>"Umm...excuse me professor...but you ARE playing on Casual right...

>"Umm...excuse me professor...but you ARE playing on Casual right? I wouldn't want to permanently die and force you to savescum...There is literally no benefit for me (or anyone) dying, you're really just skipping on game's content, I mean no one even reacts to deaths, the game was clearly not designed to have your characters die...so please play casual professor"

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Other urls found in this thread:


i react to deaths
for ia m

Its the opposite for me. Those deaths make me value my units and pay close attention to when and what they do to avoid dying.

based deathreactor

Nah bitch, I live on the edge. If some same turn reinforcements splatters your brains all over the map then u stay dead

>pic,last victim of same turn reinforcements. RIP

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Why would I need to play on casual when I can rewind time?
Turnwheel/pulse should just replace casual mode.

YOU may react to the deaths, but it's fucking retarded that characters don't. You can have Flayn murdered in front of Seteth and he won't even say "No...", he won't mention it after the battle and he will have the same demeanor for the whole game.

Bernadetta's huge, unkept bush!

Imagine playing a fantasy tactics game for the characters. Imagine being such a disconsolate weeaboo that you choose to play a watered-down version of a game to avoid the death of whatever flavor of the month ""waifu"" you've become attached to.
Imagine making the argument that playing on casual is somehow more honorable because the ONLY alternative is savescumming, which surely everyone can relate to.

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I fucking missed recruiting Severa on lunatic because I cleared her map in three turns, forgetting the recruitment flag
100 hours down the fucking drain

What happens if you run out of units? Legit question. What if everyone in your house and the teachers die and you're left with Byleth and house leader? Wouldn't that make the game essentially impossible to complete?

Not really since Byleth and the House leaders are powerful gorillas


You're just left with 2 super units instead of a full army.
Older games would spread out recruitment even until the final chapter to avoid this problem, but we've long since moved past perma death being a key focus of the series.

If you have enough healing items, the right weapons, and play very defensively then its possible to manage.

You can totally beat the game with just Byleth and house leader. High Lord Dimitri has around 50 speed, he literally dodges 9 out of 10 attacks thrown at him and 1 shots 90% of the enemies. And that's on a 10 man party where the xp will be split up between everyone. If you go solo byleth/dimitri you'll absolutely end up with the two of them at like level 60 at the start of part 2 and no one will be able to oppose them.

Early fire emblem recruitment fucking sucks. 5 has to be the worst with some of its secrect conditons. Pic related is the worst recuitment

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What did you have to do to get him?

Excuse me professor, but you ARE playing on classic, correct?
Oh, good, good. No, I was just curious, is all.
By the way, you should position Dedue right there next turn... Yes, in range of 6 mages, exactly. We need to bait them out. Don't worry, he can take them, I'm sure of it... Yes, I know he's an armor knight with 1 Res and negative speed, professor, but sometimes you just have to... you know, believe in your students.

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to anyone whos beaten the BL route, Ingrid said just after prep that the mages aren't wearing standard imperial armor, and then one of the mages said something about how 'we cannot let those beasts stop us from out true vision' or something like that. I finished the chapter and the mages did nothing. Does something happen if you take too long or is this purely a plot device to show that the slitherers are fucking around during the BL route?

how the fuck do you die in TH nigga

Why is she so ridiculously useless? Don't they have people to check for balance and didn't they ever notice like "Hey...you know...Flayn's stats seem to be well below the stats of every single character in the game, maybe we should look into them?"

Seriously, she's level 45 and she's still getting killed in the 1-2 hits by ANYONE. People also say that she's an "amazing healer" but she doesn't even have Physic.

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What’s the point of fielding more than one unit then?

To give you the short version. 8 npcs need to talk to 8 enemy units, these are specific, and if a single one dies while not having done their talks then he's unrecruitable.
The only way that makes it easier is knowing that, for some reason, they can still talk while sleeping.

Playing on classic makes the game too easy. You can just suicide-tank enemies non-stop and lure them into unfavorable situations. Like the game wasn't easy enough as it is.

She is good at dancing and giving free turns to others but that is about it.

You have go through an entire castle map and release a group of villagers. Once released you have to guard every villagers and let them speak to a specific enemy unit that is related to them. But the worse part is that other enemy units with related villagers are actively rushing to any unrelated villager and trying to capture them. And once one villager is captured your fucked since you have to kill that enemy unit thus fucking up the whole process, forcing a restart if you want to recruit xavier.

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Unlocking support convos, really. Fire Emblem is not known for its balance. In binding blade you could win a majority of levels by putting your protag in a bridge and letting every enemy rush you

They're just dubstep boys. They all fuck off if you kill Myson.

anything for you, my love

I take it this was done more as a way to fuck with people then something the devs expect players to do on a regular basis.

i made her my dancer. when she wasn't buffing teammates she would destroy shit with a levin sword or provide support with fortify/rescue. i almost reclassed her into gremory just because her growths were ridiculous on my playthrough compared to mercedes

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>Choose Church route in my first play through.
>No House Leader.
>Seteth is now my main companion.
>Miss out on the huge battle between the three houses.
>Still stuck at Garreg Mach.
>Important character dies off-screen.

I wish we have a single playthrough for the next FE, cause I'm at Part 3 and the pacing feels off with the Dark Ones being the big antagonist after fucking off 50% of the game.

The first time I recruited Stephan was on accident on my third play through of Path of Radiance.
These games can be autistic with their recruitment conditions

Being able to kill more enemies per turn. One super unit by himself can still only kill one enemy per turn plus whatever idiots suicide themselves into you during their phase.

It's more a challange. You obviously won't need Xavier but it's something interesting to do on the map, and as I mentioned there's a lot in game to help you with it and I tend to do it every run.

Ive used her once as a grimory once as a dancer across 3 runs so far. She's clearly not as good as lysithea dorothea, but shes an excellent dancer if not the best one imo and a decent grimory because of her absurd res shes a magic tank and can tank most units with nosferatu

She did really well as assasin for me after I gave her dancer sword avoid and alert stance.

Turtling gets you killed in 3H.
It's a very player-phase oriented game.

>>Miss out on the huge battle between the three houses.
It's garbage in BL. Only decent in GD and even then the pre-release hyped way too much that moment. It's not that important.

>assassin flayn

this sounds hilarious, i must try this

I'm more curious about cut scenes. Do they replace your characters with generic soldiers or something?

great knight bernie is also high on the list

Considering how the game throws divine pulses at you like candy, plus extra units from faculty/other houses (grinded as adjutants with no risk), plus infinite opportunities to grind - I'm going out on a limb and saying the only people in that situation did it on purpose or are possibly journalists.

What even makes someone a good dancer though? I made Annette my dancer because she was falling behind everyone. Mages really don't shine in this FE.

Bullshit, she's been a gremory for me since level 30 and she's currently level 45 and everyone still destroys her.

Since you played BL route can you tell me if THAT character's death is canon in the other routes?

Honestly wish the game had an Xcom middle ground where units wouldn't die, but was out of commission for awhile while they recover.

>You can have Flayn murdered in front of Seteth and he won't even say "No...", he won't mention it after the battle and he will have the same demeanor for the whole game.
this is why i feel that permadeath isn't implemented very well in fire emblem:since the support conversations are all optional you can't have characters develop outside of their supports which means that most units can't have any effect on the plot and their deaths won't matter unless they're a lord character

No, they just don't show up.

If a character is crucial to the storyline, he will not die. For example if Gilbert falls in battle during Blue Lions, he'll simply say he has to retreat. If Sylvain dies post timeskip, he will simply be absent from the cutscenes where he would normally show up at.

Remember that no one can actually die before timeskip btw.

