I'm a 4/10 at best and even I'll say this asshole is ugly as sin itself.
fuck off shill
imagine getting so upset at something an eceleb said that you feel the need to make a thread
>watch exactly one of these videos for two minutes one time months ago
>recommended tab filled with them ever since
kill me
found the assmongoloid fan
I keep seeing that video on my sidebar, one day I think ill have to click it.
>Blue eyes: Children of the Gods
>Green eyes: Children of the Earth
>Brown eyes: Children of niggers
Brown is the same color of shit. Coincidence?
I wish I didn't know what shitty video you're on about
can you link me
Can someone tell me why is this faggot suddenly popular? I can't go to youtube without his face and soiboi mouth everywhere. Aren't there other, more attractive, more funny wow streamers?
>File: 1542454309576.png (213 KB, 482x427)
>>watch exactly one of these videos for two minutes one time months ago
>>recommended tab filled with them ever since
>kill me
shit i found out im the same age as this guy and i have a full head of hair. thank god
I've never watched him at all and I've still seen him in my recommended a few times
WoW autism thread?
do you really believe that?
are you that delusional?
I think part of him is still mad his followers didn't carry his ass to 60 so he could get the Million Dollar Pot.
>Can someone tell me why is this faggot suddenly popular?
He did a reaction video to Internet Historian's Fall of 76, so if you watched that, Asmongold got shoved into your feed.
He's a "top" WoW player who streams, that's why people orbit him, same reason people orbited ninja or whoever the fucks is popular now, they are good at their shit games
He's used up all his luck in gaining Twitch popularity.
There's only one good WoW Twitch streamer but he plays a variety of games.
>He did a reaction video to Internet Historian's Fall of 76
That's it? People get subscribers for a reaction videos, the lowest of lowest kind of youtube content?
Why does this faggot's gremlin face appear on my youtube recommended videos?
I don't even play world of warcraft.
Yeah, but WoW is a boomer game. Boomers watch twitch?
Just click not interested retard
That's it. Considering Fall of 76 was IH's gangbusters moment, it unfortunately brought out a lot of leeches. It's sad because I do genuinely like his work. He's not as good as Fredrik Knudsen IMO, but still good.
Twitch is a place for boomers. Streamers even enable the Wojak boomer emotes in their channels and don't think it's derogatory towards them.
any clip of this faggot seething over world first?
>twitch is a place for boomers
If anything they remember what it's like to play games and not just watch people play them.
>Fredrik Knudsen
I've seen him more too, what gives?
He got cast as Eldrad in "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device" which acted as a major signal boost for him. From there it's just a case of good work. He manages to cover topics like TempleOS, DSP, Chris Chan, Time Cube, and even Furries, without slipping into "LOL WHAT A BUNCH OF FREAKS AMIRITE GUYS?"
His coverage of Terry in particular was actually really respectful.
>go to his stream to see whats the fuss is about because Yea Forums keeps sucking his dick
>not even an hour and says "you can suck dick and not be gay"
fucking hell Yea Forums
He got major points from me when he outright refused to cover Etika right after his death instead of jumping on the emotional bandwagon for money because he wanted to give his loved ones time to grieve and heal.
>not TheRightOpinion
Why would he be seething over world first?
Does literally nothing, you can get an extension to outright hide it if it comes back, but not interested videos will pop right back up in no time.
Not him but this guy looks like he'd seethe over literally anything not going his way.
>let's talk about some cringe twitter drama for 40 minutes
no thanks
you gotta click the more info button after not interested and theres an option to just block the channel from showing up
No matter how many filters and addons I use I keep seeing this retard's mug
He's correct, tho. It's not gay if it's a feminine penis.
>feminine penis
doesn't exist
can't exist
While I do like some of TRO's work, the guy has an unfortunate tendency to focus on current drama. Like he waits juuuuuust long enough that it doesn't look like he's bandwagoning, but not too long that the issue has resolved and everyone's moved on.
There's also the unfortunate fact that the guy just plain does not have the voice to narrate, and his avatar makes him seem pretentiously fedora as fuck. I do not understand why the avatar at all, he doesn't need it. He's not a bad looking guy.
