I know I know, read the fucking article. I tried. Is there a good summary somewhere...

I know I know, read the fucking article. I tried. Is there a good summary somewhere? I get it some indie dev killed himself and the game is never coming out, what the fuck does it have to do with Zoe "I'm da victim now" Quinn?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He apparently fingered her while walking around the room. So basically he crab walked with his fingers in her. Which sounds....weird.

Looks like you havent read it enough

Welp, anime is next.

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guy works on game
someone accuses guy of sexual assault or something
guy apparently has had mental issues and kills himself
guy's sister tells people to not exploit his death
Yea Forums tries to exploit his death

If I remember correctly Gamergate failed because incels started shitposting about their hate towards women.
And now they still think this gg 2 will work lmao.

zoe is so fucking hot
I wish she'd murder me next

These evil cunts are just mad they only got to torture that poor bastard for a couple of days instead of the decades he had left in him. I know he was a male feminist so there's not much sympathy here for him, but still it's always sad to see someone end their life so young.

Why has nobody illustrated this wonderful scene yet?

AND HE WASN'T ARRESTED? Oh wait that isn't illegal.

>guy's sister tells people to not exploit his death
you mean the same sister who abandoned him simply based on a accusation and then backpedaled hard after his death?

Why are mods deleting these threads? Fuck off already.

It's not illegal but if true why the fuck would someone do that? That sounds supremely uncomfortable.

Zoe did nothing wrong. Also, they're non-binary, so please stop misgendering them. :^)

In what fucking world is Zoe the good guy in this? Her claim to fame is getting harassed and now she has caused a guy to be harassed to death.

>guy apparently has had mental issues and kills himself

He killed himself because his coworkers and family sold him out over some 10 year old unproven allegations.

>why the fuck would someone do that?
Either consensual sex play, or if you want to cry rape it was about expressing dominance, you're literally using the cunts cunt to corral her.

Are you trying to tell me you care more about him than his sister?

Yes, it's gaymergate's fault, not the fault of the shitty indie circlejerk group that abused the guy into suicide. Gamers are dead but we have to watch out for them anyway cause they're at fault for everything. Fucking goobergators.

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are you saying he is a crab people?

So is anal , degenerates do weird sex shit

Uninvited fingering by crabwalking is illegal in 47 of the 48 states (it's only legal in florida)

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>when you are losing relveance and suddenly remember you were raped again
Coincidence it seems. Is she jewish?

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actually, yeah.

no, I am saying she has no place to talk as if she ever was his sister. considering how she treated him she doesn't really deserve it

even worse


if he cares about him one tiny tiny bit then it's more than his sister ever cared about him

You leave out the part where his sister was a nutty feminist and basically threw him to the wolves with the rest of his “friends”

And guess who spread those lies around, the same person that deleted their twitter right after he killed himself to cover the tracks.

Can we finish the job for good this time? No reddit optics.

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Why would you finger a tranny? Who would benefit from that?

there's no gamergate coming, the gaming we know and we were passionate about is dead and everyone else plays fortnite now and doesn't care about completely niche titles that pretend to be core gaming now

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His sister didn't care about him at all. I absolutely believe that men who have never even met him cared more for him than she did. I of course don't expect something like you to be able to comprehend that fact.

she’s a leaf. Dutch name.

>implying this guy was any better
Has no one played his game? He was the exact same SJW like the people who condemned him.

did this dude not even write about the guy dying? like he straight up stepped over a still warm dead body to go at GG and defend that apparently cocaine laced zoe pussy

The name is the Dutch equivalent of Goldsteinkikenberg.

I love how they project someone :
Just because they exploit women being raped to launch some witch hunt trend like MeeToo doesn't mean that we do the same.
It's normal to be against witch hunting, especially when it leads to people dying.

He was a fucking sex pest/sexual assaulter and he killed himself because he was guilty and was embarrassed he was outed. Even his own sister said he was a fucked up weirdo.

