Let's have a good ol' fashioned, genuine 3x3 thread
Bonus points for not posting circlejerk 3x3s that don't reflect your actual taste
3x3 Thread
>Worst version of rayman 2
>Klonoa 2
My nigga! That game is phenomenal.
Favourite level? Favourite bgm?
2/2 Nice choice with PPL
Didn't think anyone else liked the sequel, it was the only one I played as a kid, I finished the first one a while ago but the second one has a special place on my shelf.
>favourite level?
I can't really decide between the circus levels or the Ark.
>Favourite bgm
I wanna say the Stepping Wind song cause it just makes me chuckle. But Lunatea Waltz is just too comfy to listen to
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What binary language is this
explain Rayman 2 version differences please
The one in the OP has an explorable overworld, additional minigames, bosses, purchaseable upgrades, and an actual boss to fight for the 4th mask
its ok
+Monster Hunter World
+Pokemon HeartGold
+Heartgold, BotW
+Platinum, BotW
Reminder that if you have any of the folowing games in your 3x3
>any game from the GTA series
>any TES game other than Daggerfall or Morrowind
>any Persona past 2
>any MGS past 3
>any Halo game
>any Smash Bros game
>any Mass Effect game other than the first one
>any Bioshock game
>any MonHun game
>any Pokemon game
>any Animal Crossing game
>any Fire Emblem game other than 4 or 5
>any Deus Ex other than the first one
>any visual novel
>any generic racing game (NFS series etc)
>any generic sport game (FIFA series, NBA series etc)
>any generic shooter (CoD series etc)
>any Uncharted game
>any roguelite (Nuclear Throne, FTL, The Binding of Isaac etc)
>any retard special snowflake tier choice (Link's Awakening, Castlevania 2, Dracula X, SMB2 USA etc)
>any overly simplistic game (Tetris, Pacman etc)
>any Fallout past 2
>any game that's exclusively multiplayer (Team Fortress 2, WoW etc)
>any Final Fantasy past 9
>any Spyro and Crash game that's not part of its respective PS1 trilogy
>any multiplayer oriented ARPG
>any Saints Row game
>any Borderlands game
>any Far Cry that's not Blood Dragon
>any 3D Sonic save for Generations or Unleashed Project
>any Witcher game
>any Doom past 64
>any Infamous game
>any stupidly cryptic point'n'click game (that's most of them)
>any MOBA
>any God of War game
>any overly weabooish JRPG like Neptunia and Disgaea
>any inFAMOUS game
>Super Meat Boy
>Super Mario Maker
you should refrain from posting on Yea Forums.
F-Zero and Super Monkey Ball need to make a comeback.
Hey bitch baby, post your 3x3 so I can laugh at you
>yet another pleb that's mad his shit taste got exposed
my sides
As long as you keep stalling with epic comebacks you'll continue to be a massive faggot
>Any MGS game
>Any FF game
based user reminding plebs of their place
2/2 (DKC, PMD Red)
1.5/2 (+PPL ~Melee); I ought to play TWEWY & a Mystery Dungeon-style game other than Pokemon.
4/4 (inFamous, HGSS, Sly 2, Spyro); I really need to try Sengoku Basara sometime.
1/2 (+Tetris -Sinnoh)
I don't apply to any of these and still think this pasta is some weak bait garbage, especially since somebody somewhere believes it.
I realize it's been some time since the pasta was posted, but unless you're new to these threads I'm disappointed you fell for it.
>puts almost every popular game on a list
fucking leave
We are reaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible.
>doesn't even include Soulsborne shit
Dark Souls is the greatest game ever made.
dying light is the best video game
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I've tried to get into TWEWY three times now. Always get a hand cramp and give up.
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Best Kirby, good taste.
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Dark Messiah is gold.
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Almost didn't rate yours because I've hardly played any of the games on your list, but Deadly Premonition is too good. I can't wait for The Good Life to come out.
Actually, Panzer Dragoon Saga is the best video game
>Age of Mythology
Absurdly based.
>your hipster cred went up by 1
thanks IGN
not seeing any kicking or dropkicks, trash
Notice how the autist doesn't mention dark souls.
Really makes you think
I love everything there but I've never tried Shadow of the Colossus. Did you play the remake?
Do you hate the Souls series THAT much?
Dark Souls is the best game ever made.
Apparently it's a pasta. I wouldn't take it that seriously anyways because of the sheer number of games it writes off with no explanation. There are some obvious ones like nu-thief but I doubt anyone has ever put that in a 3x3 unironically. Dark Souls is pretty good though.
yes i played remake and original. i like both
can't post mecha pic REEEEEEEEEEE
-MGS4, -DaS
gay except for dark souls and hftf
t. millennial
This but unironically.
2/3 +DKC, +M&L:SSS
Don't care much for Majora's Mask, but it's been years since I've last played it
4/4 +F-Zero, +Puzzle League, +SSBM, +Spelunky
5/5 +SSBU, +BfBB, +Kirby, +TF2, +Cave Story
Pretty sure I've rated you before, but my memory is so shit
5/6 +WW, +Dark Souls, +DK:TF, +Doom, +RE2, -Mario Odyssey
Odyssey, for some reason, got boring to me very quickly, but that may be to my compulsive playstyle of having to get EVERY shine possible before moving onto the next world
1/1 +Shovel Knight
I only like ranking if I've at least played 3 of the games on the grid, but Shovel Knight is so good, I've contemplated replacing one of my squares for it, but can't decide which one to swap it for
4/4 +SH2, +RE4, +Dark Souls, +SotC
Imagine liking paper mario 64 over ttyd and not saying it's because of nostalgia.
TTYD is a soulless backtracking simulator.
I actually just haven't played TTYD
Go play it friend, its a blast. The story contains some fun twists and turns if you haven't been spoiled yet.
I've definitely wanted to, it's just the issue of having to reacquire a gamecube since I lost mine when moving years ago
It should be pretty easy to emulate, Dolphin has been close to flawless for a couple of years now. Worst comes to worst you could get a Wii on the cheap.
I've been wanting to make 3x3s for specific kinds of games lately. Favorite arcade cabinets, favorite flash games, etc. Stuff that isn't a "top game of all time"-tier favorite but that I love nonetheless.
For now here's my Top 16 game OSTs, with no repeat series or composers.
Tropical Freeze has the best vidya OST of all time.
God tier taste
Wrong, that would be final fantasy VII user-kun
I have to go with my Zero 2 bro here but it's way up there.
Sorry but I don't have a strong attachment to any RPG OSTs personally. There's some good stuff out there though.