I know a thing or two about smash brothers, ok Brendon? My father was a smasher. He worked for Nintendo. He was the ultimate smasher which is why they named the game after him. But all these 'leakers' and 'neogafers' or whatever don't know the first thing about the game right? No, they don't. Me on the other hand? I'm the best. I've played all the DLC in the figher pass that he left for me. And let me tell you Brendon, Geno is playable
I know a thing or two about smash brothers, ok Brendon? My father was a smasher. He worked for Nintendo...
Other urls found in this thread:
Smash posts are always cancer, but you're the exception.
Then who's the other, coach?
why are they wearing pajamas in public?
home movies was not very good
Oh Perry? Yes Walter? When's the new Tier list? I hope it's soon. yeah, hahaha, real soon. heheheh, I love comp. OHMYGOSHMETOO. No way! Haha. Hee hee. Hey Perry, want to scrim with me? Oh but it isn't official ranked are you sure? Yeah, but let's do it anyway! *gasp* Ok!
Is anything ever "very good" Brendan? I spent all night watching Reruns of NCIS. Its all I ever hear about in the teachers lounge. Right? So I watch it. I think it might get better, see what all these people are GAWKING about right? It doesn't. but its supposedly "very good." By whose standards Brendan? No its by people paid to say its good. Don't think about other peoples opinions Brendan, just think about soccer ok? Now get out there.
Oh I dont know who it is some guy with a sword again....Yeah....they seem to like those guys. You see Soccer is a lot like swordfighting, youre just looking for an opening Brendan.
I'm Brendon's mom and I'm hot as fuck!
You shut your mouth.
Different strokes, really. A lot of Small's works focus more on minor character interaction than anything. It's why the majority of Metalocalypse is just the five band members dicking around with each other instead of the overarching plot that actually exists.
remember the time adult swim fucked over brendon small and left metalocalypse on a cliffhanger. thanks mike you hack fuck. also fuck you for cancelling moral orel just when it was getting amazing.
They also cancelled ATHF even though it was still good.
>Killed athf then proceeded to shill for destiny immediately after
Moral Orel was especially hilarious about it.
>adult swim specifically asks for darker orel episodes
The episode that caused the cancellation was the one with the coat hanger abortion.
Which was a FUCKING GREAT episode. God I miss that series. You have no idea how much i love that show. Not just the later seasons, everything about that show was brilliant.
On the whole? You're right. But most of the stuff with Coach is pretty great.
What is this zoomer mspaint show?
Same. It didn't click with me. But I do enjoy Metalocalypse.
Why do people pretend not to know about things? This is the only website I regularly use where people do that.
never watched home movies....
It's pretty good but not everyone will really like it. The coach is best part of the show, in fact actually he's the only part I really even remember.
Meanwhile they gave Boondocks and Superjail each one season too many and ended up ruining both.
I still have hope that whenever Archer ends we can get back to Frisky Dingo
>another frisky dingo fan
I thought i was the only one. I haven't watched archer since the 2nd season, and it was good. However frisky dingo is legit one of my favorite shows of all time.
> Frisky Dingo
Holy SHIT I thought that show was just a half remembered fever dream. Just like 12 oz Mouse and Tim and Eric's Awesome show great job but it's all starting to come back to me.
Home Movies might be my favorite animated show. I grew up making movies in my backyard with my friends so I connected super well with the premise. Plus, it's just really clever with the writing and is one of the only shows where improv worked super well.
But yeah, Coach is the best.
It always amuses me when Archer threw in a subtle reference to Frisky Dingo:
>boosh and/or ka-kow
>Wendell Stamps
>my ass is everywhere
>the ants
>you know?
>the hulu description for the abortion episode was literally “the final nail in the shows coffin”
Frisky Dingo was honestly one of my favorite shows from that era. Shame it got canceled too
Barnaby Jones
is Bob's Burgers any good?
Same VA.
The original creators weren't on board for season 4 which would obviously make it shit. At least they're coming back with season 5.