Seriously Yea Forums.. I know you have a hate boner for all the SJWs and want as much ammo as you can get to hate them but this time they're right.

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Is Anita Sarkeesian rubbing her clit to this now? Never mind, I know the answer already.

yeah he cuts straight to goobygaby, it's amazing
"we murdered this guy but goobygaber!"

Harassing someone to the point of suicide is what problematic people do so bringing up the dudes death isn't a smart move. Remember, only GG harasses people.

Not to mention that western devs and journalists are one entity and will spin the blame on le gamergoys, white males and drumpf and make Quinn a victim.

>its fine to force someone into suicide because they're le sjw

Because moderating for them is a passion project.

Well she considers a backlash against the hysteria that directly caused his death to be "exploiting his death", meaning she doesn't give the slightest fuck that he died. So yes, almost certainly.

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Question. Aside from her going all #ListenAndBelieve in his death announcement did she say anything prior about him during the accusation?

He was still a human bean, unlike Zoe who I’m convinced is some sort of Eldritch whorror.

He didn't get forced retard. He killed himself on his own accord. If he has a proper man he would've owned up to the charges and went to jail to atone for his sexual assaulting.

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God you guys are stupid. He’s never been /our guy/, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be pissed that Zoe “Turbocunt” Quinn drove someone to suicide with baseless accusations

>He was the exact same SJW like the people who condemned him.
That's all well known.

Why can't you cunts comprehend we can not like what a guy makes, and also not want him dead? I'd really like to know what part of the human experience you're missing that this is beyond you

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That's all it takes for a woman to end your career in video games. Why aren't you a solo developer yet?

Why is Gamergate still this boogeyman 5 years after the fact?

Okay, this is epic.

i think part of it has to do with the idea that being a fucked up weirdo is something you can redeem yourself from, that you can fix yourself and become a better person. this guy that i don't know could have lived, but he died because his closest friends and family abandoned him and did nothing to protect him or get him the help that he needed. now those same people are trying to push their actions under the rug so that they can blame some boogeyman from the internet. i'm sure a lot of us here are fucked up weirdos with no help or support who can relate and are mad about this

Feminism has the support of governments, schools, banks, media... That's why gg could never win.

Ohohoho no no no no

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>Chelsea van Valkenburg*
Fixed that for you senpai
Shame her family into the dirt if they want to keep footing her legal fees

I don't get this
Doesn't a defamation lawsuit proceed in this sort of things?
You're being falsely accused of something, which in turn got you out of your Job and none of your friends and coleagues want to have anything to do with you.
Isn't easier to file a lawsuit?
Not an American btw, just how things work in my country

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Because playing the victim card is a good way to deflect attention from your own misdeeds.

They know what they're doing and need a scapegoat to draw attention away from it

it's almost like the real problem is this incestuous network indie devs have going on where getting on someone's shit list immediately means you're dead to your own industry.

Basically a retard dated Zoe Quinn after GG and made a semi-popular game. They broke up and her Patreon Funbux started drying up almost entirely two months ago and he recently announced he was making a second game in the series.

Zoe Quinn seeing this and being a woman with BPD decides to make up a story about him presumably for attention so she can get some more patreon subscribers and is using the fact he just announced a new game and was getting more attention for this end. Being a SJW himself and someone who surrounded himself by similar people they instantly believed her and dropped him along with totally blocking him out of their lives. In response to this he killed himself.

Live by the Sword of Social Justice and die by the Sword of Social Justice really. He did the same thing that happened to him to other people and could not handle it when it happened to him.

>Are you trying to tell me you care more about him than his sister?
Have you seen his sister?

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>he killed himself for no reason
Yeah, I'm believing that. I know when I wake up the first thing on my is at which direction I want to shotgun my head off.

They push someone into suicide, and then continue to exploit his death for their own narrative. Fucking amazing how little self reflection these people have.


