is good
Black people deserve respect
Jews aren't the enemy
Wow this is so easy!
Let's keep going
White privilege and male privilege is definitely real. Just because you don't think it is, because you are too blind to see it, or just don't care.
Women get raped far more than women falsely accuse rape
Mass shootings happen because of right wing echo chambers like Yea Forums
Terrible post.
Seek help for your God complex.
>Admins are dropping out like flies
>Statement of spiteful vindictiveness indicating that he came here specifically to act like a massive asshole
>"I'm the good guy!"
The only ones who ever spurg out like this in these threads are you people. Have you ever noticed that?
"Rape" is just women deciding after the fact that the guy wasn't attractive or high status enough to deserve the sex they already had with him.
what do all these women have in common?
>lead game designer @ ArenaNet
Explains a lot about the current state of this game
I can't believe that I am in a Santa Cruz Joker thread.
Shit, being a male colleague of Chelsea Von Valkenburg is a more dangerous occupation than being a fireman
It says alot about how shitty a person is when Yea Forums is disgusted by them.
It is a recording of God's word that is at the mercy of man's hand. Trust in God and not a book. He cannot be edited or censored. The Bible can, and it has.
>Calls anarchists bootlickers
Neither do you, misogynist.
why are people still calling the dev a rapist even though he wasn't accused of being one? why are people acting like him fingering zq badly and not being nice to her once or twice makes him an abuser? the fuck?
Most people wouldn't respond to a rape accusation by killing themselves. The cases where people get charged for driving people to suicide involve long campaigns designed to break them as a person before they convince the victim that it is the only way out. Just accusing him isn't enough. But yeah, court of public opinion matters more.
>Every little twinge of annoyance and anger I give you is a win for me
Damn dude that's pretty pathetic. Don't worry I'll make sure to tuck in early tonight and go about my days like usual.
Right wing echo chambers form because the radical left oppress them out of public spaces
They've added a couple new ones to replace these but it's not looking good for them
Really wish I could post webms with sound right now, got a couple Quarks I want to share
bros wtf.. eric and klebold were 4channelers?
For incentives to actually work they have to actually be realizable. If losing a libel suit against you costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars, but doesn't materially impact a broke hoe, then she doesn't care.
This is a false flag by someone who wants to kick off gg2.
Start imagining the warmth of her breast, nothing too sexualized then you happened.
Word can really kills.
Not trying to derail but I really want you all to remember that Mothman is lurking Yea Forums as we speak
rape noun (1)
\ ˈrāp \
Definition of rape (Entry 1 of 4)
1 : unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception
Source: merriam-webster.com
And this is why you are a misogynist asshole and I hate you
The easier life is, the easier it becomes to find the mildest slights unthinkable stains on your immaculate self. What has been happening is the consequence of absolute loss of perspective resulting in extremely well positioned people who feel they are somehow at the bottom. These aren't working class or poverse individuals, these are middle and upper middle class well off people.
Shut your fucking gob, Jesus Christ. You people are mental. All of this effort and all of these tantrums for the sake of propping up a lie. I didn't really participate in this Gamergate shit and only watched from the sidelines, but I see why people went into a frenzy- because you faggots won't shut the fuck up and pushing your agenda on other people's hobbies, and when they push back and manage to dig up some shit on one of your figureheads, you act like a cornered dog and escalate the situation. Now a motherfucker is dead for being accused of things no one even knows whether or not is true. Is this what you people wanted?
It's a moral victory, I'd spend any amount no matter how little I'd get in return if it happened to me.
hmm. You're saying a lot of things but none of them are making me annoyed or angry, user. Honestly I'm having a pretty good day and I always find stuff like this entertaining.
Just post on /gif/ and link it here
Rape is literally not a thing, unless it's a non-white on white and thus should unironically be punihsed by death
>suspected of perverting the course of justice by fabricating her allegations. The crime carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.
This is first good thing I hear about Britain in ages. I don't understand why more states won't punish those who try to abuse judiciary system for their own gain like that.
