Play Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth

play Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth

Attached: bfme.jpg (1283x731, 698K)

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play lotr bfme 2 rise of the witch king

I remember Gandalf begin OP as fuck in that game, he could 1v1 anything

bfme1 is superior
gandalf was the strongest hero but he can be counter played. Also Aragorn can 1v1 him in some situations.

me personally? I go for Lurtz

Attached: 857254-lurtz.jpg (320x320, 15K)

>Play BFME
>Post a multiplayer match
>Not posting the links
The game is abandonware:

Oh shit, that actually gets me interested. Is it easy to set up to play with friends?

no one uses that anymore.
people play through GameRanger these days.

scroll down and download the mega link. pretty easy to install.
this is like hamachi. The majority of the player base plays here. also easy to install.

>gondor and rohan are the same faction and use the shitty gondorian stone architecture instead of rohan's timber halls

Attached: 1525366806155.png (695x820, 113K)