Zoe "5 Guys" Quinn strikes again.
Zoe's baseless accusation caused Alec to an hero.
RIP in Pieces
oh good. Another thread instead of just using any of the other standing ones.
Haha this situation I don't ctually know anything about turned out the way it did!
Yall incels disregard consent until she tries to put a finger up your bumhole
god zoe is so fucking hot
i wish she would murder me next
>passed away
>has died
HE FUCKING KILLED HIMSELF. Scumbag journos are literally covering this shit up. None of these bullshit articles mention the fact that his career was destroyed and that he had nothing to live for because of this tranny cunt.
Alec was essentially a clout martyr.
Everyone is claiming this was a random suicide, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.
As Al was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids making rape allegations. Why? For clout. No one was taking his side, no one was calling for evidence, everyone was standing around with their twitter accounts out as his sanity was clinging to life.
The moral lesson of Alec's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.
RIP Al. See you in Heaven...
why does no article headline mentions the fact that it was suicide? they all just write that he "died"
Yeah but Alec was a fag anyway so it's not the biggest deal
Hope it brings down Zoe though
Video games.
God, she looks like a fucking goblin. I feel wretching.
Zoe's a dumb, attention-seeking bitch, but let's not act like the general consensus wasn't that her accusations sounded on brand for Holowka.
Heil Digra
Holy based glowies on suicide watch
It would make Zoe look bad if they explain it all.
This is honestly just depressing
>Be incel
>consentually let a girl put a finger in my stinker
>Some years later make an elaborate story on Twitter about how I was raped and retroactivelly take away my consent, don't even think about reporting the authorities
>everyone laughs at me
>Be roastie
>Follow the exact same instructions but with a man
>Man gets harrassed for being a supposedly disgusting human being, suicides, everyone spits on his grave while celebrating me for being a brave survivour.
>plus I get some shekels
>passed away
And sjws say we live in a "post-gamergate world"
lmao, we are in the middle of it, it's only a matter of time before people realize that sjws are in denial
>gets his entire career destroyed, abandoned by friends and colleges, driven into suicide
>accuser gets away scot free
What the fuck is wrong with the world?
She killed them.
>"People" are already blaming GamerGate
I don't think this is worth getting involved in again. It'll be better to let them keep playing at their boogeyman demon while no one is actually proclaiming anything, so they end up just shitting all over themselves and look like a bunch of children.
Since the cause of death wasn't specified by the sister
Will there be any impact on this """cancel culture""" or will people just shrug it off and keep metoo-ing men?
Honestly Zoe just drove a man to suicide and should be in jail all things considered
>b-but i was abused
Not until it's proven
she looks worse without that makeup
You gave them an inch.
So whats the term for someone who doesn't have sex because they want nothing to do with this bullshit?
Because they can't. Everything relies on them having the absolute moral highground. If they admit they bullied him to death or that the accusation could have been false then its over for them. This is Soviet Russia and he is now an enemy of the party.
>Honestly Zoe just drove a man to suicide and should be in jail all things considered
what crime did she commit?
honk honk
The thing is that her accusations were so minor that no one would normally receive repercussions for them ("he was rough and kinda mean when we dated :(" ). She stirred up a witch hunt by posting that once and getting her friends and followers to stir up the claim of him being "abusive" across the internet, not actually talking about what he did but laying a broad label on the guy to demonize him. Most of the people who talk about it don't know what he actually did, some of them think it's fucking rape.
yeah the article makes it seem like he died from a tragic accident rather than the fact that he blew his brains out
You mean recently or in general?
So...guilty conscience confirmed.
disgusting incel
pay attention to my vagina or i'll call abuse on you
in general.
>'And in case it's not fucking obvious, Alec *specifically said* he wished the best for Zoë and everyone else, so don’t use our grief as an excuse to harass people,' Eileen Mary wrote.
niGGers kek
Amazing that not a single friend of this guy has come out to defend his honor. Either he had no friends or they've all got the brainworms
Women and the men that want to fuck them at the cost of everything else.
>what crime did she commit?
I think the worst part of this shit is that she's MAKING MONEY off of his death.
Not sure about their laws but in Sweden she could be tried for "vållande till annans död", which is a crime where your actions lead to someone's death
Libel, and if these cunts ever took it to court, false oath
Instead of obsessing over identity politics and giving them attention, maybe you faggots should just play video games instead.
These people are fucked in the head, most of them likely believe that the suicide is just and deserved, granted he could of not killed himself, but it seems that his life had literally nothing going for it after this shit.
