My PS4 is pre-loading this beauty right now, along with the ps4 theme. What will I be in for?
My PS4 is pre-loading this beauty right now, along with the ps4 theme. What will I be in for?
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Everything a pre-XII FF can give you. That includes but is not limited to: soul, wholesomeness, amazing OST, more soul, comfy times, addictive gameplay, cool minigames, friends and good feelings.
What will you be in for?
A half-assed remaster, with upscaled backgrounds that look horrible. You'd be better off playing the original.
The Final Fantasy with the best aesthetics and probably the most bullshit story after 6.
I choose to believe the first comment. Thanks, looking forward to it. :3 Anything I need to know about gameplay or missable things?
I loved FF VI's story, so if my tastes in stories are the opposite of yours, I should be in for a good time.
A boring as fuck game with no grinding whatsoever except for the boring cardgame
Don't sell the lamp but save before using it. Play cards often (some key people have rare ones, but they're also hard to beat and require quite the powerful deck) but don't have stupid rules like "Random" take over, study and do tests so you get more money from your pay, remember to ALWAYS have a ready "Draw" command from bosses, especially when they have ???? on them, that usually means it's a missable summon (GF). Thoroughly check the tutorials so you know how GF learning and leveling up works. Most of the difficulty in this game stems from not being familiar with how the game works and not managing your party efficiently. This game rewards attention and smart play. There's a humongous ingame tutorial that you will have to read (also so you can do written tests and increase your pay). Sorry if it all sounds boring, I can guarantee you it won't be once you get it.
I think I can give you more tips but right now I'm drawing a blank. Oh yeah, remember that while GF summonings are cool at first and pretty powerful, you shouldn't depend too much on them from mid game onwards, since you'll have the possibility of crafting magic to be stronger and inflict much more damage than the summons.
>have a ready "Draw" command from bosses
for* bosses
>you shouldn't depend too much on them from mid game onwards
This also means "don't waste AP by buffing your summons offensive power more than the bare minimum".
best love story ever
and AWESOMENESS (minor spoiler)
hours drawing magic.
No bushes
a half-assed remaster of a half-assed game with good music, enjoy
Robin Williams is in this?
No bushes.
A certain summon had a visible underbush in the original, which got covered by a skirt in the remake.
Whats the theme look like?
Why would they do this. -_- Aren't they just drawing more attention to it by changing it? If they just left it, nobody would be talking about it or taking pics of it.
I thought it would let me use it before the game officially launches, but nope. Have to wait until launch day. It's downloaded though.
You don't even know, user. I never even made the connection with the lamp and how you get it and now my mind is fucking blown.
Can you buy it separately?
When I read lamp, I just think of Aladdin. My favorite Disney movie, back when Disney had soul. Based on your reaction I assume there is some sort of other Aladdin reference in it?
I don't think so.
When I bought FFIX Remaster on PS4 I got a bunch of avatars along with it of the whole cast. If they never released those separately I doubt they will release this theme separately.
It has more to do with Robin Williams than Aladdin itself, but you'll know when you get to it.
So no chance to get it unless you preorder the game or is the possibility still there after launch?
Rinoa is Ultimecia
Which GF (Guardian Force) would you want as your GF (girlfriend)?
To me, it's best girl Shiva.
I wouldn't know. :(
I would hope they still give it to people post-launch. Cause it'd be a huge waste if they didn't.
based a Carbuncle husbando is fine too
When you are asked "How many minutes do you need to finish this dungeon" and you get prompted with either 10, 20, 30, 40, pick the number you feel most comfortable with, but remember that the game rewards you more the closest the counter is to the 0:00 mark. Which means, if you finish the dungeon and beat the boss with lots of extra time left, that will be marked as unsatisfactory towards your rank. So keep that in mind and try to finish it with less time on your mark.
That producer who debunked it, didn't know what the fuck he was talking about and how deep this story really went.
what the theme looks like?
So if I pick 20 minutes but then at the end I realize I have 10 minutes left, I just stand around for over 9 minutes and then finish for the best rating?
Technically yes, but that would mean you'd have to beat the dungeon boss in a minute which for your first playthrough is not very likely. You'll have to improvise.
Ooh. What would you say is a good time to pick for my first run? 10 minutes? 20?
20 is a good hunch if you do some outside training to fully grasp the gameplay and GF usage and stuff.
Why hasn't FFVIII spawned an extended universe? The style, aesthetics, world and characters are far too rich for only one single story.
>Doesn't have eyes on me as the theme
How are they using it already? Mine has a countdown on it.
Better version of that pic.
They should have put psn avatars like with FFIX instead of a cheap theme.
I always thought they could turn FF8 into a four season long TV series. Flesh out characters more, show more side characters. And if it's successful they could continue it beyond the story of the game.
I'm convinced.
The greatest game ever made
Are there any other theories about VIII's plot, besides "Rinoa is Ultimecia" and "Squall is dead"?
How the fuck did Square put so much Rinoa-Ultimecia time loop hints in the game and yet have it supposedly not be the canon truth
Cause the developer who said it isn't true doesn't understand the game he worked on and the creative decisions that several writers and developers contributed.
Selphie invented selfies.
I'm in the "Squall is enchanted" camp.
