Okay, how the hell is this allowed again?

Okay, how the hell is this allowed again?

Attached: 1563948313598.png (1158x755, 1.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah what kind of name has three vowels, how do you even pronounce that? "AAAAAA YEEEEEEEEEEE EEEHHHHHH"???

Its just "aye"

You say it A I E. If only anglos could pronounce stuff as it is written.

How much gachashit is this game?

i don't see anything wrong here

Very nice.

Why the fuck was my incel comment deleted? Fuck you jannie.

Attached: 1564138875159.jpg (700x316, 44K)

Little Girls are sexy

She's a drawing, I don't see the issue. Drawings don't have age.

Reminder that wanting to fuck kids is completely natural. Thousands of years of human history can't be wrong. It was only fairly recently that it suddenly became a bad thing.

Based jannies dabbing on tranny shitposters.

Very, in a way. Lower rarity units are viable, but party size is a whopping 9, so you need to raise a shit ton of units just for your main party, then more afterwards for variety in strategy.

Work on the quality of your contributions.

What, you never watched the Olympics?

I want to ram my cock in a preteen cunny!

Most of the cells in your body are less than ten years old. Better arrest everyone!

Japan is based is fuck, that's how.

NO! Save me (((first wave feminism)))!

ok but what game

But it's a chinese game

You just say i.

It's korean.

for me!


Too old


>that body
>10 years old
Does she age super fast or what?


Its a cartoon. Why do you care?

Attached: youre stupid.png (810x456, 96K)

It normalizes the real thing

Why not? It's not breaking any laws.

Attached: t.png (675x1158, 1.49M)

She doesn't even look 10, she has giant tits.

The real thing is smelly and gross

If only

>Japan the land of loli
>Has less child abuse cases than america

why dont you care about video games where you kill people
it normalizes murder

Agreed. Needs to be more tiny and petite like a real sexy loli.

Attached: 1552098476220.jpg (850x1159, 251K)

It's Korean, like TERA.

Attached: Screenshot_20190606-060303.jpg (3840x2160, 1.43M)


totally ok now!

Attached: 1555502710846.jpg (1158x754, 357K)

Child porn was legit legal up until only a few years ago

It's been proven that pedos use it as a way to not fap to actual kids though. So it's basically the other way around. It prevent pedos from committing crimes. Anime fans themselves aren't interested in real girls.


Attached: 1552584486778.jpg (627x669, 170K)

what fucking game is this you fucking useless niggers

Game name please.



Any other lies you wanna tell us

Sent you the game name through PM. Closing this thread.

Attached: 1566753221881.jpg (1148x1532, 254K)

Why wouldn't it be? I've known 10 year old girls with that body type. There's a weird phenomenon in the West where people reflexively recoil and act as if girls of a certain age are about 3-5 years younger.

It happens even with their own memories. For instance, I'm still in touch with a girl I've known since we were 4 years old, and she swears up and down that when she was 12, she was still an innocent little angel playing with barbie dolls (she uses this to complain about her own daughter in various ways). Mind you, the first time we fucked each other we were 11, she was banging a college guy by the end of 6th grade, and she hadn't even owned a barbie doll since 3rd grade - she even put on a big public rant that year about how she wasn't a little girl like the other girls listing that as part of the reason.

I love this country, but I hate the puritanical bullshittery that infests it.

Korea is based is fuck, that's how.

>what kind of name has three vowels
normal ones.


>asking the game name
>when even google gives it

stfu an tell me the game's name faggot

Sorry for necro, what is the games name?

kys your dad

This is truly the end of humanity

why do i see cunny in thumbnail but not in full pic

suck my dick with ur mother's lips

I hate these types of RPGs. They take way too long per fight. Is this like that too?

Damn son
Those hips look more than ten

Attached: +_186c2e524531ec1658a95a1ff4cf4fc0.gif (320x180, 541K)

Because she's not a child, she's like 13. Middle aged women do not have cunnies, they have ugly hairy vaginas.

ayy lmao

>*less REPORTED cases

Cultured post, very patrician.

Attached: 1346618180974.png (321x234, 159K)

what is the fucking game

Where's the dick

America doesn't under-report?

Sweet, new pasta.

And then you wonder why your weeb trash gets censored overseas.

