Not even shitposting but this is an MGSV tier dissapointment to me

not even shitposting but this is an MGSV tier dissapointment to me

all I wanted was a comfy cyberpunk city
>flying cars
>TALL fucking buildings
>neon lights

options to play as a cop, detective or whatever not this """multiple ways"""" to capture the outpost crap with the most uninspired art direction I've ever seen

but yeah all we needed was another cowadoody with smart guns and cybernetic implants

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-1168975.jpg (590x350, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

To be honest i really wanted to play as cop like in the first trailer.

Fucking entitled BABIES. The Stones said it best: you cant always get what you want.

To be honest, I never cared that much for the game until now. It's shaping up well, the RPG element seems very fleshed out.

I just hope it'll be decent enough in telling how going against the corporations is just hopeless.

Attached: 1567278585495.webm (720x404, 541K)

Read the source books you super retard, 2020 wasn't blade runner

>RPG element seems very fleshed out

I agree with wanting to play as a detective type dude, and wanting a different time for the aesthetics. Transmet is good but not what I was hoping for.

I just watched the videos and interviews they've put out. It's a fully fledged RPG. What's wrong, autist?


I don't even care that the "obligatory" cyberpunk aesthetics are not there. I care that they implied they were going to be making a cyberpunk themed sandbox RPG and now that I know they aren't I don't care about the game at all. I'm done with playing games for the "writing". It's all shit tier writing so why would I want to do that?

Tone it down kurwa.

McDonald's sponsoring the US government so they can go to Iran and open new restaurants there

Holy fucking kek

but I don't need the rest of what the game is offering

But sjw's literally got all they asked for...
>No gender, "bodytypes"
>Male v is gay, can't make him ungay at Least in demo, so they obviously wanted to show it for those virtual signaling points
I am sure someone else will name more when the game finally comes out

You are a fucking mongoloid if you think you're forced to be gay.

Why does the game look like low budget films like Dredd and District 9?
It has that distinct look of 'we want to do Sci Fi but we don't have the budget' from those movies, where they just take 80% modern day city then CGI a few futuristic things into it.

But why would you have to do that with a game?

Attached: dredd.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

because that's how sci-fi cities are gonna look like

Look at this pic, OP. It will fix your hype

Attached: 1567212482732.jpg (4862x1931, 1.15M)

This would be such a terrible idea for a city.

welcome to america1

No city in the world has a city that is a whole skyscraper below sea level.

The worst place in New Orleans, but it looks nothing like a New York city.

t. dumb faggot who's only experience in the genre is watching blade runner
please find the highest building near you and jump off head first

Yeah I think I'll just keep playing E.Y.E.

Reading comprehension user, I said that they make him gay for those virtual signaling points, to pretend they "care" just so they can get retards like you to buy it

It's sad to see people deprive themselves of playing something good just because the developer is popular now (because they made a good game)

It looks like a great game but they way they've been presenting it has been stupid, at its core it looks amazing but the way the trailers have been directed, the music they've used, it makes the game look extremely derivative and without a heart of its own

I don’t get why they’re showing absolutely zero night time footage. I get they have this new vision for cyberpunk, but holy shit, how hard is it to just show something everyone wants to see so bad?

It’s a futuristic place, you can’t be telling me the city shuts down at night.

Attached: 6A92584F-8DF2-4116-92F3-C8FDA458C0F5.jpg (480x484, 42K)

This its a pretty basic check list and hard to fuck up and yet here we are
The lack of pilotable flying cars is really what made me drop it so hard what a joke
Literally gta 5 unmodded online is more cyberpunk than this shit and even has a flying car something this pos doesn't

Has night
Has rain
>>flying cars
Has flying vehicles
>>TALL fucking buildings
Has tall buildings
>>neon lights
Has neon lights

You said male V is gay and you can't make him ungay. The fact you said you can't do so only in the demo makes no sense because the demo isn't playable, it's a fucking video.

Neck yourself you ESL gremlin.


they have barely showed any gameplay of it
>flying cars
dev said you can't pilot the flying cars so the game "having" them is kind of irrelevant isn't it

You can’t even own more than the initia apartment or even decorate your own apartment. What the fuck are they doing?

yeah fuck this game

Attached: d.png (1584x1771, 2.06M)

>dev said you can't pilot the flying cars so the game "having" them is kind of irrelevant isn't it
But the game does have them, you won’t be able to pilot them though.

Let's be real here. Astral Chain is the far better game.

Attached: Astral Chain.jpg (644x362, 84K)

There were disturbing reports of a man eating Whooper so the SWAT had to be called in.

It's because global warming caused the polar ice caps to melt raising the sea level so coastal cities had to build damns on the coast to prevent from being flooded.


Attached: fd.png (562x628, 389K)

When this game comes out I'm going to buy a physical copy so I can fuck the hole in the center of the disc.

Attached: Mirelurk cakes.png (242x169, 48K)

Go watch more moeshit and play more pedobait RPGs if you think the art direction is in any way derivative or uninspired. Fuck the medium is wasted on you niggers

Clearly not focusing on development.
They wasted 6 years doing bugger all then throw together a basic demo for the press a year ago then base the full game off that? Reeks of rushed shit tbqh

I wish a compitient dev would do a no holds barred br2049/deus ex gta 2 style game

Hell just take la noire Mafia 1 2 and gta and idk set it in alt 90s with flying cars and shit bam instant classic

>muh night
>muh neon
>muh rain
How does it feel to be stuck in 80's, retard?

I never said anything about art direction you stupid faggot.

The graphics are legitimately fucking garbage, last gen -tier. Many textures lack serious detail and just look washed out, the lighting in many scenes is simplistic as fuck, there's ugly LOD fog everywhere even inside buildings and character models are way worse compared to Witcher 3. This is the cost of "seamless" dialogue transitions (they can no longer swap in higher quality assets for characters during dialogues, like they did in Witcher 3) and having fast vehicles in your game, you have to downgrade the shit out of your game so the garbage consoles with their tablet components can keep up. Then the PC version gets some Nvidia Goyimworks bells and whistles to balloon the system requirements while at the same time barely looking any better than the console versions due to muh parity.

Attached: pacifica.jpg (1920x906, 233K)

>generic overdesigned kiddie nip bullshit

I was playing games like this when I was 15, I can't believe there are still people interested in them in their 20s Jesus Christ

>astral chain
>30 fps
>can't jump
Based basedboy

The game doesn't remotely look cyberpunk it looks like a cheap bollywood/chink movie TV series
I've seen washed out anime with more colour

>Read the source books
This one?

Attached: CP3002 - Cyberpunk 2020 - Rulebook, 2nd Ed. (1993) [Q4] [Houdini]_254.jpg (5008x6536, 2.06M)

I guess it’s better to get into 2010’s cyberpunk where all there is to the genre is transgenderism and pansexualism

Cyberpunk is gay so if you were interested in this game at any point you're a faggot. When are we getting steampunk GTA?

Attached: tcg.png (836x806, 975K)

>look cyberpunk
>muh neon (k)nights
Wake the fuck up, you obosralsa

....hahahhahahaha the state of gamers xD

I guess GTA V is pretty cyberpunk

Did I say muh neon lights? It looks nothing like a cyber Punk genre game it's literally just gta spinoff number 4646761643731914376060
With the tabletop name slapped on it for nerd cred

It's a poor man's dues ex

Sorry youre no longer interested OP.
I cant wait to make a gigachad with a viking beard and wear only pants and combat boots and beat the shit out of robots with my cyborg enhanced punches.


Attached: youre next pleb.jpg (1200x739, 66K)

In order for a game to be "cyberpunk" it needs to have:

-epic cringe compilation lololoeloldoleol
-fuck you

Attached: ac.png (806x1440, 1.32M)

Sure if sun and cars are common only for GTA
Nico lets go bowling

>barely looking any better
sorry but the raytracing on pc will make the game look fucking phenomenal. if you aren't playing the game with raytracing then don't complain that it looks shit.


Attached: acMk2.gif (269x480, 16K)

The deep dive video was with RTX shit on and it still looked terrible.


