What happened?

What happened?

No seriously, what happened?

Was it the forced Tumblr story?

Was it the stale gameplay that involved chokepoint after chokepoint and spamming ultimates to get through them?

Was it focusing almost completely on skins on a game you pay for with one or two minor updates every so often?

What specifically turned the game from the major hype monster it was to completely dead in a year after release let alone now?

Attached: iu.jpg (2500x1250, 343K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bitch I literally just got done playing it

why do you keep making this thread, the game is still active

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>completely dead
its not but i know you love to think that. ill still explain why the gameplay is bad though.

the game catered to a ton of shitters who had no idea how to play a fps. put them all together with heros with seemingly overpowered abilities and they all think they are the most useful person on the team. combine that with maps that all rely on huddling into a cluster around your tank and praying your ultimates work leads to most games coming down to luck and "which team doesnt internally destroy themselves" first race. Plus the balance was pretty shit.

Terrible updates that are very slowly released on top of it, meaning you're stuck wishing the game would at least become a different kind of awful but it just stays the same for months and months.

bitches love overwatch

No map making program.

>Forced tumblr story
Normally I'd laugh at how fucking ridiculous saying this is, but in overwatch's case the immesurable fumbling of the story could reasonably be linked to it's decline.

Reminder that we STILL haven't seen anything post overwatch recall.

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All this, plus compfaggotory

>i hate this game so it's dead
People who complain about muh tumblr and muh sjws are worse than the people they complain about, prove me wrong.

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Season 2 was more fun than any season that came afterwards.

That's what happened.

Also porn, GOOD porn

I'm convinced the reason they don't want to release a mapmaking program is so the team of developers aren't shown up by some random 15 year old who designs an amazing and well structured map in an afternoon that they haven't done in years

>Was it the forced Tumblr story
what is this forced forced Tumblr shit the alt right is always talking about?

slow addition of new content, too much focus on competitiveness, too much focus on making it a safe space where toxicity isnt allowed which backfired and made it worse

Well, from the very beginning we had
why? this shit sucks. it makes sense for shit like Dota, not a semi-casual FPS. Leads to everyone being fucking mad all the time and people getting banned for "toxicity" instead of just forming into communities of likeminded people.
you also had
in a game you already paid at least 40 dollars for. That's fucking bullshit. But okay, if the game is good, these two things can be more than made up for. And at the beginning, the game was alright, and had promise. Except for
Fucking obnoxious. Spend most of a match pouring bullets into a giant, mostly stationary rectangle. At the beginning, though, they went down pretty fast, because DPS had good damage output. But DPS having good damage output meant they killed things fast, and that wasn't part of the design! So then they
>nerfed damage
so DPSes couldn't kill each other fast. This also meant they couldn't kill shields AT ALL. Shit took forever. And, when you finally manage to kill a shield and and then actually start shooting people and killing them, now it's time for
to instantly undo all the work you just did by slamming the revive button. Did you just get a big pick? Something that could change the course of the game? Was it mercy? No? then it didn't matter. All of this lead to
>DPS being a useless class.
The class that 80% of people wanted to play, that consisted of over half the roster, was trash. It just wasn't all that useful. Healers and Tanks always provided more benefit to your team. So, the comp meta was this atrocious 3-3 thing for ages, and everyone transparently hated it. This lead to the final nail in the coffin:
>enforced 2 2 2 meta
Want to try something interesting as a team comp? Want to mix things up? Want to use some kind of strategy other than the same shit over and over again? Too bad, you literally can't, the game will not let you. And so, everyone leaves, and the game is now fully bad.

>Reminder that we STILL haven't seen anything post overwatch recall.
wait a minute, the fucking PREMISE HASN'T HAPPENED YET

Blizzard happened.
They just have not been good for a long while.
Along with other stuff mentioned like the story, which is also a case of Blizzard fucking up because they fucked up every other thing they've done recently.

>Too much focus on making it a safe space where toxicity isn't allowed

The thing is they only did things people wanted. When they 'banned' one tricking people cheered
>Hooray now no one can just play video games, they HAVE to play them correctly or they get banned

When they banned people for saying random somewhat mean things once again people were cheering

When they banned thoughtcrime from OTHER forums people justified it too

The thing is that stuff like this you only really have yourself to blame. People were way too willing to strip their in game freedom just so they personally felt comfortable and it just kept getting worse and worse

Sorta like real life desu

Nothing happened and it's still the best MP shooter online and still has 40m players, it's just popular so you have to hate it. You'll know the game has gone to shit when Yea Forums starts defending it lmao.

continuously fucking up the game for the sake of "balance" until what made the game in the first place no longer existed
special mention for completely neutering fun characters like Torb because, while extremely fun to play, didn't fit into their e-sports bullshit so they couldn't leave him well enough alone

>completely dead in a year after release let alone now
no matter how many times Yea Forums keeps screeching that it just isn't true

The dude who originally came up with Overwatch left Blizzard.

This is why there is such a steep decline in quality when you compare DLC characters to the main cast. Those are not his creations.

Trying to make a game into some bluehaired freaks fantasy doesnt sell well.

>His teaser shows an insane man losing his grip on reality but yet mastering it
>In game he throws rocks and a shield and that's about it

its not like its something people made up this games development became increasingly intertwinned with tumblr artists.
The owg at one point became nothing but tumbkr artists shilling their shit in the general.

Forgot to add on to more of my post, the game was advertised as a fast paced competitive FPS, but it's the opposite, not one new hero has been beneficial to the game, if you revert the game before new heroes came out it'd be so much better. Say you're in the game, you and the enemy team are just sitting behind a shield, ok you kill the shield (which is nearly impossible), then Sigma or Dva use their matrix, by the time they're finished enemies teams shields are back up, and if they aren't well Baptise can press E and his team is literally immortal. It's in such a bad state atm

No KDA and most weapons felt weightless and weak. Only Bastion's weapon "felt" strong but he's just a cool-looking gag character.

The problem with the game is that it's built and balanced around ultimates. You can say that this adds its own realm of strategy to the game but that realm isn't actually fun. The game mostly consists of.

>managing steady ult built
>minimizing ult charge feeding
>baiting ults
>denying ults
>synching ults

And the reason it's boring is because ultimates themselves are boring. Press Q to let the game hand you an ez victory. Wow I sure prefer that to the experience of... actually moving and shooting. The game never declined, it was bad right from the get go. But the first few times you pressed q and get le epic teamkill you clutched your mouse to breaking point and jizzed yourself in delight. Nowadays the novelty has worn off. It's boring and the same. You're more likely to remember getting a janky airshot as Pharah then landing her ult. Because at least the former felt fulfilling.

You know I'm right

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That's what I meant by "immesaurable". It actually boggles the mind how fucked the lore of this game is. The "premise" of the game doesn't even exist in universe. Hell TF2, who's "lore" is more of a setup for jokes more then anything, exists in it's own universe.

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Yes it was focusing on skins that eventually killed it for me

i forgot the fact they removed any way to track how you and your team was doing.
Which just lets lazy retards leech off the team and inevitabiy causes you to lose.

Overwatch is a casual game that really, REALLY wants you to think it's a competitive esport game. They've done everything they can to try and modify it to fit that mold. Which is why it feels like such a mess of metas now.

As the updates went on it leaned more towards ASSFAGGOTS than FPS, the newer characters just sorta fucked up the general dynamics of the game and made the game worse overall.

how does that even happen

>first and only video game in an IP is made to be non-canon
>all story development comes from slowly released cinematics, comics and in-game referential dialogue
still boggles the mind why you would go out of your way to build an entire universe for your game and then render 97% of the content related to that universe noncanon, blizztards at it again

>Nothing happened and it's still the best MP shooter online and still has 40m players,
>40mil players
>best shooter
>OWL league sits at 100k viewers and 50% of the viewers just afk for skins

They tried to make it an esports game and did the typical blizzard balance thing where they change all the characters based on the current meta and fuck things up. It didn't help they heavily moderated the community to the point of banning people in non competitive gameplay for having fun with different characters. Basically drove all the people that were drawn to it back to their original shooter or assfaggots.

the implication that is never explained in OW is that its supposed to be one big vr simulation for training.

>IP is made to be non-canon
wait, isn't it still canon?

What is it now? I only played it at the beginning.

i havent played it in 2 years no idea.

>play Overwatch for a while
>always mad, everyone else is always mad, never have any fun
>everything just feels so tame and dull, characters don't banter, there's no chaos
>realize I'm only playing for skins I don't even see 99.9% of the time
>go back to Team Fortress 2
>join game and hear a scout getting headshot before I even choose my class
>2 of my teammates are dancing in spawn
>soldier crockets half my remaining team and screams an unearthly war cry
>spy backstabs me that second I walk out of spawn
>I've got a smile on my face
That is the true difference between Overwatch and TF2

The only parts that aren't canon are the battles the players do. All of the shorts and comics are canon, and all of the in-game interactions between the characters are canon in the sense that it would be how they react to each other.

Things i regret about this game
>getting sucked into playing it because a streamer tested it
>playing it for hundreds of hours waiting for them to make it good and it never happened
>liking some of the characters that are far too good for the game.
Game of regrets.

pretty sure it was firmly established a long time ago that Overwatch (game) is not canon within Overwatch (IP). Maybe with the possible exception of those limited run coop events, though even that is dubious since I don't believe they were ever referenced within the comics/cinematics.
I don't know for sure though, I hate this shitty game so I don't pay much attention to it

Well, I guess that makes sense.

All of this is right except for the fifth one (there's arcade mode with stuff like low grav, TDM, FFA, etc.). The gameplay, although not exactly my taste, isn't the issue, it's the unfun, hypercompetitive, incredibly sanitized aspect of it. There is nothing inherently wrong with having a team based game not allow one guy to clean house, it's just the fact that there is absolutely NO recourse if you had bad teammates, unlike in similar games (using Paladins as an example, you have the ability to heal on your own and shut down enemy healers/tanks with items and counter CC or invis characters via the item shop system). In overwatch if you have a bad healer you have to completely disengage and go find a health pack and run back. If you have a bad tank, you can't get past the enemy choke points to try and flank. If you have a bad damage, you can't do anything to their tanks if they have a decent healer.