>le gamers rise up meme

Okay incel, enjoy sexually assaulting women and not thinking it has consequences both online and real life

>. i'm sure a lot of us here are fucked up weirdos with no help or support

Maybe, but at least I don't rape/sexual terrorise women. Being a fucked up weirdo doesn't excuse that at all.

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Wait is that how it was described? I thought she was standing straight and kinda like leaned down and jammed his finger in. Then did an awkward walk with his knees bent like a guy hiding his boner.

Glad I'm not alone in that.

I love how every article just says he "died".

well A) he is dead

>"Gamergate is exploiting his death!"
>Writes an article downplaying the suicide, brushing away what Zoe did, and using the subject to garner clicks for ad revenue
Nuke this fucking planet into dust.

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only "if Zoey Quinn says it, it must be true"

yeah because that totally wasn't some weird fetish play they were both into (if it happened)

>Dead via suicide
Lmao what. Thats such weird phrasing, it made it sound like some natural phenomenon

>Best friend

The guy that killed himself was a libtard leftist faggot. Why are you people defending him? Should you not be happy?

What's the point of a lawsuit when the damage has already been done? You'll just have people blame you for trying to "suppress the truth". This is a post truth world where people believe what they want regardless of petty irritants like facts.

They cannot admit they are wrong and will actively do the thing they are claiming you are doing while telling you not to do it.

Its crazy.

>guy kills himself
>omg he was forced by SJWs!!!

lmao cope. he was a pussy


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No, he killed himself probably because he was innocent.

He got his ties cut by all the people he considered friends
The circles he was in suddenly treated him as the antichrist
He lost a job and became literally unemployable
He got kicked out of a team on which he worked for 5 years

Yea, killed himself because of the sexual assault eh, totally not because of what happened with his social life. Oh and all of that happened without any confirmation, or any research in any of the allegations. It was her word against nothing. And his life got ruined literally over night over it. Noone asked for proof, noone asked for actual lawfull inquiry, police didnt investigate it, noone did. His life was just ended over night. Why? Because he trusted a woman at a workplace.

>made it sound like some natural phenomenon
That's exactly the point. It's meant to remove the implicit factor that someone contributed to it through wording it that way.

Sometimes these things are worded to be ambivilient and so they are vague enough to be true. Like being an abusive bf or rude but everyone takes it worse like you beat her. The courts might just not care. Also it's literally his entire family and friends and job that threw him down under the bus.

>In what fucking world is Zoe the good guy in this?
Cult of personality. They donated to a kickstarter that she never finished, and still think she's the good guy.

>If I remember correctly Gamergate failed because incels started shitposting about their hate towards women.

Hey guys, I heard there may have been massive corruption and impropriety amongst journalists, but it's ok because those same journalists told me it's all lies from incels who hate women. We can all go back to believing everything they say now.

I'm glad the faggot offed himself, but metoo is a dangerous movement that has destroyed good men. Thots need to be put back in their place

This is what Trump calls "grab her by the pussy"

I feel more kinship with Alec probably more than his own family does. I may not have like his stupid game, but I love video games, dude. This guy contributed to my hobby, if even in a small way. THat means a lot to me.

They're going to pretend nothing happened and that the only people who care are Gamergate, and come back with the same bullshit in 6 months time. Think they'll get away with it? Has anyone i the SJW camp denounced metoo culture?

Because the person who killed him is a libtard leftist faggot. 2 birds with one stone you brainlet

This is what i've been saying.
GG died in early 2016 at the latest and thats being extremely generous.

But now its just a lazy scapegoat for journalists and people who cant think beyond a few steps.

yes, we know
if it happened to some other guy, ALEC would no doubt be one of the cunts on twitter participating in mob justice and getting the guy canceled
it's still a fucking vile event and it calls for systemic change NOW
next time it might happen to someone that's not complete scum, how hard is it to comprehend?
if your asshole of a neighbor dies of a new deadly airborne virus are you going to act like nothing happened?

