Console action games can't look good and run at 60 FPS at the same ti-

> Console action games can't look good and run at 60 FPS at the same ti-

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repetitive hallway simulator

Do you know what those words mean? I think you're just trying to use buzzwords

What's wrong? Not enough walking sections and "boost me up over this wall" segments to give you enough extra time to give Jamal's baby his formula milk?

Is the co-op feature of DMC5 any good? I don't have ps+ so I couldn't use it when I rented the game

You're kinda correct. Puzzles and backtracking can be a pain but it gave games replay value. They're also only troublesome during the first playthrough. Reductionist of them to remove them. The final fourth level design really blend in.

No. It's tacked on. There's one mission where it's good but that's it.

and you sacrifice level design for it enjoy your corridors idiot

>implying the level design in DMC was ever good

Fucking dipshit
What do you think it was before 5?

bad game

shitty story, crappy weapons, V is terrible and you are forced to use him for 1/3 of the game

>it gave games replay value
No it's the opposite they interrupt the flow of combat and make replaying the game a pain
Mission 15 in DMC3 stops me from wanting to finish the game whenever I replay it

>Mission 15 in DMC3
git gud

Itsuno's truly garbage at pacing in action games. What the fuck is his problem shoving all these characters to swap back and forth between. Trying to please everyone with these cameos doesn't work.

>DMC5 haters itt
Jesus, why does Yea Forums hate everything, even the good stuff?

I don't think you understand what level design means.

Hey that's some sweet sweet denial.

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DMC3 was a repetitive stairway simulator, obviously. And stairways are so much cooler than hallways, I don't know how you can even compare them.

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>Looks good

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>sacrifice level design
Do you honestly think better art direction or more varied level design would somehow reduce the framerate? Plenty of places in DMC5 offer very long lines of sight to show off its pointless co-op feature so there's clearly no problem with polycount.

DmC2 is trash.

Repetitive scenery isn't so much a problem when you're exploring cool structures. It's when you're being lead on a bread trail with no consistent feeling in location I don't like.

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Here comes the concept art faggot who posts shit that doesnt even come close to the actual game


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Kamiya > Itsuno

4 out of 20 are V only missions

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DMC5 is linear compared even to the other games, especially DMC1/3. DMC5 is just running down the linear path to the 3 mandatory fights. Mission 10 is like the only Mission in the entire game with some aspects of side exploration.

It's called concept art friend

Four too many

You say that like being linear is a bad thing. The game isn't about exploration, the platforming fucking sucks and "exploring" was never fun in DMC games because the movement mechanics out of combat just aren't interesting.
DMC5 being focused on the one thing that's really good in these games, combat, is a good thing.

DMC5 could just be the void and bloody palace and you'd be right damn happy.

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>action games should focus less on awesome combat and more on backtracking and finding out where to go next on piss easy giant maps

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Let's be honest here, metroidvanias aren't even "action games" really. If you look at them they usually have a single basic attack along with about a dozen or two abilities, a lot of which have significant out of combat uses.
Those games are exploration first, action distant second.

>Mission 10 is like the only Mission in the entire game with some aspects of side exploration.
Retard spotted

>doesn't enjoy a sprawling level to explore

DMC1 had it perfect, but then again I'm dealing with a board with people who said they legitimately got lost in DMC1.

>muh only BP
>dmc 1/3
Fucking mongoloid. Why do you think running back in 3 is a good thing? Like you can run from 14 to Dante office for no reason, no benefits, no orb shards/crystals, only a couple of gold orbs and fucked overall score.

>hallway simulator
but op posted DMC V, not Half Life

>0.1% cutscenes at best
>20 min gameplay, 5 min cutscene, repeat
>more action

I'm going to play it on a 950m at 720p low at a 30-45fps and I'm going to have fun

Don't forget about turning your main character into a side character then replaced by a 2.0 version.

Get fucked. At least Bayonetta can hold her series for 3 games.

>for 3 games
>dmc 1-3
Really maeks you think


Lucia was the main character of 2 you bitch ass nigga.


>comparing old games to modern games
Only JRPGs had cutscenes back then. Nowadays, every game has them. It would be more fair to compare DMCV with Other M

Go away, ACfag.

>was the main character
Sure thing


Sure love replaying Loading Screen May Cry 5.

Please kill yourself or at least injure yourself so severely that you can never post again.

Attached: kill them.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

It's ridiculous how long it takes to get back into the action whenever you die.

Then don’t die.

>60 FPS on consoles

HA you fucking wish

don't even bother, all the dmc fags are delusional.
they think because one neet asian guy on jewtube can do combos with a modded controller that their game is SOOO DEEP COMBAT
Literally 99% of the enemies circle your character not doing shit. There's no resistance at all from the enemies, its basically fighting training dummies with different animations.

But I want to experiment and try pulling off stuff that I might fuck up and get killed, that's what these games are supposed to be about right?

Go back to the checkpoint before you die. If you're on HAH, you can switch the cutscenes to live action and you can insta skip.

There was a post in an action thread with less shitposting the other day that said that Itsuno-era DMC has more in common than games like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater than Bayonetta/Ninja Gaiden, and I completely agree.

The thing is, I don't think that's a bad thing. Giving you a large number of options and letting you use any or all of them however you want is appealing, and what enemies/bosses do actually pose a threat on high difficulties gives it just enough extra that it remains enjoyable to play. The only faggots are those that play DMC and nothing else, or rather those that play only one series/game and nothing else, and shit on others for it. Same shit as console wars.

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That comparison only works at surface level. Tony Hawk's arcade isn't some kind of freestyle, but an efficient route throughout the level you gradually build up to get all the objectives alongside highest score. Even then in an action game combining an assload of weak attacks to play with my food is not interesting to me.

imo a game like tony hawk gives you much more creative freedom than DMC. I think the comparison is valid and the dmc team should pay more attention to games like that. DMC should be about creatively being stylish and less of an traditional action beatem up.

Yea Forums is genuinely too retarded to appreciate games where your intrinsic skill is the reward and not some giant banner saying SOULS COLLECTED, YOU ARE GOOD, POST THIS ON REDDIT