Don't worry, I marry you every run so I never let you die, or anyone for that matter

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I've been hearing that a lot lately. Is it better then just sticking with bows?

Just finished my first playthrough siding with the Church.

Do the other 3 routes offer anything in return? While I liked the game; 40 hours per play through is too much.

>What even makes someone a good dancer though?
nothing, I just found myself using her for things other than dancing quite often in the late game. there are also some shenanigans you can pull with their sword avo +20 ability, which is kept between class changes

Why do i want to rape the shit out this guy

That would be great since you'd finally have a reason to rotate your squad.

Even between support conversations, it's retarded because no real growth can occur. I.e if you max the Gilbert X Annette support, Gilbert promises Annette that after the war he will return home to Ingrid and her mother. But then you start doing Gilbert x Dimitri support and Dimitri will still gloat in self pity saying how he intends to abandon the kingdom as soon as the war is over.

Echoes had those nearby ally deaths. Don't know why 3H skipped them.
But no, truth is that FE games aren't designed around permadeath. At this point classic mode is just a compromise mode, but the game isn't designed for you to lose units and replace them like, say, FE6 and its bloated cast of benchers and replacements.

What if i let a recruited student die pre skip? Do they return to their house like nothing happened, or are they essentially deleted, even as later enemies?

Or just use one of the BILLIONS of charges on the time reverse ability
It becomes a completely meaningless mechanic if you play on casual

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>40 hours

What am I doing wrong that my first playthrough was 76 hours.

That's because they don't die. They get "injured" and retreat to NPC-dom. Seteth is probably ecstatic Flayn won't be in any other battles.

Did you not read the final sentence on the post where I said that nobody can actually die pretimeskip? They just "retreat". When someone dies, you'll fucking know they're dying. The screen freezes, they let out a blood curling screen, collapse on the ground and say a line like "Omg I'm LITERALLY dying right now". As opposed to them just "falling" where they say like "Ugh, gotta retreat!"

New story, narative, character lineup including new lord?
Like, all 4 are pretty different post skip, and preskip, while being similar, can still be enjoyed by new POW and lineup to play with
Its one of those games where replaying 4 times is worth it

Anyone know if Ashe can marry Mercedes in the end? Seems like it would be a cute one. Really just like the idea of him getting CAKED.

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I am assuming I'll skip some stuff in the other playthroughrs. It toke me around 55 hours for my first on Casual/NoPerma

They die you retard, keep playing the game. They just don't die before the timeskip

"At least...I'll get to be with Mother now..." says Flayn as she lays on a pool of her own blood after being crit'd by a guy with a giant axe
"Yeah I'm sure she's just retreating lol" dumbass.

Yo bro, chill, im just asking if you can essentially “un-recruit” a character by throwing the, to bandits, and the answer is no then, sadly

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Do I ever get to leave Garreg Mach and explore other places after the timeskip?

>Flayn getting hit
She's a healer you nitwit. Why the fuck is she getting hit by anything except mages?

I wasted a shit load of time around the monastery in the early parts of my first playthrough. I was at like 20 hours by chapter four because I was under the impression that stuff like managing time around activities was more important than it actually was. Also I had to talk to everyone in the monastery because autism.

>aftermath of grinding support points at the cafeteria

Fun fact you're the only person that died in my run. I was fighting those swarms of dragon riders and they decided to all focus on you. Forgot about time reversal until it was too late.

This game lets you skip back time 3 times and then progressively more and the game gets easier. I was right to play normal mode

Also I love you bernie, you're soooo CUTE!

Good dancers:
Use swords, have high speed, preferably have good mag, have some healing skills. That's about it.

Fuck, really?. I'm at 90 and I just reached the time skip.

You think it would be alright to make Petra my dancer in BE then?

user, they absolutely die. You're simply losing them before the timeskip where they don't die because they're still essential to the plot. After the timeskip, a majority of characters, Flayn included, can die. They have different defeat cutscenes and it's pretty obvious to know in which ones they die or not. Other characters still don't react.

I don't remember their support convos, but it's generally very obvious to tell who can or cant get married. I.e Sylvain and Mercedes can (AND SHOULD) absolutely get married, as can Dimitri and Ingrid. But it's obvious that Dedue can't marry Flayn

I spent 110 hours on my first playthrough. Letting all dialogue sections play out was part of it, the voice acting is amazing in this game.

>After the war, Ashe was formally knighted and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors. The young and inexperienced lord faced a great deal of difficulty in governing. Though he was famously tenacious and never lost heart, it was perhaps only due to the counsel of his wife, Mercedes, that he managed to overcome all obstacles. When not busy governing their territory, the couple lifted one another's spirits by baking delicious sweets for each other. The tradition was so heartwarming that it became popular for husbands and wives in that region to do the same for generations.

Sadly, not really. In a certain route you explore a tiny bunker for a chapter or so

>She's a healer that heals less than every other healer in the game and only has access to the most basic healing spells"

Yeah, no.

What would sex with Bernie be like?

Everyone who's good in Mortal Savant is good in dancer. But Petra is a unit who can be a lot of things, so I guess it depends on how you're using her.

It's not optimal but sure, why not? You could just sacrifice Dance and make her something else but keep Sword Avoid.

If a unit dies pre timeskip they will retreat but not show up for the destined meeting. In the credits it will give some reason why they couldn't make it, like dying of illness.

Dead fish

Constantly making Bernie sounds.

Lunatic/Merciless fucking when

Dude I was fucking relieved when I finished BL and saw I only had 40 hours on it. When people with early copies were saying shit like "50 hours in and I just got to timeskip! It's an 80 hour game!" my heart fucking sank. I was worried the game was gonna have Persona tier padding. But thankfully, like always, journalists just fucking suck at games I guess.

So you're what, trying to use her as a frontline unit? Healers should not be in combat.

Petra is a pretty good dancer, yeah. Assuming you are on BE then her and Dorothea are your best dancer options. Flayn makes a good simply because she is useless as anything else so you then don't rob an actually good unit of its real use but again, assuming you are on BE don't do that.

That's Flayn though, who would actually bring dead fish with her.

I'll slap a tight, heart-shaped pastie on her neglected pussy while I ravage her from that velvety sick anal fuckhole.

She doesn't know shit about the world or anything else, so I can teach her how to orgasm properly from an otherwise completely empty, negelcted pussy.

How did you get your playtime so low? Did you just skip supports and monastery busywork?

Especially the Donald Duck ones twitter.com/hilrav/status/1166493926481485824?s=21

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>doesn't know to orgasm
user... she probably masturbates three times a day.

Not him but if you dont go out of your way to recruit people and only do the initial month quests/talks and whatever paralogues is naturally available to your house units, 40~ hrs is pretty normal. Monastery just has so much needless padding for how little it actually adds to the game overall

>Good girls don't do that

I have more than enough time and energy to retrain her properly.

Not that user but:
Low Professor level = less things to do.
1st week: Monastery.
2nd week: Monster battle.
3rd,4th: Seminar.
And I just have dinner to restore morale rather than shoving gift.

Holy shit

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Echoes had so much fucking polish, I don't know why they didn't try to keep that for three houses.
The combat animations were amazing. The little things like, Cavaliers upon dodging, retaliates with their horse fucking kicking you in the face, when engaging in battle, characters start of running towards the enemy, the unique little victory animations for each character, the lines people say when someone dies, the fucking CRIT ANIMATIONS. Not to mention that the dub was pretty damn good.

Everything in three houses is so roboty it's goofy. It's got that crappy charm, and some animations like the house leaders crits and mortal savant are pretty good. But, echoes did a damn good job hiding the fact that they just stick the character models head on different bodies for classes. Made every character feel unique in a way.


