Four years later and I'm still fucking mad.
Four years later and I'm still fucking mad
I dont know how anyone cares this much about vidya. Sure it was upsetting seeing Kojima cave to trends and continue to butcher MGS, but I got over it in a couple weeks like every other functioning members of society. Are you still mad about Brink and Spore as well?
Not OP, but Im still mad about Mass Effect and Command and Conquer 4.
>four years
Don't worry, son.
Death Stranding will soon make you even more mad.
Was it really too ambitious to have branching choices depending on the ones you made in the previous game?
I don't think there was a legitimate way of satisfyingly put all those branches together into a good ending. They sure could have done a better fucking job though.
I understand that having too many routes based off your choices is a massive undertaking, but ME3 should've done better than just 3 colors.
You still feel that Phantom Pain, don't you user?
five years later and people still havent figured out what really happened at camp omega
just shaking my fuckin head
>clearly a knot in the back
>ingame shows thick ass "ponytail" instead
False advertising.
What went wrong?
I'm not mad about this game I like it
>Sure it was upsetting seeing Kojima cave to trends and continue to butcher MGS
Yeah, that trend of making videogames and not just cutscenes.
That was the entire theme of the game dumbass
Nobody cares. Nice blog post
I'm still mad sonic chronicles 2 got cancelled
9 years and I'm still fucking mad.
Move on you fucking manchild.
>waaah game not like I want so game bad waah :(
The actual gameplay was fun as fuck though.
Retarded weeb faggot
Your not alone Yea Forumsro
They should've just let him keep spending money on joosts anus
This. I'd like to play an expanded, stand alone knock off where I just run my own PF.
MGSV is close to real war as you'll get with Metal Gear elements
>Constant nothingness for miles ahead
>Surprises are horrifyingly terrifying
>Absolutely no fanfare after all the work you've done
Every night... I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there.
Not really, all it did was change interrogation from context-sensitive button presses to options you select with an analog.
It's time to let it go, my son.
Literally no one asked for MGS with real war elements is the problem. Look how boring it made the game.
but 4channel said Demon Edition soon!
Kojima for every Metal Gear Solid game always wants to make the message that "war is bad", yet none of them until V depicted [at least to an extent] real war, one way or another.
If you hate MGSV, you will probably hate real war and thus war. Kojima's mission has been accomplished.
So which trailer was your favorite? Mine was Not Your Kind of People.
>What about him?
Such an exciting question at the time with a horrifically disappointing answer.
No, the real message in the Metal Gear series is obvious: America is bad. How the hell did you miss that? That's like not realising that Monster Hunter's overall message is that capitalism is the real enemy.
If you don't love video games why are you here? Return to reddit, vn gacha playing weeb.
>that chico paz tape in ground zeros
Oh no, the problem is that MGSV didn't go full war simulator autism like ArmA 3, it would have been great if it let you pilot aircraft, boats, ships, let you deploy your army or a squad, being able to end up in actual full blown battles, more, more varied and bigger maps...
It just didn't go far enough.
>we'll never get that truly dark ending
4 years later and I'm still having fond memories of this game
terrible pic the faces aren't remotely as close together as they should be
i fucking hated this game for the narrative cocktease and ballbust but man i loved the memes from it
I used to be mad, the game had so much potential. Then I realized that it's pretty obvious that Kojima was tired of MGS and just wanted to make a fun open world game. So now I don't really look at it as an MGS game, as far as I'm concerned the story is over after MGS4. Although I do wish we at least got that final mission that they never got to finish.
>"What about him"
>Kojima said when asked about that line, "that's you"
>Script leak makes that very clear
It's apparently fact that Venom Snake is directly me, but how the hell am I supposed to take that in when
>there's the Paz sidequest (which shows that the player can't make him have/not have feelings for the characters he encounters/thinks about)
>there's the Quiet romance
>he has a CERTAIN personality (to an extent)
>he has a CERTAIN sense of humor
Worst player self insert ever.
spore was a great game
Every night I think about the game, the story, even ground zereos. The content we lost, the missions we lost.
It was more of DLC than a mission. Script puts it in the "demo" category instead of "missions", which implies that it was planned to be an extra. In other words, DLC.
Based misinformed retard
Yeah they actually worked on Kingdom of the Flies up until early 2015 when, surprise surprise, Konami got a new president who didn't care about he video games part of Konami and pretty much pulled the plug on the budget.
based retard
>cut content/missions
Script was finished in 2013. Every change afterwards was minor additions and revisions.
100% of the script's missions are in the final game.
Barely any cut content is in it other than lore about Zero, cutscene variations, robot pinky and Chico buddy.
If anything they took too long to start it given that once again, it's not in "missions" (as if it wasn't in Kojima's mind when the story itself was initially completed).
shut the fuck up faggot
That's what the script outright states though. Are you a literal retard or a denialist?
You've never posted it
I deny your false statements
Have you actually read it
You could have just said
>Link or GTFO
If you get a mostly blank page in the "demo" portion
>Just click on the second tab at the bottom
Just read it
What you said wasn't true
He didn't provide the link
But now he did I will
>"Just read it"
>in less than a minute
>"What you said wasn't true"
OK, you're an outright denialist. Everything that I said was in the script (therefore what I said is in fact true) but you choose to lie because you feel like it.
>"His left arm has been severed from the elbow, and he has also lost most of his pinky finger."
>"A defensive Battle Gear (or Chico in a Walker Gear) has been stationed on this strut."
>"* Lieutenant John Steel (Jock) Lewes (21 December 1913 – 31 December 1941) was the inventor of the Lewes bomb. He was killed in an attack on his way back from an SAS raid on a German airfield. However, he had no experience in Rayforce. Furthermore, the SAS had just been founded in November of the same year. The Boss and Zero, founding members of the SAS, suffered many losses to Rommel during these early days."
>Just read it
In 40 seconds?
>What you said wasn't true
Why? Why do you choose to lie? What do you g et out of this
>being this mad that your bullshit got called out
>resorting to samefagging
Just stop
Your lying is extremely obvious. Stop.
I cant even imagine the absolute mental state of you when you are STILL mad four years later about a great videogame
hahaha really feeling that phantom pain am i right fellas
It was a fine game, bandwagon faggots just bought into the hype way too hard. As someone who actually lived through the marketing and disappointment of 2 and 4 I knew better than to let myself get bamboozled again. I expected Peace Walker on console and that's what I got.
blame konami, i hope that company finally bankrupt and sell its properties to decent devs
with luck, maybe kojimbo buys MGS license for his own studio
Burn with Kyoani.
Me too. I already knew what to expect from Kojima's previous MGS games. His games always include some ridiculous twist and he always goes against players' expectations. The only exception to this was MGS4, where he basically pandered to every plot prediction about the game.
>Big Boss is a complete dick!
>Actually he's still a nice guy
Fuck this.
More like the American military industry is bad.
MGSV's biggest problem is it's horrible endgame.
You have both too many resources to do too many things with, and the autistic difficulty scaling of helmets and shit is just too much to deal with
If it was comparable to the beginning and midgame it would be a much different story. That and if Episode 51 was real.
Why are we still virgins? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my dick… and my balls… even my nipples. The sex I’ve never had… the gfs I’ve never had… won’t stop hurting… You feel it, too, don’t you?
The endgame is the Fob system.