There are literally NO good MMOs currently out.
There are literally NO good MMOs currently out
Other urls found in this thread:
Guild Wars 2 would be good now if they had never bothered with WvW and designed PvE as a strictly filler thing to do while you queue for PvP games.
Lotro is pretty good, but only really becomes fun if you have at least one other person to play with
*GW2 would be good if it was anything like GW1
Because FFXIV and WoW Classic are already out fagboy
Aside from City of Heroes?
Never get between a charr girl and her gun
> search for charr porn on e621
> it’s all gay stuff
The pee pee is sad
search female, tard
An MMO needs to be too close to perfect to bring people in anymore.
>Need appealing visuals to get people to try it
>Need good gameplay to make people play it for long periods
>Need good singleplayer content so people will stay long enough to attract their friends
>Need good multiplayer/endgame content for them to do once they're all playing so that they'll stick around
Might as well just get away with one and two so people will buy it and you're good.
>ywn have a beefy charr wife
>WoW Classic
>NO good MMOs
What is there to do after gettings a full legendary set, exploring all the maps and doing just about every content there is. Havent played in months since albion went f2p
>There are literally NO good MMOs currently out.
low quality bait
Thats because its not 2007 anymore dumbass. MMOs are the product of a bygone era. Deal with it.
PvE is exhaustible content, PvP and WvW are potentially infinite.
What, they shut down Ever, Jane?
I bet you people don't even have a krewe
pick one of these and cry me a river
>GW1 (oops!)
Mah Bookah!
>Any of those
>speaks as if he even played them
based and redpilled
>cookie clicker with bots
>weeb furry erp shit
>no constantly pregnant charr gf who wants tons of kids
GW2 is still good, the devs are just complete brainlets
seek therapy
I have played all of them.
They all suffer vastly from being 90% focused on solo play over anything else.
Anyone saying ESO is good is deluded.
>hype up an announcement for months
>it's just a new season of living story and BUY OUR MERCH
>"furry erp shit"
>looks at OP's pic
An expansion is out of the question at this point, they admitted to just doing LS5 a while ago.
However I think everyone was hoping for a bit more than a small teaser, maybe some explanation on how LS5 would be bigger than prior LS seasons or something.
Wow classic just came out
>weeb furry erp shit
>OP contradicts its own pic
>tfw you'll never be a lab assistant helping your Asura boss get things off of high shelves and letting her sit on your lap as a booster seat
He said good.
And its already been beaten by turbo autists that will wreck the economy before you get to "endgame" that was solved over a decade ago. Game design hasnt advanced a ton since WoW started but its a noticeable leap. The dungeon finder, merged server sharding forcing lack of community on retail may drag it down, but its still miles better than classic
back to reddoit
Waifufags are the reason /vg/ is incapable of actually discussing a game, why don't you go back to /gw2g/ and stay in your quarantine thread.
>WoW classic
>focus on solo play
What did he mean by this
>Lotro is pretty good
Didn't they announce a new lotr mmo?
Hmm, I think I see a problem with that invisibility suit. Rather, I don't.
There has literally NEVER been a good MMO ever.
Why do you think Vanilla WoW exploded in popularity compared to older MMOs?
It's more casual and solo friendly. People can very easily get 1-60 without talking to another person or interacting with anyone else.
>solo play
if that is true then I'm getting kicked in dungeons by NPCs then, while the same NPCs zerg me out of the blue in Cyrodiil, do raids on World Bosses and do Dolmens en masse
nice low quality bait
Looks good to me
>Nostalgic bait
You are an idiot.
The focus of ESO is on the solo player who is buying shit off the crown store, which is why ESO barely gets any group content over a year (2-4 dungeons and 1 trial per year at best) and the stuff that does exist very rarely gets updated. Cyrodiil is still a buggy ass piece of shit, Imperial City is still dead, PvE Meta is stale as fuck and they made it even more stale in Scalebreaker, and Battlegrounds still don't have any form of ranked play or anything to fight teams of "good" players even. Just an invisible MMR you can totally trust.
Also calling zerg overworld content you can fucking solo group focused, Craglorn was a great zone when it came out because it actually pushed people into grouping. Of course the average MMOape doesn't want to interact with other people so they whined and bitched till it got nerfed to be soloable.
ESO is a dumpster fire that has spiraled downhill over time.
WoW Classic, FFXIV and ESO exist, stop hiding in your cave
they even added bots because you couldn't play without teamates
You may not want to, but there comes a point where you need to realize that MMO's as a genre are as dead as RTS or MOBA. There won't be good ones because nobody is making them anymore.
And before you point out the LOTR one being made it is already confirmed F2P so it's already DOA.
It's because MMORPGs were always average games that were popular due to the fact it was online.
An MMO will appeal to 10 different playstyles poorly, nowadays people can go find other games with online multiplayer that cater more to their specific playstyle instead. You can even see now with Kickstarter MMOs as the next wave they are all doubling down on niche playstyles instead of trying the broad appeal that has kept MMOs feeling stale and uninteresting for 15 years.
Doesn't mean it doesn't encourage group play. A lot of quests leveling up can only be done as group, and the best gear comes from grouping with other people. Just because you chose to grind mobs until you hit 60 solo doesn't mean other people did.
What’s the run down on Guild Wars? I hear it has cats, but I’m not sure if it’s a fun game worth the time.
I-Is that a g-guy?
>There are literally NO good MMOs
fixed that for ya
Base game is free up until level cap at 80. Expansions and older Living World content is paid and adds gliding/mounts and addiitonal zones and elite specs for classes.
Its worth a run through if you played the first one and liked the world. A lot of the story is super cringey but the worldbuilding and zone exploration is fantastic. The mounts have some of the best movements and use of any mmo.
If youre talking GW1 then its even better and totally playable by yourself with heroes and henchman but does benefit from playing with friends.
Archeage is coming back. Apparently without pay 2 win. I'll believe it when I see it but I love the game so much I'm willing to get tricked again.
>cant into tags
>in /vg/
The bot spammer still exists
These GW2 threads have been awful these past 2 days. I hope another bot nukes this furshit for good
It's been gone for like 2 weeks now
>The bot spammer still exists
Even worse, the waifuposters still exist.
Nigger there's never been a good MMO period, the entire genre is straight up garbage.
They will always exist in every thread
Which is why the threads are shit. Dead thread > waifuposting thread.
point to one post in this thread that you think is "waifuposting"
Is that a joke?
When your thread is 25% discussion 75% softcore porn your thread just shouldn't exist.
You are just obsessed with your dick as the furfag who created the bot in the first place.
user..even posting animal people is waifuposting
softcore porn =/= waifu posting
claiming that you are in love with an established character or that she is your wife is.
>Imperial City is still dead
>t. Tri-stat rune buyer
time for omegakek cuz Imperial City is now going permanently free for all, enjoy the rune market's fall
It fits under the broader category of "loosely related to the game and mostly because I want to beat my meat".
Shocking that people might expect video game discussion in a video game thread devoted to a video game instead of posting 4 foot rats in scantily clad outfits pretending it's related and not just about rubbing one out.
