Why didn't Sony make this a PS5 launch game? Why release it now?

Why didn't Sony make this a PS5 launch game? Why release it now?

Attached: k.jpg (1628x2048, 418K)

It's most likely coming to PS5 as well considering it's an 8k game and the PS5 being an 8k console.

Attached: DS 96.jpg (7680x4320, 3.13M)

otherwise sony has nothing this year. no last of us 2 no ghosts of sushi, nothing

Because you don't need superior hardware to make a good game and more people will be able to play considered over 100 million people have a ps4.

Because they want GOTY 2 years in a row.

What else would they sell? PS5 isn't out yet, and people are tired of waiting for this game.

> those textures
> 8k

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x341, 20K)

Because TLOU2 is obviously the big PS5 launch title.

>when we can't even do 4k gaming right
>when nobody has an 8k televison
>when 90% of all streaming and TV broadcasts are still only at 1080
This meme needs to end.

Attached: 1548999649928.png (464x500, 493K)

Because it's note a Sony game?