The greatest achievement in your life is that you're a mild annoyance to other people. On the internet no less. Imagine that.
Scripture is the only thing that communicates Gods true word. If you try to interpret God on your own or based on someone else then you have trash like Olsteen or the pope which is a perversion of Gods will
No, they begin because you hate someone for being born a certain that they can't control. Where in the right wing echo chambers do people cry about lower taxes and smaller government like the right wing is SUPPOSED to be about?
lmao, just move away from the screen nigga, like close your eyes looool
>Most people wouldn't respond to a rape accusation by killing themselves.
For most people, however it's not exactly far fetched to imagine some cases that can be the exceptions. Especially when someone is already mentally unstable.
Real SJW come here, no trolling bros
>Speaks of accountability
>Runs away
I fucking detest women.
damn. whata cutie. First time on the internet?
all true statements but the last
Janny is probably a gamergater who doesnt consider the legit game depression quest a game.
Not dead but a really long time in prison would be more painful to the snowflakes that do this, so that's what they deserve.
>Yeah i dont know any women
You should strive for more out of life my dude. I genuinely feel sorry for you. Try going to church
Let's keep going...
Trump does not give two shits about your beliefs and neither do republicans. They are agents of greed and destruction who would sooner hand the country over to Russia than lose one inch of wealth and power
A wall will not keep the Mexicans from coming over the border
Illegal immigration can save the lives of those seeking asylum
Crime statistics are not a judge of character
Women DO make less money than men because of sexism
If any of these statements cause you to be upset then you are the problem.
>Damn dude that's pretty pathetic.
If it's "he said, she said," you can argue that.
But if it's "he said, she said, she said, she said..." etc etc then there's something going on. Alec himself was the victim of abuse as a child and had a pretty long history of instability and treating people badly. It's pretty tragic things worked out this way but I can't particularly blame any one person.
Seething Yea Forumscucks getting dabbed on by the reseteratrannyGOD
It'll never stop being funny that Ahmad valued having a forum to shill on enough to tie himself to that insane asylum.
And that has literally not happened to any of these people.
>/vee/ is going to be spammed and shitted up with all these threads because 2^3 chan is dead
>threads will go on for about 2-3 months max
>nothing will change
Women are biologically designed to enjoy "rape" sooooo
>They are agents of greed and destruction who would sooner hand the country over to Russia
oh boy
The thing is a psycho, she probably feels nothing.
conveniently all came out after the guy died. Apparently this dude as a monster that everyone was afraid to talk about
Aside from /pol/ Yea Forums is like the most centrist place on the fucking internet. Everyone and everything is shit upon equally.
Liberalism isn't a right-wing political philosophy. Crying about taxes isn't right-wing.
Try to make it a little less obvious that you aren't bitter about being a fag.
Literally nobody is upset. You are the only one who's upset. You're going on rants and embarrassing yourself, and the worst part is that you're too high on your own farts to realize that you just look like an impotent faggot.
Dont shake my hand. I dont want to be raped.
Extremely based
Scripture is a path to guide you towards God's word. You cannot trust it verbatim, as it is not God, it is only an attempt at communicating Him to us by other fallible men. You cannot know God's word by yourself, this is likely correct. But you can know God by yourself. And that is a much more precious thing than blind faith in the Bible can provide.
God damn. Do you people hear yourself talk.
Are you so fucking stupid that you can't understand the simple concept of don't hurt others, or are you just another weak troll?
I'm serious, user. I can't tell if you actually think this is getting a rise out of anyone or if this is some high level bait.
Is this a larp or are you genuinely mad? The goal here sometimes is to make other people mad, if you really are a newfag I suggest calming down and and try looking at things from a different perspective.
I wanna fap
It commonly happens that one person coming forward opens the floodgates, so to speak, and encourages other people to speak up.
Better than fucking Rosterfag threads
The overton window has shifted that far user
There are people all over the internet that think Bernie Sanders is a centrist
They're just another tool on the system's endless game
They don’t upset me they’re just wrong. It’s like a child thinking Santa Claus still exists
Not all of us partake in a diet that is consistent 100% soi, sorry.
