Cancer. Soulless

Cancer. Soulless.

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fantasy faggots fucking ruined total war

>exactly the same as TWH
>cool game, loads of content

what exactly to do you want homo

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Somehow thousands of indistinguishable chink spearmanii going at is has more soul



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I would disagree with both of these.
I would agree with the notion that previous games were quite a bit better, however.

Hurr Durr I dont like this.

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every release is cutting off small features or streamlining the gameplay more and more
in twenty more releases total war is nothing but mobile gacha game

It's not about the not liking. I don't care about warhammer either way or another.

Total War was a great fucking series with an amazing amount of immersive historical content. Now 75% of CA's time is spent on soihammer and the 25% of time that is spent on historical, results in pure shit like Thrones and Three Kingdoms, with fucked up mechanics carried over from soihammer games.

>Total War was a great fucking series
it was an ok series

why am i good at medieval 2 but shit at twh? dont get it

There are gachas with more interesting gameplay than the shit OP posted. Looking at the cool models and nostalgiafagging about Warhammer is literally the only reason to play it.

cringe. unbased.

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I wish they would have fixed the bugs that were in the engine since shogun 2 or rome 2 like landing boats
but they just removed boats


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give me a quick rundown on total warhammer 2 to someone who has never played total war and with an interest in the warhammer universe

get some friends and play vermintide instead or GOD FORBID wfrp

120 dollars of dlc to unlock all races and old world

I had never played a Total War game before Total Warhammer and have now played it for over a thousand hours.

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It is fun if you get a few of the DLCs. Wait for severe discount tho.

>immersive historical content
Roman ninjas are immersive.

a fun game with a truckload of overpriced DLC

I had planned on waiting for a sale before touching it since I'm completely new to the genre, which DLCs are good?

Anybody else like these games but can almost never finish a campaign? They get so boring later on when you're juggling like 30 settlements and constantly moving a dozen different lords and heroes while checking which settlements needs a building to upgrade. You can pretty much get an ideal 20 stack army before you capture 5 provinces, so it just feels like long grinding after that.

for 2, all of them
for 1, Beastmen and Warriors of Chaos are skippable

really, all of them?

all of them

>fantasy faggots saved total war

Start with warhammer 1. Play on normal as empire. Like that? Now you can proceed to the rest. Learn what lore you can from the game. Follow up with the wiki or whatever. It runs deep.

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Tomb kings is bad since theyre a hassle to play. Fun to play against though

I don't think I'm interested in the lore enough to play the previous game that's as far as I know, just the same thing but with far less content

This man is deluded. Take him to the apothecary.

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you need the first game if you want to play the big map with all the factions in the second game

Will they ever fix the long turn times in Mortal Empires

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>Tomb kings is bad

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ratbois are best fuck the haters

Turn based map where you build armies, develop cities and take part in diplomacy. RTS battles where you command your armies on the field.
A single army consists of up to 20 'unit cards' with those card 'translating' to groups of units on the battlefield. One empire swordsmen unit cards would translate into a stack of 200 or so empire swordsmen that you command as if it were one unit.

It's only going to get worse.

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Literally the best TW to date:
All factions are drastically different, the map is enormous, plenty of mods
The bad:
Sieges suck
Very expensive
Ai doesn't behave like their Lore wold imply they should

The first game is integrated into the second. If you can get it for cheap it's basically a fuckhuge dlc with many factions for the second game.



we haven't had any warhammer content in 4 months I wouldn't really call that 75% of CAs time. Especially since the content we get now is just to finish the old race rosters before warhammer 3 comes out

I'm a cheap fuck and I want this in a humble bundle like the first game was. The DLC nickle and diming pisses me off.

The problem is not Warhammer in TW, but the cancer that come with it.
Their fans are more interested in the setting than Total War itself and they will buy anything related no matter what., meanwhile the chinks are reviewing bombing every TW game because of the deal with Netease and that rushed reskined DLC.

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I wouldnt skip WoC or Beastmemes, they are the only factions that offer horde/nomad playstyle
Vampire coast, queen and the crone for WH2 are kinda meh
for WH1 I could live without Norsca and Wood Elves
also blood is totally optional

>don't skip the worst factions in TW1
>skip the best factions
you're a weird dude, user

>Especially since the content we get now

5 months for:
>3 Legendary Lords
>6 "new" units
>Empire "rework"
CA will soon become Paradox with the Warhammer retards

>Ai doesn't behave like their Lore wold imply they should
I always love some dwarves joining goblins in their war against empire

>or GOD FORBID wfrp
What's up with wfrp? The table I run it with enjoy it

One day.

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Yes, Fantasy ruined Total War by being awesome and making all Total Wars without dragons and trolls and steam tanks look boring in comparison

so on top of TW2, I need all of its DLCs, AND TW1
did capcom publish this game?

Is there a mod that actual improves the loading time between turns?

Total War has always been a mediocre series, Med2 aged like milk with terrible battles and bugs + shogun 2 is just yari ashigeru spam

It was a fantastic series.

If it was ok by your standards, then it's currently the bottom of the barrel of gaming

The only solution is to have the game installed on an SSD.

oh and why the fuck is TW1 full price

i honestly think their gameplan for this is just to wait for people to get better computers rather than optimize what they have

no, the loading times are still miles better than what they were in attila

You don't need it, if you like the game you'll probably want it though.
Just play the fucking thing and forget about the dlc for now, you don't need every piece of content across multiple games to enjoy it, m8.

just buy 2 and pirate the dlc retard.

OP is both wrong and a gay nigger

Because of the doll painters

Beastmemes need a rework.
WoC is aids aswell but might be fixed after Nakai gets released.

It just exposed how limited historical rosters are, especially ones tied to specific countries/eras. Shogun 2 has good campaign mechanics but goddamn are the battles stale as fuck and somehow the sieges are even worse than Warhammer. Plus the naval combat was a huge mistake.

The single biggest mistake in Warhammer comes from Rome 2, where your army must have a general and you can't bolster a garrison with a few extra people.

pirate it all, fuck creative jews and their literal chink overlords

>dragons and trolls and steam tanks

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it has more soul then fucking Games workshop itself has.

RIP Tomb Kings, im glad this game exists to show you in modern glory.

>new patch literally adds a button that summons the elector counts
>durr souless
drop dead OP

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I would still rather have their gimped campaigns than the halfcolonization that trees and norscans offer

Wish Bretonnia got an update and new starting location like Empire is getting.

Using faction unlocker to start as the desert Bret faction is fucking great and should just be official.

Warhammer IS the most cringe and soulless Fantasy setting of all time. It's just Lord of the Rings for Redditors.

>its another episode of historicalfags seething over
never gets old

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I am absolutely loving seeing all the bitchbaby fantasy fags crying their eyes out whenever a new DLC for Warhammer is announced.
And among them is a group of even bigger babies in the form of the Pike and Shot crowd. They cry even harder, and they insist they represent every fantasy fan when they go "REEEE Everyone wants Pike and Shot! CA is shit! No one wants fantasy!"
Like music to my ears hearing those fags cry.
And now with this new DLC announcement I've also got the pleasure of listening to Dark Elf fags cry they aren't first in line for the next round of DLC. I saw a guy absolutely losing his shit that Lizardmen now have the most lords. He said CA were playing favorites. When I pointed out that Lizardmen got absolutely zero content for over a year and half he started autistically spazzing out even harder and insisted it wasn't fair but couldn't explain why. He just kept crying that Malus Darkblade should be in the game. Why is it always the Bad Evilsword fags that are like this?
This shit is medicine for the soul. I hope they never do a Pike and Shot game and I hope DEs never get another piece of DLC.

>I don't care about warhammer either way or another.
Then why the absolute fuck are you saying it's souless if you clearly never gave a fuck about the setting in the first place you degenerate retard.

Attached: total warhammer crew smiling at dawn of war 3 being half off less than 3 months after release.jpg (1080x1080, 671K)

>bitchbaby fantasy fags
Supposed to say history.

Get all the DLC
I'm 100% being serious, shit's worth it.

Total warhammer has more soul then green armor gooks fighting red armor gooks

Nah, the Empire is pretty cool
Not a lot of fantasy settings go with the Renaissance Holy Roman Empire aesthetic or a focus on gunpowder

They will probably get one at some point in the future, as well as the greenskins.

Yeah, all of them. Queen and the Crone can be skipped if you really don't want all of them, but the others are all great. If you only had to get one, make it the Tomb Kings.

