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please, look at the photo

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He looks like he fucks black guys

What da fuck you lookin at cracka

Gotta check you WHITE BREAD

names are for friends


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C-can I help you sir?

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how come no one else has made a game where you play as a hitman?
Could IOI fuck me over if i made a game about being a hitman?

No, he IS capitalism!
There have been a few knockoffs but they've all been bad, as far as I know.
You can probably get away with it, as long as you don't make him Agent 74 who works with the ACI

yeah i just want to make it a generic hitman you can customise and create your own levels.


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If I can run around and assassinate people as a 3ft dwarf, I'll buy the deluxe edition.

Just pirate it


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I hate that she interrupts and comment on everything you do in Numan™. Just give me the intel before the mission, and let me do the job in peace.


goddamn son

my name jeff


Why didn't he just close his eyes? If he didn't look at the photo 47 couldn't kill him

I played Hitman 2016 for the first time last time and it's fucking weird hearing 47 emote and do accents when he's in disguise, when in the last 5 games he just used his normal deadpan voice even when pretending to be someone else

Almost nobody works in IOI now, that was working on old titles.

Nu-Hitmans are for onions.

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She's especially obnoxious in Mumbai and Whittleton Creek.

I've heard people saying they want her to talk MORE.

He is constantly mastering his craft. Thats why he's the best assassin in the entire world. Too bad you hear either British or Californian accent on every map.

>hearing 47 emote and do accents when he's in disguise

What disguises are you talking about?

I don't understand.

If you're asking why barely anyone copies the Hitman formula, it's because the formula is niche and not that profitable.

If you're asking why there are so few games about contract killing, then IDK. You'd think there would be more games about playing as assassins given how the vast majority of games are about violence of some kind.


yeah pretty much why isnt there moar games about contract killing? it suits the stealth action thing quite well

To me nu-Hitman feels like Blood Money (and I loved Blood Money) but with more ways of taking out your objectives.
I think the last two Hitman games are great fun.

That sorry ass dickhead

Figures. Mommy issues and hand holding aren't mutually exclusive.

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Why is Bank so comfy

They are good games but they feel nothing like BM

>helping the mediocre pajeet assassin to snipe your targets so your blood could be clean-er
I only recently found out about this, and it's brilliant

>have Blood Money on Steam
>finished the game normally
>now every level crashes on the newspaper section at the end

could a coop hitman work?

Check files integrity, or whatever its called in game properties.
Do you have some sort of language translation installed? Newspaper crashes are often related to localization fuckups. Idk about how steam handle it, but that issuse was patched in box versions awhile back.

That was by far the single most anti-Semitic and generally racist level in the franchise.

Because no one wants to put in the time and effort that it takes to make that kind of game and because IOI has already basically cornered the market on it.

hmmm I wonder who's behind this post...

how come specific developers get to have a monopoly on a specific genre?
Same shit with payday being the only bank robbing game or GTA being the only open world borefest

>how come no one else has made a game where you play as a hitman?
Technically Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell is a glorified government assassin.

lol, come on now. That level was straight up out of a /pol/ fever dream.

They don't, but you've gotta apply suit logic to the approach. Do you try to break into a closed market and risk a huge flop? Video games are a business and businesses need to make money.

devs not taking risks is why games are so shit nowadays

>T H A T...is Joseph Clarence, former amusement park owner responsible for the deaths of over 30 people due to a malfunction in one of the rides. Be careful 47, this park may still hold some amusement.
>Clarence is down. Excellent work, 47. The money has been wired to your account, now head towards an exit.
*intense escape music plays*

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Wasn't that tutorial mission in BM the most difficult level in the game? Is it even possible to SASO it?

I saw a video of someone doing it, way too much effort.


There's a hidden weapon in the beginning and a few other easter eggs but you can SASO the level, it just takes a while.

Wait I thought he died of cancer


Making a Hitman game is definitely a huge financial risk. IO almost went bankrupt making the new games, and even then most of their profits come from hardcore fans who were going to buy the game anyway.

On top of that, the reason why none of the Hitman clones like Alekhine’s Gun ever caught on is because they’re being directly compared to Hitman, which means in order to succeed they would actually have to top IO. Considering that the Nu-Hitman’s are by far the most polished games in the social stealth subgenre, the chances of a Hitman clone ever being better than the games IO makes are fairly slim.

