I hate this bitch like you wouldn't believe

i hate this bitch like you wouldn't believe

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Other urls found in this thread:


lalafell genocide fucking when

H-h-how the fuck could you say that...

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Do you mind telling that to the WoW classic, Super Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, and all the other general threads on Yea Forums?

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What'd he mean by this?

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Anima grind is a pain. Shadowbringers version is going to be worst won't it?

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Mods are dumb to be honest.

I'm in 2.1 content and it's full as fuck. Is the $11 story skip up to HW worth grabbing it should I just slog through it?

I hate Allisae much, much more. What a shit character.

Shit taste.

I'd say no. Everyone whines about it but just do it at your own pace. Don't rush.

Did ya get your Garo sets yet?

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Almost done collecting the sets, but I only have 2 jobs at 60 so I still have a lot of grinding to do. Haven't even finished the MSQ yet because I started going all-in on PvP to make it in time.

I've had them for ages, really doubt people are even going to use them for glamour

What does lalafell vagina taste like?

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they look fucking ugly so no

dumb weeaboo

Got the head and leg pieces, only thing I liked from them

>the Ul'dah Lalafel inkeeper that mentions "measuring manhoods" as her hobby

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Okay bro, where am I tanking?

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>revolver's chain is just glued to the hilt
That was honestly kind of depressing.

yep, leaks already confirm you need trust max level, all fates 60/60 and all 4 job specific quests completed.
so far.

Say that to her face fucker

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dude's just saying what we're all thinking

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good news is that she practically vanishes from the game after stormblood

>not tanned
>blue eyes

I want to impregnate that pussy.

[citation needed]
you dont need trusts at max, only need rank 2 in every area for fates which is 6/6 and only one of the job specific quests completed

as opposed to what, impregnating the ass?
get fucking real would you please

Yes or pay 8 bucks more and skip to SB.


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I ignore her existence since Krile is superior in every way possible

>not impregnating buttpussy
>probably has never impregnated mouthpussy either

Mods are saving this game

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She's the only reason the scions exist now. Her Jew ways keeps the organization afloat.

Please convince me not to buy mogstation version of this game + shadowbringers. Steam version never goes on sale, but I don't want to have two of same game.

20% off complete ed on Newegg now.

Why are you not playing a lalafell?

Attached: hmm.png (816x677, 971K)

>"Say his name"

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I'm not a pedophile and their bodies are disgusting

I wasted my one free fantasia to turn into an Au Ra.

fuck off jew

Based and cancerskinpilled.

They put in a Tactics race, so it's the closest I'll ever be to playing a Ivalice mmo

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Over here brah, don't worry I already pulled the next five mob packs for you. Best use Sloppybolide when the going gets rough.

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Ivalice is probably going to be the endgame of FF14, user. Emet-Selch remarks in Amaurot how everything started going to shit with a sound from the center of the planet, and at the end of the Ivalice raids, you have Gabranth remarking that they could even get to the center of the planet with all the tech they salvaged.

No way this is the same Fran. She'll be thousands of years old.

I did. The pvp is suprisingly fun and especially with blm.

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>Let me help fill up your queue bro

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because i enjoy playing as a thighlander at max breast and muscle slider

>Fire 3 ->Thunder 3->sc Flare> Xeno -> Fire 1
Way too much fun

So does NIN cuck SAM now?

Yeah, Tataru is the most generic "haha, look at this cutesy bullshit" trash that nips like to put in all their RPGs. She made me want to kick every lalafell in the face. But then they threw Krile at me and it was like, "no, penis, stop getting engorged this instant. I'm not supposed to like these trash loli potatoes. "

Attached: FFXIV_Krile.png (400x648, 300K)

yep nin actually does more dps now than SAM

the best players

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Anal with Yugiri!


Krile is a grown woman.

Why are XIV trannies just shit posting WoW Classic threads? fuck off back to vg

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What tipped the tea-pot for you? was it the fetch quest where she literally puts saliva into her tea?

Shes probably the only falafel that I dont hate. Probably one of the only competent story characters too as she gets shit done.


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The Nin AFs are blue not grey.

sam and nin are weeaboo buddies, both are kinda mediocre unless they are together, since sam benefits a lot from trick and nin benefits from the sam using them
monk+drg is still the best combo

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they don't really play xiv do they?
I've played it for 4 years. Is it going to turn me into a tranny too?

Whats the point of machinist?

As someone who's been playing for a year on Mateus of all worlds, I've yet to run into an obnoxious tranny. Shitty mentors that don't know what they're raging about and can't play for shit, yes, but not trannies.

To have fun.

Is there a full party of Ilberds yet?

How do I make my cat have fat tiddies

>DRG still top 3 but with raid buffs
SAMcucks on suicide watch

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Anything worth getting from the Mogstation sale?

So they are a worthless job that brings nothing to groups but """"fun""""? Ok gotcha. I'll keep that role locked out of my groups.

>MCHfags losing to fucking DANCER

Suicide pact when

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Got them years ago the shorts are a quintessential slutglam piece and the gun is easily the best one in the game

I might be wrong, but shouldn't Sam be beating all the other jobs and be equal to Blm since Sam is the "Blm" of melee?

At least we aren't Red Mage. They should just put that class out of its misery and remove it already. It contributes nothing.

>job was buffed 2 times already and STILL can't surpass us

Feels good man

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>drop nin for monk
>miss my weeaboo jump the most

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YoshiP is really bad at math, I'm not even sure how you let balance issues happen in a game like this.

>Suicide pact when

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Nothing will match BLM as BLM is Yoshi's favorite class.

>at least we are not red mage
you forgot the part RDM is higher than dancer and YOU? plus brings RDPS.