No, because only autistic retards believe the world operates on a Team A vs. Team B basis.

Probably also the type of person that HAS to be on his phone/social media and just got lost in the sea of hate mail.

If Quinn were innocent, she wouldn't have deleted her twitter account.
Works both ways, frogposter.

Because what was done to him was absolutely abhorrent. A bullet to the brain would have been a less shitty way of snuffing him out. Instead he got to see his friends and family abandon him, removed from a company he founded, and his reputation destroyed beyond repair. This is something I'd expect to happen to a person in the fiery pits of fucking hell on repeat.

So now what?

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Zoe Quinn exploiting the plight of real victims got a man killed. So I honestly don't give a fuck what his opinion is.

>all this manufactured forced outrage
I hate this place.

>I heard there may have been massive corruption and impropriety amongst journalists
Most GGfags couldnt name more than 1 or 2 of the 5 guys, it was all about the sluts

>subhumans trash killing each other

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Its only good in the sense that any leftist male should see this and realize how that could be him. Fucking Alec had that moment and then killed himself because he knew how hopeless it was. Incidents like this are basically going to drain the left of all but the most beta of numales because they support people and listen to those with demonstrated mental issues who lie constantly and for their own gain.

And then when he got back out he would be alone with a broken life, worse off than square one with no money or reputable job that will take him.

Who cares WHO he was? He was still someone who had zero evidence brought against him and had his life ruined in the span of a week because of it.
All because of hearsay.

The west coast scene is full of this in animation, games, comics, etc.
They're basically sjw think tanks.

>forced outrage
Go back faggot

>he killed himself because he was guilty
he probably killed himself because he was fired from what is basically his own studio he helped get off the ground and then betrayed by coworkers of yeafs and family who flipped around in a second and believed some whore online who's known to lie over abuse for money, that she was abused and also here's her PayPal link.
fuck off man

Sorry Gamergate, you're not woke enough to weaponize his death yet. Come back when you have a blue checkmark, then you can use other people's deaths to justify your own shitty beliefs.

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The ole Australian Fiddler Crab move.


Thank god it was only those 5 guys who were corrupt.

His sister is such a bad person imagine the worst day of your life and your own family sides with your accuser and then calls you their best friend when you are dead,

>no bad tactics
>only bad targets
Kill yourself, Cinema Robert.

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True, and to be fair, its probably hard not to be like that while being the type of indie dev he was. They fall off the radar if they are not socializing constantly, and if that happens their game might die with them. Shit sucks but its what it is nowdays.

okay but why did you reply to me

> he killed himself because he was guilty
Quinn deleted her twitter account because she was guilty.
You can play this both ways you bumbling retard.

Holy fucking shit. I wondered how someone could come up with something so retarded and this is it.

She is literally claiming he grabbed her by the pussy and that is where she came up with the idea. She isn't creative enough to come up with it by herself.

>He got his ties cut by all the people he considered friends
>The circles he was in suddenly treated him as the antichrist
>He lost a job and became literally unemployable
>He got kicked out of a team on which he worked for 5 years

Oh no, it's almost as if being a sexual predator will end up you being socially excluded from all parts of life. Won't someone think of the sexual predators? Boohoo!

And if he was innocent, he could expect a nice handsome paycheck for slander and libel.

But if he was innocent, why would he kill himself? He's just like Jeffrey Epstein. Guilty as fuck and getting away without dealing with the consequences by killing himself.

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The big lesson here: If you know a crazy bitch who is complaining about being in a bad relationship, do not try to put yourself into a relationship with her.

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Funny enough, you can have differing opinions to other people and also not want them to die for it.

Holowka was just another scrawny, white dork indoctrinated into a shit ideology. Zoey on the other hand, is a manipulative cretin with a history of immoral and criminal behavior.