I need to rewatch the scenes, but I remember the screen flashing a few times when Ultimecia-Edea enchanted Seifer to be her knight back at the radio station. I even think it was a similar screen flash used in FFVII anytime Jenova influenced Cloud's actions. The same screen flashes occurred when Ultimecia jumped from Edea to Rinoa. It's at that time that Squall makes a slight turn to obsessive. While I do believe that he was naturally growing closer to her (especially if you do all of the scenes correctly up to that point), there has also felt like there was a final push. Given that the next step of Ultimecia's plans involve getting into space without tipping anyone off, I kind of expect her to have had a role in Squall's actions for the early parts of Disc 3.
However, since Ultimecia would have been more subtle in her enchantment (as opposed to what she did to Seifer, whose loyalty is Ultimecia, not the host), this kind of backfired. Squall did deliver her to Adal, but she allowed him and Rinoa to survive (though the spacescapdes did nearly kill them both, to give her some credit). To be fair, the entire game ias basically Ultimecia failing at every turn to defy her fate, a fate that she has incidentally created. I don't entirely pity her, but I am in the "Ultimecia was fucked" camp, since she is cyclically doomed by both fate and her own character.
I thought that Rinoa gets the sorceress powers from Adel, not Edea.
I love reading shit like this. Any other interpretations/theories?
why does the font look like ass
How do you pronounce Quistis Trepe, and why is she a teacher despite only being a year older than Squall?
Did they fix the translation in remaster or what
No, Ultimecia's powers enter Edea in the past in the ending when Ultimecia dies, then after Edea is defeated Ultimecia who is possessing Edea at the time forcibly transfers them to Rinoa
This isnt FF7, there was no problem with the translation
hory sheet
thread theme for rpgamer oldfags
Trepe rhymes with meme and gene.
Not him but for rhyming all but the first letter must be the same
In FFVIII Robin Williams gives you a magic lamp.
In Aladdin Robin Williams is trapped in a magic lamp.
>tfw rpgamer in 1999
So comfy. It's insane the site has survived so long though given its always been lower on the notoriety totem poll but its good that it has
PS4 version or switch version? I’m a bit of a trophy whore but the switch pro-controller is comfier and the PS4 pre-order theme sucks
You're right.
I was trying to say:
It's pronounced Treep.
Like Geen and meem.
Kwis-tiss trep
Will you impose yourselves any challenge to beat the game or play as it is?
I think I'll try a No-Junction challenge, if that doesn't end up being too time consuming.
Kway-stys Traypay
feels like it would be unplayable without juntioning but good luck!
I'm going to attempt a runthrough with all cheats activated. So full HP, full LB, no encounters, and 3x speed. I hope it won't be too time consuming and difficult. I realise the irony of doing a playthrough with 3x speed in a game about time kompression.
Kiss-Tees Treh-Peh
Quistis Trepe.
The most contrarian RPG to ever exist.
Why in the world do you think it gets praised here? Because it's shit.
k I get ya
>I realise the irony of doing a playthrough with 3x speed in a game about time kompression.
You make Mommy Ulti proud.
You could've just said beep and not be dumb
I thought FF9 was the one that's praised here.
My PS4 tells me in the Information tab:
>Name for Voice Operation: FF Eight
How do I say that for it to work? Like is Ff one word? Or two letters? Ff eight? Eff Eff eight?
Send vocaroo of correct pronounciation
So... Limits all the way?
I guess that other than Ultimecia, due to her 4 transformations, everything's possible.
One crucial aspect of understanding FF8 is to remember that whenever there's time travel going on, we're dealing with multiple timelines. In FF8 there's one timeline which we never see the events of, a timeline where events happened differently. Similar to how in DBZ there's a timeline which leads to Trunk's future. That's the timeline of events which lead to Ultimecia's future; the Castle Timeline. The Castle must be at least several hundred years into the future -- it's implied Ultimecia is far into the future, Squall says the SeeDs there have been fighting across generations, and considering how physically changed the surrounding area (the beach) looks it's illogical to assume it's only been 100 years or less. It must be many hundreds of years, but possibly over 1000.
In that timeline, Squall either died of old age or he was killed by other SeeDs while protecting Rinoa.
The "Ultimecia" character is partly based on Artemisia II:
"Artemisia is renowned in history for her extraordinary grief at the death of her husband (and brother) Mausolus."
Rinoa in that timeline lost Squall Rinoa and Ultimecia has "Griever" -- in her future, she is carrying her grief.
Artemisia was royalty; she became queen. Rinoa is referred to as a "princess" several times in the game.
And Rinoa and Squall are ALMOST siblings. Because of the events which happened between Julia, Caraway, and Laguna. Squall and Rinoa's relationship is as close to incesteous as possible without them actually being blood related. They are so "close" by past events, that when you play through the game the first time it's possible to get confused into believing they even have the same fathers.
They are of course supposed to have different ones, but in fact it's fully possible Laguna impregnated Julia before she got together with Caraway, and by the time she and Caraway had sex she was already pregnant, so Caraway believed himself to be the father while really it was Laguna.