No, it's absolute shit. I have no idea why it's still airing.
Family Guy, American Dad, Bob's Burgers, etc. have all seen a massive spike in viewership from the Baby Boomers. That's why.
Eat the biggest bowl of shit, Brendan. No, seriously. Find the biggest bowl of shit. And then eat it.
Baby Boomers are 60 and older, why did the term get reused?
What's doubtful about it?
No idea, those are the Boomers I'm referring to though. The actual, genuine Baby Boomers are what's keeping the above shows afloat.
ant baby machete squad
The adult characters are wonderful, he is great and the mom is pretty damn amazing.
Yeah, it's really good, nothing like Home Movies though.
Y'know how in those family sitcoms the dad's always the funny one and then there's a goofy son and like everyone else is irrelevant? In BB they're all good
Why it would spike and everything I hear it's in steady decline on television. I dont doubt Boomers are the few watching the new shit but I doubt the numbers have spikes. But prove me wrong.
Not that guy but I've worked in a field that dealt with a lot of older people 60+, all they do is watch TV all day and talk about TV and what's on TV.
I don't know hard statistics but from simply talking with large amounts of lowest common denominator seniors on a daily basis it wouldn't surprise me that that's the case.
Season 1-5 are good
The rest are terrible
>make shit like tim and eric show and superjail
>don't fund korgarth of barbaria
>introduce thousands of people to anime but then exile it to the middle of the night
what a shit channel
>introduce thousands of people to anime but then exile it to the middle of the night
Don't forget
>repeatedly mock and shit on those very people you introduced anime to
>show a livestream of them feeding a metalocalypse petition through a paper shredder
>repeatedly mock and shit on those very people you introduced anime to
>show a livestream of them feeding a metalocalypse petition through a paper shredder
please don't use home movies for a smash spam thread.
>>introduce thousands of people to anime but then exile it to the middle of the night
That wasn't so bad. Falling asleep to Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and Big O was the best. Then they kept cutting it more and more, removing the opening or ending songs and replacing the anime with fucking endless Cleveland Show.
get better taste. the renaissance fair episode, the sensitivity training episode, bye bye greasy, the scared straight episode, the freaky outie episode, etc. are classics.
I mean, at least it had a decent ending. We even got to see Brendan's dad. I want to fuck Paula btw.
I think there might actually be people too or too old who don't get the double digit IQ idea of looking things up if they don't know them. A friend I had who was a nurse was like this it terrified me what that could mean for a patient of his.
Admit. You are the Fenton of your class, wasn't?
4 lyfe
what are some games that let you race:
>To feel the wind in your face
>To feel alive
>To feel like you own this place
>Until you die
>Against the other racers
>With one big shout
>Against the clock
Key, well done OP.
Kek* ffs
what are some games that end with "it's time to pay the price"?
Animal Crossing
I was too brainlet to process what was happening in this show, shit would come on at like 4am when my brain is already lagging from either lack of sleep or waking up early.
I loved Metalocalypse. Home movies just sucked. Coach was the only good character.
Frisky Dingo was the absolute shit. Amazes me that no one remembers it.
Never saw Dingo but I remember 2 jokes from the spinoff with the helmet guys
>that whole bit with 'Rapier Ape'
>"That mountain's been asking for it!"
Moral Orel is probably the first show that I've thought as "mesmerizing". How did it end ? The last episode I remember seeing the father finally coming out as gay for his blonde gym buddy but then nothing.
Moral Orel was too kino for television.
I should probably go rewatch it.
>rapier ape
classic joke desu
>The last episode I remember seeing the father finally coming out as gay for his blonde gym buddy but then nothing.
It ends showing Orel being a father with a happy loving Christian family with his wife being the fem-Orel they showed a few times in the show, two kids, and a dog. It also shows on the wall two pictures of their brothers, one became a cop and the other a fireman.
On the subject of Moral Orel, besides Orel, the priest is the best character in the show. His character growth is one of the best things in the show.