He was an SJW. The people condemning him are his friends. When you leave the cult you become an enemy of the cult.
libel and slander
He had "friends" at his game dev company with the brainworm.
You know exactly why.
Yea Forumscel
>do nothing illegal
>communists eating each other
well if the sister that abandoned him just before he committed suicide says that zoe is absolved of all wrongdoing then I guess we should ignore zoe and her pattern of abusive behavior.
Leftists don’t have friends, they have “allies”
Some of his friends tried to, but social pressure forced them to redact their posts.
>abandon the culture war, it's pointless to fight for your civilization
Won't be playing Night in The Woods 2 that is for sure. But we can't talk about that because Animeshitposter.
>talk shit on twitter
>guy kills himself
>shit talker disappears
this is america
yeah and who's going to prosecute her?
Should the people that spoke out against Epstein also be sent to jail because they contributed to his supposed suicide?
>defend western civilisation
>picture of fatties in fallen over walmart carts
heaven has no place for communists
This ain't Saudi Arabia
While I don't consider Zoe to be the most trustworthy person, the things she accused him of seemed pretty egregious (to me at least). I'm reluctant to take a hard stance on anything relating to this because, like I said, Zoe seems to be a duplicitous and manipulative person, so it's hard to determine what's the truth and what's hyperbole with her.
(((passed away)))
False accusations that led to the man's suicide
It's quite literally cyber bullying at it's worst desu, not the "i was called a bad world on twitter" kind
I honestly don't know any US laws especially in Commiefornia but i've seen people get pit behind the bars for less
Volcel. Welcome to the club. We have onaholes.
Kinda ebin, how the devs kick a guy, who did 80% work on the product who made them recognised in the first place.
What were they gonna do? Waste the rest of their lives on cocktail parties, bragging about how they were that company, that made that game, and they can't do another one, because they kicked the only guy who can prog while everyone else was just management, PR, human resources and idea guys?
Oh wait, I forgot to call the thing "it". "It" shouldn't even need to be referred to as people pronouns
that moment when one person kills another person but both are morally wrong lol
How old are you? Anytime this happens they always put passes away out of respect for the dead. Read the obituaries in your local paper and look for the guy in his 30s who “passed away”. 9 times out of 10 he an heroed
and they took your dick and probably balls as well
Even his sister thought he was a creep, no one was all that shocked by the revelation that he was abusive.
If he wasn't an SJW he would've had non SJW friends back him up.
This is a common practice to respect suicide victims in every field of journalism, kill yourselves next.
Definitely libel if the accusations are false, and possibly manslaughter depending on the state.
my buddy got thrown in jail for having an ounce of weed but people like her walk free
Sure thing Fed, right after you stop shooting up schools
but he already admitted the accusations were true before he died.
Its all lies. Anything coming out of her mouth isn't to be trusted and anyone that does is a moron.
heil digra
>be sperg and loner
>deemed creep
And our justice system, working as intended.
Reminder she is Chelsea Van Valkenburg.
Her family's army of lawyers are able to let her get away with a mass shooting and her personal army of SJWs who fight for brownie points will do the rest.
Do you have proof of that?
I thought you people thought that all male SJWs were predators in disguise, what makes this guy any different?
>Someone kills themselves because of this
The liberal left everyone.
Him and Zoe probably shared the same beliefs,too bad he was a white male.
Or, depression after his friends, coworkers and his own family leave him. Especially a man who has past mental issues. Enough to drive anyone to kill themselves.
You faggots stop talking about this. You're giving that unholy abomination against GOD the attention it craves.
Then why the fuck even make a story about it when we don't really know what happened. If they can't confirm it's a suicide, then congrats they are shitheads too profiting off a barely cold body.
>you people
You’re glowing.
>you people
what is that supposed to mean?
You dont actually care about any of these people. Stop borrowing outrage and improve your life
If it looks, sounds, quacks like a duck.
Not only that but she's profiting off it too Capitalism at its finest
lmao have sex
Will there really be investigations over this or will this just get ignored and business as usual?
You guys feeling sleepy? I’m feeling sleepy
You people obsessing over literally whos like Quinn.
This needs attention unless yo want more young devs get destroyed by these monsters.
>you people
faggot detected
Stop saying you care about mass shootings. You don't actually care about any of those people. Stop borrowing outrage and improve your life.
>you could be targeted by any female you've never met and can't do anything about it
sure retard
Did she delete her twitter?