The following is more superficial, but still worth mentioning:
Artemisia built this after her husband's (and brother's) death, in honor to him:
That was a HUGE building. Similarly, the Castle in FF8 is very very large. And Ultimecia must have had it constructed -- there was no castle there before. Also, Squall uses lions as a symbol for himself, and the mausoleum was adorned with lions.
so you're telling me squall and rinoa are related
German here. In the German PS1 version Ultimecia was named Artemisia.
No, they are not blood related. But they almost are. They are as close to being blood related as is possible without actually being blood related.
No cleavage
So they're not related, nor blood-related.
>But they almost are.
so they are
Anybody ever gotten the lionheart during disc 1? You gotta do a lot of triple triad and card converting. I always get stuck getting pulse ammo
>The "Ultimecia" character is partly based on Artemisia II:
>"Artemisia is renowned in history for her extraordinary grief at the death of her husband (and brother) Mausolus."
EEEEEK. I always knew the real translation was Artemisia but I didnt make the connection to the parallel
I'm italian and she was named artemisia here too. When I first heard people talking about ultimecia I thought people were being retarded and mistaking the magic spell for her name
>my disc 1 of FF8 was scratched so I could never actually finish the game
>forget about it all these years
>can finally finish it after almost literally 20 years
I'm so happy guys
So, FFVIII was directed by Ridley Scott???
Yes, I know, I forgot to mention that.
Also, the name "Artemisia" is written in Japanese as アルティミシア and is read as Arutimishia. This can be translated back into both Artemisia and Ultimecia, but considering all the connections to Artemisia II of Caria, it's more logical and makes more sense to translate アルティミシア back to Artemisia. In the German AND Italian versions of FF8, she is called Artemisia. In the Spanish version, she is called Artemisa.
If she's not Rinoa why is she using Griever?!??
I'll add to that. In the Spanish version, "Ultima" magic is called "Artema". So...
Ultima => Ultimecia
Artema => Artemisa
In German the spell is named Ultima, but she is named Artemisia.
Thing is... in Japanese, the spell is called アルテマ, "a-ru-te-ma", so "Artema" seems like a good translation (if you forget that "Ultima" means "the last" in Latin, and it's probably closer to the original meaning the Japanese wanted to give it, as in "the ultimate" magic).
Wonder if I still have print out from gamefaqs back in 2002 that lists how to avoid missing any GFs.
Although Quistis is the only GF for me
lol, GameFAQs...
They're still a reference for old fighting games and PSX-era Final Fantasy games, though.
>draw draw draw for an hour in ultima island or someshit
>skim through the game
If you need to draw from Drawing Points at any point of the game, you're retarded.
>activate new cheats in Remaster
>never have to worry about anything
If it's like FFVII and FFIX it won't even disable trophies.
I just use RPGShrine to look shit up these days.
I bet you actually use the summon command like a retard too
What's your favourite Status Effect on Final Fantasy and why is it Petrification?
I first had this issue on a legit copy of the game way back in the day, then the first ISO I ever downloaded to play it with ePSXe.
I'm betting it was the ballroom dance scene with Rinoa and Squall. My heart rate still goes up in that bit in anticipation of a crash no matter how I'm playing it.
yes, i did in fact, use summons
Some people ask "Why didn't she recognize Squall etc when they came to defeat her?"
If she didn't remember them, then most likely it's because of memory loss from having Griever * for hundreds of years. To her they were just more SeeDs coming to kill her. And even if she did remember Squall, she may still have wanted to kill him as from her point of view, "her" Squall, her "real" Squall, was already dead, and to her the Squall you play was someone who didn't belong in her timeline, like Edea says as the very end to the young boy Squall: "The only Squall permitted here is you."
* it's very possible she had more guardian forces as well, more than we even know exists. Since she can cast magic and has abilities which aren't "normal" and she tried to become as powerful as possible and to learn as much magic as she could and get all sorts of esoteric knowledge (in order to finally learn how to compress time), and protects her castle with esoteric creatures like Omega Weapon, it would be fully logical for her to also try to find and use every guardian force in existence to get more abilities and grow in strength.
Bros, why did the 90s have to end? It was genuinely the most comfy time for vidya.
What a fucking retard.
bitch should have added a Ribbon to that bikini...
what, they looked cool
Now that's something I can happily fap to. Is petrification a fetish?
Final Fantasy games are filled to the brink with things for fetishists. Mini and toad statuses, time stop, petrification, soft ryona...
To keep it on topic... Was petrification ever a problem in any Final Fantasy? I think it's just there for the fetish.
I love the myth theory-crafting, so much so I saved it, but
>They are of course supposed to have different ones, but in fact it's fully possible Laguna impregnated Julia before she got together with Caraway, and by the time she and Caraway had sex she was already pregnant, so Caraway believed himself to be the father while really it was Laguna.
1. Definitive fact: Laguna + Raine = Squall
2. Definitive fact: Laguna falls from the cliff off Esthar and winds up in Winhill, injured to near death.
3. Definitive fact: Laguna is BED-RIDDEN for SIX (6) months.
4. Definitive fact: ANOTHER SIX (6) months go by until Kiros finds him. (Squall still has not been born, Raine is not showing any 6-months+ signs of pregnancy).