In theory "selfish" jobs like BLM,SAM and MCH should be doing top dps since they don't bring any utility, damage is all they have.

In practice though they don't know what the fuck to do with those jobs without making them OP to the point of invalidating everything else, so you get half-assed buffs every now and then.

Notable exception being BLM since Yoshi plays BLM

Viera live a long time and FFXIV retcons the timeline so XII happens after Tactics so it's Ivalice is built on top of tactics' and now XII takes place about 50 years before XIV, and XIV's concept of the Calamity/rejoining explains away any contradictions between the 3 games in the context of XIV.

and a rez lmao. but does it have a sick jojo reference??!

What next

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All blue mage spells.

Seeth more sam

Get on those DoL/DoH, user.

I have all blue mage spells. I haven't touched ARR Primals since.

Never again. Holy shit.

>Monk not being 80
>missing out on the golden age of the job right NOW

Other melees fear the eastern warrior

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>sick jojo re-
Why must you let everyone know you are not an ironic faggot?

Samurai shouldn't beat or match BLM, but it should be really close behind. It should be like BLM > SAM > MCH >> MNK = DRG = SMN > BRD > RDM = NIN > DNC

>DNC over MCH
i feel bad for mch's

I prefer admiring them from a distance

The Ascian fears the Samurai.

/dabs on OP

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everything about lalafell makes me fucking aggressive

the way they talk, they walk, their appearance, everything.

lalafell genocide when?

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The game and community would be 100x better without them. Prove me wrong.

Trust when?

That's also not the NIN AF, it's that rainbow coif of scouting from one of the Ishgard vendors.

game would be 100x better without viera. they're all shitters

I can't, lalas are the reason we can only nod in cutscenes

That's Viera, cats and auras.
Fuck any of these people who play these races.

I'd gladly thrust Tataru

What about male cats?

Red Mage is better than machinist LMAO

>fuck the only good looking races!

I don't think hitmarkers work like that in any game.

>that guy that tries to sprint the dohn mheg pit but falls at the first step

Attached: 1536262360610.jpg (744x694, 64K)

>machcucks trying to shittalk the red bois

Impregnate Nanamo

>that Roe/Hrothgar who keeps falling due to his hitboxes

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no, it's because they're too lazy to animate better cutscenes. they clearly are capable but they choose to prioritize budget and time over quality.

i think im burned out, most i really want to do is just duty roulette leveling/trial until raid night. I used to really like making gil but i'm completely lost on what to craft anymore. housing items don't sell, materia doesn't sell, tinctures are just pricing wars and even high end equipment sometimes takes a while to sell.

Just got to level 60. Should I main DRK or GNB to level 80? Which one is a better tank?

I just want to grind ultimate but we only raid 3 times a week

Out of curiosity, do ports and shit actually work for that like what Thancred and Urianger do? Like can a Red Mage fire Corps-a-corps and just skip that shit?

Enjoy ERP with your new uncut dick

They're both good. It just depends on which one you find more fun or has better looking gear/spells which is subjective.


neither, memes aside they aren't that good and are outclassed by PLD in every way.

Will fem BLM ever get a good idle pose?

i remember thinking the viera head "no" thing was an emote and not their idle stance. I remember getting so fucking pissed at viera players because they always did that after a wipe and thought they were just being a passive aggressive emote bitch.

The order doesn't really matter much. The problem is the gap between them. Right now the gap between the best and everyone else is way too huge.

DRK if you want to give your healers cancer in raid content, otherwise its whatever you think looks cooler

Tanks are so streamlined and homogenized that the differencescan be measured in decimal places of a percent.
Pick for aesthetics.

DRK is just a budget WAR atm.

Go GNB if you want to dab on DPS shitters, or PLD if you want to tank.

She's wearing nothing else underneath that robe and it is canon that she mingled with a lot of her 'paramours' whilst in Kugane.

That's Gunbreaker, man.
>have a superbolide macro
>activate it
>hp drops
>removes invincibility a second later

DRK if you have bad ping
GNB if you have good ping

I meant without intentionally being retarded. Living dead is a blackhole for resources

I'm a DRK main so I might be a bit biased.
GNB is all reliant on double weaving everything. You gotta be quick on your buttons and gotta know what to use quickly. you have a lot of tools and you have to use them.

DRK is a more bread and butter tank and the only thing that gets CUREEEZY is their opener. Otherwise you have a more time to think over what you want to do. TBN is also the best tankbuster in the game.

GNB is better but DRK is way less effort. Tanks have been completely homogenized now you're mostly deciding which DPS rotation you like the most and which invuln works the best. Which unfortunately DRK has the worst of both.


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>sprint all the way across in one go
>try to jump over the last part
>fall down before i even jump

progging thru 2nd phase on e4s, how can blms even do anything with all the moving

>waking up at an Inn animation for lalafel
Now this is why I play a femlala.

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Why is there hardly any good looking equipment in this game? Almost all of it is over designed or overly asymmetrical, especially tank gear. I literally can't find anything decent to wear anymore.

Because it's a Final Fantasy game.

The order does matter until they remove all buffs/debuffs next expansion. Right now it's crazy that buff-less and debuff-less jobs aren't just doing more than the ones with buffs.

Anima is the easiest relic weapon to grind. ARR's are only fucking miserable at the book phase and SB's are locked behind that garbage heap that is Eureka.

The final boss of FFXIV on its final patch before shut down.

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Cute if it wasn't a potato.

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GNB only really needs to double weave on No Mercy windows with their spender combo, other than that it's a pretty standard 1-2-3 rotation.