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Less than you'd think, Part I is the same across the board and Part II sees a lot of recycled content between routes.

I want Lysithea to beat me up after she has her fun bullying me

user I've told people FE has regressed and people don't listen, it's a lost fight.
Give it a year and people will be awakened to the mediocrity of the game.


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I dunno man. I did every side quest every month, every paralogue that came up, and recruited lots of people. If I had to guess what must have made me play so fast, maybe it was that I was very quick to decide who I wanted to use and who I didn't. So I knew everything I wanted to work toward and my team was set in stone very early on. Which meant they were all high levels because I was only using them. I also skipped useless things like tea time (seemed like I was better off grinding supports in battle) and I didn't bother looking up a guide for lost items so I only did a few. It felt like a pretty average playthrough overall. I've played quite a few of these games but I wouldn't even call myself and FE master or anything. I think it just came down to me not overthinking things because I knew I was gonna have to play the game at least 3 times anyway. Only to find out later it's actually 4 times.

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The slithers are behind the scenes in all nations except for maybe the Leicesters. Also isn’t Lord Gloucester/Lorenz’s dad a slither too? I just did the paralogue where his soldiers are using monsters to kill villagers and I think he was the one that experimented of Lysithea with the Gloucester crest.

3H does have the “run toward the enemy to attack” if you initiate from afar instead of walk there, then attack
But yeah, their 1st venture into “hd” graphic is still rough. At least we can hope with how the 3ds games were improving progressively graphically

The Bernie thing never happens in some routes if that’s what you mean

Nop. Dimitri at this point isnt punished Dimitri, so he lives

That is a very sweet ending for the both of them. Now I'm not sure if she should marry Sylvain or not.

>Only to find out later it's actually 4 times.

Can honestly skip church and just do deer unless you want that rhea end, theres really nothing else it offers.

Lorenz's dad is described as being a pious fellow, and joins Byleth's cause in GD cause Byleth speaks as the head of the church during negotiations.

I just hit 47 in BE and I’m just about to his the timeskip, maybe it’s cause I feel compelled to talk to every single person in the monastery and fish for an hour every month

Jesus christ there's actually someone else out there like me. I thought I was crazy. Echoes was so much more polished than this game visually. I know visuals are not the most important part of a game and I really did like playing this one but I don't want everyone to get complacent with the way 3H looks. If everyone's lets it slide, IntSys will turn into another Game Freak where it never looks good and the animations are crappy but the series still makes millions anyway.

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Lost items and prof-lvl related stuffs indeed costed my quite a bit of time. Like, 30-60 min+ per explore (once a month) searching every nooks and cranies for those blue lightspot, fishing, giving gifts, etc
Never skipping voices might be my downfall too, with how inflected and slow they are, both jp and eng

it's been ages and they haven't realized the mediocrity of the entire series so

yeah hes a dick but all you gotta is say THE POWER OF SOTHIS FLOWS THROUGH ME HALLELUJAH

the Sylvain/Felix bromance ending in the blue lions route is legit one of the best in the game so go for that if you can.

Wasnt most of this game outsourced? Not that it excuses how cheap this game feels in a lot of areas. But yes echoes is how you do a remake as far as visuals go, maps were still trash but they wanted to keep it faithful to the original

Don't know what you're talking about, nobody thinks 3H looks good.

My autism isn't going to let me not do them all. It's awful.

They did improve from awakening to echoes tho, even when they could just “eh the 3ds can only do that much”. They care enough
And most of the graphic was made by KT this time, who dont exactly maje good looking games. Just hopping that IS learnt sth from this joint venture

Nobody thinks it looks good, but nobody reviewing the game ever seems to point out that it looks bad.

Perfect Comprehension.

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I actually have them built up for the A support. Everyone is sitting on an A support but I just haven't decided who should go with who yet. Marianne and Dimitri is the only one I have set in stone at the moment.

Looking at Byleth's growths made me realize growths don't matter because my first 3 levels with him were just +hp and dex/charisma

3H visuals have been a criticism since the game was 1st revealed. That and just how lazy they were with reusing maps will stick around as far as negatives go. Difficulty should too but they might sweep that one under with difficulty DLC added in, though i doubt it will be much more than stat inflation/putting some gimmick skills on every single enemy unit to make maps more annoying.

i want her to say that after studying my dick

You impregnated your most depressed students and they just found out about the other, what do?

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What’s with those Liecester soldiers use the monsters and attack you and the villagers in Raph and Ignatz’s paralogue? The soldiers say “He’s going to be angry...”
Also who implanted the Gloucester crest in Lysithea? You can put it in spoiler tags if ya want

what is Bernie Sanders appeal?

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If there is no permadeath the game becomes a literal cakewalk
It's designed around you winning fights without losing anyone, not just throwing everyone into the grinder without a second thought

Mate several reviewers took point from the game cause it looks so unpolished and because they can gay it out with Claude
And the whole community flipped its shit last year when it was announced. Not until this e3 and release that people praised this game for the great(?) characters and story

Understandable, just do that one last, maybe burnout will overpower your autism at having to do the games 1st part 3 times over and then chunks of the 2nd part over again, and paralogues, and quests, all the same maps, same enemies, mostly same roster depending on if you recruit or not.

>her face when he does survive

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I never played Echoes but the art looks so nice and polished. Can you imagine Three Houses with that artstyle? Byleth would look so cool.

Game was fun and all but after this and Fates I reeeeally don't think nonlinear narratives are IS's strong point. The story in Echoes wipes the floor with Fates and 3H and I think that's because it was way more focused.

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>positioned Dedue within range of like five mages during final map of BL because I was half asleep and wasn't paying attention.
>he toughed it out with about 5hp remaining.

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This. Playing casual is nothing but unoptimal. You can play this normally without having people die. If you have them die, you messed up

Holy FUCK!! I want to CUDDLE and PROTECT Bernadetta!

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Nothing they're both gonna kill themselves.

So how would you guys rate the game (so far, no DLCs yet) comparing to the older games?

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That is literally why I said games aren't designed around permadeath anymore. The game isn't expecting you to lose units.

Put her on a fortress knight armor, warping her in the middle of the map and seeing her actually kill shit.

I know people like bow knight Bernie but she is a surprisingly good Fortress/Paladin, she wanted to shell herself from the world so I gave her a new shell, I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED.

Why does casual still exist when you can just divine pulse a few turns back?

How much did you guys actually use the pulse? I spammed it a bit in the second gronder field map because Claude started raping everyone with his insane range

Massively flawed but still a lot to like. Easily better than any of the 3ds games.

It has flaws but is honestly still my favorite. I have a massive fetish for building units though.

probably a 6, initial playthroughs okay, monastary padding already dragging it down, then you play a new route adn realize everything the same up to part 2 and depending on what route you did 1st the 2nd one could still have bits of overlap, really drags any replayability down

Better than GBA and 3DS, not better than the rest. It's an interesting idea but I don't want to see it become the standard, though there's still things I'd like to see stick with the series.

I liked it a lot, but it does have quite a few problems. I liked it more than any of the 3DS games if that's says anything.

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I've played every officially localized Fire Emblem besides the Ike games (for a really stupid reason) so that's my frame of reference. Personally I think it's my fourth or fifth favorite with Echoes being #1 and Shadow Dragon being the worst SRPG I've ever played.

Casual is for the “i just throw my units out there to die. Not that its important” crowds, and brute force the game


That's talent

They give you so many uses that I started using it to fix minor mistakes just to squeeze out a few extra support points or move a unit one extra tile. The only time where I was really in trouble and had to spam pulses was during Petra's paralogue where I had a unit immobilized and in range of multiple assassins and peg knights and any unit that could assist would also get one-rounded by said peg knights and assassins.