5. Fact-based Speculation: it could have been a few days after Kiros finds Laguna, it could me a few months, it could even be more than a year, but Adel's soldiers don't kidnap Ellone until at least 1 year (probably more like 2 years) after Laguna falls off the Esthar cliffside. Laguna, Kiros, & Ward didn't even get into Esthar for months after making it their goal to rescue her. Laguna writes monthly articles in the Timber Maniacs, he gets separated from his buds and winds up in the Shumi villages for days or weeks...He leaves Raine (already pregnant, but not showing signs), takes many months (if not longer) to actually succeed in rescuing Ellone before he sends her back to Winhill.
6. Definitive fact: Raine gives birth to Squall AFTER Ellone returns to Winhill.
7. Squall's Birthday = August 23 (aged 17)
8. Rinoa's Birthday = March 3 (aged 17)
ALLLLLLLLLLLLL THAT to say, Rinoa is required to be AT LEAST 18 months older (more accurately to be ~22+ months) than Squall. But, she's not. They're the same age, she's older by about 5 months.
Laguna did not impregnate Julia Heartilly before shipped off to Esthar. Rinoa is fully Julia + Caraway's daughter.
a legit dog shit remaster that's censored with uglier backgrounds than a PS1 game
So Squall gets to be in love with the daughter of the one that got away from Laguna.
Does anyone have that old checklist of GFs/magazines/items you can miss?
Yeah, English translated to "Ultimecia" incorrectly. Even in the Japanese RAW:
アルティミシア = A ru tii mi shi a
Have this picture I constantly think is Ultimecia standing in front of a Stargate.
I prefer the bush
Draw from every boss and you won't be able to miss anything.
is that bodypainting?
A good time, regardless of what the assholes who can't figure out how to use the Draw system say.
Do yourself a favor and grind out some spells, and get Diablos from the Magic Lamp as early as you can. Draw Demi from him, and hit him with it 2-3 times, and them slam his ass with as much magic as you can. Having him early game will give you a quick panic button for some of the earlier "boss" encounters.
Do you not understand that part of localization is not to directly convert shit like that, but to...localize it? Ultimecia said by a Jap engrish accent is literally Arutiimishia. Should we start saying Kuraudo instead of Cloud, you absolute mongos
Can't wait for another wave of retarded zoomers who can't comprehend the story and resort to "muh orphanage" like the retarded boomers who initially played it and failed to understand a game literally written for young teenagers.
I'm getting Kate's Playground flashbacks.
Well they lost some relevant symbolism by simply naming her after the black mage spell instead of naming her Artemisia as in the German and Italian trnslations. You would know that if you read these posts:
Cast Mini on her, then cast Break, and now you have a key chain figurine. Great.
>What will I be in for?
Censored shit.
Also a shit game.
One of the cringiest story ever written
It can be localized to Ullteamyshya for all the spelling matters.
But, she's clearly based on a western figure (her name is not Japanese, it's written in Katakana, not Hiragana) from Greece. This being the case, TRANSLITERATING her name would not be accurate, nor localizing it. It's an established western name. Artemisia.
I don't actually care, I love the series. I'm just telling you as an old man with experience how the language barrier is involved in this particular name in this particular game.
Explain please
I think it's just photoshop
then your friends cast Esuna on you and she reverts to normal inside your pants, nice prank you played on yourself
Is anything censored besides Siren?
She's junctioned a lot in her day.
do the Switch and Xbone have bush?
How do you know, already finished the game?
If they're going to censor Siren wouldn't they also want to censor and Shiva?
lol, I remember that when you petrified a character using Graphic Mods (SeeD Reborn) in FF8 Steam version they turned into their "unmodded" version, due to conflicts with how Petrification (and Zombie) were done in the game's code
He's preloading 8, not 6 user
There is nothing else they COULD censor. Game is pretty tame.
They didn't cenaor Siren's boobs. No need to censor Ultimecia/Artemisia. We've seen Shiva and she hasn't been censored.
No cleavage for you.
That's not censored. They just made her look like the CGI model. Shiva, Siren and Ultimecia didn't have their boobs censored in any way, so why would they be bothered about the bit of Rinoa boobage? It's just how the new model looks. People these days don't know what censorship is.
I always picked 10 minutes since it is what it takes if you know who to attack with at certain points in the If... battle.
>There is nothing else they COULD censor. Game is pretty tame.
Not him but there's clearly more boobage showing in the old model. Any time boobage is dropped rather than increased censorship must be cried so we all may enjoy the beauty of the female form
They put this blue mage shit in FF XIV and it disgusts me when my friends do it. So I can absolutely relate to Squall here.
That was due to Tonberry's fault, not the graphics mod.
sick reference man, made me throw up when it came out
That's so well done I'm inclined to think that it's a fetish.
Bullshit, you wanna tell me the artist for the 3D model does shit at random and things are just "because it is"? If he didn't get the order to rain the (non-existent) tits of the main heroine in then we still got his sjw version shoved into our faces. Also, the bush of siren got censored too so don't give me that tumblr crap, you piece of shat.
These threads are like it's 1999 again and it makes me feel so good.
>That's not censored.
You're fucking retarded. Yes it is, and the CG model is closer to the original.
Like I said. The CGI Rinoa never had thw cleavage like the ingame model. So they made it match, since they cannot alter the CGI. If they were simoly concerned about boobs, why are Siren's boobs, Ulti's boobs and Shiva's boobs not censord? Clearly boobage is no issue for them.