Attached: jwt.png (622x1006, 1.06M)

Whether or not you like it, those things are very iconic of Cyberpunk (yes, even the tabletop RPG) and they’re making a deliberate choice not to show ANY of it.

Zoomers don't even know gta 5 lmao let alone 11 years old gta 4

we need more trannies in this game! we need more trannies!

Attached: trannie.png (1276x960, 673K)

>dude entire map should be skyscrapers and shit lmao

Attached: 1.jpg (2000x1303, 732K)

In other words you didn't want cyberpunk, you just wanted Blade Runner.

It's okay, but don't act like anything that isn't a 1:1 copy of Blade Runner isn't cyberpunk.

Why are people still this stupid? It makes no sense to be rainy and dark all the time just because Blade Runner was.

when will we get a cowboy cyberpunk?

Attached: yh2.png (1274x952, 856K)

No one said the ENTIRE map has to be that, but that for whatever reason they chose not to show any of it.

Attached: d.png (640x446, 122K)

>no cowboy bebop sandbox rpg
>just getting a cheap gta-knockoff

It doesn’t make any sense for it to be sunny all the time either. But they show inly sunny shit when it’s supposed to be a futuristic city that never sleeps.

CP2077 was a disgusting bastardization of the beauty of Cyberpunk. Not only does it fail to deliver the atmosphere, but it’s gameplay was sub-par and highly disappointing. The story was entirely linear and felt like a cover shooter. I’m glad it bankrupted CDPR so that people who actually know what they’re doing can step in. Maybe they could get one of the Cyberpunk OGs to give them pointers if they’re lost. It’ll certainly turn out better that the soulless Reddit abortion that CP2077 was lmao

>this triggers the snoyniggers

>It makes no sense to be rainy and dark all the time just because Blade Runner was.
When asked about the environment they literally said "Cold, dark, wet, rainy, streets etc etc etc",

The sooner transgenders are accepted, the sooner we can have children undergo HRT and become cute trannies.

CP2077 is looking trashier everyday like holy hell the downgrade is atrocious, and the game play simply looks dull and ass.

But at that point isn't it just a girl with a penis? Isn't the whole point about trannies that you can still tell that they're male?

The sooner I cut my own dick off the sooner I can shove it up my asshole.

>not even shitposting

Then why are you clearly shitposting?

Judge Dredd was fucking great you pleb.

Not him but transgenderism, non traditional sexuality, etc. are right at home with cyberpunk. Transgressive sexual identities is 1000% cyberpunk material, and stuff like that has been there since the beginning but you were too hung up on
>wow, cool neon!
>wow, cool rain and night!
>wow, cool robots
Cyberpunk has been necessarily political from the start. It’s already about life where capitalism and consumerism has taken over in the extreme. You dumbfucks want the aesthetics of a cyberpunk game without the meat of what that sort of world entails. You’re asking for cyberpunk sanitized of everything that made it “punk” for just clean sky liners and muh mood lighting.
2077 clearly had the those things, and while I’m pretty wary about the release, muh eternal night is one of the lowest things on my list

Attached: F4BCD5E4-6B48-477F-8F61-6B233C3E163B.jpg (480x480, 30K)

The game hasn’t come out yet and you haven’t played through it.

I mean the point of trannies is to get to fuck a chick with a dick.
>there are no chicks with dicks
It's true, and everywhere around you there is air, but no one thinks about that. If I see a cute tranny, my instinct tells me to call her a girl. When I see an ugly tranny, my brain cannot trick me and I'll say that's a disgusting dude.

Attached: 1567014469921.jpg (575x797, 78K)

>If I see a cute tranny, my instinct tells me to call her a girl.
When have you ever seen a cute tranny IRL?

This is your future, Reddit zoomer tranny nigger.

Fuck the graphics, but the art style itself is just horrendous. There's a notable lack of style and especially colours in everything. There's not even enough of a gritty "low life" feeling to it Deus Ex 1 style, everything just looks fucking grey and dull.
Gear seems to be tiered (legendary and epic assault rifles, my ass) which is absolutely fucking retarded for a game that has a DX-esque RPG system, enemies still have levels and higher level enemies still have the skull emblem from Witcher 3 which most likely means they are re-using the same butt fuck retarded scaling system from Witcher 3 that made high level enemies artificial bullet sponges. Those mechanics are awful in any RPG, but they will clash especially badly with an FPS design because when you shoot a motherfucker in his unprotected head you expect him to drop dead and not take 1 damage because he is a bandit who is 5 levels above you.

Attached: 1540229661621.png (1256x1304, 1.74M)

Where I come from, you never see trannies, period. But if a tranny resembles a woman enough, my brain will make the switch from "he" to "her".

btw this goes without saying, but the woman in my picture isn't a tranny. The idea is that if a tranny looked like that, would you really be thinking "I'm banging a tranny", or "a chick with a dick"?

>options to play as a cop
You'd have to be seriously delusional to think a game of this size will feature multiple full-length campaigns for entirely different characters with entirely different jobs and positions in society. There's just no way a company will put this much money and effort multiple times over in the same game when most players statistically won't even finish a single playthrough with a single character. It's a much more effective approach to have a single campaign and a few ways to approach missions depending on character abilities.

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather

>buzz buzz buzz buzzword
The only reddit here is you friendo. Try not overloading on the buzzwords at one time since it’ll give you away

>>>>>>>>comfy cyberpunk city

it looks like nu-deus ex

>options to play as a cop, detective or whatever not this """multiple ways"""" to capture the outpost crap with the most uninspired art direction I've ever seen
kek do you want to just shoot them in the face or go through this obvious vent over here to the side and then hack into their computer system in this amazing new hacker minigame?

>not even shitposting
This is literally a thing only a shitposter would write.


Attached: Bait 1.jpg (680x649, 82K)

people like you should be hanged

Fuck off disgusting Cuck Douchebags Profiting off of Retardation shill. Take a shower and come back when you’ve stopped deluding yourself into thinking that this game is anything but the lowest of gutter trash hyped up to be the next big thing.

If this game was called Deus Ex 4 or something like that then I wouldn't care as much. But this is fucking CYBERPUNK, the role playing game. All that we've learned from the preview and trailers is that there's effectively tworoles, and you can't significantly change the story besides "These guys won't attack you if they see you" and "This important NPC hates you". What about playing as a Media, using your influence to clear people out of a "Potentially dangerous area" so your guys can loot some stores for valuables/tech? Be a rockerboy and spread political discontent and start riots?
We're about to go into the 4K age with all this new technology and consoles, and our """choices""" in games are still fucking "Non-lethal or lethal" or "Trust this guy or that guy". None of this shit is interesting and it's pretty much the exact same shit that Deus Ex and Baldurs Gate did twenty YEARS AGO. It SUCKS

Attached: 1392789943351.png (417x417, 248K)

It looked great, how fucking high are your standards. Outside of non playable tech demos, 2077 is one of the best looking games. Only a handful of current games, like REmake 2 and RDR2 look as good as 2077 does.

Why are you calling it MGSV tier? It isn't even out yet you mega faggot.

>not even a response
I didn’t say anything about the quality of the game genius - I have mixed feelings personally. I love Yea Forumstards who like to tell the future and end up getting assblasted on their predictions. I’m gonna enjoy when you complain about the game regardless of what people say about it, because you will clearly never play it
>hurr durr buzz buzz buzz buzz fuck off buzz buzz buzz

When a sequel to some parkour zombie game looks like it's got more important choices than an actual RPG with Dying Light 2, you know that somebody fucked up somewhere.

Which demo showed male V being gay?

Seethe harder.

>prioritizing seamless gameplay and easy world exploration over graphic fidelity
>this is a bad thing
Christ you're fucking stupid.