In GD: Dimitri loses at Gronder but then sneaks away from his army and chases after the imperial army alone. Hilda watches him impaled by spears from all sides and returns to you. In BE he's relatively normal. the end boss of one of the last maps and Edelgard executes him. In BL he goes full N U C L E A R but comes back from the edge and admits without Byleth he'd probably do something stupid to try and get Edelgard and wind up dead.

I used it supremely sparingly up until I got my 7th charge.

Now I'm on my 11th and I'll use it just to get a better reposition or if I miss an attack.

There’s going to be some hiccups considering this was the first console FE in a decade and they had considerably more power to work with while not having old assets to work with.

From a visual standpoint it’s a lot better than what people thought it was when it was first revealed

Is it just me or is BL's final map way harder than GD's.
>Snipes you across the map.

Pretty much only used it when someone died, which was infrequent. There were a couple times towards the end of the game where I used it when I realized I could get more support points by repositioning a few units

To add to this. You don't participate in the second battle of Gronder Field on Church. Dimitri dies, Edelgard is heavily wounded, and Claude vanishes.
Dimitri's ghost visits Byleth afterwards.

GD's must be a damn cakewalk then.

>Shares the second highest magic growth in the game.
>"heals less than every other healer in the game"
>only has access to the most basic healing spells
Oh right because Fortify and Restore are just everyday spells that everyone gets.

>Flayn makes a good simply because she is useless as anything else
Flayn is legitimately better than most units in the game with her stupid magic, Rescue and Fortify combo. She just makes a good dancer because those spells aren't really turn to turn spammable.
Though you could argue that making her a dancer is a bad thing because you halve the Rescues/Fortifies she has and you can't Rescue twice or anything of the sort.

Everybody was trashing on 3H during the first reveal, because it looks like an early ps2 game. And the end product doesn't look better.
The S Rank art is terrible, the textures are ugly, the relatively detailed character models clash with the ugly environment and movement in the cutscenes feels stiff and janky. Feels like they just dumped the product on the market without anybody quality checking it.
It's a wonder that the game managed to be good despite these flaws.


Graphic aside, they really went all out with the monastery
Like holy shit its fucking huge. One of the biggest hubs i have ever seen in a trpg, and maybe jrpg alongside MHW and XC2’s towns

For when you let your family member that's 8 or younger play or mom.

How? Even against my slow-ass Mercedes the boss only had a 40% hit rate and did 12 damage. Even the cluster of siege tome mages in the throne room aren't that bad because each one only has two Meteors. I had more trouble with the War Masters and that's only because they were getting multiple 14% crits in a row.

>it looks like early PS2 game
The trailers were all zoomed in. Who the fuck plays the game zoomed in?

I like the game but I absolutely hate the two people standing around talking while the camera constantly spins around an ugly background that's been distorted somehow thing

Its Gods Hand all over again, but instead of gameplay its the suprisingly good story and characters that carry it

It's not my first playthrough

Why is every A support automatically romantic?

it is, nemesis doesnt move and nuking the 11 elites is easy as fuck and Nemesis turns into a pussy afterwards
>inb8 killing the 11 elites
purposly gimping yourself doesnt count, if thats the case it still makes BL harder by not killing the mages

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I think just the massive amount of long range enemies and mages made it a pain for me, had to pulse a few times because squishy units kept getting gang fucked by Edel and Meteor.

Echoes narrative is some generic shit m8. Cellica is a fucking gullible moron. All is great though I don’t deny

Because they decided to get rid of S for some reason instead of simply having 2 pre skip convos and 2 post skips. Except for byleth because plot or something

I spammed pulse mainly to bypass a bad levelup rng. If a unit gets a bad levelup, just pulse back and stop gaining exp on him for the remainder of the map.

Not all are, but a lot for sure. It is obnoxious and doesn't even flow well from most people's B support

Man in FE7 Cog of Destiny I accidentally triggered all the enemy reinforcement spam on like turn 1, so I marched my entire army up onto the island on the north side of the map and just held the bridges against all comers.

It was like Thermopylae, and it was fucking awesome.

>add time babies
>remove time babies
>majority of A supports have to be subtle S supports to make up for lack of marriage and babies
They're too afraid to change it if it doesn't involve some of the older guys like Hanneman

flayn pls

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He does move, but you have to hit him first, but this just lets you gang everyone on him in one turn to either weaken him for Lys or whoever has a strong enough crit

Literally my only knocks on the game so far is that it’s too easy (which is being rectified later with Lunatic/Maddening) and that Fliers are entirely too strong relative to infantry.

It’s my favorite game in the series. The overall cast smashes every other FE with ease. Full VA brings these characters to life in a way the series hasn’t seen before

how is it possible that the single area you can walk around in in the entire game was so poorly made for the one single piece of hardware it's available for that it has frame drops and occasionally long load times waiting for a door to open like metroid prime

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>Full VA brings these characters to life in a way the series hasn’t seen before
It's true and yet I still click through the dialogue before they finish a lot of the time. Reading it is just so much faster than waiting for everyone to finish speaking

Sorry Bernie. We're trying to tear down the system of nobility. You're one of them, so you have to go.

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Cause KT is shit at optimization
Like, look at the horror that is OW3 ports, and they are releasing the 4th. Im worried
At least the loading is “immersive” instead of zone transition

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The only map I ever had to use it on was this shitty paralogue that involved Marianne starting far away from the rest of your team and the whole map is covered in fog and it's just beasts everywhere and she kept dying. I just had to get lucky and hope she kept dodging their attacks until Dimitri got over there and fucked everything up with a brave lance and Mercedes dancing on his dick.

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Edel can't hit shit, most of my units dodged that shit constantly or it did baby damage to them.

Now Meteor? That shit can go fuck itself.

>Literally can't put Dedue to bait enemies in because he just gets fucking nuked with meteor and all the tiny collective damage from other baby units eventually just kill him, or random crits.

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Yeah that probably my most uses of it

The gaps in the group scenes were what hurt me the most. I really wish they invited your recruited characters to these scenes, Ingrid was carrying the whole fucking team on her back and she never got to be part of the meetings.

Yeah it's like they're on a greenscreen of a bad panoramic photo. It's awful.

That Bernie and Petra paralogue was bullshit.

They actually got my Dorothea

That's pretty much what it is

Yeah, a lot of characters' dialogue at those parts is so disconnected from each other that it would fine to have your recruited units be there to say even just one line

I divine pulse to see special dialogues with characters going against each other

Ashe can take care of the mages with his stupid range with stupid crit.

I just finished the game on the black eagles route and didn't get an option to pick a romance from any of the characters I'd reached S-rank with. They all just paired off: Petra and Linhardt, Bernadetta and Ferdinand, even fuckin' Edelgard and Dorothea.

What gives? Do I need to not build up supports between other characters in order to get a romance option of my own?

why is Bernie so flammable?

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Did you choose to skip the month?

you need your dads ring that he leaves you when he gets stabbed

I still think it's funny that Byleth can't get married if they forget to pick up their mother's ring. It makes even less sense when most men propose to female Byleth in their S-ranks and give their own rings.

Guard adjutant+Blessing gambit makes any tank invincible for at least 1 turn, now matter how low their speed or resistance. Or just use Impregnable Wall.

I always forgot about impregnable wall, that would've been so useful for baiting in brave enemies

>Now Meteor? That shit can go fuck itself.
It's hilarious how much easier the map gets when they've exhausted their meteors. Edelgard is a joke, Meteor Mage 1 & 2 are the true final bosses of BL

Did you search Jeralt's rooom in the month after he died?

only map where i really used alot of charges was the second to last map of BE and that was mainly due to all the unpredictable stuff in that map the first time you play it like dudes suddenly transforming into beasts and Rea and all her golem buddies ambushing you

I want to wreck his boipussy.