Soulless version of a great game. You should just emulate the PS1 version instead
So why did Siren, Ulti and Shiva retain their titties?
I'm more of a TimeStop person, to tell the truth...
When you play with Time Kompression activated you are at the beginning, middle and end of the game all at the same time.
6 is shit in every regard but VIII has a great story. The junction system complaints are valid but the story complaints generally aren't and they're just memed by niggers and faggots
Because they weren't censored.
Be honest, what is your IQ? You're fucking stupid.
yes, the feeling of home
How retarded are you? I ask why they didn't censor them and you say that it's because they didn't censor them? Yeah no shit.
>downloaded the iso when you can literally put the game in your CD drive
Why haven't the other writers come forward and said he was wrong?
My apologies, I thought you were implying the game wasn't censored.
What is Adel's problem?
The beauty of mysteries and ambiguous writing is that it's open for viewers to interpret. The guy fucked up by confirming/denying it. You should never do that and ruin people's fun and imagination.
Are you from twitter? Bushes got removed and tits got hidden. Fuck off with your whatabout-ism, it doesn't matter shit.
Trans-gendered people weren't accepted back then.
Yes, Siren's bush got hidden. But Siren's tits, Ultimecia's tits didn't and Shiva's tits didn't get censored.
So, do you think they sat down and thought SHIT WE NEED TO CENSOR RINOA'S TITS EVEN THOUGH SIREN ULTI AND SHIVA ARE FAR MORE REVEALING or did they think OH LET'S MAKE HER MORE IN LINE WITH THE CGI MODEL? They didn't expect autistic people to complain about her cleavage being marginally more clothed than before.
The best magic system in the entire series.
Nah just kidding, this game is trash like ff7
Lawl, you are literally grasping at straws. They obviously put more care into the motherfucking main heroine, that is constantly on-screen, than some plot devices SJW will never get to see because they have the attention span of ten years olds.
Also, it's not up to us to invent reasons why someone did something, you sperg.
Literally, have sex.
The game, along with the rest of my PS1 library, were sold to a deaf man in around 2004 by my parents as they were/are obsessed with clearing clutter. So yeah, I pirated it you smart arse, because fuck eBay scalpers.
>Everything a pre-XII FF can give you
X sucks monkey arse
So by your logic you're saying they wouldn't censor some random GF. So... why did they censor Siren's bush then? But leave her tits untouched? Hm. And Ultimecia you say isn't imoortant either? Okay then Yea Forums kid.
Have intercourse.
It seems you have run out of arguments and memes.
>Also, it's not up to us to invent reasons why someone did something, you sperg.
>Are you from twitter? Bushes got removed and tits got hidden. Fuck off with your whatabout-ism, it doesn't matter shit.
Not my fault your reading comprehension doesn't go above 120 characters, twitterfag.
And yet you're saying they wouldn't touch some random summon. When hey clearly did. They thought Siren's bush needed to be removed or hidden. But her tits are totally fine. Pretty cool and chill decision by the writers.
>no youtube, no fucking nothing
>beating final boss without GF 4-5 times just to watch this scene
They changed the models on everything. A stylistic change is not censorship. You weren't masturbating to the battles anyway, what are you even complaining about?
>Also, it's not up to us to invent reasons why someone did something, you sperg.
You expecting me to go and interview the 3D model artist? Go and do your own research, sperg.
>You weren't masturbating to the battles anyway
Yet you're the one implying they put more thought into Rinoa. When Siren was clearly altered but her tits left untouched. So what you on about boi?
>You weren't masturbating to the battles anyway
>Implying no one fapped to Siren
user, I think you're really stretching the limits of believability here
Holy shit, did you drop out of school? Since when does putting more through into something mean that nothing else matters? Wow, just wow. American education at its finest.
KEEstiss traypay
>Muh sister
Replaced 2 in thirds of the game in by
both youtube videos from those links are deleted
Exactly my point. And I'm not American. You see, not everybody on the internet is from one country. But thanks for finally getting my point. We now agree that he decision to change Siren's bush and leave the tits untouched was deliberate. Therefore, they got no problem with tits.
>Bushes got removed and tits got hidden. Fuck off with your whatabout-ism, it doesn't matter shit.
It really do be like dat.
So then why are Siren's tits and Ultimecia's tits and Shiva's tits completely untouched?
Actually yes
Don’t ask how I know this.
I wish one of the cheats was instantly draw 100.
dumb zoomer's going to love the intro CINEMATICS then get turned off and quit because it's an older-style JRPG. OP, screencap this!
But you said that they wouldn't care as much about some random summon. Yet they cared enough to remove the bush.
Third time's the charm. You will not get me to reply again.
So we're on the same page? You agree that they care about Rinoa more than Siren which is why they added a huge slit to the front of Rinoa's model?
That story is mess up.
Even more than 20 years later, this is so confusing
What specific plot point confuses you?
It is clear that the inital story was R = U, but it went through several iterations before the final game.
Thats also the reason why Quistis fades into nothingness after the first few hours because there was supposed to be an actual rivalry / love triangle between her and Rinoa. All of that was ditched and nothing really got written in to fill the space. Source is the Ultimania guide, btw. FFVIII has the most "cut" content of any FF game - after the huge success of FFVII they wanted to go nuts on VIII, but they obviously had to reign it in at some point (probably more than once).
