Is he next Yea Forums ???
Is he next Yea Forums ???
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If he also kills himself, what happens next?
I hope not, I like his writing.
>shitty indie game industry is self-cannibalizing
not a bad timeline
I hope so. You faggots were warned about this shit years ago yet you're were cool for school to care about fairness. I hope all of the developers of your favorite indieshit games get caught up in this shit and end up with their lives ruined or worse.
Cultist Simulator is actually a good game tho so kys
does an innocent man kill himself over false accusations? no. you absolute fucking dipshit. epstein, alec, this douche- they all know what they did and cannot handle personal accountability to the point where they would rather die.
If we start seeing a string of suicides, there might be a tiny, tiny chance that these "people" will stop this cancel culture nonsense and start to realize that their actions have effects on peoples lives besides just giving them social upboat points on twitter. Or maybe some of these people will actually get sued into oblivion, at which point they'll get scared that they'll be sued and realize that forcing someone out of their livelihood based on hearsay might not be an actual good thing to do. All they have to do is piss off/target the wrong person and this shit will quickly come to a stop.
>make a game about cultists
>while interacting with women
>forget women are the primary members of cults because "cult culture" is a core component of their emotional behavior because they absorb and mimic the behavior of the closest popular or powerful people and groups to them
yikes guess this guy didn't know much about cults in the end
bad game?
Or maybe its the opposite and he knew so much about female cult behavior that he was utilizing that knowledge to get ahead, but in the end wasn't able to exert a strong enough presence to override MeToo programming.
Does an innocent woman delete her twitter account over false accusations?
sued for what, hurt feelings? lmao /pol/ tendies please
>killed himself
for my next trick i shall change Yea Forums's mind about #metoo'ing a dev in one png
Why is it always suicide? Why don't they learn from Texas? If you're trying to send a message, suicide to someone like me is "lmao that's one loser down, when's the next one"
Imagine being a male indie game dev in the current year.
Everybody is going to die. Worlds ending bro.
Please take a moment to understand what happens today when someone is accused. Don't just project what you perceive the world to be as true.
Alec was accused of being mean. The accuser also stated he had already been forgiven, which raises the question of why it was brought to public attention so many years later.
>does an innocent man kill himself over false accusations?
yes? it's literally happened in the past all the time lmao
Dead wrong. Epstein was killed by Trump and Alec was innocent and killed himself because he didn't see any way to turn it around and lost all hope. People who are guilty of these crimes don't generally feel the guilt and can easily live with it.
Yeah it's funny that Vic Mignogna is suing over his hurt feelings and has a very real chance of putting one of the largest anime/game localization companies in the ground over it and getting a shitton of money out of the people that were hurting his feelings, right?
take your meds and seethe more
Have sex
He does when his entire reputation is dragged through the mud and he already has a history of mental problems. People kill themselves for much less.
>not Israel
People kill themselves when falsely accused pretty regularly, actually. It's a well-documented phenomenon. It's very common for somebody's life to be damaged by accusations, even if they are baseless, and that causes enough turmoil for somebody that's already in a stressful position to be pushed to suicide. Even if they are later proven innocent. It's why the "innocent until proven guilty" idea exists. To protect people that are falsely accused from being mistreated based on something that's not proven to be true.
>falsely accused
>people believe the disgusting mess of a woman even though she a tried and true sociopathic liar
>the people you thought were your friends and colleagues suddenly want nothing to do with you
>your legacy is suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, tarnished.
>literally the only option is to go into legal debt and claw yourself out of a hole someone threw you into over the course of several years
>when it's all finally over, nobody will care. he's still the rapist in their eyes
this is not the first time a man has killed himself from such things, and it's happened over much less.
>there might be a tiny, tiny chance that these "people" will stop this cancel culture nonsense and start to realize that their actions have effects on peoples lives
you kidding? these psychos will realize they have a lot of power to remove from earth people they don't like (and don't even know). this will make people go full force cancelling more and stronger
>does an innocent man kill himself over false accusations?
If they know that the Court of Public Opinion will never acknowledge they're innocent and that their career is over simply because of bad press, then yeah, they could.
I've seen accounts where an accuser outright confesses to making shit up but people continue to harass the accused. They don't give a flying fuck about innocence.
I hope. Let these faggots kill each other, I want to see how far it goes. Either people shape up, or stop wanting to make crap.
