Dark Souls 3 is nothing but an improvement over 1
Unpopular opinions
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Even if they'd be dumb as fuck.
but that's just a fact
one that Yea Forums can't handle
>beta testing snoy ps3fags
thanks, DaS series was golden.
In Yea Forums maybe. DS3 is peak gameplay, but nothing has beaten DS1 in peak world design.
DeS 8/10
DaS 6/10
DaS2 3/10
BB 6/10
DaS3 4/10
Sekiro 4/10
The world is still better in 1 but I vastly prefer 3's bosses. I like them about equal
Playing 3 was like playing a worse version of Bloodborne.
holy shit reddit
world design
dks3 is "dark souls but bloodborne" for onions guzzling pcpajeets even though its not better than either of those games in any way. Its a superficial "improvement" to X aspects of dark souls but these "improvements" are curbstomped by the BB equivalents and in fact dks3 is practically an asset flip of discarded BB assets thrown together by the B team
Wow I can't believe that I completely agree with you with all of your orders
thats a fact. not an opinion. nostalgia trannies seething doesnt change that.
>Bloodborne online ahead of DaS3
Nigga you're crazy. Bloodborne hardly had a multiplayer scene at all. I would know, I've played since launch
Honestly soulless, and the worst of the four souls games
chalice dungeon community's are actually pretty big
How the fuck is bloodborne over anything in online?
yeah i have never had an issue finding people to play with in chalices
>spammy frenetic game is nothing but an improverment over slow methodical game
That's not how this works.
ok hes based
Chalices are shit. Can't believe anyone would willingly do them more than once.
To each their own but I don't like DaS3's hybrid combat. I like the tanky/methodical realism of DaS1 and I like the fluid action of Bloodborne, but I don't think the mix works.
Also The way poise / hyperarmor works is garbage. And the removal; of powerstancing was a stupid decision.
I do like the L2 special attacks though, for the most part.
>DS3 is peak gameplay
>every weapon plays the same
>roll spam
Its just not as fun. The formula is all "improved", yet the gameplay actually suffers.
i think it appeals to people who like dungeon crawlers
just about the only decent area in 3 was that boreal valley shit, mostly because it was difficult and not oversaturated with fucking bonfires
rest of the game is just a shitty slog though, especially if you've played other souls games before
its obvious as fuck if you like ds3 you're a zoomer faggot with no taste / standards anyway
this, it was torture suffering through them just to beat that one shitty boss in the dress at the end
i cant see how anyone finds that shit fun, its like the worst iteration of dungeon crawling ive ever seen
Yeah this, they're a nice idea but they're garbage
This is just hilariously wrong
ds3 combat is just a 1:1 to bb expect with spells and better build capability with no rally
bb story is shit and everyone knows it, theres a reason das has thousands of lore videos and bb has like 5
world design is fine\
Music is fine
Demon souls online sucked dick
>shit talks chalices
>only refrences the shitty story ones
DaS3 could've had the chance to be better than DaS1 by a mile IF Bandai Namco hadn't rushed From. Every game has cut content to various degrees, but DaS3 probably has the most cut out of it than the rest; entire bosses, entire areas, entire lore points, entire mechanics, etc. As it stand I put it well above DaS2 but below DeS/DaS1/BB/SK. It's a real shame too, since you can see the glimmers of the amazing game that DaS3 could've been within the content that they were able to keep in.
That said, I've heard some say that Elden Ring may essentially be DaS3 2.0, but honestly I'm not sure if I want that. If it were another DaS game I would get that, but if it's meant to be its own seperate IP, I would rather it try something completely different
You can invade in them. Invasions in the chalice dungeons are very funn
Alright Yea Forums give me your honest opinion on pros and cons of each souls game without sounding like a retard
BB's story is easily the best, what the fuck
>replying to autismo bait
he literally said dark souls combat is 1:1 to bloodbornes
>SK above De3
its really not
Demon's is so fucking boring, holy shit.
I honestly believe every single one of the DeSfags just pretends to like it, because it's the public opinion that it's secretly the best.