But you can file a lawsuit and make her pay for damage and perjury or have her face jail time
That's how defamation lawsuits work
Why wouldn't you first consult with a lawyer. If she isn't going to go to court on her own, then make her go

This always struck me as a really odd part of the allegations.

Honestly i hope Jeremy Soule follows his example.

You couldn't be more soulless if you tried

I'm having a hard time seeing how the mental gymnastics would work against this statement.Would it be 'She's just distraught and doesn't want to talk about someone she knew dying!' or something entirely different that will take the gold medal?

>body probably isn't even cold yet
>they're already wringing their hands at the prospect of another gravy train rolling in
For fuck's sake.

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If you lie you should lie on atleast a basic level. GG made a website to archive the corrupt jornos you retarded leftie


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Ah fuck, what did we do last time again?

I warned you this would happen, back in 2014. I warned you, but you didn't care to hear. Well, hear it now: Never trust commiefornians

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>everybody thought casey killed himself
>he was actually thrown down a hole by cultists

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idk, these threads are a mess to follow.

everyones going to get worked up over it and be angry for a few days, maybe a few weeks
but nothing will change overall

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Most GGfags couldnt name more than 1 or 2 of the 5 guys, it was all about the sluts

>make twitter
>say someone raped you
>delete twitter

Man, killing someone is easy nowadays. old Yea Forums would have a field day if twitter was around back then


Because letting them run wild ruins every website infested by them.

>he doesn't live accordingly to SOCIETY therefore he should die

this is unironic nazism

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Why would you be in that social circle knowing that at the drop of a hat of a sociopath you will be vanish from their lives like the ghosts that took pictures with Stalin.

You do realize that even if an accused rapist gets proven innocent many people will still see them as one right?

Isn't Medium.com literally just a blog site that pretends to be newsy?

>Oh no, it's almost as if being a sexual predator
Stopped reading there. There is as much evidence that he was a sexual predator as there was evidence that Zoe was lying because she deleted her twitter account.

>Be against drug abuse
>Someone dies because of drug abuse
>Wtf shouldn't you be happy that a dirty druggie died?
This is how sjws think shitlords operate but it's far from the truth. It's called empathy and there's no one group that owns it.

Im pretty all of us would rejoice if everyone on resetera commited a mass suicide.

Don't ever try to deny it.

>But if he was innocent, why would he kill himself?
This is really basic human nature, and you're honestly naive for this shit. Whenever some psycho gets caught doing something, they never go down swinging. Because the world is still rational, and they know what they're doing has consequences. People kill themselves when the world stops making sense, such as an innocent man being persecuted for something he didn't do.
>only criminals have guilt!
What a backwards point of view.

You have no clue how hard it is to win a defamation suit in court. If it was easy, ben garrison would have sued Yea Forums ages ago

It's good that he died but the people who got him killed should die next.

Society says you shouldn't sexually assault women, regardless of having bipolar or whatever he had. If that makes me a nazi then ok

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Can we assume that Zoe's status in the clique is unaffected by this? This was some kind of a fucked up power play. His actual death is irrelevant because he was dead to them anyway.

Stop buying indie games.

I can still mourn a fallen man, weakened by baseless lies and women who sought to destroy him, betrayed by his own sister, and slain by the unstoppable taint of mental illness he struggled with all his life. I don't condone his affiliations, but SJW male "ally" indie developers deserve a firm reprimand and a gymfriend to help them get t together, not to be driven to the edge of despair and die.

Because somehow even when these people betray their own kind we all still lose.
Its a lose lose situation and its only going to get worse.
This is the kind of crazy society wouldn't listen to and their crazy cult shit was contained behind closed doors, but now that its all public and tolerated and in some areas tailored to its snowballing. And nobody will stand up to them because they know how to manipulate things into making you look like a bad guy to the casual observer.

Or he was innocent and couldn't handle being betrayed by his friends, family, and coworkers all at once.

