How much would you have paid him?
Also Chuck Huber confirmed as based
Deus Ex Fruit Flies Shitstorm and Discussing Voice Actor Career Suicides
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You can record 50 lines of dialogue in an hour.
$400/hour and this little faggot is complaining.
How much do voice actors even typically get paid?
>google his name
>"PizzaGate with Actor and Activist Stephen Shellen"
>400$ for 50 lines of dialogue
Sounds like pretty easy fuckin money
How long does it take to record 50 lines of dialogue? Surely it didn't take 8 hours.
A few hours at most.
Even if it took an entire day for some reason that's still very good money.
If he’s nearby sure.
No reason not to ask more from big corporations
You should all listen to this.
this host is bullshitting so much
What do you mean? The internet exists. Voice acting no longer requires you to go anywhere.
not everyone has a dedicated studio at home
day laborers, there are economic circumstances where the amount of effort you put in =/= the value of the work you have done.
voice acting is super important, especially for major characters. They are often paid well, but there is no real established etiquette for it and so you have discrepancies which see people paid at weirdly high and low rates
>voice acting is super important
Literally the least important part of a video game.
>voice acting is super important
fucking zoomers I swear
that is not the case with marketing a game. look at cRPGs - they don't do well unless they are fully voiced. People don't want to read, they're playing games.
Final Fantasy.
>they don't do well unless they are fully voiced.
user... I...
>fully voiced cRPG
that's funny
games need to be fully voiced to get normie bucks
Legend of Zelda has never been fully voiced until this generation and has always sold bucketloads. And even then it's not fully voiced now. In fact some of the most popular games have almost no voices. Pokemon for example.
sorry newfriend, you make it too obvious.
pick a western example
>Even if it took an entire day for some reason that's still very good money.
a consultant's rate for a single day's work is probably going to be three to five times that
I can't, there aren't any good western games.
>they don't do well unless they are fully voiced
What's "doing well"? The most commercially successful crpg was Baldur's Gate and it was only partially voiced, with most of the text being unvoiced. And even fully voiced, crpgs are a niche genre that don't dip into triple a territory.
>voice acting is super important
Voice acting is quite possibly the worst thing that ever happened to video games.
You have to figure he'd have to fly to LA to the recording studio so that's like a full weekend right there and they probably aren't paying for his plane ticket either.
Fruit flies could have been a joke but he's fucking insane
Why bring up Balder's Gate? This isn't 1998, and Eidos wasn't paying this guy to record lines for Human Revolution in 1998 either. Look at the success of Divine OS and OS2, instead.
I agree.
>probably aren't
Well if we're making assumptions, he probably lives in LA. like all those faggots do.
Because BG 1 and 2 were the most successful crpgs, and I used them as an example of why "fully voice acting" is not needed for success. And Original Sin 1 wasn't fully voice acted, and 2 succeeded in spite of it. They could've used time and resources on something else, since it added almost nothing to the game. Unless you're the Legacy of Kain series, voice acting isn't going to be a core part of a video game.
Huh, turns out voice acting really isn't necessary for a successful game. Who knew.
>400/d is good money
maybe early in your career but thts only an 80k salary pre tax no benefits. thats fuck all money past about 35
>as an example of why "fully voice acting" is not needed for success.
this isn't 1998! use your brain to think about what we are talking about.
> And Original Sin 1 wasn't fully voice acted, and 2 succeeded in spite of it.
Yes it was, and no OS2 did not succeed in spite of voice acting. People love voice acting.
>This isn't x year it's current year!
Is this supposed to be an argument?
>chris sabat was running a casting couch
yes it is, because we are talking about contemporary games.
>Yes it was
No, it literally wasn't. I played that game twice, and EE. It wasn't fully voice acted. A lot of text and dialogue was not voiced.
>and no OS2 did not succeed in spite of voice acting
The voice acting was one of the criticized "features", and a lot of veteran crpg fans and Divinity fans were upset that they delayed development and spent money, time and resources into fully voicing everything when they could've done something better, and the quality of the voice acting itself wasn't all that great (nor was the quality of the writing and dialogue, which is strange because they nailed it with Dragon Commander and Original Sin 1).