>Gib money plz ;_;

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If you want to play out the developer's "intended" means of killing targets, then go back and experiment with items, level design, and AI behaviour to kill your targets in unconventional ways, then yes, it's a lot like BM. The tone is lot more lighthearted than BM, though, which I think is the sticking point for a lot of people.

>now head towards an exit, go home and tidy your room
Fuck you, you're not my real mom.

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I can't freaking stand the 'humor' they keep injecting into the mission proceedings and handler.

Why does everything need wisecracks now?

Dead but not forgotten

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Looks like modded GTA San Andreas

Difficult but not impossible


Death to Spies series
made by russians on same engine
Two games set in WW2. There is also Alekhine's Gun, third part that is set around cuban missile crisis.


Young NuDiana is extremely cute.

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Is anyone else annoyed that they meet face to face, while in BM when she enters his hidout he doesn't know that it's her.

He might not see her that often in person after their initial meeting.

Because people like the humor.

Yes, also I preferred her previous VA, and the fact she was just the voice, without a forced backstory on how she discovered and fought for such talent T H A T is 47.

There are trying really hard to make it into Not-Bond. Half of design decision from nu-Hitmans is about that.

The Hispanic one

He used to look like Bob Geldof

Are you sure you're playing Hitman 2016

Fuck you you fucking faggot tranny

47 doesn't use any accents in 2016.

trying too hard, reddit fag

>Jesper Kyd will never make another Hitman OST
>Amon Tobin will never make another SC OST

I'd like to see what the new games would be like if you could mod the earlier games soundtracks into it.

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Open wide levels like Sapienza, Marrakesh/Santa Fortuna, Mumbai or comfy compact levels Paris, Hokkaido/Isle of Sgail, Bank?

I fucking love Contracts, defiantly the best Hitman game.

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I like both kinds, but Colorado and Miami were clusterfucks and Marrakesh's extended structure is terrible (the school and the tunnel are especially bad, "A House Built on Sand" and the Consulate are fine).

Mumbai is incredible. Haven't played the Bank or Ark Society yet.

if they ever remake one of the earlier games in the new engine i really hope it's that one

>fiber wire still takes up a slot

Yeah that would be amazing if they did that and didn't remove any of the atmospheric stuff that made it so enjoyable. Sadly I'm pretty sure I remember IOI saying that they don't want to directly remaster their older works but instead improve on what made them good.

>mod the earlier games soundtracks
Thats easy enough. Just mute ingame music and play youtube in the background.

>another SC OST
It will be a miracle if we get another splinter cell game in the next 5 years (not counting that mobile shite they showed few months back)

They would fuck it up with inferior music and loud mouth Diana.

Care to eleborate?

>They would fuck it up with inferior music
I wonder if they changed the tone so much for the new games because they thought the more unique style the older games went for wouldn't sell as well anymore. The international spy thriller approach is such a huge step down to me.

how bad is hitman 2's optimization?


I have a 1050 and an i5 2500, ran alright for me on minimum with AA and it still looked pretty good.

There are hundreds of different NPCs running around a map following specific routines at any given time, it's a heavy load on the CPU.

Apparently they did it because they just wanted to try something different. That and they wanted to make the assassinations feel empowering.

>wanted to make the assassinations feel empowering
But the whole allure of hitman is that you're a faceless nobody that kills people for money, the most kino game was contracts and that had the best atmosphere out of all the hitman games. hitman isnt about being empowered its about killing in cold blood.
Still wondering why they havent made a level based off of freedom fighters yet, assassinating a soviet general would be cool

The new games are supposed to be "aspirational" so the targets are all supervillains and the locations are all like exotic vacation spots and exclusive events.

I REALLY like it, and the LucasArts-esque humor, but I can see how people would miss the old style.

it fucking sucks, if they wanted to make an international man of extraordinaire why didnt they just make a spy game?

Don't you spend alot of time in Russia in the second game shooting Soviet military guys?


That depends on what you consider "alot". You get multiple missions in Russia, but they're the minority out of the total.

I almost think that the old games were being too unfairly lumped in with games like Postal, and IOI is trying to build a new identity for the series that isn't associated with ultraviolence/random-killing games.

There might be some truth to this. The marketing for the older games was terrible and didn’t accurately reflect what the games were about at all. The new games are the first time the promotional material used the core gameplay loop as a selling point.

no one has EVER compared the older games to postal

the new games suck