I'm cautiously optimistic

I'm cautiously optimistic

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Imagine being this retarded after EAfronts.

we will never have 1313

I’m sure it’ll be okay. It’ll be forgotten in a month

EA front has made a complete 180after release though and is now actually fun

Considering this game won't have mtx, I have no reason to believe they will fuck it up at least on that front

I'm boldly pessimistic.

>Disney Wars and EA

Yeah we get it ea bad disney bad yada yada yada

Why? The gameplay footage makes it look like Force Unleashed 3.

Why is it so hard for EA to make a decent Star Wars game? Back in the prequel era, we got multiple great Star Wars games a year.

honestly current state BF2 is pretty stellar

>Its another Padawan escaped Order 66 pre-New Hope story
For fucks sake can they make a different goddamn story already? Why are there so few pre-Phantom Menance stories? You had a crumbling Republic with hundreds of Jedi stretched too thin, and politicians undermining them. Its a great era to tell spin-offs.

im not because im not retarded

Nothing really looked great about it. Its nothing close to the JK series. More importantly they did that thing where they cast the ugliest negress they can find instead of some QT black chick so there is going to be some agenda pushing because only idealists push unattractive women when they are trying to sell a product with the full knowledge that attractive women sell games.


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At least this one draws from Rogue One, the only watchable Mouse Wars film

The lead writer is Aron Contreras, the lead writer of Mafia III

pretty much this, the lightsaber is some epic whack stick that doesnt even dismember anything and anything force power related is being humiliated by Remedy's Control which doesnt even have anything to do with star wars and had a tiny 20 million budget. this shit looks like uncharted but with mountain dew qualities

>Only decent thing about EA is Frostbite
>Game doesn't use Frostbite

The game looks great. It's a Metroidvania structured game with Sekiro combat. Literally going to be GOTY.

Really? Then I'm cautiously optimistic now considering the first was better than the sequel

Frostbite is a fucking terrible engine for anything other than Battlefield and even then the games are always still a janky mess. Is there is one word that sums up Frostbite it would be rubberbanding.

Not at all, the main mode for the game is complete ass and they tacked on that awful meat grindy corridor choke point shit onto the command post mode

You’re a fool

Well, you are cautiously stupid.

Are you retarded mate? The engine is absolute dogshit for non-FPS games

>Disney Wars game
>cinematic experience
>lightsaber doesn't cut limbs, only makes the equivalent of a paper cut
I'll pass.

It'll probably be better than TLJ

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what an accomplishment

>EA front has made a complete 180after release
That's not true. The microtransactions are gone but the gameplay experience is ruined by the Star Cards.

Even the prequels were better than the Last Jedi it literally can’t get worse than that

I should hope that literally anyone would strive to make whatever they are working on pass that bar. They would have to try to make something as bad or worse.

All Star cards are are equiptable items. I literally don't see the problem

Even the Holiday special and Ewoks are better than TLJ

on the one hand
>common sense
on the other hand

>no dismemberment
Trash, fuck Nu-Star Wars and fuck Didney.

>I literally don't see the problem
There's no skill involved in this game because of the Star Cards. As a new player there's no way to "learn" to play better.
If you are a new player you will die over and over, even in a 1v1 situation where both players have the same class and the same weapon.

The old games weren't woke enough.

I'll play it because unlike everyone on this website I have disposable income and I enjoy games.

Nice completely random standard to set the game to. I can count on one hand the number of star wars games with dismemberment.

This is like the people who say "bf2 is shit until there are coop vehicles" like, what? Why? Who cares?

They could even make the trailer look interesting. Fucking ad for their own game was boring as shit. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would be remotely optimistic about it.

user no way. The star cards aren't that important or even strong. As long as you can aim properly, you will get kills

The difference between someone with max level star cards and someone who has never played the game before is the person with the star cards has like, a 7 percent bigger grenade explosion radius. You are blowing them waaaayy out of proportion.

t. Someone who doesn't even use star cards on most heroes and some classes yet still is in the upper half of the score board every single game

>playing star wars games with a "rebel fights against the empire" plot in the [Current Year]

How many times do you retards need to fall for it?

I would love a story about the Jedi during Darth Bane's rise. To see a Jedi Order that has not known peace for decades.

There's so much fucking potential, but no, let's have another Post Order 66 pre-ANH shit fling.