Attached: cringe.png (250x202, 23K)

Stop it with this fucking meme.
The only way the "unreported" crime rate of Japan is on par with America's reported crime rate is if Japan is having a fucking rape epidemic that somehow nobody is noticing.

Nevermind, I found the game's name. I'm closing this thread now.

kill yourself frogposter

With hips and breasts like that, no she's not 10. She's an adult woman body shrunken down in height that is all.

Attached: __helena_blavatsky_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_shimokirin__ea02a70955fab85aa67a1bedc4c (860x1214, 703K)

it's called Brown Dust

Attached: ahem (3).png (710x1100, 271K)

That's a grandma.


Ten year olds don't have hips and fat thighs like that

Who fucking cares.

brown dust bro, theres a general on vg too but gachas are all shit

I think you're underestimating the level of systematic victim blaming that goes on in a shame based asian culture

This is kind of kawaii, not gonna lie bros.

thanks man and yeah I know I just wanna beat my dick

>gachas are all shit
Ain't that the truth.

Fap while you still can, pedo

>I'm ten years old!
Not with those hips you aren't.

Attached: 1505670219149.jpg (500x520, 32K)

Attached: 1552870212202.png (960x1320, 1.09M)

>people will blame the kids and not the parents.

Attached: 1565539031716.jpg (750x787, 95K)

That tongue is taunting me.

Attached: 1552870295180.png (638x953, 436K)

It's a drawing.

Which gacha is good? Serious question.

>one giant size shit bitch bear

Damn is this from gacha shit too

>my friends toddler
I sincerely doubt the veracity of this tweet

Attached: We're 2D.png (977x1400, 306K)


All brown dust I believe, same game as op

Attached: 1552868260779.png (1380x1518, 1.49M)

I don't think there's a "good" gacha. There's probably a few that are less awful than most, but gachas gonna gacha regardless.


Attached: 1552867982068.png (945x1406, 1.33M)

[Citation Needed]

whats wrong with it? you never seen girls wearing leotards before at literally all ages? try leaving your room sometime.

i want to bow down to and grovel at her feet


Attached: 1549220381637.jpg (2440x2048, 1.33M)

I think you need to actually provide evidence for your sweeping claims rather than spout a conspiracy theory that claims tens of millions of Japanese women are secretly being raped.

By the way, pornography is completely banned and severely punished in Saudi Arabia, yet they don't even have real age of consent laws, and what any advanced civilised country would consider child sexual abuse is commonplace.

>no bulge
You had one job.

that's a cute underwear
i might get some for my daughter

Little girls are sexy, get over it

No he didn't say that now shut the fuck up Karen

It's somewhat uncommon, but it happens a lot more than you think.

america just has more niggers and irishman


post her busty form

Wait, so she's both DFC+thighs and cowtits in one?

And then all the toys in its room came to life and started clapping

Cute cunny.

Attached: 2019-09-01_201541.png (1400x1060, 970K)

mature/ancient loli > underage loli

Attached: n.jpg (549x556, 27K)

This but unironically.

Why are asians countries so cool when come to lolis?

Attached: 1565489568009.jpg (768x1024, 62K)

lolibabas are the best

This is a pretty progressive video game.

Attached: 7RU2GBT.png (634x830, 562K)


Attached: retard.jpg (1148x1532, 307K)

i dont have any more brown dust pictures, how sad

Attached: 1557872790224.jpg (900x630, 174K)

I hate this game.

I downloaded it because one of the characters was a hot knight woman with a helmet on. Her super ultra rare form removes the helmet.

Oh there she is Yeah, if you want her at max level, the helmet comes off. Also all the cool skeletons turn into pale-skinned fujo bait.


c u m b r a i n s begone

>mature adult woman with an attitude but with the body of a girl less than half her age
why is it so hot

Attached: tatsumaki fap.jpg (425x755, 87K)

u mad?

what game?

>final boss is an 11 year old girl
>in a game where you kill all of your opponents

How is this allowed?

Attached: Zonda-Tenjian.jpg (1200x835, 607K)


I do what I can, but I haven't had access to internet much lately since I've had a life outside of saucing and fapping.


Brown Dust

Because they like cute things, as do most everyone. America is prudish.