>the woman in my picture isn't a tranny. The idea is that if a tranny looked like that, would you really be thinking "I'm banging a tranny"
That nigger has the shoulders of a linebacker

Why the fuck do the animations look so bad?
>Get hit by a sledgehammer thrown by a roided up animal
>Ooof ouchie :(
>Get punched in the fucking face by a strength augmented mutant
>Punch doesn't even follow through and sounds like someone slapping the side of a car
Also Placides walking animation looks like he shat himself with stupid overexaggarreted arm and shoulder movements

I'm really glad CDPR are sticking to an unique vision or a cyberpunk setting that's loyal to its source material
FUCK zoomers who just want retrowave blade runner inspired trash with a purple tint over everything

>I'm really glad CDPR are sticking to an unique vision or a cyberpunk setting that's loyal to its source material
>FUCK zoomers who just want retrowave blade runner inspired trash with a purple tint over everything

Attached: 361464AF-54BE-42A4-8AF7-75FB6A770371.jpg (988x1059, 160K)

yikes, this shit is the most cringe grimdark shit I've read in a while

The only excuse is if this encounter will play out differently in the actual game so they just used placeholder shit

What are you even talking about? It totally looks cyberpunk. Everything they've shown so far has been high tech, low life. What more do you want?

it's basically New Orleans and Netherlands desu

>also a tranny defence faggot

>high tech, low life
They havent shown ANY if that

Based and EXTREMELY redpilled.

Found the nigger

Attached: E96898F1-87C1-4E57-86E3-36759332337B.jpg (1024x576, 40K)

From day 1 it was dumb to think it was going to be a 1:1 recreation of the pen and paper. 2020 isn't like DnD, where classes are just playstyles. They define your role in the story and world. You would need to make entirely different campaigns for a media or a cop or rockerboy.

Anyone with half a brain expected it to be like Deus Ex and that's what we're getting. Like fuck, are people just stupid, why do they make these false assumptions based on nothing and then act like it was a travesty when those assumptions are proven wrong?

I don't get it, this is basic animation and art 101, if you want to show impact you show the follow through, otherwise it looks like the person is just messing around
In fact most of the animations in the demo seem to lack any weight or impact, even the fucking minigun feels floaty as fuck. If I rip through someone with an LMG I don't want them to completly ignore me and go through with their animation

Attached: Follow through.jpg (600x350, 99K)

I just want a game that looks and feels right not a knockoff gta 2 in their shit witcher engine

black culture is somehow less shitty than trannies, so i don't care about this

You dribbling fucking retard. You can’t see the signs that this shit will be dumbed-down ZoomerCore like the rest of CDPR’s abysmal record. Swallow a grenade and jump off a bridge you disgusting nigger tranny zoomer, holy shit regards like you make me so mad.

Yes, that one. Let me know how many districts are like that area and how many other districts ain't.
Now if we get out of the ghetto and we're still seeing a lack of skyscrapers then complaining can be justified

Zoomers want the easy aesthetics of a cyberpunk game without any of the meat of the setting
>waaaaah gay people
They want to play as clear cut roles who are either accepted by society or by the underbelly as figures of power all with a neon background. You just want another power fantasy through “”””RPG builds”””” with the popular look rather than a game about cyberpunk stories, a lot of which are about the “punk” part.
I have my own misgivings about the game and I’m gonna reserve judgement until it comes out, but it’s clear again they Yea Forums is complaining about politics they personally don’t agree with even though this is *the* game it would show up in naturally. You have unironic ethnostate shills who think the cyberpunk genre should entertain or comply with their political vision, because then it means “the game isn’t political, it’s just how it is or should be man!”

Exactly, they promised cringy grimdark matrix shit and we got GTA V. If you really look into their public announcements though you can see when the project was hijacked by their CEO to turn into a cash cow

>not even shitposting
>is shitposting
what did he meme by this

ur mum is cringe

Fuck trannies.

You dummies just want a blade runner game

Attached: 3ad8e151e8eedae3bd8fc6fe4c003292.gif (540x306, 810K)

Do I need to remind you that being gay isn't a choice?

Why don't they show that? We haven't seen a single second of gameplay that indicates the city will have scale or depth. They can't even show off nighttime for some reason.

That looks cool, but will we actually get to go down there considering that they are backpedalling on the map size and that there's no flying cars of any kind to drive for the player?

Ummmmmm, where is the sun, the trailer parks, the small buildings and the trannies????


Attached: 80CAE07F-B177-454A-BB29-167DE6367878.png (785x1000, 254K)

>the whole point about trannies
This is fucking ridiculous. Trans people are literally just people, not a fetish for cis people. What do you think about post-op transwomen? Transwomen that have no penis, are just a woman? God damn, you have to be the stupidest fucking idiot I've ever seen on Yea Forums.

Yeah, they kind of promised a blade runner game

Why does this game make so many people angry when it isn't even close to being out.

>Blade Runner
It's Grimdark Future-core you retard

Kill yourself tranny lover.

jesus fucking christ lol

Attached: 1544236075159.png (328x326, 108K)

I didn’t defend anything except the inclusion of thematically relevant content. I doubt you actually read the post but your response encaspulates the exact same thing I was complaining about. Muh tranny will always usurp any discussion even when it’s relevant because you’re not interested in actually arguing, it’s just shitposting

>make CP2020 game
>doesn't show iconic CP2020 imagery
>"waah why are you complaining? it will be in the game just trust us!"

>Trans people are literally just people, not a fetish
>not a fetish
CDPR literally said bladerunner IS the cyberpunk genre

Attached: 1586754367.jpg (600x525, 59K)

also where did the cyberpunk night meme come from? you ever see alita battle angel? it has days and nights you r-tard.

Shadowrun is the Apex of cyberpunk

Truly unique

Attached: DC6D52AE-3D47-422E-A1F4-A761C605EFFD.jpg (922x1024, 145K)

It's California in a world where pollution actually got treated some, it's gonna be sunny. Plus they're probably trying to showcase how much of a garbage can the place is, when violent crime takes place in broad daylight instead of the dead of night

Shadowrun isn't even Cyberpunk you retard it's Cyberfantasy.
Cyberpunk does not involve Dragons, Orcs, Elves and magic

>alita battle angel?
Crawl back into your basement incel

Oh man I just fucking love having this exact same discussion every single day since two e3s ago

If bladerunner is cyberpunk then alien is too, and Prometheus as well by default...I'm not willing to accept that

The opening of Shadowrun SNES is taken directly from Blade runner and it's fucking amazing and far more atmospheric than anything CPDR has shown so far.

Attached: 1471995092380.jpg (2000x2683, 1.96M)

Maybe you should tell the creators of Cyberpunk 2077 that bade runner isn't the very definition of Cyberpunk then

Yep cyberpunk 2077 is a huge fucking disappointment for me. You think I would have learned after mgsv and not bothered to look forward to anything.

This game will sell 10m easily. CDPR knew when to cash in on the good karma they built up. I'll probably play it but I have no expectations.

I can see why it could be bad or good, but I don’t make judgements on games until I’ve seen them come out and seen like the first hour of large games or the first 30 minutes of smaller ones. There’s a lot to like and a lot to be skeptical of, but I’m leaning on thinking it’ll be pretty good
>abysmal track record
We get it, you hate the Witcher 3, and any discussion of other Witcher games or even vampire and you’re gonna go deeper into >game, >good mode. Look user I liked ultima 4 when it came out, and I also liked the Witcher 3 when it came out. Sue me
>buzz buzz buzz you fucking liked that trash game buzz buzz you buzz buzz buzz dilate buzz buzz

Is Tarantino cyberpunk?

literally everything they've shown has been that

>Cyberpunk does not involve Dragons, Orcs, Elves and magic
t. cybertranny 2077

Attached: 950DA1A0-265E-4716-AE70-FE51C22DCB62.jpg (631x658, 72K)

Bladerunner doesn't have elves and magic nigga.

nice cherrypicking faggot, and it doesn't disprove the point either
having an idyllic cliche californian tourist bait area disintegrate into dilapidated slums overrun by gangs is awesome and cyberpunk as fuck, and it's only like 1 of the 6 districts of night city

now go and listen to another retrowave purple aesthetic playlist on youtube bitch

>The game will have shitty generic rock music and afrobeats or some shit instead of the god tier Bladerunner ambient music

I remember seeing screenshots here where only the slavs were spamming Reddit threads on cyberpunk with
>excuse me, can I play as Richard deckhard in this game?
>excuse me, but will we have a blaster in the game?
>excuse me but will we be a cop in this game?
It’s all clear to me that you guys just want a game on 80s cyberpunk aesthetics and that you’re likely slavs who don’t shut up on any forum ever.