>>I always love some dwarves joining goblins in their war against empire
>WH2 as Empire
>Wiped out Vampires and on good terms with all the Elector Counts
>Send Franz south to aid the Dwarfs against greenskins
>Pushing their shit in up to Karak Eight Peaks
>Queek somehow owns it
>Besiege it
>Now at war with the dwarfs for some reason
>mfw Clan Mors and the Dwarfs were military allies from all the greenskin killing
>Literally every faction in the badlands is coming for Franz now

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Games Workshop unparalleled jewery leaked into CA

But muh spearmanii

>somehow the sieges are even worse than Warhammer.
>he actually believes this

Warhammer 40k actually has some originality to it.

Warhammer is literally nothing.

Brettonnia already got an update, the expansion of its Vows mechanic

>You mean I need to actually BUY a product to use it?
I mean, no. You could pirate it. But complaining that you need to buy DLC in order to play that DLC is really stupid.

I'm like 90% sure Warhammer was the first fantasy setting to have firearms


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They are CA shills, use CreamAPI and get everything for free. Don't waste your money, most people just play with the same faction over and over again because they don't like the others

Warhammer is the best Total War as far as battles so far.
The older more realistic games have battles play out mostly the same in most situations; Make line, fire arrows, flank sides. Magic, monsters, heroes, and way wackier unit types make warhammer TW fights the most interesting by far.

Old TW games you sometimes think about the faction you're about to face, but 99% of the time you don't care because they are all basically the same anyways, perhaps with one unit they have a stronger version of. With WH TW it's incredibly important to know the strengths and weaknesses of a faction you are fighting.

The only problem with TW WH compared to other games is that the campaign map is lacking in mechanics. Battles are better, campaign map is worse.

>no general speeches
>no banners
>the sieges
>dull battlemaps, anything fancy looking is outside the actual map
>small unit size, your average infantry unit is 120
>the fucking sieges
>the females are nearly all ugly because CAs community manager wants diversity
>several battle types cut
>did I mention the fucking sieges

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>The single biggest mistake in Warhammer comes from Rome 2, where your army must have a general and you can't bolster a garrison with a few extra people.
Real armies have generals. Rome didn't just make random armies with no leaders.
Also you CAN bolster your garrison with more people. You just build a garrison building instead of random troops.
Sorry you were too retarded to figure out how buildings work.

t. GW

>tiny battles
>"Battles are better"

What TW game lets you use more than 40 units?
Most of them have fewer units than TWWH.

Not him but they desperately need a new starting location, they have a faction in Lustria (theagans errantry) and a faction the deserts to the south (Knights or Origo), each has completely new enemies to fight in much more interesting places rather than being surrounded by allies and fighting vampires the entire game every game, they each have some units that are unique to their respective faction. Origo is based around foot knights rather than mounted knights, the problem here is there are no foot knights in the game for some reason, and Thegans Errantry has archers that arent peasants, the problem there again is that the only access to archers they have are peasants, which are god awful ranged units. The faction is badly railroaded into just cavalry only armies with no real variety and really needs 1 or 2 new units.

The same could be said of all fiction.

And despite all those shortcomings, it's still the best game in the series.

Having lizards fuck up mummies is much more soulful then guy with shield v guy without shield

>battles so far
The maps in TWW is the most bland in the franchise, the battles ends too fast and the OST doesn't help giving that "feeling" also this

Warhammer 40k only works as a joke setting, like it originally was. A "funny" parody of sci-fi. (Obviously there's stuff only braindead people find amusing like Le Orks). Damn, I miss the good old days when Warhammer was consigned to /tg/ ( containment board ).

I'm not talking about loading screen but the time between turn. I don't think a SSD would improve that.

The sieges are bad in every game, but they are the worst in Shogun 2 and Warhammer1/2.
>needing to upgrade to tier 2 and then 3 and build two buildings to have a decent garrison
>early game on VH/Legendary where you want them in basically all your small settlements when you could just atleast have a small force move around without being a huge burden on upkeep.
Even something like specific agents/heroes could lead small armies like the Empire Captain or Orc Big Boss with a cap of like 5 units would be sufficient to hold the early game settlements.

Saying something doesn't make it true, faggot.

I mean the Empire, Orcs, Dwarves, and Elves are all fairly bog standard for the most part, until you get into the details of each race where there is some originality (Book of Grudges, Elven royal customs, witch hunts, etc. etc.)
But there are Lizardmen, Skaven, and Tomb Kings that are all pretty original. Sure they are based around the societies that inhabited those locations irl, but that makes them even more creative if anything.

I'm also talking about turn times. They're down to 30 seconds with an SSD.

Siege maps, yes. The field battles the map size makes basically no difference.

I'm like that, the closest i ever got was like halfway through Japan in Shogun 2, but then AIs start constantly sneaking naval landings 5 provinces behind the 'frontline', forcing you to play whack-a-mole with their garbage armies
Start of a Total War campaign is great, but as soon as you get big, you start craving Paradox-style country management

Clearly talking about unit size retard, Skirmishammers average for non trash units is 120.

I played Shogun 2 again the other day. Turned it off after an hour. Arr factions sameu, Yari Ashigaru-san.

If units sizes are too big than AOE effects are too strong.

Adding to this The soundtrack is unbelievably bland,
The lighting is crap and graphics average or even below that, yet the game runs pretty shit.
Most of the maps in TWW were unbelievably bland and flat, in stark contrast to previous games.

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FUCK fantasy nigger s*yboys

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>in stark contrast to previous games.

But not really?
I mean most maps were always flat plains, save for siege maps which I will admit are a bit lacking in WH TW.

>battles in TOTAL WAR need to be smaller because CA can't be arsed to tweak some AOE effects

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I agree with everything but the naval combat part. TW:WH2 could have used better naval combat- for naval combat is based.


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If you make the AOE worse at large packs it gets exponentially worse at small packs as well. How would they make magic and monsters balanced against 500 trash units but still worthwhile against the packs of ~12 big boys (Like Rat Ogres, Kroxigar, etc. etc.) which wouldn't make sense in large units and would control incredibly awkwardly if they were.

Rome 1, M2, Napoleon and Attila all had pretty interesting map generation.
In Skirmishammer this is not the case.
>bit lacking in WH TW.
Could you underplay the flaws of this game any further than what you're currently?

>could have used better naval
Theres on naval combat in TWW2 your warhammer shill

> like five different units
> spear infantry, sword infantry, archers, arty, cav
> calls more variety and awesome monsters "soulless"

No user, you were the soulless one.


>No speech that everyone skips
>No useless models that go unnoticed since non-autists don't zoom in
>Sieges suck, fine.
>No useless but pretty stuff in map>
>There's a mod for unit sizes
>no anime women, who cares
You're complaining about nothing.

so he's right, it could be better

Wanna know how I know you're a massive fag?

Not my problem and frankly magic in this game is still underwhelming in its current state, so good work there
I'm stating the objective facts: Warhammers battles are smaller even if you take away the small/single model units. And for a TW game that's pretty pathetic.

Naval combat is cool and all, but anyone expecting them to add it to WH TW is insane. The old games with navies had most factions share the same ships, TT WH would need enough unique ships for every faction to make naval combat interesting, or else people would just avoid it at all costs.
How are they going to come up with 4+ ships to 15+ races that all have very different ships? Considering that GW didnt even design more than one or two ships, and even then only for a few of the factions (IE no Lizardmen ships)

Its very unfeasable for TW WH unless it is the entire point of the next game.

Oh you are right but even with a SSD the loading times are super long between turns

they kept dumbing it down for plebs since empire and it was still too hard when it was basically boat ram and boat cast fire and win
so they just deleted it

>No speech that everyone skips
>No useless models that go unnoticed since non-autists don't zoom in
The face of soullessness
>No useless but pretty stuff in map
You do know terrain affects how battle goes right?
>There's a mod for unit sizes
>relying on mods that could break the moment CA gets some whim about updating older games
>no anime women, who cares
Sup tumblr

they dont have to come up with new ships since warhammer fantasy has naval combat table top edition
but yeah people hate naval combat and CA probably didnt even bother buying rights for man o'war

R1 and M2 always had problems with pathfinding and glitching in mountains or steep hills and the maps often looked empty. Napoleon had some of the best maps though.

>manowar meme again
You know CA has already said it's because they didn't want to waste resources on it, right?

Fucking Chaos cultists I tell you...

Man O' War is still missing Lizardmen and Tomb Kings, and only have one ship for each anyways. With a single ship type the naval combat would be incredibly boring and unbalanced and would be avoided the same way autoresolve sea battles were.

LegendofTotalWar here

>with pathfinding and glitching in mountains or steep hills
Absolutely, but so does Warhammers AI, so what did we even gain?

