It's time to discuss the greatest rpg ever made
It's time to discuss the greatest rpg ever made
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Possibly, but what makes this better than W3
Witcher 3 world is literally ubisoft tier.
I agree the quests and everything is great, but the loot doesn't matter as you'll get something better in 45 mins, world full of repetitive kill some drowners points of interest.
Also way more variety in oblivion in how to play
I love Oblivion, but we all know the best RPG is Kingdom Come Deliverance.
Interesting, never played it before.
Seen lots of varied opinions
A lot of mages swear by Rindir's Staffs.
The only people who actually hate it are either Resetra trannies or people who have ADD and whinge about the combat, despite it being some of the best melee combat ever.
You've never played The Witcher 3.
I actually really liked Oblivion
Never bothered with Morrowind. It aged liked shit before I ever got to play it.
What happened to Yea Forums absolutely shitting on this game at every turn? Literally the second Skyrim came out you fags did a 180
explain to me how I'm wrong? Is exploring the map fun in anyway?
I have like 110hrs, played both dlcs. I really enjoyed a lot of aspects but holy shit it had a lot of negatives
That's not Enderal
For me personally, Morrowind was only fun on PC if you knew the "cheat codes" and such. Tried playing it on the original Xbox and it was such shit.
Really loved Oblivion and Skyrim though. Don't @ me
just finished my first playthrough of oblivion yesterday
my favorite thing was probably the spells and how much you can do with them.
the worst thing about it is the exploration because it all feels pointless. after exploring about 20 different ruins, caves ect ect and getting nothing but like 100 coins i gave up on it.
Wait until TESVI comes out then, vanilla Skyrim will be 15yo masterpiece by then
the game is too easy and not varied enough
Oblivion is a deeply flawed game
It has a certain charm to it and has a lot of memorable quests but a lot of it is shit
that's not Gothic 1
Can't wait. I didn't even hate Skyrim, found it enjoyable but didn't like how it lost some RPG elements. I still like Oblivion a lot and it might be my favorite elder scrolls game mainly because of some of the longer quest lines but it had flaws and so did Morrowind before it as well.
thanks for reminding me about this game user
i was just about to buy it on steam but decided to check GOG... and its on sale for $15
>I love Oblivion
yeah, its gorgeous. seriously. wandering An Skellig when you first get there on a new playthrough is fuckin magical.
the presentation sells everything, senpai
Serious question: is this man mentally ill?
>muh graphics
Would you buy a discount spell?
Oblivion is good, but it’s the worst nu-ES game.
>mazoga sleeping without her top in vanilla
What does it mean.
It's ok but calling it best is a fucking stretch.
What's the cutest Oblivion girl?
mazoga or this one
the girl sparring outside the arena
The breton battlemage that's supposed to protect you in Anvil's Mage's Guild quest.
>ubisoft tier
We both know you're talking out of your ass on this. Ubishit never has any thought put into their world, see that screencap of a dev/tester pouring his heart out over the trains in watch dogs. Witcher has places that speak their own stories, and not only through books found within them.
You're right about loot, but it still gives you the option of using some other weapon/armor than witcher gear. If you like the Kaedwen armor, you can hunt for it with better stats, for example.
>kill some drowners points of interest.
You're meant to check out quest markers, not every single bandit camp. I mean, who forced you to get to these and slaughter everything? You have 0 indication that there's unique loot in these. It's supposed to be filler along the way to a quest, not the quest itself. It's like grabbing every single plant in W1 in the swamp. You can do it, I guess, but why would you.
Which quest was your favorite Yea Forums?
hackdirt and final thieves guild quest come to mind
The Dark Brotherhood mansion quest.
>points of interst are supposed to be boring filler
Why even bother with making an open world game when the open world is just scenery you're supposed to drive past with your horse?
Good open world games like Morrowind put unique loot in hidden places all over the map, it doesn't matter if it's just a bandit cave you could find a great piece of loot in there.
Hackdirt, Vaermina, Zero Visibility, A Brush with Death, Caught in the Hunt were some good ones
not even the greatest TES game
This. One of the only characters that even looks somewhat normal.
but thats oblivion...
Why is Oblivion so comfy?
Is it all because of the soundtrack?
You're not supposed to ride there to kill them, you're supposed to kill them along the way to the quest if you feel like murdering people at that time.