He also have the black hole spheres and his shield-creating projectile-eating black hole hand and his Ultimate

Blizzard tried to make the game an esport by removing everything casual and fun

Compare it to TF2. In TF2, you get an achievement for taunting on a player's death-cam. In Overwatch, the same thing could get you banned for toxicity. You could lose the game you spent 30+ dollars for because you taunt or spammed voicelines

Don't forget this

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>Was it the forced Tumblr story?
this for me, forced fags and diversity grew stale

The game was just not that deep. It's a ton of fun to learn a character but once you've gotten good enough its no longer fun.

This can't be real.

>Reminder that we STILL haven't seen anything post overwatch recall.

This is probably what annoys me the most. They release these stupid cinematic missions, but it doesn't even fucking matter because it's something that already happened. It doesn't help that the stories themselves aren't that interesting and Blizzard are afraid of upsetting tumblr shippers.

>Maybe with the possible exception of those limited run coop events, though even that is dubious since I don't believe they were ever referenced within the comics/cinematics.
They're all canon too, Uprising and Retribution and Storm Rising are all events that happened prior to Overwatch's fall and detail the start of Overwatch's decline, Overwatch getting a lead on Doomfist to track him down and capture him as seen in his origin trailer, and Tracer's first mission to save her home.

I was tempted to put that in there instead of the recall factoid, but honestly I find the fact that the main plot of the entire damn series hasn't even been touched way more egregious

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Jeff, you mean. He's the one who won't allow the story to move forward from Recall.

isnt the story literally hijacked by some asian incel?

Oh it fucking is user

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>Its a common misconception that D.va is actually a pro Starcraft 2 player :^)

Would they open a Overwatch Classic where everyone is forced to watch POTG?

but WHAT


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id love full creative control over blizz for a day. Id remove good characters like dva, mcree and widow from this trash heap.
Possibly other characters like Tracer and give her a bf.

isn't this game like 5 years old? move the fuck on it already made shit tons of money, it already did it's job years ago

Holy shit what custom TF2 map is this?

Bad balance updates that catered to casuals. Fortnite better watch its back, they are bragging about their account numbers just like Overwatch used to, and making the same mistakes.

>Forced Tumblr shit to cater to Blizzard's left leaning audience and keep the popularity going off of diversity points
>Constantly adding more characters while leaving currently existing characters unbalanced and broken
>Incredibly inconsistent and vague reasoning for banning players (i.e. taunting, saying dumb shit in chat, spamming voice emotes, playing as certain heroes when the tryhard on your team wants you to switch)
>Comp scene was either composed of mindless solos or groups of tryhards
>Unironically the Overwatch League

I used to love the game a lot in its early days because it played well and had a bit of personality back then. As of now the game is incredibly dull and broken and I'd rather spend my days playing a more casual, balanced game such as [that] one.

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pretty much but you see this is their game and tumblr wont allow it to die.

At least one person at blizzard thought adding stun mechanics to an fps was a good idea.
That person also thought adding MORE characters that can stun was also a good idea.

Chu does what his boss Jeff tells him too, and all the crying about him is because people are upset that their waifu Mercy has a thing for Genji.

It's failing because the game fails to work as an fps anymore. There's just too much shit that goes on on the screen now. There are something like 10 different healers, 10 different ways to block projectiles, 20 different ways to get interrupted or stunned. The game becomes harder to play the way its meant to and harder to balance with every new hero. I seriously wouldn't doubt if people start asking for an "Overwatch classic" with the original roster within the next year

found the azncel

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I agree with most of what he says, but TF2 6v6 has the same stale meta mentality, but most people do not play it so whatever.
Most importantly, why are we not allowed to bant or shit talk? It is better to just say Fuck you instead of bottling it up and doing shit like report spamming.

It's a team game. It applies Tank-Healer-DPS to a shooter. In other games you have the option to change up your play style and game plan on the fly but you absolutely must stick with your team's ideas for success if you want to succeed in Overwatch.

On paper all that sounds like an interesting idea until you get to the gameplay and realize that you are frustratingly limited at all times. Even in a game that allows you to switch characters at spawn, you feel more limited than you do in games that lock you in to a character or loadout for an entire match. Blizzard can never solve the "toxicity" problem because the game encourages players to not feel accountable for their mistakes. I'm assuming their idea was for players to not feel bad about themselves but instead they just get pissed off at the game.

Then factor in the lack of variety between maps and the lack of substantial gameplay updates outside of more, but equally limited, heroes, and you've got a recipe for a declining game. It took a while for the player base to get fed up with it because the foundation seemed so strong, and in their defense the counterplay with disadvantaged characters was better early on. I got there within a few months though and was already done playing by the time Orisa was out.

I wouldn't mind the flashback-esq missions if we

you know

knew what the fuck happened after

>point out facts
>people scream buzzwords
Mercy isn't real, she will never touch you or speak to you.

You guys were shitting on TF2 when OW came out, now look at you

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>loot boxes in a game you already paid for
This alone is a good enough reason to pass over this game, I already paid for the damn game. If you're going to withhold content from me at least let me unlock them via challenges.

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>give Tracer a bf


The premise of the story also had potential.

From what I gathered it was going to behave like a "Gangs back together" archetype to face a new omnic crisis of sorts, something that was a fundamental worldbuilding pillar that shaped a lot of the characters backstories.

Having them return to a world that doesn't want them - and would probably see them as criminals - unaware of a new crisis being fabricated by certain players like Talon could offer a lot of interesting places to go narratively.

But then all we got was MORE backstory comics, half baked events that never drove the plot anywhere and characters with no real interaction with each other in meaningful ways.

None of this honestly would fucking matter in an FPS/MOBA multiplayer game but they marketed this game as if it would have a story that they would be exploring with a lot of interesting worldbuilding.

I honestly just don't fucking care anymore.

shut the fuck up rice dick

So feature creep/cluttered UI?

Just post the sexy pictures

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fads die out, overwatch never had much staying power, it relied on being a shiny new toy, now that people are used to it there's much less appeal.
but the porn will last forever, and that's worth more than any dumb video game.

>GOATS meta is finally killed because Blizzard enforces a 2/2/2 now
>now we're stuck in a double shield meta
>just fucking shooting shields all fucking day
This game is permanently fucked. 3 years later and we're still stuck in 8ish hero metas

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Flavor of the year. It was heavily advertised on social media as well.

>Shields were a mistake, how we fix this
>Add more shields
>Also stuns

I hate Chu because he made my waifu a lesbian.

everyone hates this azncel faggot he made the entire game about ships and invited cancer

>The robots rise up and butchered billions
beyond fucking retarded

Chu is a fucking hack and living proof you can do well as a writer without even trying

what the fuck is happening?

zero progression outside of lootboxes. I bet alot of anons who started to play overwatch during release quit because they realized all they did was play for more lootboxes. They also ruined fun bullshit you could do with buddies, like 5 genji or rein or whatever. e-sports is a cancer to every game expect for the FGC.

>Fixed number of characters and a variety of maps/modes


>A large amount of characters with few maps/modes

Which do you think is easier to maintain overtime and which do you think relies too much on short-term sizzle? You can't have a fun and balanced game with so many characters. It is inevitable that only a handful will become "meta" and drastically impact the variety and fun in the game.

It's still good, but the constant focus on competitive is pushing out casual players.

In most cases this is a bad thing, but Overwatch hands out loot boxes like fucking candy.

>Please try the beta role queue, LOOK FREE LOOT BOX IF YOU WIN OR LOSE!

>Please try our arcade mode where your dumbass will get carried anyway, LOOK MORE FREE LOOT!

>Got enough pity votes err endorsment ratings, MORE FREE LOOT BOXES

Never paid a single cent, and have about 90% of the junk that comes outta those things

Not one but two retarded, incorrect platitudes

No coherency between story and gameplay since you have the heroes and villains fighting with or against each other every match. Taking forever to add new content and the whole arcade thing being shit and retarded. New characters like Sombra appealing to no one because no one actually likes dykes with half-shaved haircuts. The focus on not showing other players' stats and only your own gave you no idea whether other players on your team were being competent at all and fostered aggression rather than reducing it.
But most importantly is how they wasted all their time and resources on policing player interactions instead of working on more content.

>characters don't banter
There are actual interactions between characters in Overwatch. TF2 doesn't have anything close to the amount of banter Overwatch has.


That's applicable to Brigitte only, who is a terrible Mary Sue of a personality.

It's applicable to all of the characters in the game. None of them tell funny jokes, especially not at one another's expense.

My impression is the OW team has a pathological hatred for the popular characters, the ones that sell the game. They were all neglected and shat on for years in the game.
Everyone loves Dva, everyone loved Widow yet they just ignored them and shat on them.

instead focusing on OC donut characters that everyone hated.

It was imbalanced as shit for the longest time

That's literally a matter of opinion. Please tell me a funny TF2 interaction.

"Gee user you're a fucking stupid faggot and I hope you get raped just like Zoe Quinn" - the Scout

>only "ship" he did was Mercy and Genji
>everyone shits themselves retarded over it

Why do people care about the story? I just enjoy the multiple and never really looked into it. I'm glad they have the comics and stuff for those people but I like that it isn't forced in the game.

This is how you can tell someone has absolutely no knowledge of Overwatch.

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>make waifu bait characters and dude McCools
>people want to know more

Top kek my redpilled Yea Forumsro xD

List 3

Thats my favorite too.

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they turned it into meta focused shit instead of fast fun. the shitty writing, lootboxes and dumb new characters are just the frosting on the shit cake
t. collectors edition preorderer

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Paladins is a better game than Overwatch in spite of Hirez shitting itself repeatedly

>Please tell me a funny TF2 interaction
literally any domination line

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Reinhardt: (On Eichenwalde) I killed many of your kind here, Bastion.

Torbjörn: I sometimes wonder if all that armor slows your brain down.
Reinhardt: Ja. And I sometimes wonder if your height is why you're always in such a bad mood. (or)
Reinhardt: Ah, could you say that again? Sometimes it's hard to hear you all the way down there!

Doomfist: You don't take a hint, do you, Reinhardt?
Reinhardt: And you don't know how to stay down when you're beaten.