New Vegas is souless and shit
dark souls 3 combat is 1:1 to bloodborne
You can keep seething but
ds3 is closer to being a blood borne 2 than dark soul 3
that's just fact
Vaati isn't an indicator of anything, you disgusting zoomed.
I fucking wish it was closer to being bloodborne 2, then it might have been good
I can literally imagine you behind your keyboard smugged that u le epic placed bait that will fool everyone
your pathetic
Who's vaati?
>JoJo mod
never said he was?
its just fact that far far far far far far more people care and know dark souls story than bloodborne
mainly cause bloodborne story is boring af
No one played BB online you nigger, DS3 on the other hand is till going.
Your list is shit btw.
>half finished game
>half finished game
>linear rehash
''golden'' lol
>unironically mentions vaati
>vaatis das videos has more views than his bb ones
What the fuck is this trash bait, try harder
It's the same as the any of other games in the series. If you found it boring, you probably played it last. That's why so many people find 3 so boring. Each new game barely improves on the last iteration, the first Dark Souls included.
It's literally wrong. There's far more analysis on BB's lore than DaS.
It feels like a more complete product for one. Does DaS3 have more weapons/spells? Oh no doubt, 100%. That said, DaS3 also feels like there is a lot missing from it, as if several design decisions were predicated on several things being in the game that aren't. SK most certainly has stuff cut from it too, but the overall product doesnt feel like it is missing so much that wholesale parts of the game feel lacking.
>find people in central yharnam 4 years after release
>not a single sign on the highwall on pc
yep, sure is alive alright
Because bloodborne tries 20x harder to be more mysterious when dark souls did it perfectly
also no theirs really not dude, i don't know if your delusional or just meming.
theres more videos, talk, views about dark souls than bloodborne. period
Most of his views came from DaS3 you fucking newnigger. By your logic, DaS3's story is far better than the first one.
I am literally quoting a nigger in the thread you fucking ape
oh god he has to be pretending
pvp bloodborne was dead on release, and coop takes at least 5 mins to summon one person
1 had better highs (but also worse lows) and the world and atmosphere was better, otherwise I agree.
This. Besides 3, which is so uninspired and linear that it's painful to replay, Demon's is easily the most complete and consistent game out of the Souls games. Sure it might be missing an archstone, but they at least work it into the lore and don't throw in an unfinished area, areas that Dark Souls 1 and 2 are full of.
if 1 was just finished it would be the best with no debate
Bloodborne has one of the best video game stories ever, and I’m not kidding.
I'm using my phone, and sorry if you believe that is bait, I guess you're the pathetic seething man here.
>World Design
>Level Design
>Game Variety
>Replay Value
>Obnoxiousness of fandom
Sorry, but you can't put DeS and DS1 over DS3 in artstyle without being a mong
That's because DaS1 came several years beforehand. Now no one even mentions it. Meanwhile BB still gets discussed, still has lore threads to this day, and even has podcasts dedicated to it.
anyone else get frequent drops to 57fps on pc with dark souls 3?
DaS1 and BB faggots are the worst period.
>grey castles and recycled Bloodborne assets vs. actual atmosphere
>zoomers is mad that demon's souls, dark souls and bloodborne are the best souls games
Sorry you got in so late, maybe you can go discuss fortnite or something
>DeS that low for Replay Value
Nigga, what? It's literally the most open progression of all the games, you can tackle the worlds in any order you want
>DS3 that high on level design, game variety, and replay value
I have no idea how you can actually hold this opinion
maybe if youre fucking braindead. there are a billion ways to completely break the combat in dks3 just like any other souls game by giving you access to too many braindead tools. the enemies and bosses are far more complex in bloodborne and not random jerky quick asset flip rag monsters that were discarded from BB. Every boss in bloodborne has 3 phases and each individual phase is more fleshed out than some entire bosses from DKS3. The way the enemy encounters are structured is also infinitely more creative and challenging than anything you can find in dks3. The entirety of the hunters nightmare is a perfect example of this. The trick weapons are far more dynamic than the endless copypaste 3 move weapons in DKS3 and how poise/rally works is the perfect risk reward factor for aggression and offense in general rather than the braindead flippy shitty ""combat"" of DKS3 that wants to be bloodborne and dark souls at the same time with useless weapon arts as the cherry on top of the shit cake
You literally did not say anything of objective value
>bb is far more complex
>ds3 just re uses shit from bb
oh so this just cope, got ya
>That's because DaS1 came several years beforehand. Now no one even mentions it. Meanwhile BB still gets discussed, still has lore threads to this day, and even has podcasts dedicated to it.