>video games are a civilisation
So your a racists then too? Terrible, just because black people look like a monkey and have terrible decision skills, intelligence, and foresight does not mean they arn't human!
America law process is slow as shit. It will be years before anything gets done.
The fact that it comes from a known liar for starters.
>Even his sister thought he was a creep, no one was all that shocked by the revelation that he was abusive.
this is his sister
It'll be swept under the rug and the accusers will find a way to flip the script so they're somehow the victims.
>army of lawyers
No, you're just blacklisted
That's why you just keep a low profile on everything you do and hope they follow the bigger fish while this still goes on.
You "deactivate" your twitter then it gets deleted if you don't log in for 30 days.
So basically she will return before a month passes, I give it two weeks ready to play victim
Families composing private obituaries for friends and family are not reporting journalists. If you wan to keep it respectful, keep it matter of fact. State that he commited suicide and done.
Involuntary manslaughter is what this bitch got although she really kept telling him to do it in texts over and over again
>retard boyfriend keeps harassing you for hours about how sad he is and wants to die
>finally tell him to ducking do it pussy
>get charged with man slaughter
So in reality is there anything we can actually do at all about these retards if we actually tried to do something instead of just arguing about it back and forth?
I miss the times when people on here would actually take action in full groups about a certain matter
looks like the kinda girl who hates her dad who's done nothing but love and provide for her
SJW are all cannibalistic backstabbers.
She just changed name mate.
she deleted one of her accounts.
this one is still up.
Imagine making a game about friends sticking by someone with metal health problems through thick and thin, then instantly throwing a RL friend with mental health issues under the bus so he kills himself feeling betrayed by everyone.
>Passed away
This is how you change reality.
Actually while Alec coded the whole game, composed it himself, and co-designed all the artwork, his teammates made sure they legally owned the NITW IP and are the sole people to see money from it, not Alec or his estate. NITW was offered a tv show deal, probably from Netflix, so his team that hardly did anything will likely get immortalized as the brave female crew behind NITW when it gets an animated adaptation (since they originally declined but would want to save the IP now to get more work on their own.)
This is cringe, especially for the forced 'Oh,' at the start.
Yeah, pretty much. If a nigger shows up in a convenience store with a weapon, he should be put down like an animal.
nothing will happen
if anything does happen, it'll just be more ammo for them to play the victim
its a lose-lose situation
oh shit he made aquaria? loved that game
I want Zoe Quinn to make me her personal coffee run, foot massage, and pleasure slave.
It's technically speaking less video games.
A non-developer killed a developer, which means less video games.
He did? Can you show us your sources?
are we sure that isn't just alec in disguise, he's going for deep infiltration, boys
>15 months in prison
That's fucking nothing. Meanwhile I guy would get 15 years.
>8ch dead
>overall post quality drops
>suddenly forcing gamergate 2.0 because of some literal who killed himself
God, I fucking hate the 8ch refugees already.
>if I can't complain about Zoe Quinn then you can't complain about mass shootings!
yeah these are real comparable problems with society
that situation isn't even remotely similar to this
stop posting.
Communists. They are the retarded shitspawn of communism.
>nothing will happen
heil digra
Literally reminds me of Winston rewriting news headlines at the Ministry of Truth. It's fucking nuts how much Orwellian stuff is starting to become current reality.
Are you suggesting that there should be some sort of gamer uprising?
You think devs actually CARE about they games they help create? It's just a paycheck to them. The stories in these games? Just stories that don't relate at all to real life.
Everyone has heard about this at this point, and it'll be months before any significant updates, if ever.
Literally every thread gets deleted kiddo.
>Being agree to "13 Reasons Why"
I'm afraid there's nothing to be done. Judging by the reaction though, his suicide has spooked a lot of people, this went further than they thought it would.
I fucking hate people like you but guess where we fucking are?
I really want tio feel bad about Alec, but i fucking hated him.
At least normies are crying for Zoe's blood now
At least we can agree on something user-kun.
Being a leftists is being a traitor, even his own family abandons him. And hey, since he was a leftists too, perhaps the allegations are true too.
Zoe "when beta males try to elope, make sure they get the rope" Quinn did nothing wrong.
All his friends were probably indie devs and Zoe is one of the most powerful figures in that scene.
>spend years saying that this game is personal to you
>"lol it was just a totally made up story bro"
Cool damage control.
Why do people with anime avatars say the most embarassing shit? They always say something edgy without the charm.
Why do people with their own self insert avatar always say retarded shit as well?