And that's just from Reinhardt. Or are you talking about the characters threatening to rape and slaughter each other using curse words every three words?

the UI isn't cluttered, most of that in the webm is just from the streamer, ingame in team fights is extremely cluttered though with so many shields and other spam bullshit

Even the dumbest line It's funnier than most Overwatch responses



Pick whatever class you want, the domination one are easily the best ones

the gameplay sucks

gameplay is the most important part of a game

>Reinhardt: (On Eichenwalde) I killed many of your kind here, Bastion.

Wow, hilarious

God I miss the days when this game was good

have they unfucked my boy Nando yet?

Attached: you're holding the gun sideways idiot.webm (900x506, 2.98M)

>Or are you talking about the characters threatening to rape and slaughter each other using curse words every three words?

That doesn't happen in TF2 either dummy. Unlike Blizzard actual writers were hired to do the dialogue in that game, so rather than curse or threaten rape they tell amusing anecdotes specific to whoever they just murdered.

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I got into it last year when I got a ps4 to play rdr2. I've played it a lot since but my best friend also plays it so that's had a lot to do with it. I'm a 31 year old boomer so it's an easy game to hop in and play. I just ignore the sjw shit and focus on getting better with every character and having FUN.

basically the short time ana was released and earlier?

>"Poor Winston. Has to hide away so he doesn't scare the children."
>"I don't even think children are afraid of you."

>"Isn't it a little embarrassing to get beaten up by a monkey?"
>"Have you ever been hit by a giant, genetically engineered gorilla? I could arrange it for you"

>"You won't believe the joke ol' pig face over there told me the other day. Roadhog?"
>"Do you ever shut up?"

None of them are laugh-out-loud funny but they're at least vaguely humorous and most of the interactions are just characters disliking each other. I don't even think TF2 has cross-character interactions, or it didn't the last time I played anyway.

most people were willing to ignore some of the sjw shit but they keep doubling down on it. to the point it detracts from the game.
For example making every single character a faggot.

None of those are funny, maybe if you're 10 years old or something.

>I don't even think TF2 has cross-character interactions

I dont think you played the game if you dont realize it has character specific lines

if there's one positive thing I can say about OW then it's that Ana revived my interest in gitting gud at aiming. the kit may be bloated and overtuned but the backline commander powertrip where your shots decide who lives and dies was fucking real

That isn't what I said though, I said cross-character interactions. I know there are character specific lines, but none of the characters actually have short conversations with each other.

>character-specific lines between 2 ingame characters arent cross-character interactions

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these all read like fucking Marvel movie quips, can smell the onions-soaked beard of the writer through my screen


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Is there any reason to continue to entertain deviant, degenerate behavior like homosexuality and trans illness? Why not just put them down and move on with our lives, instead of wasting resources and sacrificing our society?

nah you know what i could deal with the stupid fucking tumblr story
i could deal with tracer being gay and soldier 76 being gay
i could deal with windowlicker being purple for no reason
but you know what i can't deal with? the one fucking thing

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Lines that are specific to the characters you killed isn't the same though. Overwatch has those too, but Overwatch also has the characters alive and talking to each other.

Even if that were true, how does it detract from the game?

>let's make a very small control point room when almost every character in our game has deployable shields, objects, and large ults
this is why moba elements don't work in fps games

None of these are interesting nor show any kind of character, don't try to pass them off as good writing.

TF2 is like le epic gamer funnay for 15 year olds. I like TF2 but it isn't ever funny. Overwatch isn't funny either, but it isn't supposed to be.

What exactly shows character then? Give us an example so we know what you're talking about

When I wasn't able to solo carry as Genji I stopped liking the game

Not yet, amigo

Flanknando is still fun. Fernando really highlights the difference in Paladins designs vs Overwatch. Fernando plays much more actively than Reinhardt. Even Ying has more stuff she can do than Mercy. Playing tank and support in Paladins isn't a chore.

Anything that exists outside of Overwatch are excellent examples of showing character.

>le epic gamer funnay for 15 year olds
What does this even mean? Breaking the fourth wall? Because pretty much only Scout does that shit, meanwhile, OW has an entire character dedicated to that unironically.
>haha winston big monkey just like donkey kong!!!11! Am I right fellow gamers ^,^???

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> alive and talking to each other.
>They only say tame shit or try hard seriousness that only tumblr would like because the story It's garbage
>They have so little of these lines that you will hear the same shit over and over

Good thing they have that!

Ah yes, the "Everything I don't like is this specific thing I absolutely hate!" whining.

>I like TF2 but it isn't ever funny

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He means lines for interacting with teammates, not just domination lines
Would be nice to have but TF2 isnt some game where you need back-and-forth dialogue between people. They exist just to talk shit and die
That's also a part of why overwatch's dialogue is just bad. Ults/warnings mean that you cant really have interactions during the match, and pre-match interactions are just a little too wordy to be enjoyable
I think Tracer killing Reaper is still the only possible form of interaction/domination lines in the game

Give us a specific example and stop dodging the question.

>Was it the stale gameplay that involved chokepoint after chokepoint and spamming ultimates to get through them?

That one.
The map design is terrible.

>thing doesn't exist!
>here is thing
>it's not how I want it to be therefore blah blah!

I just told you, ANYTHING is better. Even the stupid quips from a Marvel movie are better at showing character.

it means he's intentionally trying to get a rise out of you and succeeded

That's still more than what TF2 has though. OW interactions are all there to provide more depth to the story. It's not perfect but it's better than TF2.

>Heres shit
>We don't like shit

user, I must say you are looking quite well. This life must agree with you.

You're the one who can't move on you dumb nigger. The majority of the first world either supports gay marriage or is indifferent because they know it doesn't impact them. You're the one who gets triggered by fictional characters being homosexual in a side story for a video game.

Give us a specific example of an interaction in an online FPS. Saying 'ANYTHING' is the complete opposite of specific.

There are a few domination-esque lines but they heavily depend on the character, like Roadhog sarcastically going "nice mask" when he kills Soldier 76 or Reaper

dead game

>Here's a decent thing
>It's not War & Peace, but it's decent and we enjoy it

you mean most of the first world has no say in the matter?
Because faggots abuse the political system to undemocratically ram it through?
Protip theres a reason people hate you.

A ying that can aim tears shit up

Is this what /pol/ really believes? I'm genuinely asking.

I've played a fair amount of OW and I can't even tell what map that's meant to be, I thought it was Volskaya's 2nd point but there's too much neon shit to tell

what a shame, guess I'll wait another 6 months until going through the patch logs again

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Its almost like you fags want to be genocided.
The gay shit was forced through in my country with an informal vote. People were threatened to vote in favour if it.
It isnt democratic eventually people will hang you degenerate faggots for what you are doing. There is no where to hide.


I bet you also think Pharah has a personality

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Nah, completely dead isn't right. It's still somewhat popular, just that it's since been eclipsed by shit like Fortnite that came afterwards.

In response to your question, Overwatch's decline was a combination of how slowly they released meaningful content and some of those retarded balance changes that made to satisfy like 2% of the competitive base. PUBG (and later Fortnite) wouldn't have been able to steal away so much of its playerbase in mid-2017 if people were still having a great time with the game, but the fact of the matter is by then, the majority of people were sick of it and were looking for something new to jump ship to.

How overdone and exaggerated do you need a person's character to be before you accept it? Ren & Stimpy level?

the game isn't fun and all the lore and shit around it is boring, inconsistent garbage. You can play ~20 games and feel like you've experienced everything the game has to offer. Then fortnite came in and cleaned up what was left and the rest was history

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Fortnite didn't directly, it was PUBG. Then Fortnite came along and killed that off.

PUBG is really only popular in China now.

I didn't say that user.
But your character only being "I shoot, I fly, I dream of being X" is not a personality kek

Blizzard balanced themselves into a corner. Casuals hate the game, pros hate the game. I wouldn't say it's completely dead, since it might get revived with the recent update, but it is certainly on death's door.

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>extended the competitive beta for another few days
what happened?

Found a bug they need to fix

Many real-life people have pretty dry and boring personalities, too. What do you want her to be, the drunk aprty girl who fucks everyone that you fantasize about her being?

two symmatra ults 3 shields and a bob uppercut and orisa grab pull.

Looks like he had a fun game tbqh.

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>try overwatch
>cant choose what map I want to play
>cant even choose a game mode
>game chooses that for me
>get in a match
>fov is like less than 70 degrees
>giant fucking weapon models blocking a third of the screen
>ui is fucking transparent white trash that cant be seen on snowy/sand maps
>maps are atrocious, chokepoints out the ass
>no scoreboard
>almost every weapon is just an automatic hold m1
>no ammo to punish that brainless shit
>ultimates exist
Got it on sale and played it for a literal day before giving up. It's a complete train wreck

>overwatch isn't supposed to be funny
>but here's our epic gorilla and hamster characters haha

half the problem with overwatch is its identity crisis.can't fucking decide whether or not it's a serious game or not

The major problem I had was you're forced to play bilzzard's way. I bailed on orisa's release because I didn't like that QP was now comp-lite, if you wanted to play the game mode where you could just play a simple game, you had to fuck off to 6v6 unlimited dedicated meme server.
From what I'm told you can't even play anymore without first picking your role, so good luck if you like playing offensive characters

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D.Va's is overdone and exaggerated. Lucio, Reaper and Reinhardt are pretty alright. The rest sound like they're just going through the paces, and not even in the way that real people depressively do it. There's monotone and there's boring user.

This is not real life, this is fiction, for a G A M E, the point of it It's not to be boring, dumbass

Also, using your logic Overwatch being shit its ok because shit games exist, way to go

the fucking hamster was the final straw.

After a few months I realized that their premise for the game was entierly centered on getting people to buy lootboxes. It was the only conclusion I could come up with for them making more and more characters but one map a year. Maps don't get people to spend more money, but characters and skins do. Add on to that them making ranked the normal game mode, and the actual fun No Limit mode into a rotating game mode sealed the deal that the game was just so fucking awful that even playing with my friends didn't fucking make it enjoyable.

Phara's personality is basically that she's boring. Some people are just like that. It's better than being a boring caricature.

crowd-control focused mmo gameplay does not work well with twitch fps

What exactly do you mean by "serious"? Do you think it should be Halo-style serious? TF2-style serious? Are games not allowed to have funny/silly elements?