I already have all the hakeijo or w/e its called from the psijic portals spewing them out. I haven't needed to buy one of those or a tri-stat enchant for ages because it's not like Tank gear ever changes in ESO.
okay but it's not waifufaggotry
that's another level of autism
and ironic waifufaggotry is the true cancer of Yea Forums
you need to understand your enemy before you get angry
waiting for blue protocol. might be okay.
and it's not an mmo at all, but genshin impact might have just enough of that flavour to be satisfying.
It's the same shit at the end of the day.
It has nothing to do with discussing the video game at hand and is literally about being a circlejerk.
Alright, I’ll give it a go. I tried FFXIV and WoW recently and it just didn’t click I was gonna try GW2 and ESO next to see if I’d stick with it.
I’ve also heard about Bless going at another release again, this time on Xbox as Bless Unleashed, wonder how much of a shitstorm that’s gonna be considering the state that was in.
Im slogging through 2.2 content in FF XIV. Ive got like 50 hours played and im level 54. The first 20 hours were trash but after level 35 or so the story picks up. I'm playing through it while watching shows just to see what the fuss was about with shadowbringers.
If you treat it more like a final fantasy game than an MMO its a significantly better experience.
they said games as a service were the next big thing, but i can't think of any outside destiny, division, monster hunter, anthem...
it seems weird as fuck to me that there isn't a AAA online arpg out yet that has great combat, a social hub, instanced dungeons etc. etc.
Listen here buddy, I played this game for 3 years and you know what I learned? The only good thing about it is the Asura. This game is just a fashion show to the people who can stand to continue playing it. Eye candy is all this game is. So don't be surprised if that's all the threads about it are. I'd rahter jerk off to Asura than play this shit game.
>Also calling zerg overworld content you can fucking solo group focused
if you go by that, that statement can be used on EVERY GAME, you can solo Pokémon (teamwise), you can solo Monster Hunter World, you can solo Dungeon Fighter Online you can solo Black Desert Online, you can solo Echo of Soul, you can solo Battlefield 1, you can solo Elsword, you can solo Tera Online, you can solo whatever the fuck you want!
>I haven't needed to buy one of those or a tri-stat enchant for ages because it's not like Tank gear ever changes in ESO
what was 7th Legion
PvE tank gear*
I don't care for ESO's PvP, I played it for years and I got bored of doing the same thing and feeling like it just wasn't going anywhere with no reward.
You can literally kill world bosses and dolmens by yourself, something like the Elsweyr Dragons I wouldn't consider group content because there is no need for coordination. Group content implies coordinating or at least chatting with a group about something. ESO overworld content is completely silent because nothing is actually difficult enough to warrant discussion. Even GW2 Map Meta events at least require some semblance of coordination.
I think what ultimately made my experience worse with FFXIV is the fact I was running with 2 characters, so the slog felt worse. I have a LNC Miqo’te and a THM Au Ra. I don’t know why I did this even though I know alts aren’t necessary because you can have all classes on one character nor is the alt friendly to begin with.
You are just a useless individual who drags down threads by merely existing because you just want to circlejerk.
At least you are aware of it.
Old School Runescape is the best MMO. The fact that it doesn't rely on roller coaster-style content and waifu bait already makes it better than most.
>ESO is solo focused
>I don't care for ESO's PvP
Ladies and Gentlemen, We Got 'Em!
>Even GW2 Map Meta events at least require some semblance of coordination.
Maybe for the BIG ones like the Triad or Sunless, the vast majority are not really that intensive.
Nah. No boobs on charr, so you identify them by their tail hair instead.
HoT metas and stuff like Sunless are what I'd consider good overworld content that still offers solo and group play.
I shouldn't even bother responding to something so dumb but I've put hundreds of hours into ESO PvP and it's just fucking old. They barely add anything worthwhile to do in it, I'm sorry but at some point PvP for the sake of PvP wears thin.
People who play MMOs for the waifu's arent gamers, theyre just cumebrains
>genshin impact
>astelia online
>legends of aria
>lost ark
>blue protocol
Looked for some today and found these. Turns out they are either early access or not out yet,
>it's not like Tank gear ever changes in ESO
Curse Eater
Plague Doctor
Seventh Legion
Engine Guardian
Troll King
lotro is the only mmo I still enjoy and I've played pretty much everything
Which has been Ebon/Alkosh/Lord Warden for years with some slight changes with that new set from Sunspire but that's really it.
Don't forget only DK are really allowed to Tank and with Scalebreaker only Templar/Warden should be healing!
ZOS is a shitty company that ruined their own game. Please buy more crown crates before Pacrooti goes homeless.
You can still play Ragnarok
it is OP's wet dreams, PVE is almost non existent, shares the same toxic community from Elsword
>genshin impact
solo like the game it mirrored from, not yet released
>astelia online
not yet released
>lost ark
lost its release date
>blue protocol
not yet released
>Please buy more crown crates before Pacrooti goes homeless.
who even buys crown crates for useless cosmetics and exp scrolls when you earn it for free via twitch drops from streamers?
genshin impact isn't strictly solo. it has co-op for dungeons, raids, stuff like that, and you can join other player's worlds to play with them.
Human on Charr is the purest love. Where are the human on Charr couples? Where are there gays and trannies but no interspecies relationships?
>it has co-op for dungeons, raids, stuff like that
>same as the other MMOs above mentioned on the thread
>lost ark
>lost its release date
top kek
Obviously you haven't seen the forums were people get cheered on for dropping $1000 for apex mounts.
That is ESO's target audience, not people actually playing their game. Just people funding their game with cash shop purchases.
>>lost ark
>lost its release date
>it is OP's wet dreams, PVE is almost non existent, shares the same toxic community from Elsword
Not OP, but I wanted PVE, which is shame.
>lost its release date
Did anyone here play RU or KR server? Im not interested in PoE, but really would like to try Lost Ark.
There are literally NO good MMOs
You realize the ones dropping thousands of dollars are a really small percent of the playerbase right? Yes, they make zenimax a lot of money, but the majority of players spend little to no money on cosmetics.
Majority of players buy a few things but are not whales.
There are people defending paid skill lines in droves saying they are thankful they can finally skip things like Psijic and Undaunted.
ZOS is cashing in on convenience purchases over just strictly catering to whales.
>it is OP's wet dreams, PVE is almost non existent, shares the same toxic community from Elsword
>genshin impact
>solo like the game it mirrored from, not yet released
>astelia online
>not yet released
>blue protocol
>not yet released
But those games have PVP aswell.
>lost ark
>lost its release date
>forums were people get cheered on for dropping $1000 for apex mounts.
>actually caring about cosmetics
>actually caring about cosmetics
It has nothing to do with caring about cosmetics, if you were the company behind a game who are you going to make content for? The people who run raids or the people who buy houses and mounts?
WoW classic and FF14 are the obvious ones but Im waiting on PSO2 to get its english release.
>you can pay to skip leveling psijic and undaunted now
Your general is no longer being spammed so back to your containment thread you subhuman furfags.
>Don't forget only DK are really allowed to Tank and with Scalebreaker only Templar/Warden should be healing!