>People love voice acting.
Who's "people"? You'll have to give some examples instead of making grand assumptions. I know a lot of "people" who were unhappy with the fully voiced thing because of the aforementioned. It really added nothing, and it only existed out of either a misguided desire to "push boundaries" or so that streamers wouldn't have to read out loud the dialogue (which they skip anyway). If your take-away from OS2's success is that crpgs need to be fully voiced, you've never played crpgs.
>a $6 cone at the ice cream shop is expensive to me
Well when I can get 2 cartons on sale at the store for $4.15 total yeah it is expensive...
Imagine being this fucking dumb. Of course the circumstances matter, think of how many games these days use voice acting compared to fucking 1998, idiot.
>a lot of veteran crpg fans and Divinity fans were upset
yet it sold an incredible ton BECAUSE it was fully voiced. You are much to focused on your perspective as someone who grew up in the 90s playing these games and likes them that way. The western market likes fully voiced RPGs.
and OS EE is effectively full voiced
The only people who want fully voiced crpgs are streamers so they don't have to read it out to their viewers. That is the most zoomer thing you could have said.
i mean thats just what id consider logical progression for non specialist jobs. the expense thing requires reevaluating the intrisict vallue of money at a future state once it has incured interest - or lack there of. or perhaps like me youre a jew at heart
>yet it sold an incredible ton BECAUSE it was fully voiced.
No, it didn't, and you're an actual fucking idiot if you think it did.
>You are much to focused on your perspective as someone who grew up in the 90s playing these games and likes them that way. The western market likes fully voiced RPGs.
I feel like I'm either talking with an imbecile or a troll. You clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. DIVOS2 sold well because of the gameplay, not the fucking voice acting.
>and OS EE is effectively full voiced
"effectively" is not fully, and even then it wasn't even "effectively" fully voiced. Just stop already you diaper-wearing chimp.
I don't fucking care, and neither do the people buying the game and pushing developers to make their games fully voice acted.
Sarif's original VA was fucking based.
also he should be happy he's not associated with deus ex: #BLMankind Divided. man what a shitty game, campaign butchered because the bosses wanted to make it a trilogy, single-use cash shop microtransactions in a single player game and marketing raping it in the ass with scummy preorder campaigns.
>neither do the people buying the game and pushing developers to make their games fully voice acted.
streamers, and they don't even buy the games.
Who the fuck is pushing developers to make their games fully acted? Do you have any facts to back up what you're saying?
$400 wouldn't even pay for his plane ticket for the day's recording, it's not remotely adequate pay considering the time the actor himself would have to take, let alone paying for the means of travel.
But because Yea Forums loves to suck corporate cock and have swallowed the blue pill that anyone who who even works in an industry that HAS unions should be their enemy, just as corporations like it.
>most of Yea Forums agrees Eidos and Squenix screwed the pooch on a lot of things with MD due to greed and shortsightedness.
>most of Yea Forums in the same breath turns around and defends their greed and shortsightedness.
That's terror.
That's Yea Forums baby!
>Sure, I'll do voice acting for your game
>That'll be $800/hr and 25% of all future revenue + tip
>Yea Forums shills hard for mankind divided three years back despite various anons calling its bullshit out
>fails and kills the series
The problem with voice acting for a non meme game is:
>Need professional studio for recording so actor has to travel unless he happens to have one available or nearby
>Need time to actually perfect each line unless you go the Bethesda route and have the same 7 people voice act 99% of the characters and hope some of the lines come out well.
$400 is actually a joke payment for 50 lines of dialogue by a voice actor who has both proved himself and would have to travel to do it. Though I feel like basing his money off of "how much the game made" is retarded.
>Sure we will take your computer and ship it off to our facility to repair, despite the only needed fix being some proprietary software that costs maybe $2 to burn to a disk, but we won't let you have it to keep our artificially induced middleman business in operation
>That'll be $400 for making eye contact with your tower and another $300 to put the disk in the drive.
