Why has Cyberpunk 2077 provoked such severe autism on Yea Forums?
Why has Cyberpunk 2077 provoked such severe autism on Yea Forums?
It's a new big game coming out.
because at first they were like "DEY SO BASED AND REDPILLED!" But now that it doesn't meet their lame agenda they are upset.
Its literally one mega-aust and a handful of repeat trolls playing the part of shills for easy yous.
Chasing that tortanic high
way to prove my point dumbass
you need to go back and dilate yourself on a rope
I really don't understand what I did wrong.
Who here going /hybrid/? I'm thinking a run and gun solo, except replace the gun with hacking.
Breathe the same air as normal people.
who's normal? The people getting butthurt over a game having a shitload of character options?
Because they shilled it too much,
Average Yea Forums hasn't actually cared about videogames in ages. It's just chasing the next disaster and lmao group outrage.
WOW! Dilate? This is a very funny word, user-kun. Haven't heard this based and redpilled word before. Fuck trannies, am I right user-san?
Yea Forums hates whats popular
went against the 4chin hivemind
It's one of the most popular incoming games if not THE most popular one, so nu-Yea Forums tourists are salivating in hopes of getting a new ebin TORtanic.
They won't get it, though.
because there are non whites in it apparently.
I am not joking. I DO believe that nobody actually likes the witcher 3 and that it IS an elaborate prank to trick us into playing it. For cmparison, I managed to sink in 50 hours on the game that I consider to be the worst to come out in the past 10 years (Final Fantasy XV). I recognize that FFXV is absolute trash and yet there was still ''Something'' that kept me playing. Maybe because I had very low expectations? Maybe because it has the smoothest and prettiest animations in any game I have ever played? Or it was because I thought there was some depth to the combat? I don't know. FFXV is THE most impressive game and at the SAME time THE worst gaming experience of my life.
Now here is the thing. I gave witcher 3 exactly 15 hours. But I just gave up after beating the first dungeon (with that hot witch where you watch her shower). I have never been more insulted by a video game dungeon than that. The mini boss golem and the hellhounds where just... I honestly thought that I was being pranked. Geralds animations are beyond trash. Seriously, 6th gen games have a hundred times better animations (walking, running, Jumping, attack etc.) the first time I saw gerald jump I thought that it glitched, but no, this is his actual jump animation. it's the work of an amateur hidden behind pretty (yet very uninspired, generic and bland) graphics and, like you said, great writing and music. Seriously, this game would be better ''played'' by watching it. Hell, it would work as a series I do admit that, but as a video game, it's just bad. I'm sorry but that's how I feel. I didn't mean to offend anyone.
why even have all these fucking character options if the entire fucking game is in first person, even cutscenes
it's retarded
Maybe game devs should stop pandering to Trannies everytime they pull he crybullie routine.
>I DO believe that nobody actually likes the witcher 3
Well then you're fucking wrong.
Go back to resetera you leftard scum.
Because that one YouTuber dude(demake poster), and one angry incel are actually insane.
A large portion of the site post election are obsessed with gays and shemales for whatever reason. Baffling.
this is massive cope
There's an overlap between the two demographics, go to /lgbt/ for proof.
I am tired of all this left righty shit. The internet has gone to shit since the 2016 election. Not a fun place to be anymore.
I'm going to play it and enjoy it, fuck you Yea Forums
it would be nice to be able to talk about videogames without some child whinging about how it insulted his pet ideology
Discord servers occupy some different fucking plane of reality
Because Yea Forums has changed. It used to be that we'd trash games that looked like trash and deserved it (eg: DA2, ME3, CoD, Skyrim etc) but still be cautiously optimistic for promising looking games.
In the last few years we've had an influx of new users who don't understand this and will try their hardest to shit on any game now matter how much reaching they have to do. Now I'm not saying we should be circlejerking over how good every aspect of the game looks, every game should be treated with some skepticism, but complaining about sunlight, posting zoomed in photos of background textures, complaining about how a fucking CYBERPUNK game is "too political" (ie not adhering) MY politics, is just grasping at straws.
You'll notice how almost every popular game gets this treatment, but because people generally love CDPR and are excited for 2077, retards have gone into overdrive. When the game comes out they'll be eventually drowned out by actual discussion, but then two months down the line after it's won a million GOTY awards expected a bunch of "2077 is overrated" threads just like RDR2 and BOTW.
He needs to rise from the dead and clean house.
>/pol/ and the trannies are one and the same
>toxic beyond measure
Why am i not surprised.