>Wrathstone dejavu with the races
keep telling that while you can, minmaxerfag
none is focused on solo play you fucking lying nigger
you are the problem with the world nowadays with this trash hive mind mentality
i bet you saw one user say HURR DURR game is trash and didn't even play shit
you fucking piece of shit
I'll have you know that my brother graduated top of his class in the Navy Seals
this is why i hate mtx. you can't have them in a game without the game being designed specifically to get you into the cash shop, and all content geared around it. it just makes the game worse.
Well, you're playing a free game most of the time. If they're not getting paid monthly in sub money they're gonna make money another way.
Yes because why fix an obnoxious grind when you can just charge for it.
Wrathstone was fine, Scalebreaker is much worse. Racial balance is nowhere near as important as class balance and on top of that they decided that having unique abilities is too hard and now everyone across the board just runs the same kit due to the buffs to universal dots.
They even had to come out and say the NEXT update will be a pass to class balance to try and alleviate these issues, not to mention they still can't fix the group finder and it's only been broken for 4 years.
The game fucking has an optional sub and is B2P. ESO has the MTX of a F2P game despite not being free and offering a subscription. It's more expensive than GW2 at this rate.
>only DK are really allowed to Tank and with Scalebreaker only Templar/Warden should be healing!
>states a minmax pandering for group dungeons
>yet says the game is solo
MMOs as a genre aren't something that will ever have mainstream appeal again for a long time. They used to feel immersive just because of the fact that they were online but that gimmick is gone. Maybe once full dive VR technology becomes commonplace, it'll see a comeback.
>Racial balance is nowhere near as important as class balance
A game can be solo focused but not entirely solo, I'm sorry that's a hard concept to grasp for some people.
The minmax meta isn't even about minmaxing, there are just certain tools DK gets with tanking and Templar/Warden get with healing that you cannot replace or the opportunity cost to replace them is obnoxious.
Silver Leash still costs stamina and doesn't refund on CC immune mobs like chains does, DK passives are still completely lopsided in favor of tanking over any other classes passives. Their motto has been "any class any role" and yet they have really done nothing over 4 years to fix that.
Regardless of group balance the game is still heavily focused on solo questing, a majority of the updates are focused around solo questing, I'd wager the bulk of the playerbase is just solo questers who would turn off visibility of other players entirely if they had the option.
i get people don't like having to do psijic and undaunted multiple times across characters, but they could done something like making an option to unlock all the ranks and skill points if you already done it on one character
>optional sub
Yes, optional, most people will play a game for free when they can. People can keep seething about in game stores, but you're not gonna get a free game without it.
>Their motto has been "any class any role" and yet they have really done nothing over 4 years to fix that
I have to make an objection towards that, NBs got tanky and can now perform Tank role on dungeon runs.
Because that takes actual work versus just throwing it in the store for $$.
Eyevea and the Earthforge could've been opened up for alts as a way to skip ahead MG/FG or even just increased XP gains to lessen the grind.
Undaunted could've gotten a buff to alts running pledges/dailies or even a way to turn keys into XP as a way to skip ahead if you don't need the gear.
Psijic is screwed because it is tied to quests so unless they gut the entire quest chain it will always be obnoxious. Same with Soul Magic but since the Main Quest has no level requirements that's not really that difficult, maybe just having it cap out before coldharbour if you've already done coldharbour.
ESO isn't Free you retard.
archeage being rebooted for like the 7th time soon, brother, this will be the time they pull it off
I will admit NB has gotten better tanking tools but it still doesn't come close to DK and really only has a niche in high end meta comps for trials simply because they want the NB class buff for the 8 Stam Necro DPS they are using and NB healer is worse than NB tank.
>an option to buy the game
>in the ingame store
>not gonna get a free game without it
>reddit level IQ
nice try
What if MMOs were like Glory in (King's Avatar)?
DK is just in the verge of getting nerfed, that's for sure. even in PvP Cyrodiil one DK with a combination of BloodSpawn, Hundings Rage, Bone Pirate's Tatters and Master's Bow literally kills a group of 7 players or more alone
People have been saying X will get nerfed for years and the only thing that does get nerfed is MagSorc for casual players.
unfortunatly, that is a lie
aah! good old times when one EP templar took 9 DC DK's at the same and yelled at them "I'm new at the game and look at all these noobs, LEARN2PLAY", back then Templar's sustain was as trivial as playing Skyrim with every perk on Legendary
no wonder why it had more casuals negatively revewing the game for not being Skyrim after the Templar nerf
>Racial balance is nowhere near as important as class balance
Fuck you, liar! I main all this time as Breton, and I can play vet dungeons now unlike before Wrathstone where I get kicked all the time for being a Breton! (and yes, I'm a MagSorc Breton)
>no rebuttal
yeah, about what I expected
you buy the game for $20 ($10 for now) on the steam store, not on the ingame store you retard
Serious question. Do you have to be mentally ill to still play this game?
wow classic
Just got ESO, hope I didn't make a 90GB sized mistake
MMOs have too much filler, I get impatient when I'm just grinding one shitty quest after another now, there's not enough substance at the end of the grind to make me endure grinds like that anymore when I can play games that put me right in the action.
No. You just chill and make fun goals for yourself. The content is pretty fun, interesting and has a sense of purpose. Even if it's slow as shit, it has what most other MMOs try so desperately to achieve, meaning and a sense of achievement. At least by video game standards.
Fair warning, the downloader is utter shite and will take 2-3 times longer than it should.
LoL, warframe, apex, fortnite are gaas too
The classes in King's Avatar seem to be based off DFO's, if that counts for anything.
So that's a yes then.
you can remove voiceovers for other languages in the directory to free up like 16gb
Charr are for suplexing
>Racial balance is nowhere near as important as class balance
*BEEP* *BEEP* (lie-detector is responding) *BEEP* * BEEP*
>even the news literally say that players having certain races are getting kicked
imagine the feel
be like me
>play ESO before Wrathstone patch
>be a Breton or a Khajit
>got to a veteran dungeon
>get kicked
>whisper the kicker why
>he types to you that your race is unplayable in dungeons and incentives you to to quit the game if you keep playing with them
>screenshot the chat
>go to feedback/player-support option in the game
>attach the screenshot
>report him for racism
>press Send Ticket
>be online and get a whisper from the same guy
>he's angry as he got banned for 3 days because of you
Le ebin dab on minmaxerfags
fuck you
>devs respond to virtual racism
Lotro is fucking horrid trash.
fear not, the Tribunal has listened to your prayers
11/10 music system though
asuras are fucking disgusting ingame
>spams childeren
>dumps them in a faraar a week later
Not in your headcanon tho ofc ;) kys
never though this was the absolute state of ESO's community
just buy a cosmetic kit bro
top kek
The MMO genre has ended peacefully. You can't play them anymore.
No it has a female tail, they have no tits in general
Gods work, etc.
absolute unit
Why did ArenaNet have to get so pozzed? It's 100% why GW2 is just a shell of GW1.
Good kitty.
Try Star trek online, for shits and giggles.
To be fair, the ship combat is fairly satisfying, though I heard they've been screwing the pooch pretty badly recently
>though I heard they've been screwing the pooch pretty badly recently
You could say that.
They scrapped their DS9 story line where we fought against some bug aliesn that went berserk across the galaxy, just so they could kiss their CBS overlords asses and make tons of STD content.
