Gib corpo gf
Gib corpo gf
You mean mommy
I wanna play as female V and make her into an absolute slut
Corpo techie and netrunner chads rise up
Meredith Stout
Will the Polish PM celebrate Cyberpunk2077 as well?
Be the Corpo gf.
Btw one of the developers hinted at something more with her after this mission if we don't fuck her over.
I hope the corpo wardrobe features a nice set of tailored wares
>still no cute girls in sight
Wait. But Yea Forums told me that there won't be any classes any more. I thought we were stuck playing as generic rebel shooting man?
Those aren't classes, just backgrounds that unlock few dialogue options with some NPCs. And in that background you already see how V stopped being a corpo and is now just a generic thug.
Those are your backstories. Also there's classes, but you're not locked into them. You can just be a hacker but also invest in some street samurai skills and such.
>Western devs
>Cute girls
CDPR was supposed to be different. Based Slavs gave us Ciri. I had high hopes.
Ciri is meh. Triss Merigold is way better.
Corpo mommy, I'm Nomad.
>Lambert's sloppy seconds
No thanks buddy,
I hope I'll be able to make something like Jackal Y the guy with the suit, if you haven't played it.
i want corpo mom to feed me her fat shemale cock
LMAO Ciri is no different. Triss is at least pretty and fun in the game.
What's this from?
Let it die.
The art direction is cool, and the gameplay okay, but it's a hell of a grindfest.
It's hard when you have shit taste, huh?
Pure Ciri would never bang a man with a receding hairline. She is made for alpha cock - Geralt's.
>Let it die
Wait seriously? I've played that game before but I absolutely hated it. Nice art, though, youre right. I honestly thought you were gonna say some tabletop game.
Ignorance is bliss. Having shit taste is just like being retarded. You're happy all the time and you can enjoy everything.
Like anons who think the old trannoid in the OP is attractive in any way.
Subtle. Took me a second before the kek kicked in.
I think you're missing something. Sure, shit taste can be wide, but it can also be narrow. Regardless, everyone's taste is shit except mine.
Not him but, you're preaching about taste while avatafagging with anime girls.
To you, anything that diverts from K-On and 2D is sacrilege. Just kill yourself and be done with it.
The best girls in 3 were the minor, unromancable ones.
Iris, that elf thot, the herbalist in White Orchard, Cerys
Whoa Gillian Anderson is in Cyberpunk too?
If I can be an Adam Jensen-tier corporation built supersoldier CP2077 has my attention
>ywn obliterate retarded gangbangers with nigh impunity due to superior training, equipment and cybernetic modification
sad times
Anime website, tourist-kun.
Also I said I liked Ciri you aimless cunt.
no such thing as cute girls in a cyberpunk shithole
We've already seen that the following is possible
>augmented muscles lets you carry the biggest guns around and punch down doors
>mantis blades lets you climb up walls and turn people into calamari
>specially modified guns capable of tracking or outright blowing shit up
>A slew of barely-legal combat drugs to give inhumane reactions
Now imagine all that and more as part of a single end-game build
Best girl!
Gonna be a hot tactical V.
I wasn't that interested but thinking about removing shitters as a pure Judge Dredd build could be great fun.
He's right though, you're being a fag.
Try to form an argument instead of samefagging.
>Has romance
>Hasn't shown the options
Please don't be ugly
Please don't be ugly
I don't want to be the waifu
>Judgement run
I hope you can actually just theoretically kill any person, like you could in Dishonored. Just walking around the world and deciding who has failed your city could be incredibly fun.
See, you're doing it again
Imagine being corpo and having a random girl you fancy taken off the streets, kidnapped and cyberized to the nines and mind fucked so badly she can't even remember her name. You could even press a button to make her lucid just to fuck with her when she see's what a perverse sex toy she's become.
Then you toss her after a month and get a new one.
Dishonored did lock you out of killing certain people until the right story moment.
Like with Deus Ex certain people needed to be alive for the plot to progress and I do think Deus Ex is the most apt comparison to Cyberpunk2077. A pre-defined role but still with freedom in their actions.
pretty sure lambert is gay
keira is his beard
Futa V dicking corpo bitch down when
I hope they have at least one hot lesbian Asian option.
Has it been shown if you can go prone in game?
Gotta do some urban sniping with a battle rifle
You can side with the corps at certain points, and you get three different origins to play through like with DAO
>siding with the people that are actively ruining the world
All the cute ones will be AI
>siding with the people that are actively ruining the world
Sounds a lot more fun than tropey cyberpunk justice seeker desu senpai
That's a liquidation waiting to happen.
alright post your ideas user, it doesnt matter how big or small, just things youd like to see in game
>can pick up any weapon used by enemies
>but some might be ID-locked, can use hacking skill or pay someone to get it unlocked so you can use it yourself
>ID-locked weapons
Be the Corpo gf's gf.
>Abilities to hack and possess ennemies a-la-E.Y.E
souce me up right fucking now senpai
I wanted to actually play the corporate game, not be a glorified runner who used to be corporate.
Obviously that was unrealistic expectations but still.