Jesus Christ.
cdpr make good games and so bethesda and bioware have to pay shills to make them look bad because they can't make good games themselves.
kek, this. if you go back enough, you'll see Yea Forums defending the polkikes because BASED N REDPILLED, but ever since they're catering towards trannies, it makes them seethe, now it's nothing but endless shitposting
sorry for not being a part of your retarded echo chamber, dickface
>I'm going to play it and enjoy it
I'm afraid you need o be retarded for that
Nobody is autistic people are just defending it for no good reason.
Still much better than Dragon's Dogma.
I won't cost me so I'll do whatever
>'how will sex scenes work without TPP' at the top of the page
Asking real questions huh
Yea Forums has been obsessing over how Cyberpunk as a genre hasn't had a big game to make it justice for years and how it's clearly superior to shit like Steampunk which only redditors like.
Cyberpunk is obviously a hard genre to bring to videogames with how hardware limitations would impact how it looks. Everyone hoped CDPR would be the ones to be able to do it but it seems they were too lazy and just copied GTA while adding some niggers with robotic limbs.
no shit. poland is full of kikes. of course they would just copy and paste shit
because they promised something outstanding and never seen before.
but with every new tidbit of information coming out about this game it sounds and looks worse and worse.
they are at Bioware's Mass Effect Andromeda levels of shit at this point. I wonder if they can tank this any further.
Yea Forums expresses excitement with retardation
Agreed. Fuck what the internet has become and fuck every single person on it.
I liked W3 so much that I bought it
CP2077 was a disgusting bastardization of the beauty of Cyberpunk. Not only does it fail to deliver the atmosphere, but it’s gameplay was sub-par and highly disappointing. The story was entirely linear and felt like a cover shooter. I’m glad it bankrupted CDPR so that people who actually know what they’re doing can step in. Maybe they could get one of the Cyberpunk OGs to give them pointers if they’re lost. It’ll certainly turn out better that the soulless Reddit abortion that CP2077 was lmao
and its going to be good so naturally Yea Forums will shit all over it
it just looks like a modern Deus Ex (2000). The autists have deluded themselves into thinking it looks bad over literally nothing.
Spot on. Goobergate runoffs are SEETHING as hard as they can
Because Yea Forums wanted Bladerunner and they got GTA 2077 Tranny edition.
>and its going to be good so naturally Yea Forums will shit all over it
it's going to be average, and the NPCs will suck it's dick.
Maybe they should have played the original tabletop game then. But that would require actually going outside and making friends.
Saying NPC is NPC.
lmao shut the fuck up faggot shill.
UH OH YOU SET OFF the Reseter-I mean Yea Forums hivemind!!
The fact that no one is responding to you just shows the many newfag retards from resatera and SJW's who came here.
It's popular therefore Yea Forums hates it. It's always like that when a major AAA game comes out. Be it Death stranding, Witcher, Horizon etc. As soon as a big project is announced Yea Forums starts shitting on it from day 1. It's this board's lifeblood and sole purpose of existence.
Yea Forums was always a bunch of contrarian faggots, but since the fuck when did it all turn right wing out here?
shit was all just jokes and then i guess these fucking reddit retards took us seriously and look what we've got now
a fucking retarded community of smoothbrains that for some fucking reason give a shit about whether or not a character's got a dick
hey guys - we hated gone home because the game sucked, not because lesbians
the only reason we were mad at because lesbians was because they only made the game to be lesbians in gaming
but the ultimate reason we hated the game was because THE GAME SUCKED
you're all fucking faggots
The whole of Yea Forums has changed. It's not the same board since gamergate and the elections. It's best to just move on if you can't handle that. I only come here in spurts to fruitlessly see if it will get any better but it won't.
kys fucking tranny. Yea Forums has always been conservative, we don't want your faggot falseflagging redditor ass here, if you can't handle criticism
Who is this "we" you speak of?
People had expectations without ever reading the source material and/or cyberpunk literature in general.
There used to be realistic female armor threads and threads discussing how to make good black characters in the early 2010s.
Not the same guy btw. The people who were actually on Yea Forums before 2010 know who the real revisionists are. It's people like you
because the game is getting unwarranted praise. much like with death stranding, fanboys are excited for the game only because the people whose boots they lick are making it. if some literal who showed off the exact same gameplay, nobody would care.
because its dumbed down normie trash
so was witcher 3 but atleast it looked good because medieval setting and music was cdpr's forte as they were making the same fucking thing for 10 years, but cyberpunk ooh boy its gonna be shit
they have been scraping and renewing that project since 2013
dilate trannies
Yea Forums is full of autists all the time, what are you talking about?
Would I waste almost 200h of my life just for an epic Yea Forums prank?
