Another paid review exposed

>another paid review exposed
Why is gaming journalism so corrupt? As Yea Forums has always said, the user score is the real score, and so often you find out how fucked the industry is behind the scenes. How many examples are there of critic and user score over 10 point difference?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are sonyfags COPING so much?

Who gives a shit about reviewer scores?

The biggest offender of this is Nintendo. While sony games two scores are close, Nintendo games are always a huge gap.

Mostly because of SEETHING sonyfags COPING hard.

>the user score is the real score
Until people stop slapping games with baseless 10s for dicksucking and 0s because they don't like the console or for a specific aspect then the user scores will never stop being a joke. The only real way to judge the quality of a game before playing is to observe a collection of gameplay footage from non-online personalities to get an idea of what the game is about.

>be clearly seething and coping
>accuse other of seething and coping

Why do sonyfags always try and deflect?
I just gave a facial explanation of why.
Does the truth hurt so much?

Scores in general are retarded. You can't boil down a games quality to a number on an arbitrary sliding scale. Games of all kinds are bombed with 10's and 0's randomly because of upset fanboys so none of it is ever accurate. Read some actual reviews or watch some fucking gameplay and if you know enough about what you like I a game (how the fuck could you not?) The decision should be an easy one.

10s and 0s even each other out.

not if you have Yea Forums raiding a game to slap 0s on it and only 0s

>check user scores
>it's nothing but 0/10
I don't care how much you dislike this game, but to say it's a 0/10 is hyperbolic
seems like there's some review bombing or some shit

proof? Right now I see mods seething putting a thread on autosage because they need to make money from bribes.

That's assuming there are always the exact same number of them and that is a massive assumption.

Just like assuming there is a raid for 0s

If you don't believe it, you're a massive ducking retard.
Especially with this thread celebrating it

And what about nintendo sites rallying people to spam a 10?

Why are you constantly trying to deflect?
People claimed sonyfags aren't raiding it, and upon proof you immediately try to deflect.

Fire Emblem is also getting review bombed.

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>Fire Emblem Three Houses gone down from 8.4 to 6.4 after Astral Chain released

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Nothing to see here, sonyfags have declared that completely normal

>with baseless 10s
Fun fact, outside of Sony games no one gives 10 without provocation.

Ummmmm sweetie don’t you know the only score you can trust is the critic reviews? It’s 100% unbiased

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total drought since November 2018, no improvement in sight for another year.

>10s and 0s even each other out.
Are you retarded?
0 is far more damaging than a 10 is positive.

this proves it's all consolewar fags flooding 0 scores out of spite

DMC5 released on PS4, not switch.

Holy fuck. Sonyfags absolutely hate Nintendo don't they.

What's funny is people are complaining that users rated without playing the game, yet overwhelming majority of people don't actually play or finish their games at all, this is nothing new.

The 10s just came from people who played for an hour or two then dropped it instead of nothing at all

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Where is the proof? Meanwhile nintendo sites encouraging 10s is provided.

>Where is the proof?
FE3H went from 8.4 to 6.4 user score literally overnight, after being flooded with 0's once astral chain released.

While playing dumb might come easy to you, the zeroposters aren't really even trying to hide their intentions.

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Did you look at the thread, retard?
Because you will see an obvious pattern

Or are you one of those people screaming gravity is only a theory?

People bought a switch for AssChain and picked up Faggot Emblem while there and were disappointed.

>snoyfag actually tries that
LOL, COPE harder.
totally fits your narrative

so I'm supposed to believe they all played and beat astral chain and FE3H within a few short hours and felt they both deserved a 0 score?

2/4 giving 10s just to up the score
1/4 giving a 0 due to being bad game

>1/4 giving a 0 due to being bad game
It really does come easy, does it?

They couldn't finish them they were so bad

Snoyfags really are that COPING, huh?

blatantly delusional. Triple A multiplats are by a landslide (FIFA madden COD) followed closely by n*ughty d*g games and then shilled indies (ex: celeste) and then nintendo games. nintendo actually usually just makes good games which is why you rarely see it outside of probably this game and maybe arms(?)

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>anyone who disagrees is hitler

Who are you quoting?

I'm not going to lie, adore the seething nintendo fans are going through, such as in this thread.

