This is going to be bigger disappointment then Phantom Pain mark my words

this is going to be bigger disappointment then Phantom Pain mark my words

Attached: (1024x512, 147K)

Have you not burned through your Ip range yet?
Fuck off.


Attached: Ruckus.jpg (275x183, 7K)

IT won't be disappointing because most people here already know its going to be a tranny shitfest

How many threads are you going to make today, you little freak?

There's already 16 threads saying thr exact same thing, retard. Fuck off.

It will only disappoint Yea Forums's outlandish expectations.

I'm screencapping this

Attached: 2749265-screenhunter_1047may.jpg (787x449, 48K)

> tranny shit fest
I hate trannies but they don't force you to play as one now do they

Nothing can disappoint me after the phantom pain because I no longer expect anything of anything.

You feel it too, don't you?

they do

they eliminated the option of picking a gender. your character will be referred to in gender neutral pronouns.

Nah MGSV was made for last gen consoles that's why it feels so dead

This. Zero Time Dilemma, MGSV and FFXV killed my ability to get excited for anything and I actually enjoy video games more now.

gay and catering-to-the-mentally-ill-pilled

You know how you don't get dissapointed? By not building up astronomical expectations.

it's literally unfinished game

This is mostly one guy doing this.

I have been suspecting this was going to be garbage ever since they rolled out Keanu, because it meant it was being run by a group of people who thought spending money to improve the game was an inferior idea to paying for Keanu.

Still won't be as disappointing as Death Stranding

oh look this episode again

It can't because I'm already disappointed.

It's going to be a generic room-to-room FPS with a pretty hub-world with a little more detail than most games.

It'll be 7/10 gameplay and story 9/10 art and world design. The open world will service as nothing more than a pretty setting, with little to no diversions or activities.

stop posting this thread.
MGSV was and still is one of the best games of all time. Too bad your tiny little pea-brain couldn't understand it. Maybe Bioshock Infinite is a little more your speed?


you obviously haven't played it

You'll be crying aand seething when it turns into yet another hit.

Also make sure you fags sage these gay threads when posting in them.