I am literally shaking right now.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice fucking model.
Honk honk.
Oh man, nintendo’s about to be flooded with bizarre npc rage
I don't understand this post, is there something wrong with UGG? Is it because of geese? The fuck is your problem, are you Terry Bogard or some shit?
Nintendo: official console of the wite race.
Honorary aryans
"honk" is a retarded meme for children on /pol/ to shitpost about how they dislike the world
Do Americans...
>t. based and redpilled trannies of color.
wtf i love basedtendo now?!
What meme do the mentally stunted retards and land whales on tumblr use when they cry about non issues such as made up genders not being taken seriously?
You stupid niggers can't even shitpost right. Why is there still no picture of a goose wearing a clown wig and red nose?
she's in
They just cry and ban whoever offended them
Have sex incel
Remember to go to church, and ask god to fug you
have sex
the absolute state of american political rallies lmao
Bend over
Why call it that? Is that ironic humor?
>check the tweet
>just normies excited and no outrage whatsoever
Anyway. Is this actually good or just another shitpost in game form?
The most pathetic user over on wizardchan has more inherent worth than collective whole of tumblr. Fuck off with your bullshit, younwate of oxygen.
Watch me swooce right in
Your thread will end in exactly 30 minutes from now
>goose game releasing right before smash challenge pack #4 is announced
>severe lack of avian reps (aside from falco and samus)
yeah, i'm thinking he's in
Whoever drew this, I love you
reminds of this. Orc just wants to live his life
If only the people screeching have sex were sexy witches.
Samus isn't an avian bro
WhAtS uP mOtHeRfUcKeRs?
>this is how you incels see yourselves
feather pubes
Damn you’re mad as fuck faggot
God I hate how this board has such a vocal left leaning minority
>how degens see themselves
So are you gonna have sex or not?
yea with your sister
>Forgetting Captain Falcon
I thought honk was an Yea Forums meme.
i don't have a sister, only a brother. lmao fag
>i don't have a sister
Based. Dumb faggot btfo lmao
Honk started with Chen, but now it belongs to /pol/ forcing their clown world meme.
this artist is so fucking pH14
less of a minority than you think, dipshit
he's in
Incels desperately want to have sex, I'd say that such a stubborn refusal would come from someone who's voluntarily celibate for one reason or another so the image is stupid.
He does a lot of great shit
also has a NSFW twitter
can someone explain what the honk meme is to me? something about when npcs post pics of clowns at people they don't like?
Look at those honkers
I'm looking. Now what?
His funniest image was the original ork dabbing on slutty elf pic, everything after has just been derivative.
Why does he look like a wigger?
why? Only dumb woment, and men who think they are born dumb women literally believe sex is the apex of life. Some people miss it, but it's never "OMG DESPERATION I WANT TO DIE". Unless they are women or pretend to be. The whole "HAVE SEX" is literally barren trannies trying to make people sorry for not wanting their rotting scar tissue sculpture
honk honk
You're definitely right that he has a lot of stuff that just eggs on the same jokes, but he does do jokes that aren't those now and again and it's the hope for more stuff like that that keeps me checking him out.
nice projection nigger
Voluntary Celibacy, Volcel-dom, is a resevoir of inner strength. Incel-dom only leads to resentment and wantonly directed rage.
It is correct however that many gamers are incels trying to pass themselves off as volcels.
What happened to Tatsuya's hair??
Still a minority champ ;)
I don't understand what any of this is. Is this what it feels like to be old?
he won't be your "brother" when I'm done with him
Stfu right wing trash.
>ignoring the chen 4komas predates the honk meme
look at this stupid newfag
>Stfu right wing trash.
Jesus I haven't seen this in forever
so what you're saying is volcels are jedi and incels are sith?
absolutely boiling
>it's another /pol/ waggling thier small white dicks on Yea Forums
>Make a tweet about goose noises
>Social justice creeps come crawling out of their hovels to shriek at you
>Nintendo: ???
Loving Every Laugh
Wrong. This is the best one.