Would you expect a half starved pack of wild niggers to hold onto some uber pure assfuck sword of tearing destiny to keep it inside of a chest? I wouldn't. Besides killing them earns you their average shit that you sell to the nearest merchant. They're there so that you can spend your time using your sword/magic/bombs, try out a new skill instead of holding autorun for the nth time.
someone make a Dark Arisen 'greatest RPG ever made screenshot'
That doesn't look like Skyrim. You delete this thread now and make a thread worshipping Skyrim or you'll regret it.
that's part of it
Try playing the game vanilla as Todd intended.
a fate I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy.
I might try for the 4th time to get into oblivion. It's hard though, couldn't even get into it on release.
Here's what you do.
1. Do a clean install and check that Oblivion runs.
2. Install mods one at a time and check that Oblivion runs with each mod. Make sure to only install the patches for the mods you've installed before with each new mod.
3. Do this until you get a crash. The last mod you installed is probably causing it and needs a patch.
>everyone missed the stealth gothic thread
too many mods sometimes fugs the game.
use vortex/MO retard
u need more mods user
Sort your fucking load order. Use BOSS.
When is it crashing?
I use Boss, I used Wrye Bash, fuck I'm even using nvac. It doesn't tell me what is making my game crash and it crashes every 15 min or when I get out of the city then the game can only go for like 4 min before dying. Saving while outside and reload said save makes the game crash.
are all those mods necessary? I'd cut it down to like 10-15 max
>all those mods
you're like a baby, that's not even 10% of the must-haves
Okay, thought your load order looked strange but maybe it didn't.
Stop using keychain, it's known to cause crashes. Are you using OSR? If so, make sure that bReplaceHeap is set to 1 and then you can experiment with iheapsize in the ini. I used 1000.
Also, try disabling autosave on travel, wait and menu.
Are you using the 4gb ram patch?
Yes and I'm using GOG version and it says it doesn't need it but I've used it anyway. I'll just uninstall once again and slowly go through each and every one of them.
Weird, because it sounds like the issue occurs either on save or when you load a new cell. Loading cells can take a huge hit on Oblivions engine when you have all those mods and i know that the autosaves can cause crashes.
>I'll just uninstall once again and slowly go through each and every one of them.
Sounds like a good idea. Good luck!
Stop using mods you fucking retard
I so wish there was just a combined mod pack so that you didn't need to download every single mod just for one to fail. But i guess modders DESPISE mod packs. even though some of the mods haven't been updated in almost 10 years
This. KCD is literally what Oblivion wanted to be
cute potato
awful opinion
KCD has a lot of great things about it. Far from perfect. It's actually jankier than Oblivion in my opinion. And the perk system varies between completely pointless and completely overpowered. Still, I'm absolutely thrilled to see what they do next, because for a first attempt KCD was fucking incredible. If they just build on their solid base and fix the jank, expand and improve what they've got, they could make hands down one of the greatest RPG games ever.
I was once locked out of buying a house in Skingrad because the characters spawn in before the LoD models switch.
The one Orc dude you talk to in order to buy a house in Skingrad was walking from the castle into town, and had to take that bridge, but because of the LoD issues I stated before, the model wasn't loaded in with collision so he walked right through and fell to his death.
I wasn't really in the area to buy the house, or do anything, just roaming around Skingrad. When it came time to actually buy the house I spent like 2 hours looking for him and learning his schedule. Couldn't find him anywhere. Seen a dot under the bridge a few days later and found his body.
Found out on the wiki later that it was a common bug that he just walks clear off the edge.
Fucking "radiant" AI.
There was a time in my life where I used to boot up Shivering Isles just to rest till a couple hours before sunset, hike to cliff face, and just sit and watch this sky come to life.
There really was something magical about that world playing it at a time when it was groundbreaking
why didnt you just buy a house somewhere else? skingrad sucks anyways.
I had all the other ones.
It was the last one to buy.
My 13 year old self wanted all of them.
For starters it's an actual RPG
Why not torrent it and use the 15 bucks on food and drinks?
You're not fooling us, faggot.
legit thought this was that harry potter RPG i saw mentioned once and haven't heard anything else about since
was that just a bad joke or is it actually going to be a thing by the way
>are you the count?
>then go away!
it means nothing if you ain't ruler of...was it bruma or leyawin? its been so fucking long
can never tell if she's actually a twisted fucking psychopath that genuinely tried to kill that vampire fag with garlic or if she was just some cute lovable dumbass
>the early Shivering Isles quest where you can mentally break the three adventurers in that dungeon
Not really. Your choices are even less impactful than in Witcher 3.
Final Fantasy 3 for the superb nintendo?
I miss the outlandish idea quests.
The only one that really comes to mind in Skyrim is the one with the Daedra and the laser beams, but I think I may have made that up in a dream. It's been so long since I've actually "played" that game.