Your oppinion on FFIX being the best? I think it is along with VI because futuristic setting detracts from the worlds

Your oppinion on FFIX being the best? I think it is along with VI because futuristic setting detracts from the worlds.

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XI is most certainly not the best. It has terrible pacing issues, a rushed story, that stupid mandatory Frog Cid minigame, and a really bad cast of permanent party members.
Maybe it would be a little better if they scrapped Amarant and gave Blank the last party member slot.

It is by far one of the comfiest games ever released.
Shame nothing as good will ever be released again until post-economic collapse.

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It's a nice game and all, but I'm not sure it's the best.

It's the last FF I enjoyed but not the best at all.
The character system is the most simplistic and boring (skills depend on items and that's it), the story is fine but a little bit childish and so is the art.

overrated by furries

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Its still my favorite.

>final boss is literal death
That part ruined the whole game for me.
Also the rat and the cook were irrelevant in the second half of the story.

are we talking about 9 or 11?

OP says 9, so yeah, that was my favorite FF game, idk about it being the best but the other games aren't great imo.

I meant to type IX. I’ve only played and finished 4 (on DS), 6, 7, and 9 but 9 is definitely my least favorite.

It's just a weird localization for Dragon Knight, isn't it?

well i agree with you on the story, it was pretty weak, 10 had a decent story but the MC was a fucking BITCH. 9 felt like a real jrpg, it was generic and had really awful graphics even for the time. But i still liked it.

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-fantasy fairytale art visual style
-can do all the extra stuff without a guide (no “how the fuck would anyone figure that out without a guide?!” shit)

-slow battle intros
-character locked classes
-final boss is a literary who?!?!
-oh look another guy who wants to crash a meteor into the planet

yeah I like it, still my fav

you are now hearing the music for this town

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*literally who

>Freya should have been a Dragoness

Her race is based on the rats who gnaw at the roots of Yggdrasil, hence the Norse-themed names, you pleb motherfucker.

I found the idea of a literary who entertaining to contemplate.

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I thought it was a snake eating the roots. Or am I getting things mixed up?

Was great until the 2nd continent.

These are unironically 10/10 designs.
Miles better than the average deviantart furfaggotry.