Nothing as crazy as SMN or even 4.0 DRK, it's pretty fun though if you miss the heavy OGCD action of Stormblood's DRK

I want to inject her with my semen.


yeah, I'm gonna fug that

>especially tank gear
those are some good tank sets off the top of my head

I hate Yda and Papalymo. Every time they're on screen I get a desire to uninstall the game.

oh i'm talking about defensive cooldowns. it's a bitch to be in the mild of your no mercy window and you have to put it up. most of the time to you gotta pair a lot of stuff with heart of stone.

you're right about SMN though, i thought people were memeing but SMN is fucked. I wouldn't mind if I can do at least average damage if I fuck up but if you fuck up you REALLY fucked up.

yeah but bruh

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Why don't they add fun MSQ dungeons into the roulette? Just buff the research facility and Ala Mhigo to 8 players, or keep it 4 players whatever. I'd even take unskippable cutscenes, still way better than castrum and praetorium spam everyday.

So what? Scantily clad broads are a dime a dozen in this game. Yda looks incredibly stupid with the heavy red greaves and sabatons while wearing regular clothes on top.

He did nothing wrong.

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yeah Yda is pretty annoying, it would be great if they did something different with her character haha..

i wish there was more short burst of XP like trial roulettes. i'd give just to do trial roulettes every day for free XP.

i mean i guess there's frontlines but it's not instant queue like trials/

>Spends the entire fight calling you a worthless pathetic loser who needs to just stop playing the fucking game already and get laid
I can dig it

You know, I see pics of big tit mods like these a lot for all the difference races, but I never see any for Lalafells
Do they even exist?

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>Wanted her hairstyle
>Stuck behind that paywall and a fucking ugly hood
>Can't even dye the hood, it changes the haircolor

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how is your novice network like? gilgamesh is kinda cringe because it's a bunch of redditors acting like Yea Forums

what did she do with all those gold when you finished 4 sacred beasts quest? I remember I only got tiny amount of gils and a poster

>his enrage forces the player to unsub and they can't come back until next lockout

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Isn't there a panel today?

ala mhigan cock

He was a reasonable effective pragmatist in the absolute shitshow that is the Garlean power structure
That's about as wrong as you can get in this story, he was doomed from the start

Crystalfag here

fucking kill me

I know what you mean. It feels like this game is dead. Nothing is selling, no one is buying anything. All of this crap seems worthless. The only things that sell are consumables. And even then you have to hope you dont get undercut to worthlessness. I pretty much just clear e1s-e4s for the week and log off. Going to be playing Monster Hunter next week when Iceborne drops.

SE needs to start teasing some shit or people are going to start quitting.

I got Ginga, the Golden Wolf set, his invisible shield, the Kiba set and his greatsword. I'm happy.

How bad is it user?
I'm on Mateus but I've never turned NN on

I know but the poetics grind is killing me.

oh shit he's an astrologian

>Reach the end of ARR crafting
From the people who brought you filler MSQ between ARR and HW comes filler crafting. Now even more time consuming and pointless!

I don't know why I bother with the Gold Saucer log every week. I've got 4.2 mil mgp now with everything but the dumb housing minigame machines and the most expensive cards.

can you please buy the housing minigame things and confirm to me if you can use them to bot MGP?

>play ast in pvp
>no one can kill me even with their full partys
>lead literally 8 mongols away from objectives as they tunnel vision after me
>win every frontline and gorge map because of this

so fucking broken, but ez wins

I tried to Rescue a dps from one side of the pit to the other and all i did was just make him fall in

And I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Excalibur's is full of tryhards that think telling newbies to git gud is going to encourage them to do anything

They will give you info if you ask, sometimes

Poll: what's the crown to NN-active mentor ratio on your serb

i think it's one of those things where even though the animation shows you flying through the air, it's really just you moving forward along the ground

Right now in gilgamesh it's 100 mentors to 81 new adventurers. i don't mind this nn at least it's cringy and they just talk about politics and stuff.


To be fair, if the person really cared about being good at the game he/she would have looked up guides or the Balance discord.

But then you get White knights who will say dumb shit like mistakes are still made even looking at guides showing they missed the entire point.

Exodus has been genuinely helpful since the WoWfugees left for Classic. Sprouts ask questions and others answer, doesn't matter if its a mentor or another sprout.

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>Right now in gilgamesh it's 100 mentors to 81 new adventurers.
is gilgamesh dying?

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>tank doing full clearn in aurum vale
>ask him if it's okay to just speedrun
>he ignores me

i enjoy the pvp more than i should

Only good for screenshots because unlike korean shit, it is not trying to be sexy. So its awkward with all the stiff animation and PG-13 emotes.

They don't give MGP

>reminder she'll grow up into a mommy Elezen that craves your WoL cock

Attached: lewd1.png (312x281, 53K)


>erp bait aura
>erp bait miqo'te
>erp bait viera
>all of the above played mainly by trannies/faggots

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Grind A12 (constant first-time bonuses, 100 tomestones a pop) or do Blue Mage weeklies.

Not him but from experience, a lot of the shittier players play Lalafells because "le le le meme race le le le XD"

I didn't knew she was into lala pepe

I know this guy in the pic. He's fucking weird and comes to every con in my area.

Breasts don't work right for lalafells (they're not intended to have breasts larger than the mosquito-bites you can give them) and males and females share body-types anyways, breast mods would impact males.

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explain this then, atheist

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muh simpsons time bubble

i wish i saved my player competency tier list

Without lalas we'd at least get normal cutscene interactions between WoL and other characters.
That's reason enough for me to delete them.

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Fuck MNK, top DPS while being completely braindead with the RoE buff. Job that is designed around positionals doesn't have to hit positionals anymore.
What the fuck is SE thinking?

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I would take any of those over lalafell

The Shadowbringers benchmark shows that they're capable of animating good cutscenes with Lalafells. They're just lazy.


