13 days bros I can't wait, It's going to be kino, it's going to be the Bloodborne of Armored Core...

13 days bros I can't wait, It's going to be kino, it's going to be the Bloodborne of Armored Core, it's going to be a kind of fun I haven't had since the ps3 days. I'm going to be good as a mother fucker at it too if I can help it.

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I can't make any predictions over if this will sell or flop.

I feel like it's being overshadowed by Astral Chain and other future releases like Dragon Quest.

I thought Astral Chain would be middling but it turns out everybody's picked it up. I hope Daemon x Machina will have the same.

Why does anyone care about Astral Chain anyways? Is there some reason that game is supposed to be special? Sounds like some nerdy weeb shit.

But you're in this thread, you're one of the smart ones. Are you going to be purchasing Daemon X Kino?

this gives me Virtual on vibes, i hope they release a twin stick controller

It's flopping hard because the dumbfucks arent releasing the collectors edition in the good ol' USA. For some weird reason they opted to release it in Yurocuck land, where everyone is too busy standing in bread lines and getting fucked in the ass by refugees to buy vidya. Big oversight on their part.

I honestly can't tell either. It's probably going to come down to the reviews. If the game scores in the 70s like Armored Core it's almost a guaranteed flop, but if it gets really good reviews it may sell okay.

>where everyone is too busy standing in bread lines and getting fucked in the ass by refugees to buy vidya.
Nice meme

A Platinum Games release, it's also pretty good.

This game is saved by the japs, it has near 2 million views in their official trailer in YouTube.

Will this game have melee options besides sword or sword only? I really enjoyed the Pile Bunkers in AC V and subsequently the Stake Driver in Bloodborne so, I guess From Soft made me a fan of those types of weapons.

I know From Soft didn't make this game but like, some of their important guys did, right? It clearly takes heavy AC inspiration so yeah.

Is the figure available in US

no one likes mecha but me so the game will flop


Gonna be another dud like Astral chain lol

Attached: soyjak husband points.png (1348x812, 412K)

How much does Astral Chain have?

Its sandwiched between higher profile releases like Astral Chain, Link's Awakening, and Dragon Quest 11S, its also a VERY niche genre in the west, so you tell me.

At least post the latest trailer

Attached: machina char.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

Im buying it I thought it was kickass in the demo

We'll have maces

Attached: 0436751e52d48383073f095e831afc63.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

>literally 0 gameplay
>literally 0 even footage of gameplay or something
>literally just anime

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Is it worth getting a PS3 for 4A and VD? I already have a 360 but I've never played AC online
>Someone on Yea Forums finally uses anime correctly
Good. I'm sick of the shitheads saying stuff like "anime artstyle" as if it means anything

I never got a chance to play the demo, how was it?

Pretty good. At least for me I wanted to play more of it, the character customization was interesting as beyond just skill-tree shit the skill-tree shit ended up being visual on your body as well. With you looking less human the more you upgrade yourself.

Near a million views, but honestly, Platinum doesn't need a lot of views in their trailers to be able to sell a lot, streamers and reviewers are already spreading the word since it is a good platinum game

>Sounds like some nerdy weeb shit.
Since when did a mecha game like this not fall under the same umbrella?

But will it be better than old school Armored Core?

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I like it, so it isn't nerdy, or weeby, or shit. It's cool. That's how it works when you're a Chad, pussy boi.

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Don't hate me but I'm gonna pirate this shit.

Lets be honest, even if it is better, Yea Forums would never admit it. Old good, new bad and all that.

Nintendo France uploads gameplay features but not UK or NoA for some reason

Attached: 1560437111-9188.jpg (868x1406, 401K)

Ah, my apologies, user. I forgot that one simple rule.


Attached: 1454752656362.jpg (2000x1250, 715K)

Also Nintendo NL


Astral Chain is good though.