Ok but now what?
He should add a cult where you have to push your friends to suicide in order to appease some random woman.
Is this game good?
We do nothing and forget about it in a few days like everything else
Slander/Ehrverletzung. It's a crime in civilized countries.
Epstein isn’t dead
a little grindy but gets it done
how about a cult that pushes your friends into becoming mass shooters?
The core of all these issues in society is allowing women into the workplace. Women have been kept out of the professional environment to maintain workplace productivity and such, but with this modern change we are beginning to see issues with progressivity.
it's a pretty meh game though, I completed it and it felt more grindy than I ever expected.
Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.
>The core of all these issues in society is allowing women into the workplace.
This. Feminism was only a corporate ruse to keep wages low, not unlike massive immigration and refugees.
Probably nothing
These harpies have no souls
That shit happens far more than you can imagine.
>a man contributed to create a paranoid world where people prioritize feelings over facts, where a woman can lie and people will jump to defend it because despite being "equal as men" they have more priorities and now his world turned against him
hope it was worth it but at the same time he was the lesser of devils compared to ZQ
It is extremely grindy, but its rather interesting and there aren't many other games like it
>posts girl that was harassed until she had to delete her shit and never post again
Different girl, retard, but I don't expect a smug retard to be able to tell women apart.
Imagine being a male SJW
I work in corporate finance (startup capital) and I am so glad we have basically no social media presence. Instead of tech cucks who have been pushing diversity in the work force hard, the finance world has basically been alienating all women who have been trying to get into the industry. No one wants to be caught dead alone with a woman even if its just a casual lunch or a coffee meet. So women can't build any sort of connections. This is especially true for meeting with angel investors who refuse to meet with women because it might be seen as a firm pimping out one of their employees.
stop pretending you care about someones death. you're just using it as a platform to bitch about sjw's
Twitter needs to be cancelled
Mod mentality is the fucking worse
They’d kill Jesus Christ on false accusations
>I've seen accounts where an accuser outright confesses to making shit up but people continue to harass the accused. They don't give a flying fuck about innocence.
This. They don't care if the person is innocent or not, they just want to satisfy their primal urges to burn the witch.
And make no mistake these same people hundreds of years ago would burn you at the stake for being a witch.
I can only assume they get some kind of power trip and a big sense of self importance out of it. But I think I will never be able to fully comprehend the mental illness and IQ retardation needed to get your kicks and self worth out of ruining and essentially murdering other people.
They’re all whores so why does it matter?
that's literally what you are
>does an innocent man kill himself when everything is torn from him
He wished that cunt "all the best" which is exactly what someone will do before they off themselves.
That won't happen because the blame will be shared across everyone who participated. Yeah you might be part of a lynch mob but it wasn't you who tied the noose, so you didn't really kill him. There are so many ways to rationalise that you weren't really responsible for someone dying
What next? It already happened. Just the allegation is enough.
They’ll never learn you fucking bugman, like you apparently
I find this hilarious. People are just at each other's throats and it's only going to get worse.
>h-heh you made a point but thankfully you used this half-naked chick to grab the attention of other posters so I can just say how ironic it is that you're posting a 2b cosplayer when another 2b cosplayer got harassed
>heh womyn are all whores anyway bro XD
Do you just have a short attention span or are you completely devoid of self-awareness?
feelings of unity and dehumanization of online peers also contribute to it
I’m so happy all the women in my department are like 50+ years old with grown kids and a husband.
Everyone minds their business unless I have a question about what do to with a certain file.
We tried to warn you
We tried to save you
This is the future you chose
We make it illegal to report crimes simce he can lead to suicide
Why is the Western "indie dev" community absolute fucking cancer?
>Yea Forums is 1 person
And get the fuck out Newfag.
>feelings of unity
there is no unity though, it's just people mobbing somebody together, the very same mob can easily turn on you.
>dehumanization of online peers also contribute to it
If any of these psychos has to interact with real people in the real world, they wouldn't be so disconnected from reality.
Women getting into the workplace is the biggest Jewish, corporate scam in human history. Humanity and women should be fucking ashamed that they were convinced having the freedom to whatever you want at home is oppressive and working for Mr. Shekelsburg 40 hours a week is freedom.