It's almost better this way though, I like mysteries that give you just enough to piece it together. I don't mind FFVII, but I would much prefer a full FFVIII Remake in a modern engine and heck even a sequel. VIII has the most intriguing FF world in my opinion. Hell, give us a FFVIII CGI movie, I'll pay for it.
How big is the game on PS4?
Does that really matter
3.35GB, user.
Squall at the end is the void and who is Laguna and ahhhh
Oh damn, my PS4 FF9 is 5GB, despite it not having new 3D character models.
In the new version of the picture, the links are not dead. It's the old "FF8Legendary" and "FF8Maybe" which go to dead YT links.
"LegendaryFF8" and "MaybeFF8" are new and work.
Is that fucking Shiniez?
Laguna is Squall's father.
I believe FF9 has more accessible locations and CGI cutscenes.
First playthrough I legit thought Laguna was just a dream version of Squall
You're right they have different partents, and that's how it's supposed to be, but you wrote:
>Raine is not showing any 6-months+ signs of pregnancy
But the post ( ) was saying they could have the same father (Laguna), not the same mother. So it's Julia who should be 6 months pregnant (and we don't see her during that time). Julia could have become impregnated when she and Laguna met in that hotel where Roses And Wine is played, and then she could've met Caraway shortly after that, leading him to believing it was his child.
But yes, that would probably make Rinoa too old.
>What will I be in for?
the world wasn’t ready for a tomboy amazon futa, she was too perfect
Is it already out for the PS4
Thank god this is coming out so contrarian faggots can shut up about it
It's the worst FF next to 13 and 15 for a reason
This game lets you go 3X faster through GF animations, that alone makes it an improvement.
You can preload it, but it doesn't work until Tuesday
>back then
that bush is hot
Fuck, well thanks for the heads up.
Someone never played FF1-3
does anyone have that drakengard 3 fanart where you can see Zero's bush?
>tfw even the theme doesn't work until Tuesday
What the fuck where they thinking
Don't bother leveling. Enemies scale to your level so there's no point.
nevermind found it lmao
They were thinking
>official release is the 3rd but we're going to let people download it two days early so they can jump straight in on release
How much?
It's the same game you played back on the PS1 mate, why would it be different?
Oh wait you're underage and never owned a PS1
I'm 43 and got into gaming in my 30s. I never owned a PS1 and I'm trying to catch up on old gems.
LOOOOL yeah right what're
Not sure if it's my age, or the fact I never owned a PS1 that amuses you. My son got me into gaming during the PS3 years. He never owned a PS1 either. You do understand that new people are born every year? And new people get into gaming every year? I think it's great they're releasing these classics for newer consoles because frankly newer games don't really appeal to me too much. I see my son on Battlefield and I'm just thinking "What's he get out of it?" but I still let him enjoy it. It's just not my thing. But we've had some great bonding moments playing games together.
It's 20 bucks, mate.
It feels very homely for me, I love the setting, the colors, the whole mercenary school thing. It's such a great FF.
the GF are not marked as ???
they show up at the bottom of the list as a Name, frist drawable gf being siren
20 bucks? It's $10 CAD in the retro game shop
On PS4 and Steam it's 20 bucks for the new Remaster with updated character models. On PS3 it's 10 bucks for the ps1 version.
SE has no say about the lore of the at this point, they could've shot this down earlier, but 20 years later? nah.
How the fuck is he able to not wear so much as a band-aid the very same day his face got split in half?
Why would you pay $20 for a digital game when I can buy the physical one for $10? Even $10 digital is overpriced
Yeah. Basically when you release your novel, tv show, movie, game, it's in the hands of the reader, viewer, player. It's rude to come out and shoot down fan interpretations. Let people enjoy it how they want to. Let your fanbase debate and theorize. Even if every single member of the development team came and said "All your theories are wrong." it wouldn't change that certain clues are there that can be interpreted as Rinoa being Squall's time traveling fetus-daughter. So it will always be true to me and many other fans.
>Can't hear DARLING SO THERE YOU ARE while scrolling through my PS4
Why live?
>muh new updated character models that look like a psp game instead of a ps1 game
Use Spotify? It's on your ps4 and free.
Oh boy more ads!
Stop it. Squall is one year younger than Quistis and underage.
Dr. Kadowaki is amazing.
Actually, its more that technology in FFVIII is really advanced, so health sciences are also advanced (remember, most of the world does not use para-magic to junction anything - most people use technology). Squall survives being impaled, all sorts of shit happens.
>I know more about the story you wrote than you do because I want it to be this way so that's the way it is
That's pretty stupid but okay sure
Then pay for it? IDK. Or put in a usb stick that has the song on it. You can play music off usb devices on your ps4.
No, it's interpretations. And if those clues, intended or not, are in the text, it's valid to read it that way.
For years 8 was considered the worst FF (minus 2 obviously). I still don't understand the nostalgia it's getting since the remaster was announced. It must be from people who didn't play it when it was new, and when we were expecting so much after 7.
Nah, it's more like the shit with Harry Potter and J.K Rowling creating new interpretations for her story 10+ years later. It doesn't really matter what the author has to say anymore, it's been too long.