Human Revolution was good. While the director's edition tweaks to boss fights and commentary were enjoyable (especially the lead libtard writer blaming a black voice actor for a stereotypical black character), I thought the Missing Link forced DLC shoehorned in made the game drag out longer than it needed, plus it had nothing to do with the main plot.
Mankind Divided was pure libtard propaganda shit with the supporting characters from the previous game removed and replaced with generic dindus for diversity. It was a pure Black Lives Matter propaganda game which is funny because the retards at BLM got angry that their Soros funded movement was being co-opted by white liberals in a video game:
Thankfully, between the left-on-left violence and SJW pandering, the game sold so poorly that it killed the Adam Jensen trilogy that was going to shit out even more Soros propaganda.
BTW, the devs fired the guy who did the voice of David Sarif because he was IRL Deus Ex.
Based edios, western VAs are entitled fucks who scam retards at cons. Theyre cancer
How is this an argument for voice acting being needed/important?
>Guys, voice acting is important because some games do it!
We'll pay you 600 an hour and no revenue, you didn't make the game.
Voice acting only matters in a nep game anything else is hot garbo.
>tfw making games with no dialogue
>they don't do well unless they are fully voiced
with whom?
And now long will this take? Will I need to book my own airfare or are you paying my way? If I'm not here longer than a week I'd lose money just making the trip. Will you cover my lodging? You picked such an absurdly expensive place to set up your studio even the cheapest hotel is over $300 a night.
Very few things are needed for success. For a game to have soul and character however, voice acting is often necessary, case in point being VtMB.
We'll buy your roundtrip. You figure out the hotel situation, we suggest an air bnb.
Remember the voice actor union strike that accomplished nothing. lol get fucked commies
I would have increased his pay because his VA was fantastic despite his insanity. I would have also kept the original Outsider in Dishonored 2, I still can't believe they dropped him over an offensive username.
Voice acting is literally soulless. Giving something a voice takes away its soul, because you no longer imagine the voice.
RPGs dont really need voice acting, but if its good then it certainly adds to the experience. Dark Souls 2 was a pretty awful game when compared to its predecessor, but the voice acting is still memorable, hell so is Dark Souls 1's, can you imagine if Oscar was just a textbox?
However, games like pokemon have been VAless since forever, and literally no one cares. Etrian Odyssey barely has voice acting and is still a fantastic dungeon crawler.
All right. Well I also see here in the contract you're claiming full rights to my likeness for purposes of marketing, but it also leaves room to claim rewards pertaining to the game specifically addressed to me, in my stead. That will need to be amended before I sign. Use my likeness if you really want, but only an idiot forsakes 100% of any future credit given.
>I would have also kept the original Outsider in Dishonored 2, I still can't believe they dropped him over an offensive username.
I can, arkane studio is full of hyper libtards, and they completely ruined dishonored 2 and its shitty dlc with their propaganda
daily reminder they forced gay lesbo audio logs into prey
We're not using your likeness. You're recording lines for a character, and we're paying you to do that and nothing more.
>people thinking a one-time payment of 400$ is good
get a job
Imagine not being able to read faster than a person can deliver voiced lines.
>>And they got rid of Billy Lush as the Outsider because his Xbox username was "TrannyDestroyer"
Holy based
>they hired antita sarkeesian
never buy arkane studio games
>voice acting is super important
No, it isn't.
Kill yourself, Kirbopher
Do you take me for an idiot? Look right here, page 14, line 8. On the contract YOU handed me. It's there clear as day. I am not an unreasonable man, and I'm open to negotiation, but if you're going to take me for a fool we have a problem.
And don't you even so much as dare to suggest I can be replaced. You came to ME for this role. You could leave me out to dry and get some scab off the street, sure. But you tried that before, and we both know how THAT game performed.
>Do you take me for an idiot
You literally brought that contract yourself. We'll go find someone else. Thank you for your time.