Attached: 4e6995ce90e1b27244114309df1dbfe9.jpg (650x747, 334K)

sad but true. i hate unhelpful faggots that spend 5 seconds to type a response like "find it yourself" instead of just answering the question in the same about of seconds.

>bdg must be recruiting agai

>voice actor: aoi yuki

Attached: 1462369708869.gif (270x181, 1.78M)

hows pokemon masters? im starting it now

Attached: ahem (19).jpg (870x1024, 86K)

w-what's up with his face

Seen you a few times on /h/ ages ago.

Basd and sourcepilled.

Attached: 1465934467683.jpg (500x500, 59K)

>her title is lustful mirage

They exist in the warp

No puritanical roots to preach and codify biological denialism

Attached: back.jpg (717x880, 141K)

Attached: ahem (13).jpg (1000x1415, 211K)

Stop this faggot shit.

It’s not. Just you wait.

The correct method is, if someone else asks for sauce, to first check if it can be found with google/yandex/iqdb (takes 3 clicks with 4chanx). If none of them give results, then it's a good idea to give the sauce. This way niche works get more recognition, and incompetent newfags are reminded of their place

Lolis are for older men.

thanks mate

children dressed as whores are not cute, pedo

Don't you have a dick to suck, faggot?

Attached: 1389502456313.jpg (600x600, 47K)

I hope GV/Copen didn't actually kill her. She's such a fun character. For all of her cynicism, intelligence, maturity and abuse she's suffered, she's still just a little girl trying to carry out her older brother's dreams and shows glimpses of childishness/ceaselessness from time to time. Tons of gap moe potential, and she'd have been a real semen demon once she hit puberty if her septima is anything to go off of.

Attached: img0018.jpg (3235x4627, 3.64M)

>porn isn’t everyones hobby

i kek’d


Lolis shine the brightest when they are with a fat old men.

That would you, yurifag.

Unironically this.
If you are not going to post sauce or teach how to find it, go fuck yourself with spoon feed explanation.

>homosexuals projecting

Attached: .webm (1280x720, 1.26M)

testing, i think this one looks better

Attached: .webm (1042x720, 1.03M)

This is amazing.

I wanna FUCK Alyson Hannigan

Who did this?

It's a joke retard

pretty sure it says ben garrison right on it

Attached: ahem (1).png (822x1300, 414K)

Coarse not in real life, but in a fictional drawing, and that's the whole point. Please tell me you can tell the difference between 2d and 3d. I feel as though these people shouting pedo have shizophrenia and literally cannot comprehend the difference. It's just a drawing.

Attached: T.jpg (680x411, 53K)

He's called tom

Attached: 1383615282211.jpg (1400x987, 186K)

because it's cute

Reminder that even when factoring in unreported rapes Japan is still far below the USA in rates of rape. If information on the unreported rapes of the UK was available I'm sure there'd be an even wider gap.

Attached: muh unreported rapes.png (1587x342, 73K)

korea literally bans porn




I don't get it

Japan isn't full of niggers

Brown Dust just makes me sad that all its great character designs are wasted on such a shit game.
>Error: Your image contains an embedded file.
Why the fuck do I keep getting this error lately?

Attached: 레아_(1).jpg (1167x1503, 303K)

Hes not wrong. Not entirely anyways. Its wasnt "legal", persay, but it wasnt enforced either

What part of it is supposed to be funny?

that’s every gacha game ever

Look you dumb cunt, it's really fucking simple. Can the source easily be found by information contained in the post, eg the filename pointing you to pixiv which you can directly access by copying it, any reverse search tool working to find the source, it being artwork with obvious tags you could search for yourself or having the character name or title of the work on clear display, or a webm having the title listed in the metadata? If so, you are a fucking faggot for not utilising any of these and crying when people don't spoonfeed you the source. This applies to 99% of source requests.
Is the image cropped or otherwise edited to make reverse searches fail, while having no obvious clues to search for it? Then asking for source is justified, and the person who posted it is a fag and probably an attention whore if they refuse to provide it. This applies to 1% of source requests.
It is 100% guaranteed that this image was made by someone who was bitter about being one of the former cases.

You know thats retarded right? All studies have proved the opposite.