What country is that? Sounds like somewhere third world.

reminder that even TF2 did the fucking space hamster thing first and in a less-intrusive way

Attached: Engineer_Space_Hamster_Hammy.png (727x727, 437K)

>it's not how I personally want it therefore it is bad
How should Blizzard cater to you to make you think it's good? How should characters like Pharah and Symmetra talk and act?

Winston is a scientist, not a gorilla.

Why does the game still have 10 second queues? I thought you guys said it was dead?

Sigma is fun. Wish I had more control over how far his shield extends though. Good for crowd but sucks 1v1. Better than Baptiste but not as good as Ashe or Bridgette.

That's clearly third point of kings row you filthy casual. Back to bronze :^)

blizz nerfed the fuck out of everything that was fun (albeit cheesy) and replaced it all with peashooter simulator 20XX

plus it's a team game so you gotta play with dumb fucks

and the weapons are weak, but the CC is strong, so as soon as you play against a good Mei or an Ana that can land sleep darts, you begin to fucking despise the game

>Overwatch was a huge success, albeit Blizzard managed it poorly and weren't able to maintain it for more than a year
>Paladins had some success on the basis that it was basically just Overwatch for poor people
>Battleborn, Gigantic and Lawbreakers were commercial flops
>Dirty Bomb had some minor success for like five minutes but died soon afterwards
>Amazing Eternals was cancelled
>Quake Champions still isn't finished

Funny how that big wave of post-TF2 hero shooters never really amounted to much considering it was being hyped up as the new dominant genre to take over from MOBAs.

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we are talking about first world countries you mentally ill freak.
All progressive politics is forced through because its incredibly unpopular.

>game itself isn't canon
>nothing that happens within it matters
>only shit that's "canon" shit like the changes to hanamura which literally just added some shitty arrows to reference that shitty weeb short and the doomfist bullshit in numbani
>game is still in the same place lorewise as it was when it came out
>Winston is still waiting in his monkey cave to bring back OW
And yet Blizzard claimed this was supposed to be similar to the MCU?

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It wants fo be both an esport and a casual game and just ends up a bastard of each

>fires two pebbles for his main weapon
>another negation field a la D'Va, except this time if heals his shields
>other special is just throwing a rock

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Nah, CoD went full hero shooter but never did a MOBA. Hero shooters are the mainstream, not MOBA.

Bruh, are you fucking retarded. No game with multiplayer ever has multiplayer be canon.

Not really, Battle Royale is the new fad to milk, even CoD did it last year and will probably do it again for each game

Give Winston time, bulking doesn't happen overnight and he's got a lot of peanut butter left

user just eat my shit, some people eat shit, It's better than eating a nice meal

Junkrat It's nice a example, you get he's a crazy silly dude who likes explosions , his voice lines, interactions and everything screams his personality, that's fun

Same for Reinhardt, you easily get that he likes combat, defending his people and just going ham

I genuinely enjoy the I don't think even children are afraid of you line

with everything except tf2 6v6 has been a shitshow for years.

His main weapon has pretty good range once they explode. The tricky part is the timing, and his rock throw has a decent amount of damage. He is pretty fun to play. Nice to have a mobile tank.

a nice example*, wtf happened there

>Bruh, are you fucking retarded. No game with multiplayer ever has multiplayer be canon.
t. grew up on cod games

The same problem with every blizzard game, trying to take a by-the-numbers casual game for the LCD and inject money into an artificial esports scene in the desperate attempt to recreate the organic scene that Starcraft created but without any of the actual skill required.

For a mobile game that has good graphics

>Boo hoo ur mean i dun liek u
Wow great banter in overwatch. Well, off to visit your mother!

You got a game without looking anything up?! What the fuck is wrong with you?

So every character needs to scream and overly ham up their personalities?

>blizzard tries to turn overshit into a video game nba
>complete with hiring out actually sports venues
>has rap performers and other shit that doesnt make sense to the demographic
>crowd is full of paid journo shills pretending to be fans
>cant even tell wtfs going on during matches because the game isa clusterfuck of unreadable special affects
>make all the characters gay
They have no fucking clue what they are doing. Who the fuck is this shit supposed to appeal to?

CoD has done hero shooter since Blops3. They’ve only recently started doing BR.

Is OW your first online game or something?

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characters, at launch, all had specific strengths.
everyone was "OP", but OP in their own right, on a level OP playing field.

Blizz wanted competitive, so they took the uniqueness of every character and flattened it out into a boring meaningless pancake, devoid of skill-reward, devoid of interesting interactions, devoid of fun.

You know as well as I do that there are very few exceptions to this rule.

Are you Cathy Newman?

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That’s not having multiplayer be canon, dipshit, otherwise OW is fully canon because it’s all training sim.

>Make the comp aspect a grindy mess that has been warped around tanks for at least 2 years by now
>At the same time, actively take away environments for people who aren't trying to be epic lmg pro players.
Quick play might as well not exist anymore.

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Both the characters being gay and the timing of the announcements kind of makes sense. Overwatch was already 6 months old by the time of Christmas 2016, so making Tracer a lesbian was a great way to get some positive PR going and get the game's name in the press again to drum up sales. S76 being made into a gay was clearly just an attempt at deflecting all the negative PR Blizzard had been getting in the lead-up to it thanks to Diablo Immortal and that "Ellie" thing.

Why are the old fucks like Soldier and Ana still training? Are they preparing for a mission that will never come? That's pretty metal if you think about it.

>Be good at overwatch
>buy smurf
>go bronze to gm, decide that's "beating" the game
>sell smurf account on playerauctions
>dont know how to withdraw btc back
>remember how fun bronze was
>buy a bronze account for literally a quarter of the smurf account price
>talk shit all game every game with a retarded battletag that makes me laugh to even see
>if some bronze cuck gets uppity on the other team I just stomp him
>get to literally 1 SR at one point
>once you get low enough, the game is literally just one or more smurf on either team trying to out-lose the smurf on the other team
>make smurf friends that are funny and also like to shit on bronzes
>do shit like infiniting where you prevent either team from capping until the (either hour and a half or 2 hour and a half - I forget) time limit is reached or the bronzes all leave
>stay in queue as a 6 man of all have discord channels of just shitposts to spam in bronze games while throwing/ganking scrubs
I'm 3 banned accounts in. All banned for abusive chat rather than throwing. Overwatch is only fun if you're shitting on people.

>we want to make a game with a cast like street fighter
>but its a fps like tf2
>crossed with a moba
>varying skill requirements
>we want it to be a competitive game
>but no scoreboard because feelings
>please treat it like a real sport
>also everyone is a fag
Its such a bad concept

>Blizzard claimed this was supposed to be similar to the MCU

Blizzard has absolutely zero (0) products with a story you could call good. Why did you expect Overwatch to be different?

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That reminds me of what my friend and I used to do in csgo, but we didn't have to buy new accounts because valve won't ban you unless you're explicitly cheating.

has nothing really to do with what im saying.
There esport scene makes it clear they want dudebro money yet they are doing everything to deter dudebros.

>otherwise OW is fully canon because it’s all training sim.
It would be if the training sim was in universe, say, as a way to inspire people to join or some shit. But since Blizzard already came out and said the game isn't canon, it might as well be Michael Chu's imagination minus the genji/mercy shipping
TF2 has a game in it's own universe so the multiplayer is canon

sc1, d1 + 2 were pretty good.

Witnessed this in person over playing it the first year it came out. I remember people being able to solo carry on DPS and now it's a shitstorm of shields and healing.
This and the reasons OP listed off are why this game is a flaming pile of absolute garbage, but hey at least we're getting some decent porn out of it still.

>bait people into calling me a faggot in overwatch
>report them
>a few days later get a message thanking me and notifying me those users have been suspended
I love imagining them loading up overwatch and literally seething as they sit there with a big fat message telling them they can't play the game they paid for.

>Was it the forced Tumblr story?

What story?

Spending 2 hours to intentionally lose a game sounds boring as fuck. How much time have you spent doing this?

This is one of the reasons i stopped playing blizz games.
I had a legit issue and they basically told me to get lost because i was a guy.
Then sometime later i had an issue where someone was harassing me and they mistakingly thought i was a women and acted on it.

Do you really believe that? I mean really really? I don't know anyone who hates gay people and I wouldn't know where to find ones that do. Whereabouts are you from specifically? Which city?

>Was it the stale gameplay...
its not dead, but the homosexuality is getting out of hand
either way i ll bite
>play rank
>chase those high ranks in competitive in order to play overwatch on its full potential
>be plat, fuck
>try my absolute fuckin best, be a filler, be a good tank, be a great support, and overall good dps
>get golds on most matches and dont talk shit and just rage quit as soon as I see that "defeat" sign
>never get out of plat, end up in gold
>game punishes me for trying my fuckin hardest
>keeps me out of higher ranks and never actually get to play overwatch with a full competent team

waht kept me going was those rare matches where everybody in the team was speaking and actually working together
when that happens, its actually a great game, but those games are like 5%

I dont "believe" it you psychotic. its indisputable fact.
This is why people want to lynch you.

>12 Snipers is canon

Facts require proof, user. I'm trying to get perspective on this based on your location. Can you answer the question please? You don't need to tell us what street, just the town/city.

it literally is lmao
go read all the TF2 comics if you haven't already
they're great

They only say those in spawn and nothing else ever comes of it. In TF2 you get extra lines for dominating your opponent that shows a character's personality more in depth and how they relate to other characters. Like Sniper becoming more deranged as he gets a killstreak or spy teasing the scout for being a virgin.