>the simple concept of don't hurt others
I'm an objectivist, your weakness has no place in my systems.
Why are people afraid to speak up? I dont buy into this narrative that a dude molests a girl and she suddenly becomes some kind of brainwashed zombie who is too afraid to talk about it. Let alone the fact that a few male developers are coming out to dogpile on the guy but never spoke ill of the dude before.
>Crime statistics are not a judge of character
I'm glad you agree that women saying men are rapists are bigots, user
>chan is like the most centrist place on the fucking internet
Absolutely not. Most boards on Yea Forums have a pretty noticeable slant to the right.
Yea Forums is literally the mirror image of resetera.
This woman is so full of herself. It's rather pathetic.
Russiagate truthers actually bother me on a personal level. Their own messiah who had unlimited budget and time told them there is nothing there yet they keep going
Nobody cares
Im using this copypasta for the sweets (You)s
You're aware that posting about Conspiracies is now a federal crime now right? And Russiagate is a confirmed conspiracy so you are now breaking federal law. I'm calling the FBI
You know what I'm taking from this event?
We are all joking and memeing about sjw and metoo, but those people are dangerous. Like, actually, really dangerous people. This is no different that a cult at this point.
They have started a "witch" hunt, lynched that "witch" to death, all went into hiding and are now planning a bunch of arguments to blame it all on the "witch" that died.
>"it's the witch's fault"
>"maybe that witch really was a witch if she killed herself"
This is insanity. Insanity, I tell you.
>make false rape accusations
>get twitter army to bully him to the point of suicide
>and profit of it
this is america
Can someone give me a run down on what happened?
swim in sjw circles, win sjw prizes. His friends all abandoned him because they were the "believe all women without question" types. He was one of those himself. His life was only ruined by the cult because he and everyone he knew was a member of the cult.
Stop projecting your fetishes onto others you degenerate.
I'm honestly baffled, is this just some really good bait or is this some actual underage who wandered in here.
It's not possible to live without hurting others.
don't.... hurt... others...
I... I never thought of that before.
Bernie Sanders is a shyster is what he is. Motherfucker wants to move money around so much why doesn't he sell his three fucking mansions?
dial eight
>Yea Forums is a collective
this meme never dies
if these statements don't bother you, then you aren't the target. Unless...they bother you?
And using condescension as a tool to make your self seem superior so you don't have to use your walnut brain to think about them doesn't upset me either.
Of course I agree. Being a woman isn't a free pass to act like an asshole, and neither is being a man. See? We all want the same thing. EQUALITY.
I'd guess they're fearful of blowback and rocking the boat, and in the immediate turn just want to get away from the person and move on with their lives. Alec was a pretty big personality in the indie game scene.
No you don't
So in all seriousness, what consequences could she face from this?
>sell his three fucking mansions?
to who?
Ocelot "Mothman".
He's going to take it back.
then why do they always get wet and end up cumming you fucking retard?
All the faggot college kids who want free everything. Or donate them, how about that? It's not very socialist if he has more than someone else.
>going through all this trouble to redditspace roleplay and then fuck it up
this thread stinks
No one blames big pharma for mentally ill shooters
Really makes you think
>pushing back against a false accusation is what empowers it
>alec killed himself because people were supporting his side of the story in any capacity, not because he literally had all his family, friends, and job turned against him in the blink of an eye by one corrupt person with connections
will you ever take responsibility for your actions, zoe? will you ever grow a conscience and process what you've done like a human being?
>Alec was a pretty big personality in the indie game scene.
no he wasn't
And no, if people were afraid of rocking the boat, this shit wouldn't be happening. People love drama, especially if its about them.
Therez some existential terror inherent up in acceptin tha scam dat one of mah thugs can be erased from society overnight by sheer force of a unknowable collectizzle will. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Some resistizzle aint unexpected.
"Cancel culture", "twitta mob", etc is just different wayz of sayin "this wild, unpredictable collectizzle conscience dat never straight-up existed before n' has tha juice ta destroy". Underrepresented, oppressed, n' played playas have willed dis beast tha fuck into existence outta absolute necessity.