>game punishes you for skipping gameplay
You dun goofed m8.

It's a shame that Stride overshadows pretty much everything, the other utility gambits are actually pretty cool.


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yeah thats why I forgot about it, literally just gave Stride to as many people as I could and flew across the map

Bernie needs to take a bath

what are some interesting builds for my BL units run? My BE run was so cookie cutter I felt a little ashamed, but now I know the games not hard enough to need minmaxing, whats FUN? Trying to stick with my BL crew + Caspar and Marianne for paralogues + waifuing

Im looking forward to some of the crazy ltc strats people will eventually find with stuff like stride + Edelgards galeforce combat art

what if she doesnt want to?

I wish I could click a button or something to immediately see where all the enemies are going to attack. It's nice that it shows you as you're positioning your characters but sometimes I want to see it all at once without going over each enemy individually. Unless I'm an idiot and there is a way to do that

Stride+Warp+Flying unit already lets you one turn a lot of maps with "Defeat enemy commander" as the win condition.

They have arrows, but lategame with ballistas and all the movement they have it's hard to see who it belongs to

It can be a bit of pain due to a weakness in flying but wyvern Dedue is pretty fun due to being a flying wall. Grappler Felix is also pretty fun due to them working well with his crest

>Ashe and Mercedes start a new tradition for future generations
>Annette writes a book about Ashe so his legacy will live on

Ashe has it good. How does he fair with Ingrid?

Wholesome ending.

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BL has honestly the best overall roster of characters. Only Bernadette and Dedue are kind of bland. I love all the others ones. Also Flayn a shit.

then we'll tie her to a chair and throw her into the bathtub

My Ashe was weak as fuck, I benched him

so Gilbert married Annette? based

6/10, but I'm an Awakeningbabby.
Conquest > Birthright > Awakening > Three Houses > shit > Echoes > Rev
The game really doesn't play well but the writing is alright, especially compared to Fates. I wish that if IS insisted on the split route thing they'd only do two and give their all in making them different. I really loved how in Fates even classes were coded by region, and well, how the prologue wasn't more than half the game and maps weren't reused like crazy.

Anette is the best daughterwife

>Only Bernadette and Dedue are kind of bland
>not liking two of the best characters

Im running BL now, and my preskip lineup include
>dancer Dimitri
>mage Dedue (im not kidding. Nosferatu tanking is hilarious)
>brawler Felix
>brigand Ingrid (that i might class into wyvern lord)
All fine and dandy thus far

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>above anything
Opinion discarded.

Sylvain really grew on me. I wish I had a friend like him.

Either Merc to Warrior or Warrior to Hero. The idea is to get both Wrath and Vantage and have him be a nightmare on Enemy Phase.
Anything, it doesn't matter, same goes for Ingrid. You can even forgo having a Dancer to give him Sword Avoid and have him be an untouchable Swordmaster.
One of few characters who is a somewhat decent user of Dark Seals. Can easily go Dark Mage to Dark Bishop to Dark Knight.
Mage until you have both Fiendish Blow and access to Bolt Axes, then switch her over to either Pegasus Knight or Wyvern Rider, she'll be the closest thing you can get to a Dark Flier and you'll actually get use out of her Relic.

That's all I can think of, the other Lions aren't nearly as versatile.

BL and GD both have fantastic rosters, I can't pick which I like more.

Imagine having such garbage taste you rank fucking Birthright over Echoes

>you will never pick up bitches with your bros Sylvain and Lorenz.

Sue me, I liked the mechanics in Fates a lot. Though the game would be better if Lobster got a nerf.

Is that the same month as Edelgard's crowning? I think I missed everything that month because I didn't realise it'd end exploration for the day.

Guess I'll do the whole thing again

Imagine thinking Echoes was good.

>not keeping everyone in their canon class so that they appear in their real clothing in battle

To be fair that last one is actually optimal.
Physical Ingred wants to go Brigand > Pegasus > Whatever you want to build into

I was confused by this line of questioning at first, but I guess she doesn't know what the fuck to make of the creator of almost all life in Fodlan (who also happens to be her grandma) fusing with her professor that she developed feelings for. She wants to make sure it's still Byleth in there, not Sothis.

Can you imagine an FE game where use of the rewind mechanic and/or savescumming alters the save permanently? Like some units having altered opinions on the player because they know they should've been long dead.

>not benching all royals in BR

Was the only way birthright even approached a challenge with all of its enemy spam nonsense. Takumi/Ryoma can carry that entire cast

Wish I could've fucked him and been her new mom.

Yeah but birthright has little reddeming qualities even for gameplay. If you want to argue in favor of fates at least use conquest only.

>Posts exactly one minute apart

what are fist fighters good for?

Why don't you argue the virtues of Echoes instead? Birthright is salvageable if you bench Lobster and Pineapple. Echoes is boring maps and no interesting mechanics for days and has the turnwheel.


Hitting things. Really. Fucking. Hard.

>the Lance of Ruin mission
>phase 2
>Gilbert rushed in to tank the boss while im positioning myself for a 4 shields break
>2 hit
>realize i ran out of physic cause i didnt expect the phase 2 and grinded my healer skill, and he was too far from my healer
>couldnt block all 8 spots
>watch in horror as he charged in and suiccide to the boss
Geez calm down old man

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aside from the low movement compared to mount/flier classes brawlers are pretty strong due to natural doubling on player phase ontop of high crit rates. Sucks vs heavy def units but you got aura knucks for that

Why can't I use the camera to look up girls skirts?

It actually does, at least in the GBA titles, save files keep track of deaths even after soft reseting.

I'm gonna come clean and admit this is my first FE. I'm playing BL. Should I recruit Caspar or someone similar to have a fist fighter in my team? Or should I improve Dedue's skills instead? Right now I'm moving him more into the axe/tank type.

No, the crowning is the month after.

I'm playing Classic next playthrough. You're fucking lucky, too, because if I was playing it this playthrough you'd be fucking dead three times over
>what if I just don't gain any strength so I can't do damage to anything but the completely unarmored units
you're fucking lucky Shamir is here to pick up your slack

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Just use gauntlets.

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Just go with the flow nigger. It really doesn't matter, just remember to recruit teachers/Shamir/Catherine.

I tried that on my first playthrough but it deprived me of bow knight Leonie and dark knight Lorenz so I said nuts to that.

It is the best FE in the modern era and it’s not even close.

Awakening was fun but terribly broken and has the most copcout false choice garbage ending in the series. I don’t think Fates needs any mention considering the entire thing save for Conquest’s maps was an abortion

youd want caspar for mercedes paralogue anyway so you can have him do double duty on that, or have felix be your brawler instead.

In my run Gilbert walked up and got a crit, took out one of the health bars in one hit.

Well this is the first game with gauntlets and I did sleep on them quite a bit in my first few runs. They aren't necessary, just do what you feel like.
You'll want Caspar for things beyond fighting if you're in BL though.

Genuinely surprised they didn’t go with a black void desu

If you dont want to turn Felix into a mortal savant, hes excellent as a gauntlet fighter with his crest (just not bare-handed)
Or yes, caspar was born to be a brawler

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What happened when you visited your dad's grave? There's supposed to be a moment when you go look at that and then think about who to give your ring to

>their C support with Lorenz being a smartass to him

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is it possible to do all paralogues in a single playthrough?


No. Some are route exclusive.

>Edelgard and Dorothea.

