need some more subtle gaming apparel
/v buyfag thread
fuck user, that's actually really cool
I got 2 on ebay for $10
There's a guy making and selling ace combat related patches too
Yeah, but his stuff is mostly low to mid tier woven
You're better off, as far as patches goes, buying from RazgrizPatch Guy from /aceg/. Not only is he an user, his prices are a lot better for superior embroidered patches.
Thanks user I'll have to check his shit out
Ugh, disgusting. Why? Gildan shirts SUCK
I'm actually surprised to hear that. I don't have any experience with them myself, but I distinctly remember three different times on Yea Forums where user came to praise them- one of them was this hilarious 4 paragraph epic about how the way they weave them makes them super comfortable to wear all day or something.