>he's not a cringy alt-righter therefore he's a tranny
fuck off
>dilate trannies
Wrong, Yea Forums has ALWAYS been a staunch supporter of conservative ideals and conservative censors like Jack Thompson. Fuck off back to trannyscordera.
who said i was alt right, seems like you're letting them live in your head rent free.
>so was Witcher
The Witcher's biggest weakness was the combat was just ok and sometimes boring. Though you could say that about many RPGs. Don't expect some retard on here to actually play old RPGs though. Especially one who can't see that gameplay is more than just combat.
Wait a second....I'm being fucking trolled.
I'm a lurker of 8 years posting for the firsttime ever to tell you literally nobody gives a shit about 4chans opinion
>who said i was alt right
Your infantile vocabulary of a retard said it for you
you are wrong, and a newfag
Yea Forums was liberal as FUCK before all this gamergate shit happened
if you think Yea Forums was always conservative, you started browsing post-2014
in any case, shut the fuck up, you're a fucking autist and a limp-dicked spineless faggot spouting whatever the fuck your dipshit ass mongoloid /pol/lack friends have plugged down your urethra
they never should've fucking added /pol/ to this godforsaken website
fake shit is fake
Okay I wouldn't go as far as call old Yea Forums liberal either jesus christ why is it always one extreme to another to you fuckers
oh, so you're just upset because i called you out for being a pussy who couldn't handle criticism. may be you should go back to wherever you came from you fucking cuck.
fuck off, how many threads we were fawning over fucking garrus in? Yea Forums was gay as SHIT before
used to be nonstop homoeroticism out here and now we've got all these fucking thinskinned nazi cucks bitching about fucking nothing every time a game dev's an sjw
Lgbt and pol should honestly be removed.
>I DO believe that nobody actually likes the witcher 3
LMAO i'd show you my true game time if i could... like him but i played the game without Galaxy for the most part(it's DRM free) so there is no record of the many hours i spent with it.
>Yea Forums was liberal as FUCK before all this gamergate shit happened
lmao. also that's some mad tranny rage
Yeah and in that same thread you would have someone calling another a nigger faggot.
Old Yea Forums was a MIX OF EVERY IDEAL.
Thread shouid've ended here.
It's just the typical contrarianism that has infested this board.
>Yea Forums was liberal as FUCK before all this gamergate shit happened
cope tranny.
Why would i need to cope when everyone panders to me?
Check mate poltards
These are only half right
Yea Forums was always liberal, but OLD liberal. Freedoms and shit. The progressives are authoritarian, /pol/ are just larping faggots
You retards are so contrarian that your blind seething hate can't see why TW3 is liked by most non-autists
And its gonna be the same with cyberpunk
Im guessing that CDPR games are anti-contrarian games
Go play ELEX or some eurojank you circlejerk about with other contrarians
I know this is bait, but
>furiously masturbating to anime girls
>being a NET
>generally playing video games
enlighten us then since you're totally not a dunning kruger.
because cyberpunk appeals to the libertarian aesthetic, and a lot of assholes and people with autism glom to libertarian ideals. Also, Science Fiction, in general, grabs autists. it focuses on things and ideas, and generally celebrates people with competency and scientific expertise, rather than social connections, attractiveness, physical fitness, or other traits that introverts might lack.
the problem, though, is that Sci Fi is just a genre, and creators can do whatever they want with genres, provided they stick to most of the conventions. Nerds piss themselves over women and brown people in the latest Star Trek and Star Wars incarnations, forgetting that these are mainstream, socially progressive properties. Star Trek takes place in a multi-racial, socialist utopia, and Star Wars has had female characters shooting fascists in the face, from day 1. Blade Runner is a love story about a man relearning compassion. A genre that looks forward into the future must attract creators critical of the past and present. This means socialists, progressives, and the like.
There are Sci Fi stories that promote fascist ideals. Warhammer 40K, for example. There aren't that many of those. Sci Fi written by conservatives died out in the 50's
Don't bring ELEX into this. I personally like ELEX,The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.
Are you seriously asking that? Just read some of the replies:
>left are scum
And so on and so forth. A large number of people on this board have a cultish devotion to anti progressivism to the point where "Go Woke Go Broke" might very well be one of the Ten Commandments. The idea that a game might both have progressive themes or at the very least a cast with a large number of ethnic or maybe even transgender characters and be massively succesful is unthinkable to them. It's something that isn't allowed to exist which is why they're trying to convince both themselves and the public that it's going to be bad and unsuccessful.
nice redditspacing faggot
Nigger, cyberpunk is always a critique to consumerist culture.