I don't just mean accusers fo' realz. Accusations wouldn't have dis effect if they didn't resonate wit big-ass numberz of people, playas whoz ass have peeped n' experienced these thangs fo' theyselves, n' whoz ass don't need ta be convinced wit forensic evidence dat tha accusations is credible, cuz they is all part of tha same culture of abuse dat protects abusers. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass.
Some playas is understandably uncomfortable wit tha existence of dis beast yo, but if they want it ta subside, pushin back against accusers is literally da most thugged-out shitty possible course of action. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch.
Thatz what tha fuck made dis phenomenon happen up in tha straight-up original gangsta place yo. Help playas feel laid back n' safe n' heard when reportin instancez of abuse n' tha problem will slowly begin ta solve itself. Da goal should be ta make damn shizzle dat future generations aint gots tha same internalized acceptizzle of abuse dat past n' current generations have. Da key phrase is "future generations" though, so up in tha meantime, anarchy is what tha fuck there be n' tha dopest thang mah playas can do aint stand up in tha way.
If one of mah thugs wants ta lament dat dis is what tha fuck it has come to, fine yo, but there be a no goin back now, nahmeean?
Have you considered that it bothers others because you are possibly WRONG, and despite this you intend to use these points to further an agenda that these people do not welcome?
tits or gtfo
user you seem genuinely upset about all this
I think you need to work on your cognitive empathy
I think it was 4k at peak gamergate, how much was her patreon before her allegations?
she runs this fuckhole of an anti-bullying helpline
the fuck that bullied someone to death runs an anti bullying helpline
How have you gone your whole life without talking to any women lol
You can go to jail for up to 1 year for making false rape accusations in America.
See Nikki Yovino
You can’t know God’s word by yourself. Scripture isn’t a path to God’s word it’s literally God’s word. Otherwise you have any interpretation of God which leads to degeneracy like gay bishops and communist popes
uhhhg you chuds are so predictable, Zoe is going through a lot right now.
Zoe's pronouns are they and them for future reference.
go to sleep Zoe, people won't fall for your bait
Why do these people insist on only mentioning women and non-binary people while also completely ignoring gay men, or just men in general? So much for equality lmao
Too much money to count on Patreon
>white women
>Yea Forums is one person
I blame big pharma for a lot of things. An industry that actively turns a profit by killing people, and NEEDS to prolong and exacerbate easily preventable suffering to exist. If the day of the rope comes I pray it's the pharma corporations at the gallows.
Another idiot Yea Forums belief, that eating basedbeans somehow emasculates yourself with 0 scientific evidence.
Another word for that is selfish
Even if it is not, it doesn't mean you can't fight against it
I'm guessing really good bait, if he was genuine he'd be having a conversation with people but he's just listing his moral axioms and throwing a shit fit. If it's not bait he's from resetera
Alec was innocent. The people he thought were his "friends" sure as shit aren't though. Look at all his male colleagues and buddies throwing him under the bus. They are all Zoe and Anita drones and cliche male feminists. They are using his corpse as a scapegoat to protect themselves, as these kinds of people always do. They are virtue signaling so hard that I can see them projecting their own guilt and fear of being found out onto him. And so the cycle continues. Won't be long before they do it again. Alec was probably going to whistleblow on them so they collectively destroyed him before he could.
Zoe Quinn me too's Night in the Woods dev.
He gets fired from the studio, abandoned by his friends and family
Already has a history of depression, his life in an absolute shambles, eventually kills himself
holy fucking shit youre a fucking psychopath you seriously must be decrepit in your basement
Your posts are entirely condescension. Please apply yourself.
>Women are equal to men
>Gay marriage is good
>Jews aren't the enemy
Nice, that's your opinion though nothing of that is true. Do you go out, trannyman?
