Play Breath of Fire

Play Breath of Fire.

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Which one? I have all five of them.

I have. All five of them, at least twice

Play with my dick!

Play them again.



Was only good on SNES. Never liked the PS1 versions.

only 3 and 4 are worth playing

But the GBA remakes are better than the SNES ones

Grassrunners and Worens.


If you don't these two horses will beat up this little girl for all eternity.

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Stop lying on the internet

Breath of Fire 4 is arguably the best of the serie.

Dragon quarter is my favorite rpg of all time.

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is it hard to emulate 4 nowadays?

>CG dragons

Just beath I and II on SNES. Taking a break before proceeding with the series.

Tight budget.

They could have at least ripped off the dragons forms from 3.

What did you like about the SNES ones? They're maddening. There's nothing to the combat, 3/4 of the cast can't do anything other than spam normal attack, and you have to arbitrarily switch them for field puzzles, so you have to cancel your fusions, themselves a huge wasted mechanic because all they do is make the character that can only normal attack normal attack harder. There's nothing outside of that either, the game's are far too long with absolutely no story or any kind of progress to carry it, so it's just aimlessly going back and forth between endless copy pasted filler dungeons with a single 3 note BGM loop playing the whole time. Having to go through that one time stop dungeon 3 times in a row at the end of the first game was one of the most insulting things I've ever experienced in an rpg.

They're comfy Dragon Quest clones with no minigame bullshit

God no

Only I and II are worth playing.

Working my way through the GBA versions of the first two games. First game is okay but it has definitely aged. Really excited to get to 3 and 4 but I’ve still got a ways to go in 1.

3 > 2 > 4 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5
This is objective truth

On one hand you're a cool guy for not jumping on the hatewagon against II, but on the other hand you're a faggot for not having IV at the top

I remember being stuck in that "find the mountain in mode seven land" sequence for literal hours and getting buff as fuck on nut soldiers.

just follow the directions nibba

3 is the only bof I finished and enjoyed