>Why would someone mentally unstable kill themselves after having their life ruined and forever branded as a rapist if he was innocent
Dumb libtard, Epstein was murdered

So when are we getting a Law & Order SVU episode based on this?

funny thing is that her patreon is still up. so she's actually profiting off of this shit.

>male feminist
>done in by his own
Play stupid games win stupid prizes

People don't always act logically under stress. Especially losing your job would make it seem even more pointless to pay a lawyer. It also could have been real (or exxagerated).

>But if he was innocent, why would he kill himself?
Man it must be nice to live in a bubbled reality like this one. What's your trick, user?

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>He was a fucking sex pest/sexual assaulter

You better have receipts you fucking nigger

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>If he was innocent, why would he kill himself?

You do know there are cases where people who were found guilty of a crime/act they didn't do still kill themselves because of the emotional turmoil and complete social suicide of it. I know you're not going to believe me, nor are you going to change your mind on this but I don't think he was guilty of what Zoey said.

>tragedy grifting

isn't that what you leftist fucks do after every guncrime?

You are forgetting the "alleged" sexual predator. None of it has been proven anywhere. Everyone legitimately ruined 100% of a persons life over an allegation. That paycheck he would get? Fucking nothing, he would still be unemployable in his industry.

>name dropping epstein
Yea, because he has anything to do with a game dev being accused of sexual harrasment, not even rape, harassment, which could be something as horrifying as slapping her ass at work. And getting bullied into suicide by the giant follower mob online and in real life... yea. i guess you are right genious.

Also, just in case you didnt get it. ALLEGED

So was Alec :)

well that was a short dialog tree.

Reminder that, by Quinn's own words, she wasn't sexually assaulted. She consented to it.
He was just an asshole to her.

Prove he sexually assaulted her.

Remember, according to Zoe, she's killed several men who attempted to rape her. As in full blown murder.

Jesus Christ, I'd almost forgotten how fucking soulless and evil these people are.

>This one girl slept with FIVE MEN! We're going to create an entire goddamn social movement about it!
>You guys can't base a social movement on one woman's sex life. That's retarded.
>Well...one of those people was a games journalist so...ETHICS IN GAMES JOURNALISM! (and also fuck women)
That's how it happened.

Eh... all you need to know is that we won again. Tranny lover anti-white anti-Trump cuck killed himself like a bitch. Fat anti-gamergate bitch is in pain.

its a joke calm down

> Rahmi Vin Laden from Hallah Vlambeer
This is the guy that complains TSA cavity searches him every trip because he reeks of gunpowder and chants the isis theme song

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It makes you scum for thinking the mentally ill should be harassed to death. Have compassion. I'm not even a lefty.

oh god my sides

Wtf are you talking about user? She slept with reviewers for positive reviews, is a known cheater, and attacked a board for depressed wizards

Only one of them was a journalist that covered her. The fallout was more important than the event.

Gamergate never would have even been a thing if moot hadn't been a capitulating faggot and just allowed Yea Forums to discuss the shit make their jokes and get tired of it in a week, instead he shut down all the threads as did everyone else which only encouraged discussion because it's basic human psychology that forbidding something makes it more appealing.

And from the looks of it nobody's learned the lesson yet.

>man was harassed and killed himself
>"xD take that gamergate! that's another victory for us! that'll teach you to harass women and trying to kill them!"

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It is hard, but I rather have a judge issue a statement than let her truth be the only truth
I can understand this, nonetheless is pretty awful

Being a shitty boyfriend is the equivalent to rape, yo gotta treat yo queen with respect brah.

This shit is going to stop soon as the abusers of the system like Zoe and others get punished for involuntary manslaughter or something.

As long as there are no repercussions for such libel shit's going to continue and it's intensity is only going to be ramped up.

This is a lesson to all indie game developers who peruse this website.

Remain anonymous.
Do not use social media.
Do not let anybody know you make games.
Do not tie ANYTHING to your pseudonym that can be traced back to you.
Keep all necessary business ties at email length and archive fucking everything.