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>if they really cared they'd google it instead of using the in-game tip line it encourages you to use for exactly that purpose
Mate, no, new players aren't going to battle-launch straight into guides and min-maxing.

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So if it's too much bother to make separate animations for lalafells, why not just delete them and rig all animations based on normal human-sized models?
Case in point.

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What's your /ptime Yea Forums?

So, worst players to just ok?

Male cat>fem au ra>???

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If he's not level-synced he's probably after the furious amount of EXP that Aurum Vale shits out if you kill everything and let the morbol seeds hatch.

>imagine how lazy and pathetic society has gotten to the point that even watching a video is "too much trouble" now.

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he's level synced, he's like level 72. that's why im scratching my head.

Oh shit, I think he had a stroke.

He's being weird, then. Or is there somebody else in the party that isn't synced that he's helping out?

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Because then Japan would riot and the devs care more about their homelands opinion than the overseas opinion.

I got the female healer set with MGP. Might get the MNK fists and the GLD shield but other than that I don't really care much

Gamers rise up, for too long we've suffered under the yoke of players not even a week in who don't perform as well as I do.

nope everyone is 60+

>Leather leotard
>Thigh high boots

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>Japan would riot
Not when the choice is between "keep playing meme race" and "actually touch and hug your waifu in-game"
Look deep in your heart.
You know it's true.

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Yeah that makes sense when editing the models values via CE
I was surprised someone hadn't edited the actual model itself, but I guess you already answered why that wouldn't work
Wouldn't the next best option be to edit the model of certain armor pieces?

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Next-best would be model replacements, probably, yeah. No jiggle physics because lalafell don't have those (unless you tie jiggle-bones to the earrings somehow, there are butt mods that use breast jiggle-bones for example) but it'd be a way to bolt breasts onto them.

>watching a video is tryhard

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That could work but who's gonna make it?

It's time to rise up, gamers.


So what is the best job class for Viera?

>There are 2 (Two) live letters before 5.1
>First one is on the 15th
>That puts 5.1 around late october
Jesus christ give me the update already.

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Ssshhh its ok he didn't mean it.

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mandating it is if you're in literally any content that isn't a farm party, and even then if you have the grey-matter to lock out players that haven't cleared from your farm party there's the assumption that everybody already knows what they're doing

Reading your tooltips and googling "how i pley job" is tryharding to the general playerbase.

It does take a special kind of stupid to take offense to sprouts asking basic questions in the chat-log where they're supposed to ask questions, though.

dancer so you can hop on my dick like a good bunny

>Bring FC member to duty roulette
>he's level 70+
>get the aery
>noticed DPS is a tiny bit slow
>he seems to be taking a LOT of damage just from accidentally stepping in one AoE.
>check his gear
>it's all ironworks and worse
>decide not to call him out because he's a newbie and an FC mate.

holy shit I can't imagine what would've happened
to get a SB dungeon.

I'm not arguing that.

Your guess is as good as mine
I'm surprised with the number of model mods already floating around that such a thing doesn't already exist

I thought ilvl down was a thing.

not for dungeons it seems.


>first time doing a dungeon
>die once near the end of a boss battle as DPS
>mentor is in our group
>as we're saying goodbye at the end the Mentor says "Holy fucking shit you're so bad just uninstall the game"

Attached: ffxiv_05122016_124507.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

/tell him after that he should take off his Burger King crown before he runs his mouth like that.

I've seen more sprouts explain mechanics than mentors.

It's okay. You should never listen to mentor's even if they're trying to give actual solid advice.

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Is there a mod to restore old GNB sound effects yet?

Report him. For all their failings, GMs do not take Mentors treating sprouts like shit lightly.

ilvl down does exactly what it sounds like. It's not going to magically fix some idiot using level 50 gear on a level 70+ character.

I laughed.

Mentors are fags most of the time sperging out even if you wipe once on something. Kissless virgins the lot.

Mentors are usually the biggest shitters in the game.

Report, be the lawful good.

>decide not to call him out because he's a newbie and an FC mate.
You are actively hurting him and other's gameplay experience. I'm watching over 2 new players and letting them do their own thing, but I gave them plenty of gil so they could always buy on level gear.

Attached: 2420154-lawhero.jpg (480x480, 14K)

Which is ironic because somehow they got the 300 comms and 1k dungeon runs (unless they have DoH mentorship) to achieve it.

I didn't tell you to uninstall, I told you to learn your fucking class. You were doing less DPS than the healer.

Report him and be smug about the fact that he'll visit the gay baby jail sooner or later since GMs love when they get some uppity mentor

>play the game a long time
>get pity comms
it's not that difficult really

I let bygones be bygones. Someone will tell him eventually.... hopefully. Thank god we got a 50-60 dungeon though because I might've actually just vote kicked him.

"Dude, how do I hit 1 2 3!"
"How i aoe"
"how i hit one button"

It takes a special kind of retard to ask questions like that especially when the game has a pop up for things like that.

And don't even fucking tell me you haven't run into those kinds of "people" especially when they're at 60 and 70 and some at 50 who don't have their job crystal still.

But of course I'm the bad guy for being a "tryhard" for having basic standards.

No one asks questions like that anyways

>mentor being useful instead of defending the shitters

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Of course, because they're too retarded to read tooltips and/or look up video guides.

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I'm going to be honest with you, I hate this but I just don't reply. Even worse when I give resources and they bother not checking it out. Repeat offenders are a bit annoying to. I don't mind a "hey can you help me out with my rotation"

however if every day you keep going
>hey where do you find this
>hey how do I do that
>hey where's x
>hey what's x
>hey what does x do.
i'm eventually going to start zoning you out.