>He thinks the CA hasn't been paying almost all of their attention on Three Kingdoms for the last years
What happened to Thrones of Britannia sucks, I agree, but Three Chinks is something they work a lot on

>1 unit type is boring
Hey I enjoy my spearmanii

Warhammer 40k is just warhammer fantasy in SPAAAAACE
Its was originally a joke that somehow spiraled out of control

if 40k is fantasy in space what the fuck is age of sigmar
fantasy in warp dimension?

>no banners/musicians
>no speeches aside from quest battles
>no dynamic speeches tied to what traits your general has
>no 1v1 giant animations, they attack each other’s ankles instead
>no minor settlements
>no night battles
>no weather effects during battle (i.e rain effecting fatigue/vigor and gunpowder units)
>no units pushing siege towers
>no reload animations for the majority of units
>no seasonal changes
>no army painter or avatar mode where you fully customize your units and generals feature from Shogun 2
>no burnable cities mechanic from Attila
>no siege escalation mechanic from Attila
>no random civilians running around during a siege feature from Attila
>no dynamic music feature from Attila
>no soldiers who visually look sick and start vomiting during battle if the army is struck with the plague feature from Attila
>no soldiers who visually look tired and breathless during battle if the army is fighting in forced-march stance feature from Attila
>no unique camp-site battle map while in encampment stance
>no more Jeff van Dyck doing the music
>no armor getting a visual upgrade during battle if you upgraded the unit’s armor in the campaign
>Archaon's helmet clipping still not fixed
>Old World factions don't have new dialogue when engaging with the WH2 factions both in battle and the diplomacy screen
>no snow staying on shields/armor like in Rome 2
>generals no longer gain visual upgrades as they rank up(i.e. viking generals in Attila would gain a gold trimmed helmet at level 4 and a fully decked out gold helmet at level 8)
>buildings you build in the campaign map no longer can be seen during siege battles like in R1/M2
>no dismount cavalry option during battle
>no burning death animations despite units having literal flamethrowers
>no visual trade caravans or trade ships on the campaign map
>no naval battles
>cant edit the campaign map, voice lines and music like in R1/M2
>shit siege battles
>no fortifications
>no formations
>no captains

When is Warhammer 3 coming out?

Fantasois cannot argue against this

As I said, its spiraled out of control to a point where it overtook the big dick place of Fantasy which was transformed to be more like it
Also GW being a bunch of incompetent monkeys

Is there anything more satisfying then busting a gate down and sending in the Irondrakes to roast grobi scum?

>no minor settlements
Did we play the same game? Minor settlements are present.

a lot of this is just a result of the units being too diverse. It's easy to get the units to do a lot of wacky things when they are all just human skeletons with a new coat of paint, but when WH is in the mix you suddenly need the same shit to look good when it's performed by a hunked over rat goblin or a hulking lizardman or even just staggering undead. They would all require their own animations for each special action, which would be a ton of extra work.

I was about to tell you stop being retarded, since it's obvious he means minor settlement maps.
But let's face it, you're not pretending.
>which would be a ton of extra work.
Ah work, CAs greatest fear.

how will fantasiggers recover

Man what did Total Warhammer do to bootyblast history fags so much? The sheer amount of butthurt is just great, go play Thrones of Britannia and little mode on Three Chinkdoms you sore losers

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>The soundtrack is unbelievably bland
You really think so?

I thought it was pretty alright, gets the job done

Hard work is time and time is money. Idiots like you that think game development is totally free and that developers could add everything ever, if they just weren't so lazy, shouldn't even be allowed to debate on the subject.

Unless you wanted WH TW to be Star Citizen 2.0 where we are still waiting for a viable product 9 years on.

Who fucking needs these maps? Get over it.

Special mention to Skaven throat singing.

It sold a lot better, which puts history Total War in a precarious position.

>self proclaimed AAA studio with 500 employees shouldn't be expected to deliver high quality
This ain't Taleworlds faggot, they should be held to high standards.

>there's STILL no mod that lets you play Karl Franz' with his visor down
I know, I know

>that smile

But I've already done like 10 legendary Karl Franz campaigns, I want to change things up even if only slightly

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best game ever!

Attached: AKU DAIMkakku ilo.png (227x222, 8K)

Be the best selling games in the series with actual faction variety.

buy ONLY the base game and look into Cream API on cs.rin for free DLCs

Incredibly bland traks there

>Buzzword. Buzzword.

Normally this would be true but CA has on multiple occasions shown their adamancy to continue developing history projects even though fantasy stuff would be the most lucrative option

Examples of this would be, I don't know, Total Warhammer 2 going more than half a year without DLC while they made Thrones of Britannia and Three Chinkdoms

All the Warhammers fans wanted is a save haven after the death of the beloved franchise and CA gave us that.
I had prior to that nothing against the TW fanbase but how Warhammer fans were "welcomed" to the family was simply atrocious and you histcucks deserve everything you get for that.

Reminder that its only 1 game and some DLCs at that point, then we have our preserved franchise and can fuck off, but meanwhile shut the fuck up.

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Meanwhile, in reality.
>3K: 191,816 player peak
>R2: 118,240 player peak
>TWW1: 111,909 player peak
Also take into account that Warhammer is more expensive to make.

A huge amount of work for basically no change to how the game plays is not worth the developers time. You need to pick and choose where to focus effort, the same as any other project.
Having, for example, animations for being on fire for every unit would be at least 50 new animations which need to take the units scale into size and be a few seconds long at least. Even for a team of animators that is a month of work on it's own, and they have many many other things to do that would actually effect the gameplay.

Incredibly bland tracks there

Total War 40k when?

>waaah no soul!
>no soullll!
Neck yourself sòyboy, gameplay is king

Thrones of Britannia is some shit-ass B-team side project
Three Kingdoms is about as historical as TW Warhammer

Yeah, like improving and adding new types of battles, making the battles bigger or... Oh.

Shooty games no work on TW engine. Go play Dawn of War.


There's melee in 40k they could make it work

Never. The gameplay does not fit 40k. You are told this every thread.

If I find the turn times to slow for TW2 mortal empires, should I just play TW1? Or will I miss a bunch if gameplay mechanics?

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>Final Transmutation still doesn't turn enemies it kills into golden statues

Shit game

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>Three Kingdoms is about as historical as TW Warhammer
Not really, generals with fantasyesque abilities go as far back as M2 Kingdoms.
WHFB fans coping hard
40k domination on its way faggots

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play the vortex campaign

See for the good side OP, after TWW3, there won't be more warhammer in TW for at least 10 years.

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After Total Warhammer 3

Not an argument.
I accept your surrender.

So what's the problem then?

I mean if I want to play Old World factions

>peak players = total sales

But I've been playing Dawn of War for the last thirteen fucking years

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Objectively wrong.
It harbors tons of souls through art and story alone.
In my opinion, its the better LOTR.

Attached: FantasyTier5.jpg (1174x3092, 835K)

You've got better way to measure it, do post it.
>inb4 busted ass Steamspy

Well then, I stand corrected. I guess CA should keep on making arr rook same semi-fantasy and actual buggy dogshit games instead of Warhammer, Medieval and Shogun games.

>new DLC looks like something I want
>not buying it because CA have gone full SJW
what a time to be alive

Then you need TW 1
Have you played...that one? You know which one I'm talking about

>no mod for Franz to mount THE EMPIRE DRAGON

Ironically that might fix this dumpster fire but at the same time kill CA.

>CA have gone full SJW
What's so SJW about Markus?

Don't you dare of speak of that game to me

Attached: [REDACTED].webm (720x480, 2.93M)

>Warhammer 2 has the """best battles"""
>spend 70% of your time on turn times
>spend 20% of your time on a bare-bones campaign map
>spend 10% of your time on FINALLY playing the battles
>battles only last 5-10 minutes anyway

More fucking soul in this game that anything games workshop have ever put into fantasy this and vermintide made me really care for fantasy then I remember AOS and I feel numb

Never said there was one?

>CA have gone full SJW
So what did they do besides the "Rome 2 female generals" stuff?

>the Empire
>bog standard
How many other fantasy settings has a fantasy version of 15-16 century Holy Roman Empire? Their designs are really unique for a fantasy setting.

>if 40k is fantasy in space what the fuck is age of sigmar
Nu-WoW with space marines

Even as histfag, that is like every Total War in existence
Criticize something legit, like removed battle types, unit sizes, sieges, performance...

>That panning over to the core
They couldn't have made it any less of a moba if they tried.

>want to play TW
>load up Med 2 with mods
>played it so much that I know every move the Ai makes
I just cant enjoy it anymore, the AI are just shit in Med 2 despite all the mechanics being at their best. How is empire with Darth Mod?

Well what got histfags booty blasted at the game then? The attention its getting?