>before the allegations
that pic is what is was before the allegations, more or less around 1300
they niggaz aint right in the head
thems brains fucked up
those are transgender men. they are all so fucking ugly
>Holowka was introduced to programming at the age of eight when his father purchased him a book Basic Fun. Eventually he began working with a freeware group called Zaphire Productions. He then worked for a number of failed startups, including one in Winnipeg working on a PC multiplayer fantasy action title and a combat racer in Vancouver for the Xbox 360.[2]
this dude sounds creepy as fuck lmao
>Dression Quest
>Video game
pick one.
you know the funny thing is that this thread is still better then all the smash threads, cumdump/gacha threads, and the wojacks.
Oh dear, hun. Lemme give you a quick run down. Everyone on this website is constantly trying to annoy everyone else on this website. You can't make people annoyed or upset by coming here and just saying things that you think will make people mad. You need nuance.
>Another word for that is selfish
Yes, and? You say that like it's a bad thing.
Well at least she is alive to get over that.
>Some people are understandably uncomfortable with the existence of this beast, but if they want it to subside, pushing back against accusers is literally the worst possible course of action. That's what made this phenomenon happen in the first place. Help people feel comfortable and safe and heard when reporting instances of abuse and the problem will slowly begin to solve itself. The goal should be to make damn sure that future generations don't have the same internalized acceptance of abuse that past and current generations have. The key phrase is "future generations" though, so in the meantime, anarchy is what there is and the best thing anyone can do is not stand in the way. If someone wants to lament that this is what it has come to, fine, but there's no going back now.
SSSHHHHHHHHHH, Don't fight it. If you fight you're just going to make me hurt you more. Just let it happen. It'll be over soon enough.
You need Jesus. pending that, just go back to somethingawful because all you're doing is wasting your time
I could be. But my ideals come from a place of not wanting to hurt people (physically or mentally) and yours do. So I sleep pretty good at night.
Dame dame dinero gringo
Dame dame pussy blanca gringo
Ahhh sisisisisisinonononono la puta madre
Except the Bible has probably been edited by the church in the past to grant it leave to consolidate power and pervert the word of God to their own purpose. You cannot trust the Bible because you cannot trust the men who compiled it. You are demanding I bow to a book, to the church. I will not. I bow to God.
You're right I'm sorry user :(
No one cares. If you can't post something interesting or entertaining, then just go away.
>Zoe's pronouns are they and them for future reference.
Zoe should remove her vagina and have a siamese twin stitched on.
The person who’s right is clearly superior over the person who’s wrong. It’s not condescension it’s just truth.
At least you admit it is liberalism to be in the wrong.
trannies and muslims are the ultimate PC victims. next comes lesbians who are still popular because they're women. gay men just dont earn you as much brownie points.
yikes (and thats not a good thing)
Doesn't Zoe now count as criminally insane? Shouldn't she put into an asylum for our all protection? Being a sociopath is one thing, but if people start dying you need to be put out of the picture. For good if necessary.
Thanks dude.
Actually it does mean that you can't fight against it.
A few angry tweets
no fucking way
I think this is a copypasta. Is it? No user is that big of a fucking bitch here.
It's not DJ Khaled, it's just A Khaled.
Implying just one of many other Khaled's.
Dear God help us all...
Come on guys, don't you have any trust? Why would he kill himself if he was not guilty?
You just don't know Zoe as much as I do, she would never lie.
suprised no one posted the fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck jannies frog thing yet. oh well.
Imagine being so entitled that you expect the whole world to stand up to abuse for you.
Why does this bitch think she's been in a fucking war or something?
>Not noticing kh seifer insult
Go away you faggot
Don't ever reply to my posts again you wretched subhuman
so is this guy who killed himself a rapist or what?
False accusations should be punished with equal severity as if the accused was guilty.
KYS tranny.
if you abbreviate it, it spells CON.
what a narcissist she is
Yea Forums is /pol/ though
Where is she uploading her pics now?
The CEO's kids will definitely be school shooters.