It's like chess. You're not playing the game. You're playing your opponent.
Cracking jokes at a bunch of retards throwing literally everything they can just to END the game (after quickly resigning to the fact that they would lose if we were to try) is fun as fuck. They try literally everything. Sombra sneaking onto the point, staying in spawn to build ult slowly and then using literally everything at once, etc. The desperation and tears are delicious. Do you have any idea what it feels like to break a person? They become completely submissive. Please, Mr. user, you're clearly better than me - just end the game with the minimum penalty so that I can play the next one without getting temporarily banned for leaving due to blizzard's shitty rules. Please.
It's usually just shitposting and taunting people. That's why I get banned for abusive chat rather than shitting on people. One usually ragequits about 40-50 minutes in. It never lasts that long. (Thus why I don't remember the time)

You tell me psycho if something is forced through without a vote how does it have popular support?
If your kind cannot even tolerate people voting on these things how are you in the right? how is it democratic?

any match on an official map is considered canon, that's the point, it's an endless stalemate

Attached: wrong house.gif (393x220, 831K)

>In TF2 you get extra lines for dominating your opponent that shows a character's personality more in depth and how they relate to other characters
You get domination lines in OW.

Relax sperg. It's all promotional shit. Same with LoL or any other multiplayer focused game.

Please answer the question first, let's be civil about this and try to understand perspective. I'm making the effort user, the least you could do is actually engage instead of ranting.

Atleast in LoL a story beat meant something didn't a character die in lore then became unplayable for a while. That is stupid but atleast inventive. Dota has a cool way of tying the game to the Lore though.

tl;dr game made entierly about healslut empoverment

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you answer the question. How is it democratic to not even allow people to vote on these things?
It indicates your politics doesn't trust the people to vote the "right" way.
Your intial post was claiming progressive politics has popular support all evidence points to this being untrue.

That leak a few months back is starting to look more and more plausible. But what about fucking Ashe, apparently they knew each other about as long as Deadlock has been around.

Too be fair it's not all like that. Tracer calls Reaper a wanker after killing him if she's using a certain skin.
So yeah, more like 99% percent of it is safe-ish since they're trying to appeal to kids and don't want to piss off soccer moms, Valve writers on the other hand didn't care about controversies

>expecting anything even remotely resembling a coherent plot from Blizzard
All the writers left when Blizzard North dissolved. We got stuck with Metzen, who can certifiably be diagnosed with dementia despite only being in his early 40s when WoW's decline began and when SC2 Wings of Liberty came out.

people that shit on Metzen are idiots.

Putting corrupted characters in every game again and again and again is fucking retarded

It's fucking wild how people defend Metzen solely because he's fucked off now.

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>Your intial post was claiming progressive politics has popular support all evidence points to this being untrue.
All evidence I see is that most people support what you consider 'progressive politics'. However, I'm not so ignorant to assume that things in my location are the same as yours, so I'm doing the intelligent thing by asking you for your location so I can understand where this perspective comes from. Supposedly where you live nobody likes gay people and the vote for gay marriage was forced through undemocratically. I've not heard this so I'm asking you: Whereabouts do you live?

this single update had more Character soul than all of OW has ever had

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Metzen pretty much is the Walt Disney of Blizzard he made all their settings that made them rich.
As soon as thry dropped him blizzard went to shit with faggots like chu.

Just on a side the people ive seen aggressively attacking metzen on social media were always faggots jealous of his success that wanted his job.

>BAD MAN????????????

Attached: t1.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

>took me four years to realize the joke behind Soldier being called Jane doe

This is where the discussion breaks down with people like you because you are a kying propagandarist that just makes up a narrative and ignores the other side(s)

My argument based on reality is your disgusting politics does not have popilar support since you won't even permit proper democratic process on it. Which indicates its not popular.

fucking based Tayne poster
based fucking post
based fucking gif

Attached: 1399646824949.gif (320x240, 1.82M)

Metzen rode in on the backs of more talented writers and then floundered like a retard when he was left by himself to follow up. You cannot defend WoW post-Cataclysm, Diablo 3, or SC2 with a straight face and expect people not to call you a fucking retard.

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can you please share with me user

no he didnt you fucking tranny. He was their original idea guy. He created the fucking blizzard settings he didnt ride in on antthing.
He was the creator of every setting they made.

The non-horde vs alliance parts of Mists where good.

you fucking idiots
what episode of tim and eric should i watch while having my 13th drink of the day before bed
i have them all

Attached: 1394969721583.gif (250x141, 983K)

2009 era TF2 was the peak
>introduction of Halloween events
>WAR and the propaganda contest

Attached: Propaganda_Cowardly_demoman.jpg (857x1200, 159K)

>calls others retard
>thinks theres people at blizzard that predate metzen
You are so unbelievably retarded.

confirmed beta who was too young to play on the 07 beta

Discussion breaks down when you stop answering questions. By trying to get your perspective I'm doing the complete opposite of ignoring your side. All you're doing is ranting, get off your soapbox and start talking like an actual person.

WoW lore went to shit in TBC, in Cata they just went full retard with retconning retcons

Bruh no one gives a shit what he "created" when he's the one that drove every single one of Blizzard's franchises into the ground

See OP only faggots play that game



Soldier is a blank slate with no prior identity just like Jane doe or John doe are used to fill in blanks for government shit
so that Domination line from Spy about how Soldier can be replaced with anyone and how Meet the Medic shows how many Soldiers there can be at once, it ties in

How cute. Do you know what warhammer is?

you havent answered a single question ive put to you.
Your kind are intolerably fascistic. its just pink rainbow fascism

god yes
any idea what episode that's from?

Comfirmed basedboy beta cuck wo was to yung to play tf1

George Lucas created the original Star Wars trilogy and you can't find a single soul alive who considers him a great writer after all the awful meddling he did with the story. What's your point?

I don't want to remember a TF2 without airblast or the ability to move buildings

Attached: Propaganda_Manly_soldier.jpg (749x1200, 274K)

kek TF2 writing is actually almost unbeatable for PVP games

Thats just a company who rip off blizzard

wow no wonder soldier is so fucking dumb
thanks user

sorry no idea

Blizzard made it

he also drank water from Teufort which had lead in it so there's also that


True I dont understand why based Metzen wont sue them for stealing his ideas

hahah fuck
i didn't read all the comics, i really should.

Why do you keep dodging the question user? What possible issue could you have with posting your location? I've already said you can generalize to your town/city so you don't have to compromise your privacy. I can't begin to understand your perspective if I don't know where you're from.

no he didnt. Under his writing and art design every ip boomed.
As soon as they used other people it went to shit.
All the shit you listed was when other people outside Metzen and his friends got involved.

They made almost every defensive hero into an offensive hero, only to remove any sorts of defensive strategy and make it so that its a contest of who can press Q in a rush just right.
>made by an unironic Torb main who saw potential, but got disappointment

Attached: torb.png (350x322, 155K)


but the originals are the best and people love the prequels.
People hate the latest.

ok no worries. i'll pick a random episode

Best defence its offense tho

Boy those OW vs Battleborn threads comparing UIs seem a little silly now

>Was it the forced Tumblr story?
That's where you go first? Jesus christ cut down on your Yea Forums time you're starting to get real rent free.

im not even reading your posts anymore. So i have no idea what question. Since you wont answer a single question and are mearly a gay fascist.

All of their characters are unoriginal. They take the abilities from their other games and slap them on Overwatch heroes. >See Diablo 3
And you'll realize how painfully unoriginal they are to come up with new ideas.

The latest are the best the originals are to old and budget tier quality

>thread is full of gay tranny nazis that can't even acknowledge Metzen was the original concept artist of Blizzard
These are the shits blizzard tries to pander to and why everything they spit out now sucks.

it's blizzard being unable to balance and all the maps being bad.

>latest are the best
0/10 troll.

The skillset required to be good at this game doesn't line up with what its main player base wants it to be, and in all honesty, is kind of dumb (using retard-proof abilities to cohere as a team with randoms).

Your question doesn't make any sense without context. Democratic vote for what? Where? I don't know what specific issue you're talking about or what specific location you're from.

have heard that one before

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>mama hong never ever
you should there is a lot of little things that won't hit you until way later
Like how Scout trying to pull in highschool girls at age 21

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Why do /pol/tards have such terrible grammar and spelling? "Mearly"? That shit would have gotten you roasted on Yea Forums back in the day.

>"I've merely finished what your liver started!"

Attached: spy says the n word.jpg (617x635, 38K)

You are just lying. Anyone can research when progressive policy has been forced through without proper democratic process.
Everytime it was just decided without a vote by the public it is undemocratic literally.
I also know for a fact thats what your kind want you dont want democracy you want people accept your politics without question hence your autistic psychotic posting

racists have poor brains
we all know this

>"You did a fine job tossing your little balls around"

The lore even contradicts itself and has had multiple retcons. At one point I think McCree was like 3 different ages canonically because they literally didn't even have a timeline for the game that made sense.

>progressive policy has been forced through without proper democratic process.
When? We're talking about gays right? So you tell me which piece of gay legislation was forced through without a democratic process.

>ad hominem
This is why your kind are losing you can't address peoples arguments and fixate on a typo or some irrelevent shit to gotcha the other side.
It sure worked well calling people idiots in getting Trump elected. Rather than addressing the question.

>topic is about gays
>call them racists
Is gay a race?

I'm not involved in your little argument, I'm just pointing out that you type like a retard and it's not helping you look smart. Try some other retard online community if you can't show some intellect.

I'm not going to answer your question because it is just ad homiem.
As soon as i say where im from you will ignore the evidence and begin attacking my nationality.
The point is that the evidence is there and people can see it.
its not important to inform you since we both know you know what i'm talking about.

>sorry big guy!

Ad hominem. I'm using a touchpad without decent auto correct.

>There are actual interactions between characters in Overwatch
>What is the Solider and Demoman bromance

Ad Hominem? What on earth are you talking about? I'm asking you which piece of legislation wasn't subject to proper democratic process. How on earth is that Ad Hominem? I don't know what you're talking about because you haven't given any specifics whatsoever. I don't even know what nationality you are. You need to be specific. I am trying to help you here, 9/10 people on Yea Forums would have called you retarded by now, I am at least being patient and trying to understand your view. You're making this increasingly difficult for yourself and the legitimacy of your argument here. I'm reaching out to you here.

Forgot pic

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Literally any Soldier domination line
>"Scotland is not a real country, you are just an Englishman in a dress"
>"Stars and stripes beat hammer and sickle, LOOK IT UP!"
>"I got three words for you: U. S. A."
>"You can have this when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. And even then, good luck! Because I will have glued it to my cold, dead hands!"