They're 90% californians
oh I forgot double-chan got narced by the feds, that's why stormfront is back on Yea Forums so much
>Humanity and women should be fucking ashamed that they were convinced having the freedom to whatever you want at home is oppressive and working for Mr. Shekelsburg 40 hours a week is freedom.
Don't forget, since both women and men compete for the same jobs now, both get payed less and end up having to work, both of them, to make the same amount to support the family like before.
Freedom to be a wage slave, is an interesting concept indeed.
To work isn't freedom. It never was freedom. It is and has always been purpose.
the unity comes from the mob yeah
this is why i don't have a social media presence involving me actually speaking my mind, i refuse to be on any side of this
at that it's not like dehumanization only occurs from online
>Be bad at flirting
>Nobody will feel bad when you die
Lefty logic
What I hope will happen instead is that people will realise that the SJW community is utterly cancerous. That none of your peers in it are real friends, and will gladly turn on you like a pack of rabid hyenas. Shit, his own fucking sister did. I'd kill myself if even my own family disavowed me over allegations
Oh, and women like Quinn aren't fixer uppers. They're crazy bitches who will drag you to hell with them
>male SJW revealed as the obvious snake he was and offs himself
>somehow we are supposed to care now
What happened lads
>Shit, his own fucking sister did. I'd kill myself if even my own family disavowed me over allegations
>Oh, and women like Quinn aren't fixer uppers. They're crazy bitches who will drag you to hell with them
Tell me, why wouldn't you kill the false accuser before offing yourself? If more people did that, the world would clean up quite fast.
slander/defamation is a very real crime, user
it's what protects you from me going around saying you like to rape babies, own 10 slaves and operate a concentration camp in your spare time
>male SJW revealed as the obvious snake he was
Don't tell me you actually believe Zoe Quinn
People won’t realize that because the whole of modernity is propaganda to domesticate humanity into drones of the same mob. If no one trusts each other, the status quo cannot be threatened
I feel sorry for ugly and awkward dudes growing up in this. All it takes is the wrong day and wrong time for her to decide if your shitty pickup lines were annoying enough to make you kys.
A weak man offing himself instead of standing up to these accusations deserves not to be believed
If he kills himself I am going to lose it, I love that guy. I might do terrible thing to a certain hole, in Minecraft!
>he killed himself so i'll support zoe quinn
what a complete fag
This is why I stay home and contemplate suicide desu.
>slander/defamation is a very real crime, user
No, it's not a crime at all. Illegal != criminal
Who told you that!? Was it Dan?
>Not killed by Trump
Put me in the screenshot!
Epstein was murdered
>No, it's not a crime at all.
lol, wow, you people have no morals huh?
>does an innocent man kill himself over false accusations?
He kills himself when he's kicked out of the team for his own game and blacklisted from the industry that it was his dream to work in, you evil piece of shit.
He was never going to work again. He'd spent years working to make something of himself in the Indy circles and had no other qualifications and these cunts will hound you to the end of the world and then some.
He could've got a job on an oil rig under a false name and some Malicious ResetEra cunt would've contacted the employers within a week.
Even if he had been proven innocent, those cultists wouldn't have believed it for a second.
But sure, clearly you're a brave strong user who wouldn't be broken by losing a literal lifetime of complete dedication to some THOTs 140 character tweet.
In civilized countries it is.
If it's a war you people want it's a war you people will get.
Libel is against the law and defamation is a tort.
Cultist Simulator convinced me Alexis Kennedy hates video games and wants everyone else to as well.
>Illegal != criminal
kek go on
this gon be good
I don’t trust Zoe in the slightest
Nobody waited to see to see if they were real or not.
Dude was suffering from depression and was seeing a doctor, and suddenly out of nowhere this girl comes with ALLEGATIONS and ruins his entire professional career , that must have pushed him over the brink.
MandaloreGaming likes Cultist Simulator therefore I do
All male SJWs are covert rapists, so yeah, she's just pointing out the obvious.
>Western game devs
>Western people
>Western gaming
>Western women
When will people get that westerners are just inherently inferior? It must be all the leftism and narcissistic individualism that pollutes their brain that makes them think this is acceptable behavior. And its not like ALL of them will commit suicide so its not a self-correcting problem.
listen user, if you think flirting is walking up to a woman you don't know and grabbing her by the pussy you have some deeper problems. i suggest getting a terrible job that has some benefits and going to see a therapist