Attached: Barbara and Kaoli.png (1749x1763, 2.73M)

We don't have a general, we play on Global in a guild named Cocaine if anyone wants to join, we have 3 slots left

Thiccfags begone

Attached: 최종아스트리드.png (960x1275, 1.05M)

I used to literally be in your general, did you guys die already? Lmao

I am ready for snu-snu

millennials will believe anything if it reinforces their worldview

>it's a just a drawing
You people are always so cocksure when it comes to defend the sexualization of children but I'm ready to bet that you would NEVER play this shit in public, despite being only "just a drawing". And jeez, I wonder why.

You forgot rapist

We simply shill on Yea Forums, some of us are partners with the devs to help the game improve and there's no discord either so you purists should feel right at home

And this girl is 17 year old.

Attached: Ceres_illustration.png (745x1092, 582K)

>>mature adult woman with an attitude but with the body of a girl less than half her age
>why is it so hot
Because you are a pedo with mommy issues

Attached: Wicked_Witch_Ceres_illustration.png (550x683, 328K)

Well I also wouldnt fap to regular porn on xvideos in public

I agree on that, but it normalizes it to the real freaks. Most the people in this thread I’m sure are mentally healthy, yet the few that aren’t will make the leap to real cp using loli as a steppingstone.

Crazies always find a way to rationalize their crazy stuff.

based miura

I was literally going to post this, I love you.

Attached: oblivion threads.png (1000x695, 818K)

Can you prove that in any way at all

Or you could live in a country without draconian aoc laws

She looks closer to 7 and I like it.
You're retarded. Freaks already fap to CP. If anything loli might be able to attract freaks so they don't fap to CP because loli's legal unlike CP. This is a win for everyone, especially children.

I wouldn't watch or play regular fucking anime in public

Attached: f.jpg (1200x678, 102K)

>127 years old
>Has kids

Attached: DqlEnXyU0AAdjva.jpg (614x832, 90K)

I would even be too embarrassed to listen to top 50 radio stations in public

>Can you prove that in any way at all
That freaks can can go further into the deep end??? That’s why they’re called freaks user.
I’m not saying they can’t rebound like you’re saying. I’m saying that there are people disgusting enough to take the step backwards and dig their heels in.


>These girls are sisters who are both 20
>The red one looks like a kid because she was tampering with dark powers

Attached: Sister.png (1480x1461, 1.96M)

>ten years old
My dick says otherwise.

Attached: 1565601648983.jpg (331x368, 13K)

Do all the girls have loli forms?

This game sucked, but I did like the character designs. I was even able to roll the character I most wanted, Yuri. Still wasn't enough to keep me playing.

Attached: 96ae7dff9dbc4af2d179648a5d48de5f.jpg (235x323, 18K)

why do these old hags choose to behave like little kids?

What gacha game has the best feet?

Attached: w7Mtz21qj5041o1_500.gif (480x270, 89K)

That second part sounds like summoning demons.


>Dad befriends 208 years old fairy princess
>Makes promise that his son will come marry her when he is older and she takes it seriously
>Son is completely unaware of this

Attached: 54.png (801x1400, 212K)

Your dick is telling you that you like 10 year olds.

Attached: 1561241401807.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Sounds like another day in the life of Ranma Saotome.

Attached: 1564758340656.png (688x670, 475K)

10 year olds dont have hips like that

The dad didn't get any payment or food though. Genma Saotome wouldn't settle for anything that wouldn't fill his stomach, wallet or some weird-ass esoteric martial arts style.

what retard thinks 10 year old little girls look like this

theyre literally the same as 10 year old boys, body wise, but with female genitals

I want a loli to leglock me and press her firm little girl nipples into my chest while I splooge in her cunny.

Attached: Mentalist_Aie_illustration.png (802x1200, 1.06M)

>10 years old
>with that hip to waist ratio

sure bub. I've coached volleyball and no 10 year old girl has hips like that.

I don’t even care for fully developed women, much less for snotty whiny children.
but hey, I’m a RE nut so I guess mass shooting is normalized to me, can’t wait for an IRL zombie attack


based thread

Attached: 1558801402020.jpg (789x450, 58K)

Rubber bands!

>coaching grannies
you only have yourself to blame
elderly people (14 y/o and foward) do not have those hips

Cute and funny should be the design choice of 2020s

Attached: 1567023227781.jpg (782x1037, 128K)

The Loli versions of the Girls were amazing.