>Metacritic is one person

How is that rallying people?
They aren't telling people to spam 10s back.

Only thing I see are desperately COPING sonyfags defending their delusions or trying to deflect


the less attention you pay to metacritic, the more games you can enjoy. Metacritic is useless for evaluating the quality of a videogame

Based. Nintentards can't hide the truth about their shitty games.

COPE harder

Why do YOU write like THIS do you HAVE brain DAMAGE ?

Your games will forever be cemented and archived as mediocre. Your seethe is eternal. Everyone knows how much it bothers you.

drink your s o y sweetie

You are aware everybody outside your snoyfag jugbox already called you SEETHING in els for doing this, right?
Your archiving didn't work at all only made you look pathetic forever.

this spic is forever the face of sonyfags.

COPE more, newfag

>averages to 5
>which is still a failing grade


All normalfag sources looking at this already started calli you incels, you already humiliated yourselves with this.

Cringe redpilled based Snoy have sex Nintendo bing tranny seethe. Based based discord dilate incel frogposter reddit wahoo seethe cringe, redpilled wojak. Tranny have sex, seethe cringe based have sex redpilled? Dilate incel seethe cringe tranny bing wojak reddit. Cringe resetera twitter incel, tranny based, dilate seethe have sex based snoy. Reddit discord bing resetera based cringe, redpilled have sex based Snoy bing Snoy Nintendo tranny wahoo. Have sex.

I feel sorry for those on either side of the incel war since Nintendo and Sony games and their respective platforms complement each other perfectly, variety is the spice of life, nothing better than some Smash, a Sony “””movie”” and some Mario Maker 2 on the weekend.

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Why is Astral Chain getting raided of all games? It seems like such a minor release. Just imagine what it will be like when BotW 2 comes out.

>2 nintendo games against a Sony one
Have sex cope dilate seethe tranny tranny tranny

I love it. It clearly bothers you. Someone like me can laugh at every single one of you because of what some few dozen people did. Just that one fat guy giving BOTW a 7 made your heads explode.


replace snoy """game""" with pc gaming and you have a functional adults gaming setup

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Because people are lame. I played a bunch of astral chain and its a pretty solid 8.5 game. Very little needs to be done to make it a 9/10.

That’s because most Sony games are “one and dones” which isn’t a bad thing at all while Nintendo have the best multiplayer games in the industry.

I just can’t go from Yoshi’s Crafted World immediately to Kirby Star Allies i need a palette cleanser like God of War or Infamous Second Son in the middle.
I’d rather get physical games and own what i buy over the soulless marxist husk that is PC gaming.

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fragile sonyneggers are always so insecure, lmao.

I agree, too bad Switch's online is hot garbage though

>thread becomes tendies seething instead of a discussion of another example of paid reviews like many other games
The worst userbase of Yea Forums

>have no games to play
>review bomb other peoples game
Holy shit is this sonys most embarrassing year to date?

>Why is Astral Chain getting raided of all games?
Literally just because it's a new and good Nintendo game.

drought year for snoy fags, always review bombing because they're sad little creatures.

When it's a Sony game:


When it's a nintincel game:
>"I don't think going up to 60FPS would have really benefitted the game too much. You can see everything on the screen just fine"

Nintentoddlers are mentally insane

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If Sony fans want quirky japanese action games like this, the last thing they need to do is review bomb other console's games. How about instead of buying movie walking simulators for PS4 you buy games like Gravity Rush instead and maybe you'll start getting 1st party games like Astral Chain too. It's pretty clear the core 1st party PS4 audience does not care about Japanese games.

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Eh, its still more reliable than PSN.

>Why is Astral Chain getting raided of all games?
It's not the only game getting raided, but it's what started a major chimpout due to being a good game.

>High score means it's a paid review
Almost every popular game gets high scores, simply because reviewers would be retarded if they fell out of line. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Not to mention, review bombing became more and more common unfortunately, so the user score isn't really trustworthy either, if it ever was.

We bought Nier Automata in droves and saved Platinum games from going bankrupt only for them to make another Nincel exclusive for an underpowered tablet that runs at 25 fps and will sell like shit because Nincels don’t like Platinum games, it’s too complex for them.

