Do you think Armored Core will happen again?

Do you think Armored Core will happen again?

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Make sure to buy Daemon X Machina and maybe it will.

No, and it breaks my heart.

I miss old From Software before the whole soulshit.

Sadly no

No. I hope it will, but I'm not holding my breath.

Emulate Shadow Tower Abyss, user

There's a reason staff left to make other games with mechs for other companies.


Yeah, in 12 days

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I have faith. The Souls train will run out of steam at some point.

Sadly, no. Making ACV nu-Chromehounds with RPS builds was a mistake, too. Kinda wish we had gotten a real AC game with that kind of gameplay and setting/aesthetic.
Then again I met some of my best current friends through VD so I can't really talk much shit about it either.

>I miss old From Software
They were always like this, user.

Bought metal wolf chaos but I think they are done with mech games

I hope so.

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As sad as It

>Aaliyah with a big ol' grenade cannon

Doesn't that slow it down too much?

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I seriously wish they would, and they probably won't.

Which staff out of curiosity?

Fun fact: The OG Armored Core designs were actually commissions for a Japanese Battletech game that never got used. I assume that artist went on to do Armored Core, or at the very least was emulated.

These never existed because supposedly Japanese people hate slow, bulky, lumbering mecha. Supposedly.

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It definitely will. However I'm done with AC after how awful gen V was. Slow old men and MPfags ruin everything.


I'm sure more people would've been comfortable with 4's speed at the time if the game didn't run at 13fps on PS3 and 25 on 360

>fifth gen
Found the bad. Did you stop playing after the first week?

How did you react to this trailer all those years ago?

>Me: Holyshit look at that SPEED!!!
>This music....!!!!!!
>Holyshit the boosting, THE JUKES!!!
>That fucking quick turn over the water.... AAAHHHHHHH!!!

My original comment is still there and I used to watch this trailer everyday at least 10 times. Same thing when AC4A trailer release. it felt so serious.

What would you want to see from AC6?

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i really hope it will
but it getting a bit tiresome at this point

Bring back heat.

What did you guys think of 2? Personally I thought it was pretty crap
Is it really that bad? I've been thinking of getting a PS3 for VD

Either continue For Answer's story. Or go to the next generation where we are now close to the generation level of Jehuty from Zone of the Ender. Not slow tanky gorilla mechs like in AC5.

>That mission where workers are protesting better rights so they send in a Raven to slaughter them

But AC5 takes place in time after AC4 though. They're also actually fairly fast (light-class mechs can be even faster than ac4 gameplay wise) if you're not making a heavy-class design.

We're not having this debate user. Fuck off. Either give me For Answer grade mechs and go into a new generation in which mechs now fight in space.

I'll settle for it existing.

Can they atleast 4A on pc? I want to play that game with not garbage framerates and an active online community.

>Hard mode changes how the mission plays out rather than switching numbers around
>Like in AC4, Joshua would team up with you on various missions on normal mode, but on hard mode he would join up with the enemy NEXT instead.
>Another mission has you join up with two other NEXT's to take down 4 opponents, but on hard mode you're on your own against the 4 with your allies already taken down.

>That one mission in For Answer where you piss off everybody to the point that they send 4 top-ranked Lynx against you, 5 on hard mode
>Your only back-up is some crazy Russian guy who sucks at fighting and typically goes down in a minute or two
>End up winning anyway
>Go on to become the greatest monster mankind had ever seen, taking more lives than any other in history.

>That one super-boss in Last Raven you can only unlock after beating every single mission in the game
>Game was not shy about sending tough opponents at you or even having you fight multiple AC's at once.

Absolutely love all this shit.

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>Go on to become the greatest monster mankind had ever seen, taking more lives than any other in history.

Isn't this implied to be the canon ending too? everything is fucking wrecked in the 5 games.

SOmething else could have happened. I don't think the towers were built during For Answer for exemple.

