ITT: Frauds
ITT: Frauds
It's just not the same without Gabe
>Hated Demons Souls
>Suddenly after Dark got popular he becomes a "big fan"
>Constantly goes on about how he likes hard games
>It's clear in his videos he doesn't learn games
>He also doesn't like fighting games, one of the most skill intensive genres
>He thought Bioshock Infinite was good
>That let's play footage where it's clear he's fucking terrible at games
The list goes on and on
>Ignoring evidence
Yep sounds like Yea Forums
His dark souls 2 gameplay was painful to watch
His willy and ballbag jokes are top notch
>He didn't like this game, but he likes that game.
>People can't change or have new tastes or preferences, so he's a FRAUD
t. yahtzee
Fuck off and get good at games
Not saying he can't eventually learn to like games he doesn't like, but it's pretty telling that even after he became a "big fan" of Dark, he didn't go back to play Demon's
Because why would you go back, when it's been surpassed in every way?
Because he could easily do a 5 minute video about a game in a series he supposedly likes.
>Surpassed in every way
I'm starting to think this is actually yahtzee and he's seething
It's kind of amazing how easily Gabriel could get a rise out of Yahtzee without even raising his voice.
He totally could, and that would be neat. But the guy's schedule is pretty full, and he gets more views with newer games
>Pretty full
>2 streams a week
>Makes a 5 minute video in fucking movie maker
Are you the president of the yahtzee fan club?
This talent-less hack couldn't even beat Teembo the badass elephant, a game made for babies. He claimed it was too hard
what a fucking omega casual.
>currently making 12 games in 12 months
>also has other undisclosed projects
he certainly lives a busier life than you, bitch boi
He's entertaining, but I can't trust his reviews after him passing on Demon's Souls. Hearing him talk about AAA bullshit always makes me smile, especially the Assassin's Creed: Odyssey review.
Also he actually complained Pokemon threw "really hard boss fights" at him
>His entirely most recent stuff is your defense
He's had fucking years to do a Demon's re-review, he's a fraud though
no, that would be your mother
Best Drown Out episode?
>Two streams a week
>Have to play one new game a week, then write and produce that five minute video in movie maker
>He's the go-to guy for events at the Escapist, so he's traveling literally all over the world as he does this
>AND he's making one game a month and doing three videos a month on the subject
t. yahtzee
>He's a fraud because he won't do a thing he's got basically zero prescient of actually doing
ITT; salty toddlers mad that their bing game got shat on by some literal who
>Ignoring literally everything else
I suspect he hasn't even completed DS or if he has he cheesed it hard, considering he thought fucking pokemon was hard
>Literally everyone except one guy thinks he's a fraud
>ask for evidence
>get spood fed evidence
>completly ignore it
What a gamer move
Still salty that he isn't a nintendo fanboy?
I can't take someone serious when they're entire frame of reference for video games is Dark Souls, which he never liked in the first place.
>but they're not reviews, they're comedy!
Plenty of people turn out funny reviews that actually say something worthwhile.
>He didn't like a thing now he likes a thing, he's a fraud!
>He "clearly" doesn't learn games (the word "clearly" being an obvious "begging the question" fallacy used in the place of actual evidence)
>He likes hard games but isn't good at hard games. These things are mutually exclusive...somehow? I guess?
>He liked games I don't like.
Fraud would imply Yahtzee lied about something, but he's just a weekly video games comedian is he not? I can understand complaining his material is stale because you've seen too much of it or that you feel like he was unfair to your favorite game, but I don't see where the "fraud" part comes in.
>plenty of people
I'm not a ZP fun, but literally who? I have never found a decent video game reviewer
t. yahtzee
all these years and the smashbabbies are still derrière damaged about this guy lmao
>Consistent with his beliefs for years
I don't even play that casual babyshit, ZP is a fraud though
Pains me to say it, but Jim Sterling writes some insightful and funny reviews over on the Jimquisition website.
Angry Joe used to be pretty funny. Shadow of his former self now, but can still be entertaining, while offering something of substance.
You also have the likes of LGR who reviews tech and despite being a fat neckbeard, is thorough and humorous.
>they're entire
It's 2am and i don't have the time to go through the Herculian task of explaining why your dumb ass is wrong. So ill just leave this pic a smug anime girl as a nice "fuck you im right" bitch
But it's 3:35am
t. assblasted yahtzee
What are time zones?
it's 6:34PM you gay bitch
My mistake it's actually 3:37am
>I have never found a decent video game reviewer
When people start going through all the newest releases in an effort to get views they stop thinking like normal people do.
Instead of finishing a game, gathering their thoughts and then deciding if the game is worth making a video on they just say whatever. At this point the onky reviewer I follow is yathzee for the simple reason that his videps are more jokes than reviews
Stopped reading there. Will sooner stomach the ex-aussie fuck narrate his World of Warcraft fan fiction he calls a novel than hear the british fuck say a single syllable.
it's 26:36PM retard
>Played MH3
>Didn't make it past the tutorial because he fucking sucks
>Still does a full review and doesn't disclose this fact
>Uses "I'm just a comedian" as a defense
He didn't even make it to the Great Jaggi, he got filtered by just the little ones
go to bed cunt
Smash TV
So he changed his opinion after more exposure. Wasnt aware that my thoughts about something were all carved into tablets for ages to come
This faggot brit came to australia too too cuck it up
>people this pathetic unironically exist
If you were above the age of 13 and read my post, you'd have seen I was referring to his written reviews, so you wouldn't have to hear him say anything.
Genuinely cringing at you for being this pathetic.
Changing your thoughts after a game has become popular and well regarded is the clearest sign of a fraud.
hbomberguy's reviews of Fallout 3, Darkest Dungeon, and the Lisa series were great. Too bad his thoughts on Dark Souls were rushed and thoughtless, and he doesn't consistently review games.
whose video game reviews do you read / watch?
>dislikes game when it comes out
>everybody else likes it
>all of a sudden, yahtzee likes it too
Simple bandwagon hopping.
Not fucking hbomberguy lmfao
>Dislikes a thing based on false pretenses
>Gets those pretenses cleared up
>Turns out the game is actually great, and I was in the wrong
I did the exact same thing with Dark Souls. It is notoriously difficult to really get into. It took *years* to really click with me.
It's not bandwagon hopping to re-evaluate your experiences in the face of overwhelming contrary consensus. That's actually how you grow and mature as a human being, something you might look into someday.
Also ZP actually praised fucking CoD, that says it all
holy... I have never seen such BASED posting before
I really want to use the phrase "Go back to your shitty chocolate bar faggot" in real life