I started on Awakening and Birthright and they are absolute dogshit compared to this game. At least the supports are actually translated properly this time and not shit about candy and “...”

Can clear most of them but some are locked to routes due to missing a route exclusive character

The best part is that Leonie's panties are Jeralt merchandise. That girl is OBSESSED

Sylvain and Lorenz are fags and Ferdie is the best parts of both of them.

Sometimes the dialogue has this obvious homo vibe to it and yet you can't match any boys together. it's so unfair.

Why is Byleth asking Dimitri if he wants to dance with Claude or Edelgard at the ball?


My Caspar in BE uses fists and axes and is an absolute king

>playing casual
>dying at all with divine pulse

Haha, no, my sweet Bernie, you WILL die over and over and i will enjoy every last bit of your suffering. And i WILL load dozens of times to save you in the end, because, after all, i love you and won't let you take any permanent damage. My last playthrough? Yes, i was curious, how things will play out in that route, why are you asking? Well i returned for you now, didn't i? Aren't you happy we are going to fight side by side yet again? Together, forever and ever.

>a bit of upskirt, fuck load of blood and gore in cutscene
>XC2 doesnt even have blood, just shows a bunch of skin
>blackvoid for Smash to keep their B rating
I dont get that rating board sometimes

Can’t Linhardt be gay at least?

>bench Ryoma
>take him out on the final 3 chapters and he's still op
He honestly was too overpowered for what Birthright was when they made him join

Was gonna ask why Edegard’s Was in her lord outfit then I realized she technically wears shorts on her default costume

Yeah Bernie the BL's character.
How could I forget about her.

>not a fag
LOOK at him. The hair, the rose, the nose. It’s painful.

Linhardt is bi solely because that fuck is too lazy to care about who take his hand into marriage

I like how all of the BE girls like Bernie and Petra and Dorothea look up to Edelgard as a sort of older sister. Also Dorothea’s pet names are cute

Anette, Bernadette is almost the same name and they're both bland as fuck. Proving my point basically.

>Sylvain/Felix bromance ending in the blue lions route is legit one of the best in the game

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Hes an absolute noble gentleman who has godlike supports with every female available

Sakurai said once that it's such a joke that the first thing they ask you to do is show them all of your female models upside down. He really mocked the idea of that being their priority.

I just used her for fucking fodder, she couldn't do shit because of her rng mishaps. I'm not good at the game anyways.

I didn’t think I’d care for him too much but honestly he’s so lovable and means so well. He just wants people to be safe and happy.

>Forgetting the sheer amount of reused content

Both ryoma/takumi are busted due to their weapon/personal skills, ryoma more so obviously, fucking 1-2 range sword on a guy who can easily double everything in existence.Meanwhile pineapple gets a bow with steel or silver level damage that ignores terrain penalties and typically has enough power to 1 shor or round anything he sees, only thing that would have sealed it is it being a 1-2 range bow.

That’s why he’s a discount Ferdie

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>disliking Annette
Congratulations on having garbage taste loser.
I feel sorry for your parents.

Quantum field theory?

after the split is it possible to convince anyone to join you?

Imagine how anal you have to be to get on SAKURAI’s bad side.

The nips are so comically conflicted with their sexuality it’s hilarious. Really wish every one took the France approach

Do most people have bad Bernies? Her Petra and Hubert are my best units, she one hit snipes every enemy from across the map

Birthright has much better gameplay than Echoes though

It's actually Bernadetta if you want to go into detail.

>Linhardt and Alois are the only same-sex options for male Byleth

just finish it with Thunder Sword, Felix

>bernie's a filthy casual

her growths are all middling, much like ashe and ignatz, if she gets good levels shes great, but if she doesnt, well shamir will usually outclass her and continue to do so if you keep using her.

The number of unique maps is still higher than that of other entires. Not even something that’s exclusive to 3H either

So people like this game mostly because it's not Fates right?

Bloomers are the hottest underwear for a fist fighter

They only kind of fag Lorenz is is a footfag.

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Does Shamir stay with you if you choose Edel instead of Church?

You mean superior, look at that unkempt hair compared Lorenz's styled locks.
It's literally just Lin. Alois and Gilbert arent romantic

Her str growth is terrible. Some user even got her at 18str lvl35
Although mine is pretty decent growth wise, and i just dumped all the +1 str veggie i got from gardening on her

He has cool armor at least

Yes, which means you can kill Catherine with her.

Felix and Sylvain would clearly be bi-curious in real life

what'd you guys make your Sylvain? Dark Knight seems okay with his budding talent but I'd probably just rather kill people than throw weak fireballs

Shamir will stay, Cyril will leave I think, top 10 anime betrayals when Shamir kills Catherine

So is Catherine like Hilda and she'll only join you on BE if you side against Edelgard? I usually recruit Shamir and her at the same time but Catherine didn't have the option.

>all the sluts show their panties while all the pure girls wear pants or shorts to hide their modesty
Based but also sad for my penis.

>The game where even on lunatic you have to be genuinely retarded to lose thanks to busted units like Ryoma.

>better gameplay

Objectively shit taste

Because that was their third game on the system, most of the assets were there from other games so they had much more time to focus on polish.

Meanwhile this is a new system AND KT's first go at a real FE game.

If we get another FE for the switch it will definitely have more polish.

You guys are being way too cynical.

>12 shared maps pretimeskip
>Reunion, Fort Merceus, Gronder Field, Shambhala. Enbarr, Imperial Palace, Myrrdin Bridge, Monastery defense, Ailell and Dierdru all appear on at least 2 two routes
>3 maps unique to BL
>1 map unique to BE
>1 map unique to GD
>1 map unique to church
That's a total of 28 unique maps for the main story. Which is like the average map count for every FE game not named Sacred stones.

I don’t remember mine’s stats but yeah I guess I got lucky cause she one shots everyone with greater range than my other characters, haven’t had to bother too much with Shamir unfortunately because of it. My Petra wanted to become a Wyvern Rider so I let her and she destroys everything too.

Yes, and so is Cyril
Those 2 are too obsessed with Rhea to betray her

>Yes, which means you can kill Catherine with her
shit, that’s savage :(

Pre-timeskip, the characters just “retreat.” You won’t be able to select them for battle anymore, but they’ll still be “alive” and will still show up in cutscenes. They’ve done this at least since Awakening for story-relevant characters like Lissa or the royals from Fates.

Still better than Echoes, which makes Awakening's maps look good by comparison

Fuck you I spent 60 dollars on this game, I'll be as cynical as I want.

>BL gets the most unique maps

Sorry I meant BE

>Shamir, don't you owe Rhea?
>yeah I guess lol

HA, based


Why is Catherine such a raging dyke?

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Funnily enough my Petra got so much speed that she evade and double everything, even when countering
I just class her to thief, put a bow + close counter on her, and throw her to the bandits

She owes Rhea everything, including the coochie

I made him a Dark Knight and he turned out okay. He's not the strongest with either physical or magic this way, but DK does give him some versatility in attacking at least.
Keep in mind Sylvain has like a 50/50 chance of getting fucked if you put him on a horse in general because of that -10% to his speed growth, though.
For reference, my Sylvain (pictured here obviously), ended up having the same speed as Dedue as a Wyvern Lord after keeping him as an armored/fortress knight for most of the game, while also having 7 less strength and 8 less defense

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>b-b-but new system :((((((

mmmm bait


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>dump nearly all str veggies and energy drops on ignatz
>either crits or lethality the enemy to death
Very few enemies can honestly survive it, but it was painful to use him before I did that with the crits not killing anything.

holy shit is this what nintendies like? cringe

Excited for school tomorrow user?