Why am I so scared to post my opinion of twitter because I always find flaws in my logic that I can't make a complete decision one way or another.
someone post the "grab her by the pussy" image. you know the one.
How do you walk someone around in your apartment like a finger puppet for over an hour against their will and have it be non-consensual?
Are the accusations false?
Should the "thing" even be referred to as a person? Even people with cerebral palsy have more human traits than her.
May as well have given them all six
this is 100% a video games topic, tranny.
>no timeline
>just make things worse that always works!
Also, people can change and improve for the better. It's no one's fault that the 'bad guy' didn't get punished when he was bad, but to punish them when they turn good is a real dick move.
But she never even made a game
how do you go to that from this?
you are a paedophile
The news rarely says that someone "killed himself" or "committed suicide" unless it's a very big public figure.
When my friend killed himself the local obituaries just said he "passed away."
This topic is more videogames than the Etika sticky was if you wanna get anal about it.
PR speak for the plebs to eat up.
bbbbuuuuuut..I was more referring to his artist 'friend' that abandoned him after the accusation. Looks like it was just Him and Alec working on the game. So really one person in that party didn't give two shits about the story.
I don't think this has any potential for a GG 2.0
It's a different beast, about "how that culture they created turned into a homicidal cult".
>women can destroy your life with baseless accusations
Honk Honk
>become sjw and hang out with them
>they throw you away like garbage when you are no longer needed
>kill yourself and die alone like an animal
Poor cunt faced the harsh truth of being around with these "tolerant" fucks.
>high-profile death makes the news
I'm not going to explain how this shit works again when you guys clearly never learn.
Don't be a feminist,especially don't be a male and a feminist or you'll end up like him
On the contrary, pushing someone to suicide is homicide in murican lands
Heil Digra
honk honk
I hate Zoe but In this case I hate the people involved even more.
Imagine being abandoned by your family, friends and work because of a pathological lier said you raped her on twitter. This is pure fear tactics, it's horrible and people are being pussies instead of standing up to it
>admits to the suicide before it got made public
How does she have a pipeline into Alec's family life?
Worse yet, his own fucking family defended the woman who killed him.
Both have equally nothing to do with video games, retard.
then take the hint and stop making them dumb cripple chan tourist
I'm so glad all discussion and fan service for this piece of shit pretentious non-game is void forever now. The people who defended it on the basis of "it's relatable" or "the characters felt real" are all seething because they can never -EVER- have underage furfaggot teenage angst threads polluting Yea Forums. Alec is definitely a martyr in my eyes, I'll be sure to shake his hand when I meet him in the great down under.
>are we sure that isn't just alec in disguise
Imagine if it's actually true and he has never had a sister
Like, criminal? No. His family and friends already disowned him, no one is left to sue.
But this is a very bad look for Zoe no matter what, and MeToo as a whole.
lol. get fucked tranny.
>Looks like it was just Him and Alec working on the game.
Literally two seconds of research would tell you that's not true.
Granny glasses are one of the many fedoras of women but unlike fedoras nobody fucking calls them out for it and it boils my blood. It's the exact same fucking thing:
>Garish antique fashion accessory that looks horribly out of place in modernity, let alone with modern clothing or modern (fat) bodies and hairstyles.
>It is not flattering at all.
>It is without fail a warning sign that the user is a fucking piece of trash.
You are seen pakistani own tech site which has expanded to other topics. I doubt they had to do anything with it.
Whats this new tranny zoomer meme
>a pathological lier said you raped her on twitter.
>"baseless accusation"
Do YOU have proof this didn't happen?
He would have done the same to them
She's been "networking". She can probably do the Alec on any of the people you see defending her.
btw she most likely lives on handouts from actual indie devs only, so that's what you're supporting when you buy their games
>granny glasses
>no one calls them out for it
I see the term "problem glasses" has flown completely under your radar.
Okay, fair. Tell that to the mods who stickied that while deleting these threads.
Women don't really get criticized anymore you should realize that it'll make things slightly easier in the future. I've accepted the world has been ruined. We just gotta handle it.
don't insult fedoralords by lumping in the same category as granny glasses wearers
Sauce, she looks qt
Yes, the lack of any proof that it happened is proof that it didn't happen. It's pretty simple.
Yes, I was there.
Really convenient of him to just immediately quit life before telling his side or letting any investigation happen
must've had a hell of a guilty conscience
>one extra person
OOooooweee you got me. I misspoke I did. It was the artist and Alec who had control of the company( or was it just Alec.). The artist, who had majority control, giving no shits about the story, told Alec to kick rocks. Sorry for the shitty trying to get my point across.