DOW3 was better than Dow2
no one played any other mode than king of the hill in dow2 but no one plays dow3 so thats same as inexistence

By simply existing.
When it got announced the majority of them sperged out on all forums with salt drowning the forums.
They are simply mad that their pure line of historically accurate games has ben tarnished.

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Don't forget the sieges
Dawn of War 2 Retribution the last DoW installment that was made by Relic

>tfw been in /twg/ since the /int/ threads way back
>Love warhammer
Historychads = Empirechads

Without fantasy's success Total War would be dead.

> kroxigors finally getting some love
Bout fucking time. My only regret is that Nakai won't have mount options. Footlords always get absolutely bullied by mounted lords of any variety. What sucks is there has got to be some kind of giant flying dino or some avatar of sotek that can fit a giant kroxigor but no mount for nakai cuz muh lore despite the fact lack of mount will make him a big fat bitch compared to Grimlok and the two stegos.

Literally saved it after the abortion that was rome 2.

Basically everybody wants Medieval 3, and 3K being having a more romantic mode ticked them off, so they call 3K "fantasy".
Which confuses me, as Three Kingdoms novel is based on actual historical events and there's a Records mode if you prefer that.
Profits for CAs has been in the millions since 2013 at least

Nigger what are you talking about, I've been on board since TW: Rome and Warhammer I&II plus Three Kingdoms are some of, if not THE best games in the series.

Its still based off a real setting, which makes it less creative. I do think Empire is more interesting than many fantasy human races, but its still certainly the 'white bread' of the setting.

There is always the Dread Saurian he could ride, which is coincidentally getting added in the same expansion
What I do wonder is how they could fix my man Grimgor

>Daughters of Mars unit pack
>the main face of the Desert Kingdoms expansion is a strong woman general
>make damsels ugly - they did this on purpose too, according to their community manager
>make the problematic scantily dressed dark elf women look like trannies
>in the Vampire Coast DLC pack there were two legendary lords who had no business being in there, guess which gender they both were
>the lead writer also made it clear that one of them was made to promote fat acceptance
>one of the only 8 selectable factions in Three Kingdoms is led by a woman who's not even a footnote in history
>turn someone who never fought in battles into a hero in Three Kingdoms, just because she's a woman
>3/4 of the armies in Three Kingdoms will have at least one female general leading the troops
>the stickied post on CA's twitter page for the past two years has been about how unique their employees are - and watching the accompanying video confirms that yes, unique in this context means what you think it means: women and minorities

>calling DLC an expansion

I think I know what you're talking about.

ME Turn-Time Destroyer. It took my end turns from 1min to about 35-40. Not good but not bad.

Of course, good game even if the campaign is lacking

I used to play it religiously back when the multiplayer was still alive but now I only ever hit it up for the occasional Last Stand

Attached: playtime.png (521x130, 66K)

The tragedy of grimgor is a crime that cannot go unpunished.

Fuck that, give me Bretonnia, the charge is all.
I only dislike Empire because of the lack of pikes and firing lines, the game still doesnt have a reload animation for firearms and all the units fire at the same time making it hard to judge when to move them and when to wait for a volley. If it worked like in Med 2 I would play them.

Hows the Warhammer mod for med 2? Ive never actually tried it, noone ever really mentions it in regards to mods.

One of these days I'll have to get round to a batshit crazy run, Like uprooting the greenskins and taking over Ulthuan.
So far most of the insanity of mine has come from the AI doing weird shit in response to my actions, like the Border Princes running a train on the badlands and NTRing Belegar, Skarsnik and Queek in the process.

Idk what hes talking about with the sjw stuff but they were just bought by a chink company, that immediately raised the price of everything. I'm probably gonna get the new dlc but on g2a so those cunts dont see a cent

>Its still based off a real setting, which makes it less creative
Every setting is. Tomb Kings are based on ancient egyptians.

LOL, Total Warhammer SAVED CA from history.

>If it worked like in Med 2 I would play them
The thing is, it really didn't work so well in med 2. But yes they should have that in Warhammer.

holy shit that is good

>bought by a chink company
No, they are still owned by Sega. They partnered with NetEase to sell their games in China.

They already said Nakai has no mounts.

>new DLC comes out
>start ME playthrough ith the new LL, enjoy myself for about 100-200 turns
>then drop the campaign
Why must it be like this

One of these days I'll actually finish a campaign

Historycucks still seething apparently

Reminder that even CA thinks Mortal Empires is shit.

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Will CA ever top this?

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You forgot to say "pic unrelated"

I only like Empire TW because nostalgia, time period and painting the world map.

But Empire is the worst TW game:
>Most pointless agents in TW game.
>Government tabs that basically do nothing.
>Less building options than Warhammer, just consists of upgrading core buildings (heck there is an infrastructure tab that only consists of roads).
>Easy economy that just consists of trade and getting trade goods.
>Worst land battles in the series.
>Worst AI.
>Naval battles are frankly terrible.
>No unit variety, DLC just added a few named units.
>Awful sieges and broken forts.
>Loads of bugs on release.
>Loads of content and ideas seems to have been cut.

Land battles man. Every land battle, even with mods, goes the same way. You do proper lines and position your cannons. AI can't position cannons, can't use cavalary well, very rarely uses formations like square to defend. Even if the AI has better units it is very rare for them to make decent fields of fire, you make a good overlap and your weaker units will decimate them.

Naval battles come down to having better tech, better units and more units. People tried using real life tactics, don't work. Manual or automatic fire, and your shots don't seem to hit as much as the enemy. Really poor morale system.

All the mods do is add in some bug fixes, get rid of fort building options and other things. They "improve" the battles by stopping the enemy from clumping up together and just charging, but that is about it. Also, Darth Mods fife music is very annoying.

Napoleon Total War improved on the land battles so, so, so much. Unfortunately it has the smallest and most forgettable campaigns.

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Based. SPBP. Total War is dead.

It's a fantasy parody of 40k, which is a parody of warhammer fantasy.
A parody of a parody made to supplant the original.


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How is that not an argument?
Soul means nothing.

Best HOMM3 sequel ever made. Pirate the dlc if you can though

rome 2 was dog shit, Attila was worse, fuck off retard there hasn't been a good mainline total war since shogun.

>Soul means nothing.
Objectively incorrect.
And regarding gameplay, Warhammer has significantly reduced unit sizes and is lacking several battles.
Makes for pretty bad gameplay.

Based. Go ahead and slot Underrail into Good, Stalker into Great, Pathfinder into Meh, all of Brandon Sanderson's shit into Shit; Fallout into Good.

Sorry but your opinion is wrong.

Soul is too arbitrary to mean anything. You have no method to measure soul. If you mean detail, that is different but you're too retarded to admit that.

CA ruined TW.

Shogun, Medieval I & II and Rome were amazing games. Different. Releases had a lot of bugs though. But they were fun. Had little complexity.

Empire was terrible. Everyone wanted the era and guns. Release was full of bugs. They thought size of the world and era would make up for shallow game play and terrible battles. Napoelon was like their attempt at an apology which no one played. It wasn't a proper TW game as it was more a series of scenarios.

Shogun 2 had the same shitty launch full of bugs. But nostalgia for the original made it popular. Empire had started the trend of shitty DLC and this took it even further. No real unit variety. Systems like economy, diplomacy felt shallow.

Rome 2 had the worst launch bugs of any other games. Factional DLC. Terrible half baked features like politics that have ONLY been updated years and years after the release of the game. Atilla was their attempt at a Napoleon but despite having some bants features like the destruction and difficulty it was pretty weak and full of DLC. Those Slavic factions had literally no unit variety.

Warhammer I and II come along. Loads of DLC. Most features seem shallow. But the game is now more about arcade battles and upgrading characters.

Thrones of Britannia was a Vikings/Last Kingdom crash grab from the audience that tried to add in new features that weren't well thought out.

Haven't bothered to play Three Kingdoms yet.

Histoy of total war..

Admit you were wrong already soiboi.

I knew you were too retarded, probably a nigger too. :)


>Thinking GW condones piracy.
You dont actually know who GW are, do you?


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"Soul" is subjective. I think that warhammer has more soul than any TW.
>3k and ToB are generic af
>Empire and Napoleon are buggy, same-y and repetitive
>Shogun has the same faction copy pasted
>Medieval has shitty design, The most retarded AI and the most exploit
>TW:WH has the most faction variety, the best voice acting, the most replayability the most unique units and in-faction variety with LLs
You crying over it has no musicians (there's a mod for that btw) Literally means nothing because it's still the most fun to play.
It only lacks eye-candy that retards like you who play on easy can masturbate over


the engine they switched to for Empire sucks, the battles feel like they have zero weight

Absolutley buttblasted. :)

Your next post will be a buzzword.

