1.14.4 dedicated vanilla Minecraft Yea Forums Server

Running dedicated 1.14.4 dedicated vannila minecraft Yea Forums server on a cool island/ocean seed.

Been going for about a month, had a few hicups but otherwise everything is set. Pretty empty now but usually at least 1 or 2 regulars on.
Join up bros.

Attached: 2019-08-27_15.56.48.png (1920x1017, 3.21M)

Is it comfy?


Attached: 2019-08-08_00.36.27.png (1920x1017, 3.33M)

you can also choose to be uncomfy too.

Attached: 2019-08-14_00.57.38.png (1920x1017, 3.44M)

I'm pretty picky when it comes to aesthetics, so in other words I can't stand a server with ugly buildings around.
Is there any quality enforcement so that people aren't building ugly buildings everywhere?

Is it only for premium accounts?

Last Yea Forums server I joined had obnoxious fags that did nothing but shout nigger, put swastikas everywhere, and constantly attack me and my green top.
Fuck that.

Buildlets like you deserve it.

What mods are you using, that looks great

I think it's the RTX ray tracing mode

Same, it was like being trapped on an island with middle schoolers

Premium only?

I recognize that building, Jesus Christ.

That's not out yet



I bought the game but could never get into it. The interface was so incomplete for so long that I simply stopped caring.

It's not vanilla retard
This shit is craftbukkit

Being a buildlet is better than acting like a retarded child.

It's so cheap, how can you not afford it?

If it's only for login it's fine

Still not vanilla. Lame.

I literally do not have enough in my bank account currently to be able to buy the game

paying for games

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Attached: 98e.png (500x281, 243K)

why is it not fine if the gameplay is vanilla
are you retarded

I wish this server would come back

Attached: 1403355383743.jpg (1999x1999, 674K)

>chest locks

im going to build an atrocious house just for you


Just kill yourself faggot

Now that Microsoft owns it, don't bother, but buying it back in 2012 for $20 from Mojang was cool.

I went to /jp/ and I ended up just cuddling with some user in our touhou skins the whole time rather than building
was so gay but had a good time

what texture pack is this

I wasn't even planning on joining unless there was confirmation that there was quality control, so it's not like I'll ever see your atrocious house.

no one wants to lose to /mlp/ again

not him but what if I can't build and just want to be on a comfy server

I wish blenderfan' server came back, with people this time. Was true vanilla for entirety of it's existence, until the point we needed a second overworld dimension. I miss all of you, Reichbros.

I played for the first two days and then got bored.
I prefer comfiness over pure autism.

What shader you using nig

How are you storing your stuff, bros?

Attached: 2019-08-31_18.27.11.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

You could always just build underground, or try out some tutorials to learn how to build.

Can I play with a pirate copy?


Attached: Base Profile Screenshot 2019.09.01 - (1920x1200, 2.38M)

What's the seed, it looks nice.
And also what are those plants in the water ?

I'm running a server of my own. Nice and comfy.

1.14.4, vanilla.

Attached: 2019-08-10_19.08.09.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)

Nope, i tried

What happened to the 1.8.9 server

what texture pack is that?