The Bible is the only true way to know God and if you have so little faith as to believe God can’t control the outcome of his scripture then you’re a larper
every day i pray america sinks into the ocean
because the allogations are decades old.
she brought them up on twitter now
instead of going to the police...
years ago.
after she posts about being broke
after she posts about being on a fuckin decline
and then he gets fired by his two close friends
>the diversity lounge
is there a worse lounge in existence?
>the see your parents have sex lounge
>the see your ex girlfriend happier now lounge
>the relive your most embarrassing moments lounge
The diversity lounge sounds objectively worse.
>abandoned by his friends and family
wow what a shitty family and "friends". I guess that's the modern left for you.
>abandoned by his friends and family
I can understand why studio cut ties with him, but imagine abandoning your good friend, or worse, your own blood relative, in dire time in his life when he's being hounded by lynch mob for accusations that have yet to be proven true. Just because you want to virtue signal and comply to peer pressure, and because social programming overrides your natural human priorities.
If it's not some vile jewish sorcery that created soulless golems known as Americans, I don't know what it is.
How many anons actually have a twitter account that they use?
mmhmm sure I am
Yes, it is. Only sociopaths act in ways that hurt others for their own gain
>. Everyone on this website is constantly trying to annoy everyone else on this website.
And you treat that as a good thing. No wonder Yea Forums is so well respected
Only if you are an unfeeling sociopath.
In her defense it was another grift and has been defunct for years.
St. Anita helped fund it by the way.
>A single individual identify as a whole
How do this even works? Why does she want that?
Yea Forums is /pol/
Oh hey it's bait-kun again. How are you doing? Told you I'd see you around.
I'm here to laugh. Is laughing so bad?
More than zero. That's how you know this place is worthless.
And that is the problem. You are a psudeo nazis that think you are doing god's work or something by spread hate and spawning mass shooters because
When you are too shortsighted to see you are the problem
Can you knock it off, you retarderanigger?
Maybe we are, dipshit? The problem is that Zoe tried to involve neither and declared Alec guilty on twitter, getting him fired from his job and getting his own family to spit on him.
If you participated in the hate against Alec, you killed him.
You did this.
with friends like these, who needs enemies
No. It means it is simply impossible to perform the task. There is no subjective interaction in your hedonic hotspot that will alter this situation.
holy shit i just read this earlier and was wondering if i'd see it here
some sadbrain on somethingawful posted that. there is a thread in the games forum where people take turns at yelling at anyone who says "well maybe it's not a good idea that we condemn people before we find out if they're guilty" and people are like "oof... yikes... oof" and then the first guy gets probated for 6 hours
feels kinda bad. somethingawful isn't anything like the forum it was when i joined it over 10 years ago. i'm probably about to drop a ban me post at some point
>Is laughing so bad?
I've got it on good authority that Nazis laughed occasionally. So yes, laughing is literally Hitler.
Metoo will protect her and everybody will remember alec as incel,rapist,nerd, alt right and trump supporter.
liberalism is a reactionary movement against reality.
Yes, if it is at the expense at others.
Its really easy if you tried
even in insults the left cant keep their message cohesive. Its like the stereotypical left meme with a wall of text
I believe that God expects me to watch for false shepherds to lead me astray. The Bible is not infallible so long as its production is within our hands. I trust the Bible insofar as its teachings on faith in God and how to honor him. Insofar as its ephemeral political agendas I am and shall forever be skeptical, as I cannot imagine why God should be so concerned with such things.
see your problem, you went from accepted pillars of modern society (at least 1st to 2nd worlds), like men and women are equal, blacks can be respected etc. but this post is just mambo-jambo
>Trump does not give two shits about your beliefs and neither do republican
not as long as they don't need the votes, which they do
>A wall will not keep the Mexicans from coming over the border
this is fairly obvious, can't argue with this
>Illegal immigration can save the lives of those seeking asylum
or you know so can legal immigration through seeking asylum, criminals seeking asylum from justice don't have this choice though, I agree
>Crime statistics are not a judge of character
ignoring crime statistics is only going to make matters worse
>Women DO make less money than men because of sexism
that is probably true but it was shown that there are countless other factors at play that account for the most of that difference, and sexism might as well be on a scale of a statistical error
ps just to clarify, none of these statements made me upset in any way
Holy shit THAT guy is back?