Are you Khazrak ONE-EYE or something! I'll send fucking TODDY AFTER YOU FOR THIS!


Thank you for the recommendation.

>Shogun 2 had the same shitty launch full of bugs. But nostalgia for the original made it popular
Stopped reading right there. This is how I know you are full of shit. Shogun 1 was played by basically no one. Less than 1% of the sales of Shogun 2 were due to nostalgia. You are just a giant faggot that can't accept change.

does this still have denuvo?

This, if there is any "soul" to be measured; Warhammer has the most out of all of the total war games. Vid related.

I wish chaos and VC wouldnt corrupt their lands since it makes the map look like shit. Does this make me gay?

>the most replayability
Oh yes, I get to replay the campaign that is nothing but shitty sieges.

Did I break the bot?

Not an argument
I accept your surrender

Yeah. The problem is the engine was really a lot better for projectiles as opposed to melee. Even mods can't "fix" the floaty-ness of cavalry and units.

Mods add in smoke, sound effects, music, make things slower, try and make the enemy use lines instead of rushing in.

The game did have a lot of bugs at launch, you can't deny that. And nostalgia was a huge part of the game and the marketing. Like talking about updating the videos for agents (such as the geisha). Did you see the marketing they used for the game?

I liked Shogun 2 but even I know it wasn't perfect. It was much better than Empire and at least the DLC wasn't as bad as for Empire (aside from blood pack). The building and sieges were a better part of the game.

I think out of most modern TW games the sieges were the most fun.


lord of the rings and elder scrolls first

You're right my dude, it kind of ruins the whole conqueror fantasy when the entire world looks like a barren wasteland after you've conquered it

You're mad as fuck dude lol

>, I get to replay the campaign that is nothing but shitty sieges.
If all you are getting is shitty sieges then you are being a cowardly fag holding up in his own territories until he gets a doomstack. Have some skill and courage to spread out faster and further like you are supposed to and you don't get anywhere near as many siege battles because the AI rushes out to fight you instead.
What you are doing is the equivalent of powerleveling in an RPG and then wondering why everything is so easy.

>The game did have a lot of bugs at launch, you can't deny that.
No one said anything about the bugs. You chalking its success up to nostalgia is retarded when the game sold twice as many units as the original.

The AI in Warhammer is extremely cowardly, the campaign is nothing but offensive sieges once the AI upgrades its towns.
I fucking wish the AI came to siege me, defensive sieges are at least marginally better.

Honestly I have never understood the engine used for Empire +. Units did feel weighty and like they were holding eachother back. In Medieval 2 you could hold back an army at a chokepoint and use terrain.

Every total war since has made it feel so stats based that terrain or choke points don't matter. Maybe choke points just make the game too easy?

>nothing but shitty sieges
Objectively wrong

The AI doesn't cheat enough to feel that it can take you out. You have to mod the fuck out of your game to gimp you to obscene levels for the AI to put up a real threat.

Ambush stance and lightning strike are your friends.
Exploit their cowardly faggotry for the real fights

nooooooo what the fuck bros you told me WH2 had the most SOUL

It seems neither fantasyfags or histfags handle negative comments about their game that well.

>the campaign is nothing but offensive sieges
Objectively wrong

What does v think of Age of Sigmar?

worst part is most of those tourists didn't even know there was a tabletop before they bought the game

>You chalking its success up to nostalgia is retarded when the game sold twice as many units as the original.
I am not chalking all its success up to just nostalgia. Read what I said. It was a better game than Empire. But it did use nostalgia and going back to its roots as part of the marketing. You can't deny this.

What are you so angry about? Shogun 2 was a good game with its faults. Its launch wasn't as bad as Empire or Rome 2. It had some good DLC like Fall of the Samurai and bad DLC like the blood pack. I get that you like it and stuff, but after Empire CA did seem to go down a strange path.

Historical total war went to shit with rome 2, not warhammer. Even Empire was pretty jank and Shogun was pink ashigaru and samurai vs blue ashigaru and samurai. Medieval 2 was the last rock solid total war game.

Touched a nerve, it seems.

man i would love to see some posts about this. do you have any around?

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I don't recall any salt about the first game but TWW2 was received with massive salt because retards thought it was gonna be like TW Conquistadors or something
Check the Youtube comments on the TWW2 announcement trailer



Yes faggot bitchboy. Your "realistic" boring games suck in comparison.

>fantasy game
>smaller battle than historical counterpart

defend this warbabs

>that's not true tho
Are you ok, user?

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I'm so shit at this game. I play it like an RTS and just wanna skip through all the Civ shit.

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Is Three Kingdoms any good?

Why gay sex? Something you want to tell us, user?

it's not like the strategic stuff in this is complex in any way.

Play MP

I'm the opposite. Any time I can get away with a victory I sim battles.

Wanna merge brains?

But all the good things you listed about TW WH are literally just eye candy

Fuck Creative Assembly kikes. Eat shit and die.

>having different factions, units and LLs is eye-candy

I wish it had base building desu.
Yeah, but it's kinda annoying. I wish it was done in a better way, but I guess it had to show it's part of the TW series.
Hell yeah, together we can form half a brain

The fact it's fantasy means you need small sized groups too, for things like monstrous units. If the units were all 500 models deep you'd never see the 12 model monstrous units fielded, since they trash units would just be walls purely because they require 500 attacks to wipe out.

Large units in TW WH would just be AOE spell spam and spearmen.

Playing total war games is a waste of time until deep learning gives us an ai that is worth playing against, or they develop a system where you play the mostly even battles against other humans.

Attached: changemymind.jpg (640x579, 71K)

now you're getting it

>muh spells, muh monsters
Maybe tweak the numbers and stats, you absolute brainlet.

>historycucks want nudes from Grace

imagine the level of degenerancy

>soul means nothing
t. postmodernist bugman

>Larping as Caesar is a waste of time

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wew lad
Why do they want us to care so much historybros?

>literally who indieshit, not fantasy, reddit, correct, not fantasy
wow, 1/5

Isn't it a problem that only uninteresting factions are left for TW3? Makes me think they might do a proper sequel instead.

That was atleast made for rising asian markets, its popular with them. I am a bit disappointing with WTW2 tho. Really they should have made a Medieval 3, would be a massive hit.

Having monsters, monstrous units, spells, and crazier siege equipment is not eyecandy, it changes how the game plays. The fact it looks exciting does not invalidate its contributions to keeping the battles diverse.

Three Kingdoms is basically the perfect example of how even with really good campaign mechanics the battles get old fast if everything is spearmen+archers+cav but some of them have bigger numbers.

i'm assuming you mean in battle rather than in campaign.
if the campaign AI was as good or ambitious as the player, the game would be impossible and not very fun at all.

Wizardry is Sci-Fi.

are there any good games that copy the TW gameplay?

when the last time a SP game has challenged you, user?

fucking BASED
fantasois blown the fuck out

WH total war are the most soulful from the franchise, the fuck are you on?
>voice acting
>fun units
>fun combat
>the trailera
Its like the devs are huge fans of the table top and and really wanted to make a tw he out of it.


>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( )
>filled with literal pedos, traps, chads, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "numberlet" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"

Jesus christ, please help me. What do I do. I am seriously about to off myself.

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I stopped reading right there

You have to be kidding me with this shit.

Here's a historical jap themed ost that doesn't suck btw user.


The Helf ai can get breddy insane sometimes tbqh. I've seen Lothern confederate everyone in Ulthuan into a Greater Knife-ear Reich and conquer half the new world and Norsca

I can't hear you pleb

>I can't hear you
Explains everything really.

>oh look! This monster unit has a bigger mass coefficient, more damage and more hp!
>This monster over there has an even bigger one!
They're just repurposed elephants that come in several different flavors. Spells are there to be OP and to look pretty. Get some perspective m8

There's literally nothing memorable in the battle or campaign music in Warhammer.

The drums are too loud

Just like the eternal soi-marvel capeshit faggot, they feel extremely insecure when someone simply says "No, I don't find infantilized make believe toys to be particularly interesting".

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i can hear my childhood

Attached: JlXtPpf.png (412x351, 78K)

You cant even have flyers in a historical game.

You would have had a point if you didn't post the shitty Shogun 2 ost. But no. You did.

Do you really think shoguns music is better? Could you be any more of a faggot right now?

Attached: ac6.jpg (600x800, 56K)

No game in the Total War franchise, historical or fantasy comes REMOTELY close to Stainless Steel 6.4 on Medieval II.

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shotgun total war

Medieval 2 has aged poorly.

