>old favorite has problematic elements
Old favorite has problematic elements
my ip range is banned from posting pics can someone post crying mad tranny wojak for me ty
I really, really, really hope this post is just bait.
>all ban evading loliposting killed wojack posters
You're welcome
Would this be allowed today?
Of course it would. Trannies and SJW aren't the majority, not even close. It's just that retarded devs listen to these people.
Just don't reply to any of those retarded tweets and a week later, no one cares anymore. These people don't buy your games anyways.
how much social justice shit can we expect to have shoved down our throat in VTMB2?
No big deal if you drain a human of blood, but you will break the masquerade if you misgender them.
there are trigger warnings before quests
Trigger Warning: This Nosferatu npc you are about to speak to is skeptical of gay marriage.
yeah it's from a 2014 remake but the same line was in the game from 2004
the part where you laugh at the prostitute dying of the tzimisce disease was unironically fucked up
they're just copying the modern source material of the pnp shit though, which is still pretty gay
hate the game for its shitty gameplay but hate the source material for the SJW horseshit
fuck you cunt i can't post images either because of you
>the part where you laugh at the prostitute dying of the tzimisce disease was unironically fucked up
You people are so weird. Ya'll get so triggered by the idea of people being triggered.
I don't have a picture but MGS2 has a few
>Taking body measurements of female hostages in Big Shell if you aim at them with the DMIC and press a certain button
>Acting in a perverted manner I.E taking pictures of a certain underwearless upskirt not only causes your superior to sympathise with you but order you not to lose the photo
>There's gender specific bathrooms in the Strut C Dining Hall
>VR missions include finding and taking pictures of lewd models hidden around the stage, not to mention lots of lewd models strewn throughout the game anyway
>Lying down on top of Olga and Emma provokes interesting dialogue and shows Snake / Raiden breathing heavily in codec calls
>Olga's shirt goes more and more seethrough the longer she's left lying in the rain
etc etc, just normal stuff that you grew up with along with a healthy brain that is now considered cancer and problematic examples of why our normal mind is actually a super rapist right wing nazi one
>>Olga's shirt goes more and more seethrough the longer she's left lying in the rain
I did not know that, I do love TECHNOLOGY moments like that, water effects on clothes are quite rare from what I've played
Total Overdose in its entirety. Been playing Serious Sam 2 and the "women falling for anything shiny" wouldn't fly.
you sneak into her apartment and find her already dying of the disease and all you say is "serves you right whore.."
oh yeah in downtown
that wasn't a tzimisce disease
that was from the brotherhood of the ninth circle
A lot.
People will post that one picture in this thread showing the anti Bush comments and what not as "proof" the game was already full of SJW shit, but then fail to highlight every other aspect of the game that just wouldn't fly in today's clown world.
Have low expectations for the sequel and get yourself a review copy before purchase.
How did you catch leftism?
All of it.