>And don't even fucking tell me you haven't run into those kinds of "people" especially when they're at 60 and 70 and some at 50 who don't have their job crystal still.
The last time I ran into that it was an alliance-raid where one alliance was clearly a pre-made of classes just goofin'. They ended up doing more DPS than the alliance that repeatedly stopped and wasted time bitching about the all-class alliance not having their job-stones equipped.
>But of course I'm the bad guy for being a "tryhard" for having basic standards.
Yes, you are, because that's the place for stupid questions, you numpty. Nevermind that your examples out you as having never set foot into Novice Network.

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I guess what user is trying to say he doesn't like people who doesn't help themselves. i can fully understand that.

I don't like anyone.

lol do you really want the average dancer player in your party? Atleast Mch can do 12k with their brain turn off.

yeah it was really weird too, like we got to the boss and then he decided to go back to kill some mobs

Since the Modding community is mostly on Discord and Discord consider Lalafell as loli, there's not much incentive to do so. Also no one has created a body type standard for lalafell like Titan Firm and Curvier bodies. There is Shapely potatoes but that's nothing more than budding breasts

Must have been against retards. Legit just Silence you and have them gangbang you. Now white mage fuck them.

>nce the Modding community is mostly on Discord and Discord consider Lalafell as loli
based discord

What’s your strat

I saw a mentor the other day with the title "the king of mentors", and the rest of us were sprouts. He didn't speak once. Also report that dude so he gets put into the cuckshed by a GM.

Literally the worst players in the game.
Guess what race they play

>even discord is retarded

discord is owned by trannies and furries, they are hardly based

It doesn't help that most mods in general are just model-swaps with gear from other games, or texture replacements. Almost all of the most impactful mods are "foundation" ones like T&F that loads of other mods use to platform their own stuff.

If you give a monkey a typewriter...

I mean I botted that 1k dungeon run by spamming unsynced ifrit hard the whole night.

tried: you just hit an invisible wall over the hole and you just fall maybe BLM with his teleport

People forget in the Bible that God only helped you if you helped yourself showing that you aren't a burden. God wasn't a welfare god.

You don't get it. The Novice Network shouldn't be where I have to explain to hit 1 2 3 or combos, or what role actions are when the help pop up explains this.

God also fucked you over even if you did help yourself and loved him. Job

God's a dick.

Another thing I forgot to mention is by and large the modding community both the consumer s and producers are huge normalfags. Even if it wasn't for the discord rule about loli, it would be considered taboo to sexualize lalafell in anyway. Just take a look at any slightly lewd lala mods from last year and looking at all the "puke" and angry police reactions

Who /Crystal/ here? And rich?

I want to decorate my house but need gil.

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God comparison falls a bit flat when any dipshit can get a crown and it's an open forum where you're supposed to ask questions.


Silence doesn't block ogcds ;^) nice silence fags

/crystal/ but not rich, a squeak less than 3M and I'm on Coeurl. It's comfy here.

Fuck no I tried it just for the giggles and I fell down the pit at mach speed. It just makes you go incredibly quickly towards the target. I got all three comms.

I am. I’m on Blamung. If you can find me in Ul’dah, I’ll give you 5 mil.

Race/hair color/anything identifiable?

>Always pug my raids through the party finder
>Shadowbringers comes out
>Decide it's time for a change
>Join a PF static consisting of 7 first time raiders
>Eventually clear all 4 Eden savage bosses
>Everyone loves how we had to play perfectly to be able to get the first kills when we essentially were at the minimum item level for the fight
>Equipment drops make reclears in the following weeks way too easy
>People die all the time because they've stopped paying attention and yet we still kill the bosses faster than during the first kills
>Everyone's getting bored
>Only log in once per week for weekly reclears
>No content in sight
>Someone subs to Classic because it's new and thus on everyone's lips
>Others start joining him
>Fear everyone might eventually succumb to the allure of nostalgia and quit FFXIV
I longed so hard for a chance to play this game with a static or friends that I could do content with and now it's all turning to dust. I don't think I'm going to make it out alive

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He ended up with 2x the wealth he ever had though

Just wait for 5.1, you're too deep into the post-patch lull to accomplish anything.

Is it really worth it? Can you replace all your lost children and wife just with new ones?

Lalafell, won’t say which gender, black hair. Just ‘Dutch Rudder’ and I’ll know it’s you.

I'll join you bro. I'ma shitter.

I'm glad Classic is doing well so the wowfags can leave FFXIV en masse before they ruin it any further.

I just hope it wasn't too late to save crafting for the 5.1 changes, tanks are already a lost cause.

>Everyone's getting bored
>Only log in once per week for weekly reclears
how does this differ from when you were pugging tho

He got friends.

I know and it's completely killing me. I don't want to start over from scratch once the next tier rolls out. I was hoping I wouldn't have to play through the game's non-savage side content by myself again

Maybe I should have specified they are the ones only logging in once per week. I still play the game regularly.

>only 3 jobs left
0-3 war
4-6 brd
7-9 rdm

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this image is wrong
it implies that single target skill is equal to aoe

> Actually being a pedophile in 2019.

God did give him a new family too though

nah he's just irish

>look it up
I am a coward and don't want to get banned.

Sylvarant though. I tried looking manually and have failed.

The director of the game literally tells other people to unsubscribe when you're bored or stressed out and play other games or focus on your life.

Can it really replace your old family?
I get the book of Job is an allegory for why bad stuff happen to good people but not all the time that good people get redeemed.

>"Lalalfell are children"

9 years later. Still graphically inferior to 1.0

How does that even happen?

> Akctually she's not a 6 year old, she's a 800 year old dragon spirit who just happens to look like a 6 year old.

>lalafells arent children idiot!
>sound like babies in nip and have childish emotes

Is there any anime/manga/books that are similar to Shadowbringers? The more obscure the better, I've already seen most of Japanese stuff and was looking more for western stuff.