Attached: 1554930581955.png (409x676, 117K)

What are the best cute and funny vidya pits?

Attached: 1479634458017.png (500x712, 582K)

No characters have loli forms.

Which is surprising since they do stuff like giving some of the male characters genderbend forms.

Attached: Alec.png (1700x1200, 1.91M)

This man is speaking truth, that is one fucked up world.

How is this surprising?
I'd rather roll for the chick on the right than the dude on the left.

Jewish cunny

She tricked everyone in here.

Attached: Aie.jpg (1920x1080, 636K)

>a transformer
uh I don't remember this from the Michael Bay movies

There is nothing wrong with it, if you sexualise the loli that is because you are a pedo.

Attached: 75953929_p0.png (1639x2200, 3.27M)

Plenty do, though.



You really need to get outside and take a look instead of regurgitating baseless bullshit. Girls at 10 have already gone through a significant percentage of puberty, and boys at 10, with rare exceptions, have only barely started, if they've started at all.

Prove it

Attached: ahem (28).jpg (1239x890, 773K)

>11 year old suicide bomber

Attached: Octavia_illustration.png (547x707, 359K)

Clearly this has nothing to do with the insane estrogen in our food and water

Which has nothing to do with the jews.

Lolies with wide hips are the best kind of loli.

Attached: 1507075840957.jpg (900x1271, 164K)

Attached: 1555531583584.jpg (1920x1080, 574K)


Attached: 1430342941988.png (235x235, 20K)

Fucked up if you ask me

more Jack please

My all time favorite were dudes who gave you vague "clues" as the what the source was. Like, the time it took you to come up with that you could have just posted the damn source.

Miracles of the universe

Attached: 68393022_p0.png (1000x1414, 1.16M)


>you can't prove my view wrong because I can just imagine more rapes >:(

While I don't disagree that's an issue, 10 year old girls with that sort of development aren't exactly new. Maybe more common now, I'm not sure, but I've seen pictures of many girls 9-10 from as far back as the 1910's that were plenty developed. Hell, every girl in one branch of my family has DDs by the time they're around that age.

Just a few things about Aie
>she says she's 10 years old when she's actually 127
>she has the ability to change her appearance however she wants
>all her later forms have her with an adult body with big tits
She was using that body to mess with you and say she was 10

>children dressed as whores are not cute
Children are always cute.

Attached: 1545552702336.jpg (2432x1500, 710K)

You made the original (ignorant) assertion that 10 year olds flatly don't have hips like that. The burden of proof is on you. If you would like to be proven wrong though, just go the fuck outside, retard. I'd say walk by an elementary school, but considering your viewpoint, I'm guessing you're some creepy, greasy leftist that would have the cops called on him when you got within 100 yards of the school ground.

Sexist much?

>every girl in one branch of my family has DDs by the time they're around that age.
pics or it didn't happen.

Attached: ahem (23).jpg (683x980, 348K)

>aoi yuki
holy based

Attached: muh dikk.jpg (2411x3000, 921K)

who dis
i really like her cute and funny personality

Post video lolis you want to headpat.

Attached: 1541563994622.png (600x800, 361K)

I want to pat her with my other head

The leotard is a pretty normal piece of clothing for a girl of any age to wear

excellent thread

Attached: 1559915891140.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

Disgusting desu. At least lolis will always look good.

Theresa Apocalypse from Honkai Impact 3rd

Attached: eee99d085882da700435a06a0e8df371.png (942x1500, 902K)

>32 years old

Attached: 32 years old and unmarried.png (1339x1280, 1.56M)

I must admit, this is pretty based
Idk why but I never see /ll/ on Yea Forums.

literally me


if only faggots could learn to adopt the language that won the cultural victory we wouldn't have a problem with them butchering it with stupid names

Man all these older women need a good dicking

Attached: Betty_illustration.png (740x1031, 448K)

She sure has a big .....suitcase

I hope they keep up this shit with Genshin Impact and it takes off. HI3 looks too meh.

That's nothing.

This hag is 58 and is using forbidden magic to maintain her youth.