Funny you should say that. The lead writer for Cyberpunk 2077 said they were going more in the direction of a tarantino film than blade runner

Attached: 1541887590405.gif (393x561, 1.55M)

Why are you making up non-existent terms in your head?

witcher 1 is an awesome RPG and literal zoomer repellent you retard

They had to make a statement to tell everybody that they weren't making a direct adaptation of blade runner because they're so shit at communication

Why did I move here? I guess it was the gender.

Attached: 403AD7D9-3360-4E5E-B9B8-40569BDDE9DC-296-0000009DDEF35A36.jpg (1280x720, 304K)

Shame 6e sucks dick on the tabletop side of things, and they never got a bigger budget on their video games. Fucking hell imagine dragon fall with the budget 2077 got

>I don't know what Cyberpunk and Science-Fantasy are
>Science Fantasy works, on the other hand, take traditional Fantasy and Science Fiction tropes and throw them in a blender, purposely creating a setting that has the feel of both. Expect to see a lot of classic Fantasy tropes (e.g. warriors with swords, dragons, wizards, castles, and elves) and a lot of standard Science Fiction tropes (e.g. spaceships, aliens, lasers, scientists, robots, and Time Travel).
Shadowrun is literally the trope codifier

Attached: Sci-Fan.png (850x596, 860K)

The imagery is lifted straight from Blade runner, dummy, starts from 2:00.

Please man, it’s virtue signalling. Christ on a bike.

It can be both you silly goose. Or is Akira cyber fantasy too because someone morphed into The Incredible Blob?




>Rip off blade runners opening scene for reveal

well said my friend

Attached: the absolute state.jpg (960x655, 72K)

>unique vision or a cyberpunk setting that's loyal to its source material
I really wish that was the case.

There comes a point where the trade-off is too big, as is the case with cyberpunk.

Remember when pondsmith said all the classes were going to be in the game?

Akira is borderline I will give you that, but work with me here user. I love both Cyberpunk and Shadowrun but the entire premise of Shadowrun is
>Dude DnD but in the future
>Dragons and Magic and ancient mayan blood rites and shit
Meanwhile Cyberpunk is closer to Neuromancer or Johnny Memonic with a "normal" human population and technology and A.I. being kicked into overdrive causing even bigger societal rifts and lower value of human life.
Blade Runner is clearly cyberpunk as well, because the replicants are explained to be very good clones, something which is scientifically possible today. Nowhere in Blade Runner does somebody perform magic of invoke a spirit, something that's done daily in Shadowrun

Bud, you need to walk away from the computer and relax. You're getting way too worked up about a game that isn't even out yet. You're gonna have a stroke.

It's both, as it is also high tech low lifestyle and has the capitalism running rampant there too

There's still 8 months to release. S-surely it'll look better at launch, right?

Attached: 74743.png (800x558, 645K)

surprised the trannise haven't added their own take to this awful image

Remember when they literally said shadowrun was one of their largest influences?

Attached: itsover.png (633x682, 321K)

all of the themes mentioned on the image are prevalent in pretty much all notable cyberpunk works

I think its hilarious watching ignorant faggots get butt-hurt over this game because it isn't Bladerunner. It's almost like people don't realize that this is based on a pre-existing property. This is a very accurate representation of the world from Cyberpunk 2020, even if it isn't a good representatation of what some people want from a Cyberpunk world.

>Nowhere in Blade Runner does somebody perform magic of invoke a spirit
Have you read the source material user?

wow really?

Wrong. You wanted Blade Runner, you dumb fucking babby. I guess nobody told you that Blade Runner doesn't have a monopoly on what is and what isn't cyberpunk.
Sage and hide.

Why do you act like obtuse retards? You can have both things in the game.

And it will be the one and only time this happens unless they deliever, and continue with their quality dlc/expansions

Remember when that doesn't mean shit?
I don't understand what's so hard to grasp, Magic is not part of traditional cyberpunk stories like Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Johnny Memnoic olr even fucking Judge Dredd
Shadowrun is a distinct outlier in the Cyberpunk genre because of that and certainly not the "best version of Cyberpunk" when it belongs in its own niche
I read the core rulebook to Shadowrun 5e and 3e and I skimmed the rules to Cyberpunk why

you're the one who implied otherwise

>It's almost like people don't realize that this is based on a pre-existing property. This is a very accurate representation of the world from Cyberpunk 2020

That's because that picture is made by trannies.

I called it an awful image, that's all.

>with the most uninspired art direction I've ever seen
There are a thousand crappy indie games with no inspiration that just copy Blade Runner to give you the cyberpunk that you want. But the second the formula gets altered in any way it's because the devs lack creativity.

The game does have both things. There are clear skyscrapers, a day night cycle, etc. but this isn’t bladerunner aesthetics simulator. Suddenly not having every moment of the game drenched in sunless skies does not revoke its “in the cyberpunk genre” card. I’m saying that people are making way more a fuss about this and complaining about things like gender neutrality when that’s something that’s very clearly something on the forefront of a transhuman society

>indie games
Those aren't real games user

Has Yea Forums been seething over a single game harder than this one? I can't remember this much rectal discharge over a single game. Even when the cisquisiton has been announced there hasn't been this much of a shitstorm.

Attached: 1536629061764.gif (360x230, 2.81M)

>Blade Runner is clearly cyberpunk
No it isn't, retard. Replicants aren't even androids. It can be described as biopunk at best (think bioshock), but as there are barely any punk themes, it hardly qualifies as anything other than neo-noir.
The original story might have a better argument for cyberpunk.
Detective stories are probably the most disqualifying thing when it comes to cyberpunk, but Psycho-Pass is a good example of when it works. Akira at least gets the punk part right. CYBERPUNK 2077 GETS EVERYTHING RIGHT.

>prioritizing aesthetics over gameplay

You’re a stupid dummy doo-doo brain. You should go eat your own dink!

>you have violated the NAP

>Suddenly not having every moment of the game drenched in sunless skies does not revoke its “in the cyberpunk genre” card.
Remember when Pondsmith said this?
>This wont be just shooter action game with a cyberpunk veneer with a grimy sci-fi aesthetic that doesn’t actually translate into anything especially interesting in-game besides the odd augment.

Are we being raided? By like, 12 year olds? Or are all cyberpunk threads this retarded at this point?

thats what you get when you hype people and dont deliver

>Blade Runner isn't Cyberpunk
Not even the guy you're replying to but holy shit dude, what a faggot you are

Attached: 1373075688330.jpg (245x280, 10K)

this game just looks like shit so it's easy to shitpost about.

>Cyberpunk isn't purely about aesthetics

Fucking this, but you're not supposed to announce the herb

>waaah I just want my cool neon aesthetic, I hate cyberpunk and everything it stands for because it doesn't align with my political views
god I hate zoomers

And? The game has action, and it has no character classes, but it has clear RPG progression and tools to play without holstering your guns and augs in combat.

>Yea Forums shills the fuck out of MGSV
>it fails spectacularly and for years to come retards on Yea Forums whine about how shit it is
glad I dodged that bullet, never listen to the shills on Yea Forums
daily reminder the devs backtracked heavily after backlash last year and then within a year they started pushing all this SJW tranny trash

stop being a tedious pseud faggot

play final fantasy 7 dude, but only the midgar part if you want the cyberpunk shit. game's comfy

>I hate cyberpunk and everything it stands for
I mean, Blade runner was mostly just about what it means to be human. Fairly simple

eat a dick normalfag. you're clearly new to it.

t. watched blade runner once and never interacted with actual cyberpunk works

So the only gameplay value the game has is "the odd augment"

bladerunner isn't cyberpunk

>hype people

Much of the 'hype' has been generated by Yea Forums itself by circlejerking and expecting things that were never even promised. Though I will agree, the body type decision is retarded.

>don't deliver
The game is still 7 months from being released.