>That mission in 3 where you fought long and hard in some facility
>Finally escape
>At the top of the facility there's an absolute unit of an AC waiting to fuck you up

>That mission where you have to fight MTs and ACs while an orbital strike is going off

Nexus/Nine Breaker/Last Raven remaster WHEN

AC2 had the most kino plotline and the final boss was the real test to see if you really mastered all the games mechanics and the missions were pretty creative
but AC4/FA had the best gameplay overall in my opinon

>That mission where you have to fight MTs and ACs while an orbital strike is going off

Wasn't this it's background?

Dammit AC2 is the one ep I skipped when replaying the entire series this year. I do remember it had good missions and bosses though, not sure why so many people say it's shit.

It was something else, unless they used the final boss theme twice in the game

>That one Raven in the arena that is obsessed with 1

I hope that 4/FA babbies aren't exclusively catered to. Something that's a mix of third and fifth gen would be ideal.

I had to check it, I'm a retard. They used the short main theme of Silent Line for it. Ebin nonetheless.

4/fa were the best games tho
t. gen 1/2/3 fag
get on with the times boomer

we dont want transformer for kids. We want armored core.

New Armoured Core will just be Dark Souls but you're a mech instead of a guy.

I heard the english translation fucked up 4/FA story.

Is there any place to read the original story?
There are no japanese iso for these games so I can't even play them on my ps3.

unironically would be kino as fuck

sounds like a better version of The Surge

That game plays nothing like AC though.

The translation is missing around 20% of story content and even then it's literally nothing.

They're the worst games in the series. AC peaked with Master of Arena.

Imagine suffering so much brain damage you actually make a post saying "AC peaked with Master of Arena"

I wish

He's right though.


I think it peaked at AC3/SL
While 4 and fa were fun, they weren't really armored core. 5 was a step back in the right direction but they just shat tonnes of extra mechanics in for no reason.

Transformer is already for kids.

Just give me micro missiles

based and silent line pilled

3 era games definitely played the smoothest. 3 had a lot of dud missions though. Silent Line is undisputedly one of the best. It was a huge relief after I found AA and 3 disappointing.

>Aaliyah with a big ol' grenade cannon
>Doesn't that slow it down too much
Depends on the generator/booster outfit. I used to run an Aaliyah with a gatling canon RB/ plasma sword RA/ laser sniper LA and had no problems.

AC3 & SL fags!

Do you consider it cheaps strats to sell 30% of your AC, buy CWG-MG-500 and left hand GL, plow through the lower arena and then pimp out your AC with Arena Dosh AND THEN begin the missions?

>Cheap strats
Sounds like someones been hanging around smashsmells too much

dual rifles mid leggger ASAP or go balls deep laser tank with that one really low energy cost tank legs.

Aren't there rumors that From is actually doing one in the background?

I'm most excited to hear more FreQuency music in the next AC game.

too many hallways

>Ranked 10th but wanted to be ranked 11th instead of 1st since it had more 1s in it
>Defeating him ends up putting him in 11th place

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It did have really interesting plot despite being a mission based game. Some missions were pretty cool like one that you fight on airplanes and shit.
But I'm a filthy casual and the later games started getting too hard for me. When fighting more than one raven I ot stuck.

The user just fucking sucks at the game. You can very insanely fast if you know what you're doing, and that includes tanks. Just learn to play the game.

*plays Verdict Day instead*
Alright Zoomer, I'll play by your rules.

>the best games are the easiest ones

"Is the latest Armored Core game the Dark Souls of the Mecha genre?"

that's Last Raven

Last Raven came first. So Dark Souls is the Last Raven of Soulslikes

Last Raven is truly the Shadow Tower of Dark Souls of Mech games

It's literally made by the armored core people

Do you see how retarded this shit sounds? Thankfully, it hasn't hit AC and I'm almost glad that AC died so it wouldn't get hit by this.

I hate that 3rd gen AC emulates like shit on my PC. It's horrible in Nexus.

LR is the only one I've had issues with. What are your specs?

Get a PS3 Slim and soft-mod it. I tried it myself, Armored Core emulates way better on PS3 than it does on PCSX2 (same thing with a lot of other games that have issues on PCSX2, Dawn of Dreams even is 100% compatible with a config)

I remember reading an article about the producer saying they want to make a new AC, but they would need to think carefully about how to make one after they're now mostly known for the Souls franchise. Armored Souls coming our way.

