Why would anyone play Alliance when the Horde has this?

Why would anyone play Alliance when the Horde has this?

Attached: wow undead.jpg (2480x3507, 786K)

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Post night elf ass.

But they're all dead lays.

Tfw i like the new models, but they absolutely butchered that one CUTE! undead face.
Also front flips on execute.

Why dont more play Undead female?
>best cast animation
>best emotes
>best melee animation (flip and knee scratches)
>best looking female in armor on horde side

>best looking in armor
Objectively wrong. Forsaken ruin everything they wear


Attached: puke.gif (513x386, 102K)

except it isn't

Show the uncropped version then.


Attached: 1539805682609.jpg (771x776, 316K)