Blade runner is cyberpunk, but the problem is that it’s one of the few things in American popular media that provides a cohesive aesthetic for it so a lot of it gets pigeonholed into *needing to look like blade runner to be considered cyberpunk.* even ghost in the shell takes inspiration from it, but it’s so easy to see in GitS that day and night don’t break the science fiction nor the cyberpunk overtones of the game

>there are fags in here who thinks bladerunner is cyberpunk
fucking zoomers

Pondsmith himself stated that Cyberpunk is purely aesthetics


>there are fags in here who thinks bladerunner isn't cyberpunk
fucking boomers


there is literally nothing cyberpunk about blade runner. no punks. no cyber. it's neo noir

Better tell literally at CDPR and the creator of Cyberpunk 2020 that

You can be justified in your criticisms when the game is actually RELEASED. Until then, shut the fuck up you crybaby.

You want Technoir OP. Not Cyberpunk

yes, and cyberpunk 2020 is about the cultural and societal decay brought about by rapid technological advancement and unrestrained capitalism
and bladerunner still had these themes as a backdrop

Hey, did you notice that there's a 57 year gap between the source material and CP77?
It's obvious that the huge skyscrapers were razed in that period!

Attached: supahotfrog.jpg (1000x847, 107K)

>and bladerunner still had these themes as a backdrop
Yeah but it wasn't in your face

>blade runner
choose one

That's also the plot to Metropolis.

>Implying those faggots will listen to you
Give up user I bet these niggers don't even understand the whole implication of the off-world colonies and intergalactic proxy wars

There's huge skyscrapers in the game. We see them constantly.

honestly I'd like to hear his thoughts on Blade Runner vs Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep in terms of Cyberpunk.
Because Blade Runner isn't cyberpunk, as there isn't a cyber aspect at all. They're genetically engineered clones.

I can get where you're coming from some there, and I understand the basic concept and things in the fluff like The Great Ghost Dance and things like spirits, mages, adepts and dragons are very clearly fantasy, but at the same time a fair amount of the backbone of the game fails under the banner of punk. Megacorps, even if one is ran by a dragon, essence loss in a mechanical representation of detacting yourself from humanity and your own sense of self as you grow more machine than man, matters of the soul and the spiritual ramifications of essence loss from a religious perspective, oppression of people and suppressing them based on birth with SINs or the clear representation of minorities trolls and the other meta types represent, and so on and so forth. I think Shadowrun really does fit comfortably as a cyberpunk setting, but it also can serve as a cyber fantasy if you want to go that route instead, really depends on the group you play with. You can do the angle of fantasy baked into a future setting and seeing how magic works with and against tech while doing fun cool shit and it really facilitates that, but you also can do lovely punk stores too, like a heavily augmented Christian character that struggles with claims that his soul is weak and tainted due to his ware, and is trying to find a compromise between who he is and who he wants to be spiritually.
So to me Run is right on the cusp and more how you seem to view Akira

Attached: Fug.jpg (720x480, 53K)

>There's huge skyscrapers
What, 40 floors?

>here's X. It's completely cyberpunk with its themes of corporations ruling things, questions of what it means to be human, and ethical questions of technology.

Cool. What do you play as?

>A detective.

Whoa! That's not cyberpunk. It's neo-noir. Sorry, bro. Gotta pass. You almost had me.

So you're blind.

Wow it's almost like Metropolis is generally considered to be the first Cyberpunk movie

Attached: Metropolis.jpg (1040x440, 39K)

>all that ass hurt on Yea Forums
>check on jewtube how many dislikes the game has
>pic related.

You said, that the people are outraged, Yea Forums?

Attached: Capture12.png (1375x728, 140K)

That’s not the only cyberpunk story that exists. 2049 even talks about what it means to be a person, replicant or otherwise, when people can be mass produced or steered into different identities (think the job of making false memories, a very human endeavor into making a “machine” able to work) in the name of industrialism and capital desires. It talks about a lot of things they aren’t as simple as “hurr durr humanity can be found in androids too” but that a lot of what makes us human is how we are made to live among people, and how even that identity is fleeting.
There’s cyberpunk out there that deals with even more transgressive ideas about identity like ghost in the shell, which talks straight about codifying and merging two people together and the sort of existential horror it can inspire

Making replicants clones in the movie was a thematic decision as to not scare off normies. They're supposed to be androids

>they have barely showed any gameplay of it
>no night
you are retarded

>implying the majority of youtubers aren't NPC idiots
go back shill

>questions of what it means to be human, and ethical questions of technology.
Blade Runner has none of that. Replicants are human clones, and there's no way around that.

Dredd 2012 is kino

I think we will just have to agree that genres aren't static constructs anyway and there will always be outlier works and works that fall right in the middle of a major genre.

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>a-am i fitting in y-yet Yea Forums senpai??

You first.

You completely ignored what I said and just repeated what you said. Nothing I said pointed to augs being the only different thing in interaction.

>blade runner
>no cyber or punk
i wish you zoomers would start reading actual cyberpunk books. stop sucking kike dicks in hollywood.

I fully accept that as fact. I think it destroys the theme of the story, and makes it not cyberpunk.

>That’s not the only cyberpunk story that exists
But it is quoted time and time again to be the main influence of this game

>Human clones are the exact same thing as humans
Case closed, time to go home, user solved a millenia old philosophical question

wow, you're stuttering like a retard on the internet. how autistic can you be?

Cyberpunk 2077 is Cyberpunk.

>lul power boost now I can force open hard doors

>Neon lights
Ask me how I know you don't a single thing about what cyberpunk means. Holy shit kill yourself

>I think it destroys the theme of the story, and makes it not cyberpunk.
How is the thing that popularized cyberpunk not cyberpunk

Attached: 1550550210922.jpg (540x529, 35K)

This webm is peak burgerpunk.

desu I really like how the gameplay is shaping up, it's a lot like deus ex
I'm definitely gonna try and be as pacifist as possible since the dev in that irnerbjee said you can resolve every boss fight peacefully, I just hope it's a viable way to play

Science, bitch. It's like saying someone isn't human because they have fetal alchohol syndrome.
And it's not centuries old, clones were only a concept for an amount of decades. Androids though make for a more interesting subject.

>wanting to fuck a dude with boobs.

It is heavy neo noir but I’d argue they the forces that pull the plot are very classic themes across punk genres. Maybe it’s more that blade runner is cyberpunk adjacent. The problem is less its classification and more that to most people it’s all that cyberpunk is and can be even though the genre has waaaay more to offer than
>wow, cool police
>wow, cool neon light skyscrapers
Most people don’t even like engaging with the punk aspects.

>It's Grimdark Future-core, not cyberpunk
It's the same thing retard
cringe, hope is bait

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is literally considered one of the seminal works of the cyberpunk genre, just like a lot of other PKD works. I'm pretty sure when most writers talk about Blade Runner as influence they're talking about Do Androids as well, Blade Runner is just a much easier title to throw around.

>nothing to do with augs
We know you’re here to shitpost user

what. are you Scandinavian or having a stroke?

>To be honest i really wanted to play as cop like in the first trailer.
C-can we not cause if so I'm gonna be pretty sad the teaser looked awesome

It’s been stated to be a major influence but not the only main influence user

a mutilated hole doesnt make yo a women

kek I meant to say interview but my fingers misaligned

You really think there's going to be interactivity outside of augments?

>The question of the human soul is not millenia old

Holy shit this

I wanted to kill cyberpunks not play as one

Is it really Cyberpunk if the mc isn’t a cop or detective?

Yes, Electric Sheep is Cyberpunk, but BR just isn't. Even A Scanner Darkly is more Cyberpunk as a film.

It was explicitly stated as the main influence

>no punk
The street scenes, the club.

>no cyber

>Is it really Cyberpunk if the mc isn’t a cop or detective?
It's ONLY cyberpunk if the MC isn't a cop or detective. 2077 is CPAF.

Souls are for casuals.

the whole point of any cyberpunk story is the true protagonist IS the punk, not in the sense that he wears a red mohawk but that he's at the bottom of the social ladder and largely powerless against the influence and corruption of governments and corporations

Where did you get that from? Next you are gonna say GITS is "post-cyberpunk".