Sure it has a libertarian painting, but the tones are all about how shit a life it becomes when you live in such world
idk why it attracts the /pol/ type, maybe they read judge dredd or want to be a blade runner (ignoring all the philosophy) and go shooty shooty some robots in a dark neon night
Both of you are retarded, Yea Forums isn't a single entity and most definitely has never been just liberal or just conservative. All that's changed is how vocal everyone is about their political inclinations as a result of the games industry wanting to be "political." People like you two love to bitch that Yea Forums has change when it's you retards that are causing the change.
when zoomers got old enough to use the internet and were unironically right wing, not realizing all oldfags were just joking and we're all anti-everything
Not him but TW3 is a solid game with relatively good writing and characters.
The only critique people throw at it is the combat, but its not atrociously bad , its just unwieldy, but for some reason this makes autists declare it as shit from the get-go.
Because it's popular and Yea Forums hates popular things in a desperate attempt to seem interesting.
it wasn't an ideal back then, man, it was fucking COOL SHIT
everything went, but at least compared to the shitshow we're dealing with now, it was relatively liberal
and honestly maybe i'm fuckin overselling it - you're right. but hitler used to be hilarious, and now i can't make fucking holocaust jokes because i'll be mistaken for one of these retards.
you are wrong and also an enormous faggot
this is basically true, i'm just nostalgic
Maybe because Yea Forums doesn’t want trannies from Reddit and neogaf to shill their shitty game? Thank god Yea Forums is becoming more conservative again
the only time I hear about Yea Forums is when something bad happens. Like, Alt-Right domestic terrorism, or incel mass shooters, or the iCloud hack that saw Jennifer Lawrence's nudes dumped online.
I know that creators are aware of Yea Forums, and some number of them browse the board. But, I have NEVER heard anyone say "this game is great, and Yea Forums loves it!" or anything. most people think of Yea Forums as a hive of internet trolls.
and the thing is, that is not associated with reverence or power. when people talk about ISIS, they are low-key afraid of ISIS. when people talk shit about Russian hackers, they respect the power those hackers wield. when people talk about internet trolls, they look at them the same way they look at mosquitos or ticks. Pitiful, gross, really fucking annoying, and deserving of extermination. You might be able to harass Zoe Quinn so much that she deletes her social media accounts, but that will only harden the hearts of everyone around her. every "victory" only makes your lives harder
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
which is why this board is absolute shit
I'm sure someone will take this post seriously.
then it looks like the game industry needs to collapse
>In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man,
>in this demo at least
>in this demo
what is it with all the fucking third world ESL monkeys who cannot understand context
speak english you retarded spic
It won't.
And it's gonna sell millions and there is not a damn thing you can do about it
anyone who seriously thinks that saying Nigger on an image board constitutes an attack on the Jewish Globalist cabal ruling the world is probably already living in denial.
carry on, good sir. the Jews are quaking in their boots
>in this demo
>first they showed fucking strong womyn bullshit
>then they showed fucking disgusting faggot shit
>then they advertised fucking pathetic tranny shit
you proved my point you fucking cdpr cocksucking shill fucking trannyloving homo
Learn to be subtle.
You didn't agree with electionfags like and so that means you're automatically the exact opposite of them. Much like their complaints about 2077, they can't handle any sort of nuanced or grey areas, so don't worry.
Imagine getting this buutblasted over a video game. Don't you have transgendered bathrooms or black athletes kneeling to spaz out about, Cletus?
don't you have a hollowed out grapefruit to dilate tranny hahahaha
Like clockwork, faggot.
zoe quinn fucked her way to the top and she's an unrepentant cunt
gamergate sucked because it signaled a shift in the way video games had to be made, and the way we had to speak about shit
it wasn't about them being LIBERAL or GAY or anything - i'm hard left and i fuckin love dicks and trans people and gay shit all day
no, it was about them never again being able to be anything OTHER than those things
about the fact that i can't fuckin laugh at gay jokes on the internet anymore because some people can't take a fucking hit over the internet
it was about FUCKING REVOLUTION 60 - the fuck was that garbage? that bitch seriously wanted to say her game wasn't total dogshit
it was gone home being a piece of shit walking simulator made by people who don't give a shit about games and just wanting to inject their horseshit personal ideals into a new market
but every other fuckin dude from the past like me has given up on this shit, and i'd wager most of us just lurk around, wishing we could go back to fuckin daily doses and oh shit i'm sorrys and galo sengans and chad warden and Yea Forums sings and all that sort of wonderful shit that made this board fun
it's morons like this guy and this guy and this freakazoid these fuckers are new, here. they're the ones you hear about lately. aight, maybe habbo hotel was pretty racist, but it was done - as we would have said in the past at some point - for the lulz. it used to always be about taking the piss out of shit. sending bieber to north korea? SHIT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY how is that not the funniest shit ever "hey guys where should i go tour XD" "NORTH KOREA LOL"
and it ain't like this dude
is wrong. he's right, of course, but it used to not really fucking matter what your political beliefs were. i guess i shouldn't say it was entirely liberal back then, but it sure as fuck wasn't out of place to be gay on Yea Forums. moot himfuckingself is a giant flaming faggot, after all.