1.0 spent all the budget on looking nice and mocap they forgot to actually make the game a game.
Imagine not being able to fucking jump in a mmo, who can justify that.

just only worse textures and polygon count. if you want to get technical, 1.0 is missing a lot of graphics features found in the game today simply because of the limitations of dx9

What makes them a strong fit with Dragoon? Statline of the race best fit the job?

They're normal age, they're just short forever.
Everyone female sounds like a baby in japanese. Also you clearly didn't see that lalafell who betrays you in the Crystal Braves.

then why did they threw it away>

Lizstar and hex are hot.

Do these fangirls just forget about the billions that died on the 5 lost shards and the void?

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> Look like children.
> Sound like children.
> Designed by a country famour for sexual abuse against children.
> Not children.

Perfect sense.

Get shit on retard

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>bu-b-but yuyuhase

I guess Bilbo Baggins was a child too. No, the only difference is art style, don't you dare attempt any double standard crap.

>Content requires player to be a recluse basement dweller with no real life obligations
>Psychos who have lost touch with reality are overrepresented in the group of people that do the aforementioned content
Who could've guessed

Everything is forgivable if a character is hot.

Attached: femet-selch.jpg (466x1000, 75K)

Supporting PS3 and PC toasters that are worse than PS3. Reminder that the game TODAY can still run on Windows XP machines and has lower minimum system requirements than Battle for Azeroth.

Yeah, if they'd sexualized a baby-faced bilbo, it'd be pretty fucking gross.

That's part of what makes him so attractive.

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Project harder nigger

RDM's additions are kind of a nothing burger but they do get a good 80 AF.

Yuyuhase you say? Now that's a man I can DNC for!

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>He never saw The Hobbit

In the broadest possible sense they haven't died since their aether rejoined with the Source, but yeah they're leaping to Emet's defense because he was hot and a decently-written character. So far there's actually precious little evidence that amaurotines were an objectively better race than the sharded life that came after, sheer aetheric capacity notwithstanding.

*Sanguinefire Dives into thread*

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>mfw imagining 1 lala male surrounded by 7 female lala/miqo/aura

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Women don't have empathy.

>when you beat King Moogle Mog extreme with a pug off sprouts who hasn't even watched a walkthrough on the fight
>4 commends from team

Jesus, how did we do it?

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Anyone? I've seen berserk but I just want more stuff where the protagonist is carrying a heavy burden.

Potatoes belong in the fucking ground.

Blind runs or hard runs are the most satisfying.

I'd say its pretty clear how superior the Amaurotines were. They had a perfect utopia society, with no evidence of any downsides. They literally had philosophical debates just for fun to pass the time since they were all immortal and perfect. Emet even points out when it came down to it, half of the race were willing to volunteer to give their own lives to save the rest, something the sharded life that came after would be incapable of doing.

>tfw just discovered deep dungeons despite being half way into HW
So are they worth doing?

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They're excellent leveling methods for DPS jobs because of the sheer EXP turnout and little to no queue time. Palace of the Dead does fall off after 50 in terms of sheer EXP hand-out, though.

Its for leveling or to do a 4 man run with bros.

Their purpose aside from a few exclusive items is speed-leveling.

>women like alpha chads regardless of his actions

in other news, the sky is blue

Somehow i very much doubt the sacrifice bit
You've been fighting scheming backstabbing Ascians for a long time and the Amaurotines you see in the Tempest dont seem to have the slightest bit of guile in them.

HOW THE FUCK DO PEOPLE MAKE SOME OF THEIR HOMES SO NICE? It's fucking bonkers in some of them and even just looking at the image I can't fathom where to even begin replicating it

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But the day before the calamity they were debating on whether or not they should help their neighbors, and the Akademia showed they were horrible in any crisis environment to the point of the clerk doubting there was anything going on inside. They weren't able to deal with strife at all because most of them had never known it beyond regulated debate, and non-Council members weren't treating the planet falling apart with the gravity they should have until it was on top of them.

Plus Emet got BTFO with the Ironworks sacrificing their entire timeline to build the Tycoon, send the Crystal Exarch along through time and space, and try to rewrite history and avoid the eighth Calamity. Both that clearly sharded life was capable of greater-good sacrifice, and time/space travel which Amaurotines hadn't devised and apparently hadn't considered.

I currently have a broken thumb, so I am out if work for a few weeks and I cannot play anything that requires too much manual dexterity.
So I want some opinions. Should I play FF, black desert, or TERA?
Currently leaning towards TERA for the fapbait and the fact that it's free, but the combat is difficult with one hand.

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How was he a good friend to the emperor, and the emperor also be batshit crazy?

Fangirls don't realize his dick is probably shriveled to all hell.

Replicating would actually be easy to do. You just copy it. But try to think of a style you like, and look it up. Get some inspiration.

Floating. That's the main trick. It's a pain to do on controller so I manage without most of the time.

But some JP twitters have tutorials.


Or just be like pic related and creative.

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How did you break your thumb?
What server?

How do I get an e gf in this game?

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Keep being a horrid person like you have been, duh.

Put up an advert in PF.

Because they're tall. Statline don't matter much.

Like, an actual relationship? That takes time effort and finding the right person. Someone to jack off to over skype? Just go to the quicksand.


Bike accident. It would've been nothing serious, but I guess I managed to hit it just right and won a free trip to snap city.

Post cats or lizards I want something to jerk off to

rofl he farted and shitted on his carpet!


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fucking god damn it why do most of you waifu faggots have shit tastes.

was gonna start xiv maybe but with iceborne coming out I'm going to have my hands full for 6 months at the very least, sry lads

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muh /vg/

Not gonna happen, faggot.