Why would you soft-mod a PS3 to play PS2 games instead of using a PS2?

True. It plays 10x better.
ZoE + Armored Core is a match made in heaven. Then they garnish it with MGR because fuck why not?
Many PS2s nowadays are quite over-priced or are already on the cusp of fucking dying. Atleast with a modded PS3 you get the luxury of PS1, PS2, PS3 and (somewhat incompatible) PSP games.

I have an Dell Inspiron laptop that I received as a gift. Don't remember the specific model but it comes with an i7 processor and GTX 960 gpu. Handles older emulation great but PCSX2 chugs no matter how much I tweak with the settings. The best I've gotten Nexus to run is with the menus and smaller missions.
I probably should but AC is really the only series I'm interested on PS3 so I'm skeptical of getting one.

I'm cool with that.

You can play pretty much every AC game in existence.
1, PP, MoA, 2, 2AA, 3, 3SL, Nexus, LR, 4, 4answer, V, Verdict Day...
From the PS1 all the way to the PS3 at the end

The only thing we can hope for is an Armored Core comeback on Steam. Send FromSoft emails and letters in English and Japanese.

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I'm in the same boat about the PS3, if you can soft-mod it and also play online them I'm sold.
I'll also feel like a big dumb dumb for having bought a few physical AC games for PS2

>Verdict Day on Steam
>Fucking around with friends in Co-op
>Absolutely destroying everyone in Multiplayer

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The only thing that really breaks down is the fucking laser and you can replace that on alibaba for $5. Where the fuck are you looking for Ps2s? You can find them for pennies these days, especially the slim non hdd ones.

I have a modded PS3 myself. I've played through the entirety of Armored Core: Verdict Day, online-only bosses and all without actually being the game. You can also use those physical AC games and with MultiMan or another file manager, copy that shit onto your HDD

>You can play pretty much every AC game in existence.
I must be doing something wrong then. And AC1-2 do run fine but AC3 is where it starts to drop in quality. So far I've found that DX11 hardware and software produces the best speed possible but maybe there's another setting I should tweak that I haven't.

Then either PCSX2 is somehow using your integrated graphics (check GsDx and make sure it says "GeForce 960" and not something else in the Renderer, since you're using DX11)...

Or PCSX2 is just utter shit that will never ever be fixed.

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I’m pretty sure there is no canon ending, and it works more in a timeline fashion.

I still haven’t beaten that mission, I keep getting raped by sheer numbers alone.

Imagine mods my nugga

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>Verdict Day
>You're an AC in Mechanized Memories. It's a 1v1 fight against a NEXT and it's a battle of ideals.
>That fucking second phase when his heater goes overdrive and you take damage no matter where you go
>TFW you still manage to beat a war-hungry AI

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I don't need to imagine. I need to FEEL.
Feel the samurai parts. The knight parts. The new laser blades. The dual-handed weapons. New Overed Weapons. New bosses. New cockpits.

>tfw first person in Verdict Day

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i still hate VD for taking out heat, but i gotta admit it made way for the best final boss ever

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What's Kota Hoshino up to now if he works for From but doesn't do anything with the Souls games? He's the reason I got into the series because I really like his OSTs. Last thing I think he's done was put out those two AC inspired albums with the inhouse rockband From owns because of course they have an inhouse rock band.

Probably for them to put a little more effort in the story and lore since that's what people expect from Fromsoft now. Stop resetting the lore since games cost too much to plan a trilogy for your niche game now. I don't really care if they do slow simulator style or fast action paced again, I just want one of the games to be a hit.

Then again, Left Alive tried that for the Front Mission series and it bombed despite it being a literal lovechild by all the original devs and really talented people. That was more for the game playing like weird garbage though.

2020 is our year ravens

2021... 2022... 4052... almost... guys... we can make it...

This imo

But 4/FA did that.

Armored Core’s will be a reality by the time From stops with the Soul formula.