STFU sonyfag

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Maybe because we don't give a flying fuck about le anime game with slanted eyes garbage? Gravity Rush was pure shit.
t. Played it on release on vita.

>Metacritic is one person.

Are you actually retarded?

Nice shitpost lie

lmao the state of soingeggers

im sorry someone bullied you for being autistic and bad at video games but honey not everyone is skilled enough/has enough friends to play fps on pc then play smash and mario kart with friends on console.

im not joking when i say i feel sorry for you.

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Imagine having a toy company live rent-free in your head so much

>If Sony fans want quirky japanese action games
That's the thing, they don't. They literally just hate everything that isn't Sony, hell the xbox versions of DMC V and RDR2 were bombed for a while by them. As was MHW on PC.

You wouldn't post the nintendo 10s and sony 0s right?

What is this retarded post trying to say? You're not responding to the wrong user?

Let's not act like there was ever any doubt. Are there any depths the snoy bottom-feeders will not plumb?

>all this tendie seethe
Then they say other people are mad. You kids should really stop caring about scores and care about nintendo looking good or bad.

Dilate, tranny, you’ll NEVER be a real woman.

Of fucking course

All the AC 10s are in spanish.

Sonybros will be sonybros

>and care about nintendo looking good or bad.

Why should I care about the look and wealth of a fucking corporation?

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New exclusive. Looks flashy AF. getting good Famitsu scores and decent global critic reviews. Sony blackout. all of this driving snoy ecosystem into review-bombing meltdown.

Yea Forums and more skilled players is what lives rent free in those people's heads.

i double checked, and i responded to the correct post you are antisocial and unskilled if you defend n*ughty d*g games. wasnt joking, im just saying people who only care about those kind of singleplayer """games"""" tend to be offputting and awkward. hell maybe you might actually play fps on pc, but doubtful

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kek, spics be seethin' as fuck.

Nintendo fans do, which is why they spam 97 at any criticism or go ballistic when nintendo games review poorly.

have sex, seethe, dilate and then kys

sonyspics be seething lol

This level of cope is off the charts

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there's comparatively fewer of those

thanks for this image, im now considering getting this game if its engaging enough

The Spanish are pissed at their irrelevance.

What did he mean by this?

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1. Astral Chain has been in development before Nier
2. Platinum are contractors. Except for maybe some bonus platinum might or might not have got, all you did was give your money to square.

lol wow these people are just sad. keep em coming lol

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Why do you faggots care so much about numbers that some D-tier journo gives to a game? Holy fuck, just play the games you enjoy and ignore the ones you don't enjoy, it's not that hard

uh huh

>personal attacks out of nowhere with no foundation

Jesus nintentoddlers ARE ACTUALLY mentally insane

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They've gone almost an entire year with nothing. There's been no new great games to come out, they've had no showings of upcoming games or hardware, and they've shat themselves with censorship.

Fuck, most of the worthwhile big titles coming out on PS4 aren't exclusive. This is what happens when you gargle tranny cock in California.

this is why I'll never buy a sony-endorsed product ever again aside from maybe earphones. I had Ps1 and PS2 but the modern fanbase utterly disgusts me. I wouldn't touch Ps4 with a barge-pole. piece of shit hardware for piece of shit gamers

Square owns Nier retard. Platinum games didn’t get shit from its sales. Are the spic snoyfags this retarded?

Making a civilian internet was a mistake.

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Nintendo defense squad, we gotta dump some more 10s on that score bros. This is clearly a three day review bomb!


You have to be literal cretin if you pay attention to the "critics" reviews.

I can't think of any game off the top of my head that dropped 2.0 user score overnight after being flooded with 0's

I own a switch and no PS4, I never played anal chain but I like to shitpost just for the sake of shitposting. 4channel is only good for this.

I cannot be stopped.

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DMCV also released on PC and Xbone X with better versions.

What if I told you guys I emailed metacrtic and told them nintendo sites were encouraging spamming 10s, and they told me they removed 10s made with new or low use accounts?