How does a game dev dying have nothing to do with video games?
what is digra?
unironically why is /pol/ so excited with this new opportunity to harass some women they've never met?
But the societal elite can get caught going to Epstein’s rape island and nothing happens
Why do they call themselves survivors? Their life wasn't in danger in any way, they're no more a survivor than I am for coming home from work every day.
>they put Bethany on research just to make it look like she did more
Christ alive, what does that even mean? Scott and Alec just made the whole game stuck in their basements with no internet while she occasionally dropped in to tell them what facts she'd uncovered about the outside world?
ligma balls
Metoo already claimed the life of a close friend over a baseless accusation a while ago. It's fucking sad
If a ten year old fingerbang is rape then isn’t this homicide
How long should we imprison her to protect society, hoe many more have to die before their time
>baseless accusations!
Well why did he never deny them?
It's not /pol/.
It's the 8ch*n refugees.
>be Yea Forums
>do nothing
>anti-trump cuck kills himselfs, and the tolerant left is left in crisis
we won without doing anything
I know this is bait, but imagine people actually thinking like this
The same reason why women like to harass men they've never met.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
>own sister basically says "yeah that sounds like something he'd do"
Have sex
Why does the FBI shoot up schools and why did they kill Epstein?
I think it’s time twitterfags. Let’s hit Anita, the sjws, and their cucks with #learntocode . We shall begin the 2nd Reich of gamergate and finally put these hoes out of business
This is the female fedora
>why won’t the dead guy defend himself
Yeah he should stop slacking and get back to work, Zoe has unearned credit to claim
This but unironically. Nobody really gives a shit about anyone but themselves and their image when it comes down to it. Especially in the age of social media attention whoring. Chances are, if someone is moralising and/or "outraged" over something, it's just some dick swinging political bullshit to push their narrative and shit on the people who don't share the same beliefs.
stfu gaymegator, tell me what this shit digra meme is and stop using it
false equivalences are fun!
Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny
Basically I'm saying the other two co workers, didn't give a single ounce of fucks about this five year long journey they had together. They made the game for profit and that's it, Alec may have loved his creation, but the others clearly learned nothing from it.
These type of people don't have friends.
lmao these threads are peak incel, love it
>hoe many more
Digra clam
It's clear Zoe and friends thought they were just gonna drop this one and then play defense. They saw how much the gamergate controversy boosted them and wanted to duplicate it. They didn't expect someone to die, so they bailed.
Games """journalism"""
I was locked up with a guy who had been in there for missing child support payments. The judicial system is cancer
>Literally everyone you could have trusted to give you support or the benefit of the doubt backstabs you
>You know your career and life is ruined anyway even if you prove your innocence
I really wish the world was so simple. I've lost faith in humanity I didn't even know I had after shit like this.
He had a whole week to do so.
A game dev dying and people paying their respects would be different but this is not about a dev dying, this is about rape accusations having lead to someone killing himself. Not to mention he is no one important for video games. He was just part one shitty video game that wasn't even influential to video game history.
Literally no one on Yea Forums cares about the video game he made.
Thats not far off user.
See here if you think "she" should be trusted . How do we not know if it should be biased based on "it"s political alignment.
>look we killed a guy but I’m the real victim here
>there is no timeline
Yeah there is, once that timeline passes “A year or two” you are no longer reliable and unless you bring forward other witnesses of that same event you have nothing.
Where the fuck do they live that saying shit like that about family is acceptable? Around here you do that shit and you'd be thrown out so fast you'd go through the front door of the house across the street, and basically be a social pariah and hated by everyone in the county.
The fact they felt to even include that is telling. Isn't it a staple to say 'allegedly' when reporting crimes until the person is actually convicted and sentences?
Why did a non-dev screaming nigger killing himself get a sticky then?
Fat lot of good it would do.
wow good point
Can't wait to hear Giantbombs condemnation of the situation
I guess he was busy getting murdered
Let this be a lesson to all you white knights, this is the thanks you will get
Yes. The fact that there is no proof to prove otherwise. Meaning everything should be as it is, unless the person who is claiming these things can provide proof to change the status quo ...Oh also nevermind, the guy killed himself over something that had zero proof, but people still attacked because it's fun to attack.
Who do you think the "suicide" was?
There are many countries out there that lost much of their sense of familial trust and bonds lately, user. I'm not surprised myself, I'm just disappointed. Cherish the fact that you still live in a place where those values mean something. I do too, but I fear that crap will infect my country too.