>it's another /pol/ waggling thier small white dicks on Yea Forums
niggers belong on a bloody stick with their eyes gorged out
>muh pol
rent free
She's in
kill yourself you subhuman failed abortion.
honk is older than you worthless piece of shit decided to become a tranny and cut your dick off.
jump from a bridge you retard.
End your life nig
small white dicks spotted
>Honk honk
Yep, shes in.
That's my goto color scheme.
honk is a great meme. it's so innocent yet it causes such a violent reaction without failure
go back and stay there.
Everyone was enjoying themselves.
And then you came.
it's that time again.
Literally obsessed dude.
Good thing I finished my dinner
Get off this board limp dick. You’re not as numerous as you think
I don't know user, you'd have to be a pretty fucked up individual to not feel at least a little animosity towards a world where billionaire pedeophile islands are a thing.
Is it that time again? When completely normal looking people all post images of people who are loosely associated with their ideologies to make fun of complete strangers on the internet?
Oh dear lord...
Post more of these please.
This is all well and funny but when is the next Hitler seriously going to step up?
It's taking way too fucking long.
>not the next napoleon
At least pick a competent leader
are voluntary celibates barred from masturbating?
>trailer is just honking at minorities
Yea Forums is pretty retarded, Honestly wouldn't surprise me if a lot of leftists are here.
Ben Franklin's neckbeard cousin fighting the good fight
Monks don't fap I think
I supported straight pride until it became homophobic
>/pol/ is so fucking based it manages to fucking piss faggots of by saying HONK
>paranoid nigger lover
I'm starting a radio diagnostic diploma right now. Learning that we did have to deal with urinary probes and the like (not often, but we do have to handle it) is making me question my choice big time. Everything else is extremely cool and i'm not afraid of blood, but having to deal with a fucking tranny infested gash is terrifying
That tuxedo guy kinda cute...
it is
faggots see anything related to Yea Forums as /pol/ these days
when you see anybody complaining about /pol/ they are in fact complaining about Yea Forums itself
jazzposting was one of the best things to ever happen to this website, god i miss the threads
By that point might as well wish for a Julius Caesar followed by an Augustus but that is asking too much.
1 of those sites got deleted for fedposting and nobody uses the other since it deleted all porn.
So this is what Son Of The Mask posting led to
Let's go back to nerva antotnine, leader adopt and tutor a worthy successor. Marcus Aurelius fucked up by giving the job to his blood shithead Commodus
Is it really being an involuntary celibate if the reason you won't have sex is because you don't care for women? Or children for that matter? I mean I only fap to anthropomorphised flower porn at this point, but somehow I'm still an incel because in an imaginary situation where a women approaches me, I'd apparently suck in all my spaghetti for a chance to get my dick wet. Why can't women accept that some people are just disgusted by their existence?
the left can't meme
>had trans classmate who was trying to be overly fem and exaggerated expressions and reactions
>other trans class mate was just a normal person.
Thats the difference in types of trans people that causes drag queens
Drags are the worse trans
that's a very funny edit. did you made it yourself
and the right can't get laid
>phoneposter misses the point and can't crop
what else is new
looks like benis haha, upvoted anyways
Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Not only can the left not meme but their bait's shit too. Here's your pity (you).
The right cant meme
why is everything about sex for leftists?
>being able to meme is a merit
We need to start promoting family core values and adoptions like they did then.
Merit as the best way to choose leaders has fallen by the wayside and that shit is a disgrace.
>this is what honkposters look like
Why are they all fucking landwhales?!?
Blame goobergate. Also the mods. This place is a lefty wasteland. Just look at
These are YouTube tier responses
Because a good deal of MAGAlards are wiggers.
Lol faggot
So where isn't a "lefty wasteland"? the literal terrorist breeding grounds you just posted?
Basically, someone made a ragepost about how "volcel police BAD", triggered an automated shitpost-bot by using the catch phrase "volcel police", and then got upset at the bot as if it were actually volcel police.
The internet forum equivalent of jumping at your own shadow.