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>piece of shit hardware for piece of shit gamers

At least it can run doom2016 at a resolution greater than 480p

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Do basic research retards, Kamiya himself said Automata saved Platinum games, this isn’t up for debate.

fuck off with your gaslighting bullshit and suck my hairy nutsack

But still a game ps4 owners played. PS4 owners are the reason it was a success.

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>graphics whore
piece of shit gamer confirmed

probably correct, but I would like to know DMC sales figures to backup that claim


Get wrecked tranny.

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Fucking based. They probably left all the zeros lmao

Having a blast reading salty ass reviews lmao

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kek how dusty that PS4 has gotten

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Why this game?

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Nothing to play on it for months now.

ahahahaha ohnonono

Have you run the math on that?

they need something to blame for having the MOST SUCCESSFUL CONSOLE OF ALL TIME yet the longest drought of the generation

>the user score is the real score

you mean the thing Sony fans are currently tanking?

>can't believe the journalists
>can't believe the user scores
what should i believe at this point

You losers are free to "review bomb" ps4 exclusives if you want, and you clearly have the means with all those worthless 10s you guys spewed out for this game. Every game is subject to this, but for some reason it only significantly affected this game.

Maybe the game is just not that good? I know the thought is just inconceivable because it's on the switch but give it a try.

How many games can you say are genuinely good and below a 50 on metacritic?

specific reviewers that you trust, friends that have the game

Only yourself, user. Also piracy so you can try out games risk-free.

Yourself. If you can't play it then there's nothing to say.

While Inaba said that platinum wasnt close to bankruptcy like Kamiya claimed.

I don't know any games below 50, period

your taste in video games is shit so what do you know about anything?

look forward to your next third person action adventure or third person shooting game you dumb nigger

>Kamiya himself
Shitposter extraordinaire

>Why do you faggots care so much about numbers that some D-tier journo gives to a game?
It's a sonyfag thing. They're the only ones who care about these inane scores hence why they're also the only ones who review bomb.

read whatever resources you want. just don't trust them, and make up your mind based on objective descriptions and footage of the game rather than someone else's emotional opinion of it.

I'm now curious to know what games I own that are 50 below that I enjoyed. I'm sure there's a few.

Oh shit, platinum's accountant is here!

You would think sonyfags would learn how not to make their falseflagging attempts so obvious.

Sure, it could be bad, but I also sincerely doubt this relatively niche action game spurred enough hatred of itself to cause it to get nearly the same amount of user reviews as the new Smash within a couple days.

>keeps dropping
Damn, this game must be REALLY bad.

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Sure are a lot of falseflaggers in this thread then, since it just looks like one of the million butthurt posts in this thread lmao

In Jesus.

>act like a retard
>get called out for being a retard
>unironically use the term "personal attacks" and point the finger back
Where the fuck do you think you are? grow a spine you betamale cuckaduck

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God damn, you're SEETHING

The absolute state of mentally ill seething snoybois.

Fucking hysterical.

I mean it's missing best girl, Ikaruga, but a 39 is pretty harsh.

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i play on PC though. boy i hope you're embarrased by that. humiliation would do you well

>Sure are a lot of falseflaggers in this thread then
We have a huge Sony fanbase here and they're livid about Nintendo.

Pic related: this board all year long

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He'll still call you a Nintendofag you know. Currently they only know of Sony and Nintendo

Without the Nintendo Bonus, it's a 77 game. Which is pretty much spot-on when you discount the bombing from Sonybros.

nah it's at least an 8/10 tbqh

>Without the Nintendo Bonus
There is no Nintendo bonus. There was only ever a nostalgia negative.

Where? Feel free to give a link to the post where I act like a "retard", the only thing I did was pointing out the nintendie double standard and that mentally unstable user started throwing shit at me randomly. Eat shit.

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way to out yourself, frogposter

What's with sonyfags being mad about platinum games? This is like an extension of Bayonetta.

right here like a told you here i've been very direct about this. Stop living in denial

mediocre bullshit

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LOL when will the sonybro meltdown end?

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Maybe if you're into anime bullshit.
But for the average switchfag, seeing a game with cringy anime intros, awful voice acting (Where there is voice acting.) and so on, it's gonna be a huge turn off.

Esto es el fin nintendo

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He's not going to admit to it. He's either going to say it's not him or that he's completely justified.