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shadowbringers will still be going by the time you hit g rank, so come back when you're done killing your monsters pal

A full time job and a girlfriend

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quit fucking sperging out.

Female Roegadyn are kinda cool, bros

clipping glitches and floating items, they have discords dedicated to decorating houses, also be aware that some setups make use of medium and large houses having the benefit of multiple floors so they kinda have this one dedicated space to having a great looking area but outside of it is a clipping mess and a giant empty house

No asked you ogre

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hey any tips on GNB, i keep clipping through the no mercy window and miss the last burst strike. should I just meld more skill speed. I'm at 2.38 and my opener is usually
123-1-no mercy-bow shock -456 (weave in blasting zone and both rough divide here) - 2,3 - sonic break, burst strike - bloodfest - burst strike - (literally halfway through the cooldown no mercy will wear off here) - burst strike

>quit fucking sperging out.
He can't help himself.

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>People putting up parties for unsynced NORMAL Alexander/Omega on PF

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learn to ignore the things you don't like.

what's your ping? anything more than 100 and it gets a bit wonky

>they have discords dedicated to decorating houses
like as in decorating it for me? please say yes

Speedrunning for clears likely

People who want to clear it for the first time but don't want to endure a 20 minute long queue since it's old ass content.

They get the story and you can get some easy tomes, it's a win win

I wish.

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I can't float stuff beyond the basic table top, but I'd do it for you. What's your world?

80ms, I managed to get closer by moving both burst strikes to the 2-3 part near the ending but it's like a millisecond too late.

lots of clipping and floating.
I like to check out the japs houses, they are wizards when it comes to shit.

Attached: japanese superior decorating.jpg (1920x1137, 668K)

become the gf and dilate with us

>party for "quick" normal coil 9
>6dps and me as tank
>everyone is bursting the boss and golem in first phase
>everyone is fucking dying from aoe meteors

Attached: 1557265073094.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>looking at MAX
poor way to represent a class, it's literally RNG on getting big dick crits from your burst phases
That being said, Ninja is incredibly close and it's a joke that Sam is so low compared to DRG and MNK

Mentors are total shitter bro, youll soon realise that

you could probably find someone on twitter that does housing commissions, might be pretty expensive

Jenova, while I'd appreciate I kinda want to get real fancy with it like some have it
maybe outright copy too


>learn to ignore the things you don't like.
He literally can't and never will. He's just going to continue to sperg out.

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I'm so sorry user good luck. And get out of there.

hahaha xD anime on a video game board hahaha look at how smart i am, god fucking dilate already you fucking retarded tranny.

Holy shit this is some Studio Ghibli tier animation.

Settle down, user. Don't hurt yourself.

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I managed to get it, I think? (No Mercy popped off just in the middle of my burst strike animation) I had to single weave everything though by moving blasting zone and rough divide near the end. It's weird, I can do the DRK opener perfectly fine but it's always "off" with my GNB.

you will never become an anime girl just know that you fucking trannies.

>elezens are basically elfs
>elfs think they are the best
>they aren't
>players are like that too

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With how often you people keep repeating that I'd imagine they know by now.

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Shoha change will fix everything just you niggers watch.

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stay mad

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so here's an honest question, why don't you go to /vg/?

>Only got my MCH to 60 in SB because I didn't like how it played
>Since people are saying it's now fun decided to level it again
>Got it to 72
>The fucking Drill
>The AoE carnage combo that is Auto Crossbow, Flamethrower and Bioblaster
Holy shit, this is such fun I love it.

Attached: 1565278615060.jpg (1200x1600, 281K)

Please stop arguing with yourself, not responding to Ilberd points towards sockpuppeting.

/vg/ is full of gross males and fujos

If faeries are the souls of dead children but also over 100 years old, is Feo Ul a loli or 1000 year old chinese myth dragon?

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It's kind of funny it took this long to make it Edgar: The Class considering that Edgar was the fucking template for it to begin with.

They cease being a dead child as soon as they're reborn into a pixie, it's more like killing them and forcing their aether to take a certain form instead of going back to the lifestream and becoming a cactus or something.

I see. Feo Ul is my wife then.

how is that any different from Yea Forums minus the girls

SKS is weird with GNB since anything less than 2.40 it actually misalignes your burst strike, if you can click that button before NM goes off you're good.


It's all about that rotation, no shame for single weaving if you can get that 9th gcd in.

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uhhh...... v-/vg/ bad!

Someone explain how do I install big tits on this game, please.

Attached: ,ki.jpg (518x810, 69K)

Yea Forums post cute girls, some time

I want to use Tataru like an onahole!

I'm looking forward to more Feo Ul in the coming MSQ and probably Fairy beast Tribe.

my dick.

got it. is there any major difference between single weaving and double weaving?

what weapon types are chad

>tfw started FFXIV recently and it's filling the void waiting for AOE2DE and PC Iceborne

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melee: katana
ranged: globe


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swords + halberds + fists

Blacked swordman

fishing pole

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None other than it helps dishing out the big dick damage faster rather than over the course of the 20 seconds of No Mercy, it might help you when doing savage/ultimate but if your team depends on the tank to do some big damage very quickly you have other problems desu

sorry drk

Attached: sam vs drk.gif (424x240, 2.27M)

I hate E3S as BLM so much


Put them in concentration camps and make them gather raw materials until death

pay for the repair fees faggot

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Nah, the endgame is them blowing up the planet to make room for FF XVI Online

All melee except nin and gnb

Why do people pick ANY other class besides arcanist?
>Best class for main story pve
>free healslutting for fast queues in dailies that ALSO goes right to your DPS class as well
>4 different pets you can summon and glamour as you please
>Cooler aesthetics than the basic bitch white/black mage shit, more interesting spells and animations than just FIRE and BIGGER FIRE
It is the perfect experience.