Well I for one think it looks fun!

Yes, I do. I don’t think it’s gonna be quite as open as the first deus ex because the scope of this game means way more dev dollars would be needed to realize it, but I think it’ll be engaging. Certainly not complete trash like people are saying.
I’m just unhappy with people having either to suck the game off or completely write it off as trash to talk about it - you can have doubts and still be into it

I cant wait for all the threads filled with webms and caps of how fucking bad this game is on launch
The cope and delusions from preorder fan boys is gonna be great.

Not autistic as you getting this much ass blasted over a video game that's not even out yet.

Attached: 1566722914364.jpg (704x699, 95K)

your soul is literally just your brain, if we can replicate it by any means then soul can be replicated as well

Yea Forums and reddit are 90% corpo goyslave posters who want to work while the executives sit like an effendi and eat

Attached: 1566132263063.jpg (401x560, 85K)

>my only frame of reference in cyberpunk is blade runner or psycho pass

GiTS is CPAF because The Major is a lesbian and flirts with a shota in SAC. Total deviant.

Did witcher 3 have any interactivity at all?

Gibe source for your claim

maybe if you bought all the indie games with
>flying cars
>TALL fucking buildings
then AAA companies would make some like that too

are you retarded? for most of the story kusanagi is literally just a selfless tool, not some badass cop

at least in psycho-pass enforcers aren't really "detectives", 2 of them are literally punk af.

How about Deus Ex ?

wait, you cant?

If my soul is just my brain then my brain only reacts to outside impulse in pre-determined fashion
That would mean I have no agency of my own and can only react
That would mean I am a computer made of flesh
That would mean given enough information soomeone could predict every single thing I do, say and think with 100% accuracy. In fact that would mean free will does not exist.
Thank god my boy Descartes came up with the res cogitans

Attached: Descartes.jpg (768x431, 62K)

You have little to no evidence for this lol. Reducibility doesn’t necessarily apply. The idea of a brain as a simple computer isn’t exactly the correct one since it fails to realize the difference between the representation of information and actual human function, which aren’t exactly the same because the mind body problem suggests that it’s not reducible in such a way
t. Reductionist fag in physics grad

>Yea Forums... are 90% corpo goyslave posters
it didn't used to be this way

Ya know what? I'll accept that, brother. It's kind of fun finding those middle ground ones, I'll admit.

Attached: 33WhQ5b.png (485x400, 237K)

>That would mean I am a computer made of flesh
>That would mean given enough information soomeone could predict every single thing I do, say and think with 100% accuracy
what a stupid false equivalence

2012 reveal
Crowd *wooo*
Croud *woo*

Pondsmith literally said he made Cyberpunk because he was inspired after watching Blade Runner and he didn't like the generic D&D setting.
You dumb nigger.

Attached: 1556609676719.png (734x420, 206K)

What do you define as interactivity?

>That would mean I have no agency of my own and can only react
>That would mean I am a computer made of flesh

Attached: 19a90e3a9d7b8e3f715ffbe4b33d619f.jpg (250x250, 13K)

go here and press use button

You know, your decisions having any effect on the game at all? Like an RPG

>What is automaton theory
>What is laplace's demon
>What is scientific determinism
Do some fucking reading you inbred nigger

Attached: Automaton.png (858x639, 218K)

This isn’t a source, this is shitposting
Give source

I just gave it to you you fucking zoomer

most of the outrage seems to be from people just imagining a game they want then getting mad it isn't that. rather than legitimate criticism. It is kinda embarassing bur I guess publishers bring it on themselves with this "announce ten years before it comes out" hypetrain shit.

The only reason Cyberpunk became a popular genre is because normally it is delivered in a Noir package.


>Blade Runner
>Ghost in the Shell OVAs
>Psycho Pass
>Deus Ex
>Cowboy Bebop

>>Human clones are the exact same thing as humans
Are you implying they aren't?

What are some good cyber punk stores with happy or bittersweet endings? I've wanted to read one but I hate when nihilistic endings come my way, and cyberpunk as a genre seems ripe with apathy

No you shitposted a reveal, you didn’t give an actual clip or interview


Maybe because I'd expect you to be able to move your greasy palms three inches to google it yourself

in the worst case scenario it's just futuristic witcher 3 so still an amazing game. you'd have to be a nigger to think this game will flop or be shit unless you're not a fan of the genre or had unrealistic expectations, like having 10 classes each one with a unique campaign lol

How do I update my flesh ram?

>MFW I cancelled my Preorder aftwr Worldgate

>MFW I knew I was justified after the reveal, very little new or interesting gameplay footage to speak of. Just a neon Deus Ex.

>MFW I WILL be pirating it when the day 1 crack comes out.

Attached: 1566546938220.jpg (600x450, 74K)

>What are some dystopian visions of the future about the decay of the human race, but with a happy ending

Attached: 1378127118779.jpg (400x399, 44K)

imagine being afraid of confronting the fact that there's no such thing as a soul

Try reading, and find yourself an actual hobby

Nah, it’s clear your shitposting. Your claim has little to no credence if you aren’t willing to back it up with footage or written interviews. It means nobody should actually take you seriously unless you do the work to back up your claim with an actual source

>Imagine not being afraid of the implications of Determinism
I'm fucking terrified of the idea of having no agency and just being along for the ride in my own body dude

Then there was interactivity in the Witcher 3, just much more endgame and sidequest heavy than in the start of the campaign, and especially so in hearts of stone

>it clear you're shitposting
>rejects all information
>is able to type out 50 words a reply but can't google something
Kill yourself

Attached: 1557491639418.gif (320x240, 239K)

What are you guys complaining about? The game looks perfect!

>just much more endgame and sidequest heavy
Yes, that 40 hours of grind where you're just hacking and slashing to get to the content sure was interactive

somebody post the Keanu Reeves bullshot.

It’s not rejecting anything because it’s not a source. It’s not my job to back up your claims. Unless you do then what you’re spouting out is 1000% bullshit

>2013 was six years ago
>Kids who were born after the announcement already started elementary school

Attached: 1529007615590.png (878x665, 514K)

>P-please continue to give me (You)s
Low IQ

Attached: 1555894853395.jpg (801x1078, 363K)

Not exactly. I don’t want to have this conversation since it’s part of every Witcher thread out there, and this is off topic. I liked the first Witcher more because the potion activities and hunting down beasts part of the experience was much more fleshed out, but if you think that the 40 hours in Witcher 3 is just hack and slash and not just dialogue tree heavy then I don’t know what to tell you

>when the first trailer came out it was still ok to show hot women in video games
Man that was another era.

No, I’m not gonna do your work for you lol. It’s as simple as that

>dialogue tree heavy
Is that good gameplay?

Shut up you intellectually lazy nigger. How dark is your skin? I'm guessing almond

Yep. Stores where the protagonist is able to avoid the decay society holds and manages save himself is a win in and of itself, user. It doesn't have to be saving all of Mars like Total Recall

It is for an RPG

Dialogue is good for and RPG, not dialogue trees

I’m not the intellectually lazy one if you can’t back up your words
>you must be dark
I get you’re fishing for (You)’s but at least try a little harder

It's pretty obvious you're not white

What’s good gameplay in an RPG with interactivity? I already said my thoughts on cyberpunk in relation to the first deus ex
How do you think dialogue is handled in all your RPGs? The last time somebody tried to do procedural conversation, it failed spectacularly in oblivion

>you don’t do X online
>clearly you’re not white
Haha get kekolded, we whites amirite?

If most of a game is you staring at dialogue options that do NOTHING it's lazily designed

>t, "white" mutt


>game looks like uninspired shit
>y-you just don’t get what cyberpunk actually is bro
rope yourself

>thinking anybody gives a shit about replicating flop runner

Attached: 1403622778920.jpg (320x322, 22K)

>combat, even when it's just so so, isn't de facto game interaction

But they don’t lol. Either way, as I said before this isn’t a discussion for this thread

Attached: Downgrade 2077.jpg (1276x582, 300K)


>Warner Brothers
>making money in the 80's

nigger this isn't a sandbox mmo. you deserved all of your disappointment

Attached: 1567009801148.gif (320x240, 3.48M)

Sunfags are still seething.