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A touchpad is on a laptop which typically does not have autocorrect, did you mean touchscreen? Also I don't know how you can't know how to spell "merely", surely you don't need autocorrect for that?

>He created the fucking blizzard settings he didnt ride in on antthing
both StarCraft and WarCraft are Warhammer cloned

TF2 has actually fun characters though with consistent lore which is sad considering most of it is literally a joke or setup for a joke.

No you don't you want my location to make a personal attack.
You refuse to address the question.
How is it democratic to pass through society wide policy without a vote?
You flat out are refusing to answer it.
Do you think it is acceptable to deny people the right to vote on important issues? Do you think it is acceptable to force the policy through?
My assumption is you do since you wont answer this.

>"This is what God would use to shoot somebody"

Attached: smugsoldier.jpg (235x224, 6K)

show me an idiot OBSESSED with what someone does in their bedroom
show me the same idiot, and prove they're anti-racism

do you think gays are a race?

>gays are a race.
Boom. Every argument you can make is invalid. Literally just a rainbow nazi.

>How is it democratic to pass through society wide policy without a vote?
Which policy? Gay marriage? What? Be specific. I don't even know what country you're from. The legalization of gay marriage in your country may have had a completely different legislative process from mine.

>Personal attack
Firstly no, because I wouldn't stoop to your level and secondly you're going to need thicker skin in a place like this if you're worried about that.

wow look at you presenting a dumb argument and proving it wrong! look at how dumb you've proven yourself to be!

What has people doing stuff in their bedroom got to do with ramming faggotry into everyones faces public you little gay retard?
What has it got to do with dictating how religions should operate? or trying to force people to bake cakes or get people fired?
None of that is in the bedroom.
How has any of that got a thing to do with race?
You fucking shithead retard.

No obviously not, why are you asking me that? Take it up with the poster who called you a racist. This guy:

>if you question homo tyranny you are a racist
This is why people think your kind need to be shot. Its that simple.

any policy you idiot
are you or are you against undemocratic process to put ANY progressive policy through?
So for example gay marriage are you ok with that going through without a legit vote?

Not him but how old are you? You type like a 4th grader.

more ad hominem. You can't answer a single fucking question.

you are a fascist plain and simple. A rainbow degenerate fascist,

This right here. Was top 500 and as soon as moira got introduced i got worried, then brig was the nail in the coffin. Its just not fun to DPS anymore.


>gays are a race

For me personally?


Oh yeah, sure. Just give 1 god-damned line of dialogue for each character's ultimate, which happen every 5 and a half seconds. Surely that won't piss anyone off. While you're at it, why don't you make it so they just don't shut up, period!

This is happening more and more often in games nowadays.

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>Gay marriage
Okay finally we're getting somewhere. I don't know where it 'went through' without a vote. In America it was voted in by the supreme court 5-4. In the UK it was voted through parliament 395-170.

Which country are you from that it wasn't a democratic vote?

Lack of commitment from the devs

They balance around professionals, but neglect the fact that pros are not the majority and dont play as such. As a result characters are in a constant swing state. Healers especially.

Do we have a story? Kind of. Not really. But maybe. Here's a "trailer". Okay, but nothing that happens in the trailer applies to the game. Okay here's some plot-centric throwaway voicelines you here for 5 seconds before the match starts, but its neither confirmed nor denied in comics, animated shorts, or "events".

Did you enjoy the game mode that actually does provide a little background for the characters? Well you only get to play it once a year. And last years ended on a cliffhanger.

The overwatch guys are so fucking afraid of making decisions its retarded.

You asked me one question that was aimed at someone else. It's this silly attitude that is making so many people call you out for being retarded. You're making a spectacle of yourself.

oh fuck off you utter pathetic faggit the entire argument was about gays from the beginning you disingenous oying gaskighting sack of shit.
> I don't know where it 'went through' without a vote. In America it was voted in by the supreme court 5-4. In the UK it was voted through parliament 395-170.
So the public didn't actualy vote for it?
It was forced through.
I rest my case.

you are the weakest strawman i have ever seen

>gay is a race
Shut up you stupid cunt

lmao holy fuck
you literally cannot defend your own argument or address his points
there is literally not a single supreme court passing that the public voted on, because that's not how the US works
no one voted on rulings
people only vote on the people who vote on rulings
you fucking idiot you don't even know how the system you're bitching about works
no wonder you're complaining, you probably don't vote

Hey call me crazy but if some literal FAGGOT meltsdown and calls a person a racist because they are truggered over questioning gay facsism.
Id say its fair to say that person is an IDIOT.

Its pretty important that the ult lines are distinct for being on your team or the enemy team, thus each character only has two. With the amount of fucking particle effects they added it would be really hard to understand what the hell is happening if there were like 6 different ult lines for each character

On that note, while I liked the spider-man ps4 game, listening to JJJ bitch every minute got fucking old fast. I can appreciate devs migrating away from "walk and talk" exposition dumps like in TLOU, but now its like having someone speaking over you while you're trying to play.

>If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!

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you're mentally ill.

People still don't understand why this game is shit? It has multiple fundamental problems that started with how they envisioned a hero shooter. The game was always bad. Always. It just took people six months after launch to overcome the surface polish and understand it.

The only redeemable thing about the game is the metric fuck ton of excellent porn.

Is "the gays" really the boomer issue hill you want to die on?

The class design is pants-on-head retarded. There's literally no customization whatsoever. No talents, no items, no alternate weapons, nothing. This means that players cannot have a certain playstyle with any characters, the CHARACTERS are the ones that have a playstyle. If you see a character you know exactly how they're going to play regardless of who's playing them. You can't change things about your character to suit yourself, you just change characters.

Ultimates being so retardedly strong makes no sense. A single ultimate in a fucking 6v6 game should not be able to singlehandedly WIN a teamfight. Being able to sway a teamfight is one thing, but no, many of them can quite easily take out half of their team if not more. Not even mobas are retarded enough to do this.

Playing a support is among the most boring things imaginable. You do absolute shit for damage and are basically just a useless healslut unless you're playing an off-healer. You also do shit for healing, because they were too retarded to add any ways to negate healing other than just stunning or killing the healer.

Coincidentally, Paladins fixes all of these problems. Even a company as incompetent as Hi-Rez can put on a better show than Blizzard. On top of being free. It baffles me how everyone hasn't switched to it. I guess it's sunk cost fallacy.

Thats not true at all on matters concerning the society in issues like marriage the vote is often put to the public.
That is democracy examples like a referendum.
Every time some progressive policy was forced through without a vote by the public it is undemocratic.

The public voted for MPs who voted on the issue, yes. The people vote for senators who decide who sits on the supreme court, yes. This is how democracy works in the UK and the US. It's very rare that anything is passed directly to the public for a popular vote. It sounds like your issue is with democracy, which is fine but it's not as though the decision to legalize gay marriage in these countries was decided any differently than any other piece of legislation.

go outside
have sex
you clearly aren't even an american

>if you question lgbt politics you are mentally ill.

>No talents, no items, no alternate weapons, nothing. This means that players cannot have a certain playstyle with any characters,
I actually prefer this in these kinds of games?

Loadouts ruined Battlefront(EA), Battlefield, and TF2

>make a game based on swapping characters to counter characters on the enemy team
Alright sounds fine
>swapping characters deletes the most important resource in the game which is your ult charge. Most fights are decided by which team has more ults
The most important thing in the game literally contradicts the idea of you swapping characters to counter the enemy team comp.

Games get boring

Why does anyone act as if people getting tired of a game is something bewildering

>on matters concerning the society in issues like marriage the vote is often put to the public.
Like when?

>having options is bad

Mps voting isn't the public voting. Mps vote on all sorts of things. Parliment makes legislation but they don't decide on matters like this.
The argument was global there is more to the world than america.

Trying to will a game to death through memes isn't going to work

didn't in the us they put gay marriage to the public and it got shut down? at a state level.
Bypassing that going strait to executive

no it wasnt you actual fucking waste of flesh
holy shit this is my last reply for your fucking shamefully retarded posts

How can you say something has popular support when the public is refused a vote on it?
Brexit had popular support. Everyone knows mps tried to scuttle it.

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>Mps voting isn't the public voting. Mps vote on all sorts of things.
It is, the public votes for MPs. You get a lot of choice of MPs in your constituency wherever you are and there are numerous resources (including asking directly) on where they stand on each issue.

Thats what I said in regards to class-based shooters, yes. Like why would you even play a game like this when you'd obviously prefer Arma or CoD or something?

>gays are a race
Dilate you little shit.

Mps voting isn't a public vote. Have you heard of a referendum?
The public is asked to vote on issues, Mps are not the public and therefire not popular support.
Mps can go against their constituency.

Brexit was an advisory referendum, yes. MPs tried to stand against it depending on what their constituencies wanted.

It's not a fucking fighting game, my man. Characters having variety is a good thing as long as it's balanced. With no variety every match feels like the same thing, especially if you can't even fucking balance your bland meta so only half of the characters are viable.

Brexit would be a shitshow either way because the British political process is a fucking mess headed by incompetent dumbfucks ruling a country that's been in a non-stop decline for 60 fucking years.

And often not what they wanted. It was a popular decision the mps were not the populace.
Anytime this happens it isnt democratic.
That is literally what efforts to stop brexit have been called.

They want the streamin' audience. That's the hot ticket, see?

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All referendums are advisory anyway, so matters have to come down to MPs regardless. That's how the system works. Almost every opinion poll for the legalization of gay marriage was largely in support of it at the time, so it's unlikely a legally binding referendum would have made any difference.

What are you talking about? It's already dead.

Between the game's lack of lore and balancing issues there's just no real reason to stick to the game outside of new hero releases or events to get skins. Even the events are just the same stuff repeated every year where you grind for lootboxes. TF2 gets away with it because they bring in community-made maps and cosmetics every year but with overwatch you're just stuck with the same shit mostly.

Wrong. Depends on the country but referendums are a legit vote. Plebscites are a suggestion.
This is the entire issue any attempt to bypass the people on these issues usn't democratic. You can try to cut it anyway you want it isn't.
In my country they passed gay marriage wiith an informal vote. I didn't participate the very idea if being asked to do an informal vote was insulting.
It is illegal to not vote in a formal vote.
I don't even give a shit about the gay aspect. I gave a shit about the precedent of raming through society wide policy without an actual vote.