Dude, all the fucking music in that game sounds like that. All the units are the same. The only reason any fags even like it is because they are either weebs, actual japs, or just because they only play these games for a little on release and it was the least buggy release.

I didn't.

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what's the best faction campaign? I've only ever played as Crusader States

what is this infidel saying, brothers?

This is literally the best song in the entire series, and you tasteless fags didn't post it.

That's fair. How do they make the game better?

>Total War: Medieval 2 has entire massive cities where each building can be damaged individually and this damage transfers over to the campaign map
Why can't they do something like this anymore? Is it the shitty new engine?


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By adding variety, and by extension complexity.

>how does complexity make a game better
lol go play pacman nigger

Byzantine late campaign is incredible if you like Rome. Beset on all sides by barbarians, a capital city lost...
Once you do take back Constantinople though you're greeted with some of the most amazing units in the game and the world essentially becomes your oyster - you can expand whichever way you wish; the traitorous catholics to the west or the muslims to the east.

Attached: fall-of-constantinople.jpg (630x286, 66K)

Total War is brilliant because the two modes give each other context, which makes everything more consequential. Neither the battles nor strategy are enough to make a game on it's own.

my kind of game

I hope Warhammer 3 has naval battles.

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Off the top of my head, a varghulf, star dragon, minotaur, bastilodon, Arachnarok and troll have vastly different roles.
Passing it off as just a different flavour is disingenuous at best.

Not true, you'd have actual good diplomacy and would have to play extremely cagey to avoid getting overexposed.

Except nu-TW is not complex. This includes Rome.
All the fights are over in less than a minute because units can no longer hold their own, even if outclassed, for more than 60 seconds. This is patently fucking ridiculous.
There's no such thing as a grand sweeping manouever that you can lay as a trap for half the battle if your decent units can't even hold out long enough because CA-Niggers have decided that the battles should resemble Starcraft rather than Gaugamela because the modern gamer is an ADHD riddled, smelly fantasy faggot

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>They're just repurposed elephants
Much like you lol

they know they don't have to put in the work on actual gameplay because fantasy s*ylords will buy the next expansion with new rats or wizards regardless

>units can no longer hold their own, even if outclassed, for more than 60 seconds
This is wrong. You're going to have to actually play the game to convince me user.

>better standalone campaign map
>better factions
>more respect for the source material
>no massive turn times
>no SJW shit from 2
TWW1 is so goddamn comfy. It would be just fantastic if it had the QOL features of 2.

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delete this

lmaoing at these loser who can't appreciate the best total war ever made.

>but muh unit variety
>spam cavalary: the faction
>spam guns: the faction

Battles in Warhammer are boring as shit, but shallow people think having cavalry fly instead of walk is somehow a game changer. It's only good if you want it to look cool and don't think about what you're doing to hard.

The things you're saying are false. Try playing the game, I can recommend it.


>Variety equals complexity
Go is extremely simple conceptually, yet it is one of the more complex games out there based on how the deep the gameplay get be. In contrast, you take something like Candy Crush, it has at least five different types of pawns (aka candies) and combos you can make. Which one is more complex?
>complexity makes the game automatically better
Absolute brainlet opinion. Would a "Do your Taxes" simulator be automatically more fun than playing Tetris?
Back to the topic at hand, you haven't answered my question as to how flying units make the gameplay better. Fallacies don't count.
That post made you looks really dumb, dude.

oh no you might need to set up ambushes at a reasonable distance to the enemies weak points, rather than way the fuck off in the middle of no where

>yet it is one of the more complex games out there
fucking LMAO

You are talking in a thread about STRATEGY user, what the fuck does candy crush have to do with anything? Go play Tetris then you fucking faggot casual.

Flyers are not more complex. Flying above the enemy is tactically the same as running around the left or right.


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Why do people just go to threads about games they've never played and pretend they know anything about them, when they could be doing literally anything else?
Is the negative attention really worth it?

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the first game felt way more grittier. not liking wh2 kiddy shit at all.

They can go between lines and disengage very well, also if you try to fly above the enemy in TW WH your flier will get obliterated by arrows from most factions.

Nakai is Throgg sized, he should be fine against mounted lords/units.
The WHOLE battle lasts for under ten minutes (including the amount of time for both battle lines to reach each other) despite containing over 4500 participants. This also highlights the incredibly fast movement speed.
It is clearly for the eternal brainlet that's been raised by a smartphone and cannot handle the concept of a large scale military encounter lasting 30 minutes+

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Which faction unlocker you use? Crynsos doesn't work with the Prophet and Warlock DLC.

>is tactically the same as running around the left or right.
Except if there are units to the left or right, it's not. It's an obvious advantage, and there is a need to counter them completely differently.

Dude you are grasping at straws here trying to make it seem like unit variety doesn't matter.

I won't fault them for trying
but for how fucking expensive these games and there expansions are it feels like CA has the tiniest team, even before they where split with China shit
>should we make something new and unique to match the TT armies
>no, just reskin some dudes
>yeah, Aranessa with zombies and barely reskinned empire units. yeah, it's fine

>Flying above the enemy is tactically the same as running around the left or right.
Demonstrably false. How are you going to attack the unit in the center in this formation without flying over anything?

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Most total war battles in any of the games are done and dusted in 10 minutes.

Remember when CA used to not be niggers and release full modding tools that allowed you to edit the campaign map?

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I mean it was always going to be Aztec Lizards from space with dinosaurs and comic relief Skaven.

He's not even playing it on the hardest difficulty user.

>Remember when CA used to not be niggers
no? CA has always been fucking shit and greedy.

Ah yes, wh1 where each faction was locked into their kiddy playpens and couldn't go outside their favoured territory at all.

Yeah that was a much better and superior game.

I decided to stop supporting CA when Vampire Coast came out.

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the judaism on this end was from GW this time
they already had to argue for the little we have

>conan below darksouls and warhammer
I love both ips but conan has so much more development and love. At the very least it belongs up in great tier

your retard if you didn't understand what I meant. fuck off to reddit.

Sadly no compilations.
But when news first dropped I had a look around at reddit, their forums, here and youtube and man were they blasted...
Perhaps another user has one.

>Warhammer 40k only works as a joke setting
If you're a onions maybe.

Grimgor gets buffed every patch but he still never becomes useful, damned sad.

>Remember when CA used to not be niggers and release full modding tools that allowed you to edit the campaign map?
Three Kingdoms has the most extensive modding tools out of all Total War games.

I don't care what you meant, retard. Fuck you.


being able to colonize anywhere fucking breaks the game. Hordes are unplayable since the second you raze a settlement some dickhead will just recolonize it making you an inconvenient pest rather than a world ending threat. The AI also just ignores the terrain penalty, it exists only to fuck the player over.

One thing to keep in mind is that the dlc for the warhammer titles sell like crazy, which is probably not going to be the case for three kingdoms if future dlcs are like 8 princes.

Nah, they definitely became a lot worse. They had the audacity to release unit packs for Rome 2 and culture packs that were just shitty fucking reskins.
In Medieval 2 you could avoid their jewry because you could literally create entire whole games (see the LotR, warhammer mod), not just unlock your own factions etc.
These fags really need some competition, even an indie developed competitor could push them into being less faggoty.

Can you create your own custom campaign map in 3K? If not, then that is wrong. Most of nu-CA's modding tools protect their own interests by not allowing you to create content that they would want to monetise themselves.

>the second you raze a settlement some dickhead will just recolonize it
Then kill that army since it's weak user. What are you? Shit?

All horde factions should have a AI vassal faction that takes over the settlements imho.

What are the actual chances WH3 doesn't fail?

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What does this matter exactly? I don't play a game because others are playing it. Do you? Why?

they sold bug fixes as an expansion dude. Kingdoms has crucial bug fixes like pikemen not dropping their pikes and cavalry not being retarded and those fixes were never ported to base med2.

None of them failed so probably pretty likely.

I do if its my friends playing it and they want to co-op.
It never is.

Can't you only co-op with one other dude?

>mfw Clan Mors and the Dwarfs were military allies from all the greenskin killing

I played a campaign as Queek where he ended up as Saviour of the Old World and Friend to All, it was pretty fun. The Vampire Counts had taken over virtually the entirety of the Empire but I dragged them back from the brink through a sea of corpses, some real Nagash war 2.0 shit.

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While lacking in quite some aspects, the sheer diversity between factions has ruined most other TW titles for me.

Also Grim and the Grom soon, fellow asurfags

>2 femoid vc lords that shouldn't have been there
They've made it clear they want each faction to have at least 3 unique LLs, so they gave them four. Whats wrong with them exactly? Harkon is the death/vamp caster, Noctilus is the shadow caster, Cylostra is the deeps caster and Aranessa is the upgraded foot lord. Their inclusion is completely fine you retard, just because something has women in it doesnt make it sjw

It won't fail.