>it's gonna be a huge turn off.
For a fanbase that love anime games?

the voice acting is generally good, especially compared to other japanese games. I'm not a fan of the story though, and took that into account when I scored it otherwise I'd rate it higher.

Where am I ever defending naughty dog's unsharted titles? Where am I playing on PC? How can you tell if I'm antisocial and unskilled? Where's the link with Mario, smash and anything I said? What the fucking fuck is happening in your head you mentally defective insane schizo?

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What other anime games are there on the switch?


they'll get bored of their flavor of the week exclusives and they'll go straight back to shitposting

if a game is a solid 7 from any people actually rating a specific number, if half of the rest rate a 10 and the other half a 0, the 0s are much more impactful because the average was above 5, and a 10 and 0 become a 5 rating. i cant believe basic math is this hard to comprehend

>Review bombing with 0's so people know you're full of shit instead of 5s and 4s so there's reason to believe

Aren't Sony consoles basically just pc game ports? I've never seen and original Sony title that I've been dying to play in my life. They basically sell a Netflix tv adapter.

Game is absolute garbage for the most part so it's well deserved.

M-m-m-m-m-m-muh p-p-p-ports.... N-n-ninten-d-domination...


no wonder its shit

Persona 5

>faggots bundle up to spam 0s
>y-yeah! Paid reviews b-btfo!
You faggots are embarrassing

t.never played the game, seething snoy. But yeah, your 77 "seems legit", bruh. now dilate

>Where am I ever defending naughty dog's unsharted titles?
>Where am I playing on PC?
did not claim this, i said maybe you did but it was not likely because you are too poor/bad at video games most likely, here Which leads to exhibit C
>How can you tell if I'm antisocial and unskilled?
again same post >Where am I playing on PC? How can you tell if I'm antisocial and unskilled?
You've mistaken me for someone else
>What the fucking fuck is happening in your head you mentally defective insane schizo?
I'd say you're the one whose mentailly unstable for all the things stated above, but who am i to say? afterall, these guesses i've been making about you SURE have gotten under your skin.

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>more exclusives in two weeks than in the last year for PS4

cope baby

they do it for free

No clue.
Check user views and sort by negative to see what the most scathing criticisms are from people with actual souls.

>Where am I ever defending naughty dog's unsharted titles?
>Where am I playing on PC?
did not claim this, i said maybe you did but it was not likely because you are too poor/bad at video games most likely, here Which leads to exhibit C
>How can you tell if I'm antisocial and unskilled?
again same post >Where am I playing on PC? How can you tell if I'm antisocial and unskilled?*****this was meant to be "Where's the link with Mario, smash and anything I said?", but you actually had so much shit i had to explain i did mispaste this line*******
You've mistaken me for someone else
>What the fucking fuck is happening in your head you mentally defective insane schizo?
>I'd say you're the one whose mentailly unstable for all the things stated above, but who am i to say? afterall, these guesses i've been making about you SURE have gotten under your skin.

Why is review bombing a thing?
How can you be so autistic to actually go out of your way to rate a game negatively, just because it's not on your system/doesn't run on your toaster?
Game is fun, keep seething third worlders who can't even afford a PC+ every current console.

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revised mispasted your 4th question, just so there's no confusion.

>Why is review bombing a thing?
Jealousy usually. Sonyfags want to play these games but they either don't have the money or don't want to betray Sony.
In the case of multiplats like RDR2 it's because they don't have the best version of the game.

>Believing in Inaba's blatant damage control
Cope faggot

Yeah we sure are sad we don’t have this awful looking not even AA garbage my fuckin PSP games look better than this it’s even more ugly than Bloodstained
If you try to shit on Sonychads why don’t you say something about censorship or some other topic where Nintendo clearly wins? Why are you making a clown out of yourself and other Switch fanboys? No matter what console you prefer or what game you like if you think game journos’ scores are relevant at all and objective you’re extremely bluepilled

>all tendies do is seethe, play victim, and blame a group of people for their problems
Are all tendies black?

Multiple sources along a long period of time.

asi es! se acabo nintendo! no puede escapar de justicia de Gohan espada!