MPs are voted by the public to represent their views in parliament, that's how the system works. An MP's job is to represent their constituency, so of course MPs from remain voting constituencies should stand against Brexit, that is literally their job.

An MP from Birmingham should stand in parliament to represent Birmingham specific legislation even if the rest of the (Non Birmingham) country opposes it. That is an MPs job.

Are you fucking stupid? I'm not even British and I understand what happened better than you. When they held the referendum every member of parliament expected and wanted the results to be Stay, even the MPs who were publicly for Leave thought it was a fucking stupid idea in private. But in their mind it was fine because they thought there was no way Leave would win, but surprise surprise. Then they spent more than a year doing absolutely nothing in order to preserve their own place in government because Brexit was now political suicide. Now Britain is fucked, you either hold another vote and undermine the principles of democracy or you go through with brexit and lose all political and economic relevance + probably eventually say goodbye to northern ireland.

>In my country
Which country?

Not him, but there's a difference between variety and CoD, take paladins for example, every hero there has many ways to be played, doesn't mean a tank there will magically stop being a tank, it means that they will tank differently regarding the customization they use, same for damage and support, hell, supports in paladins are fucking brutal, they are extremely versatile and can be played as damage and tanks, not as good as them but good enough to fuck your shit up if you underestimate them

it was the objectively shit-tier gameplay

you know when people sperg about trump they are sperging out at the fact the guy won by popular support as in a lot of people supported him.

Likewise if you throw out a vote on gay marriage the verdict is very poweful.
Progs have a vested interest in stoping this. It undermines their made up narrative.
Riddle me this why was an informal vote for faggot marriage shived through in my country while an informal vote for less immigration was blocked?

What you've said and what I've said are not in contrast.

The game's like 5 years old. Popularity naturally died down. That's it.

it was polished but shallow, skill ceiling for competency is low. the game would have been way better if the character roster was halved and similar & complementary characters rolled together. eg rat and torb it would have made combat far more interesting

you are right but overreacting the UK has the commonwealth you have been poor because of the eu cockblocking your trade with the stronger colonies.

>the guy won by popular support as in a lot of people supported him.
Actually he lost the popular vote. The very reason he got in was based on a system that didn't work on the popular vote. You've undermined your own argument.

The UK can still trade with other countries outside the EU while still being in the EU. Not sure why this myth continues to be spread.

popular vote =/= popular support. He was the one who won.
Trump is critcised for being populist by the same faggots that claim popular support.

What country are you from?

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Its not a myth the EU isnt your fucking friend it has been fucking over the UK for yonks.
The EU is economically weaker than the rest of the colonies.

How do you define 'popular support'? In terms of the number of people in the public voting, he was the least popular candidate.

>Its not a myth
It is a myth. We can and do currently trade with non-EU countries without having to do so through the EU.

a large amount of support. As in he has a lot of support the point being the very idea people voted for Trump in large numbers infuriates people.
Not even referring to the popular vote shit. He won by the rules of the system and popular support.

Blizzard bet the future would be social justice, they bet wrong and have alienated most of their audience.

Now they have nowhere to go but mobile.

Yes but you're claiming that gay marriage wasn't democratically voted for because it wasn't put to a popular vote by the public.

Now you're saying that in the case of Trump, the popular vote by the public isn't valid.

So which one is it? Popular vote by the public or democratic vote via the systems currently in place?

It's a product of modern design philosophies. It's the most dimensionless and pluralist muck. There is no difference between individual matches and power differentials between low and high skill players is minimised to ensure low skill players who buy mtx aren't offended. All the level design fits basically 2-3 archetypes which are uninteresting and regulate all gameplay to basically a single strategy. First Person Perspective isn't effective for esports because the audience can't get a meaningful view of the field.

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it wasn't it wasn't voted for any attempt to bypass the public is undemocratic.
In the states it was put to people and lost.
>Now you're saying that in the case of Trump, the popular vote by the public isn't valid.
No you retarded fuck. Trump is a populist but the left claims they are the ones with popular support. ie they are the populists,
This is when your entire fantasy falls,aprt and the entire argument.
When the public does not align with your views you seek to bypass them. Despite claiming popular support.

retard are you actually trying to claim Trump ISN'T the elected POTUS?
Muh popular vote isn't an argument.

>As in he has a lot of support the point being the very idea people voted for Trump in large numbers infuriates people.
Less people voted for Trump than Hillary, there was more public support for her than Trump. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. In a comparison between the two candidates he was the unpopular one, he didn't have the support of the public hence the numbers.

So you're saying every supreme court vote is undemocratic?

>First Person Perspective isn't effective for esports because the audience can't get a meaningful view of the field.
the game is a clusterfuck for the audience to follow regardless of perspective

It's just edgy kids hating on necessary character development.
Those idiots don't seem to care about the sexuality of FPS characters for some reason.

Fuck off with your stupid argument.
Trump won get over it you retarded tranny idiot.
Any attempt to deny people a vote on issues like this is undemocratic.

I'm not sure how you've extrapolated that. Trump lost the popular vote but won by electoral college. The United States deems the electoral college to be a valid democratic process despite not being a popular vote, just as they do when voting on legislation in the supreme court.

You can't claim that the only true democracy is a public vote and then say Trump got in democratically when he lost the popular vote, that's completely contradictory.

>Any attempt to deny people a vote on issues like this is undemocratic
So Trump's victory was undemocratic? You've just said it yourself, the result goes against what the public voted for.

It was never good to begin with user, that's what the problem was

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how does "denying people a vote" imply electoral college being undemocratic. people aren't denied a vote now are they?

Trump won the vote where it mattered. Fact
Trump is the president. Fact
Trump is populist. Fact
The left claims to be populist. Fact but a lie.

Why do i always have to talk like im talking to a decietful child with leftists?

By the way evidence has arisen that organisations like google contributed to the rigging of the vote in hillaries favour. She still lost.

Is this what the kids call a 'self-own'?

If the leaks are anything to go by, Mccree is one of many clones of Soldier 76.

Trump won you fucking idiot.

They have a vote but it's effectively useless, which is no different from crying that supreme court nominations are useless.

Public being able to vote is a lot different to the decision being made for them you retard.

It was only useless in California. The trillions of illegal immigrant demoaRATs voting there can kick and scream all they want their sad state isn't even on the playing field. That blue hellhole is the only thing that made the """popular vote""" higher.

>but TF2 6v6 has the same stale meta mentality
no one plays tf2 6v6. we play 32v32 fuck around, no one cares who wins, PLR until the server clears out around midnight. losing is fun in tf2. it sucks in OW.

>but it's effectively useless
I'm just regurgitating what I read at this point because I don't give that much of a shit about burger politics, but won't this also be the case - but reverse - with popular vote because coastside cities will just outvote everyone else by sheer numbers?

exactly millions of dead people and illegals shouldnt decide the fate of the rest of the country.
Whoever thought up the electoral college was a genius. It stopped hillary from stealing the election.

>Trump is populist. Fact
>The left claims to be populist. Fact but a lie.
Hold on a minute, do you actually know what populist means? It means politicians who claim to be for the common man.

So both Trump and Democrats are populist, same as just about everyone in politics wherever you go. Whether they actually are for the common person is another matter entirely. It's also not relevant to this conversation either because it has nothing to do with popularity other than the fact it starts with 'popul'.

Here's a question: Can a non-popular vote be considered democratic in your opinion?

the WAR! domination voiceclips have more character in them than almost all of the fucking voice lines in Overwatch: youtube.com/watch?v=PA8e_D730Pw

Attached: 430px-War_Update_Titlecard.png (430x379, 202K)

Here we go again. Populist means representing "the people"
That is what the left criticises Trump for because populism bad,
Yet every leftist claims populism ie popular support.

Yep exactly, that's a valid way of looking at it and the reason the electoral college exists, though the counter argument can be made that a large percentage of the population lives in those places, so they should have more of a say.

That's a debate for another time though.

I would probably jizz in my pants if my paenus was within 100 meters of dat ass and separated from it by less than three layers of cloth.

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But it doesn't matter what they claim, those are buzzwords, anyone can say anything.

Populism isn't 'popular support' though, I don't know why you keep saying that. Your first definition of populism was correct.

What's your opinion on my question?

It's not simple. A populist is someone who claims policies to PLEASE the people. The part where they "please" is very important. The policy doesn't necessarily have to be sustainable or even physically possible.

Basically, a populist is a politician who just says whatever you want to hear hoping you'll vote for him or her without actually questioning the shit coming out of their mouth. Trump and his "build a wall" mantra was textbook populism in this case.

>tumblr story

Story is inconsequential, does not pertain to gameplay, if you want to die on the hill of not supporting LGBT stuff thats your own issue.

>chokepoint after chokepoint and spamming ultimates

sounds like you're stuck in bronze.

>focusing almost completely on skins

you can get a vastly majority of skins simply by playing, and there is literally balancing and updates ever/ every other month.

>completely dead

still get insta-qued to this day, seems like every game that isn't fortnite or LoL is considered dead to people like you.

tf2 fags SEETHING

Right, exactly. I'm not sure what this 'popular support' phrase means or what it has to do with populism.

it was always a fad
im sure there are still die hards

but the game specifically marketed towards casuals and casuals are fickle

Reach for PC will be the final nail in the coffin for this shitty as dyke sponsored game, and i hope the creators anhero.
I was so hyped for overwatch when it came out, it was fun, it was a fun fucking game.
And then they just ruined it by enforcing a meta similar to LoL and making it competitive.
There ahould have never been ranked play in this game. Go play a real fucking fps like GO or COD or Battlefield if you want Ranked fake ladder that wastes your life to achieve nothing unnless you legit nolife into a pro player career.
Reach multiplayer on PC is going to take the cake, and bring back old school fun multiplayer where we shoot rockets at your rinky dink warthog just to see how many flips it will do mid air.

>Likewise if you throw out a vote on gay marriage the verdict is very poweful.
>Progs have a vested interest in stoping this. It undermines their made up narrative.
>Riddle me this why was an informal vote for faggot marriage shived through in my country while an informal vote for less immigration was blocked?