So a highly hyped, high production quality story arc where they managed to get quite a few old actors from the show to do voicework, got rushed and ended in about the length of half a season and then they started working on new story content that has to do with the worst part of star trek.
Other than that, the gameplay is still the same, they are apparently planning on now adding a new queue system where you queue for patrols, just like how you currently queue for PvE content.
Also the event system is going ot get reworked so it no longer uses the same store UI that the STF stuff uses.
Also they are gonna make some new system where you can test out your builds dps without having to use third party damage parsers.
COfag here, is your login being a shitter at the moment?
Zoomers are so pathetic...
>virtual racism
Femcharr are the best.
Haven't tried it and wont try it, because im off to bed.
Good night.
based hmofa poster
fuck man, i hate my life, i'm more sexually attracted to dragons and FURRIES then i am with humans, god i hate furries
at least i'll never fursona and if i do i hope i teleport to my future self just so i can end him
Even though Yea Forums had a hate boner for it SWTOR is pretty fun.
You want to know how I know you haven't played this game in a while?
take the charr pill
Giant 8ft cat wives await
meant to post this
I played in Elsweyr and skipped Scalebreaker because I don't agree with their new combat vision.
That's not really "a while".
>like tall girls
>giantess is basically all vore and i don't know where to go for not vore(read as:impatient)
>also like muscles
>and other gay shit
i blame being raised by women only
>FFXIV and WoW Classic
Go be a generic faggot over r*ddit.
Are there any decent MMOs out there that can run on low-end hardware?
Classic WoW.
Agreed. /thread
>want to play ark survival but only so i can have my raptor girls and my base
is it worth it? or are the animals dumb and do nothing?
This man had absolutely no fucking idea what he was on about.
Khajiit was the big dick dps until wrathstone
There nothing wrong with liking them, just don't go overboard.
Its a shame the game itself is utter shit and such race is stuck in this shit game.
Do private servers count? Because I love to build stuff
why did minmaxers kick players with such races for being unplayable? are they speedrunning for an achievement or what?
why are subs still a thing?
It's enough time for DK's to not be the only tank.
Servers cost money
Just enjoy fuzzy whammen and enjoy irl whammen too user. You can do the best of both worlds while not being a chav or a furry fuck.
WoW Classic and OSRS
>don't go overboard
woah man, beastiality is wrong since animals can't consent!
>horse pins you against a wall and masterbates using your body
literally almost killed me lmao
not that much though.
the power demands of servers has not gone up significantly since 3D MMOs were born, the hardware required is cheaper and cheaper to the point virtualization is very affordable.
will it be shit?
will it ever release?
Literally every Private Server run on donation. It doesn't cost that much
There are literally NO good MMOs
>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock
Yes to both.
>will it be shit?
yes, one glance at their donation reward page will answer that
Are Engineers still a royal pain in the ass to play?
It would be nice if many mmo went the Costume Character Custom Creation building route. It would solve the whole Race, Skeleton mesh, and gender class exclusive problem.
There have literally never been any good MMOs out.
You can't prove me wrong.
>am not racist
>am not arrogant
>literal retard
>get super turned on by interracial
literally the same thing
She cute
In a strange turn of events, Khajiit actually WAS innocent.
>not wanting to fuck everything as a standard
user, people across the ages have been trying to bang everything. We have stories of pygmalion, literaly making a waifu, of gods fucking everything, of men fucking everything, even cavemen carving furry fucking figurines, shitposting from egypt, romans and today, from latrines to kept hatemail.
You arent alone and never were alone. Everyone wants to bang everything cause Human superior. The second ayy lmaos get around, I give it 2 weeks absolute maximum before someone fucks em.
>female charr male_on_anthro
Copy paste that. You're welcome.
she big
>people will die trying to have sex with alien lifeforms because of chemical reactions
would be a crazy sight
There hasn’t been a good mmo out since shadowbane died.
I really don't care about an unbiased reply.
What made GW1 so great and what makes GW2 so bad?
Pretty much this. I think its a theory we evolved out of something like a cross between the bonobo and the chimps. So we're equal parts crazy violent and turbo horny.
gw2 became Tumblr: The MMO
it banned ERP, everyone left and it got sold to another company at a steal?
male_on_anthro is still a new tag, you can also try
>female charr male human
but you'll get some female on anthro with that
>it banned ERP
Wait, is this true?
Big cats and little dogs are cute friends.
No, user's being funny and asking if GW2 banned porn like Tumblr did and subsequently burned to the ground.
I should have known that. Why is it so hard being a hmofa chad?
If you factor in GW1, its a disgrace to the GW's name and lore rape the hell out of it.
If you DON'T factor in GW1, its everything else. It had potential, but they hired fucktards that didn't do jack shit for GW 2 and instead, use it as a place to show off their fanfiction while ignoring everything else.
Because you have no gw2 stories that cater to you
>thought about playing WoW classic
>its full of tryhards and i hated classic in 2005
>thought about playing ArcheAge Unchained
>requires the greatest time commitment of any MMO and i just dont have the time to play 8 hours a day
>thought about playing project1999 green server
>its full of tryhards who will poopsock every camp for 24 hours a day
theres nothing
>tfw dfo sucks
>tfw vindictus sucks
>tfw rift sucks
>tfw eden eternal sucks
>tfw dragon nest sucks
>tfw elsword sucks
>tfw spiral knights sucks
>tfw tera sucks
>tfw tes: online sucks
>tfw aura kingdom sucks
>tfw wildstar sucks
>tfw blade and soul sucks
>tfw archeage sucks
>tfw black desert sucks
>tfw maplestory 2 sucks
>tfw bless online sucks
>tfw lost ark is gonna suck no matter how much people try to shill it
What a decade of overhyped games, huh?
rescue the pug
euthanize everyone else
archeage is a scam now user
There's a new one coming out called AIR or something, isn't there? Maybe that'll be fun.
GW2 would of been good if they didn't let those mentally ill women make game design decisions.
>dragon nest
Take that back
>start up classic
>in the first area end up talking with random people
>all the extra gear drops I got that I don't need, I'll RP into another player and give them via trade
>am a mage and can conjuer water and food, and I give it out to people I come across
>constantly give out the buffs I have and offer to party up
>just having a great time
The game isn't complex by any means anymore, but I miss this feeling. It feels like a living world. It just makes me sad that so many people instead of enjoying it just rushed through it and tried to be at the end just to be at the end.
Play Life is Feudal
>Guild Wars 2
Bought this years ago but because they tie accounts to email addresses I lost it.
Really liked the tone and the platforming/exploration aspects, but the actual combat itself was boring and pretty standard.
One of the most quality and "AAA" MMO experiences out there. Lotta stuff to do and doesn't feel 100% like a carbon copy themepark MMO.
Combat still isn't anything that special though and game is on the expensive side for MMOs.
It's also old enough that the playbase has gotten to the "incredibly autistic and devoted, makes the game hard to really get into without friends" point.
A weird amalgamation of a Bethesda game and an MMO.
In theory what it has done with building the world is amazing and the combat is unique among MMOs, but it oozes "soullessness" for lack of a better term.
Like Todd Howard vomited all over modern WoW.
It's weird that despite having played most of the MMOs out there, I've only ever actually gotten to the endgame in a handfull of them, like 2 or 3.