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We cry because at the end of the day, we’re utterly powerless in all of this. Just like how we’re utter powerless against the pedophile elite. You’re fucked, I’m fucked, we’re fucked, everyone here on earth is fucked. It’s all fucked user, it’s all fucked.

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What a weird article on how Zoe killed a man. I guess A. Khaled really wants to get laid, since he'd write something in her defense.

Nice try zoomer.

No as that made it make sense. She is uncreative and the thing she used was him actually grabbing her by the pussy.

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>Can we assume that Zoe's status in the clique is unaffected by this?
Are you kidding? It's probably boosted. #sobrave

GamerGate wasn't really about ethics in journalism and was about spiting Zoe Quinn. That being said she still is a bad person.

Gamergate was about spiting Journalists.This will never not be what it was.

lol more like all of them
Also that sort of behavior would have been resolved completely differently in any other industry. There would be no drama for starters and all of those people included would never be able to show themselves in that industry again.

But unfortunately, gaming is overrun by the SJWs.

I don't care about the women, I'm not talking about the women. Right now the only people talking about them are you guys.

Let all institutions burn, fren.

Because its gotten to a point where Yea Forums has more emotional care then the whole of twitter. Even if that care is straight up shitposting and smug anime girls.

>Revisionist history
I really don't like the idea of a civil war or people dying for no reason but I can't imagine a way for people to reconcile because people like this exist and death is probably the only solution for them as they are actually brainwashed.

Only one of them
Yea its not like mailing lists of indie devs and "jurnos" were made public at that time that were proof of them having deals behind closed doors that should have been publicly announced, like how youtube and pretty much every site forces you to announce any sponsorships or free stuff you got.

What's worse is this will be memry wholed and people will ignore this until another mans life is destroyed.

>"exploiting his death"
>Quinn accuses him and everyone, even his family call him a monster and cut all ties with him
>Fired from by his dev team
>Wasn't even given a chance to explain himself, he was already guilty and they let the angry mob go after him
>Kills himself
>Everyone that harassed him now go "UHHH IT WASN'T ME THAT DID IT!" delete their twitters and run away, hoping that the whole thing blows over
>Suddenly everyone that called him evil is calling this a tragedy and saying that we need to prevent this.

Because it created a class of commentator that complains about leftists pressuring a mentally ill guy into suicide.

>She slept with reviewers for positive reviews
She slept with ONE GUY who wrote two non-opinionated sentences on her game BEFORE IT CAME OUT, and that game was FREE.

>is a known cheater
Valid, but still not substantial enough to base an entire game on.

Boy I sure do love people trying to misrepresent reasons for events happening, but here's a (you) for your efforts.

How does it feel knowing soulless, cartoonishly evil monsters actually exist?

Unless you want to be mysterious and enigmatic i don't think remaining anonymous is feasible... i mean you've got to market your game, go to floor shows, events, talk to press who inevitably want your name etc.

you can stop dude

Already done friendo. I had originally thought about doing an ama on Yea Forums about the game but it's probably better if I just not. That includes any website. I do wonder how journos would react to a Yea Forums exclusive ama and keys giveaway though

Fuck off retards.

He was a sex pest. Multiple women have already said he was and his own sister admitted he was before she made her Twitter private.

Go campaign on Reddit or something if you want justice. By the way there's no justice because no one forced him to do that.

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Liberals can accuse us of anything they like. It won't change the fact that Zoe Quinn and anyone that supported her all have blood on their hands.

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>instead he shut down all the threads as did everyone else which only encouraged discussion because it's basic human psychology that forbidding something makes it more appealing
I find this statement to be pretty relevant now that mods were deleting threads about this topic an hour or two ago and it has just sparked up even more pent-up discussion. Are people really that incapable of understanding how universal the Streisand effect is?