>It's an e-celeb who was based when unpopular but hated with massive success
You people are such a tools.
Why is his face so flat
In a world where more than two penises exist, at least one of them will be a feminine penis
that's incorrect
For those of you sick and tired of seeing his ugly face on their youtube feed. I would recommend an add on for your browser that allows you to block videos and entire channels. You should also get an add on that will only display your subscribed channels.
It's pretty obvious jewgle is promoting his channel for some reason. I have never watched any wow related videos and this twat keeps showing up since about a month.
>t. man with a feminine penis
Maybe, just maybe people started hating on him because he gets pushed so hard. I never once watched a wow video, and i kept getting him recommended on youtube. Even after clicking not interested several times. When you keep getting shit you arent interested pushed in your face, you start disliking it more and more.
this is your brain on shemale porn
>It's pretty obvious jewgle is promoting his channel for some reason.
He's leeching off of Internet Historian's channel with reaction videos to IH's videos, so if you've ever watched his stuff, Asmongold's getting shoved into your feed.
>Maybe, just maybe
>streamer/e-celeb bullshit
Reaction videos are the most low effort garbage, I don't watch that shit.
That's only for Chromium trash and Firefox.
Internet Historian does documentaries. The reaction videos are Asmongold reacting to said documentaries. I'm saying if you've watched the documentaries, Asmongold's getting shoved into your feed because YT thinks you'll like them due to being "relevant" to Internet Historian.
That's how it was on my end, anyway.
>be unemployed
>"welp might as well make monetized youtube channels to sell"
>"Asmongold reacts to...."
>instantly gain 16k subs in 48 hours
the vids you see in youtube are not from him at all. theres so many dumb retarded youtube channels that has asmond that its fucking hilarious. he said it himself that he doesnt give a shit who uses his stream for content
Any Classic streamer cringe kino yet?
>he said it himself that he doesnt give a shit who uses his stream for content
Apparently he's been DMCAing any videos of his reaction to Jokerd hitting world first.
>they are good at their shit games
No body watches Asmongold because he is good at WoW, because by his own admission he's not good at WoW. He doesn't even really raid. He's more about collecting shit. People watch him because he's a mess and that's funny.
Say, whatever happened to that esport garbage they were promoting since some gnome got it first. I dont play wow so i dont know much
What the fuck do you use?
I hate that every youtuber with an even slight accent all go for this one persona.
I fucking hope they get cancer.
By that logic me having gray eyes would mean I'm a child of the moon but you don't see me talking in fucking wapanese you nigger.
His fingers are so large like
like his dick must be huge :3
someone post the "asmon face"
you know what im talking about
his videos have the highest retention and repeat viewers on all of youtube. It's insane and a no brainer why they promote all his videos.
why do people make these posts?
is it for attention? I see it in every thread now
From what I understand, Jokerd got the pot, so he's now pretty fucking rich. Method at first tried to claim that it was actually a race to see who could do MC first and hitting level 60 was merely a stepping stone, so Jokerd was merely a setback. Their stream getting bombed forced them to give out a halfhearted congratulations and now they're ignoring it. They then lost to APES and now Method's just trying to sweep it under and just hope it goes away.
Jokerd got the pot, as I said, and when he hit 60, he immediately tried to delete his character, but mailspam wouldn't let him. He then went on to host Method.
Loooooooooooool this is epic!
>install twitch on mobile
>his channel shows up in the recommended channels bar
>open drop down menu next to channel recommendation and click the option for twitch to not recommend the channel
>channel below disappears
>do it again
>another channel in the bar disappears
>and again
>once there are no other channels asides from his I keep pushing the option and shit just ignores me
I was wondering why I was getting bombarded by reaction vids to it. I watched it because I genuinely nearly fell to that dumpsterfire. Glad I didn't but seeing the level of cope after will be remembered.
I hate him so much
Because they know someone like you will bite.
Why is this fuck so popular?
