What did you pull and what unit is better
>Cock and Balls Torture Android 13
>or Colgate Goku?
DB Legends
No fucking contest
Play Dokkan instead user. Its better.
Dokkan thread? Dokkan thread.
>Balloon popping gameplay
>.png collecting banner
No, bro, no.
more like shaft simulator
the game has been progressively becoming p2w
Meanwhile I fucking rock my SV with Fusion Team and get my balls crushed by Android and Ginyu Teams.
>press 1 of 4 cards
>stare at horrendously low quality models ripped from Xenoverse
No, bro, no.
I wish this game was good enough to give Dokkan competition.
Meanwhile on Dokkan
>Same super animation spam while popping colored bubbles YEY
>Rinse and repeat traced art from 20 year old show every 5 seconds
>Damage numbers, fight over
>Absolute clusterfuck power creep every 3 months
>no story mode update in months or even hard mode for android or cell arc
>no new master pack banners despite already having UST15
>new hype SP units almost every week
>new events like the namek one are p2w shit
the game has been getting progressively worse for f2p players if you have awful luck and don't get the new featured units
I mean to be fair user, the fact that Ribrianne BTFOed Gogeta, even when it was literally a few weeks just shows the power creep is a bit more insane. Don't know if it stable now, heard SV is the top of the bar right now.
With that being said, Legends isn't entirely a bad game, in fact it's a good game, but its just a bad gacha compared to Dokkan.
Also honestly? Art looks better in Dokkan despite its obviously screenies from the show, but Legends has a few good diamonds in the rut. That's my two cents.
The crux of legends is that they learned the wrong lessons from Dokkan. How a gacha handles powercreep is infinitely more important than people realize and Dokkan managed to circumvent it entirely by two ways
>put more emphasis on presentation (SA anins are fucking gorgeous these days, soundtrack still delivers banger after banger)
>Minimize the competitive side of your game, every mode barring WT is singleplayer and can be modded through without fear of getting b&
>Go fucking ballistic with handouts and new PvE content to keep people invested while also incentivizing IAP with big-dick rainbow damage and Top Grossing rewards
Instead the devs just saw Dokkan as mindless Bubble-popping and only really did anything from that. The meta is so rapidly-shifting and much more impactful in Legends that it feels impossible to keep up at times.
Or you could just emulate older games and skip gacha altogether like a fucking adult lmao
>three ways
I'm a retard
Yeah, remember when Dokkan had no story update in 2 years? Oh, but the events, right? Please be a kind shekel whale,summon with 3000 stones or farm for summons before attempting those!
That's why i play with a cheat apk and avoid pvp
what cheat apk?
I fully agree with your reasons. Its clear that Dokkan has really, really improved from its initial first 2 years and I'm super happy the team learned a lot and implementing some things here and there. My problem with legends in general is the massive power creep meta shifts and how they handle banners. (Why was Gohan and SV (iirc) locked behind ticket banners is beyond me, lol).
Use at your own risk and turn the cheats off in pvp
legends sucks monkey dick
>Same super animation spam
Legends doesn't have supers as much, but they look a million times worse.
>while popping colored bubbles YEY
Compared to tapping cards YEY
>Damage numbers, fight over
Not sure what you mean by this exactly.
>Absolute clusterfuck power creep every 3 months
I think you're confusing that for Legends, Dokkan has been in the same meta for 2 years with a couple exceptions.
fuck legends this is a dokkan thread
so i used 500 stones on cells banner and did the free rotation on gohan and got
no lr
no Cell jr or C16
just old dokkanfests that i already had and int goku black at least
i think i have never been shafted this hard before
I got a bit luckier user. I'm a villain main and thankfully when I restarted Dokkan I got myself all of Cell's banner units (Ignoring STR Rose, RIP) in my first 1k stones (Brought a cheap 2.2k stone account with everything grinded). Pretty happy for this outcome but I need to be wise for when Zamasu comes around, but I hope the shaft curse will break for you soon user. Godspeed.
Congrats, you played yourself.
>Played yourself
To be fair, stone accounts are dirt fucking cheap. If anything better do that then grind every fucking thing in the game. (Yes I could use a farm bot but I rather just get it done with ASAP).
God both their super animations are sexy
Did a multi because of this thread and got pic related, thank you OP
I'm mad Hercure riding Buu always gave me shit. Those animations mean nothing to me now.
Did the daily discount and got the new nail too, don't know where this luck came from but feels good man