Lol, no
some podcast with 10 views doesn't count
It's like you completely missed an entire era of souls lore faggotry from 2011-2018
yes, it "reuses" things that seem like trashed early build alpha assets from BB, random jerky hollows in rags that look like some eurojank shit from cry of fear with no coherent and complex patterns to fight against. The fucking sack wielding kidnappers from bloodborne are probably more complex and well designed enemies than half of the dks3 mook roster
>The fucking sack wielding kidnappers from bloodborne are probably more complex and well designed enemies than half of the dks3 mook roster
Might be because they're better and more complex than half of the bloodborne enemies as well
You know what I wish these games had?
I wish after you beat the game at least once, starting a new profile can give you new options for starting classes--classes that either start with equipment you only get late game, classes built around incredibly specific playstyles with one major strength and several weaknesses, etc.
DaS1's lore faggotry died around 2013. DaS3's was far, far larger than DaS1's and so was BB's.
And you did?
It’s widely accepted that DeS and DS have much stronger atmospheres (and more creative enemy and area designs) than DS3, if anybody needs to put forth evidence it’s you.
Bloodborne has enemy design with actual intent and "design" behind it, it doesnt throw you random shitshow combinations that you trigger by running around and wonder how to beat the retarded mishmash of giant crabs and cry of fear crucifix hollows flailing around, it gives you proper enemy encounters that you can tell apart within seconds because of the way they are DESIGNED. Bridge of villagers with a rolling ball of flame that a brick ogre pushes down, two beastmen eating a corpse, gascoigne, church men beyond the chapel, a bell giant comes through the gate and so on. Every enemy encounter in dks3 is a shitshow of infinite rolling to get away from the incoherent flailing of the jerky 20fps hollows coming at you in droves while 3 unrelated enemies close in on you to make it "challenging". Bloodborne uses what it has infinitely better and the enemies are more complex to start with so combining them properly yields better results, aka exactly why I mentioned the Hunters nightmare since its a gauntlet of setpieces and the river of blood is one of the best sections in the whole series
I don't know how you sleep at night knowing DaS1 is no longer discussed since several years ago, breh.
Did dark souls 3 make use of bloodbornes boss limb system?
Only in the late game Lothric area.
>classes that either start with equipment you only get late game
Would ruin the fun and challenge of trying to get end game equipment at low levels
>incredibly specific playstyles with one major strength and several weaknesses
This already exists
demons & bloodborne are best
then sekiro
then dark souls 1 & 3
it's mysterious how they made 1 and then 3, skipping 2 altogether
The art in DS3 blows both out of the water, the areas in DS1 and DeS may be more varied as a whole but they're lackluster individually. Kiln of the first flame is probably the only area that reaches DS3 levels
Enemy design though? Don't really think so
It has headshots and stagger, don't think they bothered with limbs though
reddit: the artstyle
des and dks were far more honest and mature
You still haven’t said anything “objective,” so there’s real no point in arguing. Personally, I find that Demon’s and Dark Souls art is far more unique and inspired, especially Demon’s. Base game 3’s most interesting areas were already done better in previous games (snowy castle, creepy dungeon, gothic castle), but Ringed City is pretty great I’ll give you that.
>mature art style
damn im getting it everywhere.
These things and Dragon god are absolutely horrendous looking
Like something a teenager would design
yes, its honest and knows what it is while dks3 prances around as le serious reddit game of christianity and dark death epic shadow knights of despair.....darkness....le desolated landscape of reddit....give that dark soul....so epic...like.........real..............art........
The artstyle across the series is literally the same, save DaS2's which fits more for some shitty chink MMO.
Again, that tone is found across all the games. Your hatred for DaS3 is very petty. Try again.
>Base game 3’s most interesting areas were already done better in previous games
Ironic when you're defending DkS
based reddit thread
dude, BB music is ultra forgettable.
