He doesn't have an autistic inner fantasy world comprised of an amalgamation of favorite media products and their...

>he doesn't have an autistic inner fantasy world comprised of an amalgamation of favorite media products and their characters and the various video game and anime music in the copied scenes

Attached: 1479607553048.jpg (920x960, 85K)

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sauce of the pic in the glasses
>inb4 spongebob

As a kid I imagined a open world platformer of sorts where every game character ever is locked up by some cosmic force and you have to rescue each of them. I was surprised when Sakurai showed off World of Light.

>consume new piece of media
>get really invested
>start imagining what would it be like to be part of the cast and the adventure
>then start thinking about how an ensemble cast of OCs would act in said world
>do this for everything I find interesting
Man I really shouldn't have started reading Homestuck now.

>trying to start a blessed thread with that image
Fuck off newfag

How is one man so based?

Attached: 1540779720511.jpg (194x259, 7K)

No, but I do have my own video game idea that I'm scared to tell other people about because I'm afraid they'll steal the idea and it's all I have.

>he doesn't have the ability to actually follow up on those fantasies/ideas with a craft

Attached: 1566888119279.gif (384x212, 3.01M)

it looks like a bikini bottom to me