A shame that this genre had die in such a sorry state.
I'll give gamigo a chance with unchained since Archeage is pretty fun in the first few months of a new server regardless of the P2W.
How about a new Brohalla pilgrimage on Wurm?
Unchained looks pretty good, but I just don't have time to play it.
I want an MMO that has decent, enjoyable, meaningful PvP and community but doesn't require hours upon hours of grinding for gear to stay competitive.
Forgot to add Continent of the Ninth Seal but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has played that
Shame it got flooded with BRs
Maybe Camelot Unchained will be good.
fuck and marry all charr girls
this is giving me will to touch this game again
they're pretty par for the course, really
Play my game you filthy paypigs.
This is what MMOs have become. If you aren't playing the most optimized build, just quit the game. Roleplaying is an afterthought.
I did. It was pretty fun running around as a panda warrior, but BfA just became a chore.
>Roleplaying is an afterthought.
When was it ever not an afterthought?
>literal FFXIV autist that is also afraid of getting mauled by WoWcels
Same reason that the open world rpg genre died after 2011
everyone just started copying Skyrim, but had none of the great atmosphere or world-building.
Does this still happen after Scalebreaker?
>great atmosphere
>world building
Not really. Most people seem to have chilled a bit.
oh yeah, and good music
pretty ironic as many tried to kick me for being a Magicka Sorcerer Orc, each one changed their minds before me after I challenged them to a duel
the most ironic part is that they followed builds from Fengrush, who only runs every class and role as an Orc
>it’s all gay stuff
>Implying that isn't good
Right now I'm playing a khajiit nightblade full stam but I'm not level 50 yet. Does kind of blow getting world boss aggro then dying in one hit. Hope it gets better.
>the skar redesign
yeah it's going to be shit because they made the only non human race into a human
Its not. Gay stuff is gay. Don't be gay.
no, the Wrathstone patch has flattened the races by changing their passive skill bonuses from percentages to flat amounts
Who's excited for Ashes of Creation?
good to know then.
I'm guessing also about vamp/ww is that one is magicka based and the other stamina? Always see people in zone begging for a vampire bite and am wondering if that's the meta or something.
a bunch of zoomers on twitch that have never played an mmo before
I'm being quite figuratively kcuc't by an MMO right now so I don't have the highest opinion of them at the moment.
Fuuuck ESO.
>It feels like a living world.
That's a bit strong, but I know what you mean.
Blizzard quality of life'd all the life out of the game.
No one needs food and water anymore.
You can't buff strangers anymore.
You don't gain anything for partying while leveling anymore.
No one needs gear until level cap anymore.
No one gets anything from talking to each other anymore.
If you don't have friends coming into retail WoW, you're never going to because no one has any incentive to acknowledge your existence.
any thoughts on Archeage rereleasing as buy2play but (supposedly) without p2w?
City of Villains is out wtf u talkin bout
How's that?
Worth trying because Archeage is really fun in it's early life on a new server.
It's also not super expensive ($26) and if they pull it off it's one of the best MMOs ever made.
It has a twitch following? I thought it was just a bunch of cockgobblers in a discord who paid 2k for vaporware
>no autistic, genius charr gf
But user, only weenies play as bad guys.
MMOs currently are literally just "pick what your friends are playing to have fun" games. There is nothing unique or special about them anymore so they aren't worth getting into at all if you aren't going in without a group.
h-how is ffxiv?
the music seems to be pretty good at least
It'll probably die pretty quick, but worth playing because the first month is the best part of Archeage.
Sadly, all the patches past 2.0 have been utter dogshit. I don't think starting fresh in 5.0 or 6.0 will be any fun, since they still haven't fixed the core issues of the game
I like to think humans can impregnate Charr
>no one has a reason to acknowledge your existence
Which is what I hate about the current idea of mmos, They are all this way. It's just a game about getting the highest gear you can get, no adventure, no journey. It's the exact opposite of the Fantasy worlds they are built upon.
Good music, best MMO story, but the early levels are slow as fuck. If you can power though, it's worth it if you enjoy raiding/socializing. It's definitely not for everyone, and whatever you do, do not fucking play on the RP datacenter, Crystal. Absolutely stuffed full of trannies and shitters, you will achieve nothing there.
>tfw leveling different skills one at a time and still in the top 3 contributing pointswise
>free armor with rune plate stats
Ashes of Creation was the shit.
Favourite Runescape minigames, Anons?
>was the shit
user, it's not out yet.
vamps usually run either magicka or even hybrid in PVP, kinda feel sad as you can't run magicka ww (mag only affects its self heal)
how do my fellow GW cucks feel about jormag being the focus now?
>Ashes of Creation was shit
>it isn't released yet
I very much enjoyed my time playing it when I did, though pretty much any criticisms you hear about the game are usually valid
-Early leveling is boring, especially when you're doing it multiple times. (Rogue is the worst out of all of them.)
-It can be tough to do old raids and experience older content. (though the same can be said of any game)
-At times the story feels like it's just spinning its wheels and wasting your time
+the production values of the game are wonderful. Art, animations, music. It's all top notch.
+(personal note) crafting and gathering are fun.
+Large community
-Large community = lots of morons
+- RP scene is large. Good if this interests you, but easily ignorable if it doesn't.
There's a lot more that can be said about it, but i wanna keep this short.
The ending of Season 4 seemed like they were done with dragons. I am convinced this is Jormag because they literally don't have the funding to follow any new story threads.
>Favourite Runescape minigames
Stealing Creation. I played so much of it back in the day. I enjoyed being able to use so many different skills in a contest against other players.
seeing as the story has been "fight da dragons" since 2012, im not really surprised.
>more zones filled with chill and icrebrood
Jormag is probably the most deserving of a beating judging from how he acted in both GW games.
>Corrupted Jora's brother, Svanir, with promises of power and was able to strip her ability to transform into a bear
>Continues to seduce the norn into servitude
>Drove the norn out of their ancestral homes, dances on the lands riddled with their culture and history
>Devoured one of their deities, the Owl spirit of the wild, and the fates of Ox and Wolverine are unknown
>Has invaded Hoelbrak before, his followers are still allowed to roam around Hoelbrak
>Threatened the norn so much that their very gods had to oppose and hold him back long enough for the norn to retreat out of the Far Shiverpeaks, had to bless a norn hero named Asgeir Dragonrender to punch a tooth out of his mouth and carry it back south with him
>His icebrood killed Eir's father
>Hunts deep in Jormag's territory end in tragedy, men return as icebrood and women do not return at all
He sounded like a tricky bastard in the trailer, too. He will try to trick the player character for sure.
it's easier on their asset team I guess but yeah it's a downgrade
the community is so full of dev asskissers that nobody really cared though
Nothing interesting. I couldn't get into it, she did, and now I bored shitpost 'cause muh new xpac quests.
never seen such community being this autistic and getting an autistic treatment in return
Fisting of Guthix
>YWN discover that charr and humans can interbreed after filling her pussy each night with your seed to the point that she has to take daily washes in the river to clean out the spunk glued into her fur
>YWN have little kittens with her
>YWN spark a revolution of F-charr x M-humans since we don't have spines on our dick
Pretty sure they have showers/running water in the GW universe
>Japanese is Wapanese
There have never been any good MMOs.