Liked Awakening and I like this one even more.

the "you get less speed if you're on a horse" shit is annoying as hell

This happened to me in FE 12 on the harder difficulties where I lost quite a bit of units, and even then I'm sure I could have gotten through if I was really careful or better on the chapter I gave up on, but I already played FE3 so it was whatever for me. Still made the game more fun.

Why do people keep saying this fucking beta orbiter is based?

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That's the price you pay for Canto and BIG MOVE I guess

>le beta orbiter meme

Some of the best lines in the game.

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he's intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor unironically, and he's enjoyable for it

It would be fine if fliers had the same penalty.
Instead, fliers get speed buffs.

The archers stop giving a shit because they're just going to use brave bows anyways, and probably got a lot of speed level ups before that. Everyone else doesn't get that pleasure of always being out of enemy range.

>give Ashe a crit ring and Bow crit +10
>he has 55 dex
>still keeps critting everything on the second shot instead of the first

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>not wanting to hit 4 times

>take sweet time grinding Petra's paralogue
>he comes out with meteor and pincer reinforcements
Only time I had to turn back time to the start of the map instead of just one turn.

>decide to make him a mage this run since ive always done melee/brawler paths
>still manages to get more str than mag despite never touching a class with str growths and having classes that boost mag

i honestly miss the boon/bane shit to growths a bit

I hate that map because I was right at the end when Hubert showed up and all my units who could tank magic hits were too far away to kill him.

He's literally the only person redpilled on the slithers before he gives Claude the note

What are the best Hanneman endings?

Lysithea, Dorothea, Manuela

>Everyone just stands there while I solo the boss.
Nice final boss, Edeltards.

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All the final bosses are pretty pathetic desu

She was the only unit I lost in Awakening. Lost her early too. No idea what she's like.
Probably bad and inconsistent like the rest of the characters.

The challenge is always just reaching them. Edelgard is probably the most bullshit being able to attack from miles away, but the attacks themselves aren't that dangerous.

Just finished BL, why did Edelgard turn into slenderman?

Edelgard's was pretty tough because that bitch surrounds herself with a billion mages with boltin/meteor.

The real bullshit part is the 50 siege mages between you and edgelard

Why should anyone give a shit about what you think when you're hacking the game?

remember what happened to slyvians bro?
that but she gets to talk

She needed to be a final boss but wasn't a dragon or given divine power like Unga the Bunga was.

Play the other routes to find out but not the church route cause its officially a waste of time.

Play the game.

Because Dimitri told her to cut her own path no matter the cost reaffirming her belief in her cause

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Running full speed towards the cathedral and being stopped by the gate only to immediately clip through before it began moving was hilarious

Because she's evil.

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How would Dimitri react if he ever found out what actually happened to El?

Is Ignatz worth using? His innate +20 to hit seems like it would be useful for certain bow CAs but he's so weak.

Prolly go nuclear on the rest of the Slithers. Really sucks that we didn't get a nice Hubert Letter like in GD.

I always play classic for one reason and one reason alone. To kill off annoying characters.

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>want to do stuff like having friends fight each other.
>but want to mainly use the characters from the chosen house on each run.

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Why would you ever play on asual when you can turn back time a billion times?

probably murder all molemen then cuddle the PTSD away with El

I’m up to fighting Claude in the BE route.
Does this route even have the gronder field three way battle?

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Who the fuck gave you permission to speak, Bernadetta? This is why nobody likes you. I play with permadeath so I can get rid of anyone I regret recruiting, and guess who's THIS CLOSE to being my first casualty?

This is really representative of my last playthrough as Ignatz.

Dear God he knows no chill.

Depends on when exactly he finds out but he would probably try to go full RIP AND TEAR on the molemen but end up only scaring them back into hiding or getting himself killed.

neither BE nor Church have gronder

bros, i want to put my dick on her drills

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i think you meant to say casual
it really does not matter, the game is actually as casual as it can be even in classic thanks to the 12 divine pulses you get every map

>shittiest routes don't have Gronder.
Well, actually, the second Gronder is shit on BL.

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The second battle of Gronder would have been great on BL if Claude didn't just bumrush you for no reason or if the GD units became green units after Claude and Byleth talked.

That's where she keeps her fish

>BE gets the most unique maps

Don't worry, young man. If you die I'll keep playing without you.

Mine evades more than my other units too, Petra is really amazing. I don’t know who to pair her with if I don’t take her myself.

Why is this house so undeveloped

Without him and his letter the Slithers probably wouldn’t have been taken care of so decisively in GD or Church huh?

How bad do you have to be to STILL have characters perma-die?

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Originally it was supposed to have fog, but IS realized it was too much for the casuals.

I really loved Petra's paragon mission in which Hubert spawns at the end of your turn and nuke kill whoever he wants to.

>Originally it was supposed to have fog,
Well fuck that would have made a lot more sense

A lot of the missions don't make sense for permadeath.

She has crests implanted inside of her making her into a white haired early death abomination like Lysithea except Edelgard is the slither’s Nemesis recreation experiment to wipe out the church so she’s mutated when pushed to the limit like Sylvain’s brother and those other crest abominations.
Sorry, tldr

Caspar is bro tier :(

flayn is very cute

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speaking of which
I know they have a line for when they fight and it was really cool, do they have special dialogue when Shamir kills her? I had Ingrid killsteal so she could pick up Thunderbrand, so I don't know.

Nice "route" Edeltards. They even have the gall to say their filler routes are canon.

Hubert is like the sekrit assassin that follows Edelgard’s footsteps in this universe

edelgard doesn’t need gronder to kick your bitchy ass

I mean yeah, just look at the cinematic shit's full of fog.

I can't wait for IS to put it back in lunatic mode. Killing Bernie will be twice as satisfying.

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She just needs slitheraids and lol2crests and she still loses


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The ideal route is Blue Lions combined with Golden Deer.
Dimitri and Claude should have been recruited in the others route along with the class.

>beat game
>feel pretty satisfied
>remember there's still 2-3 routes left
How long did you give yourselves to absorb the endings before proceeding to the next?

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>Killing Bernie will be twice as satisfying.

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grounder 2 sucks man, claude's a retard for charging in blindly and getting his friends killed

Fog was never meant to appear on the map, it literally just exists in story to justify the Alliance/Kingdom sneaking up on you.

The worst route is the church since ever lord dies in that route and because its a copy and paste of GD's route.

I was so glad to finally be able to kill her in edelgard route after this useless bitch being forced on me twice

She doesn’t need to go super saiyan to take care of two nations with Byleth on her side, and she only needs Hubie to purge them from the interior.

And her routes ends abruptly because the writers can't figure how Edelgard could beat the slitherers without getting horribly nuked first.

Flayn actually turned out pretty critical to me as a Sniper with a Magic Bow. Rough leveling her, but her and Shamir carried by team by the end.

I beat Blue Lions then started Golden Deer the next day.
I beat Golden Deers and started Black Eagles but I can't get into it. I would take a longer break so you don't burn out.

Ignatz is like 3 steps away from becoming bikecuck

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>Leaving Byleth as ruler of almost an entire continent is a bad thing

The worst part about Church is you recruited all the Beagles, so there's literally no one important to kill in the storyline-- like, who thought this up?


I'd say take a few weeks, maybe a month between routes. Play/finish a different game in that time or anything else

Just have Hubert *pssh, nothing personnel* them

What if she takes the nukes and uses them to bomb all the niggers in Almyra

Hes just a pushover, wants to art but parents told him to go knight so he figured that's what he'll do.

Well it makes way more sense than Claude suddenly becoming a retard.

Yeah, about that...

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It's important to make you feel that your units aren't expendable. After 3H I played through PoR and RD and I really appreciate these games, you have to really think for each turn.