Soulsfags are on par with smashniggers
Take your pills schizo:
Ludwig’s holy blade them is the best song in the series by a mile.
go back to bing bing wahoo reddit autist, just because your ability to appreciate music is on the level of a toddlers who listens to super mario tracks on youtube doesnt mean its not the only good OST in the series and coincidentally the only one that isnt some synthesizer shit where miyazaki hammers the board to make trumpet sounds and ENB bangs on a bongo while saying ha ha haha ha
DaS3's artsyle consists of leftover bloodborne assets cluttered everywhere alongside a washed out color pallete. it doesn't even come close to DeS
I bet you unironically think Gael has a good soundtrack
Or this?
looks completely in line with the level theme
meanwhile in das3
>dude why does a dying world look like it's dying and not like medieval England
even before opening the image you can literally see the massive contrast in color use
not a good look for das3
These things are creepy and gross as fuck, which is the point
However is just a goofy cartoon skeleton
>dude its a fat humanoid except his head is a hand with lots of fingers and they have lots of teeth
it's not creepy at all, it fucking looks like something a bored 12 year old would draw in class
the skeleton just looks like a slightly ornate skeleton, as if from a ritual, which once again fits the area theme. I'm not sure what cartoons you're watching
you're rating all of them too low imo.
DeS 9/10
demon souls is near perfect except for performance, now with RPCS3 it has literally no flaws and is the only 10/10 ive ever played
DaS 7/10
its a downgrade from DeS the first half is on par and most of the second half is fine except for the first half of Lost Izalith and the second half of Tomb of the Giants
DaS2 4/10
Its repeated too much but, shit movement, shit hitboxes and shit enemy placement. which also could have been fixed with SotfS but they somehow made it worse.
BB 9/10
Fix the peformance and the run to the One Reborn and its the second 10/10 game ive ever played
DaS3 7/10
its got great enemy design (especially the bosses) and decent combat but its very linear
Sekiro 8/10
Great combat and cool setting but it is about as linear as DaS3 and has less replay value and repeated bosses
>"slightly" ornate skeleton
what kinda skeletons are you looking at lmao
>healing system
>armor doesnt matter
as usual, op is a faggot
>now with RPCS3 it has literally no flaws
despite the fucked lens flair, missing geometry, invisible shield, COMPILING SHADERS and more, sure
Go back and boot up Bloodborne. It's an incredibly ugly game with all the aliasing and chromatic aberration. No where near Sekiro or even DS3.
uwu *FAAAARRRRT* oh my... pardon me i was only eating CHEETOES and CHEEZITS... while playing the most beautiful piece of kino gameplay ever made, also known as demons souls...
oh youve not heard of it? pish pish... *BRRRROOOOOPPPSSSFFLFPRLPRLRPL* oh do excuse me! phew, best air out the room! anyways... you see demons souls is simply the best piece of kino ludo ever created. you might have not heard of it because it was a, ahem ahem ahem, PEE ESS 3 eks-cloo-ziv? and hmm hmm hmm well yes, as you can see demons souls can only TRULY be enjoyed on the PS3... you see the PS3 is what i like to call a "life upgrade"? uwu? consider the beautiful curves of the DualShock(tm) controller, the elegant menu of the console itself, and, of course, the most beautiful piece of kino ludo gameplay that is laid before your eyes.
look, but DONT TOUCH... i don't want any "pc fat" to ruin my console! and don't think about emulating it! either! yes because you see, just "EMULATING" demons souls doesnt do it justice...
demons souls on pc is just plain wrong. it just wouldnt feel right. if i were to qualify it i would call it... death and disease? hm? i would call shit and piss! COCK AND ASS! SHIT ON MY FUCKING COCK YOU PC FAT RETARDED BASTARD AARRGH MOMMY! MOMMEH! BAN HIM! BAN THIS PC FAT HE WANTS TO AY-MEW-LATE DEMONS SOULS ON HIS PC NO! NO! NO! BAN HIM BEFORE HE GETS MY EN CON TAY NANCE *PFRfrrrfbrbBRBRBRBTBT* noooo oh great look WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!! *begins shaking and crying uncontrollably* my PLAYSTATION 3 IS FUCKING RUINED!! IT'S FULL OF STINKY SHIT!!! ARRGH! WHY! *begins to cake face with feces*
Art direction is far more inspired. DaS3 clings to its coattails and wooden pagodas have been done before if you weren't a zoomer.