I don't even play WoW and I still watch him from time to time. There was one stream where he led a successful raid but he overextended on the subsequent one and got his clan wiped out
>YouTube actively pushes reaction retardation
Weren't people ralleying against this shit like two years ago? How did it end up booming again
why did you call yourself "they"?
His face is memeable
Because they're zoomers raised on porn and sexualize everything is what you meant to say.
light brown eyes are nice
green eyes are best
blue eyes look washed out unless they are really blue, then they are p gud
a few cool races have brown eyes (Asians, native americans, insert-here..)
cant just overtly shit on them imo
Einstein had blue eyes; Terence Tao has brown
The funny part is he does not even upload them to youtube, he flat out states its ok for his fans to do so and hes to lazy anyway
Yes I watch him
sad shit, whole lot of you
Because (You)s are like a drug that I can't get enough of.
What's his appeal? He looks like a bit of a prick.
GradeAUnderA lost his shit over Reactor's parody account, so people started doing it again to piss him off. From there, pretending to be retarded, actual idiots, good company, etc., you know how it is.
i get the same thing with some mario maker autist
>reaction video gets recommended to me
>open the video in a new tab
>mark as "not interested"
>pause at 0 seconds
>close tab
>recommendations now filled with him
thanks, algorithm
>make nice, informative WoW videos
>act like a retard on crack for underage twitchfags
yeah ok faggot
>his recommended isn't swamped with JRE
Cause he is a prick and admits it, and its nice to watch someone thats not pg13 all the time and makes 9/11 jokes and naga racist jokes
Not sure when he changed but he used to say a lot of borderline /pol/ tier stuff and suddenly stopped it and banned Twitch emotes that depicted a black guy because people were using them for racism.
One of these is not like the other
>it's a nexpo episode
Fredrik Knudsen isn't as good at presenting his information. He goes for more niche topics and does a good job researching them, but IH makes the information more concise without impacting the understanding of the subject or skimming on research. There is also higher production and better humor, but that value of that is more subjective.
>not even an hour
While Asmongold's always been left leaning, truth is he goes where the money is. He found out about "get woke, go broke" so he started pandering to the far right for their money, and because with the industry at the time being so left leaning, he figured he could clamp down on the market.
The catch is it takes a will of iron to be able to so casually say shit utterly anti-thetical to your beliefs, even for money, and Asmongold does not have an iron will. He eventually broke and just went back to his actual stance.
same for me. marking not interested does nothing. blocking channels does nothing.
>not cleansing your recs with Gun Jesus, hickok45 and SteveMRE.
where do I see this recommended page, is it the homepage?
ironically, his opinions are kinda shit
This was a good song though
This guy looks like one of sexuallobster's characters
He has a 10/10 gf and you dont
>tfw you have the same soulless beady eyes as him
Its a curse
I like Asmon but his girl is a total cam slut
at least post realistic bait
I did too until I lost my job. When the mioney dries up they fuck off real quick.
>>install twitch on mobile
kill yourself
Personally I disagree. I've never really had any issues understanding how Fredrik presents everything, and I enjoy how much he lets the sources speak for itself. For example, I don't think IH could've done TempleOS as well as Fredrik did, because a lot of what made his TempleOS documentary work was how much he let Terry explain Terry.
I do absolutely agree that IH though has a special talent for being humorous without letting his biases show though. Fredrik is far more "here's the info" whereas IH can contextualize it better and make it more relatable overall.
They're both great though, and both seem to be good friends, actually. I still have to watch that Sonic fanfiction reading those two did. I heard they got SsethTzeentach along for that too.
Try not to tumble down the stairs granpa
All they have to do is pick someone to push and they will become successful. The biggest youtubers/twitch people weren't created organically. pewdiepie can think he did it on his own all he wants, but fact is he was pushed along until the narrative wasn't the one they wanted to run with, which is exactly why he's making Minecraft videos now.
Does PDP even need to do Minecraft videos? I figured when you're at the point where even Disney can't fuck you over, you don't need to work another day in your life.
Gray eyes don't really exist. Your eyes are just a particular shade of blue that looks close to gray.