Guild Wars 2 still is active user
pick one
And they're cheaper than ever.
>furry weeb shit
at least my "weeb furries" have a place on and while yours go straight to
>No good mmos out
>There are hundreds of private servers running "good" mmos
also /thread
give us some names
there is no need to beat that dead horse anymore
based and overkilled just like the the GW franchise
I think he's talking about City of Heroes
I'm tired of how everyone plays MMOs so seriously, always aiming to grind and to get ahead rather than to just relax and progress slowly with other players.
I've found most other players to be undesirable.
If absolutely none of the current MMOs on the market are appealing, the genre as a whole isn't for you. Don't force yourself to play something you don't enjoy.
>before wrathstone patch
I guess I'm back to ESO now
mmo is a nigger genre
that's why I love playing ESO and OSRS, playing either solo and doing quests while enjoying the lore or doing few walks thru the park with my friends
>actually being attracted to fur
puke and vomit
You're full of shit.
I really like The Secret World. It's bad, though. I'm just trying to power through and do all the DLC I missed the first time around.
What MOD is this?
Is City of Heroes the Yea Forums equivalent of reccing boku no pico?????
you fucking meme faggots????
this has to be the tamest insult i've ever seen
open up and I'll release it all down your throat
pick one and then kys
No, you just bot.
>only four mentions of OSRS ITT
There are literally NO good MMOs
>buy bond with mommies money
How fun!
A few years back 2 of my friends kept wanting to play this one MMO called Aika or some shit. Honestly it was trash, but it had a cool mechanic where you essentially get a Dragon's Dogma pawn, but it's just a scantily clad loli called a Pran or some shit.
I had more fun dressing it up and shit than I did playing the game. Eventually got really bored with it, but one of my friends kept playing it for a long while.
I don't even think it was all that popular, it seemed pretty sketchy to say the least.
Forget about player cosmetics, more MMO's need loli partners to dress up in cute clothes. DDO was pretty good for it.
seeing this art already makes me know this game is gonna be shit. What was great about EQ and vanguard was so much character design that you as a player could go many directions.
But this is just soulless trash designed to appease fans something is coming.
Literally applicable to any game
Be less vague
I wish more MMOs were without action bars. Can't chat when you're mashing those buttons!
sadly pantheon is the only option for people looking for a modern MMO that plays like EQ, no matter what soulless decisions they make their fans have no other game to cling to
they should have learned their lesson from GW1 and recognized that "competitive" RPG gameplay doesn't sell in the long run. they should have further recognized that well-made alternative gameplay modes like SAB are huge draws.
if they had put these things together, they would have beaten PUBG to the battle royale craze (Hunger Royale/Southsun Survival), and they would have beaten Evolve/DBD to the asymmetrical fad (Lunatic Inquisition). in addition, had they made a proper mode with beetle racing and have dedicated tracks and player collision they'd be sitting on the most popular racing game on PC. instead, they sank millions into developing and maintaining "competitive" PvP and WvW modes, which went nowhere, instead of focusing on fun, casual versus modes that would have kept thousands of players logging in every day and each having their own catalog of skins for players to buy/earn. of everything in GW2, the minigames were the most wasted of all potential, some of those concepts were literally years ahead of games that basically started new genres. all that could have been GW2's.
delusional coping of what could've been
GW2 was never great
Izzy was part of the skill balance dev, so that shit will never happen.
>well-made alternative gameplay modes like SAB are huge draws.
Fun story. Once upon a time, every dislike/thought Season 1 Living Story was shit and boring. Then April Fool happens and SAB became a giant hit. Because the head hancho was a jealous bitch, aka Angel McCoy, that doesn't want SAB to outshine her Scarlet Story, they made the SAB creator stop interacting with the community, which at the time everyone was talking to him in the forum, and not bother with SAB for years. It was around the same time they were about to release the School Uniform as a cash shop item but they didn't because Angel McCoy was one of those dev that think its perverted.
That's the I Wanna Be The Guy thing, right? Shame if that's what happened to it.
actually it's:
>buy gold from third-worlders
when colin was in charge it just felt like they didnt know what do at any point. its a miracle the game survived the first few years.
>Hype up a big reveal
>"Yeah, it's a new living world season. Also, here's tons of stuff we'll be putting into the gem store, obtainable from nowhere else."
This is going to be the last batch of content for the game. We are witnessing the death of GW2.
>Combat still isn't anything that special though and game is on the expensive side for MMOs.
I feel the opposite. I could do without the AAA experience even though I liked the story but the tab combat is by far the best for tab target and it looks good too. I just hate how popular the game got so now ALL content is full of casual tranny shitters.
since PoF the only content has been raids and story episodes with new zones. that seems to be all anyone wants anyways.
as a WvW cuck, everything they add is terrible anyways.
Any of y'all play Neverwinter? I downloaded it because it's free. I've always wanted to get into MMO's so I figured it'd be an alright place to start.
I have. It's pretty grindy and timegate-y, and most of the best companions and mounts are lootbox-exclusive.
SWTOR is out fucker
>before the level cap increase
Its the greatest mmo at the time. You could level relevantly fast and the Foundry are fun to play! I would totally recommend it!
>after the level cap increase
The game is a fucking grind and I would advice avoid it as possible. One of the selling point, Foundry, was taken off the game. Fuck them for killing NWO like that.
It's fine if it's anthros
What was their reasoning for removing the foundry, anyway? Wasn't it pretty much the most popular part of the game?
>decide to log into gw2 after taking a haitus after PoF
>all my old guilds and bros are dead
>however every human female I filled with charr batter is still online.
I got the ps4 version though, was that a mistake?
GW2 is a mess
>great combat
>nobody plays it for the gameplay
>leveling is just jumping around aimlessly
>shit endgame with trash furry players
>everyone just dresses up and erps
>raiders quit
>announcement is disappointing
>pvpers/WvW are on their last legs FED THE FUCK UP playing with bots
>criticize any of this anywhere else and you get spazzed on
What a fucking shame
You bought a Bethesda game on anything other than PC? Yeah, that's wee bit of a mistake.
>pvp/wvw on its last legs
yeah for like 6 years now.
they are still trucking though well if you would suffer to call it that the raiders just upped and left
WoW classic you retarded child
More MMOs need interspecies romance
there is nothing quite like WvW out there right now, i havent played ESO but i think they also do something like it. im not starting over in a new game though.
I never see anyone talk about albion online...
I know it op, my friends have been playing eso lately and i tried to get into it to join them, but its just so hopelessly shit. We were previously playing tes3mp together. They prefer eso somehow. How can you be so tasteblind to how gay and soulless eso is vs og morrowind? How and why do people suffer thru shitty mmos when there are do many better games out there. Only good mmos imo were gw, dragons dogma online, and the pve combat of black desert.
>only popular MMO that breaks this mold is classic wow
>world sets up interaction and cooperation
>Like endgame in my MMOs
>classic endgame is trash
ESO's faction battles in Cyrodil are pretty good, but it gets really sparse sometimes so it feels like you're constantly alone, at risk of enemy ambush at any moment, a lone scout in hostile territory instead of lending it's self to the zerg-mobs of GW2
Anybody can recommend me a free MMO /private server to join? I don't know if I can ever scratch this itch.
