Yeah....Im thinking that..........COD

Yeah....Im thinking that..........COD......


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I want to believe, but I hear this every year

>no trigger discipline
and here i thought this was going to be good. sad!

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??? He's aiming at something you stupid fucking Brit. What the fuck?

>no trigger discipline when you're literally about to take down a target


Cod stills sucks shit bruh.

don't care I'll just pirate it

tried the alpha and I'm pumped. Didn't really play cod since mw2.

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>we want the Battlefield and Siege audience

Fuck you

Better gunplay than both this time

no hes groucho walking in a loading screen. not even looking down the sights. none of the animations in game have it either. i hope to all things holy youre never at a range with me

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It's back baby

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Not this year. Next year, it will be back, though -- maybe.

The year after that, I think, it will ACTUALLY be back.

Until the following year.

How many of these marketer threads have there been in the past few weeks? Why do people even still play this casual shitfest of a series?

Attached: muh Battlefront 3 dragons.png (1670x2848, 361K)

I assure you it's back this year releasing on October 25th

>Five threads in two weeks
If they're marketing they're doing a pretty shit job of it

I'm a PCfag. What console should I buy for this because cod sucks on PC?

All platform crossplay so it doesn't matter. Whichever is the best console you got

aiming down sights =/= aiming at target
>none of the animations in game have it either
show me