Nice headcannon - here is how this works:
If FFVII was your first FF or is your favourite FF game, you hate FFVIII.
Everyone else always liked it just fine. People just can't get over the "Its not FFVII" even after 20 years.
Thats a deep fucking cut right there. Hoof.
It was neither my first nor my favorite, but good try. It's been shit on since it came out, I had never seen nostalgia for it before 6 months ago.
>I had never seen nostalgia for it before 6 months ago.
Coincidently when you started browsing Yea Forums
Has 2006 only been 6 months ago? Shit, seems so much longer than that.
Oh my god you couldn't have picked a faker year if you tried. As someone who's been here since 2009 I've seen many a FF8 thread over the fucking years.
Sure thing bud. Nice headcanon.
FF8 haters are Spoony drones, prove me wrong
My first FF was 9. I find 7 mediocre, but love 6, 8, 9 and 10.
Rate me.
Some of the best music and some of the stupidest gameplay
I don't really care
All of those are great, I don't see how you can single out 7 as being any less good than the others
>best love story ever
I hope you're not referring to the one between the protags, user. That goes to Xenogears
Personal taste. Just genuine preference. I liked it but it wasn't memorable to me or as comfy as the others. Just kind of mediocre and whatever. My opinion on thus isn't influenced by the internet. Have had it since the PS1 days.
Don't bother drawing at the beginning. It's pointless and it's the main complaint people have with the game. In the beginning your magic stat is too low to get a decent number of spells per draw, and the spells you can draw don't boost your stats enough to matter anyway. Just stock up on a few cures and elemental spells and forget about it. Instead focus on learning item refine skills from your GFs so you can make spells from items instead. Once you can junction to your magic stat, drawing becomes less of a hassle because you'll get 8 or 9 spells with each draw and you can go nuts. By the time you get to that point enemies should start having spells that are actually useful. Also, don't overlevel. Enemies level up with you and their item drops/steals change once they upgrade and get more difficult.
Of note, Ultima in both spanish and italian reminds its latin meaning, so it's likely why it was kept the raw "Artema" translation.
I too have been here since 2006 (before that actually) and I've seen hundreds of FFVIII threads. Maybe you're just retarded.
Shittiest FF love story.
A very poor story in general where older secondary protagonist utterly overshadows everything the actual MC does.
A clusterfuck of barely working ideas gameplay-wise starting with atrocious drawing and ending with being able to spam limits into oblivion.
>there's an trophy/cheevo for completing the card set
Not even gonna try to plat this one
>The Random rule has spread to this region
You can cheese it.
All you need to do is beat the CC King at Balamb (Note: NOT the Queen of Cards quest) and the CC members will be aboard the Ragnarok in Disc 3. They have all of the cards in the game that have been unlocked including all character cards. Each one uses different sets of cards so if you just play all of them you can get them all.
Fuck the Queen of Cards quest.
>seconary protagonist
Do you mean Seifer or Rinoa?
It's not that hard. Just use a guide on a second playthrough.
I should figure out how to use a VPN on my ps4 to unlock it early so I can just play all day tomorrow.
Imagine this scene given the remake treatment.
Doesn't work on the ps4, the unlock timer is locked to the store region you bought it from.
No, you're ignoring why all that "mother showing pregnancy" was brought up:
>7. Squall's Birthday = August 23 (aged 17)
>8. Rinoa's Birthday = March 3 (aged 17)
That's a 5 month difference where Rinoa is older.
Kiros doesn't find Laguna in Winhill until 12 months after they fell off the cliff.
At 12 months, during this time Kiros finds Laguna in Winhill, Raine is still not married to him and is not showing any signs of pregnancy. It MUST be at least another 6 months (assuming she's already 3 months pregnant and Laguna just thinks she's fat) before Squall is even born.
That's an 18 month difference, not a 5 month difference.
The mother's pregnancy and the children's birthdates are relevant. Rinoa is 17-years-old, Squall is 17-years-old. There's a 5 month difference. For Laguna to have impregnated both women, he'd needed to have impregnated Julia that night, get shipped to Esthar the next day, fall off that cliff within a week, impregnate Raine while still crippled 5 months later (and while she hates him, since he's been a drunk, violent asshole, not the kind village hero), Kiros has to show up to Winhill with Raine being 7 (out of 9) months pregnant with Squall but NO ONE CAN TELL, LOL!, they have to leave Winhill while Laguna writes Timber Maniacs publications for months after (can't be more than 2 issues, which would already be wrong!!), hero of Shumi village, sneaks into Esthar, made President while sending Ellone back to Winhill, and only AFTER Ellone gets back to Winhill will Raine have Squall.
Not only is that ridiculously stupid based on invisible signs of pregnancy and INSTANTANEOUS turn-of-events required...
...It's outright IMPOSSIBLE given it take 12 months for Kiros to find him + months spent writing for Timber Maniacs + time getting into Esthar + Ellone being rescued all before Raine gives birth. The time spent in-game, in-lore, with factual evidence provided proves it's literally impossible.
There's 5 months difference, not 18 (minimum).
This should have been the beginning of the game
No its genuinely a shit game. Broken exploit ridden battle system, awful characters, awful story etc. The art design and music are they only thing worth playing for.