Unbridled hope and fear
>defendin transgender bathrooms
>defendin your country's fucking traitors
hahaha you fucking sissydick faggot talk about cucks lmao
that vid was really popular like 4 years ago how old is/v/ now?
lmao this retard pretending to be an oldfag, when he quoted a obviosuly falseflagger, back to your tranny site, you falseflagging little bitch. you don't know shit about Yea Forums culture.
most good games do.
Why would you lie on the internet user
idk, ask yourself that, you replied to a troll, anyone who isn't a newfag would obviously know this dude is a troll, but of course keep pretending.
the /pol/tards are showing their true colors
from hating their own kin to hating other kin
lol /pol/ idiots are mentally ill
she's your GF.
how do you make her happy?
You're not special and unique you 14 year old faggot
I don't understand why they didn't do dialogues with 'cinematic' TPP scenes, like how they did in Witcher 3. If anything, the dialogues would be more immersive if I could see my customized character interact with other characters, also scene variety would be better than just being locked in FPP in every single dialogue.
Because we're the prime audience for what the game was originally marketed as, and we've seen it gradually devolve into a GTA clone with Hollywood actors, underwhelming graphics and gameplay, and tranny pandering.
Christ, this is a new low as far as leftist "memes" go.
>we're the prime audience
Imagine thinking modern Yea Forums is the audience for ANYTHING. CDPR's biggest fanbases are on places like Reddit.
Are these actually screenshots from the game? The shitposting has gotten so out of hand that I can't tell.
...nice meme lol
did ya think that up while dilating?
>game literally forces you into being a faggot if you play as a male
geee wonder why people are shitting on it.
>A genre that looks forward into the future must attract creators critical of the past and present. This means socialists, progressives, and the like.
This makes no sense, are you saying that the only creators who can envision the future are ones who subscribe to modern-day "progressive" dogma? Someone who is critical of socialism/communism, both past and present, could just as easily write a sci-fi story, either by envisioning a world where communism has won and the consequences of that, or by envisioning a future that's technologically advanced but is governed by a totally different political and cultural system. It doesn't have to be some autistic binary.
that wasn't me retard
i don't type with caps ever you fucking brainlet
i don't know who that fucking retard you're quoting is, because guess what? i haven't used this website for three years
and by the fucking way, can you learn to spell or speak english at all
>a obviosuly
Unironically based.
if witcher 3 is your first witcher game, then you'll love it. its not bad, just tedious and pretty basic. it's been like 2 or 3 years and i still havent finished it
>s-see I know all bout Yea Forums histowyyyy
>pool is close aint it fellow redditors
kys cunt
worthless fucking nigger
this is a pity fuckin (you)
Why do /pol/tards come here? What's the point of coming to a video game board just to tell everyone how much you hate Blacks/Jews/trannies/SJWs. Do you have nothing else to do with your life?
Cope faggot
>fucking traitors
>some black dude peacefully protesting whatever he fucking wants by just fucking kneeling during the national anthem
Oh shit, you're fucking right. He should be complaining on the internet, am I right?
You're a fucking faggot, user. Holy shit. How's that fucking boot taste?
i am better than you are at everything and you are a faggot
also, here's another shitty fuckin cringe-ass meme from the past you can fuckin suck on
u mad?
>changes everything they promised
>why do people react
have sex
It's not anime, DMC, Final Fantasy, WoW or Persona and doesn't focus on anime waifu's so Yea Forums hates it.
Yea Forums is /pol/, maybe Yea Forumsirgins should actually play vidya and look at the communities.
only one assblasted here is you amico
Top one isn't from CP2077.
Bottom one is but the hands and gun are photoshopped on top and are from a CoD game.
>people expected a huge RPG like Skyrim with more classes you can choose from and gangs, you can change from 3d person to first person, your choice matters, you can fly cars, customization, etc
>what we will get is GTA 2077 brazil edition
that's it, they promised a lot and didn't do anything they said
Next trailer gonna be better.
because Yea Forums is contrarian. the immense hate is basically a guarantee the game is going to be amazing
Because we all wanted deus ex x new vegas and instead we're getting gta for trannies
the initial reveal trailer was a mistake