>she would never lie.
lie two times about dead your own mother.
So is anything you don't like
Middle and upper class white women who have lived their entire spoiled lives on easy mode universally consider themselves victims who have had it harder than anyone else because MUH DEPRESSION. They think they have PTSD because they got told no once or because they aren't hot enough to get the Chads they want and that this is grounds for appropriating the mental scarring otherwise reserved for those who have seen combat.
the cult will protect one of their own.
Maybe if you are really empathetic you can also create a perpetual motion machine.
ummm sweety
this is 4channele snukkum
Locke Valentine
why is it bad if it is at the expense of others? No one knows I'm laughing. Except maybe my neighbors but they don't know what I'm laughing at.
Bait-kun notice me, it's the guy from yesterday, I want to talk to you about this new direction. Your cyclical logic of yesterday was far more effective.
Why are the worst fucking people always ugly too?
It's rhetorical.
reminder that a tranny that worked for this thing killed xirself because she similarly got shunned by zoe's cabal when she asked for promised compensation for her work
zoe's death count is 2
Wait, why are resetera mods being banned?
Reminder that we followed the money with the SJW Gamergate agitators five years ago, and the buck stopped at DARPA
>spawning mass shooters
Population of people who have nothing to lose spawns mass shooters. When you create such a caste within your society, be ready that you won't be able to control it and they will shoot you on a whim because no punishment will make it worse.
very unfortunate.
>not as long as they don't need the votes, which they do
They obviously do, but also can't seem to disobey their Russian masters so they try to convince you things like control and election security are a bad thing
>or you know so can legal immigration through seeking asylum, criminals seeking asylum from justice don't have this choice though, I agree
Unless they are literally feeling for their lives
>ignoring crime statistics is only going to make matters worse
Subverting my point
>that is probably true but it was shown that there are countless other factors at play that account for the most of that difference, and sexism might as well be on a scale of a statistical error
I doubt the statistics will ever match the real world, like anything
There is signal within your assessment of others' appearance. It's not an accident that so much of your brain is devoted to visual processing.
Hahahaha just close your eyes nigga
>Yea Forums isn't a collective!!!
>But Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, SJWs, and the left are!
Every time.
Maybe if you are a sociopath hard enough you can rape anyone you want and not feel bad about it.
Honestly, man, I saw cheap hookers looking better than this and I have pretty low standards.
Why would you ever look at that and think
>yep, I'd have a piece of that
I'd like to take a moment to say that I am proud that I will never be one of the sad men who valued themselves so little that they dated and had sex with this disgusting woman. They should feel ashamed of themselves for stooping so low.
If you flee from your life over several areas that would also be somewhat safe for you, you stop being an asylum claimant and start being an economic migrant.
suicidal, emotionally stunted losers become mass shooters. The same idiots that are attracted to /pol/ and 4+Yea Forums
who is this
I don't like liars who people that believe lies.
>They obviously do, but also can't seem to disobey their Russian masters so they try to convince you things like control and election security are a bad thing
too much. russian thing is way too played out at this point. try going after vaping.
>attacking with something so old he wouldn't have any evidence to disprove it
It's not a collective because you won't get your "men in drag are women" lies to stick here, since mods aren't trannies hired specifically for that.
You can still say that shit, I can tell you to kill yourself.
Stop posting your disgusting pictures Zoe.
Not defending her or anything, but why do you find her ugly in that pic? If we ignore her whole persona and shit she's done, she isn't that ugly?
So, Depression quest.
I wonder why they are so suicidal despite having all the power in the world.
You really are a retard. Reddit, Twitter and SJW do their best to quell the opposition and ban any opposing views. Yea Forums doesnt. Not that hard to understand. I guess when you chop off your dick you started thinking like a women as well.
>They obviously do, but also can't seem to disobey their Russian masters so they try to convince you things like control and election security are a bad thing
ah yes, those dastardly republicans who don't allow for something as basic as a voting ID. wait...