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Yeah, which sucks. Hopefully WH3 will allow more. Either way I don't have any friends that play WH TW.

Yeah that's shit as fuck but blood expansion packs? I mean that's slimy but shit, when they came out with the African tribe expansion for Rome 2 they banned ALREADY EXISTING mods that made those African tribes playable. And these mods had way better featuresets and weren't just fucking reskins.

It really was. Glad you agree.

On another note, I also liked how that design led to the creation of cohesive empires whose forces were often led by LLs instead of generics. When you went against the dwarves late game, they answered with Thorgrim, Ungrrim and Grombrindal descending on you. Or Karl, Gelt and Volkmar for the Empire. In TWW2 it's just Tyrion by himself or Settra by himself or Mazdamundi by himself. Doesn't have the same epic feel.

beginning of the end times is awesome, its actually better that TTW in a couple of ways, like artillery and charges being devastatingly effective.


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What are you describing is an extreme form of light cavalry. Even better at getting where they need to be and getting out, but even more vulnerable when caught out of position.
You've made a good point that the tools needed to counter them are different. But once you have the tools, winning the skies is the same as winning any other flank. Fantasyfags act like it's revolutionary, when really it's just a nice little treat that doesn't make a big difference.

And unit variety does not make tactics more interesting; look at Go and Chess.

You say this formation blocks land cavalry but not flyers, but if they were archers the reverse would be true. Having to counter with archers instead of spears is different, but not more complex.

You can call yourself a historybro or a histchad as much as you want, but regardless everyone else is just looking down at you and laughing

Is 3K even good?

>Whats wrong with them exactly?
Gee maybe that one of them is a fat woman OC and the other is not even undead or someone who has anything to do with necromancy, you fucking moron.

>but this is fine!
Good for you, Anita. I'm not trying to convince you to not buy their propaganda crap.

>>These fags really need some competition,
Have you played the Hegemony series? Closest thing to it for me.

>chaos dorfs
>ogre kingdoms
I'd say there is some decent variety. Nippon could be fun for a melee focused human faction, and cathay has teracotta soldiers and living statues.

>WH2 cant even beat Rome 2 let alone WH1
What went wrong warhammerbros? I thought Warhammer saved this franchise.....

>Cringe and useless
>Ah yes I sure loved hearing that battle speech for the millionth time in shogun
>See above
>I'd rather have the devs spend their time creating unique and diverse units and factions than waste their time making a unique execution for each giant mob against each other unique giant mob model skeleton
>Meme mechanic that was always implemented poorly
>Ah yes I sure enjoy having a useless filter on my screen that only makes it harder for me to see while the AI continues to perfectly micro unaffected
>Would fuck up the balancing because most factions don't use gunpowder and some don't even use ranged weapons at all
>Not only was it always a useless and negligble mechanic when it was implemented in the TW games but it makes no sense in warhammer because it doesn't affect most races
>nobody plays that shit and nobody cares
>I didn't play attila but I bet it was shit
>See above
>Ah yes random uninteractable civillians running in the background and hogging my pc resources is definitely something I need
>''muh atmosphere'' cringe
>''muh atmosphere'' cringe
>''muh atmosphere'' cringe
>I'll give you this one
>Personal preference
>''muh atmosphere'' cringe
>Sure, but only for no-name heroes because the lore one's models are usually decked out in the base model to begin with so there's nothing to upgrade
>''muh atmosphere'' cringe
>Hard to do when there are unique races each which will need to have its own burn animations+ those who can't be put on fire like TKs
>''muh atmosphere'' cringe
>Thank fuck, ALL naval battels in TW games were absolute shit except MAYBE the shogun 2 dlcs
>Use mods
>This applies to every single TW game
>ah yes I sure loved having to click on ''spear wall'' so that my spearmen actually use their spears
>Can be modded but sure

>kill the weak army
>half a territory away, razing a different settlement
>deal with first army
>settlement i just razed is now colonized
I know thats hyperbole but its impossible to mount a campaign against a strong faction while little dipshits keep moving into the burned out mudhuts you leave in your wake

More like
>Fantasy settings saved this shitty engine that can only do melee and bows and can‘t support more than 2000 combatant


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they werent and that had nothing to do with price increases. Go home arch

I like it quite a bit. The strategic side is great, diplomacy gives the series fresh air. That said, your unit roster doesn't really change after turn one which is a serious downside, and a lot of people don't like the elemental system.

I think you can fix that though by really getting into the elemental system. I'm going to try role playing it where each general must have four units of their own element, and two from the element they support. That and sticking to historical officers means I have to make use of the classes I have, requiring different combinations and unique army builds based on personnel. The problem is these classes are not perfectly balanced, so I might be gimping myself a bit. But as long as it feels natural I think it's fine.

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>Just use cavalry! They can do anything fliers can!

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>Can you create your own custom maps
Can you create custom buttons, menus and proper complex mechanics?

>Game set in china, the country so up its own ass about is culture, they wont see movies that dont have chineses in them
>contains 2 of the 7 billion people on earth within its borders
Gee I wonder why so many people are playing? 3K is a good game, but you're lying to yourself if you think it sold so much better than the rest of the franchise for any reason other than china. Did a shitload of people suddenly have an epiphany that total war is such a great franchise?

Bretonnia had two updates after relase, one of which very recent

3K added some really great implementations to the series like the new diplomacy and supply system, however the base game feels really barebones as it is missing a lot of the notable characters from the era, the quests are really dull and boring and the building system is seriously bad and unimpactful and the new tech system is VERY limiting in your unit variety as you need to get to the end of most branchs to unlock new units which not only takes forever but is also usually very un optimal so you're stuck using the same 2-4 units for almost the entire run.

I'm seething that they decided that the dlc is going to be an entirely different setting instead of fleshing out the current one which honestly desperately needs it.


Based retard
It USED to be able to do melee. Now it's only good for projectiles, which fantasyshitters love.

>fat woman OC
I can see your point, but I still like her with her pitch of being a ghost of a very vain opera singer that fills the ghost part of the undead fleet pretty well not as well a my man Vangheist but ah well, and Aranessa was chosen as they sorta ran out of lords pretty quickly as there were only two of them so they decided to use Aranessa and have her bully a vampire to get undead army

Warhammer 40k is a different setting, AoS is not Warhammer Fantasy Battle but is, lorewise, the sequel. It happen in the magical mortal realms.

It's okay. Runs much better than TWW1/2 or Attila. Better than average diplomacy and campaign AI. Some things are streamlined, like spying or recruiting. Your mileage may vary on those. Better map variety and sieges than Warhammer. That's about it really. The rest is just the same Rome2/Warhammer mechanics you're used to like no armies without generals, magic boats, predetermined building slots and refilling garrisons.

However, I feel they really dropped the ball with the actual Three Kingdoms part. They made very very few unique heroes, many of the major legendary figures show up as generics which is really disappointing, I would rather have them not be in the game at all than to just be filler. Worst is how all generics of a given type look the same. Really doesn't do the setting justice.

>nothing to do with necromancy
Yeah, because she leads the sartosan pirates dipshit. She's the human element of the vampire coast. Cylostra being fat is literally played for a joke, shes an opera singer who drowned at sea. Imagine getting so butthurt at such a small thing. The lord would work perfectly as a man too, its just a goofy fun addition. Fucking incel retard

I'm laughing my fucking arse off that creating whole new worlds to conquer in is superceded by "buttons and menus"
And yes, to all of those things. You could do them in M2.

Third Age Total War for instance introduced a variety of new game mechanics.

>two out of the 5 best races getting updated

Suck a dick :3

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>ignores all time peak and thus sales
based fantasyfag

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>Gee maybe that one of them is a fat woman OC and the other is not even undead or someone who has anything to do with necromancy, you fucking moron.
She may be an OC but she's a very well fitting one with the fact that she's running a ghost fleet and honestly does not stand out at all, that and the fact that the vampire coast was a meme in table top anyway so it's not like they had much to work with to begin with.


You could have replaced those three lines with "I'm moving goalposts to COPE"

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>dark souls so high

The issue wasn't the game not selling the issue was the game getting bombarded with criticism (rightfully so) for how much of a buggy piece of shit it was at launch which caused the devs to lose credibility and the ability to invoke hype for any new TW game, sure the rome 2 is in a much better shape now but the vast majority of casuals who played it on launch and haven't played it since don't care, total warhammer recovered that consumer trust by actually being good.

