games where you play as a freedom fighter battling against a tyrannical empire?
Games where you play as a freedom fighter battling against a tyrannical empire?
An FPS set in northern ireland where one side plays as the irish and the other as the british would be kino
No but there are plenty of games with sovereign countries fighting off petty terrorist groups within their borders
Freeman: Guerilla warfare
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
ya dude but you're only allowed to kill people by shooting when they're unarmed or random bombs left lying around
>Amerifats still think the IRA were the good guys
lol as if Ireland is not just as pozzed as GB
>repealed abortion laws
>dublin becomes second-rate london for irish hipsters and troons
>wants to stay in the EU
fuck me you people are stupid
I have been watching that for years after hearing it was Warband with guns, how is it coming along
This and gay marriage
they were
English are racist cunts that shat all over the Irish welsh and Scots for centuries and they still feel that smarmy English entitlement to Lord over everyone in Britain.
can't wait for Brexit to go through and set the precedant for the whole of the UK to be dismantled.
The tory tears will be glorious, especially considering they're the retards that pushed for Brexit.
fuck off wit yer boom-boom boys, we only killed like six of yers it was all yer own fault
Why can't these guys just like the scots and the welsh? You don't seem them larping as freedomfighters ala domestic terrorists.
Because the scots and the welsh are a bunch of castrated nancyboys who are all too happy to suckle at the teat of the english.
The Irish have and always will be the niggers of Europe. Remember that O'Dwyer
>Be IRA shit
>Hunger strike
>Based Thatcher just watching
Because the lower classes know their place as servants to Her Majesty.
or because they aren't complete retards that fight for "sovereignty" only to give it away 5 minutes after securing it and then replace your existing population with foreigners.
the ultimate freedom a man has is choosing which darkie he wants to sodomise him instead of being told which ones are going to run the train on him.
Why would a black want live in paddyland tho? Its a fucking hole that God gave up on.
Games where you play as the favorite child?
underrated gem desu
Learn your history. The British were hegemons and while that enough is reason to hate them if you were one of their bitched out satellite states over the long course of British history pre-empire and post they have done nothing but take sociopathic glee in fucking over the Irish. Read up on them intervening in other states trying to send aide during the famine. Read up on a lot of things.
>pro EU
>britbong still playing the dindu act
That's your problem there lad.
>Read up on them intervening in other states trying to send aide during the famine.
based bongs
leaving will tank quality of life for everyone.
irrespective of muh sovereignty killing the economy and trade with the yanks will only fuck the isles over
Games where op is absolutely based and redpilled, where you can cause infinite amounts of Anglo butthurt?
Asking for a friend
Yikes my dude.
I’d rather a black then an Anglo.
>hating the population of a country for something their ancestors did and they personally had nothing to do with
I hope for nothing less than civil war
literally worth it. Seethe.
with education like that no wonder the good lads wanted to come back to the queen and her english
There’s no difference between an Amerimutt and an anglo
there should be a game where your nobels surrender their land and then you chimp out about it for 600 years
The Irish are unironically the Blacks of white people
Almost every JRPG. Prove me wrong
yes there is, americans aren't white
You got a loicense for that post Anglo?
Capitalize the first letter of your sentences. Also technically there’s nothing wrong with the previous post. It could also be a sequential listing. Blacks first, then anglos type of thing.
Also English is a butchered form of Latin. Fuck “proper” English. It’s like telling me to speak “proper” Rasta.
Based. Fuck angl*ids.
You use too many full stops and should think about using more commas and semicolons.
No one cares anglocuck. You and Americans are both inbred rats
>Get out ye black and tans
>Get in ye blacks and tanned
I really hope you're not Celt descendant calling others inbred, my man
Still better than your writing
it's gonna happen I've made my peace with it.
I'm looking on the bright side that it'll unravel Britain.
hope it'll happen while the queen's still alive too, that'll be some good telly
You forgot to put a full stop at the end of your post.
I really hope you’re not an anglo trying to pretend like you’re not the most inbred and cucked race on the planet. But who are we kiddinng, of course you are.
>could also be a sequential listing
>could also
that's what the words mean, but that's clearly not what he intended so it's a mistake
it's also a fairly common mistake that is usually only picked up by native english speakers with poor education because esl speakers usually have mistakes like that pointed out to them early on
No one cares anglo. Your “language” is already a butchered form of latin. Fuck your rules.
>butchered form of Latin
it's a butchered form of everything in northern/western europe, that's why everyone uses it
>Man wants to starve himself to death
>Accept it
What's wrong?
Oh, so you really are a larping Celt descendant, whose forefathers were such knuckle-dragging retards that they got made the eternal bitch of Anglos. Fair enough. I can understand why you're still still crying about it.
literally everyone except the british hate the british lmao
cope harder, nigel
I think ARMA has missions that allows you to fuck up some Potato niggers whilst they try to bomb schools and shit.
Stay mad anglocuck. Remember that you’ll never ever be European.
Oh hmm anyone remember that one Irish movie about, uhh the fine Irish freedom fighter Shawn O'Shoole O'Shawn O'Shay being cut down most mercilessly by the English oppressors? Oh wait that's every piece of Irish media ever made
I'd say right now a lot of the British hate the British.
>your language is bad :(
he says in my language
Face it faggot, I don't know what language you speak, but English took the best bits and threw away the rest of it.
>Remember that you’ll never ever be European
thank fuck for that. Are you trying to put a smile on my face?
Reminder that you came from Afghanistan and are gypsies
Literally triggered incel gypsy making things up.
low tier post
It's more just the English desu
I imagine the scots and welsh would be pretty pissed at them too
>Remember that you’ll never ever be a mongrel aberration
I seldom forget and count my blessings as such.
Yea Forums whenever the world cup is on
of course he starved they don't serve booze in jail
It's a good thing to be hated, it means you're relevant, Micks and Jocks wouldn't understand. England is the chad nation that beta male nations hate, Ireland is the equivalent of the "nice guy" nation that dumb yanks sympathise with but never actually visit.
chuckie r la
Yea Forums is disgustingly full of anglos but I’m always glad to see threads like this pop up to watch them gather and seethe