What the fuck is up with Ferdinand and Hubert's support?

>Leaving a complete mute in charge of a nation who can't even decide for himself what's righy without any of the three lords.

Yeah what a great idea.

No homo

every route needs at least one super gay support

>Edel without Hubert
Welp, now ya fucked up. Only way to fix that is with EdelxLys

>a complete mute
>can't decide what's right
I'm not exactly sure why they didn't do more voice lines for Byleth considering how many there are in the whole game, but Byleth is definitely not a mute. Also, most of the characters in the game make their decisions BECAUSE the professor is on their side, not the other way around.

You know the Ashen Demon would be a great ruler with a horny wet Flayne by his side

Rather, the problem is the units aren't expendable. Fire Emblem really only tells an interesting story when some of your units die. The lack of ability from the game devs to ever give the player reasons to lose units is what put is in the state where Casual is the same as Classic.

Is bernie the meme wife?
Please don't tell me she is the meme wife
I just want to love her without having to look like a basic faggot waifufag

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I want to make Petra my personal lap dancer

Wasn't the entire conflict in that route about how Byleth was unsure he'd be fit to be in charge of the Church?

I killed Lys, though. Did I somehow create the worse ending for BE?

>the Ashen Demon
Why is Byleth called that? Yes yes I know the name origins and all but in universe, what has Byleth done to be seen as a demon in any regard?

Her and Marianne are 3H's meme wives.

>complete mute
>”Let the lesson begin!”

He wears black armor
He's strong

Kills people as a mercenary without any emotional reaction. Basically creeps out anyone.

because he's literally an emotionless killing machine

Nah cuz she'd just sleep on you for a decade and always look like a loli. Id rather marry Annette and fill her tummy tummy with my cummy cummy.

Not him but its still a poor choice given you dont really get much in the way of personality/personal motives as far as ruling is concerned

>there are 20 or so different crests in the game.
>10 from the elites
>four from the saints
>one from Sothis (Crest of Flames)
>one from Seiros
>one from Maurice.
Am I missing something or are some crests missing?

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Hes a JRPG protagonists. Its a standard.

This game seems way easier than the GBA games. I've only played the two GBA games and this one. Last night I finished the golden deers route on normal classic mode and nobody ever died. I didnt have to save scum. I just totally destroyed everyone for the most part.

>still a poor choice
How so? Byleth has the progenitor god inside him, has led an army to unify the land, and worked as a professor at the highest institution of learning in the land all while managing the interpersonal relationships of his upper command. He's literally the only person qualified for this position.

>Can't pick "I'm a ghost" or "I'm a demon" at the beginning even though both are more accurate descriptions of what Byleth is than "I'm a mortal."

Yeah, pretty sure Slithers still control most of the Empire in that ending or are at least still alive with their bunker without Hubert or Lysithea. Edelgard wants them out but they aren’t explicitly dealt with by anyone except one of those too iirc. LysxEdel has them taking care of the people who experimented on them and Hubert wages a shadow war by himself against them. He’s also the one in other routes who leaves the note on the location of their nukebase and shit.

There are 11 elites, we just don't talk about the 11th

One of 3H's biggest problem is the difficulty. Normal is basically easy and Hard is essentially normal.
Hard Classic is roughly as difficult as SS on Normal from my experience of playing SS right before 3H

yeah, probably dlc bait like Edelgard's mum

Maurice is the eleventh.

some crests are missing on purpose
why, idk, maybe there's some lore dlc in the works

Yeah it's not better on hard. I had a team of literally memes-- Archer Flayn, Annette, Bern and Lysithea as Heavy Infantry. No cavarly, no mages outside MC, and not a single damn unit in a reasonable class outside Swordsmaster Von Aegir. The entire game is a cakewalk up to the final map, which for some reason jumps up to a reasonable difficulty. I only lost units because I went out of my way to not care about some of them, like Petra.

What the fuck is the deal with her mom anyway? Why did she start the Duscur tragedy?

I'll try hard mode whenever I decide to do the blue lions route for my next run.

I guess cause he was completely emotionless as a child mercenary, kind of like Raiden from Metal Gear Solid being called Jack the Ripper as a child merc in Africa. No heartbeat too but most people ingame don’t know that. Jeralt said he never cracks a smile and has almost never shown emotion ever until he starts being around the students.

Is there any bonus for keeping Dedue from dying in GD Ch. 20?

Have you even played the route? I guess not which is a good one you desu cuz its a waste but since i wasted my time with it, toward the end you're given a single dialouge choice that clearly has Byleth show his concerns over ruling the church and has him question if he even should

Guess I'm going back to trying to fuck Lysithea

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No, unfortunately.

>He's literally the only person qualified for this position.

Can't actually argue that since the other people who could be in charge are dead. Hes got god in him so that's obviously a plus, as far as leadership goes the biggest thing is MC charisma, Seteh mostly led the entire route, as do the lords in their respective routes, byleth doesnt actually do all that much himself and most dialogues have him questioning whether he should rule or not, but seteh just throws it on you whenever you doubt it.

I actually restarted the mission because he died as I wanted to save him but then was disappointed when he lived as it didnt make any difference

I mean Rhea probably would have wanted you to take over in the event that she died in Church seeing as how you’re mommy Sothis and Seteth would ditch the place without her.

who cares about not having physic
learn to position
hell, she has fortify
Especially with gremory doubling its casts, that is absurdly good
rescue as well
And complaining your healer cant tank?

The benefit of keeping the bro alive.

How do you even get this ending?

She's also the meme wife.

Well good thing me and felix can fuck off to other countries after "defeating" the slither-niggers.

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Let her die pre-timeskip.

she died in part one

Thales/her brother set up the plan and she completely went with it cause she was obsessed with seeing her daughter again and was willing to let people die for her dream to be with Edel

She got exiled out of the Empire and can't return, Duscur was her price of re-entry

you will never make Bernie suck you off for extra credit

Oh sweet, Felix is a badass so that’s awesome

Well Ribbitis a good name, I called her Kermit.

She really looks like a freaking frog.

Lysithea is reddit's girl

Felix is so suited to joining BE Byleth’s class it’s great, he hopped right on my dick too

Unfortunately for you, the meme wives are Lysithea, Edelgard, Marianne and Bernie.

We'll find out in DLC4.

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More like everyone's girl.

>having felix kill all his family and friends
Now this is the villain kino I was waiting for.

why are you doing this to me
Do you just want to hurt me?

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Bernie is impossibly pretty. her face is perfect, her skintone, eyes, hair, shape she's just stunning.

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pasty mousy ass bitch

Then they absolutely ruined it

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I like how almost every time he sweats in his portrait in BE it’s him worrying about Edelgard giving away too much info about herself and the plan to sensei

And the only time he blushes is his A+ support with Ferdinand

Bernie's actually an okay wife because she shows thoughtfulness and affection towards you throughout the game, it's less of "pick of the litter" kind of pairing compared to most of the other girls


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she's still pretty, the hair is alright, but they made her chin too big, and she's WAY too tall.

She’s healthy now! Love Bernie for who she is!

Admit that Bernie is the prettiest girl in the whole wide world user!

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Why is this not a marriage support? We need this, they’re perfect for each other.

and Fuck Dragons!

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Can only justify her as a dancer since theyre normally shit anyway.

I love what Bernie looks like no matter what she looks like!

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>letting something so insignificant bother you

she's bad because she learns bad magic.
>no psychic
>no warp
>no siege magic
>not even any dark magic like mire or luna

So in other words, they ruined it

still the prettiest girl in the game because she's still Bernie.

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Flayn healing is a meme. Should just get Mercedes.