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yeah....there has been literally no reason at all to turn the stupid thing on, that's just fucking bad

judging by this thread, yes

Actually Inaba is correct because Kamiya never said it saved their studio financially in the tweet. That was editorializing by journalists. It gave them a good rep after Scalebound's extreme disaster with Microsoft.

lol why does anyone even care about metacritic, neither the user reviews nor the journalist reviews can be trusted. And no the user reviews NEVER mattered and the journalist reviews were ALWAYS influenced by dev money and fanboy wankery (ie certain franchises never get a bad score because it will piss off the company and also the fanboys).

No, it is called being retarded and giving 0 to a game you didn't even play.
And you notice this the most with nintendo because we have third worlders sony "fans" that shitpost on any nintendo game.

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After completing it in 2 days I have to agree. The game wasn't really memorable and the gameplay felt like a mix of everything that "works" from previous platinum games. Not their best title... for me their worst.

this is the kind of people that "review" nintendo games.

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Hey isn't that the guy from Smash Bros

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>exclusivo de playstation
spics are mentally ill

If there is the same number of each, it counts as a 5, wich will still lower the score.

>Leave Nin-toddlers to me

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What is it like to be a basednigger, Yea Forums?

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No one is saying they don't exist, but this thread is about a nintendo game being bombed.

He's alien, he's mexican but he's our hero

The contract to make the game saved Platinum. You buying 5 copies contributed nothing because Square got all that money.

>He's alien, he's mexican
so just another illegal alien

im still mad

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When will metacritic just scrap the fucking user reviews? Do they seriously think that, with asinine console warring bullshit in general and the terminal cancer that are snoyfags, they have any merit to exist?

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how the fuck did game journalists have trouble in that game? It doesn't get too difficult until you're much further in, and game journos only play the first couple of hours at best.

so what still hero

/r/ing the image collage of literally every Megami Tensei game not P4 or P5 getting 0-bombed to sub-4 user scores

>Call sony exclusives movies
>while posting Cutscene the game Chronicles 2
The Irony

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They hate the fact that the Switch has games and the PS4 doesn’t.

It honestly deserves to be higher. Once you reach the 4th File the game becomes at least a 9.

>80+ hour game
>20 hours of cutscenes

How fucking retarded are you?

If you omit the 2/10 - 0/10 scores a very different picture is painted.

Or do you actually think the game is a 0-2/10?

User reviews are just as retarded as professional reviews.

Find a reviewer, or multiple reviewers that share your tastes and go from there.

get fucked

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and god of war is 20 hours long with 6 hours of cutscenes. wow what a difference. you idiot nintendo fanboys sure are something else

Astral Chain really does look like the kind of game Sony would have gotten when they were more based. Seeing it on Nintendo triggered the oldfag sony drones

80/20= 4
20/6= 3.33
The ratio of gameplay is higher in Xeno.
You play waaay less in GoW.

Ports count as games in the Switch?
PS4 time has passed anyway, theyre setting up the next console

Metacritic is too big a site to notice any of this; it's not only games on there. Besides, all the review bombing tends to happen soon after release, people soon move on to something else and the scores even out. People only get triggered by something like Astral Chain when its the newest, freshest thing out. Obviously trying to steal some of its shine, and calm their jimmies from the over-rustle.

For those wondering why this game is getting review bombed compared to any other switch games, think back to when this game was announced.

What triggered the trannies so much? That you play as cops. Most of the trannies play the Snoy gender-bender-station.

So yeah, they are triggered faggots and they want a game to suffer because of cops.

You can have your opinion of cops all you want, but they are people, both good and bad, getting this triggered over playing as one in a video game shows how pathetic snoy fans are.

People are just mad that all you need is a good PC and switch and that's all you ever need.

In other words: Stay triggered trannies.

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>if you don't like this games it's because you don't like cops
how many more excuses can people make up i wonder

trips of truth
but to be fair, cops in mexico and southern america can be pretty fucking brutal. When they're not practically vigilantes that deal death to criminals, they're part of organized crime

No one would pay attention to Metacritic if it wasn't for the controversy of user reviews.
It's the site's form of outrage clickbait.

Snoyboys are fucking seething at the amazing exclusive library the Switch has to offer so they reviewbomb every Switch exclusive on metacritic because they have nothing else to do/play.
Looks like Nintendo wins another gen.

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Golf Story
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Box Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
>Dragon Quest IX S Definitive Edition

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced

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Putting words in my mouth? A shame, I was explaining the review bombing, not people simply disliking the game. I'm pretty sure even if you dislike the game, it's not worthy of a 0. Nice job outing yourself retard.

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You also forgot to count in-battle animations.So good luck watching shitty 3D Anime while """"""playing""""""

>Case 3 Blaster Training.
Just let me S+ you fuck!

I mean, sure, it came out on WiiU, but that was AFTER the release on Switch.
If anything, the WiiU version is the port.

It makes sense, still a little petty to slam a game from another country over politics in your own. Thanks for being respectful user.

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It's a multiplat, read again

It's ACFag, user.

User reviews are a good concept since there's a lot of games that the user review scores are much more accurate than the critic scores.

The review bombing shit just needs to get under control. It's the only bad thing about literally anyone being allowed to review. Random dedicated fans saying "reviewers thought this game was too hard but it's actually good" or "paid reviews can't save the abomination this game actually turned out to be" are great feedback against the reviewer scores.
You can't get any of those types of actual contribution from review bombs within the first few days when there's no way those people could've actually beaten it yet and likely don't even own the game.

This means that Ocarina of time is a multiplat? I mean come on, it is a N64 game. Sure it came out on other consoles but they were all nintendo consoles.
FIFA is a multiplat, coming out on different systems by different corporations.

>trusting any online review site, with known hate mobs trolling
sure some games are awful and deserves bad scores but come on you can't deny that some scores get clearly altered by fags.

Ocarina of Time got ported though, Botw didn't because it released at the same time on Switch and WiiU. That makes Botw a multiplat

>You can't get any of those types of actual contribution from review bombs within the first few days when there's no way those people could've actually beaten it yet and likely don't even own the game.
Agreed, which is why fire emblem's score dropped now that people have beaten it.

there are several things they can do to fix it without nuking user reviews. Something as simple as completely disregarding reviews from an account that deals in primarily 10s and 0s is a simple change that could fix a lot of the bullshit.
>but then they'll just use 1 and 9 instead
a small amount will, but most people are too stupid to do something this simple.

It didn't. WiiU version came out later.

You weren't explaining shit, you were spouting baseless conspiracy theories. The game is getting review bombed because of console war mentality, that's it. To think it goes beyond childish tribalism just shows how detached from reality you are.

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They both came out on March 3rd you retard.

Different user and I don't really believe US commies would review bomb this game, but I did see quite a lot of crying over this game on gamerghazi exactly because cops are shown as positive hero-like characters.

You're right, I was sure it came out later on WiiU.

What a bunch of retards fucking kek.

I mean sure, as with many things, user reviews are perfectly valid IN CONCEPT. The problem is precisely keeping review bombing under control, or rather, how to keep it under control.
Who gets to decide if any particular review posted is made earnestly? Every single one posted would have to be glossed over manually. Why not make new accounts have to wait at least a month or more to create reviews? On one hand, basing the entire rating on "professional" """journalists""" is a fucking mistake as proven famously by the Cuphead debacle that brought it to a more public eye, but already known way way way before that. On the other, we have laughably biased fuckwads like these reviewbombing unapologetically and shamelessly perfectly decent games over petty "my toy is better than your toy" disputes.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, metacritic is on the top 5 worst things that provoke shitposting on this godforsaken board.

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>I'll say it again, metacritic is on the top 5 worst things that provoke shitposting on this godforsaken board.
The sad part is that it never used to be. Before it was just something that was there and that we sometimes laughed at when a reviewer fucked up.

But then AAA devs and Sony started taking them seriously and plastering their reviews on boxes.

Do Nincels understand the concept of not everyone liking their game?

nope, it's gotta be some conspiracy against based nintendo

>which is why fire emblem's score dropped now that people have beaten it.
People beat all four paths ages ago and now it suddenly drops?

boy there's alot of people in this thread that really need to kill themselves already

No one, not even yourself.

>playstation hat

I don't even need to read the thread to know some dumb spic is review bombing something again. Jiren is practically the star of David for br retards.

Yet there are tons of Sonybros false rating the game