Motion blur? to the max

>motion blur? to the max

Attached: images (1).jpg (299x168, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Chromatic aberration? I'll take all of it."

>film grain? yes please

>Bloom? Don't mind if i do!

Attached: 0vmozlsan6231.jpg (2208x1242, 138K)

>7.1 surround sound? that sounds good to me

Attached: 1566966850224.jpg (832x1000, 66K)

Next, someone's gonna say "the eyes can only see 24fps"

what's the setting called when the background is blurred for no fucking reason like this and that one zelda game
fucking disgusting

Attached: blurred to shit.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Yeah that shit looks off, great for real life tacky in video games

bro get glasses you will thank me later

Depth of field?

is that it?

Attached: dims.jpg (1600x897, 192K)


Thread theme:

Attached: 1551824739341.jpg (640x648, 119K)

Antialiasing? All the way!

Attached: 1566795855398.jpg (988x1190, 59K)


Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

what game is it?

>I just leave everything on Ultra, why bother tweaking it when I have this 10k alienware PC?

Attached: D0J1RveWsAAoQP2.jpg (907x695, 61K)

Looks like Oninaki

>head bobbing is automatically disabled? I'll just turn that back on.

Attached: 1551036766234.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

Why yes, I always play with 200% supersampling, how did you notice?

Attached: 3a9.png (476x476, 149K)

turning on motion blur to obscure ugly console graphics, a wise decision

ENB? Enable.

Attached: ENB CHAD.jpg (1068x601, 600K)

fry those eyes up

>let me just put crouch on c, jump on j and roll on r

Attached: ECleYP7UEAABRHy.jpg (824x1024, 65K)

ENB? Maxed, thanks.

Attached: ENB CHAD-MARK2.jpg (1068x601, 1.15M)


ENB? I'll take three.

Attached: ENB CHAD-MARK3.jpg (1068x601, 1.25M)

200ms ping? I haven't even noticed

Attached: smj4jzewnuc21.jpg (1080x1207, 98K)

Why yes I play with Depth of Field enabled, how could you tell?

It's too much, Chad! You need to lower it!

Attached: file.png (480x360, 172K)

>3D vision? SURE, crank it up to the max, i don't have any glasses but I'll just cross my eyes in order to simulate it

Attached: 1557984997744.png (574x560, 394K)

c for toggle crouch is unironically better than holding control

holy shit based

>not playing arma with maximum headbob
it sounds like someone isn't i m m e r s e d

>letterboxing and 30 fps? without a shadow of a doubt

Attached: 1564106472101.jpg (1281x1200, 87K)

t. binds jump to x

it is. though i think there were some games that controlled better when they key was set to ctrl

Driver updates?

Attached: c32.jpg (680x1253, 50K)

>not toggle

Attached: .1529263673210.png (445x472, 360K)

I use all of these. Unironically.

>toggle for crouching

Attached: disgusting.png (153x159, 61K)

>Why yes, I do force OpenGL, how could you tell?

Attached: 1565350861719.jpg (1571x1089, 194K)

>hold for crouching

Attached: 1Good Grief.jpg (512x512, 97K)

I only crouch for a few seconds at a time for most cases anyway

Custom lighting mods? Of course.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (2068x1201, 823K)

this is how top tier graphics look like

I like motion blur in garrysmod and nothing else.
anyone else have this feeling?

Where is this image even from?

Attached: 1563272837951.jpg (300x300, 31K)

I can't

>How could you tell I'm playing with DirectX 12?

>he turns off sticky keys

that's what happens when normalfag redditors take memes outside of Yea Forums

>screen shake? yes please

Mouse? no thanks I'll stick to keyboard only.

Attached: 0cc[1].jpg (633x640, 51K)

Just took it while playing gran turismo with my babe

>mouse acceleration? pedal to the metal

Attached: sleekntears53060380.png (500x679, 119K)

>nude mods? of course

Attached: A710D9E3-5520-4B99-85CF-234F3305D615.jpg (500x500, 26K)

>framerate limit? put that on 30 please

Attached: 4a9.jpg (1357x960, 494K)

>inverted y axis? on as always

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1080x1318, 171K)

Mouse or controller?

> Why yes I do like to play on consoles

>mouse sensitivity? 0% please.

Attached: 1564826666007.png (500x500, 248K)

should be

>Audio level? Gonna go with 1%, I don't want to damage my ears afterall

Attached: 85b.png (700x902, 314K)

>Why yes, i do invert my controls and play with my monitor upside down, how could you tell?

Attached: 1561060956369.jpg (1007x1200, 62K)


Why yes I do only play in 480p, what gave it away?

Attached: 1554115597548.png (1440x1775, 946K)

Fuck you grain is cool

>Why yes, I do run all my games on ultra settings and average 1 FPS on my 2005 dell laptop, how could you tell?

Attached: A1A3BCFF-F27D-42D7-AB9A-4C4BC14C8148.png (972x992, 339K)

thats not very based of you, chad

>SkyUI? Who needs that shit?

Attached: gigabogg.png (1205x1233, 540K)

Loli&Rape mod? Already installed.

Attached: 1560685419757.png (1473x1061, 975K)


Attached: HalfLife2_WallaceBreen.jpg (410x599, 37K)

I prefer both images to be fully visible

Attached: gigachad1.jpg (1068x601, 143K)

sasuga brainlet roid faggot

wow! he is literally me

Attached: 1556653920800.jpg (1145x892, 151K)

This is me unironically


Attached: Chromatic Abomination.jpg (355x417, 46K)

>CRT filter? I'll stick to hq4x with scanlines

Attached: 1560007962310.jpg (1357x960, 103K)