My eye are blue on the outside and green on the inside, what does that mean?
You’re the child of the earth god
>10/10 gf
more like a 10/10 on the nose slider gf
He looks like a fucking rat
I thought people ironically watched him. He's such a pathetic piece of shit and I thought people would feel better or get off watching some retard who never leaves his house.
He must still be somewhat right wing or continuing to pander, he has a MAGA hat visible behind him on stream currently
Sounds like retinal cancer bro, i'd get that checked out.
>tfw shitty brown eyes
I hate it
I've got amber colored eyes, where do I fall.
Born of shit because brown is bad
Holy FUCK this manchild and his fans are absolutely SEETHING with dislikes
He doesn't HAVE to but he came from a rich family and rich families have a thing about making sure your bank account keeps growing infinitely.
t. mom married in rich family when I was 10 and I had to hear them brag about the new things they bought but never saw because they worked 50+ hours a week
Amber's gold, user. You're thinking hazel.
Piss then because golden showers
Okay that's fair.
That sack of shit keeps popping up in my recommendations, I don't even watch any damn e-celebs. Doesn't matter how many times I choose that I'm not interested either. The next time I watch something vaguely game related, he's there again.
Wait. I thought gold eyes were weebshit. Are they seriously a real color?
Get video blocker extension retard
You don't get out much do you
its a make azeroth great again cap
To be fair to him, gold eyes, as in actual gold and not hazel, are incredibly rare.
Give it to me straight. What percent nigger am I?
Man he's one of us your so right! Let's give him all of our money, c'mon /pol/ friends!
if wow didn't exist he'd either be dead or in prison
To my knowledge that's a Make Azeroth Great Again. Still MAGA, technically, but not /pol/.
>world first
>of something that was done 15 years ago
>The catch is it takes a will of iron to be able to so casually say shit utterly anti-thetical to your beliefs, even for money
>hurr durr it's hard to lie
>Black eyes = soulless bugpeople.
My ex gf was chinese and looking into eyes was like looking at shark. Her eyes didn't reflect any light as far as I could tell. Waking up to find her facing me with those will continue to haunt me.
How do you figure?
>one of us
cringe. everybody except muttamericans and brazilians have gone out of their /pol/ phase years ago, sweaty
You know whats better than gold eyes? cat eyes
I like how all examples are mostly paintings chosen carefully by their aesthetic (except for ugly hitler) while the aryan blue eyed section are the most nitpicky creaturas you could find online
makes me wonder how many hours the mutt spent making this image
Recommendations are based in your history, user.
If you don't want videogame shit in your recommended, just go back in your history and delete the video game videos. Myself, I let only the musical ones.
damn user ur so fuckin woke
Cat eyes means one of your chromosomes fucked up, user. Rare as shit, yes, but cat eyes means something's gone horribly wrong genetically. It looks neat, but the rest of the package sucks.
it's cause I was born from a family with a long history of blue eyes :) don't lose your health trying to become as enlightened
>unironically wanting a gf in 2019
Pretty enough but not aryan
they're paintings because cameras weren't invented yet you absolute brain dead moron
My dad has blue eyes and my mother has green eyes
I have mix of both blue and green, feels good man
>eye thread
Thats my fetish
my point is that you couldn't find pictures of men with brown eyes and dark hair that could be as aesthetically pleasing as you expected, like the real person pictures used for the last section
honestly, sometimes I wonder if it's even worth to have the patience to explain the most basic things to thirdies who lack even the standard comprehension skills to post in a board about the most braindead activity and target audience in the universe
>implying you're also blond
close but no cigar m8
He triggers everybody and they can't stop talking about him.
sound like ya mamma gay
Ya whatever angoloid go spaz out at a wall mart or something
Wait, cat eyes are real too? How much weebshit actually exists?
You're seeing these channels and videos because the people who make them are grossing 25k per month.
Was blond until I hit puberty. Idk what the fuck happened. Both of my boys are blond hair blue eyes
He claimed private server guilds couldn't beat Method in getting world first rag 60, and when it went sideways, started backpedaling heavily, including going into submode.
