How many of the powerful and brave "girl with mental problems saves the day" games have you played yet?
How many of the powerful and brave "girl with mental problems saves the day" games have you played yet?
t. someone who doesnt play video games
that's not what control is. at all
She's clearly has schizophrenia.
>Meatboy clone #2956
>Indie GoW Vagina Edition
>Quantum Break for girls
None of them are worth my time except maybe Control, but I don't support misandry so I won't be buying it any time soon.
Zero, as far as I know. Any more examples?
>RE 1, 2, 3, CV
>Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Metroid Prime 3
DKC 2 and 3
Nightmare Creatures
Perfect Dark
Dinosaurs Crisis
Parasite Eve 1 and 2
Probably more but like that many
>dinosaurs crisis
based autocorrect
All females have mental issues some just hide it better. I thought some of you realize this
Here's your "guy with mental problems saves the day" game. Only he doesn't save the day and the underlying message is "get the fuck over it"
Celeste and Hellblade are both really good, honestly.
celeste was a really great game
trrying to jam your narrative into it because it has a minor one is just sad
>really good
you were right with celeste, hellblade doesn't have gameplay, lame shit
Bought Hellblade (most deserved it), got Celeste, love it to Death, will absolutely buy control later. And all of them are fucking great games.
ill admit celeste has depressing overtones but id still say its a top notch platformer with puzzles, side content, excellent challenge (invluding B side and C side) and great music and remixes.
imho celeste doesnt deserve being shit on, let alone classed in as "hurr durr girl with mental problems"
when ppl come up with reasons to shit on a game like celeste you can just safely not use that source as a place to get opinions anymore
Yea Forums has been dead for a really long time actually
i just wanna talk about vidya games
Zero and it will remain so.
if all 3 of these games had male protagonists theyd literally be cult classics on Yea Forums
none of them have mental problems, you inbred nigger
well too bad because there's NOWHERE TO DO THAT anymore
you can talk about smash bros here if u want though
played melee since i owned my gamecube
ultimate feels like the right spirit but imho the buffer and input lag kill it a bit.
Celeste is actually just a good video game though. Can't say the same for the other two.
Will get Control when the price drops because the redhead girl is very cute.
celeste was such a shit video game
Fuck female protagonists. Retarded female empowerment trend.
They're good games, bront
That's kinda the message of all of them, really.
Especially Celeste, where the entire point of the game is to literally get over a mountain that symbolizes her mental problems
>Why can't femoids make their own games!?
>They do
>FUCK female empowerment! Where's the games for me?!
does Silent Hill 3 count? otherwise, zero.
I just got celeste for free from epic store, should i even give it a try? i loved super meat boy(completed it 5 times since launch day) but i just want good platforming and no feelings filled story to get in the way.
Why are you paying attention to Yea Forums?
You can still get that. The story is very low-impact and you can skip all the dialogue if it bugs you *that* much. The platforming is worth it.
So you didn't actually play any of the games. Funny you say control is the one most worth playing too lmfao it's the most generic one out of the 3
>they do
>90% of them are vacuous walking simulators plastered with ham fisted ideology
yes very good we should encourage more of this
>Yea Forums pretending they don't have mental problems
this unironically. People care too much about politics and ESS JAY DOUBLE YOUS in video games but I suspect half the posts on Yea Forums that say that are falseflags, the other 40% are baiting, and 10% are just trying to fit in
k ill give it a shot after i finish my current backlog (remnant and dicey dungeons)
do it.
story is by the side and the focus relies on you mastering falling, character control, dashing (and movement in a bunch of different ways), ledgegrabbing and jumping, as well as puzzle solving and listening to good music while collecting strawberries.
play the first stage, find all strawberries, listen to the birds and then decide if you want more.
That's an ironic thing to say when Celest and Hellblade are right fucking there in the OP.
Also, don't like it, don't play it.
But that's really hot! Give me the sauce
These games were made by dudes, though.
Hellblade is unironically masterpiece
Taking the b8, no they wouldn't. Celeste gets bashed for being pixelshit with the others being plain or unoriginal. People love games that have female protagonists, but when the game focuses on mental health or "gender roles," people start rolling their eyes. Come on.
Her "psychologist", (really an agent of the FBC) is trying to convince her that she has schizophrenia, however Polaris is actually real and being held and used by the FBC.
True, but Actual Sunlight isn't encouraging and heartwarming. It literally says "Don't you dare" when referring to suicide. There's no good ending, either. It's largely autobiographical, and it shows in the writing.