For some reason like FFX lots of girls and gay people like it. FFIX had better romance than both games and they don't like it so I don't know what it is about these game that they like.
7 is the only Final Fantasy with a decent story and non cringe characters
That's only on the steam release from awhile back. The remaster has that one and a few others removed.
Some spic unlocked it early and was streaming it. Not sure how.
>floaty grandpa
>not cringe
Allow me to elaborate. 8 is 100% cringe characters. 7 has some characters who are not cringe.
To summarize, because I know I talk too much:
No. Humans require 9 months of maturation.
1. Julia gives birth to Rinoa March 3.
2. Raine gives birth to Squall August 23.
That's a 5 month difference.
For the game timeline of Laguna+Julia=Rinoa --> Laguna+Raine=Squall to remain true as Laguna the father to each, there's a minimum 12 month difference required. More accurately, 18-22 months or more. Which isn't possible, Rinoa and Squall are both 17-years-old and only 5 months apart.
Raine ISN'T EVEN PREGNANT YET, let alone has given birth, more than 10 months after "that night @ Roses and Wine bar." It's not possible for Rinoa and Squall to have the same biological father given the game lore and history.
Julia explicitly says she never meets her "true love" (Laguna) ever again, Raine explicitly never meets Laguna again after he leaves Winhill to rescue Ellone.
For that 5 month age difference to remain plausible, Laguna would have had to impregnated Raine before he left, Julia would have had to have met Laguna again after he left Winhill approximately 5 months later (so Julia was LYING and killed herself because she's an idiot), and EVEN THEN...Squall would be the older child, not Rinoa. It's not possible.
The story, for however much may be referencing the incestuous Greek tale of Artemisia, is better told as Loire 2.0 gets to be with Heartilly 2.0 anyway. No deaths involved anymore.
What year does FF VIII take place in?
What looks better, this or modded original?
The year )U*@$
As long as we can still shoot dogs off our arms, this is still the best game ever made.
This. All those pc mods are laughably bad.
You gotta be kiddin me.
>he'd needed to have impregnated Julia that night
That's what I was saying. In that hotel. But as you (correctly) demonstrated (in the midst of a whole lot of unnecessary info) in your very first post already, that would result in Rinoa being older than Squall by too much time.
I have no idea why you made such a big deal out of it and complicated the explanation so much in all of your posts, as I had already said that you were correct. If you think about it, there is no real need to bring up Raine's pregnenacy or Squall's birth, all you really needed was bringing up the question "At which point in time would Laguna have impregnated Julia?" and established when that would happen (the only time it appears that it could've happened was in the hotel), and bring up Squall and Rinoa's birth dates, and from that one can reach the conclusion that Rinoa would be many months older.
does nobody ever talk about best boy Irvine?
FF8? The original of course. The "remaster" has extremely cringe-looking faces and the backgrounds are blurred to shit. See this: PSX version is the best. The PC version has better graphics in some ways but the music quality is shit and you can't use an analog controller with it properly.
All the mods look weird.
Go on.
How can I make this game actually difficult?
No Junction game.
You can never equip a GF or junction anything.
Its actually beatable, but takes some planning.
Ultimecia is optional because her first phase is just rolling the dice (she selects 3 random people and curses them before you can do anything, and you require specific party members to be able to use limits to win).
Getting up to her is challening, though.
I should have added "and still be fun"
No junction invalidates the entire game and its not fun in any way
Should I maybe grind to make monsters more powerful?
I found having to know pretty much the whole game inside and out in order to progress to be fun, but I can see how that wouldn't be for others.
For those who are interested, the "choke points" for this type of playthrough are both fights with the Galbadian tank (splitting into two groups who need to fight different bosses is probably the biggest choice you need to make in this playthrough), the alien pairs in space and the Adel + Succession of Witches battles right afterwards (a real slog).
Agreed 100%
Authors dont get to say shit after the fact, you should have put it in the game then cunt
American detected.
Im waiting to see if the PC version gets some hard mode mods
Only contrarians debate this at this point
There are a lot of things you can miss. You can miss GFs that you need to draw from enemies. Do not miss these
VIII > VII *dabs*
I'm glad you finally get to experience 8. Junctioning magic is how you become God.
Sometimes the authors/creators are 100% full of shit and contradict their own creations, like Lucas saying Greedo shot Han first when in the original movie Greedo didn't even get to shoot at all because Han killed him before he had the chance.
I never listen to creators about what their games are about or about specific plot points
Thats for everyone else to decide, once the work is done its done you dont get a say anymore even if you made it
Only whats in the game/book/etc matters, everything else is fanfiction even from the author
Best story in the series
First Prize Winner
Best music in the series
First Prize Winner
(Deal with it)
Didn't she even get some attack in Dissidia that only Rinoa knows? Or vice versa?
Are there any movies or tv shows with the aesthetics of FFVIII? Like witches and magic in a sci-fi setting with European towns?
What are they trying to tell us?
Is FF8 the most ludo FF?
Is this getting a physical release on ps4? Also, PS4 or PC assuming it's only digitial?
Only digital. Physical was a rumor but it didn't pan out
What's a ludo?
Why was Zell's name changed to Xell in German?
It's some concept Hideo Kojima invented: