/v buyfag thread

need some more subtle gaming apparel

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fuck user, that's actually really cool

I got 2 on ebay for $10
There's a guy making and selling ace combat related patches too

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-27-23-37-12~2.png (1080x1843, 2.47M)

Yeah, but his stuff is mostly low to mid tier woven
You're better off, as far as patches goes, buying from RazgrizPatch Guy from /aceg/. Not only is he an user, his prices are a lot better for superior embroidered patches.

Attached: Ace Combat.jpg (4032x3024, 2.58M)

Thanks user I'll have to check his shit out

Attached: Cursed Shirt.jpg (950x1024, 162K)

Ugh, disgusting. Why? Gildan shirts SUCK

I'm actually surprised to hear that. I don't have any experience with them myself, but I distinctly remember three different times on Yea Forums where user came to praise them- one of them was this hilarious 4 paragraph epic about how the way they weave them makes them super comfortable to wear all day or something.

Attached: Funny, it was the worst thing I could possibly imagine.jpg (1339x1500, 311K)