>WoW classic
>not for children
What a joke.
I agree.
My younger brothers and I would stay up super late for our region and sneak deep into enemy territory and just steal the Elder Scrolls from everyone while they were asleep.
It gets pretty tense when you're really deep behind enemy lines. Like some guerilla warfare type shit.
Granted I never really found ESO to be all that fun, but one of my brothers has something like 8k hours on it. Just recently sold his file for like $1200. It's insane.
It's not made by bethesda
They are too lazy to fix it, probably. It was outdated after a few module. They also have some of the people working on NWO to move to produce MTG MMO.
My favorite part is when the WvWers and PvPers that love the game tries to report the Hacker, with video proof and shit, THEY got banned and the Hackers didn't.
Feline women are the best and there’s no changing this fact.
>thinking new MMOs can stand a chance in a market full of 100s of MMOs
>thinking they can stand a chance vs the half-dozen MMOs that came out in the early 00's that already have 15~20 years of content in them
Just play the same shit we always did you dumbass. XI, WoW, RO, Eve, Runescape or if you want to go slightly newfaggy, GW Rift, ToS and XIV.
There have always been 100s of MMOs, even in the 80s.
That's MUD, blood.
I play Tera for the plot.
>There has never been a good MMO out
Every MMO mentioned here was trash. All of them.
Every MMO is trash.
All of them.
As great as that was on every level of immersion, it handled like absolute ass, even for the time. Still the gold standard every MMO should aim for in content and social facilitation.
Did you try the new EMU that is Pre-NGE with NGE content?
I've only tried SWGEMU, and that was a few years ago. It was filled with AFK bots. Any other things come up?
That server I mention, and the NGE one, Legends. Legends is still full of afk bots and require Discord for some fucking reason
If only
If someone made a game that is actually a mmo instead of a fake mmo it would stand out due to being totally unique.
>lost my old Darwin webm of people running into icy death fields
Was such an entertaining way to pass the time between queues.
There's already a handful of sandbox MMOs that require tons of player interaction and have unique combat gameplay.
They aren't popular because they aren't casual friendly though.
You sure that's the reason and not the intense jewishness that makes phone games look reasonable?
Dude it's just a 3 day ban. You'll be back playing in no time.
Mabinogi has a legitimately good private server that does away with all the new, spammy, busted shit, I just don't have enough free time to grind that stuff out like I used to.
ESO seems like an alright singleplayer thing maybe, with some mmo mixed in. Elder Scrolls isn't my thing but I'll give you that.
FFXIV is boring as hell. Everything looks super cool but the combat is only engaging for a couple classes, and only marginally so.
Never played WoW Classic but I recently have tried the live version, and honestly I don't know if I want to play a WoW without Demon Hunter in it. God that shit is fun. What does Yea Forums think of not-so-classic WoW nowadays?
>Private server actually never ever
i mean you CAN get to 60 solo but it takes a millennia and isn't that fun. vanilla was entirely about interaction unlike standard wow
I wanna say Tree of Savior is legitimately good, but I just can't stay into it. The combat is fun and varied (for wizards at least), the mobs are threatening enough to be engaging, and the graphics are fucking adorable. Is it even missing anything vital or am I just unable to stand grinding like I used to?
>Everything looks super cool but the combat is only engaging for a couple classes, and only marginally so.
Pretty much my experience.
I think it's partially being rooted in place 90% of the time if I want to play any class I actually like.
After I ran out of story content, I wasn't able to find anything else that made me want to keep logging on so I quit.
Just waiting for Pantheon at this point.
There are, but you won't play them because your ideal MMO is probably not an MMO to begin with.
Recommend me a mobile mmo.
Its missing variance. It's way too linear. Player A and Player B are botj going to go to the same areas, fight the same mobs, and do the same quests 100% of the time. Thats the main problem with MMO's that have mandatory MSQ
>ctrl + F spiral knights
>Not a single fucking post about it being the only MMO worth playing
I thought it was just multiplayer zelda. Was it good? Isn't it dead?
It's deader than dead. Shame, I loved it but it has no real endgame and or content but the art style is nice and the combat is ok. I have my fond memories of it
Fluffy ...?
>Not a single fucking post about it being the only MMO worth playing
To most people that'd mean something.
>lists single-player games
This, it's so linear it hurts
And people hyping it up to be the new RO, a game where you can go fucking anywhere without the devs holding your hands at all
Monster Hunter: Frontier. Closing down tho.
What are some good eastern MMOs that aren't FFXIV? I've got Aura Kingdom and Blade&Soul installed already.
>tfw no one to play MMOs with apart from OSRS (and thats such a grind...)
Didn't the devs abandon this? I really like the armor design in this pic.
I wouldn't call it that much of an MMO outside of the focus on longer-term but deterministic grinding for numerous parts of the game, multiplayer is always useful but Raviente was like the one piece of content that takes advantage of the large hubs. The subscription model basically made it a never-ending Monster Hunter, and as far as the P2W went? It certainly isn't Black Desert levels but shit wasn't cheap either. Fuck, even the original JP server is still taking in money until November.
TW has an english patch now. Doesn't translate quest data since that's hosted on the servers, but it translates GUI elements, mostly just all the important stuff.
I still wish they didn't go with Lavasioth for Volganos' localization. Volsioth would've rolled off the tongue so much better.
The only reason why I'm still rooting for a Private Server here despite not playing in a year or so, it's purely because of how fun the Swaxe was, how amazing it felt to fight the new monsters, and how fun Extreme Style was. The tightly knit communities in the guilds was also nice and special, and I loved a lot of the aspects of Frontier.
For all the shit the game gets in the MH threads on Yea Forums (shitters who never played an MH game and only go off of the shock value Frontier webms), I still love it and I want a private server. I wish I knew more about servers in general. I can only set up a simple FTP server and nothing else.
Has anyone even heard of Chronicles of Elyria before?
>small, autistic dev team
>way too ambitious for their own good
>sandbox open-world gameplay, no classes or character levels, crafting & player economy, char aging, lineage system, permadeath, etc.
>marketing focuses on milking the few whales they have in their community instead of advertising broadly
Before long, it will probably descend into the void that is MMORPG industry that has born it. It will either never be finished or finished with like 1/4 of the promised features. I just wish some company with actual EXPERTISE and the FUNDS would risk making something different. If you want true RP with sandbox gameplay like me you avoid modern MMORPGS like the plague.
There is, but only two
RuneScape 3
Got any opinions on Mortal?
Hmmm, I once tried it years ago. I felt pretty lost in that huge open world with player built ghost towns and cities. In a few hours of playing I maybe met 1 person? I liked the premise but never really invested myself into the game. Nice to see that it is still kicking though.
>TW has an english patch now
I'm aware, I helped edit Fist's Gdoc a small bit by shortening some item and skill names. Otherwise yes Frontier definitely has some good core gameplay, best DBs and Swaxe in the series by a landslide, perhaps LS/GL/Bow too. But in retrospective the game cornered itself with poor decisions made. Seeing the game didn't really have a lot of people playing it by the time the termination notice came up, it's really going to be a mystery on whether any Japs will make a private server, even if it ends up being like a CoX kind of deal.
