Why do I find the original Doom games still more fun than 2016?

Something about it makes me come back to it alot more. 2016 I beat once and I kinda stopped playing, I don't really feel any pull to play it.

It's not nostalgia either as I was born 7 years after the original game came out.

Attached: 3907-doom-dos-front-cover[1].jpg (800x1207, 285K)


q the webm of the first level of doom vs a speedrunner showing off half way through 2016

Because you are old and not inclined to like new things.

modded yes
Vanilla, you're deluded.

same here OP, have a bump. Already completed doom, doom 2 and sigil, what wads does Yea Forums recommend?

Better flow. Projectiles are dodgable, random flailing is punished. Having many enemies at the same times creates more interesting scenarios.

>It's not nostalgia either as I was born 7 years after the original game came out.

It's really easy to trigger pain-states in Doom and there's a really exaggerated one frame animation for it, it makes your guns feel very powerful since even if you don't kill an enemy you still see how badly it hurts them.

Your main method of interacting with the world is just inherently satisfying.

Attached: Imp_pain_chance.gif (110x122, 18K)

>Vanilla, you're deluded.

I didn't say it's nostalgia.

Doom 2016 is just a serious Sam clone.

Puts me to sleep zzzzzzz

Because it doesn't have right handed viewmodels like seroiously what fucking dumbass decided that fucking retard fuck man

because it's a far better game.

GZD or even Chocolate DOOM are better than 2016.

because it's a significantly better game, you're not at all contrarian for this, nu-doom is a just average game

a lot
t. pleb
> or even chocolate Doom
Other way around brotendo, Chocolate is better than gz by miles

because the original games were not single room shooting galleries where you can only progress after you got rid of every enemy in said room.
Neo-Doom 2016+ is the same deadbrain cancer shit over and over again:
>walk through tube levels from point A to B
>enter room
>room is locked
>enemy wave after wave spawn
>kill all baddies
>room unlocks
>proceed to go through tubes from point B to point C

original games actually had fucking level and game design.

The room locking wouldn't be that bad if the enemies were pre-placed but it's the sloooooow drip of enemies spawning in ruins all pacing.

>Doom 1993
Made by a bunch of nerds, as an homage to their favourite pieces of entertainment.
Simple but solid foundation.
Easily moddable.
Tons of legacy support, both from the original devs and the community.
>Doom 2016
Made by a corporation in order to bank in on an old property.
None of the original people were involved, making it a rough approximation of what the new team thought Doom was about.
Gameplay is a mishmash of other games on the market, resulting in the game feeling disjointed and uninspired.
Lacklustre modding support.

80% of the combat encounters in D44M are huge arenas in which the enemies spawn from every direction, they're intense but also get repetitive fast. The sections that are different aren't terribly interesting, specially the platforming ones.
You also have a lot of upgrades constantly which some people don't like.
Projectiles are dodgeable in D44M also, the issue is that the audio feedback for most attacks is terrible so all of those enemies off screen will throw shit while you're unaware of it unless you're looking at them or the arena has only a few enemies.
This is mitigated by glory kills but that is very different to dodging all attacks because you were aware of everything going on in the arena and being able to dodge everything skillfully. On the long run glory kills end up being kinda similar to regenerative health and why people dislike it (half assed solution to poorly telegraphed attacks that feel more like random damage rather than an actual fuck up by the player)
The winning strategy becomes running 24/7 but even then you might get hit by random shit, also since there's less room for different approaches this makes the game more repetitive since there are very few moments in which you have to proceed slowly and carefully. Even the way the enemies behave make them ill suited for such scenarios which is pretty clear in the classic doom levels in D44M.

Is it already time to pretend we dont like DOOM 2016?

Autists will do it to look cool but some actual criticism is always welcome, it's an enjoyable game but there's nothing wrong with being honest about it flaws.

>pretend we dont like DOOM 2016
It's more that the "BRUUUTAL DOOM lmaooooo" people have moved on to the next may-may game so people can finally state why the game is shit without being drowned out by crying idiots.

At best it's a serious sam clone which is embarrassing.

It all comes down to level design and gameplay philosophy.
The original valued flow and challenge, even if it meant making the player frustrated at times.
Health and ammo pickups were fixed, and each area was designed with a specific encounter in mind, and it was down to the player how he approached it, either he could rush in and try to wing it, or he could hunt for secrets and alternate paths to gain an advantage. There was no leeway, either you got good at the game, and learned how to manage enemies and manage resources, or you died.

Doom 2016 wanted players to be constantly rewarded, even tho they didn't necessarily deserved it. Even tho health and ammo pickups exist, it's easy to get out of a tight spot by just killing a stunned enemy, level design is more focused on spectacle rather than inteligent design, enemies usually spawn in at random, making the encounters less about approach, and more about pure reflex, nothing else. Nu-Doom was too focused at not angering the player, they wanted the game to be approachable by complete brainlets.

I feel the same way. For me it's the superior level design. 2016 was a good game that suffered from levels that started out okay-at-best in the beginning but continually got more boring as the game went on.

>they wanted the game to be approachable by complete brainlets.
They wanted the brutal doom audience, the people who liked Doom so much that they modded it to the point where it was nothing like the original.

The original Doom is more about crowd control, enemies like to hang out in places that are disavantagous to fight them
In Nu-Doom enemies just mindlessly run at you in waves, even if they manage to get high ground on you they'll just jump off so you can use them as health packs

>The original Doom is more about crowd control, enemies like to hang out in places that are disavantagous to fight them
And in-fighting is a very useful tactic that is completely absent in the new ones.

so brainlets

Both are completely different games, both good tho so it's a matter of taste

>that is completely absent in the new ones.
It isn't, it's just harder to trigger.