>logging into Google's botnet
>tfw have desu eyes
everyone looks at me like I'm not human
How much said weebshit do you consume to think none of it has some semblance in reality? Get out more nigga.
kys redditor
Imagine being someone like this who fantasizes about poop every time he sees a color.
Is it possible to talk about WoW without bringing this hideous fucker up or......
If it helps, the Eyes of Sauron are not naturally obtainable, so there are some impossible eye colors.
>watch one of his reaction videos
>he does literally nothing but stare at the screen
>the video ends
Why are these fucking things uploaded?
As a hopelessfag I can tell you that it sucks ass.
>i get the same thing with some mario maker autist
I like Ceave Gaming, tho.
I've never gotten an Aspergold rec. The only WoW recs I've ever gotten were Classic Winds.
try playing wow
You say that, but back in high school I had a classmate who won the genetic defect lottery; albinism with cat-eye syndrome. He had red, cat-eyed pupils.
Stop dragging yourself down like that, there's nothing inherently wrong with beady eyes.
I remember going to school with a chick with cat eyes. Found out later on that she went blind and eventually dropped out. Sucks because I wanted to fug her.
t. beady eyed cunt
imagine being an adult posting your eyes in this thread looking for acceptance from memesters
wew boi
It only outs you as being one of the Eternal Anglo, a worse fate than having brown eyes
>when some faggot little shiteyes tries to get fresh with you.
back in my day we used give fags like that the smash desu. good times they were.
>literal mutation that makes your eyes weaker
Thankfully I'm not white. Feelsgoodman.
I hope youre not off age to be here
So this is nu-nu-Yea Forums huh?
I know right? What a faggot.
not an esl either unlike you bruh
yEAH BUT TREes man
Shitposting aside, there's very little one can do about where they were born or their ancestry. I believe it would be best if anons didn't bring themselves down by disparagingly comparing themselves to a random arsehole on Twitch.
why does vee hate fun?
Well if you're being kidnapped and they ask you to do this or they kill you, you're not gay
I like him because he's balding like me, I hope every fullhead normalfag will want to kill himself when seeing him in recommended Youtube videos
how based can one poster get?
>not getting cosmetic surgery to change your eyes
If I can cut off my dick and call myself a girl eye color is small time.
This but unironically because those channels have some genuinely good shit that isn't sitting infront a camera making funny faces to children for money.
yeah youre just a gay retard
for you
fuckin perfect.
Also add Townsends
would luv to know wot you think your IQ is. kek
Just search for his channel on YT
But tl;dr
>extremely comfy vids about life in early America
>special focus is taken on the 18th century
>gives historical insight into daily lives of the common folk
>cooking, society, worksmanship, services, culture, habits, tricks of trade, etc.
>always full of joy and love for the old ways
I've got the same thing going on, just less green than you. feels good cuz you know when you look at somebody they're going to notice how pretty your eyes are
Asked a doctor about that once he said its all to genes and shit.
Same reason why I had blonde hair because my grandfather was blonde. Genes and weird and skip generations and shit like that.
He also told me people from that northern Europe area has a really bad gene fuck up that means they don't make enough vitamin D.
Also add britishmuzzleloaders
> this thread is still up
> all the other threads deleted
Stop watching twitchfags, underage retards
My eyes are gray, though.
That doesn't work anymore
Twitchfag game happens either totally at random or by being a hot girl.
That was a nice channel I'll sub to it.
but what about me
Hazel master race here
i started with mining/skining but i wanna drop skining for engineering and level it with me, it feels as im missing out on having trinkets and other shit for the leveling experience
would it be okay to drop skinning at 20-30 or does the gold gain increase dramatically at those levels
Literally this. Fuck this ugly face that keeps popping up in my recommended list. I don't care about this guy, youtube. FUCK!
>seething poopeyes replying to this post
call them what you like,
they are still brown nigga.
No unlike you, they had friends and watched them play games all the time when visiting.
No you have to pay just watch someone online playing videogames.
Gray eyes are children of the machine.
your all slaves to algorithims