>don't go off topic
Fuck off back to r/eddit nerd

this is pure cope

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.


This is because of global warming

>Ms. Feinstein we have excavated 300 ft of earth from underneath he city, but how again is this supposed to stop global warming?

Attached: 1568790876578.gif (341x376, 1.81M)

>having choice is bad

>be a woman a faggot or a tranny
>no choice to be a normal fucking straight male
you fucking retarded cunt hahaha

YOU are the retarded one
you wake up with a male companion in the demo because the devs have chosen to show that you can have sex with guys regardless of your gender

lay off the /pol/ zoom zoom, it's rotting your brain

>you wake up with a male companion in the demo because the devs have chosen to show that you can have sex with guys regardless of your gender
And developers prioritizing gay relationships is good... why?

Attached: ScreenshotWin32_0006_Final.png (1920x1080, 2.39M)

>Pick the male body
>dont fuck guys

Wow so hard, low iq faggot.

What's the story behind the McDonalds stuff?

>because the devs have chosen to show that you can have sex with guys regardless of your gender
you proved my fucking point you fucking faggot cdpr prioritizing strong womyn bullshit faggot shit and tranny shit they still haven't fucking shown straight male v they're priotizing that faggot shit straight males won't have any fucking content in this trannyloving garbage ass game


while this is true, we can still bitch about how we didn't get it and also not buy this game that isn't living up to our expectations/desires

Thats not very transhumane

lmao do you literally think you'll be forced to have homosexual encounters when you play as a male? are you that retarded?

>players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
>forced to wake up with another man


If you don't like the game then don't play it.

How fucking hard is that?

Would you eat a bowl of shit and complain that it tastes like shit? What's the matter with you retards.

Attached: 1479830088343.jpg (135x89, 7K)

the united states is not a normal place

>lmao do you literally think you'll be forced to have homosexual encounters
Considering how shit CDPR is at relationships I bet you're going to have to fend off a lot of gay rape

there already is one
you niggers haven't even played it

in the teaser the playable character is the woman

>first cdpr shills defend the faggot shit
>now they're unironically "explaining away" cdpr's tranny shit
fucking shameless cuck shills you faggots defend any bullshit cdpr does like holy fuck you disgusting pigs you're unironically defending faggot and tranny shit hahahaha damn son hahahaha

looks good to me. must suck to have shit taste like u :)

>ey i iz boss nigga you like hairy man ass?
>uh no, no thank you
>bitch u bettah start liekin hairy man ass befoh i go apeshit
>Option 1: Pay giganigga to not rape you
>Option 2: Reverse rape giganigga (Voodoo boys minor posiitve)

>And developers prioritizing gay relationships is good... why?
Because it makes you seethe like a butthurt baby that you are

says the sissy faggot with a cock in his ass hahaha

This hurts the worst for some reason


i literally just told you how to get that content.


God this triggers the fuck out of me I hoped we can fix it with mods

its from australia

He asked for a black t-shirt from people around him and that was the only one they could find.Funny shit even with the context.

Man I fucking hope but I doubt

Looks like Modern Warfare 2 palette. Sad.

>Why does the game look like low budget films like Dredd
Because Dredd is great.

Yes yes Nerys CP2077 is going to be normalfag tier RPG that is based on shitty lore from an ancient tabletop game.

So can we please move on?

Attached: gul-dukat-51.jpg.90d90faab4841d43a9181dbcb2653f92.jpg (692x530, 80K)

Thank you Satan, very cool.

The fuck does a comfy cyberpunk city even mean? The concept of cyberpunk is the complete opposite of comfy.

SEETHE harder Bladefag.

have sex

OP is just another zoomer who thinks cyberpunk is just a generic purple neon city at night

>cyberpunk as fuck
literally fucking how? nothing at all that you just typed is unique to cyberpunk. I guess mad max is cyberpunk too you faggot

Nope fuck that. I’ll nerf the music and pipe in my own playlist if necessary

these statistic making me really happy as these stupid leftists bringing doomsday to them self

>They decided to scrap third person cutscenes THIS late into development.

This game is gonna be a fucking trainwreck.

Attached: 9846533.jpg (413x395, 19K)

the development of this game must be shit ... if they have decision like this 8 months before release something did wrong

I honestly can not wait for another trainwreck and mass coping

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Their management is literally so bad that the company literally went full damage control on Twitter over ex-employees leaving negative reviews on Glassdoor.

Studio seems like a total mess.

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Friendly reminder
>Witcher 3 Delayed
>Marcin Iwinski Co-founder of CDPR: 2077 will not be delayed because of the Witcher 3 delay
>The Polish government flies out Venturebeat writer to interview Platkow-Gilewski
>Platkow-Gilewski head of marketing: The game will live up to the 2013 trailer
>Witcher 3 delayed again
>Marcin Iwinski Co-founder of CDPR: Communication wise we are completely focused on Witcher 3
>Witcher 3 released
>Adam Kicinski CEO of CDPR: We're focusing on Witcher 3 for now. We're shifting everything onto the Witcher 3 DLCs.
>Marcin Iwinski Co-founder of CDPR: We're losing Witcher veterans and supplementing them with Cyberpunk hires. Slowly some are coming back to Cyberpunk.
>Michal Nowakowski CDPR Senior Vice President: Most of the Cyberpunk employees are off of the Blood and Wine DLC, Witcher employees are now moving onto the project as well.
>Adam Kicinski CEO of CDPR: The project is even more ambitious than we first planned, we need to create a game that will be even more successful than Witcher 3. We need to break sales records
>Marcin Przybylowicz Witcher 3 composer: My superiors already forced me to do it, first attempts with Cyberpunk were already made.
>Adam Badowski Head of CDPR: The game is many magnitude larger than anything in the Witcher
>Marcin Iwinski Co-founder of CDPR: We're penetrating new areas of gaming Cyberpunk will be better than Witcher 3 in every way. Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption are huge role models. Grand Theft Auto 5 was the best game ever made.
>Jose Teixeira VFX artist: Around half of the Witcher 3 engine is getting overhauled from negative feedback. It's much faster
>CDPR receives a $7 million research grant from the Polish government

I love the witcher games but I really think CDPR needs to release a critical/financial flop so the higher ups get their shit straight, if you look into the development of the witcher 3 you'll see it was a fucking nightmare for everyone involved and the game had no right to release to such widespread acclaim and financial success

>options to play as a cop, detective or whatever
What the fuck is Yea Forums's fucking obsession with being a bootlicker.

it's a board full of contrarians and election tourists so it's natural that they'd want to side with the corporations

we are the good guys afterall only niggers hate cops

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Same shit with the new Watch Dogs game. Three games into a supposed "cyberpunk" series they actually make something close to it and how does Yea Forums react? By bitching that they have to play as the guys fighting the fascist PMCs instead of joining them. Mind you, Ubisoft showed off no less than three Tom Clancy games at the same event.

See, I hated Witcher 3, I still don't get why it's considered as a masterpiece.
I get the hype with Cyberpunk, but so far it's
>oh this? yeah, it's not there anymore
>oh that? yeah, we'll cut that
>no, you can't do this anymore
>oh yeah, that will not be in the game
And this is just what they ARE telling us. I'm sure on the release there will be plenty of "yeah, that is gone as well".


Can you name an actual example? Because all I'm seeing is them deciding to do things differently rather than cutting them. If they'd chosen third person cutscenes that would've meant no first-person cutscenes, after all. But it still has cutscenes either way.

Final gameplay footage before the game is shown will be out in the middle of the city, nights and rainy. They'll do this to cover up all the features they cut and shift people's attention to "oh finally, exactly what I wanted!"

Did anybody legitimately follow that series after Ubisoft's lies?

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>all the features they cut
What have they cut exactly? They said almost nothing about the game for five years, yet people are acting like we knew precisely what this would be like. I don't get it

you do realise that practically every cyberpunk work can be viewed as socialist propaganda you utter imbecile?
it's not just another setting where you can roleplay as whatever edgelord you want, cyberpunk has well defined political that are ingrained into its very concept

Polish management, unfortunately... I would know.