The only good voice acting is Japanese voice acting.
In the near future we'll be able to synthesise voice lines from text at a reasonable quality. This will make voice actors unnecessary.
>voice acting is super important, especially for major characters.
You can only say this about Japanese VA, not stupid video games VA
His complaint was that the flight ticket was about as expensive.
Normies don't play CRPG's so that's irrelevant.
>Human Revolution was good.
Human Revolution was guilty of the same shit. Augmentations in HR and MD are nothing but a vehicle to preach about topical social issues like the pro-life debate (HR) and 'black lives matter' (MD). And they even fail at that. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.
Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR and MD are sensationalist garbage that's already dated.
Contrary to popular belief, OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augmentation was merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augmentations were only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.
While Human Revolution was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. In a prequel things should be LESS advanced, not more) yet somehow augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. Everyone is obsessed with augmentation. This is taken to absurd extremes: even lower-class people, homeless bums and hookers are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.
This is great
ok kill yourself, dumb exnigger. not evenr eading your post after that first line
>In a prequel things should be LESS advanced, not more
As an aside how did you feel about the sleeker design of the Star Wars prequels and the given excuse being a contrast between a decadent post-Golden Age civilization versus a totalitarian regime and fringe rebellion that were dilapidated and worn thin by decades of conflict?
Try making a triple A video game today with no voice acting and tell me how well that goes.
>dude the empire/the sith fucked shit up lmao
also mr pottery man decided to fuck everything up
Didn't his wife and kid disappear or some shit?
>Triple A
Why Triple A specifically? Who gives a fuck if the game budget is more than X amount of dollars? And isn't Outer Worlds only going to be partially voiced, just like Fallout?
disappear like epstein did?
>maybe early in your career but thts only an 80k salary pre tax no benefits. thats fuck all money past about 35
years old
>>WAS happy and proud to be making $100 a day in a few hours of work
Welp, I'm fucked. Should I an hero now or in a few years when I am 35 and still making shit money?
Suffer... like E did
I was under the impression the whole thing with augs was that companies were paying for employees to get them to make them better workers, the reason the homeless had them was they got fired by the soulless corp that took their limbs and now they were fucked trying to pay for their drugs. That's really the only way it makes any sense.
When doing non-full-time creative work for large companies, you charge by value provided rather than hours worked. The company is going to be making millions on the product you contributed to, if they absolutely need you there's no reason not to charge as much as possible.
>charge them as much as possible
Negotiate as much as possible.
Human Revolution
> Augmentation is about transhumanism, and Adam Jensen is thrust into that debate by being augmented against his will
> augmentations become readily available and you can choose which ones you activate first (by skilling them) as to not fry your brain by activating them all at once
Deus Ex
> augmentations are just kinda there, mechanical augmentations are also just kinda there and out-dated
> JC Denton is supposed to be a badass nano-augmented agent, starts with literally a glorified flashlight and nothing else
> get 1-2 augmentations after playing for a couple of hours, then at chokepoints about halfway and 3/4 way through the game you get about 3-4, most of them are unviable shit
Sorry but augs in the original Deus Ex were shit, even if the original game is better.
>if they absolutely need you
Apparently they don't ;)
the point is deus ex wasn't about augmentations at all it was about REAL CONSPIRACIES but the game was still somewhat grounded in reality, i.e. it was the near future but people were still using cars, helicopters, etc
in trash like human revolution and mankind divided, despite taking place in the past technology, cities and fashion look like they're from 2125 rather than around whatever years before deus ex
JC being a badass nano augmented human explains how he's able to go through/sneak past dozens/hundreds of terrorists/agents vs orange soda man bad who got caught
cry more eidos shill
Why would you need augmentations for jobs that aren't physical labor? Why does a secretary need super robot arms?
Literally every single Bethesda game had like 6 VAs total with terrible polish and people gobble that shit up
Yeah but nobody cares about the polish dub.