>giving money to fucking EA

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>EA and disney
>no dark side
yeah its gonna be ultra shit

>Edgy "dark side" fag thinks hes standing up to big corpo by calling something shit


Nah fag it's great cope more lol

The Star Cards can also replace some of the equipment. To me that's a problem.

kek bot shit

Is that the standards we have nowadays? "Watchable"?
Jesus Christ.

Droids' flyvers so broken. Fuck this game.

The biggest problem for me is your big white boy ass isn't bouncing on this BBC

>The engine is absolute dogshit for non-FPS games
AND for FPS games. Frostbite is absolute garbage on every level, and is a nightmare for devs to work with, even DICE themselves. It's a miracle that Bioware and other devs forced by EA to use Frostbite were able to make their games work (poorly) in that piece of shit.
DICE would have to start over building the engine from scratch to unfuck the fundamental issues it has for file structure and rendering. But of course starting over would just mean yet another garbage engine, just like Frostbite, just like Refractor.
Refractor was hilarious, DICE are so fucking incompetent that a few BF2 mod teams were able to overhaul the engine through reverse engineering and fix a ton of issues, making it perform far better and be dramatically more stable than BF2/2142.

Lmao, I'm off this sinking boat.


It's dogshit for FPS games too, like said.
Each new iteration of Frostbite comes with more bugs and a loss of features for Battlefield.

> AI controlled LAAT gunship that lasts 30 seconds
> No space battles
> Can't get into the gunship with your lads and destroy the enemy capital ship from the inside
> can't use fucking vehicles only for a limited time and for 1 player
> everything is scripted as fuck
Yes, that game is truly fun!

No dismemberment no buy

Do you have any idea what you are talking about at all?

Are you confusing the current game with the 2015 one or something?

Eat shit and die


Based schizo

What are you talking about faggots? Everything in EAfront is ABSOLUTELY scripted. You CAN'T get inside the vehicle with somebody else because they DON'T SPAWN ON THE BATTLEFIELD you absolute fucking nigger. The same goes about space combat and everything else.

Solid redbox rental

Let's go over that list

>AI controlled LAAT that only lasts 30 seconds
>no space battles
>cant get into the enemy capital ship with your mates and blow it up from the inside
>vehicles only last a short amount of time and are only for 1 person
First half, wrong, vehicles last until you get blown up, second half correct
>everything is scripted as fuck
In galactic assault, sure. In capital supremacy and most where other game mode, no.

So I reiterate, based schizo. That or you just read the reddit outrage when the game first released and then decided to partake in a discussion about the game 2 years later without educating yourself on what has changed, even though some of your post is just flat out wrong even in the games launch state, so I'm sticking with shizo

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Autocorrect is a bitch, every other game mode**
Yes I'm a phoneposter

Hi EA shill

Educate yourself

the "people" who defend the EAfront shit are probably either kids or genuinely retarded. I cant fathom what kind of a fucking mouthbreather would someone have to be to defend that shit just because "new game good". They literally have less content and freedom than the originals while doing absolutely nothing better than said originals sans maybe the core gamefeel of simply controlling a character but thats a fucking given since the originals are ancient games by now. The originals knew exactly what they were, a massive OFFLINE playground for star wars fans with some features taken from other franchises like battlefield. The whole point was massive OFFLINE battles against an AI army or playing with your friend, instant action and galactic conquest were some of the best things in any game of its kind

The new EAfront shit is desperately trying to be yet another online multiplayer skinnerbox but literally anyone with a brain is going to shit on them for just that. There is zero skill involved in any battlefront game, old or new so literally nobody gives a fuck about tryharding online against little kids who bought better shit than you with real money. If I want to play an online game I think ill boot up something that not only takes skill but has a fucking skill floor and a skill ceiling, not this half automated fortnite tier "but it has a star wars skin!!!1" shit with no merit to it beyond that. Its terrible, its garbage, its horrendous. Nobody will remember this dogshit or ever boot them up in 10 years like people do to the originals because they have no merit and they have an expiration date, they are star wars themed "services". Fuck all of the kiddos who ruined gaming buy rushing out to buy this dogshit in droves. They LITERALLY gave you a free beta of both games to decide beforehand that yes, they are in fact embarrassing dogshit. And the fucking mouthbreathers still told their parents to get dem da staa waahs shit for christmas. Go fucking kill yourselves