What the fuck, this shit is cringy as fuck. Who in his right mind would think this is badass?

Attached: 7lnctAz.jpg (1920x1080, 679K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Me. Get fucked nigger. *dabs*

Cool people.


Who cares, it's fun.

>Who cares, it's fun.
It's cringy, user.

Attached: images.jpg (299x169, 9K)

Fun is just a buzzword

Oh no this post single handedly destroyed dmc posting on Yea Forums

just like cringe you moronic shit

It’s cool in a cheesy anime kind of way

the gayest thread on the board right now lmao
go suck a dong humongous opfag

saying le cringe over and over is not a proper critique

Name something you unironically like

You must be new here

The movie Amadeus

>nero theme
it's okay
>dante theme
it's...honestly terrible
>V theme

How could this happen? Why did our guy Dante get the short end of the stick?

Wow cringey as fuck


I just cringed my balls inside my stomach

DMC5 was basically an exercise in cringe-core, so the die hard fanbase had to meme it as hard as they could to keep it from being laughed at.

Not his series anymore old man, time for the new agers to rise up. Maybe 6 we can have all the characters playable, Sparda and Lucia too because fuck why not. But only a mission each. Also outside combat is now on-rails, you know to emphasise that mechanics only matter, you know I only play basic bitch action games, cuhrayzee haha. god hand dmc5 and NGB are my top 3

Congringulations, you have cringe tastes.


>esl namefag
>replying and not saging the thread
kys plebbits


Attached: laughing2020presidentialcandidate.gif (573x323, 1.43M)


>Not the song

Lol look at this fag

Attached: Kevin lol.png (1914x1004, 1.64M)

>Why did our guy Dante get the short end of the stick?
Since DMC4? Where he was an afterthought that was hastily pushed into the game after fan outrage at how shit Nero looked?

4's early promos teased Dante.

Attached: 410264-devil-may-cry-4.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

Shut up tranny zoomer you don't understand based dad rock
*makes a fucking jojo meme and posts beserk while jacking off to DMC yaoi hentai and listening to rulles of nature over top of pull my devil trigger*
siiiiip yep

i've noticed other games that were supposed to have darker atmospheres putting in catchy pop music in early ads. the lyrics are simple and catchy so that people will keep repeating it over and over, like a forced meme. the song itself isn't terrible but it just really didn't feel like it fit.

The promo had absolutely nothing to do with the final product. Nero was what was shown and talked about when it came to DMC4, practically exclusively, then there was a huge outcry because he was a faggot bitch boy, so they paniced and cobbled Dante together from DMC3's animations/mechanics and two new weapons.

nice source

Being alive previous to DMC4's launch is a pretty good source, but I guess that one's lost on (you). :^)

you are absolutely right. Enough with this cheesy cringey shit. Devil may cry needs a more cool, mature reboot...

Attached: dmc_devil_may_cry_dante_3_1123100.jpg (640x360, 45K)

wrong pic

Attached: 220px-DMC1FrontCover[1].jpg (220x313, 24K)

Bruh, you just posted cringe

Get cuhrazyy

>Tripfag is a faggot
What are the odds?

The devs even said in the artbook interview that they originally planned to give Dante even less levels and weapons.

They gave Dante a lot of concept art for someone who was supposed to be an afterthought.

bros... the vergil dlc... where is it...

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190712020748.webm (640x360, 2.94M)


Nero still has more I believe. The devs knew they can't make a DMC without Dante, but he obviously wasn't the focus. 4 is more Nero's game than Dante's.

Anyone ever knock vergil out of airplane mode while having triple s?

Holy cringe...

DMCniggers will eat anything after the travesty that was DmC

>DMCniggers will eat anything after the travesty that was DmC
Someone said this before 5 was announced. That 5 wouldn't really be that bad of a game, but what would happen is it ends up just being okay while getting praised as the best game ever simply because it's not DmC2.

>Everyone posting cringe cause their favorite faggy game got insulted
Hardcore cope


Royal release gives you triple S and knocks him out.


I'm here for the camp, bro.

what's it called when the camp is caused by age? because the og DMC I find endearing, the rest try too hard.

Oh I meant with Nero, just thought it would give him a unique buster line or something.

>because the og DMC I find endearing, the rest try too hard.
Same. Dante was a bit more restrained in DMC1 most of the time, which made him more relatable I guess, for me anyway. Later games just seem to go from over the top silly to over the top serious with nothing in between.