I don't know what country you're from but if we're talking about America then it sounds like your problem is with the system. The supreme court voted in favor of gay marriage, I'm sorry that you feel that you weren't asked directly but that's just how democracy works in this country.

In fact I don't know of any country that puts every single piece of legislation to a popular vote, it would be a disaster if voter fatigue kicked in and a crazy law got passed because only 300 people actually showed up at the ballot box. That's why these systems are in place.

I haven't played Overwatch since Sombra. Did they really removed sprays and qutoes?

The fact he got voted in with a majority shows he has popular support.
I dont gube a shit aboit the system. Thats fucking politics you idiot if there is a way to push some policy through an alternate route people will take it.
The issue is progressives always go that route and claim popular support which is contradictory.
You can't claim popular support and trying to deny the vote and bypass it anyway you can.

No, the post is hyperbolic.

not every country has optional voting. The point is certain issues are supposed to be voted on by the people.
Issues that effect the future of the country and everyone in it.

Alright I figured, I know Blizzard fucked the game beyond repair, but I'm glad they weren't so far up their own ass that it created a paradox they would start removing basic content.

Sorry, can you please define 'popular support'? You keep using this term as though it has some kind of meaning but it doesn't. What does 'popular support' mean in quantifiable terms?

This game has a story?

popular support = Trump got in. Its that simple. He ass voted in by a large number of people.
He is populist he represents these people and all the people in the states.
This is used as a criticism by leftoids that also claim they are representing "the people"
Nothing hard about this.

>certain issues are supposed to be voted on by the people
Which country and which issue?

Probably some shill attempt to rework words to put their favorite object in a more flattering light
>that guy is a populist
>that means people support him!

>retards triggered by words
He is popular
He has support
Popular support.

That's not quantifiable terms. Tell us in quantifiable terms what 'popular support' means. What is the proportion, ratio or percentage that determines 'popular support'? We need numbers.

Battlefield has had loadouts since 2, and it's always been fine. Also none of the 4-6 classes in any of the BF games have ever been redundant. Heroshit shooters just create a ton of redundant characters.

Hillary was popular, she had support. So Hillary had popular support?

>casual game with potential killed due to forced esports and general blizzard incompetence
happened to heroes of the storm
happening to overwatch
will happen to every future game they make until they get a fucking clue

Most popular republican candidate and potus? He didn't get in being unpopular.
You ok there proggy? you sound like you are hitting the wall called reality.

Why does that only apply to Trump and not any other popular and supported candidate?

Not enough to win. Not popular enough. Yoi cant really claim mass popular support on faggot issues if 40-50 percent disagree.

Well he lost the popular vote, so I'm struggling to see how this only applies to him by your definition.

Well she was more popular, hence she won the popular vote.

Attached: 1565458952940.jpg (1159x350, 38K)

you know how far off the original point we have gotten by your constant need to strawman?
You can't claim popular support as long Trump exists.
"Popular vote" doesn't matter you mean the majority of votes but that isnt how the US works.
You dont have a mandate with the majority.

but not Potus? was Potus not good enough for her?

Hillary fucked up because she only rigged one state. If she had have evenly rigged the states she would have won.

So what you're talking about is mandate? I still don't understand how this factors into your 'popular support' term. So if something has 40% or more opposition, you think that the losing side has popular support and so there should be a recount or another vote? Am I understanding that correctly?

Maaaate maaate. Maaate. All you are doing is having a tantrum over Trump winning,
Popular vote =/= popular support.

The reason we're so far off the point is because you keep using a term that makes no sense to anyone else but yourself because you made it up. If you actually spoke using political terms that existed we might be getting somewhere.

That user, right there, is right.

"Popular support" isn't a thing. You keep saying that term but it doesn't exist outside of your mind. I don't care that Trump won, I'm just telling you that he was not the most popular candidate.

...I just wanted to talk about video games and shit on Overwatch, why do we have to get political, bros

Trump has around 90% approval rating with repubs. He has popular support with the people who got him in.
The issue is you are a gay sperg having a hissy fit trying to manipulate reality around your bullshit.
You literally cant and you still will say anything to justify your bs.

Someone complained about S76 being gay.

popular support is in fact a thing. This is sad. What next potus isnt a thing?

some faggit claimed everyone loved gay stuff in everything.

>He has popular support with the people who got him in.
Every candidate has popular support, what does that even mean? I don't understand the relevance. All you're saying is 'Donald Trump is popular'. Every politician who gets into the White House is popular.

The real issue here is that you're saying gay marriage should be put to popular vote because popular vote is the only true democracy. If you really believe that then you need to accept that by that logic Trump would not be president.

>Every candidate has popular support
No? you fucking idiot. God im dome with you you are a fucking retard, annoying faggot.

>The real issue here is that you're saying gay marriage should be put to popular vote because popular vote is the only true democracy. If you really believe that then you need to accept that by that logic Trump would not be president.
But Trump got in by a public vote. Gay marriage has not been given the public vote you schizophrenic psychotic moron.

it was your fucking strawman argument the popular vote shit.
That was NEVER anons argument you deceitful little rat shit.
"Popular vote" isnt the PUBLIC VOTE.

"Popular support" isn't a thing with a set definition. It is not in the dictionary. I don't know why you're getting so angry that we're not psychic and cannot make sense of your bizarre contradictory lexicon. Either define it in quantitative terms or expect people to not understand what the hell you're talking about. Is English your first language?

They're still in the game, but you can get reported if anybody thinks you used them in an offensive manner, sounds retarded, I know.

Yet this thread has over 400 replies. Yet you're still playing it.

Not every candidate has popular support thats just logical you fucking tard.
Some candidates are unpopular within their own party.
You are low iq and a fucking liar.

>But Trump got in by a public vote. Gay marriage has not been given the public vote

So you think that every piece of legislation should go to a public vote? Is that what you're saying? If so, why do you think the supreme court is faulty? If not, why not?

ive never gotten reported for that wtf are u talking about
and the only bans ud get are for otping sym bastion torb back then or otping genji or soldier today

you are legimately a dumb person. Not only did you make a dumb strawman based on "it was her turn" which has nothing to do with the public voting you can't even comprehend English.

I don't know why you keep dodging the point so I'm going to make this very clear: Define "popular support" using numbers.

How many games have used that explanation by now? I know Black Ops 3 and Rainbow Six Siege do.

We don’t get people fired from their jobs. Also we don’t constantly inject right wing politics into video games nor do the majority of us want them to

Please define "popular support" quantitatively. That's all I'm asking.

No only issues that change things for everyone. Altering marriage, immigration that is what referendums are for.

>we don’t constantly inject right wing politics into video games
That's because you don't make them, you're happy enough to do it to videogame threads because it doesn't take any skill or effort to do so.

Your both massive faggots for arguing about muh gay marriage and trump.

I’m /pol/ as fuck but take it to /pol/

Look no one is obligated to entertain your retardation. Trump is president get over it.

Allowing gay marriage only changes marriage for gay people. It doesn't mean straight people can't get married any more. Or are you making the case that only gay people should get to vote on the issue?

>give me a defintion using numbers
You already got that and you ignored it.
do you make them? so you are saying there is a conspiracy of leftists to inject prog politics in games.
Is this as they say a self-own?

Attached: 7CE54D2E-A91C-48F1-9135-030DB82C0734.jpg (960x772, 116K)

No. Marriage is a christian institution even if its secular we are all blund by the same instiution.
People who married didnt sign up to one that included fags.
That is why people are asked if they want it.
Everyone knows christianity for example isnt necessarily homo friendly.

You can't, can you? I've asked you as directly as possible and you have not been able to answer the question. You've been talking yourself further and further into a corner.

Define 'popular support' quantitatively.

Who did you vote for nerd

Trump being president with 90% approval isnt popular support?
He seems really popular with his support.

>You already got that and you ignored it.
Where? You made one vague post about "40-50%" but refused to elaborate when asked.

so is earthworm jim rightwing propaganda? Cause Doug doesnt agree in homo marriage?

35% Approval. So by "popular support" you mean "approval rating"?

this is fucking brilliant how you progs ALWAYS ignore facts when presented to you.
Trump has 90% approval rating with repubs.

Vote for in what?

No. The entire time i meant popular support as in any support. Its not quantifiable you moronic fuck.
He doesnt have to have a majority.

>give me a definition with numbers
this day i've witness stupidity in it purest form.

>being this proud
holy shit you sound like you have severe autism and/or a superiority complex. It’s not smart or manipulative to act retarded and waste time in a video game.

You calling approval rating by some completely arbitrary name isn't exactly 'ignoring facts'. Trump has a 35% approval rating overall and an 88% approval rating with Republicans.

Approval ratings are only for presidents, so what is the relevance of that number? You said Trump deserved to win because he has a higher approval rating? He didn't have any approval rating before he won. You're talking nonsense yet again.

What do you mean "any support"? If it's any support then it's completely arbitrary. I have support from my family but that isn't going to make me President of the USA. Why even use that as a metric for anything if it literally means nothing and has no quantifiable value?

Its not nonsense because you are losing retard.
You are utterly pathetic. Most polls had Trump as losing the election until he won on the night,
What is your fucking point?
You seriously are an autistic dumb ass pos.

Trump is president and 90% approved by his party. He has popular support to carry out his presidency. Of course Dems dont like him.
You are asking for he entirety if the country to like Trump.
This is the same as the original stupid post you made claiming gay politics has the majority of popular support. Despite it never going through the vote.
If you were so sure of it you would be ok with it being voted on by the PEOPLE.
You know it isn't popular hence why you are happy for it to be shoved through by MPs etc.

History speaks for itself. Trump didnt obtain presidency by being unpopular.

It is popular, every single opinion poll supported gay marriage in the UK and elected PMs voted overwhelmingly in support of it. The decision to make something a popular vote or not is down to the government that the public votes for. Regardless of whether or not you're talking about the UK or America, the decision to leave gay marriage legislation in the government's hands was dictated by the public.

Right, but I'm not disputing his popularity. I'm trying to understand what you think counts as a democratic system.

every single opinion poll said trump would lose

So? Opinion polls don't work using the electoral college system. If it was down to popular vote (which opinion polls do use) then Trump would have lost. What's your point?