Well yeah, determining what kind of value you bring to the company is part of deciding what to charge. There are also exceptions where the company is super jewish and would rather lose the value than pay what's appropriate i.e. Blizzard letting go Warcraft 3 VAs when they asked for more money to come back for WoW since it was making money hand over fist, notably Arthas.
no normalfag read shit, and for a important character a good line delivery make a huge difference
No, all sort of conspiracies, whether they were plausible or not.
>no normalfag read shit
No, you dumb Yea Forumsirgin, normalfags read quite a bit. Hence the outrageous sales numbers of shit like kindles., the continued existence of libraries and book stores, etc. Just because (You) are incapable of reading doesn't mean the normalfags are also incapable of reading.
the fact that a few high-end industrialists were using augs to control people is also a ReAl CoNsPiRaCy in Human Revolution by your own standard.
I think the message the games have is the same as the original: there's an elite of shadowy Illuminati who want to control you, and are artificially dividing people (aug and non-aug) to make them fight EACH OTHER instead of the illuminati. Go fuck yourself.
some of them were on the fucking money, to be fair
You mechs may have copper wiring to re-route your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel
that would be a good deal if voice actors did voice lines 40 hours a week
it's the same thing as interpreters, industrial alpinists and everyone else who does contract work
you don't just pay them for the hours they work, you also pay them for all those days when they're in between contracts
Listen to this and Never post again you fucking disgusting zooming zoomers
cry more normalfag
Well yes they are real in the game but I am fairly sure the writer and or warren spector said what if all conspiracies were real, I would look it here
If only I did not have to go to bed very soon.
You are aware that unlike "regular" jobs, voice actors don't work from 9 to 5, right?
There are even seasonal jobs in which you'll have a few months of technical unemployment. In jobs like that you make a bit more money so you can save some for the rest of the year just in case you can't find a job (or don't want to) in that time
I don't even know there's a blood clone out, you're talking about ion maiden mister schizo?
absolute unit
>claims to be a blood fanboy
>posts caleb
>he doesn't know
how embarrassing
>voice actors don't work from 9 to 5
So tough shit? A landscaper only works for half a year planting posies. It's up to him to find work for the other half of the year.
And if you want something that isn't from blood take anything from this game, all the voice actors are fantastic in it.
>claims to be a blood fanboy
Where? I just played 1 and think that the voice acting is neat.
well if you want to cherry pick and then pretend your clips are representative of the entire industry then I'll do so as well
>western voice acting
keep seething eternally west cucks
They're not representative of the entire industry, 90% of the industry is shovelware, disgustingly souless normie's cash cow and scams. But there's still a few miracles available and shitting on the profession isn't going to help anyone.
Not every job has the same conditions.Some have irregular hours, some have regular hours and so on.
Did you even play the game, because they addressed this in a bunch of sidequests.
The point is about voice acting being important.
It can make a difference, you're just proving his point with your garbage examples.
Again, tough fucking shit. Either negotiate a better contract or find other work. Nobody owes you anything except the fundamental rights of freedom.
You can have good western va even today as long as the producers are Japanese, free from the shackles of sjw and feminism retardation bringing everything down
What did Chuck Huber do?
You are kind of an idiot, aren't you, my moron friend?
seethe harder west cuck
don't you have a wow classic, river city girls, or cybertranny thread to shill?
No but I have a game of pedotoon 2 to play. Feel free to argue in peace.
I bet this sounded really cool in your head
You could have at least posted Mary’s letter or something
>dividing it into dollar per hours
All wagie cashier retards do this. You spend $1 in gas to drive to your job and press buttons on a cash register. Some people actually put time into their trade. I've had it happen to me before, a customer said "wow, that's like $50 an hour" after I have to buy hundreds of dollars in material to even do the job. Voice acting is similar, the guy would have to fly out there and get a hotel, all of that adds up.
>What is Cloud City
>What are Lambda shuttles
>What is literally any military vehicle from the Clone Wars
Not everything on the prequels was shiny and sleek and not even in the OT everything was obligatory covered in sand, dust and shit.