>Capcom have never made a game worth playing
>Fromsoft has a great backcatalogue but most soulsfags don't even know about it
>Smashsmells are the fucking worst
>Anyone who says "Dark Souls clone" is a fucking retard
>Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation is a massive fraud
>SMT games have fantastic world building and atmosphere but shit gameplay
>Treasure shits all over Cave
>The only slightly even mediocre game Cave made is DDPDOJ
>You Are Smart is the worst Katamari Damacy song
>If you enjoy Sunset Overdrive I do not respect you as a human being
take your artifact ridden trash images out of here
it has a few encrusted jewels on it, and some strips of cloth. so yeah, slightly
>Fromsoft has a great backcatalogue but most soulsfags don't even know about it
see this is where I disagree, From Soft's games before the popularity of Dark Souls were underbudgeted shovelware.
>Armored Core
>My baby Evergrace
>King's Field
>That super cute platformer
>Shadow Tower
>Echo Night
>Underbudgeted shovelware
Well underbudgeted maybe but absolutely not shovelware
I agree with that but when you said graphics i thought you were alluding to the technical aspect of it.
If we are talking art direction though i think Demon's Souls is the best. Shrine of Storms is the most aesthetically pleasing area Fromsoft has made.
That's touched up. The game does not look like that on my TV. There's literally zero aliasing on that screenshot lmao.
aren't there like 15 armored core titles? that's definitely shovelware
>I have never played AC: The post
The only ACs that aren't worth playing are 2 and AA. The rest are fantastic games, especially Nexus
Opinions are not facts
I don't understand how people can have opinions like:
DSA: 10/10
DSB: 1/10
They're way more similar than they are different. It doesn't make sense to say one is 10x better than the other when they're already 90% the same. I think you all just like extremes irrationally. I mean fuck, you obviously liked your least favorite one enough to beat it.
lol, just zoom in on the edges, CA is there, no aa at all on the grass or branches
have you PLAYED 2?
it is most certainly not the same game as the rest of the series
Imagine seething over what Souls game people enjoy when really we should band together to fight against shit like Destiny and MH
I've played DeS, and DaS1,2,3.
They're all slow methodical, dodgeroll to the side and poke enemy until you win games.
bloodborne is so fucking overrated. it was the last game I played in the souls series and holy shit anyone that prefers it over dark souls 3 is nostalgia'ing hard
random dungeon fag checking in - being able to coop over and over on remixed maps is god-like - there might only repeat rooms after hundreds of hours but there's still neat mixes of enemies and traps to find - pretty much never get bored helping people beat bosses
excusing pissfilters with "this is a third obligated game of the series, lets slap some shit together and move on"-tier LORE
best part of the game dude
The fact that they released the game without the actual map generator is a fucking sin, the fact that they have it working in their offices sitting somewhere rotting on a harddrive is a fucking sin
Fuck you Sony, Fuck you From
In comparison to bloodborne DS3 has nowhere near as much role spam. A few weeks ago I beat bloodborne twice, once on NG and on NG+ and now that I came back to DS3 a few days ago I'm getting my ass beat because I actually have to manage stamina and block
just need to wait for bb remastered on ps5 bro
All souls games feel like that after experiencing the majesty of bloodbingus
I don't go for the soul meme but I think the soundtrack and visuals are a downgrade from fallout 3. Yes yes I know fallout 3 was an ugly game but turn up the saturation on everything in that engine makes it look like toy story. Also preferred the exploration of fallout 3
The only time I've found the soul vs soulless meme to make sense is Killing Floor 1 vs 2
>bb higher than dks3 and dks2
Nice bait u faggot.
>an incredibly ugly game
If 3 didn't have the souls name on it, nobody would care about it. Standing on its own it would be remembered as an above average action RPG and nothing more.
Other than the really linear level design
Atrocious bonfire placement and a complete lack of subtlety you’re completely right