>Because all I'm seeing is them deciding to do things differently rather than cutting them.
Marcin Iwinski Co-founder of CDPR: Bladerunner, neuromancer, verbatim copy of PnP elements, netrunner and solo non-linear story, sandbox elements confirmed
Cyberpunk draws inspiration from William Gibson novels, Blade Runner, the Ghost in the Shell anime and manga, System Shock and "the first part of Deus Ex," community manager Marcin Momot says.
Pondsmith: The team loves the material, the team is faithful to the material, and they desire to make an extraordinary game
Pondsmith reconfirms project's goals. The important part in Cyberpunk is just that. It's not the technology. It's the feel.
Marcin Janiszewski Lead Designer: We're keeping as many mechanics as possible, we're being very careful with his system, we are creating true Cyberpunk in a most iconic setting. Nobody knows the setting better than its creator.
Lead writer Sebastian Stepien: there is going to be cityspeak like Blade Runner
Adam Badowski Head of CDPR: It will be a story-based RPG experience but we're going to add multiplayer. Main character is not predetermined with full customization options and character classes unlike Witcher 3. We want to expand beyond Night City

Want more?

*political themes

tell me friend why dont you go to live in one of these socialists paradise? why do you need the rest of to live with you in the socialist hell?

>every cyberpunk work can be viewed as socialist propaganda
>T-this is my genre you RACIST

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nice """arguments""

More of what? You haven't given me what I asked for.

Those are all things they've promised and walked back on

Why do you like cyberpunk? To root for the bad guys?

give me an example of cyberpunk media that isn't explicitly anti-capitalist, or at least one that doesn't portray unrestrained capitalism as harmful and undesirable

Don't tell me you faggots like cyberpunk because you're edgy wannabe anarchists

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Okay, since you're too dense to get this: a list of subjective shit doesn't prove a thing. Mike Pondsmith is happy, so who are you to claim they didn't adapt the setting properly?

Revolutionary Girl Utena taught me that simply wanting stuff is a lottery.

If you really want something, might as well pick up the tools and start learning to build it.

>If they'd chosen third person cutscenes
they've cut them, mate
do you think all the work that have gone into them will just be redirected or something

>Mike Pondsmith is happy, so who are you to claim they didn't adapt the setting properly?
He was barely involved, he sold his baby at one last shot at popularity. Did you see public reception of his 3.0 sourcebook?

lmao, you are literally just another zoomer who likes cyberpunk for nothing other than the aesthetics and lacks any understanding of its implicit themes and how they're meant to reflect the pitfalls of the real world, or more likely, you're too ignorant or afraid to confront them because you'll suddenly find that the "cool future aesthetic" piece of media stands against your political beliefs

kys zoom zoom

Just mod it to be night only. With rain if you want to.

>get's called out for being the fat spiteful little goblin he is

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I heard a rumor that we won't be able ot equip ourselves with cybernetics, is it true?
I wanted to go full skynet and become a robot.

So what? This isn't about how they allocate their resources. You're not a stockholder. You're a consumer. It may be lost labour but it's not a cut feature because they're just trying out alternative ways of doing the same thing.

>literally admits to knowing nothing about cyberpunk

>I want to play as cop
Are you really mad that you aren't going to play what was in a teaser trailer from 2012?
At least be happy the start of the game has a huge impact on your play - like if your background was corpo you start as a member of a Corpo in the beginning of the game. That's huge!

>He was barely involved
Now that's a lie. He'll gladly tell you or anyone who asks about it otherwise.

i just wanted good combat more than anything, doesn't appear to have that

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>Reee'ing this hard at being fingered for being a trench coat sandals and socks wearing neet

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why don't you guys just wait for the inevitable Always Night and Always Raining Mod

He's only been to their studio like 5 times, the only thing we know for sure that he's done for them is "Style over Substance"

>so what that they are changing plans so close to the release
>I'm sure it will turn out great!

there many things that i find stimulating about cyberpunk theme
socialism is definitely not one of them
its more like the survival of the finess in world where humans did become degenerates with law applied only in certain areas you
are on you own and where you cannot belive not your friends or loved ones i also like the visuals and asteteic of cyberpunk
when i watched ghost in the shell or blade runner or when i did read gibson the last thing that comes on mind mind was some socialists bullshit

>He's only been to their studio like 5 times
Per year.

lmao you think cyberpunk is about fighting the powah? Neuromancer's protagonist is criminal only looking out for himself.

He stated that even at the beginning when they really relied on him he wouldn't visit them more than twice a year

> playing games for the "writing".
Even if the writing is incredible, you'll hear about it afterwards and can pick it up for $3 at a steam sale and get the entire writing experience anyway. This isn't even a day one pirate anymore. It's just a "sigh as it fails on every level."

Literally no one considers it cyberpunk, you spastic.

He doesn't physically have to be at Poland to communicate, you know. They've had conference calls.

It's not considered cyberpunk; it helped to inspire the genre but it in of itself is not cyberpunk.

Nothing like being told to stick your lore up your ass over skype


Are you new on Yea Forums? People here are just shouting loudly to stop enjoying things because they cant enjoy anything themselves.

You have a child's understanding of literary themes and motifs.

Jesus christ nuke this thread, filled with nothing but shitposts, samefagging and strawmen

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I've seen someone claim it before. It was also on Yea Forums. It's probably the same guy.

I don't understand this message

You must be mistaken, this game isn't yet available for retail sale.


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cyberpunk is about finding your place in a world that is completely fucked over beyond repair by corporations, it is not about trying to disrupt the status quo nor is it about being some edgelord bootlicker who's content with the world as it is

You have a child's understanding of many things, it seems. You are probably a child.


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These lazy orphans deserve to starve for their lack of entrepreneurial spirit. We live in a meritocracy, after all.

lets starve the kids together brother!

>A dystopic view of the world where degeneracy is the norm, reflective of the current modern left.
>b-but it's a good thing that we're degenerates!
You're a fucking idiot.

>wtf why are you criticising a game on the board dedicated to video game discussion?

Anything can be viewed as socialist propaganda if you twist it enough. And that's what socialism is great at because if it has to compete on its own merits, it fails.

>muh degeneracy
You realise this is just late stage capitalism in action, right

The point is that a cyberpunk work does not need to have a protagonist directly engaged in political struggle, also you have a very limited understanding of politics and economy, mega corporations are created and propped up by the State.

Think you want the other guy

>he thinks it's the entire world that adapted to capitalism rather than capitalism exploiting the peoples degeneracy
Again, you're a fucking idiot. It's a dystopic view of what happens when the people forsake themselves in favour of ease of life and technology.

that's one of the dumbest strawmen I've seen in a while
the cultural decay in question is caused by the mass inequality and poverty brought about by corporations having too much power and capitalism generally permeating every facet of cultural life
just because the modern "left", or more precisely an american deviation of liberalism is characterised by a bunch of retards with coloured hair with no cultural standards doesn't suddenly make cyberpunk right wing or conservative, what a crooked logic

This. It seemed impossible to fuck it up but some how, they managed to.

And when does that happen? When capitalism dehumanises them, commodifies them, markets them, alienates them. All for a quick profit.

Wrong, dumb commie tranny. That's your head cannon and brainless thoughts on how real life works. The corporations gain too much power by cultural decay, not the other way around.

Has this game shown any mechs ? Or Is this not that far into the future? The mechs I'm thinking of are tank sized like in gits

>humans are infallible
>my utopian tier ideology will work
>it's other people's fault

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You're fucking retarded.

you act like if socialism/communism do not act in exacly the same way it is human nature you should accept it and grown up people are not angels and neveri will be

I remember one of things that made interested in this game was that image of all the different classes we would be able to play (I really wanted to be an executive). Is that still valid, or was classes on the downgrade chopping bock?

Please argue against things actually said by other people and not what you want them to say so you can epically own them.

>capitalism dehumanises them
Yeah, all the socialist experiments have been very succesful at humanizing people.

This has got to stop. These unhinged crazies are gaining far too much leverage.