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For what now? I don't remember those games existing
Short for: We're not gonna return to our older series because we have this massive cash cow

>tfw listening to callouts while laying down artillery fire for the boys

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I still find fat models for less than $40 and most people had PS2s growing up, they're not rare. The thing that breaks is the laser (replaceable) but you really should be modding it to play off a IDE harddrive or get the converter for SATA. It's better than the disk.

It's cheap to do too. IDE to USB to put the games on it, get a $15 200gb ide harddrive off ebay and just plug that bitch in. If you don't already have a fat PS3 (the one with the actual ps2 hardware in it which made it good for emulation) the ps2 is the cheaper option and doesn't have the overheating problem. At least it's cheaper than trying to get into Vita emulation/modding since they jacked the price of Vita TV.

Playing as Operator was maximum fucking comfy back in the day. I loved it so much. I miss my friends.

I want to go back. But I don't want to dust off my PS3 to see "Offline since: 1 year ago" on my friends list.

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Chromehounds 2 when

They made a bunch of original songs and a few remixes for the AC OST box set, one of which was made to be the trailer song for Metal Wolf Chaos. By the way, Fallout is amazing, I wake up to it every morning.
So he's still involved in music to some degree.

Pc release in at least 60fps

...I hate say it but... never ever.

At this rate we’re going to get pic related faster than any Armored Core Collection on Steam. Getting Metal Wolf Chaos was great, it’s a trend that needs to continue.

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There's a game called MAV that's supposed to be like it

Yeah you're right. Man, we could be losing a lot of shit when it comes to games being preserved. that one Monster Hunter MMO is on the very cusp of being lost to time after December if nobody can make a private server.

I still applaud that one project that tried to bring back... I don't remember what was it, but it was a mecha remake game of something. MAV?

Wasn't there some indie dev that was making an AC clone that played really close to the originals?

it's funny because if anything, the souls series is the armored core of fantasy. your build is very flexible based on equipment slots and items being good or bad is entirely dependent on your play style instead of there just being sequential upgrades

Pretty sure it was canceled, or it was Project Six, which is more Gundam with 4answer than it is 3rd gen and below

See, you say that, but a crushing majority of the people I played and chatted with weren't particularly fond of sitting in the helicopter.
Minus one.
>have someone who is probably the single greatest operator on the server on my team
>he's always down to volunteer for operator duty
>oh crap, if I put him on operator all the time, he's missing out on the rest of the game and I don't want him to burn out due to not getting to play
>cycle other people into the hot seat, several of whom aren't very good at it
That probably lost us several games, but I didn't want to lose mah bro. I don't regret my choice.

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Ignore the losers. Find the gems. That's all that matters for happiness these days.

>tfw most of the new indie mech projects are in dev hell or dead

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>tfw only ones still alive would rather suck Gundam's dick

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pc ports when

Never. But not ever.

Yeah, Modular Assault Vehicle, Chromehounds spiritual successor. Feels bad man.

Send letters and emails to FromSoft’s office in Japan in both English and Japanese in order to drum up some sort of demand for re-releases or remasters.

Here we are, discussing game preservation. Something Nintendo stomps down, something companies only looking for an extra coin in their pockets ignore, and a problem people don't know about in a time where the most comfortable topic to talk about on this sight is an SJW killing a man.

I'm interested in that Monster Hunter MMO though. Wish I knew more about handling servers, what I know right now is only for basic file servers.
Could you please just fucking give us a copy paste already?

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That last post was awful

Emulating formula front on my phone for long bus rides is fun. Wish they gave you slots to make new naked mechs from the bottom up. Also wish there was a guide for customization I'm a bit lost on what to equip or use at times. Especially for AI cistomization

I don't believe we'll get another AC and that's the only reason I'm tempted to pick that up.


FF is so underrated. Make a "general" AC, send him out and see what the opponent has.
Then customise the AC to counter him.
I usually put my AI has long range focused, and put a ton of its learning things into terrain, weapon, enemy acquisition and offense

I just generally make my 5 mechs.
Mid-weight heavy hitter
Heavyweight defensive hitter
Tank that destroys anything that moves

I only enjoyed one of those things.

Do people still play that PSP Last Raven online thing? I tried to emulate PSP LR, but it blue screened me everytime.

