
Why is this series so unknown in the west?

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Not even memeing, I think the title is part of it.

starts on game 2
have to watch an anime for game 1 which sucks as an option in itself regardless of the anime's quality
or have to play a very old game with finicky fan translation
it's mostly visual novel
slow start, lots of food and sake talk which also ties directly into the next point
heavy weebshit, most west normies don't care much for this sort of stuff, even though it's not-japan we all know it's very japanese based even tuskuru is fucking ainu based

Because the west doesn't have patience for VNs.

It was easier back when Everyone Loves Raymond was airing

What can we do to make Utawarerumono known in the west?

It probably doesn't help that the original was a hentai game, and the edited cut was just bad.

The first game is so good though and is worth playing. I think people think about age too much.

I still cant believe this game series got two incredible sequels a decade after the first game way released.

The 2nd and 3rd games combat systems are incredible easily my favourite TRPG combat system that exists. I really wish there was a dungeon crawler esc game with that system.

I also just can't believe how the 2nd and 3rd games somehow justify their existence. By the end of the 3rd game everything that needs to be explained has been explained.

It's easily one of the pieces best fantasy fiction ever written in my opinion.

collab with shitty gachas and release its own shitty gacha

we're on our way

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What if I wanted to get into utawarerumono, where should I start? I fear there will be many things I won't understand.

First one was well known, at least on Yea Forums and with other fans of anime at that time. It has no place in modern weeb cycles though.

1 -> 2 -> 3

It's not that hard.

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yes the first game is good, more than good even, but it still poses as a general entry filter for your average western potential player for the reasons I already stated

>The 2nd and 3rd games combat systems are incredible easily my favourite TRPG
At the risk of stating the obvious, MoD feels somewhat barebones compared to 3 and 1re combat system wise so I don't feel like you should group those together.

As everybody knows, the remake of the first game is getting released in English next year. Out of curiosity I watched videos of it just to see what has changed from the original PC game.

Turns out, uh, not a lot. I was pretty shocked. I think a lot of people are expecting a complete remake of the first game with the artist's more modern artstyle, turns out that's not what it is at all. It is literally identical to the original game, in fact it is the original game, but now in widescreen.

How is that possible you might ask since the original game is so old and in 4:3? Well turns out, they went back and traced over all the original art so its now in HD. So almost all the art is ALMOST identical to the original game.

What does almost mean? Well the artist has changed their artstyle pretty significantly since then so they made tiny edits to the original art so it falls a bit more in line with the modern art. Mainly, the eyes and faces have been slightly modified (the girls only though). Everything else though, identical.

For example, this picture. If you were to superimpose this picture onto each other, you'll see they're identical. All the details are identical, but they altered Aruru and Eruru's faces a bit. In the best case scenario, the CG's have more detail than the original because they extend the picture to fit the widescreen. In the worst case scenario though, they just outright cropped the picture with no other modifications. There is one example in particular that is really lazy and gross, I'll put it in the next post.

So overall, guess the people who didn't want to play the original because its old will get the original experience, more than they expect.

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And this is the one where they just straight up cropped the image with no alterations.

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This kinda looks like pasta but anyway, most of the value of the remake compared to the PC game comes from the actual gameplay aspects. See for instance. The remake has pretty much the best combat system in the series on account of being the latest and most polished, plus graphics and yadda yadda. Also extra story arcs that weren't made for the remake but are still there and weren't in the PC game. There are newly drawn VN scenes by the way, I can remember a few and might have some in screenshot even. I also think they did something with backgrounds too but I don't recall too well and might just be mixing up with another game.

But yes, tl;dr the remake is all about getting better gameplay on the parts where that is actually relevant. It's not like visual novel bits actually need to be updated and whenever people complain about "old" they most certainly refer to the gameplay parts.

80% of the game is visual novel though so that IS where its relevant.

I'm not saying VN is not relevant, I'm saying the remake is mostly about modern gameplay meaning it won't be too different at all until the few gameplay relevant parts. Naturally you can put VN bits side to side in comparison and they'll look mostly the same though I don't think anyone actually wanted or even expected an actual remake of the VN bits.

Except for the first game it's a Playstation console exclusive

I disagree. If I wanted to play the original, I would just play the original.

Not saying the gameplay improvements don't matter, they're nice and all, but that's not the main draw of the series. We're here for the VN and the gameplay is just the topping. The first game isn't great because of the combat, its great because of the story. Also I disagree, the gameplay is not whats stopping most people from playing the original, its just that its old. Even if you removed the gameplay, people still wouldn't play the original just because its old.

Everytime the remake is mentioned, its referred to as a remake. The promotional art is with the new artstyle. To say nobody was expecting updated visuals is disingenuous. It should have just been a complete redo.

I saw a mouse pad of underwater ray ramano cast at the NIS booth in PAX.

A visual novel being old hardly matters. It's text with drawings in the back and in some cases voice acting on top. In Uta 1's case we are both aware the voice acting and drawings are top quality to begin with, and the text goes without saying. So tell me which of those needed to be remade exactly and why.
The only things the game had that would legit impact a player as old were the gameplay and graphics for the playable bits, and those were in fact remade. This has nothing to do with "uta is about story" or whatnot, it's just pure objectivity. What was good and not affected by age was kept mostly intact with some polish; What couldn't hold against time was remade from scratch.

I frankly don't see what's there to complain about. The company was very clear on what was done in the remake and you can still check that data in their website today, so you can't really claim you were fooled by false advertising or anything.

Because they localized it half way through on the worst one

>How is that possible you might ask since the original game is so old and in 4:3? Well turns out, they went back and traced over all the original art so its now in HD. So almost all the art is ALMOST identical to the original game.

I don't think that's the case here; They took the original art, did some color grading to make it "pop" more, and improved the coloring in some places. It's not as much a remake as it is a remaster, with some fixes sprinkled on top.

Because it's a pile of shit from a trash company.

I wish I could forget all about it and read it again. Although I don't want to experience some of those scenes again.

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I was so excited for uta4 reveal but when I discovered it was gacha I felt I lost all hope for the series. Did that shit ever come out? I'd play it only if you can cheat it with lucky patcher or something

Not yet.

It's bigger now, never heard of it until the anime, it helps that the designs all got updated from 90s core faces to aethetic 2010s cute poka poka face

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it's (retroactively) the poor man's disgaea with porn and bad art

cause its not on steam

Man that scene was hard to get through.

Zan releases next week.

Everyone loves Torikori but Fujiwara Keiji really hit it out of the park with his voice acting in that scene, and well the whole damn game really. It wouldn't be the same without it.

I still need to download the demo for that but I'm too lazy to plug my PS4 in.

god she's so appealing

I still find it fucked up how that poor woman lost both her sons in that war.

I want to lick kuon's vagina