Attached: Ebony_illustration.png (827x1295, 771K)

What a good cuncun

Attached: poke bunnies.jpg (1693x900, 441K)

such good girls

Those girls are over 400 years old.

says a lot that a botw clone is what appeals to you

Unfortunately, like basically every gacha game, it's hot trash devoid of things like gameplay or story. It has good 3D models which will probably get ripped.

Can't make a mistake with kana. English just sucks.

Based. Roasties just can't compete.

Attached: based and redpilled.webm (380x232, 82K)

Shit nigger, what are you doing.

>petite form has a better outfit then busty

based and cunnypilled


looks delicious

Attached: 1561672546570.png (383x278, 11K)


Little girls are the best

Attached: jackan.png (1527x2467, 589K)

This is a really nice festival

Why is it censored all the way to the navel?


The numbers mason

really long penis

Its actually only a few inches over average, jack is only 134cm which is fucking tiny

Heareth ye, O noble threadmong'r'rs! I had been but a weary tourist in searcheth of a specific categ'ry of mast'rpieces- Werks which I hast been told thou gen'rous knaves shareth quite oft. Aye, I art ref'rring to the gl'rious and elusive Cunny!
And I hast fin'lly found such werks! I thank ye, O charitable Anons! May God blesseth thee! Fucketh thyne Jannies yond'r!

The worse part is that neither reddit or 9gag give sources any more. Every weeb I the world now thinks they are cool when they dont give sources.


They also have way less people.

For me? is eldridge

Attached: 25bc86a323d717db07db08ccf011c361.jpg (606x846, 482K)

I agree, but maybe combine those words for a catchy phrase to sell it on others.

What about....

What are some games that have a high volume of cute and funny? I think games nowadays have way less of them.

Her figure is 10/10, shame it costs so dam much though.

since the thread is up in flames, anyone willing to post the cute and funny servers?

Attached: 1261375-015.jpg (1280x1810, 204K)

what a healthy girl!

Where're her pubes?

Girls are only cute if they're too young to naturally have pubes.

noto sou fyasto

in my mouth

I give sauce to anons who ask even if it can be easily found because I like the (You)s.

That's cute user.
Here's a (You)

I envy you


Attached: 1557032460235.jpg (514x524, 58K)

search engines weren't as good in 2006 gtfo

Why is this design allowed in the most grossing video game today?

Attached: 62a3dfa3214855e5be85e2fc6661db82.jpg (667x1000, 129K)

How many (You)s do you need before you post cunny

Why is this thread still up?

For me? is Loli Feet.

Attached: 864091dfa6594859b0b3e152a388.jpg (850x1201, 103K)

It's about video games

Nigger fuck the fact shes 10, the fuck she got lankykong arms for

I only post sauce, user. No cunny.

Attached: 1563045969547.jpg (950x720, 122K)

I wonder to user, non voiced dialogue is totally unacceptable

Eye-eh. It's Aya but spelled retarded

okay then post me something good that you found recently that you think I'd like

I fucking love lolis

>still have to learn that language
Spanish and chinese already are replacing english.

Because of people like

Me too, bro. I hope I can keep loving them without these stupid uptight faggots messing with them.

Cute and funny = big money

Attached: image.jpg (491x1098, 116K)

ahh, loli legs in white pantyhose

I give the source even if it's easily findable because some times people casually ask without checking because it's nicer to have that five seconds of human contact than searching for it by yourself, and I find that understandable.

I haven't seen anime anymore for years now,But still think about loli daily,Why is Loli So Powerfull?

Attached: 0ea8f66adc.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Is this game good? How is the gameplay/grinding? I enjoy playing Granblue Fantasy.

Humans are predisposed to have fond feelings for children.
Humans are predisposed to have fond feelings for females.
Lolis are idealized female children.

Attached: 1542345628698.jpg (2508x3541, 3.52M)

Probably because schizos like you would freak out?

>american education

>And jeez, I wonder why.
Because people are blinfolded judging puritan tards?

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

Attached: Jack-kun.jpg (677x764, 239K)

maybe because i rather play something not as cancerous as gachashit?

>that fucking manga

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Came so hard reading this doujin and the sequel. Jack should've been a shota.

I love little girls

this but also feminine boys

they make me feel so good

who's your favorite little grill

Tomgirl tag is my new favorite.

>tomgirl + mmf
the cums just keep cumming