It's Peer 2 Peer and only PVP. Not very worth it these days as most people just do tournaments on Verdict Day instead.

Agreed, the absolute state of game preservation is so poor it’s not even funny. Even when they stand to profit from such game preservation they don’t want to put in the effort despite the demand, even if it’s a niche market, it’s still a minimal effort to make these games playable on modern systems. And I would post a copypasta if I had one, and even if I did and a bunch of identical emails/letters flooded FromSoft they would think it’s just one autist spamming.

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We can't win, essentially.
Xbox emulation is piss poor
PCSX2 emulation has been cracking at the seems
And thousands of games were lost to time itself, MMOs being the most common due to a lack of private servers.

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How do you do that? iPhone or Android?

Android straight up has PPSSPP, one of the best PSP emulators out there.
Kinda need a somewhat good phone, as phone CPUs aren't the best and they'll naturally chug even on PSP games.

The only way games can be preserved is if the fans who care about those games continue to preserve them at all costs. Despite corporate bullshit.

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Damn that’s nice, I’ll check it out.

You're right. Let's go, come on everyone get up and... who am I kidding, that's an optimistic scenario.

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why is mecha such a dead genre? makes me sad

I really hope they don't make it like AC4/FA.

I don't care for the floaty, infinite booster style most japanese mech games do.

Casuals can't into mecha. Atleast it keeps the shitters out, but the games never get talked about. Like ever.

Everybody wants to see giant robots.
Nobody wants to drive them.

IP law

I’m not trying to sound rapturous but it’s true, unless corporations and studios buck up and do it themselves (which they won’t or cannot or will not get every game.) it’s still is up to fans to seed the torrents. Forever, and ever. Until the end of time.

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Good thing I got no money then. I bought a 4TB HDD just to seed a bunch of old games with no private servers or remakes, in the hopes somebody revitalizes them.

Some of those torrents are torrents that [i have] hosted on Pirate Bay and Rutor myself.

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Not as long as people keep eating up Souls rehashes

You got it man.

Thanks, user. Good luck. I need to get to bed.

>that one For Answer configuration that gave everyone infinite energy
Crazy shit

>>That one mission in For Answer where you piss off everybody to the point that they send 4 top-ranked Lynx against you, 5 on hard mode
I loved that mission, it took me like 2 days of attempts to beat it

Regulation 1.3 (I think). But not only did it give the player unlimited it also gives the A.I. unlimited EN too.

I heard the international versions of 4 and VD didn't have important updates, how vital are they?

AP AT %50

ac2/aa and 3/sl are the best ones. more of that, less angel wings. lets be real though any new ac is going to be influenced in some way by memesouls and its going to ruin it

>2/AA are the best ones

>every other AC
>stuck on boring ass Earth
>we're on Mars now mother fucker
I agree, I like 2/AA the best

I know it's a slow thread but no need to shitpost to keep it bumped

Lads be sure to pick up Daemon X Machina, I'd love to play the campaign with ya'll and cosplay as Evangelion.

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Oh cripes, let's see if I can remember how this goes. So there were a few patches that were released, but the servers distributing those patches have been shut down for the PS3, I think? And 360 can still get them? It's something really funky.
Not so much. The JP link site was much cooler than what we got and had a lot of background story details. None of that was released outside of Japan. There was also a period of a month or two where JP was getting a new patch every...two weeks? INT didn't see those patches for several months.




pretty shit that there isnt a port yet, it would be a easy money grab

How is emulation for the ps3 armored core games?

Garbage. Most games crash before the first stage.
All the ps3 emulator devs are zoomers. They'd rather get trash like GTA and KH working.

>It plays 10x better.
God no. It tries to be a cross between AC's methodical skill-based piloting and ZoE's smooth and simple balls-to-the-wall action but doesn't do either aspect well so it ends up being a janky mess. The art direction is the only thing it has going for it.

AA had far too many filler missions to be the best anything. For every cool mission like the one where you had to "stealthily" take out enemies one at a time there were three shit ones.

Probably won't have the next AC until PS5 comes out most likely.