>Empire getting new settlements and provinces, adding Greenskin and Wood Elves plus Gelt is getting a new starting location
Who /notbuyingDLC/ here?

Are you not aware you can have more than one horde?

>>Warhammer 2
>95% alt tabbing
>4% campaign gameplay
>1% actual battles

Thrones of Britannia WAS great user!

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>And unit variety does not make tactics more interesting; look at Go and Chess
Yes...? What of it? Chess is more interesting. But why do you want me to look at basically different versions of hopscotch and not real games?

>new worlds
map painting>mechanics?
a teleporting invisible unit
and shitty scripts

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>its spiraled out of control
Because suddenly they realised that their joke was a hell of a lot more interesting and cool as fuck.

>it's okay, she's the human leader of a nonhuman army!
>it's okay, it's just a bad joke haha xD
Why do you try making up excuses, you absolute fucking retard? If you like this cancer, it's fine. Play it and enjoy it. You don't need to keep convincing yourself. Careful not to join the 42%

simply they should made possible the build of chaos fortress on the road.

There are people who actually believe that shogun has a better ost

40k: Sci Fi Fantasy
Fantasy: Low/Historical Fantasy
Sigmar: High Fantasy/War in the Heavens.

this, I agree.

>sartosa, a city of human beings that are alive and not dead
Cmon dog you're making this hard for me. Yeah its dumb that she can magically lead the zombies but thats for gameplay purposes. If she couldn't she would have all of 3 units to field

Empire: just Remember that that world instead to feel big and colonial was France: one city, Spain: One city, a couple of provinces and a lot of wasteland

Yeah, but the more you conquer the greater distance between your hordes and the places they've razed grow. Even with five or six after you've conquered most of a continent some cheeky elf fuck will send a boat over the pond to colonize some shit that will take you 5 turns to get to

Just want to add that I am so glad I recently purchased Shogun 2. Such a terrific game. I love how quick the end turn takes for one. It also just feels so much more focused and driven. Thought I would dislike the lack of unit variety but it makes combat much more balanced and I like that the Ashiragu are very formidable for a low tier unit so you have realistic armies with a lot of common soldiers backed by elite samurai units instead of endless doomstacks. The Ikko Ikki campaign might be the most fun I've had in any Total War game with the ability to incite rebellions and control the armies.

Total War is fun but Mortal Empires is a grind with how many factions there are. Just takes so long in between each turn.

Three Kingdoms is interesting but ultimately falls flat. I like that they made diplomacy more meaningful but the game is far too slow and the map is uninteresting. The battles feel strange, I feel like other than having trebuchets, your army composition doesn't matter a ton. There are a lot of units that look similar to each other but have very different stats and its all just a little confusing. Everything looks samey but not in the clean way that Shogun units do. For some reason the units feel tiny and hard to see? Idk its just bizarre. I like that they tried to give factions pretty unique campaign characteristics but it feels a little unbalanced. Will give it another shot but I think I am going to get the Shogun 2 expansion first.

>Beastman and Greenskin dlc
>It's called the beast and the other beast that's slightly hairy

yeah, 3K should have added a new engine to be felt as a new start. We have to hope they convinces themselves to do that for a MED3 or a Pike and Shot, they have to design an engine with believable projectile but based on face to face fighting

>here is why this game sold well
Ascended retard. How many posts like this do you have to make a day before the PRC gives you your sewer oil ration?

yes, vampiric corruption should have more eye candies

>playing warhammer
>whining about cringe

>>Just use cavalry
Not what I'm saying. You can use them both, but they're still fulfilling the same function. The difference between the two is mostly visual, which is why you should be embarrassed it if it stops you from enjoying historical titles.

Are you saying Chess isn't a real game? Because it is.

im starting to get into the warhammer universe, some of the stuff is really cool but other things are so lame like how cartoony the orc armors/mechs(?) are in comparison to everything else but seems they're lacking in good games, wish there was a game like mass effect or something in the universe

>Are you saying Chess isn't a real game? Because it is.
About as much as hopscotch is a sport at this stage.

Everything you said about 3k it's objectively even worse in Shogun.

>The difference between the two is mostly visual
Lol dude, why do you even stop playing rock paper scissor? Just play that instead of total bore.

Man the Europe in Empire was fucked up. They unbalanced India. Americas were a mess of regions too.

Then they made those "trade zones" when they could have just as easily made them into conquerable regions.

Total War, as a whole, fucking sucks.

CA is making this hard for you, not me. They picked an undead army and made one of its seats of power a normal human city. And they chose to have that army be led by a little girl who has nothing to do with necromancy. It's as if they took Nagash and threw him into the Warriors of Chaos faction.

>Fantasoi SEETHING because his one argument of muh fantasy SAVED total war has been blown to smithereens by 3K

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A living, Chad emperor is so much better than a corpse-on-a-throne.

Can someone tell me the essential mods for Warhammer? Just got this game

SFO. Yea Forums and /vg/ will hate on it but its pretty fun.

if you guys wanted upvotes you could just go back to plebbit, geez

It has cool spectial, but it throws strategy into the trash for it.
>cool units and some cool abilities like rat nukes and chaos viking ship portal thing
>cool unique shit like mummies, rats and vampires
>formations are pointless and do nothing
>fighting on hills and using terrian does nothing
>calvary can plow through spear walls with no problems and can run around in forests
>the empire should fight like britan or france in ETW, but don't
>lizard men are brokenly OP and some factions automatically lose if they are at war
Rome 2 with DEI is peak total war

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I disagree. They are vastly different games.

Factions - Every faction is more or less the same in Shogun but each one has one unique perk. Some have better samurai swordsmen, some have better archers, some have better cavalry, etc. Other than that and some quirks like the Ikko Ikki they are the same which creates terrific balance. Meanwhile in Three Kingdoms you have a few factions that have unique resources that completely change the way they play and then some factions with just some basic, oddly specific buffs. It's incredibly unbalanced.

Units- Neither have good unit variety but Three Kingdoms has a bunch of pointless units that all look the same but with different stats. Meanwhile Shogun maintains a lean unit roster where each one has a very specific role, there are no wasted units. Armies are also clearly delineated since each individual solder wheres a flag with his faction's color and symbol.

Map - Shogun has a top tier map. It is simple and straight forward. You expand in one or two directions which allows you to stay focused on a couple armies and leads to fast paced gameplay instead of spending dozens of turns building up an economy so you can defend against the inevitable invasion from all sides. Naval control is actually strategically important. Three Kingdoms map is basically a perfectly square land mass and for some reason armies can barely move. It takes like four turns to get across a province. It also has the stupid commandery system they force down our throats whereas Shogun has the based classic one city one province system that all the best titles have.

Also, the OP hero units are just stupid and make battles less strategic. The hero upgrade system is tedious. Three Kingdoms is an obvious attempt to apply the Warhammer system to a historical setting and it feels off.

>lol look at all these people who bought the game and immediately stopped playing

Didn't they destroy their culture when they embraced communism?

No, eat the load times and play ME

>all the faggots saying TWH saved total war
Its a dead series regardless, CA have been bought and gutted by a chineese company. Expect total war to go into the trash in favor of historical themed shovleware and mobile games

What is SFO, exactly?

Honestly the warscape engine killed TW for me.

There are so many videos online about it. But just look at how in Rome pike units actually worked but in 2 pikes did nothing.

Warhammer equivalent of radious

The latest one is actually pretty decent to be fair.

Why are people even arguing about which game is better? They are made by the same fucking company and is in the same small genre.

There mods that turn Rome 2 from a 6/10 to a 9/10, especially DEI, but desu the game should have released AT MINIMUM how it was by patch 16. I never played it at launch so i dont know how bad it was, but R2 is still my favorite , fight me

Thank you, man. That explains everything.

To be fair there are some fairly significant differences across titles and it's evolved a lot over time. Definitely not worth fighting over since theoretically Total War fans should be on the same side but I think it's worth debating the merits of each title and its features.

I think Warhammer brought in a lot of new fans that see things differently than the traditional fans but ultimately everyone seems to pick based off setting. I love Empire for example just because of the era but it gets a lot of hate.

I can see what CA was going for there with how much construction took place outside the provincial capital in the Empire system. But yeah, coming from every other Total War it feels really weird.

Then let's agree to disagree. For all the vast differences between the two, Total War battles and Chess are both tactical games. Comparisons can be useful
You jest, but I think the idea of Total War being RPS is part of the problem. My favorite Total War battles have been Fall of the Samurai MP, and while MP will always be it's own thing it still taught me that what makes battles interesting are the two questions of timing and position. Unit variety is good, except when CA or the players decide that's all that matters and neglect the fundamentals.

This entire post is fucking horrendous
consider suicide