was this the best survival horror game of the 2010s?
Was this the best survival horror game of the 2010s?
Yes. Shame the second one is so fucking bad.
The Evil Within, Bloodborne, Dying Light, Resident Evil 7, Metal Gear Survive, Resident Evil 2 remake. Honestly there isn't much to choose from.
not survival horror
>survival horror
u wot
Yes, unironically the best horror action game of all time.
why tho?
open world kills the pacing, also way easier
if youre an easily impressed toddler. its an action game from the man who """""""invented""""""" survival horror on accident and doesnt understand anything from his own creation. Its epic for game design illiterate toddlers who think "survival horror" is DUDE I ONLY HAVE LIKE 2 BULLETS WOAH... even though its the definition of artificial scarcity with no true consequences or player skill involved. You cant pick up ammo past X limit even if you play retardedly well and if you "run out" the enemy drops more. Classic survival horror was about actually managing finite resources and making decisions
It's the closest thing we ever got to replicating the perfection of RE4.
It has a slow first hour, but after that it's pure kino
what do you think is the best survival horror game of the 2010s?
I almost bought it a few weeks ago. Glad I dodged a bullet
Kidman's ass is good atleast
Once you learn how to properly use the crossbow you're golden
cry of fear and REmake 2 on hardcore off the top of my head
>Metal Gear Survive
its good just it feels a bit westernised this time and not like the japanese horror style we got from the first one that feels a bit like RE4+evil dead
I found playing it like an action game much more difficult than using stealth to take out enemies. Didn't really cop this until my second playthrough though. 2 gives you much more explicit instructions that you should stealth kill and save guns for enemies that you can't sneak up on.
Why you're staring at my ass Seb?
Reminder that in evil within 2 Sebastian makes a ''Hitler bad guy'' statement
Bethesda fucked the second game up just like with dishonored 2.
Excellent taste.
All of the weirdness of the original is sterilized in the sequel. There's really not a whole lot interesting happening after you pass the initial antagonist.
>Reminder that in evil within 2 Sebastian makes a ''Hitler bad guy'' statement
ok, what's the issue exactly?
No it feels like a pale imitation of RE4 I just couldn’t get into it
Pic related is the real answer
Main game is poor and the narrative structure became tiresome because it had too many false ending where you think the game is about to end but it goes on for another three or four hours. The DLC is the way Alien: Isolation is meant to be played.
It was until RE7 btfo’d it in every way
daymare 1998 still got time to take the throne
This dude knows what the fuck is up. First one was a masterpiece, second one shat on everything one was building up.
Didn't know it had so many dlc, which of them is worth getting?
Zoom zoom
Shat my pants, but I sucked. I will try to play it again.
What a let down.
I was really disappointed. I liked the first section of the game iirc, but in the end, I found it too linear and not really interesting.
I'm waiting for the resurrection of fixed camera angles and tank controls. With little hope, sadly.
it's still a great game, get it on sale
Yes and I fucking hate how they sissified sebastian in 2 and how the watered open world syndrome fucked that game's atmosphere and pacing up
the game is amazing, why are you letting Yea Forums form your opinions for you?
Until Dawn uses fixed camera angles really well though the gameplay is basic with QTE’s for everything
I honestly hate the gay frogs level
I guess I have to agree, although I find the Outlast franchise very interesting games, and they influenced a lot of the others, the problem being they are considered walking sims because there is not a lot of mechanics involved
AY:LMAO is fantastic, but very flawed, with plenty of padding and bugs, QA issues and the gameplay is very limited. It looks like you have a lot of options, but at the end of the day, its all the time point A to B, and the big encounters are scripted no matter what you do
the condemned games
Only the first one.
Condemned and Condemned 2 came out in 2005 and 2008 respectively. OP asked for games from the 2010s.
It's a solid game but it's too derivative story and gameplay-wise. 6.5/10 TEW, 7.5/10 TEW2
Haven't played DLCs yet
The Collection goes on sale for pretty cheap from time to time so if you really like the game then you should probably just get and play all of the DLC.
Did you play survivor mode in the main game? Only one map was included (basement, if I recall correctly). If you thought that was cool and want some more time based challenges then check out Corporate Lockdown, Trauma, and the Trigger DLCs. Each one includes three additional maps for survivor mode.
There was also a new salvage mode added in some of the other DLCs, but I think there were only two maps total, but they're much larger than the maps in surivor mode. In salvage mode you have to complete waves of challenges/ objectives and it would last for up to ten rounds maximum.
There's also the Crew Expendable and Last Survivor DLCs which were pre-order bonuses but they're included with the Alien Isolation Collection. Crew Expendable and Last Survivor recreate scenarios from the original Alien movie, and the actors from the original movie came back to provide new voice recordings for these two DLCs. If you're fond of the original Alien movie then you'll probably like these, but if you like Alien: Isolation you're probably a fan of the first Alien anyway. Crew Expendable and Last Survivor were extremely short.
Survivor mode and salvage mode is the way I like to play the game. Drop right into the action, play for an hour, and I've had my fill. I revisit some of the maps to get better scores and times. I'd rather play the DLCs than spend another 12+ hours slowly going through the main story again.
>Dying Light
redpill me on this game
I only heard bad things when this game launched but nowadays everyone who played seems to love it?
I was actually tempted to give it a try but I saw "online co-op" and held myself back
also wtf is up with all those DLC