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zoe quinn is my hero

Sucks to be a man in 2019

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>gamurgooble in the year of our lord, 2019
What Mr. Achmed really meant to say is he was browsing 4channel and saw all of you saying metoo and zoe bodycount, but putting Yea Forums or 4channel on your article is too embarrassing even to this very day.

At least we've identified the real villain here: Gamergate.

Not really, the counterpush because of shit like #metoo is already happening, already in 2018 attractive women were less likely to be hired, by both men and wemen. Its only gonna get worse for them.

You forgot the part where her shitty "game" got good reviews and press thanks to more than likely favours which ,unlike big companies, wasn't in cash but in ass

Apparently, even though he sucked.

Bullshit. There were essentially two parallel events but both using the same Gamergate name. One was centered around the local story of this whore. The other was the coordinated, ideological bent of progressive journalism.

>his own sister admitted he was before she made her Twitter private.
Yes she looks a very trust worthy judge of character
>"Alec told me he raped her, Donate to Zoe!"

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Women will never be punished for random accusations and claims that aren't made in court and cannot be reasonably proven or disproved. Its why they make the claims.

Women having the right to vote was unironically a mistake.

So that time i spit on a girl while fucking can now potentially ruin my life in xx years if i get famous? Cuz it fucking seems that even the most trivial shit can get you in trouble

Just do what everybody else does, shill your game to streamers with free keys and other websites with alt accounts. Pretend you're a "close partner" who was given handouts.

Revealing your identity in this era is not worth it.

This event is one of the ultimate outcomes of cancel culture.
But nothing will be done this time, and wanna know why?
1.this story is too low profile, it's a literally who indie dev who's only relevance is another persona fading from the public conscience.

2.he was a liberal/sjw/s0i/etc, this means a lot of the people who would otherwise speak out against this will be biased towards his death and see it as a "serves you right" sort of thing because he didnt align with them politically.
I personally don't agree with this line of thinking since it's a symptom of e-tribalism.

3.Gaming media is going to make this the accused's fault and wipe it all away.

The best and most likely positive outcine is that the journalists dressing this up as something else are incompetent enough ti draw some attetion

>those shitty low res "How do you do fellow 4Channers"

>Women having the right to vote was unironically a mistake.

Absolute state of incels here

>this time they're right

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each of those has one or more individuals who acts as a load-baring core

ah, remove them from the picture to fx things

north europeans(germans, anglos, dutch, scandis, jews) are subhuman and gullible

>This one girl slept with FIVE MEN!
This happens regularly and zero social movements come of it aside from maybe slutwalks.

>If a dude seems to be trying hard to do what I claim to endorse, he's probably a bad guy
Amazing stuff

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The only person who needs to take responsibility for their actions now is Quinn herself.


This should have been common knowledge since the 90s, just read the final issue of Amiga Power. The new thing was that the indie industry was the same, if not worse. Which is pretty big because the only reason indies got big was goodwill - the games were always uninspired garbage.

thank god global warming will fucking kill all of us in a decade

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They bullied someone to death like they claim that the internet villains do and now they are in full double think mode.

What do you expect? For them to admit that they were wrong for just jumping to conclusions and completely excluding him without basis? They can't do that as it goes against their beliefs that women don't lie and it would directly say that yes they bullied an innocent man to death because of a lying whore.

Anime won't change if only because Japan just does not give half a shit about these people.

I lt wont be civil war, I dont agree with the popular "day of the rope" meme bullshit that idiots repeat here.
But once the economic suffering gets heavy enough we'll see change.

we could always go full glow in the dark.

>mental ill woman hooks up with mental guy


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>Don't blame the victim
>The guy who killed himself was abused btw

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oh shit...
quick! kill that abomination with fire

No way Zoe would lie, I mean, what would she have to gain? It's not like people are throwing money at people just because they're victims or anything...

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Why would they blame the accusers? Guy killed himself cause he was a pedo.