>20 minutes
It's in the roulette goddamit. 12 minutes tops.

DRK cause you're far less healer reliant than GNB once you gain access to TBN. I play all tanks, and I tell you, GNB doesn't allow good healers to DPS as often.

>more interesting spells and animations than just FIRE and BIGGER FIRE
Don't test my patience, son.

>WoL and the Scions fail their mission and all the shards rejoin to the Source. XVI is about Ascians trying to stop Hydaelyn from splitting the Source again.

what the fuck? where'd his fat go?

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You can glamor your pets?

why isn't WoL a mage bitch?
why is everything he does always melee stuff?

SMN can change their egis to look like carbuncles, SCH doesn't get that luxury.

People lower their ilvl before doing the roulette so they only get fist of the father or something easy.

The higher in the raids you go, the longer the wait, especially for DPS.

t. experienced it first hand doing the Omega raids for the first time a few weeks ago

I don't want pedophiles talking to me anymore

Attached: onk.png (769x583, 664K)

Yes there’s a quest in the arcanist guild once you hit level 50 as summoner
You can make them take the appearance of any summon you want, from the 3 carbuncles to the 3 egis

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>what the fuck? where'd his fat go?
while you were playing he was training

>machinist losing to dancer

What happened? I thought MCH was supposed to be in a decent spot?

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his fat was burned away giving soken piggyback rides around the office.

Initially they thought it did, but turns out everyone else is also doing bigger numbers.

>Ishikawa crying

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Possibly true.

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Ranged DPS got fucked hard and MCH has no raid buffs to give that compare to BRD or DNC.

What? When?
Can you link me a video?

>tfw I just want a comfy solo dungeon crawling adventure but I have to play through an MMO

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Just several minutes ago. Audience cheered wildly for her when they showed her credentials of what she wrote, and she was overwhelmed to receive such a reaction.

It's on XIV twitch right now. When she introduced herself, she got a massive ovulation and started crying.


I guess he's been making steady progress for a while now.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

pax stream twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv

Have you played all the other FFs?
Any of them?

Soken's training piggyback program is a proven success.

male character players confirmed for GIGACHADS who value their time socializing and participating in real life over the disgusting manchildren who play as females.

Also chicken diet. I'm sure Soken shoved chicken in his mouth.

>Need to prog Levi through party finder
>All the progression quests are fresh start or black smokers or second tsunami
>I'm only at refreshing showers
>waiting for 7 others in a fresh party to get to showers takes forever

well, shite

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Make your own?

Physical jobs work better for CG animations and tend to be more "emblematic" of an expansion.

So what are they going over this stream?

Is it just a press run for ShB or are they planning to show off anything new like the crafter changes?

but leading a party seems like such a hassle

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Body Bags for Lalafags

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It's about the making of the MSQ and lore things, not gameplay. That's addressed in Live Letters with Yoshi.

the hell, how long has this livestream already been going?

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>Massive ovulation
Leave your fetish out of this.

I only started playing recently and about to hit 30, how much of a hassle is it to get them? Dont need full sets or the mounts or anything, just want any nice looking Makai female pieces

10-20 min?

Fuck. Ovation. I'm sorry.

are they going to introduce new crafting gear in 5.x?

i just want to make gil again, nothing in the fucking market sells.

It'll take a lot of pvp, lets just say that.

If you play paladin or ever plan to and want a no-shield option, you need to get the garo shield and keep it stored forever because unlike the body and weapon pieces, the shield is considered an accessory and won't be rebuyable from the calamity merchant unless they make an exception.

Since you are 30, you can jump into pvp. Everyone's stats are exactly the same and just class based, so you don't need to worry about gear or anything.
But PVP isn't that fun, and queue times can be hit or miss. Reddit usually hosts a rival wings event every saturday night, so you can get a lot of games then.

i can't bring myself to do msq or alliance roulette anymore. someone help me i just want to level up.

Hassle gone.

Crafting will be overhauled in 5.1, nobody knows what that entails.

prease rook forward to it

>he says that on Yea Forums

Attached: anime site.png (600x811, 126K)

Adamantoise is the superior NN

>But PVP isn't that fun
I like it in Feast.

wait did they actually say crafting will be overhauled? THE FUCK? ITS PERFECTLY FINE I LOVE THESE ONE BUTTON EZY CRAFTING MACROS.

Transfer to a preferred server.

I found myself a nice niche where i can make a steady income
but im pretty sure the well will dry the older shadowbringers gets

I'm halfway through Shadowbringers... wtf are deep dungeons?

You should have gone in during the first month and a half. Made a fuck lot of money out of people.

I was selling popoto salad at 300k each for 2 days. Was funny as shit.

Buff vs no buff isn't the issue in balance right now. The balance issue right now is BLM and melee vs everyone else. The gap between drg/mnk and sam is insignificant compared to the gap between sam/drg/mnk/blm and everyone else.

yep, latest live letter.

They are going to make it easier, I think? They said for example Desynth will be 100% guaranteed and no longer have a level requirement

I mean in FFXIVs world
I don't need a deep story with long drawn out cutscenes, just give me an MMO world with dungeons to explore and cities and people to meet. I would absolutely play an offline MMO if the combat were revamped and rebalanced for it.

Yes. twinfinite.net/2019/08/final-fantasy-xiv-interview-yoshida/

Attached: file.png (873x707, 87K)

You guys watching Ishikawa talking right now? She's hella cute.

I think they are just trying to make the lower levels less intimidating to get through.

oh no, I went full in but I spent it all on my housing and other stuff.

I need a gil refill now.

fucking remember selling crafting materia for 300-400k that was fun.