what are some video game films that are not that bad
just saw detective pickachu it's not that bad it's sort of good
i hear they are making no 2
what are some video game films that are not that bad
just saw detective pickachu it's not that bad it's sort of good
i hear they are making no 2
I liked it too. I was even sort of attracted to the female co-star. Which is almost a uniquely unique experience when it comes to 3DPD in film for me.
Yea Forums claims her bum looks nice in her pants but despite being a former hardcore Pokefag, I have yet to watch the movie.
idk I don't think the NFS and Prince of Persia films were bad
painfully average but not bad
I kinda liked that one Halo film. Most Halo animated shorts are pretty good, some are nearly full-length so you should just check out those instead
How autistic are you?
I can't be the only one that found this movie incredibly fucking boring right???
Moderately. Not being attracted to 3DPD is hardly a unique trait to autism though.
you should watch it, it's good the main player character seem to know pokemon pretty well
also there are lots of pokemon watching it was so nice to see all the pokemon
wish pokemon were real
it is boring they tried to put a lot of pokemon in it also ryan ronalds as the dad wasn't nice they should have had another actor play as the dad. It was decent
the 2007 hitman film was kinda cool. the 2015 remake is a pile of shit tho
Should have used Meowth. He actually spoke English unlike Pikachu
The first two Mortal Kombat movies.
Though speaking of detective pikachu I would love to a Planet Earth style "documentary" with style of the movie.
She was the worst character in the film. Awful actress. She didn't even need to be there.
Silent Hill was a pretty fun and moody watch even if it wasn't scary. Just stay the fuck away from Revelation.
I said she looked nice not that her acting was good.
Ditto gives me big boners
>The first two Mortal Kombat movies
So you're recommending Annihilation?
Both movies are objectively bad, but the first one is enjoyable as fuck, the second not so much
not that guy but annihilation was cool
i saw it as a 14 year old and it was so cool, it doesn't betray the original story
Everything up until Pyramid Head rips that lady's skin off is actually a really fucking good adaptation of SH.
Are you retarded?
I saw it as a 12 year old and thought it was the biggest pile of shit I ever saw, it probably was at that point.
Angry Birds
That movie sucked ass lol
Angry birds 2 was pretty good in DBox
I remember seeing it at 12 too and being like..."why does it look worse than the first one? why is raiden a different person? why did my favorite character die in the first 5 minutes? what is going on?!"
Rampage is legitimately good.
Did that Charizard in the fight club scene fucking die?
I burst out laughing when they revealed that the son was actually a ditto the whole time it was just so absurd, even though they did show you in the start of the movie it could do that.