The Japs said they're pretty skeptical about even a private server being made as Capcom has been known to keep shit locked up quite tight.
We have more chances of it being made into a japan-only offline standalone game. That's fine by me, just means that I won't get to play with friends unless somebody would have made a mod for it.
This sucks man. 13 years of content about to be lost to time like with City of Heroes and many other great MMOs. We almost lost most of MH's online only quests for some of the older games if we didn't have people making patches for the game.
Wait. Aura is still alive?
that sounds really nice actually
is there some such fanfiction like that?
At least MHG technically got its online restored and functional as a byproduct of people figuring out how to do it for RE Outbreak, and this apparently could cross over into Dos + Tri too since it uses the same networking shit. For Frontier though? Guess we have to hope that someone at Capcom has the balls to leak server files or if anyone cracks Gameguard's packet encryption.
Gameguard has been cracked before. PSO:BB, Flyff, and a handful of other private servers managed to figure shit out quite easily. It's just that we don't know how Capcom structures their server files.
I actually have server files for Frontier Season 8.0 that I managed to snag from a turkish site, but that would be a massive setback in terms of content that just wouldn't be worth building back up even if we have MHF-ZZ. I even talked with Fist about it and he personally said I shouldn't bother with the server files I found.
From a historical standpoint it might be interesting, seeing as how it was from a time where co-op play was mandatory, but yeah it's still likely too much work for little gain.
God fucking damn it man. I hate talking about the absolute state of game preservation only to just be saddened. Not only by the lack of emulation (game systems, server emulators and others) but also by the fact that as a standpoint with how companies are looking more for an extra coin in their pockets rather than praise from their fans (which would actually make them MORE money in return), we can't do anything.
For fuck's sake. This is the one time where tool assisted autism would've been a good call.
god I wish that were bunnyme
>tiny rabbit is obsessed with Lagombi who's 40 times his size
bunny girls are the best, dude.
>no good anthro Lagombi porn
>all lagombi porn is just the armor
some fine stuff, my man of integrity
Anthro Lagombi porn exists, but yes it's a pretty meager pool.
5-6 pics. Not worth the effort.
>sabotaged nostalgiabait
>tranny containment
Here's an idea: Fuck off.
>tfw started playing BnS purely to be a cute Lyn boy
game seems like it'll be decently engaging when i start fighting stuff that doesn't die in 3 hits
>great gameplay
>current devs abandon gameplay over cosmetics
>mock pvp and wvw during "reveal" stream
>shitty story
>unlikable characters
Rest in peace.
Its one step above guys guys there is no new phone games coming up
MMO threads are pure comedy and full of larpers.
Hell I seen someone shitpsoting about "modern themeparks" while crying about Classic not having "good endgame". Motherfucking endgame. It's like you don't even know how to larp properly without contradiction in every sentence.
>mods delete this
>but an Elf thread with more risqué images and even cropped porn gets ignored
Mods are legitimately retarded. This shit gets worse every time janitor applications open, mods are even deleting shit that was calling out other faggots.
I even got "Warned for posting furry outside of Yea Forums" when FFXIV threads pop up and everybody posts their dancer bunnies.
Yet we also have Smash threads, Zoe Quinn threads (may god bless Alec and welcome him in heaven, i have respect for the man), and let's not talk about the Gacha threads.
Endgame literally the aspect that destroyed the MMO genre. I don't know why people keep wanting "endgame" when they can just play single player RPG.
I enjoy Smash, but the overwhelming amount of Smash threads is fucking ridiculous. I’ll see like five at a time and they’re filled with the exact same shitposts every single thread. I don’t know how the roster faggotry is appealing in anyway it’s just autistic circle jerking over the same few characters or over the next character that appears in a “leak”.
I don't see what they could possibly gain from yelling at each other at who's in a kids fighting party game.
I hate seeing that shit, like 7 threads for nothing in the end.
You wanna know what this smells like? Teen spirit.
What’s worse is that these threads are more frequent compared to FFXIV, CTR, etc. yet mods nuke those threads but not Smash threads even though they’re the ones likely to shit up to catalog. At this point I’m convinced the mods/jannies leave those threads alone because they see them as dedicated shitposting grounds that they can just tab in and out of.
The premise died when people wanted to stuck with killing boars, and the only challenge left this shit has to offer is speedrunning. You guys are too low IQ, and you made an incredibly stupid demand like downgrading to fucking WoW vanilla which was the most notorious for ruining the genre. Every single one of you gone WE ARE GOING HOME BROS, oh great now you can suck Tigole's cock (again), the genre will never advance beside WoW and its gay ass formula, because (you) made it the definition of the genre.
i fucking hate phoneposting, man. just as much as you do. i wish it was banned so taht the quality of the site would instantly skyrocket
Best Asura artist
>i fucking hate phoneposting
I didn’t mention phone posting. And coincidentally, I’m actually typing from my phone at work. The way I see it, it has little to do with the device as you’d still have this same shitposters on their laptops and desktops, but more to do with the mentality harbored on this board. I pretty much make the same kind of posts on my phone and PC.
If you check threads they're full of people who use quest markers addons and trying to level up fast as possible. Journey lmao
Gotta add how it’s very strange a handful of lewd Asura images were left alone, but the tranny jannies were making sure to seek out Charr images to nuke.
Of course, why wouldn't they? You are a completely delusional fucktard if you think your role playing ass is worth a jackshit now. Its a race, who gets the best shit, this is the truth. It has been since post 2007 internet era. Nobody cares how you handicap yourself to be immersed, everyone is going to minmax, in fact the same exact people will do this who go by the dude take your time man :^) mentality.
For example doing low level dungeons it has been debunked they are a total waste of time, in fact the best XP/hour ratio is still mobgrinding. Its all ablut pushing the game to the limits and mastering it, not being immersed in it. Sooner or later you encounter situations what demand you that you have to be competitive, sure you can go the other way, but on the long run you just kick yourself in the balls.
>It has been since post 2007 internet era.
No? Your post full of extremes and makes no sense.
>competitive in leveling
Reminder, feline women are the best and nothing will change this fact.
They just had a huge update
Does it make you feel confident when you post purposely shitty opinions?
GW2 is a porn/ERP MMO at this point
>WoW classic arrives
>look at gameplay
>have seen so many wow classic clones throughout the years than even wow classic looks generic as fuck to me
>no First Age Middle-Earth MMO
horde chads report in
I fucked 7 alliance players' wives yesterday, how about you folks?
There are tons of interesting concepts that are left unexplored in mmos, even if you stick with shitty fantasy without delving into something more unique and weird, even all the kikestarter niche ones are generic as fuck and doesn't take any interesting approach whatsoever even in visual design, let alone gameplay.
>try FF MMO
>gameplay and community total kino
>story, sound effects, and artwork complete obnoxious garbage to the point of being unplayable, nothing interesting from the original games present at all
>didn't see any PVP whatsoever
I gave it a good try, lads. I feel like that's about as close to a good MMO as there will ever be. Oh well...
user...wake up from your shitty 2nd job simulator.
There are NO good MMOs
Nice tumor you got there.