American, British, German, Russian

>American, British, German, Russian
What about Japanese? What are some WWII games were you can play as Japanese?

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There's only one true empire I want to play as in vidya

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Men of War assault Squad 2 has a whole Japanese campaign
Lots of funky units too

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I'd kill for an H game set in WW2 Nanjing.

you sure know how to run a joke into the ground

>everything the chinks say is a lie
>but nanjing is totally real guys trust me and not at all exaggerated to have leverage against nips lmaoooo

>TFW sexing thicc country-bred Chinese girls that look like Jam
>TFW sexing thicc bookworm types from the local Nanjing university
>TFW taking only the prettiest girls in the city to my officer tent for sexy time
>TFW recording it and showing their families/boyfriends

>List of births in Japan since January 1st, 2019.
>You can't help this list, nor this land.

>If Hitler won, all the Han Chinese would have been killed/bred out
>There would be no Tencent
>There would be a Mainland Japan with 500x the number of loli studios
Why did we fight for the Allies again?

>there would be cybernetically enhanced catgirls with massive 0-G titties

Japan would be stuck in the middle ages if Hitler had won
There would be no anime, no manga and no JP videogames, their culture completely diluted and lost

Here are your noble jap units Bro.

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Hitler and Hiro negotiated a technologically modernized Japan benefiting from post-war European advancement. Half of asia would have matured into every city being Akihabara.


>the rape of Nanking was just a story China AND Japan told the world instead of the truth:
>That Rance is real and fucked every woman in Japan controlled China

>d00d we gotta fight against Western imperialism join my co-prosperity sphere or die
>also dresses in Western styles, rides a western horse and uses western technology
Reminder that before this photo the Emperor never allowed a photograph where he was shorter then those beside him. And that his surrender speech was the first time a Japanese Emperor was ever forced to speak directly to the people of Japan and he couldnt even bring himself to say the word surrender

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>Japanese bug

Here's your Japanese game bro

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Total War: Napoleon

Honestly, it would be hard for me too. I mean as I understand Japan knew they were fucked if America didn’t just roll over after Pearl Harbor and it was a slim chance they would. For Hirohito, a man who, as I understand grew up a disappointment to his father, now felt like he had failed his country and people by deciding to do a suicide attack that cost thousands of lives. Japan had spent the last eighty years trying to be equal to western powers, and saw they were not.

I couldn’t imagine anyone more crushed by this than Hirohito.


Wouldn't the Axis end up in a Cold War if they had won?

>The gook emperor has the same name as the current owner of Yea Forums

Eerie coincidence?


*blocks your path*

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>that one time when the japanese fought with the british and french against the viet minh and themselves

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the outcome of WWII was a loss for the western world nigger

What would you do? Help build the city? Arrest communist soldiers raping women and massacring the Chinese loyal to the emperor of Japan?
There's no game you can make out of this unless it's a city builder and your goal is to make Nanking prosperous

If the axis had won, the whole world would be on edge. It depends who has the nukes, but a lot of shit had to go right for the axis to win. Countries like America Britian, Australia, and canda would still exist WW3 would be inevitable.

Red Orchestra 2 Rising Storm.

That's the 1940's version of photoshop
The Chinese communists are liars, do you believe the peaceful protestors in Hong Kong are violent terrorists?
Japan made a mistake allying with the socialists, Britain and Japan should have honoured our treaty from 1902 and allowed the Japanese imperial ambitions in Korea and Mainland China to continue. We should have aided them and have them aid us in our war against the USSR
The Gooks have no emperor. They have a false republican system of government
If the Axis had one there would be socialism in all of Europe instead of only Eastern Europe
Hitler the Homo and Stalin the Stupid are two sides of the same socialist coin and Merkel the Muslim is making Hitler the Homos dreams come true by turning Teutonistan into an Islamic Caliphate


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